17-005083 Aaron Pittman vs. Sunland Center
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, March 30, 2018.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to prove a prima facie case of discrimination where he suffered no adverse employment action.





11vs. Case No. 17 - 5083





23Pursuant to notice, this case was heard on Novembe r 16,

342017, in Marianna, Florida, before Administrative Law Judge

42Suzanne Van Wyk.


46For Petitioner: LaDray B. Gilbert, Esquire

52The Gilbert Firm, P.A.

562913 Optimist Drive

59Marianna, Florida 32446

62For Respondent: Lisa Marie Kuh lman, Esquire

69Agency for Persons with Disabilities

744030 Esplanade Way

77Tallahassee, Florida 32399


85Whether Respondent subjected Petitioner to an unlawful

92employment practice based on PetitionerÓs race, in violation of

101section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2016) 1/ ; and , if so, what

111penalty should be imposed.


117On February 17, 2017, Petitioner filed an Employment

125Complaint of Discrimination with the Florida Commission on Human

134Relations (Commission ) , whi ch alleged that Respondent violated

143section 760.10 by discriminating against him on the basis of his


155On August 11, 2017, the Commission issued a Determination:

164No Cause and a Notice of Determination: No Cause, by which the

176Commission determined th at reasonable cause did not exist to

186believe that an unlawful employment practice occurred. On

194September 15, 2017, Petitioner filed a Petition for Relief with

204the Commission, which was transmitted that same date to the

214Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct a final hearing.

223The final hearing was scheduled for November 16, 2017, in

233Marianna, Florida, and commenced as scheduled.

239At the final hearing, Petitioner testified on his own behalf

249and presented the testimony of Clarence Holden, Sr. Petiti oner

259did not introduce any exhibits in evidence.

266Respondent presented the testimony of Amanda Johnson, Raquel

274Archie, and Amanda Smith. RespondentÓs Exhibits R1 through R3

283were admitted in evidence.

287The proceedings were recorded, but no transcript of the

296proceedings was filed. On February 27, 2018, the undersigned

305entered an Order on Post - h earing Filings ordering the parties to

318file proposed recommended orders on or before March 9, 2018.

328On March 7, 2018, PetitionerÓs counsel filed a Motion to

338Extend Time for Order on Post - hearing Filings (Motion), which the

350undersigned denied , without prejudice, solely because counsel did

358not represent in the Motion whether Respondent opposed the

367Motion. 2/ Nevertheless, Petitioner did not file an amended

376motion. Nei ther party filed a proposed recommended order in this



3921. Petitioner, Aaron Pittman, a black male, was at all

402times relevant hereto employed at Sunland Center (Sunland) by the

412Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD).

4182. Sunland C enter is an assisted - living facility operated

429by APD in Marianna, Florida, serving clients with intellectual

438and developmental disabilities.

4413. Petitioner was first employed at Sunland on August 7,

4511987 , as a Maintenance Mechanic. PetitionerÓs full - time job was

462to maintain wheelchairs for use by residents. According to

471Petitioner , the work was very steady, with continuous repairs to

481footrests, wheels, seats, and many other parts of well - used

492wheelchairs throughout the facility. Petitioner remained in th at

501position for 17 years.

5054. In 2007, Petitioner was promoted from Maintenance

513Mechanic to Electronics Tech II. The duties of the Electronics

523Tech II include installation of televisions, cleaning fire

531detection and other safety equipment, conducting fire drills, and

540repairing all manner of electronics.

5455. After Petitioner was promoted to Electronics Tech II , an

555employee with the last name of Moss was assigned to wheelchair

566maintenance. Apparently Mr. Moss was not capable of performing

575the duties of whee lchair maintenance and requested PetitionerÓs

584assistance with those duties. Mr. Moss left Sunland sometime in


5956. When Mr. Moss left, John Kramer, Maintenance Supervisor,

604asked Petitioner to help out ÐtemporarilyÑ with the wheelchair

613maintenance. P etitioner testified that he agreed to resume

622wheelchair maintenance ÐtemporarilyÑ because Mr. Kramer was Ða

630nice man and [Petitioner] wanted to help him out.Ñ

6397. Petitioner first worked overtime on a night shift to

649complete the wheelchair maintenance work . However, Petitioner

657did not request prior approval for the overtime and was

667instructed to take time off to compensate for the overtime.

6778. Clarence Holden, Sr., a black male, was employed at

687Sunland for 40 years. Mr. Holden began in an entry - level

699pos ition, but was promoted to a supervisory position. Mr. Holden

710supervised Petitioner during Mr. HoldenÓs last five years of

719employment in the position of Telecommunication Specialist.

7269. Mr. Holden also supervised Keith Hatcher, the only

735employee other th an Petitioner in the Maintenance Department.

74410. Mr. Hatcher retired sometime before Mr. Holden.

75211. Mr. Holden retired in 2014, leaving Petitioner as the

762only employee in the Maintenance Department.

76812. Petitioner testified that he Ðtook over [Mr. Ho ldenÓs]

778dutiesÑ when Mr. Holden retired, but was never compensated for

788essentially working two jobs.

79213. Petitioner never supervised any employees at Sunland.

800Petitioner did not have any authority to hire or fire other

811employees or perform evaluations of other employees.

81814. After Mr. HoldenÓs retirement, Petitioner asked Allen

826Ward (whose position in the chain of command was not identified)

837about applying for the Telecommunication Specialist position.

844Petitioner was told management was ÐholdingÑ that position.

85215. Petitioner testified that Mr. Ward advertised and

860filled the position of Telecommunication Specialist Ðwhile

867[Petitioner] was out.Ñ

87016. Petitioner admitted that the position of Safety

878Specialist 3/ was eventually advertised, and that Petiti oner did

888not apply for the position.

89317. Amanda Johnson, former Employee Relations Specialist at

901Sunland, met with Petitioner sometime in 2012 regarding his

910complaint about working two positions without additional


9181 8 . In June 2013, Petiti on er received a ten - percent salary

933increase Ðfor additional duties and responsibilities for

940maintaining resident wheelchairs and electric/mechanical hospital


94719 . Petitioner seeks back p ay for performing duties of

958two positions beginning in 2010.

9632 0 . Petitioner separately complains that he was subject to

974harassment based on his race and Respondent failed to do anything

985about it.

9872 1 . Petitioner testified that there used to be an employee

999who used the ÐN word,Ñ and under a previous administration the

1011s upervisor would Ðtake care of it,Ñ but that under the current

1024administration Ðnothing happens.Ñ

10272 2 . Petitioner indicated that other employees used to Ðmake

1038postings about lynching.Ñ Petitioner did not identify a ny

1047specifics of those incidents -- when they occurred, who made the

1058posting, or whether there were consequences to those employees.

10672 3 . Petitioner complained that a fellow employee once wrote

1078ÐTrumpÑ on a dirty work truck. However, when the incident was

1089reported, the manager washed the truck.

10952 4 . Petitioner complained that white emp loyees sit around

1106and talk with each other for extended periods without any

1116consequence, but that if he sits to talk with a fellow employee

1128for 15 minutes Ðpeople complain.Ñ

11332 5 . Petitioner has never been disciplined by Respondent.

11432 6 . Respondent is managed by a black Superintendent and

1154black Deputy Superintendent . Sunland employs a number of black

1164mid - level managers and supervisors.


11732 7 . The Division has jurisdiction over the subject matter

1184and parti es to this proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla.

1195Stat. (2017) .

11982 8 . Petitioner has the burden of proving by a

1209preponderance of the evidence that Respondent committed an

1217unlawful employment practice. See § 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

122529 . The Florida Ci vil Rights Act of 1992 (the ÐActÑ),

1237makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against any

1247individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions , or

1255privileges of employment, because of the individualÓs race or

1264national origin. § 760.10(1)(a), Fla. Stat.

12703 0 . The Act is patterned after Title VII of the Civil

1283Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Thus, case law construing

1293Title VII is persuasive when construing the Act. See, e.g. ,

1303Fla. State Univ. v. Sondel , 685 So. 2d 923, 925 n.1 (Fla. 1st

1316DCA 199 6).

13193 1 . Petitioner can meet his burden of proof with either

1331direct or circumstantial evidence. Damon v. Fleming

1338Supermarkets of Fla., Inc. , 196 F.3d 135 4 (11th Cir. 1999),

1349cert. den. 529 U.S. 1109 (2000). Direct evidence must evince

1359discrimination witho ut the need for inference of presumption.

1368Standard v. A.B.E.L S e r vs., Inc. , 161 F.3d 1318, 1330 (11th Cir.


13833 2 . Direct evidence is evidence that, if believed, would

1394prove the existence of discriminatory intent without resort to

1403inference or presump tion. Denny v. City of Albany , 247 F.3d

14141172, 1182 (11th Cir. 1997). Courts have held that Ðonly the

1425most blatant remarks, whose intent could be nothing other than

1435to discriminate will constitute direct evidence of

1442discrimination.Ñ Damon , 196 F.3d at 13 58 - 59 (citations

1452omitted). Fu r ther, the Eleventh Circuit has defined direct

1462evidence of discrimination as evidence which reflects Ða

1470discriminatory or retaliatory attitude correlating to the

1477discrimination or retaliation complained of by the employee.Ñ

1485I d . at 1358.

14903 3 . Petitioner identified no direct evidence of

1499discrimination on behalf of Sunland or its managers. While

1508Petitioner did iden tify some blatant remarks by co workers, the

1519record shows that management addressed the issues. A manager

1528washed the truck with Ð Trump Ñ written on it. The supervisor

1540Ðtook care ofÑ coworkers who used the ÐN word.Ñ

15493 4 . Although Petitioner testified that more recently

1558Ðnothing happensÑ when a coworker uses the ÐN word,Ñ that is

1570insufficient to ascribe a discriminatory a ttitude to the

1579employer. That testimony does not overcome the facts

1587demonstrating RespondentÓs non - discriminatory attitude.

1593Respondent promoted Petitioner, as well as his supervisor,

1601Mr. Holden, during their careers with Respondent. Further,

1609Respon dentÓ s upper - level managers and some mid - level managers

1622are black.

16243 5 . Because PetitionerÓs direct evidence was insufficient

1633to establish unlawful discrimination, Petitioner must prove his

1641allegations by circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence

1647of dis crimination is subject to the burden - shifting framework

1658established in McDonnell Douglas Corporation v. Green , 411 U.S.

1667792, 802 (1973).

16703 6 . To prove unlawful discrimination by circumstantial

1679evidence, a party must establish a prima facie case of

1689discrim ination by a preponderance of the evidence. If

1698successful, this creates a presumption of discrimination. Then

1706the burden shifts to the employer to offer a legitimate, non -

1718discriminatory reason for the adverse employment action. If the

1727employer meets tha t burden, the presumption disappears and the

1737employee must prove that the legitimate reasons were a pretext.

1747Valenzuela v. GlobeGround N. Am., LLC , 18 So. 3d 17 (Fla. 3d DCA

17602009). Facts that are sufficient to establish a prima facie case

1771must be adequat e to permit an inference of discrimination. Id.

17823 7 . Petitioner must first establish a prima facie case by

1794showing: (1) he is a member of a protected class; (2) he was

1807qualified for the position held; (3) he was subjected to an

1818adverse employment actio n; and (4) other similarly - situated

1828employees, who are not members of the protected group, were

1838treated more favorably than Petitioner. See McDonnell Douglas ,

1846411 U.S. at 802.

18503 8 . The Findings of Fact here are not sufficient to

1862establish a prima facie ca se of discrimination based on race.

1873Petitioner did establish the first two elements: he i s a member

1885of a protected class -- African American -- and was qualified for

1897the position of Electronic Tech II. However, Petitioner did not

1907establish the third element -- that he suffered an adverse

1917employment action.

191939 . ÐNot all conduct by an employer negatively affecting

1929an employee constitutes adverse employment action.Ñ Davis v.

1937Town of Lake Park , Fla. , 245 F. 3d 1232, 1238 (11th Cir. 2001)

1950(Plaintiff, who received one oral reprimand, one written

1958reprimand, the withholding of a bank key, and a restriction on

1969cashing non account - holder checks, did not suffer an adverse

1980employment action). ÐThe asserted impact cannot be speculative

1988and must at least have a tangible ad verse effect on the

2000plaintiffÓs employment.Ñ Id. at 1239. An employee is required

2009to show a Ðserious and material change in the terms, conditions,

2020or privileges of employment.Ñ Id.

20254 0 . Petitioner was not disciplined, demoted, dismissed,

2034transferred, or otherwise subjected to any action with a

2043tangible adverse effect on his employment. Despite his

2051complaints, Petitioner was not denied a promotion or the chance

2061to apply for the position of Safety Specialist. Petitioner was

2071asked to take on additional re sponsibilities, and was ultimately

2081compensated for performing those additional duties.

20874 1 . Respondent may have taken advantage of Petitioner, who

2098is a simple person and was obviously a good worker. The record

2110does not support a finding that the employer was motivated by

2121race in making the decision to give Petitioner additional job


2132Hostile Work Environment Claim

21364 2 . To state a Title VII claim of a hostile work

2149environment based on race , a plaintiff must demonstrate that his

2159or her Ðworkp lace [was] permeated with discriminatory

2167intimidation, ridicule, and insultÑ that was ÐÒsufficiently

2174severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of [ the ] employment

2186and create an abusive working environment.ÓÑ Budik v. Howard

2195Univ. Hosp. , 986 F. Supp. 2d 1, 7 (D.C. Cir. 2013) (citing Harris

2208v. Forklift Sys. , 510 U.S. 17 (1993)).

22154 3 . To satisfy this requirement, Petitioner must show that:

2226( 1) he is a member of a protected class; (2) he was subject to

2241harassment; (3) the harassment was based on his protec ted status;

2252(4) the harassment affected a term, condition, or privilege of

2262his employment; and (5) the employer knew or should have known of

2274the harassment, but failed to take any action to prevent the

2285harassment. Jones v. Billington , 12 F. Supp. 2d 1, 11 (D.D.C.

22961997), affÓd , No. 98 - 5014, 1998 U.S. App. LEXIS 15459 (D.C. Cir.

2309June 30, 1998).

23124 4 . Petitioner is a black male , thus, a member of a

2325protected class.

23274 5 . In evaluating PetitionerÓs allegation that he was

2337subject to harassment, Ðthe court loo ks to the totality of the

2349circumstances, including the frequency of the discriminatory

2356conduct, its severity, its offensiveness, and whether it

2364interferes with an employee's work performance.Ñ Baloch v.

2372Kempthorne , 550 F.3d 1191, 1201 (D.C. Cir. 2008) ( ci ting Faragher

2384v. Boca Raton , 524 U.S. 775, 787 - 88 (1998) ) . ÐExcept in extreme

2399circumstances, courts have refused to hold that one incident is

2409so severe to constitute a hostile work environment. Even a few

2420isolated incidents of offensive conduct do not am ount to

2430actionable harassment.Ñ Stewart v. Evans , 275 F.3d 1126, 1134

2439(D.C. Cir. 2002) (citations omitted).

24444 6 . The incidents were related to PetitionerÓs protected

2454status and were clearly offensive .

24604 7 . The record does not support a finding that the

2472in cidents were so pervasive or severe to interfer e with

2483PetitionerÓs work performance. PetitionerÓs testimony related

2489the ÐTrumpÑ incident and use of the ÐN wordÑ by coworkers,

2500generally, as well as Ð posting sÑ about lynching, during his more

2512than 30 - year ca reer with Sunland . Petitioner was unable to

2525relate the dates or time period , the frequency , or the severity

2536of the incidents .

25404 8 . Even if PetitionerÓs testimony related severe and

2550pervasive harassment, Petitioner failed to establish the last

2558element: th at Respondent knew or should have known about the

2569harassment but failed to take any action to prevent it.

2579PetitionerÓs testimony established that Sunland management washed

2586the truck with the allegedly offensive comment and managers did,

2596at least during so me time period, Ðtake care ofÑ use of the

2609ÐN wordÑ by coworkers.

261349 . Petitioner failed to prove that Sunland unlawfully

2622discriminated against him on the basis of his race.


2632Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2642Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human

2652Relations dismiss the Petition for Relief from an Unlawful

2661Employment Practice filed by Petitioner against Respondent in

2669Case No. 201700575.

2672DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of March , 2018 , in

2682Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2690Administrative Law Judge

2693Division of Administrative Hearings

2697The DeSoto Building

27001230 Apalachee Parkway

2703Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2708(850) 488 - 9675

2712Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

2718ww w.doah.state.fl.us

2720Filed with the Clerk of the

2726Division of Administrative Hearings

2730this 30th day of March , 2018 .


27391/ Except as otherwise noted herein, all references to the

2749Florida Statutes are to the 2016 version, which was in effect

2760when Pet itionerÓs Complaint of Discrimination was filed.

27682/ As required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 28 -


27793/ Apparently Mr. HoldenÓs position was reclassified and

2787advertised as a ÐSafety Specialist,Ñ rather than

2795ÐTelecommunication Specialist.Ñ


2799Rockal Archie

2801Agency for Person with Disability

2806Room 225B

28084030 Esplanade Way

2811Tallahassee, Florida 32399

2814Tammy S. Barton, Agency Clerk

2819Florida Commission on Human Relations

2824Room 110

28264075 Esplanade Way

2829Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 7020


2835LaDray B. Gilbert, Esquire

2839The Gilbert Firm, P.A.

28432913 Optimist Drive

2846Marianna, Florida 32446


2850Lisa Marie Kuhlman, Esquire

2854Agency for Persons with Disabilities

28594030 Esplanade Way

2862Tallahassee, Florida 32399


2866James C. Davis, Esquire

2870The Gilbert Firm, P.A.

28742913 Optimist Drive

2877Marianna, Florida 32448

2880Cheyanne Costilla, General Counsel

2884Florida Commission on Human Relations

28894075 Esplanade Way, Room 110

2894Tallahassee, Florida 32399



2904All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

291415 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2925to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2936will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/21/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/21/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 03/30/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/30/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 03/30/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 16, 2017). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/08/2018
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Extend Time for Post-hearing Filings.
Date: 03/07/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Extend Time for Order on Post-hearing Filings filed.
Date: 03/07/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (James Davis) filed.
Date: 02/27/2018
Proceedings: Order on Post-hearings Filings.
Date: 11/16/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/14/2017
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 11/14/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Extend Time to File Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 11/13/2017
Proceedings: Order Extending Deadline to File Pre-hearing Stipulation.
Date: 11/13/2017
Proceedings: Court Reporter Request filed.
Date: 11/13/2017
Proceedings: Joint Stipulated Motion to Extend Time for Pre-hearing Filings filed.
Date: 11/03/2017
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance of Final Hearing.
Date: 11/01/2017
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed.
Date: 10/16/2017
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/16/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 16, 2017; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Marianna, FL).
Date: 10/11/2017
Proceedings: Agency's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/09/2017
Proceedings: Agency Motion to Strike "Joint Response" to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/09/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Lisa Kuhlman) filed.
Date: 10/03/2017
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/02/2017
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/18/2017
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 09/18/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (L. Gilbert).
Date: 09/18/2017
Proceedings: Employment Complaint of Discrimination fled.
Date: 09/18/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Determination: No Reasonable Cause filed.
Date: 09/18/2017
Proceedings: Determination: No Reasonable Cause filed.
Date: 09/18/2017
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 09/18/2017
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Marianna, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):