Kenisha Griggs vs.
Agency For Persons With Disabilities
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, July 20, 2017.
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, July 20, 2017.
11Petiti o n e r ,
16DO A H Case No . : l 7 - 3259EXE
27vs. ~.;._..; h a ----~----- I L E ....
42DISABILITIES , 1 SEP 2 6 ?.017 D
49Re s p o nd e nt.
56---- - -------- I A ency Clerk APO ' s Office
71This cause comes before the Agency for Per so n s with Di sa bilitie s for e ntr y of a F inal Order of
97Di s mi ss al following the rec e ipt of an Ord e r Closing Fil e and Relinqui s hing Juri s diction , a cop y of
126which i s attac hed to this F inal Order.
136Petitioner h a d reque s t e d a he a rin g as a result of an Agency d ec i sio n w hich denied the r eq u est
169for exe mption from di squa lification. Th e h ea rin g r e qu es t was fo r wa rd ed to t h e Di v i s i o n of
205A dmini strat i ve Hearing s for as s ignment of an Administrative Law Jud ge t o conduct the hearing. Pri or
229to th e h ea ring , Petitioner filed a n o ti ce of voluntar y d i s mi ss a l ba s ed on Petition e r 's rec e ipt o f a no ti ce
269granting P e titioner ' s reque st for a n exemption from disqualification, w hi c h resulted in the i ss uanc e of
295the Order Closing File a nd Relinqui s hing Juri s diction .
308Therefore , ba se d on the foregoing, the petition requesting an administrative hearin g i s h e r e b y
330DENIED. The Agency's prior action denying P etit ion er's r eq u est for a n exe mption from
350di s qualification i s no w m oo t , as petitioner r ece i ved n ot i ce gra ntin g her request for a n exem p t i o n from
385di s qualifica t i o n .
393DONE AND ORDERED in Ta ll a h assee , L e on Co un ty. Flo ri da , th i s 7}; ¾. y o f Se p tember ,
423FO I 1
426Tom R a nkin , Deput y Direct o r of Operat i ons ,
439Agency f or Person s wit h Di sa biliti es
453A p arty who i s adversely affected b y thi s final order i s e ntitl e d t o judicial review. To initiate judicial
480review , the party se eking it mu s t fil e on e copy of a "No tice of Appeal" w ith the Agency C l e rk. The
509party se eking judicial review must also fil e another cop y of the "No tice of Appeal , " acco mpani e d b y the
534filing fee required by law , with th e First District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee, Florida , or with t h e
555Di s trict Court of Appeal in the di st ri c t where the party resides. Review proceedings s h a ll be conducted
580in accordance with Florida Rule s of Appellate Procedure. The No tice s mu s t b e fil ed w ithin thi rty (3 0 )
607da ys of the rendition of thi s final order. 1
6181 The date of the " rendition " of this Final Order is the date that is stamped on its first page . The Not ices of
643Appeal must be recei v ed on or before the thirt i eth day after that date.
660FO 12
662Copies furnished to:
665Kenisha Griggs APD Northeast Regional Office
6718426 Delaware Avenue
674Jacksonville, Florida 32208
677Claudia Llado , Clerk Kurt E. Ahrendt
683Division of Administrative Hearing s Senior Attorney
690Agency for Persons with Di sab iliti es
6984030 Esplanade Way , Suite 380
703Tallaha ssee, Florida 32399-0950
707kurt.ahrendt @ apdcares.org
713I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of thi s Final Order was provided to the a bove-named
731individual s at the li s ted addresses , by U.S. Mail or electronic mail , this 1Jjj_ day of September. 20 1 7.
753a Williams, Esq., Agency C lerk
759gency for Per so n s with Disabilitie s
7684030 Esp l anade Wa y , S uit e 335
778Tallaha ssee. Florida 32399-0950
782FO 13
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 06/05/2017
- Date Assignment:
- 06/06/2017
- Last Docket Entry:
- 09/26/2017
- Location:
- Tallahassee, Florida
- District:
- Northern
- Agency:
- Other
- Suffix:
Kurt Eric Ahrendt, Esquire
Address of Record -
Brittany R. Dambly, Agency Clerk
Address of Record -
Kenisha Griggs
Address of Record -
Brittany R Dambly, Esquire
Address of Record