17-004516TTS Hernando County School Board vs. Renee Koulouris
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, April 3, 2018.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner, Hernando County School Board, did not prove by a preponderance of evidence that Respondent cheated on the Florida Standards Assessment testing.





13vs. Case No. 17 - 4516TTS





25Pursuant to notice, a final for mal administrative hearing

34was conducted in this case on January 31 , 2018 , in Brooksville ,

45Florida, before Administrative Law Judge R. Bruce McKibben of

54the Division of Administrative Hearings ( Ð DOAH Ñ ) .


66For Petitioner: Thomas Martin Gonzal ez, Esquire

73Nathan J. Paulich, Esquire

77Thompson, Sizemore,

79Gonzalez & Hearing , P.A.

83Suite 1600

85201 North Franklin Street

89Tampa, Florida 3360 2

93For Respondent: Branden M. Vicari, Esquire

99Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A.

103Suite 110

10529605 U.S. Highway 19 North

110Clearwater, Florida 33761


117The issue in this case is whether just cause exists for

128Petitioner, Hernando County School Board (the Ð School BoardÑ or

138ÐBoardÑ ) , to terminate the employmen t of Respondent, Renee

148Koulouris . 1/


153A letter dated June 14, 201 7, informed Mrs. Koulouris

163that the superintendent of schools would be recommending

171termination of her employment at the next school board meeting.

181Mrs. Koulouris timel y requested an administrative hearing to

190contest the recommenda tion. The superintendent then revised her

199recommendation to a suspension without pay until such time as

209Mrs. KoulourisÓ case could be heard at DOAH. The School Board

220accepted the superinte ndentÓs recommendation at its July 25 ,

2292017, meeting. Mrs. KoulourisÓ request for a formal hearing was

239referred to DOAH on August 10 , 2017 .

247At the final hearing, the School Board called three

256witnesses: Mrs. Koulouris; Scott Piesik, principal at Suncoa st

265Elementary School (ÐSuncoastÑ); and A.S . , a former Suncoast

274student who had been in Mrs. KoulourisÓ class. The School Board

285offered 53 E xhibits into evidence which were accepted over

295objection, but with the caveat that hearsay within the exhibits

305would not be used solely as the basis for making a finding of

318fact. Respondent called one witness: A.W., a nother former

327student in Mrs. KoulourisÓ class at Suncoast . One Joint

337E xhibit , comprised of 11 student deposition transcripts , was

346also accepted into ev idence.

351The parties advised the undersigned that a transcript of

360the final hearing would be ordered. By rule, t he parties are

372allowed ten days from the date the transcript i s filed at DOAH

385to submit proposed recommended orders ( Ð PROs Ñ ) . The T ranscript

399was filed at DOAH on February 22, 2018 . The parties then

411requested and were granted until March 19 , 2018, to submit their

422PROs. Each party timely submitted a P roposed R ecommended O rder,

434and both parties' submissions were given due consideration in

443the pr eparation of this Recommended Order.


4531 . The School B oard is responsible for hiring,

463supervising, and firing all employees within the Hernando County

472School S ystem. This responsibility includes taking

479administrative action when an employe e violates any rule or

489policy of the Board.

4932 . Mrs. Koulouris was hired by the School Board

503approximately 15 years ago as a fourth grade teacher. At the

514beginning of the 2016 - 2017 school year, she was transferred to a

527fifth grade class in order to provid e assistance to a struggling

539team. Her principal , Mr. Piesik, described Mrs. Koulouris as a

549very strong teacher with very high standards. Mr. Piesik said

559Mrs. Koulouris ran her classroom like Ða well - oiled machine.Ñ

570Mrs. Koulouris has had no disciplinar y actions prior to the

581incident at issue in the present proceeding.

5883 . One of the duties of a fifth grade teacher is to

601administer the Florida Standards Assessment (ÐFSAÑ) tests in

609four different subject areas: Language Arts ; Math ; Writing ;

617and Science. The tests are an integral part of a studentÓs

628education and are used to determine placement in the next grade

639level , i.e., which classes the student will be eligible for upon

650advancement to middle school .

6554 . It is imperative that FSA tests are adminis tered

666correctly and securely. Extra measures are taken to ensure that

676all students take the tests independently, without assistance

684from anyone. Protocols are put in place to monitor students who

695are taking the tests . Mrs. Koulouris attended all of the

706required training prior to administering the tests. She also

715signed the Test Administration and Security Ag reement, and the

725Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement,

730acknowledging her understanding of the test protocols.

7375 . Some of the FSA te sts are administered in the

749classroom ; some are done in the computer lab. In either case,

760the teacher administering the tests must diligently foll ow all

770rules and procedures. Fairness and honesty is paramount. The

779Board recommends the presence of a proc tor in addition to the

791teacher when tests are given to certain sized classes. No

801proctor was present when the tests at issue herein were


8126 . Mrs. Koulouris is accused of in appropriately

821assisting students during the FSA test s she administer ed in

832the 2016 - 2017 school year. Those test s were taken over a

845period of three months: The writing test was administered on

855February 20 , 2017 ; the English test was given on April 19 and

86722 , 2017 ; the Science tests were given on May 1 and 2 , 2017; and

881the Math test was done on May 5 and 9 , 2017 . Du ring this same

897time frame, Mrs. KoulourisÓ classes took a number of practice

907FSA tests (as well as regular tests in various subjects).

9177 . Mrs. Koulouris is alleged to have assisted students by

928signaling them d uring the FSA tests to indicate that their

939answer to a particular question m ight be wrong. This was

950allegedly done by tapping a student or making a partic ular face

962at them. Any student so notified would then be expected to

973change their answer. It is als o alleged that Mrs. Koulouris

984would stand behind students for long periods of time, tapping or

995nudging them if they wrote or entered an incorrect answer. If

1006the allegations are true, Mrs. Koulouris would be in violation

1016of the test protocols and policies.

10228 . Mrs. Koulouris adamantly and credibly denie d any such

1033behavior. She describes her ÐassistanceÑ to the students as

1042follows: She explains the test - taking process. She stresses

1052the need to concentrate and stay on track. She tells them that

1064if they d o not know an answer, to move on and come back to that

1080question later. She reminds them to be thorough and to take

1091their time, thinking about each question carefully. She

1099instructs the students to go back over their work when they

1110finish, time allowing. In order not to disturb the students

1120while they are testing, she prefers to remain at her desk rather

1132than walking around the room. However, she does move around the

1143room on rare occasions, or whe n she sees a student who is off

1157task, e.g., sleeping or ga zing out the window. She would

1168sometimes tap a studentÓs desk to get them back on track or, in

1181some instances, to wake them up. The testimony of the two

1192students who appeared at final hearing in this matter supports

1202Mrs. KoulourisÓ description of her nor mal process for

1211administering an FSA test.

12159 . In the weeks leading up to the FSA tests,

1226Mrs. Koulouris would give a number of practice exams so that the

1238students w ould be come accustomed to the test format . She does

1251help students during the practice test s, but generally for the

1262purpose of keeping them focuse d , not to correct their answers .

1274She uses facial expressions and eye contact to provide that


128510 . Mrs. KoulourisÓ demeanor at final hearing gave

1294credence to her testimony. She seem ed ve ry sincere concerning

1305her actions and her entire testimony was credible.

131311 . The allegations concerning Mrs. KoulourisÓ actions

1321during the 2016 - 2017 FSA testing cycle came about towards the

1333end of that school year. As she describe d it: Fifth grade

1345Ð gra duation Ñ occurred on May 18 , 2017, a Thursday, at which time

1359awards were handed out to students based on their performance.

1369The following day, Friday, Mrs. Koulouris was in a multipurpose

1379room tending children who would be picked up by their parents.

1390Oth er adult s were present in the room . Mr. F . , a fellow

1405Suncoast teacher whose son was a student in Mrs. KoulourisÓ

1415class, approached Mrs. Koulouris . Mr. F . angrily asked why his

1427son had not received a Ðgold awardÑ at the grad uation ceremony

1439held the day be fore. Mrs. Koulouris explained that the child

1450had not achieved the necessary grade point average to r eceive

1461a gold award . Mr. F . told her he was very Ðpissed off Ñ and that

1478if he found out that Mrs. Koulouris did something Ðon purposeÑ

1489to hurt his son , he would be extremely angry at her .

1501Mrs. Koulouris felt very intimidated by Mr. F . Ós demeanor and

1513his language. She was also very surprised, as she thought she

1524had a good relationship with the student and had been fair with

1536him. Mrs. Koulouris reported th e incident with Mr. F . to her

1549team leader and then to the principal , Mr. Piesik . Mr. Piesik

1561reprimanded Mr. F . for his behavior and told M r . F . not to have

1578any further contact with Mrs. Koulouris unless an administrator

1587was present . On the following Mond ay, Mr. F . went to Mr. Piesik

1602and reported that - Î according to statements made by Mr. F . Ós son

1617over the weekend - Î Mrs. Koulouris had improperly assisted her

1628students during the FSA tests.

163312 . The timing of Mr. F . Ós allegation against

1644Mrs. Koulouris is ext remely suspect.

165013 . The principal immediately undertook an investigation

1658to determine whether the allegation had any merit. He prepared

1668a list of questions to be pose d to Mrs. KoulourisÓ students.

1680Mr. Piesik went to the classroom on May 23 , 2017, and t alked

1693individually with several randomly selected students , asking

1700them the questions he had prepared in advance . (Mr. F . Ós son

1714was intentionally excluded from the group of students to be

1724questioned.) Some of the questions were very innocuous, i.e.,

1733Mr. Piesik asked about the school year and about the FSA testing

1745in general. He then pointedly asked, ÐDuring the FSA testing,

1755did your teacher do anything to help students get the right

1766answers?Ñ A few of the students apparently indicated that

1776Mrs. Koulouri s had s ai d something about making a face or nudging

1790them if they were off task, gave a wrong answer, or were making

1803mistakes. Others said that no such comments were made by

1813Mrs. Koulouris. Mr. Piesik compiled the studentsÓ answers to

1822his queries and cont acted two school district administrators:

1831Matthew Goldrick, supervisor for professional standards; and

1838Linda Pierce, supervisor of assessment and accountability. The

1846administrators suggested Mr. Piesik continue his investigation

1853of the matter.

185614 . Ne x t , Mr. Piesik drafted a form containing three

1868statements and one question. The singular question on the form

1878was, ÐDid Mrs. Koulouris instruct you before FSA test [sic] that

1889if she tapped you or gave you a strange look it meant your

1902answer was incorrect and you needed to change it? Ñ He placed

1914Ð Yes Ñ and Ð NoÑ lines beneath the question to record the

1927st udentsÓ responses. The three statements drafted for inclusion

1936on the form were: (1) ÐYes I knew Mrs. Koulouris was helping

1948students on the test.Ñ (2) ÐMrs. K oulouris did NOT help me on

1961the test.Ñ (3) ÐMrs. Koulouris helped me on the test by giving

1973a tap or a look so I knew I needed to change my answers.Ñ

1987Beneath the question and statements were these words: ÐPlease

1996indicate which test she helped you on. Ma th Î Reading -


200915 . On t he following day, May 24, 2017, Mr. Piesik

2021interviewed all 22 of the students who had underg one FSA testing

2033with Mrs. Koulouris , including Mr. F . Ós son . This time, the

2046principal used his newly created form containing the one

2055question and three statements . I f the student agreed with a

2067statement when it was read to him or her , Mr. Piesik would place

2080a check next to the statement . He would circle either yes or no

2094after asking the question, depending on the studentÓs answer .

2104The principal testified that Ðall 22 studentsÑ answered ÐYesÑ to

2114the question of whether Mrs. Koulouris said she would tap them

2125if their answer was wrong. Of those students, 12 said

2135Mrs. Koulouris was Ðhelping studentsÑ during the test, seven

2144indicated they had been helped, and 13 said Mrs. Koulouris did

2155not help them. However, some of the same students who said

2166their teacher was helping students when asked on May 24 , 2017 ,

2177had said just the opposite on May 23 , 2017 . The discrepancy

2189in their answers l eads to the c onclusion that the questions ,

2201as posed , were either unclear to the students or were

2211unintentionally leading in nature . By way of example, student

2221C.M.F., who h ad presumably answered ÐYesÑ to the question posed

2232on May 24 , 2014, as to whether M rs. Koulouris had helped

2244students during the FSA testing (since all students had

2253responded that way), said in her deposition that she

2262misunderstood the question Mr. Pi esik had asked her, that it

2273was Ðall a misunderstanding.Ñ She maturely opined that, ÐSo,

2282it is very commonly known that people cannot understand

2291something because it was worded a way that they thought it

2302would mean something else. And I though t what the principal,

2313Mr. Piesik, said, he had asked me if sh e had helped with the Î

2328if Mrs. Koulour is had helped with the test, but he didnÓt say

2341the specific FSA so I thought he was talking about tests in

2353general. And sometimes she would explain, like rephrase stuff

2362and explain it to us for the normal tests, but never for the

2375FSA.Ñ This sort of equiv ocation renders the studentsÓ

2384statements virtually uncredible.

238716 . Two of the students testified at final hearing. Their

2398testimony was insufficient to adequately corroborate the hearsay

2406evidence found in the written forms .

241317 . Student A.S. said at fina l hearing that Ðbefore testsÑ

2425Mrs. Koulouris would tell us she woul d tap students on the

2437shoulder if they were Ðway off trackÑ and you Ðneeded to get

2449back in the game.Ñ However, she did not remember any student

2460being touched during the FSA tests . A .S.Ós testimony was too

2472equivocal to establish whether or not Mrs. Koulouris had

2481assisted any students during the FSA tests. It is notable that

2492the School Board did not cite to any of A.S.Ós testimony from

2504final hearing, but instead relied upon the less certain and

2514unclear statements made by students in their depositions, which

2523are both hearsay in nature and less credible than live


253418 . Student A.W.Ós memory of the events was even more

2545clouded. She believes she remembers one student messing up the

2555o rder of his responses (i.e., answering up and down rather than

2567side to side on the answer sheet ) and Mrs. Koulouris help ed him

2581get realigned , but does not believe Mrs. Koulouris otherwise

2590assisted anyone during the tests. When confronted with her

2599response to the principalÓs form questions, A.W. simply could

2608not remember being asked the questions or how she responded. On

2619May 23 , 2017, Mr. Piesik had asked her the question from his

2631form , ÐDuring the FSA testing, did your teacher do anything to

2642help students get the right answers?Ñ She responded, ÐNo.Ñ

2652On May 24 , 2017, she answered Ð YesÑ to the question, ÐDid

2664Mrs. Koulouris instruct you before FSA test [sic] that if she

2675tapped you or gave you a strang e look it meant your answer

2688was incorrect and you needed to change it?Ñ At final hearing,

2700A.W. answered ÐNoÑ to the question, ÐDid you see or hear

2711Mrs. Koulouris make the statement, ÒIf I look at you funny or

2723strange or if I give you a tap on the shoulder, that means you

2737need to change your answers Ó?Ñ Again, t he testimony was

2749inconsistent and was not sufficient supp ort to corroborate or

2759affirm the information found in the forms . 2/

276819 . T he truth of whether Mrs. Koulouris helped students on

2780the FSA tests cannot be established by PetitionerÓs evidence,

2789the sup posed student responses as tallied by Mr. Piesik, due to

2801their hearsay nature and various discrepancies .

280820 . When considering how the allegation against

2816Mrs. Koulouris first arose, i.e., after her confrontation with

2825her fellow teacher, Mr. F . , and the equivocal testimony of the

2837students, there is insufficient basis to support the allegations

2846against her .

2849Findings of Ultimate Fact

285321 . Under Florida law, whether charged conduct con stitutes

2863a deviation from a standard of conduct established by rule or

2874st atute is a question of fact to be decided by the trier of

2888fact, considering the testimony and evidence in the context

2897of the alleged violation. Langston v. Jamerson , 653 So. 2d

2907489 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995); Holmes v. Turlington , 480 So. 2d 150,

2919153 (Fla. 1st D CA 1985) . Accordingly, whether conduct alleged

2930in an administrative complaint violates the laws, rules and

2939policies set forth in the charging document is a factual, not

2950legal, determination.

295222 . The Board has not met its burden in this case of

2965proving that Mrs. Koulouris engaged in the conduct f or which she

2977was charged. Although Mr. Piesik testified as to his conclusion

2987based on interviews with students, that conclusion was not

2996corroborated by the studentsÓ testimony. The double hearsay

3004nature of the studentsÓ responses to Mr. PiesikÓs questions,

3013coupled with the vague recollections of students actually

3021testifying, is wholly insufficient to satisfy the BoardÓs burden

3030of proof.

303223 . It is clear Mrs. Koulouris gave her students

3042instructions about how t o take the FSA tests, administered

3052practice test at which the stric t FSA rules were not applicable,

3064monitored the tests and redirected students who were sleeping or

3074otherwise distracted, and sometimes walked around the classroom.

3082But the evidence is woefu lly short of proving wrongdoing or

3093improper assistance to students. Notably, the deposition

3100transcripts offered into evidence jointly by the parties were

3109not helpful to the finder of fact. The studentsÓ responses to

3120questions were vague and disjointed. Each of the parties

3129interpreted the studentsÓ statements differently, each seeming

3136to think the statements supported their position in this matter.

3146Besides the obvious hearsay nature of the evidence, the

3155statements were nebulous, and lacking clarity or pe rsuasiveness.

3164The students contradicted each other, some could not even

3173remember where they were sitting during testing, and their

3182memories seemed, at best, c onfused.


319124 . DOAH has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to

3201sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, and pursuant to a

3211contract between DOAH and the Board. Unless specifically stated

3220otherwise herein, all references to Florida Statutes will be to

3230the 2017 codification.

323325 . This is a disciplinary proceeding in which the Board

3244seeks to terminate Mrs. KoulourisÓ employment for violating

3252section 1008.24, Florida Statutes ; Florida Administrative Code

3259Rules 6A - 10.042 and 10. 081 ; and School Board Policy 6.301.

3271Violations of these statutes, rules and policies, if proven,

3280w ould constitute just cause for the Board to terminate

3290Mrs. KoulourisÓ employment as a teacher. See § 1012.33, Fla.


330126 . To terminate a teacherÓs employment, the Board must

3311prove that the teacher committed the acts alleged; that those

3321acts violate t he laws, rules, and policies at issue; and that

3333violation of those statutes, rules, and policies constitutes

3341just cause for her dismissal. § 1012.33(1)(a) and (6), Fla.


335227 . The Board has the burden of proof in this matter as it

3366is the party assert ing the affirmative of the issue. Antel v.

3378DepÓt of of ProfÓl Reg. , 522 So. 2d 1056 (Fla. 5th DCA 1988);

3391Balino v. DepÓt of HRS , 348 So. 2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

340428 . The standard of proof is preponderance of the

3414evidence . See McNeil v. Pinellas Co. Sch. Bd. , 678 So. 2d 476,

3427477 (Fla. 2d DCA 1996) ; Dileo v. Sch. B d . of Dade Cnty. , 569 So.

34432d 883 (Fla. 3d DCA 1990).

344929 . Section 1008.24 , which Mrs. Koulouris allegedly

3457violated, states in pertinent part:

3462(1) A person may not knowingly and

3469willfully v iolate test security rules

3475adopted by the Stat e Board of Education

3483for man datory tests administered by or

3490through the State Board of Education or the

3498Commissioner of Education to students,

3503educators, or applicants for certification

3508or administered by schoo l distric t s pursuant

3517to s. 1088.22, or, with respect to any such

3526test, knowingly and willfully to:

3531* * *

3534(c) Coach examinees during testing or alter

3541or interfere with examineesÓ responses in

3547any way;

3549* * *

3552(f) Fail to follow test administration

3558direc tions specified in the test

3564administration manuals; or

3567(g) Participate in, direct, aid, counsel,

3573assist in, or encourage any of the acts

3581prohibitive in this section.

358530 . Pursuant to the foregoing findings of fact, it is

3596concluded that the Board did n ot meet its burden of proving that

3609Mrs. Koulouris violated section 1008.24 .

361531 . Rule 6A - 10.042 states in relevant part:

3625(1) Tests implemented in accordance

3630with the requirements of Sections . . .

36381008.22 . . . F.S., shall be maintained and

3647administere d in a secure manner such that

3655the integrity of the tests shall be


3663* * *

3666(c) Examinees shall not be assisted in

3673answering test questions by any means by

3680persons administering or proctoring the

3685administration of any test.

3689(d) ExamineesÓ answ ers to questions shall

3696be not be interfered with in an y way by

3706persons administering, proctoring, or

3710scoring the examinations.

3713* * *

3716(f) Persons who are involved in

3722administering or proctoring the tests or

3728persons who teach or otherwise prepare

3734examinees for the tests shall not

3740participate in, direct, aid, counsel, assist

3746in, or encourage any activity which could

3753result in the inaccurate measurement or

3759reporting of the examineesÓ achievement.

376432 . Again, pursuant to the findings of fact above, it is

3776c oncluded that the Board did not prove Mrs. Koulouris violated

3787the rules regulating administration of FSA tests.


3795Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3805Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by

3816Petitioner, Hernando County School Board , finding no cause to

3825terminate the employment of Respondent, Renee Koulouris, as

3833there is insufficient evidence that she violate d statutes, rules

3843or policies regarding the administration of FSA tests .

3852DONE AND ENT ERED this 3 rd day of April , 2018 , in

3864Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3872Administrative Law Judge

3875Division of Administrative Hearings

3879The DeSoto Building

38821230 Apalachee Parkway

3885Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3890(85 0) 488 - 9675

3895Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3902Filed with the Clerk of the

3908Division of Administrative Hearings

3912this 3rd day of April, 2018 .


39201/ As noted in its Proposed Reco mmended Order, the correct

3931name for Petitioner is actuall y ÐThe School Board of Hernando

3942County.Ñ Inasmuch as the Board has been identified as set forth

3953in the style of the case since the case was filed at DOAH, this

3967error is simply noted herein without formally changing the


39772/ Compare the testimony of the students in this case with

3988that of students in two similar DOAH proceedings: Palm Beach

3998Co. Sch. B d. v. Ilissa Sanders , Case No. 17 - 0615TTS ( Fla.

4012DOAH July 24, 2017); Palm Beach Co. Sch. B d. v. Maria Marrero -

4026Rios , Case No. 17 - 0614 TTS ( Fla DOAH Sept . 1, 2017). In those

4042cases, the studentsÓ testimony was specific as to particular

4051ways in which their teacher helped them during the FSA testing.

4062Th os e students also tended to corroborate one an other Ós

4074statements, which were much more consistent in nature .


4085Mark Herdman, Esquire

4088Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A.

4092Suite 110

409429605 U.S. Highway 19 North

4099Clearwater, Florida 33761


4103Branden M. Vicari, Esquire

4107Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A.

4111Suite 110

411329605 U.S. Highway 19 North

4118Clearwater , Florida 33761


4122Thomas Martin Gonzalez, Esquire

4126Thompson, Sizemore, Gonzalez

4129and Hearing, P.A.

4132Suite 1600

4134201 North Franklin Street

4138Tampa, Florida 33602


4142Nathan J. Paulich, Esquire

4146Thompson, Sizemore, Gonzalez & Hearing, P.A.

4152Suite 1600

4154201 North Franklin Street

4158Tampa, Florida 33602


4162Matthew Mears, General Counsel

4166D epartment of Education

4170Turlington Building, Suite 1244

4174325 West Gaines Street

4178Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


4184Pam Stewart , Commissioner of Ed ucation

4190Department of Education

4193Turlington Building, Suite 1514

4197325 West Gaines Street

4201Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


4207Lori M. Romano, Ph.D ., Superintendent

4213Hernando County School Board

4217919 North Broad Street

4221Brooksville, Florida 34601


4231All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

424115 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4252to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4263will issue the Final Order in t his case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/11/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order Adopting the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/08/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/03/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/03/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/03/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held January 31, 2018). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/19/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/19/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/28/2018
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 02/28/2018
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Extension for Filing Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 02/22/2018
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 01/31/2018
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 12/06/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 12/06/2017
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing (hearing set for January 31, 2018; 9:30 a.m.; Brooksville, FL).
Date: 12/05/2017
Proceedings: Supplemental Dates for Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 12/05/2017
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 12/05/2017
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion to Continue and Reschedule Final Hearing filed.
Date: 12/04/2017
Proceedings: Order Regarding Subpoena Duces Tecum.
Date: 12/01/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 11/30/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for December 1, 2017; 1:45 p.m.).
Date: 11/28/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion & Response to Petitioner's Objection to Subpoena Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 11/27/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Objection to Subpoena Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 11/27/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Nathan Paulich) filed.
Date: 11/13/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Subpoena for Records filed.
Date: 10/03/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing (hearing set for December 12, 2017; 9:30 a.m.; Brooksville, FL).
Date: 09/26/2017
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion to Continue and Reschedule Final Hearing filed.
Date: 09/25/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Objections and Responses to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 09/25/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 09/01/2017
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 09/01/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for October 17, 2017; 9:30 a.m.; Brooksville, FL).
Date: 08/31/2017
Proceedings: Amended Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/28/2017
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/28/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Discovery Requests to Petitioner filed.
Date: 08/25/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Thomas Gonzalez) filed.
Date: 08/22/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Branden Vicari) filed.
Date: 08/14/2017
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/10/2017
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 08/10/2017
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 08/10/2017
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Brooksville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):