18-000559 John Hasko vs. City Of Dania Beach Police And Firefighters' Retirement System
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, September 21, 2018.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner did not prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that he was erroneously classified as being enrolled in the Life Annuity and that he should be reclassified as being enrolled in the Last Survivor Annuity.











31A hearing was conducted in this case before Cathy M.

41Sellers, an Administrative Law Judge ("ALJ") of the Division of

53Administrative Hearings ("DOAH" ), on April 16 , 2018, in Dania

64Beach, Florida.


67For Petitioner: Paul E. Parrish , Esquire

73GrayRobinson , P.A.

751795 West N asa Boulevard

80Melbourne , Florida 32901

83For Respondent: Gregg Rossman, Esquire

88Rossman Legal

906840 Griffin Road

93Davie , Florida 33314


100Whether Petitioner, John Hasko ("Petitioner") , is entitled ,

109pursuant to the City of Dania Beach Code of Ordinances ("Code")

122section 18 - 49(4) , to be paid retirement pension benefits under

133the City of Dania Beach Police and Firefighters Retirement

142System's ( "Respondent" or "System") " 100 Percent Joint and Last

153Survivor Annuity " (" Last Survivor Annuity ") or the "Modified Cash

164Refund Annuity " (" Life Annuity") .


173On January 11, 2016, Respondent, through its Board of

182Trustees, took action to deny Petitioner 's request to change the

193retirement plan option in which he is enrolled, the Life Annuity,

204to the Last Survivor Annuity , which is the retirement plan he

215claims he elected when he retired in 2001 . This action was

227memorialized in a letter from Respondent to Petitioner, dated

236February 8, 2016, advis ing Petitioner of his right to appeal

247Respondent's action .

250On February 25, 2016, Petitioner appealed Respondent's

257action. On or about January 28, 2018, the matter wa s referred to

270DOAH to conduct an evidentiary hearing and render a

279recommendation to Respondent regarding this matter.

285The final hearing was held on April 1 6 , 2018. Petitioner

296testified on his own behalf and tendered Petitioner's Exhibits 1

306through 43, which were admitted into evidence without objection.

315Respondent did not present any witnesses in its case in chief.

326Respondent tendered Respondent's Exhibits 1 through 6 , which were

335admitted into evidence without objection.

340The two - volume Transcript was filed at DOAH on June 21,

3522018. Pursuant to agreement, the deadline for the parties to

362fil e proposed recommended orders was set for August 13, 201 8.

374Both parties timely filed their proposed recommended o rders,

383which have been duly considered in preparing this Recommended



396I. The Parties

3991. Petitioner is a retired police officer who was employed

409by the City of Dania Beach Police Department ("Police

419Department") and who has qualified for , and is receiving,

429retirement pension ben efits under the System.

4362. Pursuant to chapter 18, article IV of the Code,

446Respondent is the retirement pension system provided for the

455benefit of firefighters and police officers, including

462Petitio ner, who are or previously were employed by the City of

474Dania Beach.

476II. Evidence Adduced at Final Hearing


4833. Petitioner was hired by the Police De partment on

493December 18, 1980, and , upon being employed, began accruing

502credit toward a pension under the System.

5094 . Petitioner was employed by the Police Department for

51920 years.

5215 . O n October 1, 1988, the City of Dania Beach Police

534Department merged with the Broward County Sheriff's Office

542("BCSO"). At that time, Petitioner was given the option whether

554to remain in the System or to retrieve his contributions and

565become enrolled in the Florida Retirement System ("FRS"), which

576was and is the retirement program in which BSCO employees are

587eligible to enr oll. At that time, Petitioner elected to remain

598enrolled in the System rather than enrolling in the FRS.

6086 . On August 28, 2000, Petitioner executed a retirement

618benefits election form to select the type of pension under which

629he would receive pension benefits from the System starting on

639January 1, 2001 .

6437 . Petitioner retired from the Police Depart ment effective

653December 31, 2000.

6568 . In April 2001, Petitioner began receiving monthly

665pension payments under the System , and also received back

674pay ments for January through March 2001.

6819 . Immediately upon retiring from the Police Department,

690Petitioner began working with the BCSO.

6961 0 . At that time , he enrolled in the FRS and began accruing

710credit under a life annuity plan provided through the FRS.

7201 1 . Petitioner was employed by the BCSO for slightly over

73214 years . As the result of a series of work - related injuries ,

746attendant surgeries, and permanent restrictions on his

753activities, Petitioner re tired from the BCSO on April 14, 2014 .

7651 2 . In the 2006 - to - 2007 timeframe, Petitioner was diagnosed

779with a cardiac condition that ultimately necessitated placement

787of a stent in 2012. Petitioner remains under the regular care of

799a cardiologist and is on medication to treat his cardiac

809condition . He credibly testified that since 2012, his condition

819has remained stable.

8221 3 . In June 2014, Petitioner applied for pension benefits

833under the FRS . Petitioner testified, credibly, that he had f our

845options from which to choose, 1/ and that he selected the Ten Year

858Certain o ption. Under this plan, Petitioner receives monthly

867payments for the rest of his life . I f Petitioner were to

880predecease his beneficiary ÏÏ in this case, his wife ÏÏ before the

892120 - month period ends, she wo uld continue to receive payments

904through the end of the 120 - month period ; however, if Petitioner

916were to predecease his wife after the end of the 120 - month

929period, she would not receive any further payments. Petitio ner

939testified that , based on his belie f that he had enrolled in the

952Last Survivor Annuity under the System, he selected the FRS Ten -

964Year Certain Option so that if he predeceased his wife, she would

976receive benefits payments from two sources for the remainder of

986her life ÏÏ the Last Survivor Annuity and Social Security .

997Petitioner receives benefit payments through the FRS to date.

10061 4 . Petitioner has received monthly retirement benefit

1015payments through the System since April 2001, including back

1024payme nts for January through March 2001. He continues to receive

1035monthly retirement benefit payments from the System to date.

1044Evidence Regarding Petitioner's Election of Benefits U nder the


10541 5 . The City of Dania Beach Police and Firefighters

1065Retirement System Summary Plan Description ("SPD") summarizes the

1075System's available pension plan options. The section titled

"1083Forms of Benefits Payment ," on page 16 of the SPD, states under

1095the "Normal Form of Benefit Payment" subsection: " [u] nless you

1105elect otherwise before your retirement, your pension is payable

1114as a Single Life Annuity with a guaranteed refund of your

1125contributions. This is a series of monthly payments for your

1135life." This provision effectively makes the " Normal Form " the

"1144default" form of benefits payments if the employee does not

1154elect another form of benefit payments before retiring.

11621 6 . The "Election of Optional Forms of Benefit Payments"

1173subsection of the SPD states: "You have the right at any time

1185before your retirement date to elect not to have your retirement

1196benefit paid in the Normal Form. " This subsection identifies

1205other forms of benefit payments available that the employee may

1215choose as an alternative to the Normal Form. These forms are the

1227Joint and Last Survivo r Annuity, the Ten Year Certain and Life

1239Thereafter Annuity, and another optional form actuarially

1246equivalent to the Normal Form.

12511 7 . Petitioner decided to retire from City of Dania Beach

1263Police Department at the end of 2000 . O n August 28, 2000, h e met

1279with Sonia Brown , then the plan a dministrator for the System , to

1291fill out an application for retirement benefits. He completed a

1301form titled "City of Dania Beach Police and Firefighters'

1310Retirement System Application for Benefits " ("Application Form") .

1320Se ction 1 of the Application Form, titled "For Retirement or DROP

1332Benefits," contained a section to identify the beneficiary for

1341the Joint and Survivor and Ten Year Certain options. Petitioner

1351com pleted this portion of the form, naming his wife as his

1363beneficiary and providing pertinent information about her . He

1372also completed section 4 of the form , designating his wife as his

1384beneficiary for all purposes under the System. He signed and

1394dated the Application Form.

13981 8 . Petitioner testified th at he met with Brown again in

1411early December 2000 , to finalize his election of his benefits

1421that he would be paid under the System. According to Petitioner,

1432at that time , he told Brown that he chose th e Last Survivor

1445Annuity option. He testified that Brown gave him paperwork to

1455fill out, that he completed the paperwork , and that she told him

1467that he would receive benefit payments of between $2,400 and

1478$2,500 per month based on his chosen option.

148719 . Petitioner testified that Brown did not give him the

" 1498City of Dania Beach Police and Firefighters Retirement System

1507Notification of Benefits Payable as a Result of Retirement" form

1517("Notification of Benefits F orm " ) to complete at the

1528December 2000 meeting .

15322 0 . Petitioner testified that he did not specifically

1542remember what documents he completed that day , and that h e did

1554not receive a copy of th ose documents .

15632 1 . Respondent's file regarding Petitioner's benefits

1571election does not contain either the original or a copy of the

1583documents that Petitioner claim s he signed in December 2000 . In

1595short , there is no physical evidence substantiating the existence

1604of these documents.

16072 2 . Petitioner testified that based on the

1616December 2000 meeting with Brow n , he believed he had selected the

1628Last Survivor Annuity and that the payments under that option

1638would start in January 2001.

16432 3 . After Petitioner retired from the Police Department, he

1654did not receive his benefit payments under the System for

1664January, February, and March 2001 . He testified that he assumed

1675that this delay was due to the time involved in processing the

1687paperwork he claims to have completed in December 2000 .

16972 4 . On January 23, 2001, Brown sent correspondence to the

1709System's actuarial services firm requesting that Petitioner's

1716early retirement benefit be calculated according to the various

1725benefits options available to police plan participants who are

1734eligible for early retirement with 20 years of service .

1744Petitioner is shown as ha ving been copied on this letter, and he

1757acknowledges having received the letter.

17622 5 . By letter dated February 19, 2001, Respondent sent

1773Petitioner "several forms to be completed by you and returned to

1784this office for further processing of your early retirement

1793benefit." The letter identified these forms as the Notification

1802of Benefits Form, a W - 4P form for specifying the amount to be

1816withheld from the benefit payments for federal income tax, and a

1827form to authorize direct deposit of the benefit payments into

1837Petitioner's bank account. Petitioner claims that he did not

1846receive this letter .

18502 6 . Petitioner testified that in March 2001, Brown

1860contacted him to complet e a "verification of beneficiary form . "

1871On March 8, 2001, Petitioner went to Brown's office, where she

1882presented him with what he characterized as a "verification of

1892beneficiary form . " According to Petitioner, Brown " asked him to

1902make sure my beneficiary information was correct " and to sign and

1913date the form where she had placed check marks.

192227. The "verification of benefic iary form" Petitioner

1930signed actually consists of th e second page of the Notification

1941of Benefits F orm.

194528. Th e second page o f the Notification of Benefits Form

1957that Petitioner executed contain s a table that identifie s

1967Petitioner's wife (whose name is redacted) as his beneficiary.

1976P ortions of the table consist of spaces in which to state

1988information regarding the amount of the nontaxable portion of

1997monthly benefits for the various annuity options , which are

2006identified by number and listed on the first page of the form .

2019T here are no amounts listed in th ose spaces on the form that

2033Petitioner signed; those spaces have been left bl ank.

204229. A paragraph below the table states: "[t]he Survivor

2051Annuity benefit amounts shown above are based on the beneficiary

2061named above and are payable only to this beneficiary. Should you

2072wish to change your beneficiary before your payments begin, new

2082amounts have to be calculated." 2/ Near the bottom of the form is

2095the sentence "I accept the ter ms above, including my choice of

2107annuity form, and confirm the information shown above to be

2117correct ." 3 /

212130 . I mmediately below the above - referenced sentence is a

"2133Participant's Signature" line . Petitioner signed the form on

2142th is line and dated it "3/0 8 /01 . "

215231. Petitioner testified that at the time he signed th is

2163form, the spaces for the signature by the Board of Trustees

2174representative and the date of signature were blank. Th e form

2185subsequently was executed by the Board of Trustees, through

2194Eugene H. Jewell, on March 13, 2001.

220132 . Petitioner testified that in November 2015 , he became

2211aware, through checking his various beneficiary designations as

2219the result of a bank error, 4 / that the System was paying his

2233retirement benefits pursuant to the Life Annuity rather than the

2243Last Survivor Annuity.

224633. Petitioner testified that on November 6, 2015, he went

2256to the System office to verify that his wife was correctly

2267designated as his re tirement pension benefic iary. He met with

2278Cathy David, 5 / the current s ystem p lan a dministrator, to review

2292the documents in his retirement pension file.

22993 4 . Petitioner testified that , he saw , for the first time,

2311the first page of the Notification of Benefits F orm contained in

2323his file. Th is page had a check mark next to the "Modified Cash

2337Refund" ÏÏ i.e., the Life Annuity ÏÏ option. He testified that he

2349did not make the check mark next to the "Modified Cash Refund"

2361option on the form .

23663 5 . Petitioner obtained documents contained in the Salem

2376Trust ("Salem") 6 / file regarding his retirement pension . Among

2389the se documents was a letter dated March 13, 2001, from Bro wn to

2403Livia N ixon , with Petitioner shown as copied , transmitt ing the

2414completed forms to enable Salem to process Petitioner's

2422retirement pension , and request ing that Salem expeditiously issue

2431retroactive checks to Petitioner for January through

2438March 2001.

24403 6 . Petitioner testified that he had not previously

2450receive d a copy of the March 13, 2001 , letter or the attached

2463forms , and that he did not see them until he obtained the

2475documents in the Salem file .

24813 7 . Petitioner also testified that he did not receive a

2493December 6, 2001, letter from Respondent notifying him that the

2503System's auditors, S. Davis & Associates, P.A. ("SDA"), were

2514conducting an annual audit of Respondent's financial statements . 7/

2524This letter contained information regarding Petitioner's pension

2531ÏÏ including information expressly identif ying the type of benefit

2541Petitioner was receiving as the "Life Annuity . " The letter

2551requested that Petitioner review the information contained in the

2560letter and corre ct any errors by providing the correct

2570information to SDA . Petitioner testified that he first saw t his

2582letter during his November 6, 2015 , review of the documents in

2593the System's file, so he did not respond to SDA in 2001.

260538 . In sum, Petitioner claims that at a December 2000

2616meeting with Brown , he selected the Last Survivor Annuity as the

2627form in which he would be paid retirement pens ion benefits under

2639the System. He claims that he did not select the Life Annuity,

2651and that he did not make the check mark by the "Modified Cash

2664Re fund" option on the first page of the N otification of Benefits

2677form that was contained in the System file.

26853 9 . In sum, Petitioner also claims that he did not receive

2698or otherwise was not provided the following documents: (1) t he

2709unidentified "paperwork" that he claims he completed at a meeting

2719with Brown in December 2000 , at which he s elect ed the Last

2732Survivor Annuity; (2) the letter dated February 19, 2001, from

2742Brown to Petitioner, transmitting forms ÏÏ including the entire

2751Notification of Benefits F orm ÏÏ that Petitioner needed to complete

2762to enable processing o f his early retirement benefit; (3) the

2773first page of the Notification of Benefits F orm on March 8, 2001,

2786when he completed the second page of that form confirming his

2797wife as his beneficiary; (4) the March 13, 2001 , letter from

2808Brown to Livia Nixon of Salem , transmitting Petitioner's

2816retirement pension forms completed on March 8, 2001, to Salem for

2827processing ; and (5) the December 6, 2001, letter to Petitioner

2837from Respondent's outside auditor , SDA, requesting him to verify

2846the accuracy of the information regarding his pension and to

2856correct any errors in that information.

286240. Petitioner acknowledges that he did receive a letter

2871from Cathy David dated July 1, 2012, regarding a change in

2882Florida law that could affe ct retirees. That letter expressly

2892stated "[y]ou chose the life annu ity when you retired on

2903January 1, 2001." Petitioner claim s that he did not read this

2915letter in its entirety, so he did not see the statement in the

2928letter regarding having chosen the li fe annuity.

2936I II. Findings of Ultimate Fact

294241 . Upon careful consideration of the evidence in the

2952record, it is determined that Petitioner did not show, by a

2963preponderance of the evidence, that he selected the Last Survivor

2973Annuity, rather than the Life Annuity , so that, pursuant to

2983section 18 - 49(4) of the Code, he should be reclassified as being

2996enrolled in the Last Survivor Annuity .

300342 . First, t he undersigned finds implausible Petitioner 's

3013testimony that he signed unspecified "paperwork" selecti ng the

3022Last Survivor Annuity ÏÏ clearly, a very important decision on his

3033part ÏÏ but that he does not "remember specifi cally" what that

3045paperwork was and that he did not re ceive a copy of that

3058paperwork. Compounding that implausibility is that neither the

3066or iginal nor any copies of that " paperwork " were found in

3077Respondent's file or in Salem's file. Simply stated, there is no

3088physical evidence establishing the existence of this "paperwork"

3096ÏÏ which Petitioner claims is the instrument through which he

3106elected the Last Survivor Annuity. 8 /

311343 . Second , the first page of the Notification of Benefits

3124F orm that was contained in Respondent's file on Petitioner's

3134retirement pension shows the "Modified Cash Annuity" option ÏÏ

3143i.e., the Life Option ÏÏ as having been selected by the placement

3155of a check mark next to that option . It is undisputed that

3168Petitioner executed the second page of the form . This complete

3179Notification of Benefits Form contained in Respondent's file

3187constitutes the complete, most c redible evidence in the record

3197that Petitioner select ed the Life Annuity when he executed the

3208form on March 8, 2001. To this point, Petitioner offered no

3219credible evidence to support his assertion that someone ÏÏ unknown

3229to him and having unknown moti ve s ÏÏ must have placed the first

3243page of the Notification of Benefits Form , having the check mark

3254next to the "Modified Cash Refund" option , in Respondent's file

3264without his knowledge.

326744 . The undersigned does not find credible or persuasive

3277Petitioner's testimony that he was not given the first page of

3288the Notification of Benefits F orm on March 8, 2001, 9/ and that

3301based on the language in the paragraph below the table , quoted in

3313paragraph 29 above , he reasonably believed that the second page

3323of that form constituted a "verification of beneficiary" that

3332simply confirmed his beneficiary for his previous selection of

3341the " survivor annuity ." However, in order for the clause "the

3352Survivor Annuity benefit amounts s hown above " in that paragraph

3362to make sense, it must be read in c onjunction with the table

3375above the paragraph.

337845. A s discussed above, in the table on page 2 of the

3391Notification of Benefits Form that was executed by Petitioner, no

3401amounts of nontaxable portion of monthly benefit for any of the

3412survivor annuity options have been filled in , even though the

3422paragraph below the table expressly refers to the "Survivor

3431Annuity benefit amounts shown above ." The absence in the table

3442of any "Survivor Annuity benefit amo unts shown above" is

3452inconsistent with Petitioner having chosen a survivor annuity


346146. Thus, the paragraph below the table can only be

3471reasonably read to mean that to the extent the employee has

3482selected one of the different survivor annuity options on the

3492first page of the form , the survivor annuity benefits amounts

3502shown in the table apply to the particular beneficiary identified

3512in the table. Accordingly , if no survivor annuity benefit

3521amounts are "shown above" ÏÏ i.e., set forth in the table

3532ÏÏ that would indicate, and only be consistent with, the selection

3543of a retirement option other than a survivor annuity.

35524 7 . The undersigned also does not find plausible

3562Petitioner's testimony that he did not receive or otherwise was

3572not given copies of five crucial retirement - related documents ÏÏ

3583four of which clearly inform ed him that he was enrolled in the

3596life annuity ÏÏ so that he was not timely informed of the n eed to

3611correct a mistake in his retirement pension enrollment .

3620That these documents were transmitted by different senders ÏÏ

3629Respondent , Salem, and SDA ÏÏ compounds that implausibility. 10/

36384 8 . For these reasons, it is determined that Petitioner has

3650not sustained his burden in this proceeding to show, by a

3661preponderance of the evidence, that he has been erroneously

3670classified as being enrolled in the Life Annuity, and that,

3680pursuant to section 18 - 49(4) of the Code, he should be

3692reclassified as being enrolled in the Last Survivor Annuity .


37054 9 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to, and the

3717subject matter of, this proceeding . § 1 20.6 5(5), Fla. Stat.

372950 . This proceeding arises under Code section 18 - 49(4),

3740titled "Pension Validity . " This provision states in pertinent


3750PENSION VALIDITY. The board of trustees

3756shall have the power to examine into the

3764facts upon which any pension shall heretofore

3771have been granted under any prior or existing

3779law, or shall hereafter be granted or

3786obtained erroneously , fraudulently, or

3790illeg ally for any reason. Said board is

3798empowered to purge the pension rolls of any

3806person heretofore granted a pension under

3812prior or existing law or hereafter granted

3819under this article if the same is found to be

3829erroneous, fraudulent or illegal for any

3835reaso n; and to r eclassify any pensioner who

3844has heretofore under any prior or existing

3851law or who shall hereafter under this article

3859be erroneously , improperly or illegally

3864classified .

386651 . Pursuant to this provision, Respondent is authorized to

3876reclassif y Pe titioner from the Life Annuity to the Last Survivor

3888Annuity upon a showing , by the preponderance of the evidence,

3898that Petitioner was erroneously classified as enrolled in the

3907Life Annuity rather than the Last Survivor Annuity.

39155 2 . As discussed above, Petitioner failed to sustain this

3926burden to show that he was erroneously enrolled in the Life

3937Annuity . Accordingly, it is concluded that Respondent is not

3947required to reclassify Petitioner into the Last Survivor Annuity

3956pursuant to Code section 18 - 49(4).


3964Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3974Law, it is RECOMMENDED t hat Respondent enter a final order

3985denying Petitioner's request for reclassification of pension

3992enrollment from Life Annuity to Last Survivor Annuity.

4000DONE AND ENTERED this 2 1st day of September , 2018, in

4011Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4019Administrative Law Judge

4022Division of Administrative Hearings

4026The DeSoto Building

40291230 Apalachee Parkway

4032Tallahass ee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4038(850) 488 - 9675

4042Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4049Filed with the Clerk of the

4055Division of Administrative Hearings

4059this 2 1st day of September , 2018.


40671/ These included a single life option, a 100 - percent joint and

4080last survivor option, a 50 - percent joint and last survivor

4091option, and a ten year certain option.

40982/ Petitioner's Exhibit No s . 21 and 29 .

41083/ Id.

41104/ Petitioner testified that when his bank dete rmined that an

4121error had been made regarding designating one of his children as

4132a beneficiary, the banker noted that mistakes can be made and

4143suggested that he check all of his outside accounts to ensure

4154that the beneficiary information was correct.

41605/ Brown retired in 2005.

41656/ Salem is an independent financial services institution that

4174pays the monthly benefit payments to persons receiving retirement

4183benefits under the System.

41877/ The evidence indicates that this letter was sent by SDA.

41988 / The other examples of Notification of Benefits forms for other

4210employees that Petitioner presented as support for his argument

4219that the first and second pages of the form in his file "did not

4233go together " indicate that the means for electing a retirement

4243pension option under the System was to complete a Notification of

4254Benefits F orm . Thus, t he se forms tend to undercut the

4267credibility of Petitioner's testimony that he selected the Last

4276Survivor Annuity option in December 2001 by completing some

4285unspecified and unidentified " paperwork " for which there is no

4294physical evidence of existence .

42999 / The undersigned does not find credible Petitioner's claim that

4310he did not make the check mark on the first page of the

4323Notification of Benefits Form in Respondent's file. Further, to

4332the extent Petitioner seeks to rely on the difference in

4342thickness between the check mark on the first page of the form

4354and his signature on the second page of the form to support an

4367argument that they were made by differen t pens and, therefore,

4378different people, that reliance is misplaced. Florida case law

4387holds that the trier of fact ÏÏ in this case, the administrative

4399law judge ÏÏ is not competent to make a handwriting comparison

4410without the aid of expert testimony. Huff v. State , 437 So. 2d

44221087 (Fla. 1983); Clark v. State , 114 So. 2d 197 (Fla. 1st

4434DCA 1959)(the comparison of handwriting is an art which can be

4445judicially practiced only by expert or skilled witnesses). Here,

4454expert testimony was not provided to substantiat e Petitioner's

4463claim that someone other than him made the check mark on the

4475first page of the form. Moreover, under any circumstances, it is

4486questionable whether testimony regarding the difference between a

4494check mark and a written signature could constit ute reliable

4504evidence that the marks were made by different people using

4514different pens. See Fassi v. State , 591 So. 2d 977 (Fla. 5th

4526DCA 1991)(comparison of spray - painted graffiti on a wall to

4537handwriting in a letter is too speculative to be probative

4547re garding the identities of the scriveners).

45541 0 / It is further noted that Petitioner received ÏÏ and admits he

4568received ÏÏ a letter from Cathy David dated July 1, 2012, that

4580expressly informed him that he was enro lled in the Life A nnuity

4593plan. See paragraph 40, above. This letter was admitted into

4603evidence without objection , as Respondent's Exhibit 6 , during

4611Respondent's cross - examination of Petitioner . Petitioner's

4619continued insistence, in the face of this evidence, that he did

4630not know until November 2015, that he was enrolled in the Life

4642Annuity rather than the Last Survivor Annuity, further calls hi s

4653credibility into question . The undersigned notes that a copy of

4664this letter was not included in the exhibits that were

4674transmitted to DOAH af ter the final hearing ; however , the letter

4685was admitted into evidence at the final hearing and the salient

4696parts were read into the record during cross - examination.


4708Paul E. Parrish, Esquire

4712GrayRobinson, P.A.

47141795 West Nasa Boulevard

4718Melbourne, Florida 32901


4722Gregg Rossman, Esquire

4725Rossman Legal

47276840 Griffin Road

4730Davie, Florida 33314


4734Robert A. Sugarman, Esquire

4738Sugarman & Susskind, P.A.

4742100 Miracle Mile, Suite 300

4747Coral Gables, Florida 3313


4752D. Marcus Braswell, Esquire

4756Sugarman & Susskind, P.A.

4760100 Miracle Mile , Suite 300

4765Coral Gables, Florida 33134


4770Cathy David, Administrator

4773City of Dania Beach Police and

4779Firefighters' Retirement System

4782111 Southwest 1 Street

4786Dania Beach, Florida 33004



4797All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

480715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4818to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4829will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/15/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 01/14/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 10/15/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Filing RE: Exceptions to Administrative Law Judge's Recomended Order filed.
Date: 10/05/2018
Proceedings: Exceptions to Administrative Law Judge's Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/21/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/21/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/21/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held April 16, 2018). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/13/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Order on Arbitration Hearing on April 16, 2018 filed.
Date: 08/13/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/22/2018
Proceedings: Supplemental Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 06/21/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 06/21/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Original HearingTranscript filed.
Date: 06/19/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for June 20, 2018; 12:30 p.m.).
Date: 04/23/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 04/16/2018
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/10/2018
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/10/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner, John Hasko's, Exhibit List filed.
Date: 04/10/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Exhibit List filed.
Date: 03/26/2018
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 03/23/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for March 26, 2018; 1:00 p.m.).
Date: 03/21/2018
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 16, 2018; 9:00 a.m.; Dania Beach, FL; amended as to hearing location and issue).
Date: 03/21/2018
Proceedings: Order Regarding Issue and Location of Final Hearing.
Date: 03/16/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Amend Notice of Hearing filed.
Date: 03/13/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Motion to Amend Notice of Hearing filed.
Date: 03/12/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Amend Notice of Hearing filed.
Date: 02/13/2018
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/13/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 16, 2018; 9:00 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes, FL).
Date: 02/13/2018
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/12/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/12/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/12/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (D. Braswell) filed.
Date: 02/09/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (D. Braswell) filed.
Date: 02/05/2018
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/01/2018
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/31/2018
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 01/28/2018
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Dania Beach, Florida
