17-003750 Office Of Financial Regulation vs. National Foreclosure Rescue Center, Inc., F/K/A Save Your Home Help Center, Inc.; R. Jason De Groot; And Carey Clements
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, April 9, 2018.

View Dockets  
Summary: The foreclosure-related rescue services provided by Respondents do not fall within the purview of chapter 494, and therefore complaint should be dismissed.





13vs. Case No. 17 - 3750






39____ ___________________________/


43Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this

53matter before W. David Watkins, the assigned Administrative Law

62Judge (ALJ) of the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH),

71on November 29, 2017 , in Deland, Florida.


79For Petitioner: Scott R. Fransen, Esquire

85Office of Financial Regulation

891313 N orth Tampa St reet, Suite 615

97Tampa, Florida 33602

100For Respondent s : R . Jason de Groot, Esquire

110P ost O ffice Box 5775

116Deltona, F lorida 32728 - 5775


127The threshold issue is whether, as a prerequisite to the

137operation of their foreclosure - related rescue business,

145Respondents were required to be licensed as mortgage brokers and

155as loan originators p ursuant to chapter 494, Florida Statutes

165(2017) . 1/ A secondary issue is whether Respondents solicited,

175charged, received, or attempted to collect or secure payment for

185loan modification services without the borrower receiving a

193material benefit prior to b eing charged for services.


204National Foreclosure Rescue Center, Inc. , commenced

210operations in 2008 or 2009 under the name Save Your Home Law

222Center. It subsequently changed its name to Save Your Home Help

233Center, Inc. (SYHHC) , and the n became known as National

243Foreclosure Rescue Center, Inc. (National). The companyÓs home

251office , where work was performed , was in Deltona, Florida.

260On April 3, 2012, the Office of Financial Regulation (OFR)

270issued an administrative complaint against Sa ve Your Home Help

280Center, Inc., f/k/a Save Your Home Law Center, and Carey

290Clements, in Administrative Proceeding No. 2996 - F - 2/11. The

301complaint alleged unlicensed mortgage activity and the

308collection of advance fees, and sought entry of a cease and

319desis t order and an administrative fine. On November 2, 2012,

330OFR entered a Final Order (OFR 2012 - 285 FOF) on the violations

343charged. The Order directed Respondents to cease and desist

352from any loan modification activities under chapter 494, ordered

361Responden ts to refund all advance fees for any loan modification

372cases in which such fees were charged, and imposed an

382administrative fine of $25,000.

387OFR subsequently received additional complaints about

393National, and on September 8, 2016, OFR concluded an examina tion

404of National for the period of Ja nuary 16, 2013 , through

415February 9, 2016. It is the results of that examination that

426are at issue in this proceeding.

432On March 29, 2017, following its review of NationalÓs

441records for the above period, OFR issued the s ubject

451administrative complaint (Complaint) against National, R. Jason

458de Groot, and Carey Clements. The Complaint alleged Respondents

467were acting as a loan originator, mortgage broker, or mortgage

477lender without a license by performing loan modification

485services ; collecting advance fees ; violating the cease and

493desist Order of 2012 by continuing to act as a loan originator,

505mortgage broker, or mortgage lender without a license ; and for

515failure to pay the administ rative fine imposed by the

5252012 Order.

527On J une 1, 2017, R. Jason de Groot, Esquire (de Groot) ,

539filed an Election of Proceeding form with OFR, stating that

549National disputed one or more of the factual allegations

558contained in the Complaint. On June 30, 2017, OFR referred the

569matter to DOAH for the assignment of an ALJ and the conduct of a

583formal hearing pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

591By Order dated August 4, 2017, the final hearing was

601scheduled for October 3 and 4, 2017. However, as a result of

613the disruptions caused by Hurricane Irma, OFR requested a

622continuance of the scheduled hearing, which was granted, and the

632matter was rescheduled for hearing on November 29, 2017.

641On November 22, 2017, each party filed a unilateral pre -

652hearing stipulation in lieu of a joint stipulation.

660The final hearing was convened as sc heduled on November 29,

6712017. OFR called the following witnesses to testify on its

681behalf: Greg Oaks, d irector, Division of Consumer Finance, OFR;

691Cathleen Bermudez - Gutierrez, f inancial s pecialist, Bureau of

701Enforcement, Division of Consumer Finance, OFR; and Alba Mayor,

710f inancial a nalyst, Bureau of Enforcement, Division of Consumer

720Finance, OFR. OFR offered exhibits P - 6, and P - 7A through P - 7E

736into evidence. The undersigned took official recognition of

744OFRÓs Exhibit P - 1, a prior F inal O rder (OFR 2012 - 285 FOF) ,

760issued by OFR against Respondents in 2012.

767For their part, Respondents called Edward Darrell Traylor,

775an o wner of National ; and Carey Clements, Director, Officer , and

786Manager of National, as its witnesses, and offer ed one exhibit

797in evidence.

799The two - volume T ranscript of the hearing was filed with

811DOAH on December 14, 2017, and by prior agreement of the

822parties, proposed orders were to be filed not later than

832January 13, 2018. However, on January 11, 2018, the parti es

843filed a Joint Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Proposed

854Recommended Orders, which was granted, extending the time for

863filing to January 26, 2018. Thereafter, the parties timely

872filed P roposed R ecommended O rders, which have been carefully

883consider ed in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


896Based upon the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses ,

905other evidence presented at the final hearing , and on the entire

916record of this proceeding, the following Findings of Fact 2/ are

927mad e:


9301 . Pursuant to sections 494.0011 and 494.0012, Petitioner

939is the state agency charged with the regulation and enforcement

949of c hapter 494, relating to mortgage brokering, mortgage

958lending, and loan origination.

9622 . Respondents are charged b y administrative complaint

971with: (a) offering loan modification services for compensation

979without a license, in violation of chapter 494; (b) charging up -

991front fees from consumers for loan modification services before

1000completing or performing all services included in the agreement

1009for loan modification services, i n violation of chapter 494;

1019(c) failing to obey a final order of OFR ; and (d) failure to pay

1033a fine imposed by OFR .

10393 . Respondent National was originally named Save Your Home

1049Law Center, Inc. , w hen organized i n 2009. Respondent R. Jason

1061de Groot served as corporate president and a director of

1071National until February 2, 2016. Respondent Carey Clements

1079served as secretary and a director of National, supervised the

1089employees, and generally managed National throughout NationalÓs

1096corporate existence. Carey Clements has not held a loan

1105originator license pursuant to chapter 494, since December 31,

11142010. At no time has National held a mortgage broker or

1125mortgage lender license.

11284 . As explained by E dward Traylor, National was formed at

1140the height of the national housing market crisis in order to

1151assist persons whose homes were in default and at risk of


11635 . National operated as a Ðforeclosure - rescue consultantÑ

1173and provided Ðforeclosure - related rescue servicesÑ to persons

1182who had defaulted on their mortgage payments and whose homes

1192were in the foreclosure process.

11976 . Section 501.1377(2)(b) , Florida Statutes, defines a

1205foreclosure - rescue consultant as Ða person who directly or

1215indirectly makes a solicitation, representation, or offer to a

1224homeowner to provide or perform, in return for payment of money

1235or other valuable consideration, foreclosure - related rescue

1243services. The statutory definition expressly excludes:

12496. A licensed mortgage broker or mortgage

1256lender that provides mortgage counseling or

1262advice regarding residential real property

1267in foreclosure, which counseling or advice

1273is within the scope of services set forth in

1282chapter 494 and is provided without payment

1289of money or other consideration other than a

1297loan origination fee.

13007 . ÐForeclosure - related rescue servicesÑ is defined by

1310section 501.1377(2)(c) as follows:

1314(c) ÐForeclosure - related rescue servicesÑ

1320means any good or service related to, or

1328promising assistance in conn ection with:

13341. Stopping, avoiding, or delaying

1339foreclosure proceedings concerning

1342residential real property; or

13462. Curing or otherwise addressing a default

1353or failure to timely pay with respect to a

1362residential mortgage loan obligation.

1366The Mortgage Rescue Process

13708 . Edward Traylor, an owner of National, described the

1380steps his company took when approached by a client seeking

1390foreclosure - related rescue services. According to Mraylor,

1398the initial step was to meet face - to - face with the client an d

1414obtain authorization for National to talk directly to the

1423clientÓs lender.

14259 . Next, National would contact the lender to confirm that

1436the client was in default on his or her mortgage. National

1447would only accept clients whose mortgage loans were in de fault.

1458Upon confirming that the client was in default, National would

1468determine whether the matter had been referred to the lenderÓs

1478loss mitigation department, foreclosure department, or assigned

1485to an attorney. Loans in default would be assigned to the loss

1497mitigation department, and if the default was not cured, then to

1508the foreclosure department (or attorney).

151310 . Once National determined which of the lenderÓs

1522departments had been assigned the matter, that department was

1531contacted by National to det ermine the following:

1539• current term and interest rate of the

1547loan ;

1548• type of loan (conventional? FHA? Fannie

1555Mae? Freddie Mac? Home equity line of

1562credit?) .

1565• H as the loan been approved for a home

1575retention program trial? Has the loan

1581been in a home retentio n program

1588previously? Is the lender currently

1593evaluating the loan for a retention

1599workout program?

1601• Is the home in foreclosure? If so, has a

1611sale date been set? If so, is it possible

1620to postpone the sale date?

1625• If a sale date has been set and

1634postponeme nt is possible, what is required

1641from the borrower to postpone the sale?

1648What is the deadline for the borrower to

1656meet those requirements?

1659• Does the lender require a current

1666financial package from the borrower in

1672order to consider whether to offer a

1679Ð work out plan? Ñ

168411 . If the lender was willing to consider offering the

1695borrower a workout plan, but required updated financial

1703information from the borrower, that information was gathered by

1712National and provided to the lender. However, not all lenders

1722requ ired updated financial information from borrowers as a

1731prerequisite to offering a workout plan.

173712 . The majority of the borrowers assisted by National had

1748obtained their mortgages through sub - prime lending practices

1757with minimal loan qualifications requi red. These mortgages were

1766then sold to investors as Ðmortgage backed securities , Ñ usually

1776in blocks of a billion dollars each.

178313 . With the national collapse of the housing market in

17942007 and 2008, tens of thousands of borrowers in Florida

1804defaulted on their mortgages, resulting in their homes going

1813into foreclosure. Since many of these homes were bundled as

1823mortgage backed securities, the investors in those securities

1831retained banks and other institutions as servicers of those

1840defaulted loans. Those s ervicers included Wells Fargo,

1848Beneficial Finance, Merrill Lynch, and Bank of America, among


185814 . Each servicer established its own criteria for

1867offering workout plans to lenders. Depending upon the servicer,

1876the workout plan might include a red uction in interest rate,

1887reduction of principal owed, and/or waiver of fees and


189715 . The terms of the workout plans offered by the

1908lenders/servicers were nonnegotiable. National did not have the

1916ability to counteroffer the terms of a workout pl an. In other

1928words, if the lenderÓs workout plan was a two - percent reduction

1940in the interest rate, National could not negotiate a higher

1950percentage reduction. In essence, the workout plan was a Ðtake

1960it or leave itÑ offer to the borrower. However, some

1970lenders/servicers did include several options that the borrower

1978could choose from to incorporate into the workout plan. Those

1988options might include a reduction in the interest rate, term , or

1999principal deferment , or reduction to the current principal

2007balan ce.

200916 . In those instances where the lender/servicer was

2018willing to offer options to avoid foreclosure, including a

2027workout plan, National would communicate those options to the

2036borrower, along with a recommendation as to the terms of the

2047workout plan. T hat recommendation would be based, at least in

2058part, on NationalÓs evaluation of the borrowerÓs financial

2066condition and ability as reported to National.

207317 . In the same letter containing NationalÓs workout plan

2083recommendation, the borrower was also inform ed of the necessity

2093to enter into an Enrollment Agreement with National if the

2103borrower wished to continue receiving services from National.

2111That Enrollment Agreement set forth the scope of services to be

2122provided to the borrower by National, which includ ed four phases

2133of work, identified as Parts I through IV in the agreement:

2144PART 1:

21461. SYHHC has conducted the first interview

2153with the Client, prepared a Client

2159Information Form and r eceived authorization

2165to speak to the Lender/Servicer and/or their

2172coun sel.

21742. SYHHC has made initial contact with the

2182Lender/Servicer to determine if the above

2188loan qualifies for a workout program which

2195will avoid foreclosure and if the Lender

2202will accept a workout offer from the Client.

22103. SYHHC has conducted a second i nterview

2218to compile financial information to help

2224Client determine if they can qualify and

2231what kind of offer they can make.

22384. Based upon preliminary information

2243obtained from the Lender/Servicer and

2248Client, SYHHC has prepared a preliminary

2254proposal/off er which Client believes to be

2261reasonable for the Lender/Servicer to


22675. SYHHC conducted a third interview with

2274the Client and went over the proposal offer

2282to make sure the Client wishes to proceed

2290with this offer. Client was advised that

2297they could present the offer themselves and

2304no monies were due SYHHC.

2309PART II:

23111. SYHHC will collect and verify all

2318information from Client to prepare a

2324reasonable workout plan for Client to

2330present to the Lender/Servicer to avoid


23372. SYHHC wil l contact Client and review the

2346proposed workout with Client. Client may

2352reject any proposed workout option prepared

2358by Save Your Home Help Center and decide not

2367to proceed and cancel this Enrollment

2373Agreement and any monies that have been paid

2381for servic es rendered as outlined in Part I

2390shall not be refunded and this agreement is


23993. If Client agrees and accepts in writing

2407the proposed workout offer a payment of

2414$700.00 is due and payable for services


24224. SYHHC shall submit ClientÓs file to the

2430Lender/Servicer no later than 30 days after

2437receipt of said payment.


24431. Submit ClientÓs formal workout

2448offer/propos al to Lender/Servicer within

245330 days.

24552. Weekly contact or as needed with the

2463Lender/Servicer updating file per

2467L ender/Servicer request.

24703. Weekly contact or as needed with Client.

24784. When ClientÓs workout/offer is received

2484and processed by Lender/Servicer and is in

2491review for consideration and advises SYHHC

2497that all requested documents have been

2503received a fee o f $795.00 is due.

25115. Client understands once file is

2517submitted to Lender/Servicer and the above

2523payment is not received within (5) five days

2531following the request for payment the file

2538shall be withdrawn from the Lender/Servicer.

2544PART IV:

25461. Continue to update file as requested

2553from Lender/Servicer.

25552. Con ti nue providing foreclosure related

2562services until an offer to avoid foreclosure

2569has been provided to Client.

25743. SYHHC will review any offer/option

2580provided by Lender/Ser vicer/Counsel with

2585Client and at the sole discretion of SYHHC

2593may resubmit any count er proposal on behalf

2601of Client until a final offer is presented

2609to Client. If ClientÓs [ sic ] declines the

2618latest offer from Lender/Servicer/Counsel

2622an d C lientÓs circumstances have not changed

2630SYHH C reserves the right not to resubmit.

26384. If Client receives an offer from

2645Lender/Servicer including a trial period

2650which avoids foreclosure it is agreed that

2657SYHHC has completed this Agreement.

266218 . No payment was due from borrower to National until

2673aft er the completion of each of the four phases of work.

2685Was National Providing Unlicensed Loan Modification Services ?

269219 . Count 1 of the Complaint charges Respondents with

2702offering loan modification services for compensation without a

2710license, in violation of section 494.00255(1)(p). Specifically,

2717the Count alleges that ÐRespondents offered loan modification

2725services, which is acting as a loan originator, mortgage broker,

2735or mortgage lender, and which therefore requires a license from

2745the Office.Ñ

274720 . T he referenced statutory provision prohibits Ð [a] cting

2758as a loan originator, mortgage broker, or mortgage lender

2767without a current license issued under part II or part III of

2779this chapter.Ñ

278121 . Section 494.001(15) defines Ðloan modificationÑ to

2789mean a modi fication to an existing loan, and specifically does

2800not include a refinancing transaction.

280522 . OFR conducted a review of NationalÓs operations from

2815the period of January 16, 2013 , through February 9, 2016,

2825consisting of 26 sample files, and based upon tha t review

2836concluded that National was providing loan modification


284423 . OFRÓs conclusion that National was offering loan

2853modification services was primarily based upon several of the

2862Ðbest optionsÑ letters (PetitionerÓs Ex. 7A) referenced above

2870th at were sent by National to borrowers. As noted, those

2881letters included recommendations as to the best options offered

2890by lenders/service rs for incorporation in a workout plan.

289924 . OFR also based its conclusion on a series of

2910communications from National to lenders/service r s proposing a

2919Ðloan modification or workout optionÑ in order for the borrower

2929to avoid foreclosure. (PetitionerÓs Ex. 7B) .

293625 . While on their face, NationalÓs letters to

2945lenders/servicers proposing new terms to the defaulted loans

2953wou ld appear to constitute offers to modify the loans, it is

2965more likely the letters simply identify the options of the

2975workout plan offered by the lender/servicer that were acceptable

2984to the borrower. This inference is consistent with the finding

2994that the t erms of the workout plans offered by lenders/servicers

3005were nonnegotiable. In other words, while a loan originator or

3015broker would have the ability to negotiate the terms and

3025conditions of a loan, National, as a rescue consultant could

3035not, since the para meters of the workout plan were established

3046solely by the lenders/servicers.

305026 . Competent substantial evidence of record established

3058that Respondents were not offering loan modification services

3066and were not acting as loan originators or brokers.

3075Collect ion of Advance Fees for Loan Modification Services

308427 . Count II of the Complaint alleges that Respondents

3094solicited, received, or attempted to collect one or more

3103payments, directly or indirectly, for loan modification services

3111before completing or perfo rming all services included in the

3121agreement for loan modification services.

312628 . Section 494.00296 provides as follows:

3133(1) PROHIBITED ACTS. -- When offering or

3140providing loan modification services, a loan

3146originator, mortgage broker, or mortgage

3151lender may not:

3154* * *

3157(c) Solicit, charge, receive, or attempt to

3164collect or secure payment, directly or

3170indirectly, for loan modif ication services

3176before completing or performing all services

3182included in the agreement for loan

3188modification services. A fee may be charged

3195only if the loan modification results in a

3203material benefit to the borrower. The

3209commission may adopt rules to pr ovide

3216guidance on what constitutes a material

3222benefit to the borrower.

322629 . Upon qualifying the borrower, Respondents provided a

3235contract to the borrower for services. The contract included a

3245standard fee of $2,495 to complete the entire process. Only

3256p art of the total fee was collected from the borrower at the

3269time Respondents were retained.

327330 . Contemporaneous with signing the contract, Respondents

3281provided an invoice to the borrower, which showed a total due at

3293the bottom of the page for those future services that were to be

3306rendered through conclusion of the Enrollment Agreement.

331331 . As noted, the first step in the process was to contact

3326the lender; the next step was to gather documents and

3336information required by the lender; the third step was to s ubmit

3348the information as a package to the lender; the final step was

3360to assist the customer with obtaining approval from the lender.

337032 . The fees to be charged f or the above services were

3383$500 , which was due at the time the Enrollment Agreement was

3394execut ed. The remaining fees were $700, to be paid when the

3406proposed workout offer is agreed to and accepted by the

3416borrower; and $795, for preparing the file, updating the file,

3426reviewing the file with the borrower and obtaining signatures,

3435and submitting the file to the lender.

344233 . Given the finding that Respondents were not providing

3452loan modification services, and were not acting as loan

3461originators, mortgage brokers, or mortgage lenders, section

3468494.00296 is inapplicable. However, even if this provision

3476a pplied, borrowers received a material benefit from the services

3486provided by National in Part 1 of the Enrollment Agreement,

3496since they were advised of the options available to them to

3507avoid foreclosure.

350934 . While section 494.00296 does not apply to the

3519fo reclosure - related rescue services being provided by

3528Respondents, section 501.1377 does apply. That section sets

3536forth very detailed requirements and language that must be

3545included in all written agreements for foreclosure - related

3554rescue services. There i s no evidence of record that the

3565Enrollment Agreement used by National did not comply with those


357635 . Section 501.1377 also identifies practices that are

3585prohibited. The pertinent section provides:

3590(3) Prohibited acts. -- In the course of

3598off ering or providing foreclosure - related

3605rescue services, a foreclosure - rescue

3611consultant may not:

3614(a) Engage in or initiate foreclosure -

3621related rescue services without first

3626executing a written agreement with the

3632homeowner for foreclosure - related rescue

3638s ervices; or

3641(b) Solicit, charge, receive, or attempt to

3648collect or secure payment, directly or

3654indirectly, for foreclosure - related rescue

3660services before completing or performing all

3666services contained in the agreement for

3672foreclosure - related rescue serv ices.

367836 . While it could be argued that National was in

3689violation of section 501.1377(3)(b) for collecting payments

3696before all services contained in the Enrollment Agreement were

3705completed, this section was not cited in the Complaint, nor does

3716OFR have jurisdiction to bring an enforcement action for

3725violation of the above provision.

3730Failure to Comply with Prior Final Order

373737 . Count III alleges that Respondents continued to act as

3748loan originators, mortgage brokers, or mortgage lenders without

3756a licens e, and in violation of the OFRÓs Final Order in OFR Case

37702012 - 285 FOF entered on November 2, 2012. Count IV alleges that

3783Respondents failed to pay the $25,000 fine imposed in the Final


379638 . The procedural history resulting in the entry of the

3807pr ior Final Order reveals that the allegations contained in the

3818underlying Administrative Complaint were never resolved on their

3826merits. Rather, when Respondents failed to respond to discovery

3835requests propounded on them by OFR, including 13 requests for

3845ad missions, those requests for admissions were deemed admitted

3854by the ALJ, and OFRÓs motion to relinquish jurisdiction, based

3864upon the matters deemed admitted, was granted. The Final Order ,

3874upon which OFR grounds Count III and IV of the instant

3885Complaint, w as then entered.

389039 . Respondents in the prior proceeding were represented

3899by A ttorney John Baum. According to Mr. TraylorÓs unrebutted

3909testimony, Respondents were advised by Mr. Baum that the matter

3919had been settled or dismissed, and that Respondents ha d won the

3931case. Respondents were not informed until early 2014 that, in

3941fact, an adverse Final Order had been entered against them, when

3952they received a letter from a collections agency seeking

3961collection of the $25,000 fine.

396740 . Mr. Baum was disbarred on July 15, 2013, for reasons

3979not of record.

398241 . The substantive allegations contained in the prior

3991Administrative Complaint are indistinguishable from the

3997allegations at bar. Both assert that Respondents were providing

4006loan modification services witho ut proper licensure, and that

4015payments were received for loan modification services before all

4024services had been provided.

402842 . Given the findings herein that Respondents have not

4038been improperly providing loan modification services, and lack

4046of adjudicat ion on the merits that Respondents ever improperly

4056provided such services, OFRÓs Final Order in OFR Case 2012 - 285

4068FOF may not form the basis of the new allegations set forth in

4081Counts III and IV of the instant Complaint. 3/


409343 . The Divis ion of Administrative Hearings has

4102jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties to this

4111proceeding pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

411844 . OFR is charged with administering and enforcing the

4128provisions of chapter 494, and conducting exami nations and

4137investigations to determine whether any provision of chapter 494

4146has been violated . §§ 494.0011(1) and 494.0012(3), Fla. Stat.

415645 . Section 494.00255 states, Ð [e] ach of the following

4167acts constitutes a ground for which the disciplinary actions

4176specified in subsection (2) may be taken against a person

4186licensed or required to be licensed under part II or part III of

4199this chapter.Ñ Part II governs mortgage brokers and loan

4208originators, part III governs mortgage le nders. Section

4216494.00255(1)(u) l ists Ðfailure to comply with, or violations of,

4226any provision of this chapterÑ as a ground for disciplinary


423746 . OFR has the burden of proving its allegations by the

4249clear and convincing evidentiary standard. See Ferris v.

4257Turlington , 510 So. 2d 2 92 (Fla. 1987). This means that the

4269weight of the evidence must produce in the mind of the trier of

4282fact a firm belief or conviction, without hesitancy, that the

4292allegations of the administrative complaint are true. Slomowitz

4300v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 8 00 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

431247 . Slomowitz stands for the proposition that Ðclear and

4322convincingÑ evidence:

4324[M] ust be found to be credible; the facts to

4334which the witnesses testify must be

4340distinctly remembered; the testimony must be

4346precise and explicit and t he witnesses must

4354be lacking in confusion as to the facts in

4363issue. The evidence must be of such weight

4371that it produces in the mind of the trier of

4381fact a firm belief or conviction, without

4388hesitancy, as to the truth of the

4395allegations sought to be estab lished.

4401429 So. 2d 797, 800.

440648 . Applying Slomowitz to the facts of this case, and for

4418the reasons discussed below, OFR has failed to persuasively

4427establish, by clear and convincing evidence, the factual

4435allegations set forth in the Complaint.

444149 . Both parties agree that this is a matter of first

4453impression. And the independent research of the undersigned has

4462failed to uncover any judicial or administrative precedent

4470addressing the interplay between chapter 494 and section


4479National was not En gaged in Unlicensed Loan Modification

448850 . Section 494.0025(1) and (2), Florida Statutes,

4496Prohibited Practices, states that it is unlawful for any person

4506to act as a loan originator or mortgage broker in this state

4518without an active license. A loan origi nator is defined as

4529someone who Ðnegotiates or offers to negotiate the terms or

4539conditions of a new or existing mortgage loan on behalf of a

4551borrower or lender.Ñ § 494.001(17), Fla. Stat. A mortgage

4560broker is defined as a person who is Ðconducting loan o riginator

4572activities through one or more licensed loan originators

4580employed by the mortgage broker.Ñ § 494.001(22), Fla. Stat.

458951 . It is undisputed that neither National nor any of its

4601controlling persons or employees were licensed by OFR in any

4611capacit y. The evidence established that National, through its

4620employees, sent correspondence to borrowers and to lenders (or

4629lenders Ó agents) that requested substantive changes to mortgage

4638terms, and advised borrowers whether to accept either

4646modification or res tructure of their mortgage. NationalÓs

4654standard letter to lenders stated a re - capitulation of current

4665mortgage terms and proposed revised terms that, in most cases,

4675included reducing the rate of interest, extending the

4683amortization, and reducing the princ ipal balance. Therefore,

4691argues OFR, NationalÓs employees were acting as loan

4699originators, and, ipso jure , as mortgage brokers.

470652 . Contrary to OFRÓs assertion, the evidence established

4715that National was not engaged in negotiating mortgage

4723modifications. Rather, the credible evidence of record

4730established that the lenders/servicers set the terms and

4738conditions for changes to mortgages they owned, and Respondents

4747were merely fitting their clients into the lenderÓs

4755predetermined programs that established w hat changes were

4763acceptable to the lender. National would discuss with the

4772lenders/servicers the availability of workout plans and the

4780various options that might be offered to borrowers to stop,

4790avoid, or delay foreclosure proceedings. After evaluating a

4798clientÓs financial condition and the existing terms of the loan

4808at issue, National would then make a recommendation to the

4818client as to which of the workout plan options would best work

4830for the client. The correspondence National sent to

4838lenders/servicer s that requested changes to mortgage terms

4846merely served to identify the specifics of the workout plan that

4857were acceptable to the borrower.

4862There is N o Conflict Between Chapter 494 and Section 501.1377

487353 . The Legislative Findings and Intent of section

4882501.1377 provide as follows:

4886(1) Legislative findings and intent. -- The

4893Legislature finds that homeowners who are in

4900default on their mortgages, in foreclosure,

4906or at risk of losing their homes due to

4915nonpayment of taxes may be vulnerable to

4922fraud, decepti on, and unfair dealings with

4929foreclosure - rescue consultants or equity

4935purchasers. The intent of this section is

4942to provide a homeowner with information

4948necessary to make an informed decision

4954regarding the sale or transfer of his or her

4963home to an equity p urchaser. It is the

4972further intent of this section to require

4979that foreclosure - related rescue services

4985agreements be expressed in writing in order

4992to safeguard homeowners against deceit and

4998financial hardship; to ensure, foster, and

5004encourage fair dealing in the sale and

5011purchase of homes in foreclosure or default;

5018to prohibit representations that tend to

5024mislead; to prohibit or restrict unfair

5030contract terms; to provide a cooling - off

5038period for homeowners who enter into

5044contracts for services related to s aving

5051their homes from foreclosure or preserving

5057their rights to possession of their homes;

5064to afford homeowners a reasonable and

5070meaningful opportunity to rescind sales to

5076equity purchasers; and to preserve and

5082protect home equity for the homeowners of

5089th is state.

509254 . Section 501.1377(2)(b), which defines Ðforeclosure -

5100rescue consultant , Ñ specifically exempts from that definition

5108Ð [a] licensed mortgage broker or mortgage lender that provides

5118mortgage counseling or advice regarding residential real

5125propert y in foreclosure, which counseling or advice is within

5135the scope of services set forth in chapter 494 and is provided

5147without payment of money or other consideration other than a

5157loan origination fee.Ñ

516055 . In specifically exempting mortgage brokers or l enders

5170from the definition of foreclosure rescue consultant, the

5178legislature implicitly recognized that foreclosure - related

5185rescue services might be provided by mortgage brokers or

5194lenders, but that foreclosure - related rescue services could also

5204be provide d by persons or entities other than mortgage brokers

5215or lenders. Indeed, there are six additional categories of

5224persons or entities that are also excluded from the definition

5234of foreclosure - rescue consultant , 4/ but none of those other

5245six categories apply to National. If the legislature did not

5255wish to sanction the provision of foreclosure - related rescue

5265services by entities like National, they would have required

5274that such services be provided only by the seven categories of

5285entities excluded by the defi nition of foreclosure - rescue


529656 . As found, neither National nor the two other

5306Respondent s were acting as mortgage brokers, and therefore the

5316foreclosure - related rescue services they were providing do not

5326fall within the purview of chapter 494. Rather, given the

5336evidence adduced at hearing, section 501.1377 is the controlling

5345statute. And while there may be some overlap in the entities

5356regulated by chapter 494 and section 501.1377, in this instance ,

5366Respondents are not subject to regulation pu rsuant to

5375chapter 494.

537757 . Given the finding that Respondents are not subject to

5388regulation under chapter 494, Count II of the Complaint alleging

5398improper advance collection of fees, in violation of s ection

5408494.00296, also must fail.

5412Count III is N ot Su pported by the Evidence

542258 . Count III of the Complaint alleges that Respondents

5432continued to act as loan originators, mortgage brokers, or

5441mortgage lenders without a license, and in violation of the

5451OFRÓs Final Order in OFR Case 2 012 - 285 FOF entered on

5464N ovember 2, 2012.

546859 . For the reasons set forth above, Count III is not

5480supported by the competent substantial evidence of record.

5488Respondents are not in violation of chapter 494, and therefore

5498there can be no continuing violation of the prior Final Or der.

5510Count IV is N ot Properly B efore this Tribunal

552060 . Count IV alleges that Respondents failed to pay the

5531$25,000 fine imposed in the Final Order.

553961 . While through unfortunate circumstances a Final Order

5548was entered finding Respondents in violation of chapter 494 and

5558imposing a fine, the undersigned declines the invitation to

5567enforce the prior Final Order in the context of this proceeding.

557862 . The cited statutory provision authorizing OFR to

5587pursue the $25,000 fine in this proceeding is section

5597494.00 255(1)(x), which allows OFR to impose administrative

5605penalties for Ð [f] ailure to timely pay any fee, charge, or fine

5618imposed or assessed pursuant to this chapter or related rules.Ñ

5628However, this provision applies only to Ða person licensed or

5638required to be licensed under part II or part III of this

5650chapter.Ñ As found, Respondents are not required to be licensed

5660pursuant to chapter 494.

566463 . Should OFR wish to seek enforcement of the prior Final

5676Order, the proper recourse is through the process establish ed in

5687section 120.69.


5690Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5700Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Office of Financial Regulation

5710enter a f inal o rder dismissi ng Administrative Complaint

5720No. 69868.

5722DONE AND ENTERED this 9 th day of April , 2018 , in

5733Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5741Administrative Law Judge

5744Division of Administrative Hearings

5748The DeSoto Building

57511230 Apalachee Parkway

5754Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5759(850) 488 - 9 675

5764Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5771Filed with the Clerk of the

5777Division of Administrative Hearings

5781this 9 th day of April , 2018 .


57911/ Statutory references herein are to the 2017 version of the

5802Florida Statutes.

58042 / The majority of the relevant facts are not in dispute

58163 / Notwithstanding this finding, OFR is free to pursue

5826enforcement of its Final Order in Case No. OFR Case 2012 - 285 FOF

5840through any appropriate means, in cluding as set forth in

5850section 120.69.

58524 / The other six c ategories of persons and entities excluded

5864from the definition of foreclosure - rescue consultant are:

58731. A person excluded under s. 501.212.

58802. A person acting under the express

5887authority or written approval of the United

5894States Department of Housing an d Urban

5901Development or other department or agency of

5908the United States or this state to provide

5916foreclosure - related rescue services.

59213. A charitable, not - for - profit agency or

5931organization, as determined by the United

5937States Internal Revenue Service under

5942s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code,

5949which offers counseling or advice to an owner

5957of residential real property in foreclosure

5963or loan default if the agency or organization

5971does not contract for foreclosure - related

5978rescue services with a for - profit lender or

5987person facilitating or engaging in

5992foreclosure - rescue transactions.

59964. A person who holds or is owed an

6005obligation secured by a lien on any

6012residential real property in foreclosure if

6018the person performs foreclosure - related

6024rescue services in c onnection with this

6031obligation or lien and the obligation or lien

6039was not the result of or part of a proposed

6049foreclosure reconveyance or foreclosure -

6054rescue transaction.

60565. A financi al institution as defined in

6064s. 655.005 and any parent or subsidiary of

6072the financial institution or of the parent or


6081* * *

60847. An attorney licensed to practice law in

6092this state who provides foreclosure rescue -

6099related services as an ancillary matter to

6106the attorneyÓs representation of a homeowner

6112as a client.


6118Scott R. Fransen, Esquire

6122Office of Financial Regulation

6126Suite 615

61281313 North Tampa Street

6132Tampa, Florida 33602


6136Carey E. Clements

61391155 Private Road

6142Deland, Florida 32720

6145R . Jason de Groot, Esquire

6151Post Office Box 5775

6155Delton a, Florida 32728 - 5775


6162Drew J. Breakspear, Commissioner

6166Office of Financial Regulation

6170200 East Gaines Street

6174Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0350


6180Anthony Cammarat a , General Counsel

6185Office of Financial Regulation

6189The Fletcher Building, S uite 118

6195200 East Gaines Street

6199Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0370



6211All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

622115 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6232to this Recom mended Order should be filed with the agency that

6244will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/09/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/09/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 29, 2017). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/09/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 01/26/2018
Proceedings: Exhibit P-1 to Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/26/2018
Proceedings: Respondents' Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/26/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order (no attachment) filed.
Date: 01/26/2018
Proceedings: Joint Stipulation filed.
Date: 01/16/2018
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 01/11/2018
Proceedings: Consent Motion for Extension of Time to Submit Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 12/14/2017
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volumes I-II (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/29/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/28/2017
Proceedings: Order Allowing Appearance of Witness by Telephone.
Date: 11/22/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Pre-hearing Statement filed in lieu of Joint Stipulation filed.
Date: 11/22/2017
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 11/20/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Allow Witness to Appear by Teleconference filed.
Date: 11/14/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibits (I and II) to Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 11/08/2017
Proceedings: Addendum to Exhibit II, (Notice of Failure to Read and Sign); Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 11/07/2017
Proceedings: Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 11/01/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 29, 2017; 9:00 a.m.; Deland, FL).
Date: 09/29/2017
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Canceling Hearing filed.
Date: 09/20/2017
Proceedings: Order Canceling Hearing (parties to advise status by October 2, 2017).
Date: 09/20/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Continue Hearing Date filed.
Date: 09/19/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 09/18/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Extend Time to Respond to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 09/15/2017
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for October 3, 2017; 9:00 a.m.; Deland, FL; amended as to Date).
Date: 08/28/2017
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Default and Relinquish Jurisdiction.
Date: 08/18/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Interrrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 08/15/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Interrogatory Answers filed.
Date: 08/14/2017
Proceedings: Response to Requests to Admit by Carey Clements filed.
Date: 08/14/2017
Proceedings: Response to Requests to Admit by R. Jason de Groot filed.
Date: 08/14/2017
Proceedings: Response to Requests to Admit by National Foreclosure Rescue Center, Inc. filed.
Date: 08/07/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Order to Show Cause filed.
Date: 08/07/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Robert De Groot) filed.
Date: 08/04/2017
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/04/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for October 3 and 4, 2017; 9:00 a.m.; Deland, FL).
Date: 08/01/2017
Proceedings: Amended Order to Show Cause.
Date: 07/27/2017
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause.
Date: 07/12/2017
Proceedings: Motion to Default and Relinquish Jurisdiction as to National Foreclosure Rescue Center, Inc., f/k/a Save your Home Help Center, Inc., filed.
Date: 07/12/2017
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/05/2017
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/30/2017
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 06/30/2017
Proceedings: Election of Proceeding filed.
Date: 06/30/2017
Proceedings: Denial filed.
Date: 06/30/2017
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 06/30/2017
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Deland, Florida
Office of Financial Regulation


Related Florida Statute(s) (11):