17-005488PL Department Of Health, Board Of Nursing vs. Francoise Gloria Hector Utega, C.N.A.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, February 6, 2018.

View Dockets  
Summary: DOH proved CNA suffered from schizophrenia that she did not treat, and CNA was unsafe to practice until treated and monitored through IPN.






15vs. Case No. 17 - 5488PL






33On December 8, 2017, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)

41J. Lawrence Johnston of the Division of Administrative Hearings

50(DOAH) conducted a disputed - fact hearing in this case by video

62teleconference at sites in Orlando and Tallahassee.


70For Petiti oner: Kristen M. Summers, Esquire

77Lindsey H. Frost, Esquire

81Department of Health

84Prosecution Services Unit

874052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 65

95Tallahassee, Florida 32399

98Fo r Respondent: Francoise Gloria Hector Uteg g , pro se

1087007 Belroi Street

111Orlando, Florida 32818


119The issues are whether the Respondent should be disciplined

128under sections 464.204(1)(b) and 456.072( 1)(z), Florida

135Statutes 2/ ; and, if so, the appropriate discipline.


145On April 26, 2017, the Petitioner filed an Administrative

154Complaint against the Respondent. The Administrative Complaint

161charged the Respondent with the statutory vio lations for being

171unable to practice as a nursing assistant due to her mental

182condition, schizophrenia.

184The Respondent disputed the charges and requested a hearing.

193The Petitioner forwarded the case to DOAH for assignment to an

204ALJ. It was designated DOA H case 17 - 5488PL and scheduled fo r

218hearing on December 8, 2017.

223At the hearing, the Petitioner introduced two exhibits,

231including the transcript of the deposition of Jamie Smolen, M.D.,

241and called the Respondent to testify. The Respondent introduced

250no ev idence other than her testimony.

257The Petitioner ordered a transcript, and the parties were

266given ten days from the filing of the transcript to file proposed

278recommended orders. The Respondent filed a closing argument of

287sorts on December 12, but nothing after the filing of the

298Transcript on January 16. The Petitioner filed a Proposed

307Recommended Order. Both filings have been considered.


3181. The Petitioner regulates the practice of nursing and

327nursing assistants in Florida. The Respond ent holds license

336CNA 140254, which allows her to work as a certified nursing

347assistant (CNA). She became licensed in 2006 and worked as a

358CNA at Quality Health Care Center (ÐQuality Health CareÑ) in

368Winter Garden from 2007 through 2016. There is no ev idence that

380the Petitioner was aware of any concerns about the RespondentÓs

390ability to practice as a CNA with reasonable skill and safety

401until May 2016.

4042. In May 2016, the Respondent sent an e - mail to the

417PetitionerÓs Medical Quality Assurance Consume r Services Unit

425that said:

427Hi this is Francoise Utegg license # 140254

435CNA. I m impossible since 2005 after I

443bought an house with my husband at 2004

451Kruger Dr Modesto CA 95355 Since in the next

460day we finished repair the house I m

468impossible they execut ed me and video track

476me I face cults culture deaths IÓm living an

485abandoned live people talking inside me it s

493not in my brain you can verify my work and I

504never give up to work I found out a gang

514tracking me to force me to give up my life.

524I was at wo rk yesterday someone talk in me

534said I will cheats you, They pushed me down

543verbal harassing terracing terrified

547terrorize everywhere I m it s feel like I

556donÓt have any right They say that I m

565assaulted to take care of children. They

572dissolution my mar ried and pushed me down

580they wasting me in nightmares

585Thanks for your concern. It s can be

593anyoneÓs else

5953. The RespondentÓs intent in sending this e - mail was to do

608a public service by alerting the Petitioner to the possibility

618that many other peopl e might come under similar attacks, to the

630detriment of their health and safety. The result was that the

641Petitioner immediately began an investigation into the

648RespondentÓs ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety

657due to a physical or mental i llness. The investigation included

668an interview with the Respondent and an inquiry to the

678Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN), which reported that the

687Respondent was not a program participant. In July 2016, the

697Petitioner ordered the Respondent to unde rgo a mental and

707physical examination to determine her ability to practice and the

717need for IPN. An examination by Jamie Smolen, M.D., was

727scheduled for February 13, 2017.

7324 . In December 2016, the Respondent was at work in the

744dining room at Quality He alth Care when she began hearing voices

756telling her that she was Ða domestique,Ñ i.e. , in her native

768Haitian patois, no more than a common house maid. This insulted

779and angered the Respondent, who was very proud of having passed

790her licensure examination and worked as a licensed nursing

799assistant for almost ten years . The Respondent controlled her

809anger while working with her patients but then began to angrily

820and loudly dispute what the voices were saying and angrily threw

831dirty dishes and utensils into a wash tub, which made loud

842crashing sounds.

8445 . The family of one of the patients heard and saw this

857incident and reported it to the administration of Quality Health

867Care. Quality Health Care investigated the familyÓs report and

876required the Respondent to be evaluated and cleared before

885returning to work.

8886 . Dr. Smolen examined the Respondent as scheduled on

898February 13, 2017. He diagnosed schizophrenia, paranoid type,


9077 . Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by

916abnormal so cial behavior and a failure to understand what is

927real . S ymptoms include : delusions ; hallucinations ; and

936disorganized speech.

9388 . Dr. Smolen recommended that the Respondent did not have

949reasonable skill and safety to return to practice as a CNA; that

961s he should receive psychiatric medication management; that she

970should agree to a mental health monitoring contract with IPN;

980that she should not be allowed to return to work until she

992demonstrated full compliance with the IPN contract, including

1000medication management and psychiatric follow - up to confirm

1009remission in response to treatment; and that she should be

1019evaluated at that time for recovery status and return to work.

10309 . Dr. SmolenÓs opinion is based in part on information

1041provided to him by the Resp ondent. She is a Haitian woman, aged

1054approximately 50, who married a Canadian and accompanied him when

1064he returned to Canada in 1996. They moved to Modesto,

1074California, and in 2005 they undertook to renovate a home they

1085purchased there. They worked long and hard. As the repairs were

1096being finished, the Respondent perceived strange things happening

1104to her. She believed something was in the house trying to harm

1116her. She also believed she was under video surveillance and that

1127a remote - controlled device w as implanted in her abdomen. She

1139also began to suffer from auditory hallucinations, hearing

1147disembodied voices speaking French creole. She believed the

1155voices may have been spirits, a Ðgang cultÑ in the air, or a

1168Ðsatanic legion.Ñ She thought she had be en Ðvoodoo - ized.Ñ She

1180suffered physical symptoms, such as weight loss, recurrent

1188headaches, and abdominal pain that she attributed to the

1197implanted device. She also imagined being hit in the face by an

1209invisible hand and an invisible tightening around he r hands.

121910 . The RespondentÓs husband did not believe she was

1229cursed, but instead believed she suffered from schizophrenia, and

1238he took her to a doctor for treatment. The Respondent called the

1250doctor a Ðwitch psychologistÑ who prescribed Risperdal, an an ti -

1261psychotic medication. The Respondent thought the dosage she

1269received caused her to Ðfloat as though she did not existÑ and

1281feel Ðlimp like a snake.Ñ In the RespondentÓs mind, this

1291confirmed that she was cursed, not schizophrenic.

129811 . The Respondent had blood drawn for her examination by

1309the Ðwitch psychologist.Ñ She later saw marks, possibly

1317hematomas, where the blood was drawn. The Respondent interpreted

1326the marks as signs that something evil was happening to her.

133712 . After what happened to he r in Modesto, the Respondent

1349and her husband divorced, and she moved to Orlando, Florida. In

1360Orlando, the RespondentÓs abdominal pain persisted. When the

1368Respondent sought medical advice, she was referred to mental

1377health specialists, and the Respondent refused treatment. Not

1385only did she not believe she had a mental illness, she seemed to

1398believe the mental health professionals were part of the ÐattackÑ

1408against her by the evil spirits, or whoever or whatever was

1419tormenting her.

142113 . In 2006, despite h er troubles, the Respondent somehow

1432managed to become licensed as a nursing assistant, and managed to

1443get a job as a CNA at Quality Health Care Center. It appears

1456that she held the job for approximately ten years. The

1466Respondent proudly reports that she frequently was asked to work

1476overtime. No testimony or evidence was presented from anyone

1485other than the Respondent concerning her job performance during

1494those ten years. It is possible that her work was uninterrupted

1505by her torments, but not likely, giv en the RespondentÓs self -

1517reporting of some of the incidents during those ten years.

152714 . The Respondent testified that she has called the police

1538more than ten times over the years to report the harassing voices

1550she hears because she thinks they could har m others, too. The

1562usual police response has been to handcuff the Respondent and

1572transport her to a mental health facility for observation and

1582treatment. Typically, the Respondent refuses treatment or

1589discontinues it after a period of compliance, and the pattern

1599repeats itself.

160115 . On February 22, 2017, the Respondent was admitted to

1612Aspire Healthcare on an inpatient status. She stayed for five

1622days and was discharged on Zyprexa, an anti - psychotic medication,

1633with clearance to return to work. She ret urned to work at

1645Quality Health Care shortly after that and was compliant with her

1656medication for a time. There was no evidence of any incidents at

1668work after that.

167116 . In April 2017, the Petitioner filed an Administrative

1681Complaint against the Respond ent alleging her inability to

1690practice as a nursing assistant with reasonable skill and safety

1700by reason of her mental illness and her intentional refusal to

1711comply with recommended treatment. At some point, Quality Health

1720Care was informed about the Admi nistrative Complaint and placed

1730the Respondent on leave from her employment. When the Respondent

1740received the Administrative Complaint in June 2017, she disputed

1749the charges and asked for a hearing. All of this greatly upset

1761the Respondent, who stopped t aking her Zyprexa, as futile, and

1772deco mpensated. A neighbor witnessed bizarre behavior in her home

1782garden and report ed her to the police, who handcuffed her and

1794transported her to a mental health facility for observation and


180517 . On November 3, 2017, Dr. Smolen re - evaluated the

1817Respondent. His opinion as to the RespondentÓs mental illness

1826and ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety did not


183818 . The Respondent denies that she has a mental illness.

1849As a result, she does not recognize the need for treatment or

1861medication or monitoring. Nonetheless, she has shown some

1869willingness to do what is necessary to remove the restrictions on

1880her license so she can return to work, and she claims to have

1893tried to contact IPN, but wit hout success. However, she has not

1905followed through for long before she gets frustrated with how

1915long it takes to get cleared to return to work. When that

1927happens, she stops treatment and medication.


193619 . Because the Petitioner seeks t o impose license

1946discipline, it has the burden to prove the allegations by clear

1957and convincing evidence. See DepÓt of Banking & Fin. v. Osborne

1968Stern & Co., Inc. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v.

1980Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987). This Ðentail s both a

1992qualitative and quantitative standard. The evidence must be

2000credible; the memories of the witnesses must be clear and without

2011confusion; and the sum total of the evidence must be of

2022sufficient weight to convince the trier of fact without

2031hesitanc y.Ñ In re Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994). See

2044also Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA

20561983). ÐAlthough this standard of proof may be met where the

2067evidence is in conflict, . . . it seems to preclude evidence that

2080is ambiguous .Ñ Westinghouse Elec. Corp. v. Shuler Bros., Inc. ,

2090590 So. 2d 986, 988 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

209920 . Disciplinary statutes and rules Ðmust be construed

2108strictly, in favor of the one against whom the penalty would be

2120imposed.Ñ Munch v. DepÓt of ProfÓl Reg., D iv. of Real Estate ,

2132592 So. 2d 1136, 1143 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992); see Camejo v. DepÓt of

2146Bus. & ProfÓl Reg. , 812 So. 2d 583, 583 - 84 (Fla. 3d DCA 2002);

2161McClung v. Crim. Just. Stds. & Training CommÓn , 458 So. 2d 887,

2173888 (Fla. 5th DCA 1984)(Ð[W]here a statute provides for

2182revocation of a license the grounds must be strictly construed

2192because the statute is penal in nature. No conduct is to be

2204regarded as included within a penal statute that is not

2214reasonably proscribed by it; if there are any ambiguities

2223incl uded, they must be construed in favor of the licensee.Ñ

2234(citing State v. Pattishall , 126 So. 147 (Fla. 1930)).

224321 . The grounds proven in support of the PetitionerÓs

2253assertion that the RespondentÓs license should be disciplined

2261must be those specifically alleged in the Administrative

2269Complaint. See e.g. , Trevisani v. DepÓt of Health, 908 So. 2d

22801108 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005); Cottrill v. DepÓt of Ins. , 685 So. 2d

22931371 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996); Kinney v. DepÓt of State , 501 So. 2d

2306129 (Fla. 5th DCA 1987); Hunter v. D epÓt of ProfÓl Reg. ,

2318458 So. 2d 842 (Fla. 2d DCA 1984). Due process prohibits the

2330Petitioner from taking disciplinary action against a licensee

2338based on matters not specifically alleged in the charging

2347instruments, unless those matters have been tried by consent.

2356See Shore Vill. Prop. OwnersÓ AssÓn, Inc. v. DepÓt of Envtl.

2367Prot. , 824 So. 2d 208, 210 (Fla. 4th DCA 2002); Delk v. DepÓt of

2381ProfÓl Reg. , 595 So. 2d 966, 967 (Fla. 5th DCA 1992).

239222 . The Administrative Complaint charges the Respondent

2400with a violation of section 464.024(1)(b), Florida Statutes, by

2409an intentional violation of section 456.072(1)(z), for being

2417unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety to patients

2427by reason of illness or as a result of any mental or physical

2440condition ( schizophrenia).

244323 . The evidence was clear and convincing that the

2453Respondent is unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety

2463to patients by reason of her mental illness (schizophrenia)

2472unless she is treated, in compliance with treatment (includi ng

2482necessary medications), and being monitored for compliance by


249124 . The alleged violation of section 464.024(1)(b) is less

2501clear. The PetitionerÓs theory is that the Respondent

2509intentionally violated section 456.072(1)(z) because she has been

2517rep eatedly made aware of her diagnosis, hospitalized for

2526treatment, and made aware that she must undergo medication

2535management and treatment for her condition in order to relieve

2545herself of her mental impairment. However, the Respondent does

2554not accept the d iagnosis and does not think treatment is

2565necessary. For that reason, her refusals to be treated cannot be

2576said to be intentional (although they are evidence of her mental


258825 . Penalties in a licensure discipline case may not exceed

2599those in ef fect at the time a violation was committed. Willner

2611v. DepÓt of ProfÓl Reg., Bd. o f Med. , 563 So. 2d 805, 806 (Fla.

26261st DCA 1990), rev. denied , 576 So. 2d 295 (Fla. 1991).

263726 . Section 456.079 requires the Board of Nursing (Board)

2647to adopt disciplinary guidelines for specific offenses.

2654Penalties imposed must be consistent with any disciplinary

2662guidelines prescribed by rule. See Parrot Heads, Inc. v. DepÓt

2672of Bus. & ProfÓl Reg. , 741 So. 2d 1231, 1233 - 34 (Fla. 5th DCA


268827 . The Board may impose the following penalties under

2698section 456.072(2): suspension or permanent revocation of a

2706license; restriction of practice of license; imposition of an

2715administrative fine; issuance of a reprimand or letter of

2724concern; placement of the licensee on probati on for a period of

2736time; corrective action; and/or require that the practitioner

2744undergo remedial education.

274728 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B15 - 15.009(3)(ee) 3/

2757provides that the Board shall, when it finds a licensee has

2768violated section 456.072 (1)(z), impose penalties ranging from

2776a $50 fine, IPN evaluation, and probation, to a $100 fine,

2787IPN evaluation, and suspension to be followed by a term of


279929 . Rule 64B15 - 15.009 provides that the Board is entitled

2811to deviate from the guidel ines upon a showing of aggravating or

2823mitigating circumstances by clear and convincing evidence.

283030 . Rule 64B15 - 15.009(5)(b) provides the following

2839circumstances which may be considered for purposes of mitigation

2848or aggravation of penalty:

28521. The dang er to the public.

28592. Previous disciplinary action against the

2865registrant in this or any other jurisdiction.

28723. The length of time the registrant has


28814. The actual damage, physical or otherwise,

2888caused by the violation.

28925. The deterre nt effect of the penalty


29016 . Any efforts at rehabilitation.

29077. Attempts by the registrant to correct or

2915stop violations, or refusal by the registrant

2922to correct or stop violations.

29278. Cost of treatment.

29319. Financial hardship.

293410. Co st of disciplinary proceedings.

2940Consideration of these factors warrants a deviation from the

2949penalty range by eliminating the fine (as suggested in the

2959PetitionerÓs Proposed Recommended Order).

296331 . Section 456.072(4) provides that, in addition to any

2973o ther discipline imposed for violation of a practice act, the

2984Board shall assess costs related to the investigation and

2993prosecution of the case.


2998Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3008Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Nursing enter a final

3020order: finding the Respondent to be in violation of section

3030456.071(1)(z); suspending her license until she enters into a

3039mental health contract with IPN, and appears before the Board to

3050demonstrate, through an evaluation by IPN, that she can practice

3060as a nursing assistant with reasonable skill and safety to

3070patients; imposing such additional conditions and/or probation at

3078the time of reinstatement; and imposing costs of investigation

3087and prosecution.

3089DONE AND ENTERED this 6 th da y of February , 2018 , in

3101Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3109Administrative Law Judge

3112Division of Administrative Hearings

3116The DeSoto Building

31191230 Apalachee Parkway

3122Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3127(8 50) 488 - 9675

3132Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3139Filed with the Clerk of the

3145Division of Administrative Hearings

3149this 6 th day of February , 2018 .


31591/ The RespondentÓs last name is Utegg. It was misspelled in the

3171Administrative Compl aint and almost all subsequent filings by the

3181Petitioner . The caption is amended to reflect the correct last


31932 / The statutory citations are to the 2017 codification of the

3205Florida Statutes.

32073 / All rule citations are to the rules that were in eff ect in



3225Kristen M. Summers, Esquire

3229Department of Health

3232Prosecution Services Unit

32354052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 65

3243Tallahassee, Florida 32399


3247Francoise Gloria Hector Utegg , C.N.A.

32527007 Belroi Street

3255Orlando, Florida 3 2818

3259Lindsey H. Frost, Esquire

3263Department of Health

32664052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 65

3274Tallahassee, Florida 32399


3278Joe Baker, Jr., Executive Director

3283Board of Nursing

3286Department of Health

32894052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 02

3297Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3252


3303Nichole C. Geary, General Counsel

3308Department of Health

33114052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A - 02

3319Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701



3331All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

334115 day s from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3353to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3364will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 09/21/2018
Proceedings: Letter from Francoise Gloria Utegg regarding Motion of Reinstatement filed.
Date: 09/21/2018
Proceedings: Letter from Francoise Gloria Utegg regarding reinstatement of the case to the Board of Nursing filed.
Date: 06/07/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/25/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/18/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/12/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Ex Parte Communication.
Date: 03/09/2018
Proceedings: Letter with Attachments to Judge Johnston from Francoise Utega Regarding Recommended Order (attachments not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/13/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Ex Parte Communication.
Date: 02/08/2018
Proceedings: Letter to Joe Baker from Francoise Utegg Regarding Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/06/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/06/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/06/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held December 8, 2017). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/26/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/16/2018
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/12/2017
Proceedings: Letter with Attachments to Judge Johnston from Francoise Utega Regarding License filed.
Date: 12/08/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/21/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 11/21/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 11/21/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 10/26/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition in Lieu of Live Testimony filed.
Date: 10/16/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Ex parte Communication.
Date: 10/13/2017
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Johnston from Francoise Utega Regarding Hearing filed.
Date: 10/13/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Request for Respondent to Undergo Mental and Physical Examination Pursuant to Rule 1.360, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure filed.
Date: 10/05/2017
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/05/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for December 8, 2017; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 10/04/2017
Proceedings: Joint Response to the Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/03/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Lindsey Frost) filed.
Date: 10/03/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner's Request for Discovery filed.
Date: 10/03/2017
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 10/03/2017
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 10/03/2017
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 10/03/2017
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida

Related Florida Statute(s) (4):