18-000394TTS Volusia County School Board vs. Susan L. Joy
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, May 18, 2018.

View Dockets  
Summary: The School Board proved just cause for terminating the employment of Respondent, Susan L. Joy.





13vs. Case No. 18 - 0394TTS





26Pursuant to notice, a final formal a dministrative hearing

35was conducted in this case on March 21 , 2018 , in Deland ,

46Florida, before Administrative Law Judge R. Bruce McKibben of

55the Division of Administrative Hearings ( Ð DOAH Ñ ) .


67For Petitioner: Thomas Martin Gonzalez, Esquire

73Nathan J. Paulich, Esquire

77Thompson, Sizemore, Gonzalez

80and Hearing, P.A.

83Suite 1600

85201 North Franklin Street

89Tampa, Florida 33601

92For Respondent: Susan L. Joy, pro se

99Apartment B2

101980 Canal View Boulevard

105Por t Orange, Florida 32129


115The issue in this case is whether just cause exists for the

127action taken by Petitioner, Volusia County School Board (the

136ÐBoardÑ) , to terminate the employment of Respondent, Susan L.

145Joy .


150By letter dated December 19, 2017, the Director of

159Professional Standards for the Board notified Ms. Joy that a

169recommendation would be mad e to the Board at its next scheduled

181meeting that Ms. JoyÓs employment be terminated . Ms. Joy timely

192reques ted an administrative hearing to contest the proposed

201recommenda tion. The request for a hearing was referred to DOAH

212on January 23, 2018 . The final hearing was set on the date

225noted above. T wo days prior to the final hearing, Ms. Joy filed

238a motion seek ing a continuance, but did not show the existence

250of any emergency as required by F lorida Administrative Code

260Rule 28 - 106.210 . Ms. Joy stated at final hearing that she had

274not receive d a copy of the Notice of Hearing which had been

287issued by DOAH on Febru ary 6, 2018. The records at DOAH do not

301reflect a return of the notice, which had been sent to Ms. JoyÓs

314address of record. Ms. Joy did not make th e assertion about the

327notice in her request for a continuance, and the best evidence

338is that she had timely and proper notice of the final hearing.

350Thus, the request for a continuance was denied.

358At the final hearing, the Board called four witnesses:

367Carolyn Carbonell, principal at Deltona High School (the

375ÐSchoolÑ); Jennifer Lastowski, math coach; Jayne Baxt er,

383assistant principal at the School; and Brandy Hogue, coordinator

392for evaluation and assessment for the Board . The Board offered

403E xhibits 1 through 15 into evidence, each of which was admitted .

416Ms. Joy testified on her own behalf but did not call any other

429witnesses . She did not offer any exhibits into evidence.

439The parties advised the undersigned that a transcript of

448the final hearing would be ordered. By rule, t he parties are

460allowed 10 days from the date the transcript i s filed at DOAH to

474submit proposed recommended orders (ÐPROÑ) . The T ranscript was

484filed on April 12, 2018. The Board timely submitted a PRO ;

495Ms. JoyÓs PRO was file d late due to her erroneous calculation of

508days . Nonetheless, both parties' PROs were given due

517consideration in th e preparation of this Recommended Order.


5291 . The Board is responsible for hiring, retaining, and/or

539terminating employment of all teachers in Volusia County . The

549recommendation for direct hiring or firing of teachers is made

559by individua l schools, but the Board has ultimate authority over

570those decisions .

5732 . Ms. Joy has been a teacher for 17 years. She holds

586certifications in sev eral areas, including: Health , grades

594K through 12; Physical Education , grades 6 through 12;

603Exceptional Stu dent Education (Ð ESE Ñ), grades K through 12; and

615Math , grades 5 through 9; a s well as endorsements in a utism ,

628English as a second language , gifted students, and e lementary


6393 . Prior to the 20 16 - 2017 school year , Ms. Joy applied for

654a teaching po sition at the School . She was interviewed by

666assistant principal Baxter and math coach Lastowski, who

674recommended to Principal Carbonell that Ms. Joy be hired as a

685math and ESE teacher. When Principal Carbonell reviewed

693Ms. JoyÓs employment history and r eferences, she had some

703reservations about hiring Ms. Joy . There were too many Ðred

714flagsÑ and Principal Carbonell decided it would not be in the

725SchoolÓs best interest to have Ms. Joy on staff. However,

735Principal Carbonell began to have second thoughts and decided to

745interview Ms. Joy personally. After the interview, Principal

753Carbonell decided to offer Ms. Joy a position as a teacher for

765ESE in parallel classrooms, Algebra I and Geometry. Principal

774Carbonell, however, impos ed certain caveats to the hi re,

784including immediate monitoring of Ms. JoyÓs performance upon

792commencing her employment at the School. Principal Carbonell

800also advised Ms. Joy to forego coaching cross country (one of

811Ms. JoyÓs passions) and to concen trate on academic matters.

821Ms. Jo y accepted her hiring on those conditions.

8304 . At the commencement of the 2016 - 2017 school year,

842assistant principal Baxter was assigned to supervise Ms. Joy and

852make sure her teaching methods and process es were sufficient.

862Ms. Joy was also advised that t he math coach, Ms. Lastowski, was

875available for consultation as needed. Ms. Joy agreed to utilize

885the math coach and to rely on her guidance and expertise.

8965 . With that support in p lace, Ms. Joy began teaching

908at the School. However, ev en though Ms. L astowski made

919recommendations that speci fic strategies be employed, Ms. Joy

928did not cooperate. Instead, Ms. Joy would reject the

937strategies, saying they did not work for her class or that Ðher

949brain did not work that way.Ñ Ms. LastowskiÓs efforts were

959es sentially futile.

9626 . As it became evident that Ms. Joy was having

973difficulties in her classrooms, Principal Carbonell decided to

981institute a semester ( 18 weeks ) of additional support. This

992support was consistent with the system hammered out by the Board

1003and the local teachersÓ union. This system, entitled Volusia

1012System for Employment Teachers (ÐVSETÑ), included provisions

1019such as this to help struggling teachers retain their jobs.

1029Despite the support, Ms. Joy did not demonstrate improvement in

1039her teac hing skills.

10437. As a result, Ms. Joy was placed on an Ð improvement

1055plan Ñ under the VSET. An improvement plan calls for

1065establishment of a support team picked jointly by the teacher

1075and School administration. For the team, Principal Carbonell

1083selecte d Gail Burton, a regional resource teacher; Nicholas

1092Fidance, assistant principal at a nother Volusia County school;

1101and Jennie Hughes, a principal intern. Ms. Joy chose Jennifer

1111Lastowski, math coach; Sharon Lavallee, a principal intern at

1120another school ; and Sandra Tweedy, a math specialist. This

1129support team was not created to perform evaluations of Ms. JoyÓs

1140work. They merely provided support in their area of expertise

1150to assist Ms. Joy in improving her teaching skills.

11598 . The VSET Handbook sets a t imeline of 90 days for a

1173teacher to show improvement once a support team is in place.

1184Typically, one support meeting per month is held for the purpose

1195of offering suggestions to the teacher. In between the

1204meetings, the team members may shadow, or be sha dowed by, the

1216teacher for the purpose of constructive feedback. The VSET

1225states, at page 34: ÐIf sufficient improvement has not be en

1236demonstrated by the teacher while on the Improvement Plan,

1245termination of the teacherÓs employment will be recommended by

1254the Superintendent to the school board.Ñ Ms. Joy was fully on

1265notice as to the serious nature of having an improvement plan in


12789 . The first meeting of the VSET support team was held on

1291October 19, 2017. All memb ers of the team, as well as Ms. Jo y

1306and Brandy Hogue , were in attendance. The minutes of that

1316meeting note that the teamÓs role is to support, not evaluate,

1327Ms. Joy. The minutes also noted that the Improvement Plan would

1338be up for review on or after November 21, 2017. At the meeting,

1351Ms . Joy shared a little of her background, wherein she said that

1364she had had some personal and professional ÐsituationsÑ during

1373the past year. She welcomed the support team and expressed a

1384desire to improve her teaching skills . Four suggestions were

1394made a s means of pursu ing that improvement : 1) u se of the

1409ÐAlgebra NationÑ concept and attendance at P rofessional L earning

1419C ommunit y (ÐPLCÑ) meeting s; 2) work with the math coach on one

1433or both of two math schemes entitled CHAMPS and ACHIEVE;

14433) observation of Ms. JoyÓ s classroom and feedback on what was

1455observed ; and, 4) having Ms. Joy shadow a teacher in a similar

1467teaching position.

146910 . From the date of th at first meeting until the next

1482meeting on November 6, 2017, Ms. Joy attempted to utilize

1492ÐAlgebra Nation Ñ and made efforts to attend PLC meeting s. She

1504also indicated her intent to attend a ÐMamaÓs MathÑ class in the

1516future. The math coach, along with Ms. Burton and Ms. Tweed y,

1528assisted Ms. Joy in setting up the CHA MPS and ACHI EVE materials

1541in her classroom . Several district staff members conducted

1550observations of Ms. JoyÓs classroom and provided feedback.

1558Ms. Joy could not find another teacher to shadow, but said she

1570was still working on doing so. The goals set at this second

1582meeting were very similar to those of the prior meeting.

159211 . The final VSET support tea m meeting was held on

1604December 4, 2017. The first point of discussion at that meeting

1615was the classroom observation Ms. J oy had undergone concerning

1625her teaching improvements. Ms. Joy admitted that it had not

1635gone well, that she had ÐchokedÑ and done poorly. As to the

1647improvement tools, Ms. Joy was continuing to use Algebra Nation

1657and had attended all but one of the PLC meeting s. She was using

1671the ACHIEVE, CHAMP , and Anchor Charts in her class room, but

1682inexplicably failed to u tilize them during the classroom

1691observ ation. She did shadow one teacher, but felt the

1701experience was not beneficial. The proposed interaction with

1709the math coach did not pan out as expected, mostly due to

1721Ms. Joy be ing unable to free up time on her schedule to meet

1735with Ms. Lastowski . The group then suggested that Ms. Joy

1746continue to work with the math coach and support team, that she

1758implement ÐstationsÑ in the classroom, and that she increase her

1768pacing, i.e., mov e along with her improvements.

177612 . Despite the teamÓs admonishment to Ms. Joy to continue

1787improving, t wo weeks later Principal Carbonell made a

1796determination that (based on the findings from the last team

1806meeting) Ms. Joy had Ðfailed to show sufficient improvementÑ and

1816that termination of her employment would be recommended to the

1826Board. The decision was presented to Ms. Joy on Dece m ber 19,

18392017. Ms. Joy signed a form acknowledging Principal CarbonellÓs

1848intended recommendation .

185113 . One of Principal Ca rbonellÓs concerns about Ms. Joy

1862had been that Ms. Joy was involved in extracurricular activities

1872which interfered with her teaching. Specifically, Ms. Joy, who

1881had always been a runner until hampered by injuries, was

1891coaching the girlsÓ cross country tea m. Although Principal

1900Carbonell had advised Ms. Joy at the time she was hired not to

1913be involved in extracurricular activities, Ms. Joy had

1921approached the athletic director and was named to coach the

1931team. Principal Carbonell reluctantly agreed to allow Ms. Joy

1940to coach since she had already cleared it with the athletic

1951director, but still believed it to be contrary to Ms. JoyÓs best

1963interest s . Obviously, Ms. Joy would have been better served to

1975have spent the time improving her teaching skills.

198314 . Ms. Joy presented no evidence at final hearing to

1994refute the findings of the support team or those of Principal

2005Carbonell. Instead, she raised several issues concerning things

2013that restricted her progress. For example, she had undergone a

2023severe injury invo lving torn tendons and muscles at the

2033beginning of her tenure at the School . This injury not only

2045made it difficult to maneuver around a classroom, but it

2055prevented her from her passion, running, resulting in some

2064depression and anxiety , as well as on goin g physical pain and

2076stress . Ms. Joy alluded to some technological issues in her

2087classroom that stymied some of her efforts, but did not

2097demonstrate exactly what the problems were or that they were

2107significant. She complained about the absence of a perman ent

2117teacher in her area for support, claiming that the use of

2128interim teachers created more work for her. She provided no

2138other evidence and little explanation concerning this complaint.

2146She complained that she received little written feedback from

2155her s upport team, but did not address all of the verbal feedback

2168that had occurred . Ms. Joy stated that she had had no prior

2181problems at her previous places of employment and that she was

2192well - respected by the superintendent of schools and by many

2203school princ ipals. None of those persons testified at final

2213hearing , so Ms. JoyÓs representations , consisting of nothing

2221more than unsubstantiated hearsay, are rejected .


223115 . DOAH has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to

2241s ections 120.569 a nd 120.57 (1) , Florida Statutes, and pursuant

2252to a contract between DOAH and the Board.

226016 . The Board has the burden of pr oof in this matter as

2274it is the party asserting the affirmative of the issue. See

2285Balino v. D epÓt of HRS , 348 So. 2d 349 (Fla. 1st D CA 1977).

230017 . The standard of proof is preponderance of the

2310evidence . See McNeil v. Pinellas Co. Sch. Bd. , 678 So. 2d 476,

2323477 (Fla. 2d DCA 1996).

232818 . A teacher may be terminated Ðfor just cause pursuant

2339to section 1012.33, Florida Statutes, or base d upon uncorrected

2349performance proficiencies pursuant to section 1012.34, Florida

2356Statutes.Ñ Gabriele v. Sc h. B d. of Manatee Co. , 114 So. 2d 477,

2370480 (Fla. 2d DCA 2013).

237519 . Section 1012.34(4)(b)2 . , discusses a teacherÓs failure

2384to timely correct defici encies . That statutory provision gives

2394a teacher the right to contest termination of employment by way

2405of a hearing at DOAH. Ms. Joy availed herself of that option,

2417resulting in the instant case.

242220 . In this case, the Board was required to prove that

2434ju st cause exists for termination of Ms. JoyÓs employment. The

2445evidence is clear that, despite the SchoolÓs best efforts, there

2455was no marked improvement of Ms. JoyÓs teaching skills during

2465the period of her VSET improvement p lan. Ms. JoyÓs performance

2476as a teacher continued to be deficient, thus justifying the

2486termination of her employment by the Board.

249321 . Ms. Joy did not rebut the BoardÓs evidence as to its

2506findings about her substandard performance. Instead, she raised

2514unsubstantiated claims that t he Board somehow abused the process

2524as it related to her case. Absent any competent evidence to

2535support her claims, they will not be addressed in this

2545Recommended Order.

254722 . In accordance with section 1012.34(4)(b)2.b., the

2555following recommendation is ma de to the Board .


2565Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2575Law, it is

2578RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Petitioner,

2587Volus ia County School Board , upholding the recommendation to

2596terminate the employment of Resp ondent, Susan L. Joy .

2606DONE AND ENT ERED this 1 8 th day of May , 2018 , in

2619Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2627Administrative Law Judge

2630Division of Administrative Hearings

2634The DeSoto Building

26371230 Apalache e Parkway

2641Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2646(850) 488 - 9675

2650Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2657Filed with the Clerk of the

2663Division of Administrative Hearings

2667this 1 8 th day of May , 2018 .


2678Thomas Martin Gonzalez, Esquire

2682Nathan J. Paulich, Esquire

2686Thompson, Sizemore, Gonzalez

2689and Hearing, P.A.

2692Suite 1600

2694201 North Franklin Street

2698Tampa, Florida 33602


2702Susan L. Joy

2705Apartment B2

2707980 Canal View Boulevard

2711Port Orange, Florida 32129

2715Matthew Mears, General Counse l

2720Department of Educa tion

2724Turlington Building, Suite 1244

2728325 West Gaines Street

2732Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

2737(eSer v ed)

2740James T. Russell , Superintendent

2744Volusia County School Board

2748200 North Clara Avenue

2752DeLand, Florida 32720 - 2118

2757Pam Stewart , Commi ssioner of Education

2763Department of Education

2766Turlington Building, Suite 1514

2770325 West Gaines Street

2774Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400



2786All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

279615 days fr om the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2808to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2819will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/28/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 06/26/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/18/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/18/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 05/18/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 21, 2018). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/26/2018
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/23/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/12/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 04/12/2018
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volumes I-II (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/21/2018
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/19/2018
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance of Final Hearing.
Date: 03/19/2018
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 03/15/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Witness List filed.
Date: 03/14/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 02/06/2018
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/06/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 21, 2018; 9:30 a.m.; Deland, FL).
Date: 01/30/2018
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/23/2018
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/23/2018
Proceedings: Statement of Charges filed.
Date: 01/23/2018
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/23/2018
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Deland, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):