17-004797N Ryan Michael Craig, On Behalf Of And As Parent And Natural Guardian Of Ryan Makye Craig, A Minor vs. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Thursday, August 9, 2018.

View Dockets  
Summary: The infant did not sustain a birth-related neurological injury and is therefore not eligible for benefits under the Plan.



8RYAN MICHAEL CRAIG, on behalf of

14and as parent and natural

19guardian of RYAN MAKYE CRAIG, a



27vs. Case No. 17 - 4797N




41Resp ondent.



49This cause came on for consideration upon an Unopposed

58Motion for Summary Final Order filed by Respondent, Florida

67Birth - Related Neurological Injury Comp ensation Association

75(NICA), on July 13, 2018. Petitioner did not file a response.


90On August 16, 2017, Petitioner filed a Petition for Benefits

100Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 766.301 et seq. (Petition)

109with the Division of Adm inistrative Hearings (DOAH) for a

119determination of compensability under the Florida Birth - Related

128Neurological Injury Compensation Plan (Plan). The Petition named

136David Teitelbaum, M.D. as the physician who provided obstetric

145services for the birth of Rya n M. Craig (Ryan) on September 4,

1582015, at Central Florida Regional Hospital in Sanford, Florida.

167DOAH served Respondent with a copy of the Petition on

177August 29, 2017. Central Florida Regional Hospital and

185Dr. Teitelbaum were served with a copy of th e Petition on

197September 5, 2017, and October 5, 2017, respectively.

205On April 11, 2017, Respondent filed its Response to Petition

215for Benefits, suggesting that the subject claim was not

224compensable and requesting a final hearing to address said issue.

234On May 9, 2018, the undersigned issued an Order requiring the

245parties to confer and advise whether a final hearing would be

256required. In response, on May 16, 2018, Respondent filed a

266Status Report representing that the parties were not requesting a

276final he aring, and that Respondent intended to file an Unopposed

287Motion for Summary Final Order.

292On July 13 2018, Respondent filed an Unopposed Motion for

302Summary Final Order, requesting that a summary final order be

312entered finding that the claim is not compens able because Ryan

323did not sustain a Ðbirth - related neurological injuryÑ as that

334term is defined in section 766.302(2), Florida Statutes, and

343dismissing the Petition. Said motion represents that Respondent

351has conferred with Petitioner concerning said moti on and the

361relief sought, and that Petitioner does not oppose the relief

371sought. As noted above, Petitioner did not file a response to

382the motion.


3871. Ryan was born on September 4, 2015, at Central Florida

398Regional Hospital, in Sanford, Florida.

4032. The physician providing obstetric services and who was

412present at RyanÓs birth was Dr. David Teitelbaum. At the time of

424RyanÓs birth, Dr. Teitelbaum was a NICA participating physician.

4333. Respondent retained Donald Willis, M.D., an obste trician

442specializing in maternal - fetal medicine, to review RyanÓs medical

452records and opine as to whether there was an injury to his brain

465or spinal cord that occurred in the course of labor, delivery, or

477resuscitation in the immediate post - delivery period due to oxygen

488deprivation or mechanical injury.

4924. In a report dated April 5, 2018, Dr. Willis concluded

503the following:

505In summary, labor was complicated by a non -

514reassuring FHR pattern requiring emergency

519Cesarean section delivery. The baby was

525depr essed at birth with Apgar scores of

5332/2/4. Resuscitation included chest

537compressions for 2 minutes, intubation and

543intravenous fluid bolus. Cooling protocol

548was initiated. The newborn hospital course

554was complicated by multi - system organ

561failures, inclu ding respiratory distress,

566hypotension, coagulopathy and elevated liver

571function studies. Despite the clinical

576findings of birth related hypoxia, only the

583initial EEG showed mild encephalopathy, which

589normalized. No abnormalities were reported

594on brain M RIÓs after birth and at 6 months of


606There was a clinically apparent obstetrical

612event that resulted in oxygen deprivation

618during labor, delivery and continuing into

624the immediate post - delivery period. The

631oxygen deprivation would have been expected

637to result in some degree of brain injury.

6455. Attached to RespondentÓs Unopposed Motion for Summary

653Final Order is the affidavit of Dr. Willis, dated Jun e 27, 2018.

666In his affidavit, Dr. Willis opines, based on his education ,

676training , and experien ce, and within a reasonable degree of

686medical probability, that there was a clinically apparent

694obstetrical event that resulted in oxygen deprivation during

702labor, delivery , and continuing into the post - delivery period.

7126. Respondent also retained L aufey Y. Sigurdardottir, M.D.,

721a pediatric neurologist, to review RyanÓs medical records,

729conduct an Independent Medical Examination (IME), and opine as to

739whether he suffers from a permanent and substantial mental and

749physical impairment as a result of a birth - related neurological

760injury. Dr. Sigurdardottir reviewed the available medical

767records, obtained a full historical account from RyanÓs father

776and family members, and conducted an IME of Ryan on November 22,


7897. Dr. SigurdardottirÓs IME report provides, in part, as


799Summary: Patient is a 2 - year - old male with

810history of being born via an emergency C -

819section after normal uncomplicated pregnancy.

824Apgar scores were low: 2 whole body cooling

832was performed at Florida Hospital at

8381 minute, 2 at 5 minutes, 4 at 10 minutes and

8496 at 15 minutes. And patient had neurologic

857sequelae including a cognitive impairment

862autistic features. Despite having early

867motor delays, he is currently ambulatory.

873Result as to question 1: Ryan is found to

882have substantial delays in mental abilities

888but mild delays in motor abilities at this


897Result as to question 2: In review of

905available documents there is evidence of

911impairment consistent with a neurologic

916injury to the brain or spinal cord acq uired

925due to oxygen deprivation.

929Result as to question 3: The prognosis for

937full motor recovery is good but mental

944recovery is unlikely and need for vast

951therapies to improve his language development

957and decrease autistic features is needed.

963His life e xpectancy is excellent.

969In light of evidence presented, I believe

976Ryan does not fulfill criteria of both

983substantial and mental and physical

988impairments at this time. I do not feel that

997Ryan should be included in the NICA program

1005for that reason.

10088. RespondentÓs Unopposed Motion for Summary Final Order

1016also relies upon the attached affidavit of Dr. Sigurdardottir,

1025dated June 25, 2018. In her affidavit, she opines, based upon

1036her education, training and experience, and to a reasonable

1045degree of medical probability, that Ryan Ðhas substantial delays

1054in mental abilities,Ñ however, Ðhe has only mild delays in motor


10679. A review of the file reveals no contrary evidence was

1078presented to refute the findings and opinions of Dr. Willis and

1089Dr. Sigurdardottir . Their unrefuted opinions are credited.


110010. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to and the

1110subject matter of these proceedings. §§ 766.301 - 766.316,

1119Fla. Stat.

112111. The Plan was established by the Legisla ture "for the

1132purpose of providing compensation, irrespective of fault, for

1140birth - related neurological injury claims" relating to births

1149occurring on or after January 1, 1989. § 766.303(1), Fla. Stat.

116012. The injured infant, her or his personal represent ative,

1170parents, dependents, and next of kin may seek compensation under

1180the Plan by filing a claim for compensation with DOAH.

1190§§ 766.302(3), 766.303(2), and 766.305(1), Fla. Stat.

1197Respondent, which administers the Plan, has "45 days from the

1207date of ser vice of a complete claim . . . in which to file a

1223response to the petition and to submit relevant written

1232information relating to the issue of whether the injury is a

1243birth - related neurological injury." § 766.305(4), Fla. Stat.

125213. Respondent ha s deter mined that Petitioner does not have

1263a claim that is compensable under the Plan and has filed an

1275Unopposed Motion for Summary Final Order, requesting that an

1284order be entered finding that the claim is not compensable.

129414. In ruling on the motion, the admin istrative law judge

1305must make the following determination based upon the available


1315(a) Whether the injury claimed is a birth -

1324related neurological injury. If the claimant

1330has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the

1337administrative law judge, tha t the infant has

1345sustained a brain or spinal cord injury

1352caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical

1358injury and that the infant was thereby

1365rendered permanently and substantially

1369mentally and physically impaired, a

1374rebuttable presumption shall arise that th e

1381injury is a birth - related neurological injury

1389as defined in s. 766.303(2).

1394(b) Whether obstetrical services were

1399delivered by a participating physician in the

1406course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation

1412in the immediate postdelivery period in a

1419hospit al; . . . .

1425§ 766.309(1)(a), (b), Fla. Stat.

143015. The term "birth - related neurological injury" is defined

1440in section 766.302(2) as follows:

"1445Birth - related neurological injury" means

1451injury to the brain or spinal cord of a live

1461infant weighing at least 2,500 grams for a

1470single gestation or, in the case of a

1478multiple gestation, a live infant weighing at

1485least 2,000 grams at birth caused by oxygen

1494deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in

1500the course of labor, delivery, or

1506resuscitation in the immediate postdelivery

1511period in a hospital, which renders the

1518infant permanently and substantially mentally

1523and physically impaired.

152616. The evidence establishes that there was an obstetrical

1535event that resulted in loss of oxygen to RyanÓs brain during the

1547cours e of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate

1557post - delivery period in a hospital, and that he sustained a

1569permanent and substantial mental impairment as a result thereof.

1578The undisputed evidence further establishes that Dr. Teitelbaum

1586was a NICA participating physician at the time of RyanÓs birth.

1597The unrefuted evidence, however, establishes that Ryan did not

1606sustain a permanent and substantial physical impairment. Thus,

1614he did not sustain a birth - related neurological injury as defined

1626in secti on 766.302(2), Florida Statutes, and, therefore, is not

1636eligible for benefits under the Plan.


1643Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

1653Law, it is ORDERED that the Petition is dismissed with prejudice.

1664DONE AND ORDERED this 9 th day of August , 2018 , in

1675Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1683Administrative Law Judge

1686Division of Administrative Hearings

1690The DeSoto Building

16931230 Apalachee Parkway

1696Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1701(85 0) 488 - 9675

1706Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1713Filed with the Clerk of the

1719Division of Administrative Hearings

1723this 9 th day of August , 2018 .


1733(via certified mail)

1736Kenney Shipley, Executive Director

1740Florida Birth Related Ne urological

1745Injury Compensation Association

1748Suite 1

17502360 Christopher Place

1753Tallahassee, Florida 32308


1757(Certified Mail Number 7018 0040 0000 9772 4922)

1765Brian C. Lamb, Esquire

1769Martinez Manglardi, P.A.

1772540 North Semoran Boulevard

1776Orlando, Florida 32807

1779(Certified Mail Number 7018 0040 0000 9772 4939 )

1788Brooke M. Gaffney, Esquire

1792Smith, Stout, Bigman & Brock, P.A.

1798Suite 900

1800444 Seabreeze Boulevard

1803Daytona Beach, Florida 32118


1808(Certified Mail Number 7018 0040 0000 9772 4946 )

1817Amie Rice, Investigation Manager

1821Consumer Services Unit

1824Department of Health

18274052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 75

1835Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3275

1840(Certified Mail Number 7018 0040 0000 9772 4953 )

1849Justin Senior , Secretary

1852Health Quality Assurance

1855Agency for Health Care Ad ministration

18612727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 1

1867Tallahassee, Florida 32308


1871(Certified Mail Number 7018 0040 0000 9772 4960 )

1880Central Florida Regional Hospital

1884Attention: Risk Management

18871401 West Seminole Boulevard

1891Sanford, Florida 32771

1894(Certifie d Mail Number 7018 0040 0000 9772 4977 )

1904David Teitelbaum, M.D.

19072270 Foliage Oak Terrace

1911Oviedo, Florida 32766

1914(Certified Mail Number 7018 0040 0000 9772 4984 )


1929Review of a final order of an administrative law judge s hall be

1942by appeal to the District Court of Appeal pursuant to section

1953766.311(1), Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by

1961the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are

1970commenced by filing the original notice of administrativ e appeal

1980with the a gency c lerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings

1992within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed, and a

2005copy, accompanied by filing fees prescribed by law, with the

2015clerk of the appropriate District Court of Appeal. See

2024§ 766.311(1), Fla. Stat., and Fla. Birth - Related Neurological

2034Injury Comp. Ass'n v. Carreras , 598 So. 2d 299 (Fla. 1st DCA


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Date: 10/01/2018
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/15/2018
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/14/2018
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/13/2018
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/09/2018
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 08/09/2018
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/09/2018
Proceedings: Summary Final Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/13/2018
Proceedings: NICA's Unopposed Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 05/16/2018
Proceedings: Status Report filed.
Date: 05/09/2018
Proceedings: Order (regarding availability, estimated hearing time, and venue for compensability hearing).
Date: 05/02/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Brooke Gaffney) filed.
Date: 04/11/2018
Proceedings: Motion for Entry of Protective Order regarding Confidential Documents related to Petitioner's Medical Records filed.
Date: 04/11/2018
Proceedings: Response to Petition for Benefits filed (medical records; not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 03/22/2018
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time in which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 02/20/2018
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 02/12/2018
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time in which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 01/12/2018
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 01/11/2018
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time in which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 12/12/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 12/11/2017
Proceedings: Motion For Extension of Time in which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 11/01/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 10/18/2017
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time in which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 10/05/2017
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 09/13/2017
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/30/2017
Proceedings: Order (Motion to accept K. Shipley as qualified representative granted).
Date: 08/29/2017
Proceedings: Motion to Act as a Qualified Representative before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 08/28/2017
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/28/2017
Proceedings: Letter to Kenney Shipley from Claudia Llado enclosing NICA claim for compensation.
Date: 08/28/2017
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/16/2017
Proceedings: NICA filing fee $15.00: Check No. 35730 filed (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 08/16/2017
Proceedings: Petition for Benefits Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 766.301 et seq. filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
DeBary, Florida
Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Associati


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):