18-000658FL Agency For Persons With Disabilities vs. Eco Homes And Health Services, Group Home Owned And Operated By Eco Home And Health Services, Llc
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, October 19, 2018.

View Dockets  
Summary: The Agency failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the group home operator pepper sprayed a resident of the home on either occasion alleged in the Administrative Complaint.






14vs. Case No. 18 - 0658FL






38_____________________ __________/


42A formal hearing was conducted in this case on June 12,

532018, in Orlando, Florida, before Lawrence P. Stevenson, a duly -

64designated Administrative Law Judge with the Division of

72Administrative Heari ngs.


76For Petitioner: Trevor S. Suter, Esquire

82Agency for Persons with Disabilities

874030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380

92Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950

97For Respondent: Clifford J. Geismar, Esquire

103Law Office s of Clifford J.

109Geismar, P.A.

111Crealde Executive Center

1142431 Aloma Avenue, Suite 150

119Winter Park, Florida 32792


128Whether Respondent, ECO Home and Health Services Group

136Home, owned and operated by ECO Home and Health Services, LLC

147(ÐRespondentÑ or ÐE CO HomeÑ) , committed the violations of the

157applicable statutes and rules alleged in the Administrative

165Complaint ; and, if so, what is the appropriate sanction.


176On or about January 17, 2018, Petitioner , Agency for

185Persons with Disabili ties (ÐPetitionerÑ or ÐAPDÑ) , filed a two -

196count Administrative Complaint against ECO Home. Count I of the

206Administrative Complaint alleges that Sherman Carter, the owner

214and sole stockholder of ECO Home, sprayed P.P., a client and

225resident of ECO Home, in the face with pepper spray as

236Mr. Carter attempted to de - escalate a violent situation at an

248adult day training (ÐADTÑ) center on July 20, 2017. APD alleges

259that Mr. CarterÓs action violated section 393.13(4)(g)1.,

266Florida Statutes, and Florida Administra tive Code R ules 65G -

2772.009(6)(a) and (c), 65G - 2.009(8)(d)2 . , and 65G - 8.009(1).

288Count II of the Administrative Complaint alleges that Mr. Carter

298pepper sprayed the same client on September 25, 2017, at the ECO

310Home group home, in violation of the same statu tory and rule

322provisions set forth under Count I.

328On or about February 6, 2018, ECO Homes served APD with an

340Answer and a Request for Formal Administrative Hearing. On

349February 9, 2018, APD referred the case to the Division of

360Administrative Hearings ("DO AH"). The case was scheduled for

371hearing on April 24 and 25, 2018. On April 12, 2018, APD filed

384a request for continuance, which was granted by Order dated

394April 17, 2018. The hearing was rescheduled for June 12, 2018,

405on which date it was convened and completed.

413The parties submitted a joint Pre - h earing Stipulation, the

424factual stipulations of which were accepted and are included in

434the Findings of Fact below. At the hearing, Petitioner

443presented the testimony of Jessica Moreira, an adult protective

452in vestigative supervisor for the Department of Children and

461Families (ÐDCFÑ); Kietta Mayweather - Gamble, the owner of

470EduMatics, the ADT center where the alleged incidents of

479July 20, 2017, occurred; and Joyce Leonard, APDÓs regional

488program supervisor in the Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement

495unit. Over RespondentÓs objection, the record was held open to

505permit APD to take and submit the deposition testimony of Sara

516Swarthout, the Ocoee Police Department officer who responded to

525the incident at the EduMat ics center and wrote an Offense Report

537about it. PetitionerÓs Exhibits 1 and 2 were entered into

547evidence. PetitionerÓs Exhibits 3 and 4 were admitted into

556evidence as Joint Exhibits 3 and 4.

563Respondent presented the t estimony of Sherman Carter;

571Coy J. P atterson, an employee of ECO Home during the period

583relevant to this proceeding; Susan Carrington, a behavioral

591assistant who was at ECO Home working with R.P., another

601resident, during the period relevant to this proceeding; and

610Cheryl Seaton, the mother of R.P. RespondentÓs Exhibits F, H,

620I, and J were admitted into evidence.

627The one - volume Transcript of the hearing was filed at DOAH

639on August 20, 2018. Both parties timely filed their Proposed

649Recommended Orders on August 30, 2018.


6591. Among other duties, APD is responsible for regulating

668the licensing and operation of group home facilities in the

678S tate of Florida. APD's clients include vulnerable individuals

687with developmental disabilities attributed to autism, cerebral

694palsy, intell ectual disabilities, Phelan - McDermid syndrome,

702Prader - Willi syndrome, or spina bifida.

7092. APD's clients can choose to live in an institutional

719setting, group home, or independently. A client makes this

728choice with the assistance of a residential placeme nt

737coordinator. A group home is a licensed facility providing a

747living arrangement similar to a family setting. The provider is

757responsible for the clientÓs room and board, safety,

765transportation, and assistance with the activities of daily


7743. EC O Home holds an APD - issued license to operate a group

788home. Sherman Carter is ECO HomeÓs owner and sole corporate


7994. P.P. was a client of ECO Home. He lived at ECO Home

812from August 2016 until November 27, 2017. He is eligible for

823APD servic es due to his diagnosis of intellectual disability.

833He has also been diagnosed as schizophrenic.

8405. Mr. Carter testified that P.P. was mostly happy while

850living at ECO Home. P.P. had certain behavioral quirks. He

860heard voices. He liked to watch wrestl ing and the show ÐCopsÑ

872on television. While watching television, P.P. would sometimes

880suddenly stand up and rip off his shirt, as if someone had

892spoken to him insultingly, and would say that he was going to

904Ðfuck upÑ this person.

9086. Over time, staff at ECO Home learned how to de - escalate

921P.P.Ós behavior by taking him for walks, for drives in the car,

933or by giving him a CD to listen to. The staff at ECO Home was

948trained in Professional Crisis Management (ÐPCMÑ) restraint

955techniques, but never needed to e mploy them with P.P. while he

967was physically in the ECO Home.

9737. Mr. Carter testified that de - escalation was necessary

983about once a week, and was almost certain to be needed on the

996Monday or Tuesday after P.P. had visited his mother over the


10088. Count I of the Administrative Complaint alleges that

1017Mr. Carter sprayed pepper spray in P.P.Ós face as Mr. Carter

1028attempted to de - escalate a violent situation at an ADT center on

1041July 20, 2017.

10449. While living at ECO Home, P.P. attended ADT classes at

1055EduMatics, an ADT center in Ocoee. Kietta Mayweather - Gamble,

1065the owner of EduMatics, testified that on July 20, 2017, she was

1077driving to the center when she received a phone call from a

1089staff person. The staff person told Ms. Mayweather - Gamble that

1100P.P. was at the center with his mother and was acting in a way

1114that no one at the center had seen before.

112310. Ms. Mayweather - Gamble arrived at the center and

1133encountered P.P. and his mother. P.P. was cursing and

1142belligerent. Ms. Mayweather - Gamble told P.P. that he was not

1153allowed to use such language at the center and told P.P.Ós

1164mother that she would have to leave and take P.P. with her.

117611. The mother signed P.P. out of the center and left with

1188him. However, she returned 10 minutes later with P.P., who w as

1200still enraged and cursing. The mother told Ms. Mayweather -

1210Gamble that she had an appointment and could not take her son

1222with her in his present state. Ms. Mayweather - Gamble told the

1234mother that he could not stay at the center. She immediately

1245phoned Mr. Carter and asked him to come get P.P. Mr. Carter

1257told her he was on his way. Ms. Mayweather - Gamble testified

1269that she tried to force the mother to stay until Mr. Carter came

1282to the center, but she left shortly before he arrived.

129212. Ms. Mayweather - G amble attempted to calm P.P., who was

1304cursing and saying he was not going with Mr. Carter. P.P.

1315picked up a chair. The scene reminded Ms. Mayweather - Gamble of

1327the movie ÐGladiator.Ñ She stayed calm and continued to speak

1337to P.P. Ms. Mayweather - Gamble t old P.P. that a Rasta does not

1351behave in this way, appealing to his pride in his Jamaican

1362heritage in a way that was usually successful. However, on this

1373day , P.P. could not be talked out of his anger.

138313. When Mr. Carter arrived, P.P. was in the EduMa tics

1394office with Ms. Mayweather - Gamble and Marcia Richardson, an

1404EduMatics staff person. Mr. Carter entered the room and asked

1414P.P. what was wrong. P.P. said, ÐMotherfucker, IÓm not going

1424nowhere with you. I want to go with my mother today.Ñ

1435Mr. Carter tried verbally to calm P.P. and persuade him to put

1447down the chair. He employed the Rasta compliment, to no avail.

1458He told P.P. they would go for a drive. P.P. continued to

1470berate Mr. Carter and complain that his mother Ðleft me in this

1482fucking place.Ñ

148414. P.P. finally said, ÐIf I go anywhere with you today,

1495IÓm going to kill you.Ñ P .P. then threw the chair at

1507Mr. Carter, who ducked it. P.P. threw another chair at a wall.

1519When P.P. bent down to pick up a third chair, Mr. Carter jumped

1532over the desk that separated them and took P.P. down using PCM


154515. During the scuffle, P.P. managed to draw blood by

1555biting Mr. CarterÓs arm. Mr. Carter also cut his face on one of

1568the desks as they went down to the floor. Mr. Carter held P.P.

1581on the floor until he calmed down. P.P. got up and sat in a

1595chair. Mr. Carter sat with him.

160116. At some point during the melee, Ms. Mayweather - Gamble

1612called the Ocoee Police Department. 1/ When the police arrived,

1622Mr. Carter and P.P. were sitting in the chairs. Th e police

1634asked Mr. Carter what happened, and he told them that P.P. was a

1647client of his group home and had been acting up in the EduMatics

1660center. He told the police that he had held P.P. down as he had

1674been trained to do. He told the police that P.P. is diagnosed

1686with schizophrenia and medically non - compliant.

169317. While Mr. Carter spoke to the police, P.P. began to

1704become agitated again, saying, ÐWell, IÓm getting out of this

1714fucking house today. I donÓt care what I have to say to get out

1728of it.Ñ The police officers saw that P.P. was becoming angry

1739and asked Mr. Carter to wait outside. Mr. Carter testified that

1750he spoke no more to the police that day.

175918. P.P. complained that his chest hurt. He was taken to

1770the hospital by the fire department, which was also dispatched

1780to EduMatics. Mr. Carter picked him up a little while later and

1792took him back to ECO Home.

179819. Officer Sara Swarthout of the Ocoee Police Department

1807completed the ÐOffense ReportÑ on this incident. No charges

1816were filed; the face of the report states that it is Ðfor

1828informational purposes only.Ñ Officer SwarthoutÓs report states

1835as follows, in relevant part:

1840On 7/20/17, I responded to edumatics at

18472715 Old Winter Garden Rd. in reference a

1855mentally ill person causing a disturbance.

1861Upon arrival there was no longer a

1868disturbance. I met with Sherman Carter, who

1875stated he was able to de - escalate the

1884situation. When Carter arrived he observed

1890a male known to him as [P.P.], throwing

1898chairs and yelling. Carter is the group

1905home director where [P.P.] resides. When

1911[P.P.] saw Carter he charged towards him and

1919threw a chair in his direction. Carter

1926sprayed pepper spray on [P.P.Ós] face and

1933held him down to calm him down . . . .

194420. Officer Swarthout confirmed in her testimony that she

1953b elieved Mr. Carter told her that he pepper sprayed P.P.

1964Officer Swarthout did not witness the alleged pepper spraying.

1973P.P.Ós only complaint was chest pain. He said nothing to

1983Officer Swarthout about his eyes and she made no observation of

1994any ocular di stress.

199821. Ms. Mayweather - Gamble did not see Mr. Carter pepper

2009spray P.P. She saw Mr. Carter take P.P. to the ground and

2021subdue him, then she ran out to direct the police to the room.

2034Ms. Mayweather - GambleÓs testimony means that any pepper spraying

2044had to have occurred after Mr. Carter subdued P.P., when there

2055would have been no reasonable need to employ pepper spray.

206522. Mr. Carter adamantly and credibly denied pepper

2073spraying P.P. He denied telling Officer Swarthout that he had

2083pepper sprayed P.P. Mr. CarterÓs reasonable suspicion was that

2092P.P. had told Officer Swarthout that he had been pepper sprayed.

2103After watching ÐCops,Ñ P.P. frequently told Mr. Carter that he

2114knew just what he would tell the police when he called them to

2127take him away from EC O Home.

213423. Susan Carrington, a behavioral assistant who was

2142frequently at ECO Home working with R.P., the other resident of

2153the home, was at the EduMatics center on July 20, 2017, and

2165witnessed the incident. She saw Mr. Carter take P.P. down to

2176the fl oor. She saw Mr. CarterÓs bloody face and arm.

2187Ms. Carrington testified that Mr. Carter never used pepper

2196spray. She said that P.P. never rubbed his eyes or indicated

2207any form of distress consistent with having been pepper sprayed.

2217She testified that s he could hear Mr. Carter speaking with

2228Officer Swarthout and that she heard nothing about pepper spray.

223824. Ms. Carrington testified that P.P. habitually

2245complains that Ðmy heart is hurting meÑ when he becomes upset

2256and agitated. He gets attention by com plaining of chest pain

2267and asking to go to the hospital. Ms. Mayweather - Gamble

2278confirmed that P.P. likes to go to the hospital.

228725. Finally, a Confidential Investigative Summary written

2294by DCF adult protective investigator Jessica Moreira reported

2302that P .P. himself denied to Ms. Moreira that he had been pepper

2315sprayed on July 20, 2017.

232026. APD has failed to present evidence sufficient to

2329establish Count I of the Administrative Complaint. No one

2338witnessed the alleged pepper spraying. Eyewitnesses saw no

2346pepper spray and saw P.P. display no aftereffects of having been

2357pepper sprayed. Officer SwarthoutÓs report is the sole evidence

2366supporting the charge, and it appears likely that Officer

2375Swarthout inadvertently misattributed a statement of P.P.Ós to

2383Mr. Carter.

238527. Count II of the Administrative Complaint alleges that

2394Mr. Carter pepper sprayed P.P. on or about September 25, 2017,

2405at the ECO Home group home.

241128. The basis for this charge is Ms. MoreiraÓs

2420Confidential Investigative Summary. On or about S eptember 26,

24292017, the Florida Abuse Hot line received a report that

2439Mr. Carter had pepper sprayed P.P. on two occasions. The first

2450occasion was the July 2017 incident referenced in Count I of the

2462Administrative Complaint. The second was alleged to have

2470o ccurred in January 2017, when Mr. Carter Ðwas observed spraying

2481pepper spray in [P.P.Ós] eyes.Ñ 2/

248729. Ms. Moreira testified that she investigated both

2495alleged pepper spraying incidents. She spoke by phone to a man

2506named Cole who claimed to be a neighbor of Mr. CarterÓs and to

2519have been training to work at ECO Home when he witnessed

2530Mr. Carter pepper spray P.P. Mr. Cole told her that P.P. was

2542cursing and approaching Mr. Carter aggressively when Mr. Carter

2551pepper sprayed him. Mr. Cole stated that they wip ed P.P.Ós eyes

2563with a wet cloth. Mr. Cole, the sole purported eyewitness,

2573could not tell Ms. Moreira the date on which the pepper spraying


258630. Ms. Moreira conceded that she was taking Mr. Cole

2596entirely at his word. She never met him in person and had no

2609way of knowing if he actually trained at ECO Home.

261931. Ms. Moreira interviewed P.P., who denied having been

2628pepper sprayed by Mr. Carter. She interviewed Mr. Carter, who

2638denied ever using pepper spray on P.P. or anyone else. She

2649interviewed P.P.Ós mother, who had no first - hand knowledge but

2660believed that Mr. Carter pepper sprayed her son.

266832. After conducting her interviews, Ms. Moreira reviewed

2676Officer SwarthoutÓs report of the July 17, 2017, incident at

2686EduMatics. She accepted the reportÓ s statement that Mr. Carter

2696admitted using pepper spray.

270033. Ms. Moreira testified that she made verified findings

2709of physical injury to P.P. Her findings were based on the

2720eyewitness statement of Mr. Cole and Officer SwarthoutÓs report,

2729which in tande m she found to constitute a preponderance of the

2741credible evidence. She te stified that she ÐbalancedÑ

2749Mr. CarterÓs statement that he did not pepper spray P.P. against

2760the motherÓs statement that Mr. Carter did use pepper spray,

2770despite the admitted fact t hat P.P.Ós mother had no first - hand

2783knowledge. Ms. Moreira apparently gave no weight to P.P.Ós

2792denial that he had been pepper sprayed.

279934. On cross - examination, Ms. Moreira noted that she had

2810attempted to interview Coy Patterson, an employee of ECO Home,

2820but had been unable to reach him. When asked if it would have

2833been important to interview Mr. Patterson, Ms. Moreira answered,

2842ÐItÓd depend on what he had to say.Ñ She testified that it

2854would not have been important to her if Mr. Patterson disputed

2865her conclusions, because she had the statement of Mr. Cole.

287535. Coy Patterson, who w orked at ECO Home from

2885December 2016 through February 2018, testified at the final

2894hearing and stated that he never saw Mr. Carter use pepper spray

2906or any method other than re direction on P.P. Mr. Patterson

2917testified that residents of the home were never ÐdisciplinedÑ by

2927staff. He dealt with P.P. frequently and never had a problem

2938with him. P.P. would be agitated when he came back from a visit

2951with his mother, but was not ag gressive and was readily


296336. Most significantly, Mr. Patterson denied knowing

2970anyone named Cole and denied that anyone had been trained at ECO

2982Home during his two years working there.

298937. Ms. Carrington, the behavioral assistant, worked

299610 - h our weekend shifts at ECO Home for over a year and never saw

3012pepper spray being used. She never saw anyone in the home being

3024disciplined by staff.

302738. Mr. Carter testified that he never pepper sprayed P.P.

3037in the home or anywhere else. He had no clue wh o Mr. Cole was,

3052though he later discovered that someone named Cole lived across

3062the street from P.P.Ós mother. Mr. Carter believed that P.P.Ós

3072mother called the Florida Abuse Hotline on the day after he told

3084her that she could not address his employees as Ðthese bitches.Ñ

309539. APD has failed to present evidence sufficient to

3104establish Count II of the Administrative Complaint. There is an

3114absolute failure to prove that the alleged pepper spraying

3123occurred Ðon or about September 25, 2017.Ñ The Florida Abus e

3134Hotline report that initiated the investigation of this charge

3143alleged the pepper spraying occurred in January 2017. The sole

3153witness to the alleged pepper spraying was someone named

3162ÐMr. Cole,Ñ who could not provide the investigator a date on

3174which the pepper spraying occurred. The DCF investigator did

3183not meet Mr. Cole in person. Mr. Cole did not testify at the

3196final hearing. Mr. Carter and M r. Patterson denied knowing

3206Mr. Cole and denied that anyone had been in training at ECO

3218Home. Ms. Moreira do wnplayed Mr. CarterÓs denial and testified

3228that Mr. PattersonÓs statement would have made no difference in

3238light of the statement she obtained from the phantom Mr. Cole.

324940. The only other evidence offered by APD was Officer

3259SwarthoutÓs report regarding t he events of July 20, 2017, which

3270is obviously insufficient t o establish the charge that

3279Mr. Carter pepper sprayed P.P. Ðon or about September 25, 2017.Ñ


329341. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and subject

3302matter of this case purs uant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

3313Florida Statutes (2018).

331642. Petitioner is responsible for regulating the licensing

3324and operation of group home facilities pursuant to section

333320.197 and chapter 393, Florida Statutes.

333943. Petitioner seeks to take action against Respondent's

3347group home license pursuant to section 393.0673. In a

3356proceeding to impose discipline against a license, APD bears the

3366burden to prove the allegations in the Administrative Complaint

3375by clear and convincing evidence. § 120.57(1 )(k), Fla. Stat.;

3385Dep't of Banking & Fin. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932

3399(Fla. 1996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

341044. The clear and convincing standard requires that:

3418[T]he evidence must be found to be credible;

3426the facts to which the witnesses testify

3433must be distinctly remembered; the testimony

3439must be precise and explicit and the

3446witnesses must be lacking in confusion as to

3454the facts in issue. The evidence must be of

3463such weight that it produces in the mind of

3472the trier o f fact a firm belief or

3481conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

3487truth of the allegations sought to be


3495In re Henson , 913 So. 2d 579, 590 (Fla. 2005)(quoting Slomowitz

3506v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)).

351745. The Administrativ e Complaint cites section 393.0673,

3525which at the time of the alleged offenses, provided, in relevant


3537(1) The agency may revoke or suspend a

3545license or impose an administrative fine,

3551not to exceed $1,000 per violation per day,


3561(a) The licensee has:

35651. Falsely represented or omitted a

3571material fact in its license application

3577submitted under s. 393.067 ;

35812. Had prior action taken against it under

3589the Medicaid or Medicare program; or

35953. Failed to comply with the applicable

3602requirements of this chapter or rules

3608applicable to the licensee; or

3613(b) The Department of Children and Families

3620has verified th at the licensee is

3627responsible for the abuse, neglect, or

3633abandonment of a child or the abuse,

3640neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable


364746. The Administrative Complaint is entirely premised on

3655the allegation that Mr. Carter twice pepper sprayed hi s client,

3666P.P. The only direct evidence that either event occurred was a

3677police officerÓs report that Mr. Carter told her he did it and

3689the hearsay statement of Mr. Cole, a witness APD could not

3700produce or even identify by first name. Mr. Carter credibly

3710denied that he ever pepper sprayed P.P. Eyewitnesses denied

3719that the events occurred. The alleged victim, P.P., told the

3729DCF investigator that he was not pepper sprayed. This case

3739would have failed to meet a far lesser standard than that of

3751clear and c onvincing evidence.


3757Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3767Law, it is

3770RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Persons with Disabilities

3778issue a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint in

3787this case.

3789DONE AND ENTER ED this 1 9 th day of October , 2018 , in

3802Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3810Administrative Law Judge

3813Division of Administrative Hearings

3817The DeSoto Building

38201230 Apalachee Parkway

3823Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3828(850) 488 - 9675

3832Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3839Filed with the Clerk of the

3845Division of Administrative Hearings

3849this 1 9 th day of October , 2018 .


38601/ Ms. Mayweather - Gamble testified that Mr. Carter told her to

3872call 911 . Mr. Carter testified that he did not know who called

3885the police. This was the only significant point on which their

3896testimony did not agree.

39002/ It is apparent at the outset that Count II of the

3912Administrative Complaint did not give Mr. Carter adequat e notice

3922of the charge. Count II alleges that the pepper spraying

3932occurred Ð[o]n or about September 25, 2017.Ñ In fact, the

3942incident is alleged to have occurred sometime in January 2017.

3952The only significance of September 25, 2017, in Ms. MoreiraÓs

3962repo rt is that the caller to the Florida Abuse Hotline alleged

3974that Ðthe owner denied everythingÑ on that date.


3984Trevor S. Suter, Esquire

3988Agency for Persons with Disabilities

3993Suite 380

39954030 Esplanade Way

3998Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950

4003(eS erved)

4005Clifford J. Geismar, Esquire

4009Law Offices of Clifford J. Geismar, P.A.

4016Crealde Executive Center

40192431 Aloma Avenue, Suite 150

4024Winter Park, Florida 32792


4029Gypsy Bailey, Agency Clerk

4033Agency for Persons with Disabilities

40384030 Esplanade Way, S uite 335E

4044Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


4050Barbara Palmer, Director

4053Agency for Persons with Disabilities

40584030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380

4063Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


4069Richard Ditschler, General Counsel

4073Agency for Persons with Dis abilities

40794030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380

4084Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950



4096All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

410615 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any excepti ons

4118to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4129will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/19/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/19/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 10/19/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/19/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/19/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 12, 2018). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/30/2018
Proceedings: Agency's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/30/2018
Proceedings: Respondent, ECO Homes & Health Services, Group Home Owned and Operated by ECO Home and Health Services, LLC Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/20/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 08/20/2018
Proceedings: Agency's Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 08/20/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Confidential Information within Court Filing filed.
Date: 08/20/2018
Proceedings: Hearing Transcript filed (Confidential information, not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 08/17/2018
Proceedings: Order Closing Record.
Date: 08/16/2018
Proceedings: Agency's Notice of Filing Deposition Transcript filed.
Date: 08/16/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Confidential Information within Court Filing filed.
Date: 08/16/2018
Proceedings: Transcript of the Deposition of Officer Sara Swarthout filed (confidential information, not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 07/24/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition filed.
Date: 07/23/2018
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 07/19/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Response in Opposition to Motion for Additional Extension of Time to Depose Witness and Cross Motion for Case to Be Closed filed.
Date: 07/19/2018
Proceedings: Agency's Motion for Extension of Time to Depose Witness filed.
Date: 06/19/2018
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Leave Record Open.
Date: 06/18/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Response in Opposition to Agency's Motion to Leave Record Open Pending Deposition of Detective Sara Swarthout filed.
Date: 06/15/2018
Proceedings: Agency's Motion to Leave Record Open filed.
Date: 06/12/2018
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/05/2018
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/14/2018
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 12, 2018; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL; amended as to Venue).
Date: 05/11/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 12, 2018; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 04/27/2018
Proceedings: Agency's Agreed Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 04/17/2018
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by April 27, 2018).
Date: 04/13/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Further Response in Opposition to Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 04/12/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Response in Opposition to Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 04/12/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/12/2018
Proceedings: Agency's Motion to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Date: 04/05/2018
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 25, 2018; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando, FL; amended as to Date).
Date: 03/08/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Agreement of Parties for Case to Be Heard only on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 filed.
Date: 03/01/2018
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/01/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 24 and 25, 2018; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
Date: 02/19/2018
Proceedings: Agency's Agreed Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/19/2018
Proceedings: Information Required by Paragraph 2 of the Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/19/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Clifford Geismar) filed.
Date: 02/12/2018
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/09/2018
Proceedings: Answer to Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 02/09/2018
Proceedings: Request for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 02/09/2018
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 02/09/2018
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):