In Re: Petition To Amend The Boundary Of The Wiregrass Community Development District vs.
Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, May 25, 2018.
Recommended Order on Friday, May 25, 2018.
8IN RE: PETITION TO AMEND THE Case No. 18 - 1176
42On April 24 , 201 8 , a local public hearing was conducted
53before E. Gary Early, an Administrative Law Judge of the
63Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), at the O ffices of
73Rizzetta & Company, Inc., 5844 Old Pasco Road, Suite 100, Wesley
84Chapel, Florida .
88For Petitioner Wiregrass Community Development District :
95Lindsay Whelan, Esquire
98Hopping, Green and Sams, P.A.
103Suite 300
105119 South Monroe Street
109Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1591
118The issue before the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory
127Commission (Commission) in this proceeding is whether to grant
136the Petition of the Wiregrass Co mmunity Development District
145(Petition) to contract the boundary of the Wiregrass Community
154Development District (District) by remov ing approximately
1612,196.846 acres from the 3, 974.294 acres of land that comprise
173the current area encompassed by the District .
181The local public hearing was conducted pursuant to
189sections 190.046(1)(f) and 190.005(1)(d), Flor ida Statutes, for
197the purpose of taking testimony and public comment and receiving
207exhibits on the Petition.
211This report is prepared and submitted to the Commission
220pursuant to s ections 190.046 and 190.005 for consideration in
230its determination whether t o adopt a rule amending the boundary
241of the District as requested by the District .
252On January 29, 2018 , the District filed the Petition with
262the Commission. T he District previously provided the Petition
271and its e xhibits, along with the requisite filing fee, to Pasco
283County, Florida (Pasco County) .
288The Petition seeks to contract the boundary of the District
298by removing 2,196.846 acres , more or less (the C ontraction
309P arcel) , from the 3,974.294 acres, more or less, that comprise
321the ex isting District, which will result in a District boundary
332encompassing 1,777.448 acres , more or less (the Amended
341District) . Within the boundary of the Amended District is a
35264.321 - acre parcel that is excluded from the boundary of the
364Amended District (th e Excluded Parcel).
370On March 2, 2018 , the Commission certified that the
379Petition contained all required elements and referred the
387P etition to DOAH for the purpose of conducting the local public
399hearing required by s ection 190.005(1)(d). The Commission a lso
409provided a copy of the Petition to the Florida Department of
420Economic Opportunity ( DEO ) for its review of compliance with its
432various programs and responsibilities. On March 30, 2018, the
441Commission published a Notice of Receipt of Petition in the
451F lorida Administrative Register.
455The District is located entirely within Pasco County,
463Florida. Section 190.005(1)(c) provides that the county
470containing all or a portion of the lands within the proposed
481A mended District has the option to hold a public he aring within
49445 days of the filing of a petition. The timeframe for the
506optional public hearing expired on March 15, 2018. Pasco County
516elected not to hold an optional public hearing relative to the
527proposed boundary amendment .
531The local public hearing was held on Tuesday, April 24,
5412018 , at 1:00 p.m. , at the offices of Rizzetta & Company, Inc.,
5535844 Old Pasco Road, Suite 100, Wesley Chapel, Florida.
562Petitioner published notice of the local public hearing in
571accordance with s ection 190.005(1)(d). At th e local public
581hearing, Petitioner presented the live and written testimony of :
5911. Scott Brizendine, an employee of Rizzetta and Company,
600Inc., who was accepted as an expert in special district
610management and financial analysis ;
6142. Michael Ross, an emp loyee of King Engineering
623Associates, Inc., who was accepted as an expert in land
633development and public infrastructure construction; and
6393. Scott Sheridan, an employee of Locust Branch LLC .
649No members of the public appeared at the hearing. The
659Distr ict offered Composite Exhibit A, including as attachments
668thereto Composite Exhibit SB - 1 through Exhibit SB - 9 ; Exhibit B ;
681Composite Exhibit C, including as attachments thereto
688Exhibit MR - 1 and MR - 2 ; and Exhibit D . A ll exhibits were
704received in evidence .
708The transcript of the local public hearing, with exhibits,
717was filed with DOAH on May 14, 2018. Petitioner also filed a
729Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions on May 14, 2018,
739which has been considered in the preparation of this Report.
749References t o statutes are to Florida Statutes (201 7 ),
760unless otherwise noted.
764The District is seeking the adoption of an amendment to
774Florida Administrative Code Rule 42MMM - 1 to remove the
784a pproximately 2,196.846 - acre C ontraction Parcel, as described in
796th e Petition. After contraction, the Amended District will
805contain approximately 1,777.448 acres.
810The Contraction Parcel is owned by the following entities:
819Raymond James Financial, Inc.; Flycatcher Enterprises, LLC;
826JHP Real Estate Partnership; Withlacoo chee River Electric
834Cooperative , Inc.; Wiregrass Ranch, Inc.; Solly Branch Holdings,
842LLC; Jane Hole, LLC; Maggie Pond, LLC; Wesley Chapel Venture,
852LLC; the Florida Department of Transportation ( FDOT) ; and Pasco
862County. All provided written consent to the proposed amendment
871of the DistrictÓs boundaries , except for FDOT and Pasco County ,
881as they are not considered ÐlandownersÑ pursuant to Section
890190.003(14), f rom which consent must be obtained.
898The District is presently providing certain infrastructure
905im provements to the lands within its boundaries, with the
915exception of the Contraction Parcel. Any future facilities or
924services to be provided to the Contraction Parcel will be
934provided by a future community development district(s) (CDD)
942and/or the develop er of the Wiregrass Ranch development.
951The sole purpose of this proceeding was to consider the
961amendment of the District boundary as proposed. Information
969relating to the managing and financing of the service - delivery
980function of the Amended District w as also considered. Inasmuch
990as s ections 190.046 and 190.005 provide the statutory criteria
1000to be considered, this report summarizes the relevant and
1009material evidence relating to each relevant section of the
1023A. Petition Contents and Related Matters
10291 . The Petition was submitted to the Commission on
1039January 29, 2018 . A copy of the Petition, along with a check in
1053the amount of $ 15,0 25 .00, was previously subm itted to Pasco
1067County on January 26, 2018 .
10732 . The Petition inc orporated the following Exhibits:
1082a . Petition Exhibit 1 , which is a depiction
1091of the general location of the existing
1098District boundary.
1100b . Petition Exhibit 2 , which is the metes
1109and bounds description of the existing
1115District boundary as incorporated b y
1121reference in Florida Administrative Code
1126Rule 42 MMM - 1.002.
1131c . Petition Exhibit 3 , which is the metes
1140and bounds description of the C ontraction
1147P arcel.
1149d . Petition Exhibit 4 , which is the metes
1158and bounds description of the Amended
1164District after rem oval of the C ontraction
1172P arcel.
1174e . Petition Exhibit 5 , which is the metes
1183and bounds description of the Excluded
1189Parcel .
1191f . Petition Exhibit 6 , which is the last
1200known address of the owner of the Excluded
1209g . Petition Exhibit 7 , which is the written
1218Consent and Joinder by which the owner s (at
1227the time of the filing of the Petition ) of
1237100 percent of the lands within the
1244C ontraction P arcel expressed their consent
1251to the amend ment of the boundary of the
1260Dist r ict by removal of the C ontraction
1269P ar cel.
1272h . Petition Exhibit 8 , which is Resolution
12802017 - 05 by which the DistrictÓs Board of
1289Supervisors has approved and consented to
1295the amendment of the boundary of the
1302District by removal of the C ontraction
1309P arcel.
1311i . Petition Exhibit 9 , which is the Future
1320Land Use Map for Pasco County that depicts
1328the distribution, location , and extent of
1334public and private land uses proposed for
1341the Amended District by the future land use
1349element s of the c omprehensive p lan .
1358j . Petition Exhibit 10 , which is a map o f
1369the current major trunk water mains, sewer
1376interceptors , and outfalls within the
1381proposed Amended District.
1384k . Petition Exhibit 11 , which describes the
1392types of facilities and services the
1398District expects to finance, construct and
1404install within the A mended District, and the
1412entities (either the District or Pasco
1418County ) that will be ultimately responsible
1425for ownership, operation, and maintenance of
1431the facilities, and their estimated costs.
1437l . Petition Exhibit 12 , which is the
1445Statement of Estimat ed Regulatory Costs
1451(SERC) prepared in accordance with the
1457requirements of s ection 120.541, Florida
1464m . Petition Exhibit 13 , which is the
1472DistrictÓs authorization of counsel of
1477record as its agent relative to the boundary
14863 . The P etition described the services and facilities
1496currently provided by the D istrict to the area being removed .
1508According to the Petition, th e District is not currently
1518providing any facilities or services to the C ontraction P arcel,
1529and the Contraction P arcel is not subject to any District debt
1541service assessments. There will be no changes in the facilities
1551proposed to be provided by the District as a result of the
1563removal of the C ontraction P arcel.
15704 . The Petition designated the future general
1578distributi on, location, and extent of public and private uses of
1589land proposed for the area being removed. The Petition provided
1599a map of future land uses. T he District expects to finance,
1611construct, and install improvements and facilities to benefit
1619the Amended D istrict over an estimated 22 - year period.
16305 . The Petition alleges that the removal of the
1640C ontraction P arcel from the District boundary should be granted
1651for the following reasons:
1655a. Amendment of the District and all land uses and
1665services planned within the District, as contracted, are not
1674inconsistent with applicable elements or portions of the adopted
1683State Comprehensive Plan or the Pasco County Comprehensive Plan.
1692b. The area of land within the District, as
1701contracted, is part of a planned co mmunity. The District, as
1712contracted, will continue to be of sufficient size and
1721sufficiently compact and contiguous to be developed as one
1730functional and interrelated community.
1734c. The District, as contracted, continues to be the
1743best alternative for delivering community development services
1750and facilities without imposing an additional burden on the
1759general population of the local general - purpose government.
1768d. The community development services and facilities
1775of the District, as contracted, will n ot be incompatible with
1786the capacity and use of existing local and regional community
1796development services and facilities.
1800e. The area to be served by the District, as
1810contracted, continues to be amenable to separate special -
1819district government.
18216 . Th e Commission certified that the Petition contained
1831the required elements of a petition to amend the District
1841boundary, though that certification made no representation of
1849the accuracy of the documents.
1854B. Summary of the Local Public Hearing
18617 . Notice of the public hearing was advertised on
1871March 27 , 201 8 ; April 3, 2018; April 10, 2018; and April 17,
18842018 , in t he Tampa Bay Times, a newspaper of general paid
1896circulation in Pasco County, wh ich newspaper complies with
1905the requirements for publication of le gal and official
1914advertisements , pursuant to c hapter 50, Florida Statutes. The
1923published notice gave the time and place for the hearings, a
1934description of the area to be removed from the District
1944boundary , including a map showing the Contraction P arcel, a nd
1955other relevant information.
19588 . The local public hearing on the Petition was held as
1970noticed on April 24, 2018 , at the offices of Rizzetta & Company,
1982Inc., 5844 Old Pasco Road, Suite 100, Wesley Chapel, Florida .
19939 . The Pre - Filed Written Testimony o f Mr. Brizendine ,
2005M r . Ross , and Mr. Sheridan w ere received as Hearing Exhibits A ,
2019C , and D , respectively . The three witness es also offered live
2031testimony in support of their pre - filed testimony.
204010 . The affidavit of publication of the Notice of Local
2051Pu blic Hearing in the Tampa Bay Times was received in evidence
2063as Hearing Exhibit B.
206711 . Mr. BrizendineÓs pre - filed testimony , Hear ing
2077Exhibit A, included the following exhibits, all of which were
2087received into evidence at the hearing:
2093a . Hearing Exhib it A , Composite Attachment SB - 1 ,
2104consisting of the Petition, including Exhibits 1 through 13
2113thereto , as more fully described in paragraphs 1 and 2 above.
2124b . Hearing Exhibit A, Attachment SB - 2, consisting of
2135a vicinity map depicting the existing Distri ct boundary line,
2145the Contraction Parcel boundary, and the proposed A mended
2154District boundary.
2156c. Hearing Exhibit A, Attachment SB - 3, consisting of
2166correspondence dated January 29, 2018, transmitting the original
2174and 12 copies , and a disk, of the Petiti on to the Commission.
2187d. Hearing Exhibit A, Attachment SB - 4, consisting of
2197c orrespondence dated January 26, 2018 , transmitting a copy of
2207the Petition to Pasco County , along with a check in the amount
2219of $15,0 25 .00.
2224e. Hearing Exhibit A, Attachment SB - 5, consisting of
2234correspondence dated March 2, 2018 , by which the Commission
2243referred the Petition to DOAH to conduct a local public hearing.
2254f. Hearing Exhibit A, Attachment SB - 6, consisting of
2264the Notice of Receipt of Petition published in the Flor ida
2275Administrative Register on March 30, 2018.
2281g. Hearing Exhibit A, Attachment SB - 7, consisting of
2291the Notice of Hearing entered by the undersigned.
2299h. Hearing Exhibit A, Attachment SB - 8, consisting of
2309correspondence dated March 2, 2018, by which th e Commission
2319provided a copy of the Petition to the DEO.
2328i. Hearing Exhibit A, Attachment SB - 9 , consisting of
2338correspondence dated March 2 3 , 2018, by which the DEO indicated
2349that it had not identified any inconsistency in the Petition and
2360chapter 163, p art II, Florida Statutes , or the 2025
2370Comprehensive Plan of Pasco County.
237512 . Mr. RossÓ s pre - filed testimony, Hearing Exhibit C,
2387included the following exhibits, all of which were received into
2397evidence at the hearing:
2401a. Hearing Exhibit C , Attachmen t MR - 1, consisting of
2412the State Comprehensive Plan, chapter 187 , Florida Statutes .
2421b. Hearing Exhibit C, Attachment MR - 2, consisting of
2431the Pasco County, Florida Comprehensive Plan (October 2000) ,
2439including chapters 1 through 1 3 , the Glossary, and Map
2449A ppendices thereto.
245213 . No members of the public provided comment at the
2463hearing. No public comment was filed after the local public
247414 . The T ranscript of the local public hearing, with
2485exhibits, was filed with DOAH on May 14, 2018 . The Distr ict
2498also filed a Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions on
2508May 14, 2018 , which has been considered in the preparation of
2519this Report.
252715 . The standards applicabl e to a determination of
2537whether to grant or deny t he DistrictÓs Petition are those in
2549section 190.005(1)(e).
2551Section 190.005(1)(e)1. - Whether all statements contained
2558within the Petition have been found to be true and correct.
256916 . M r. Brizendine testified as to the accuracy of the
2581information contai ned in the Petition. He also prepared, or had
2592others prepare under his supervision, Petition Exhibit 12 , the
2601SERC . Mr. Brizendine Ós testimony constitutes competent,
2609substantial evidence of the accuracy of the statements in the
2619Petition and the exhibits a ttached thereto.
262617 . Mr. Ross testified that he prepared, or had others
2637prepare under h is supervision, Petition Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4,
26485, 9, 10, and 11 . M r. Ross testified that these exhibits
2661accurately depict and describe the boundaries of the parcels o f
2672property at issue, the CityÓs future land uses for the parcels
2683of property at issue, the location and description of the
2693existing major water and sewer trunk lines associated with the
2703parcels of property at issue , and the facilities expected in the
2714Amend ed District. M r. RossÓ s testimony constitutes competent,
2724substantial evidence of the accuracy of Petition Exhibits 1, 2,
27343, 4, 5, 9, 10, and 11 .
274218 . Mr. Sheridan testifi ed that he is familiar with
2753the Petition , and that he coordinated the execution of
2762P etition Exhibit 7 , the Consent and Joinder of Landowners to
2773the Amendment of the Boundaries of the Wiregrass Community
2782Development District. Mr. Sheridan Ós testimony constitutes
2789competent, substantial evidence of the accuracy of the
2797statements in the Peti tion , and of the consent of the landowners
2809in the C ontraction P arcel to the proposed District boundary
282119 . Based on the testimony and evidence of record, and
2832in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the statements
2842contained in the Petition and the exhibits thereto are true and
2854Section 190.005(1)(e) 2 . - Whether the amendment of the District
2865boundary is inconsistent with any applicable element or portion
2874of the State Comprehensive Plan or of the effective local
2884government comprehens ive plan.
288820 . M r. Ross reviewed the proposed District boundary
2898amendment for consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan .
290721 . The State Comprehensive Plan Ðprovides long - range
2917policy guidance for the orderly social, economic and physical
2926growth of the State . Ñ Of the subjects, goals, and policies in
2939the State Comprehensive Plan, M r. Ross identified Subject
2948No. 15 - Land Use, Subject No. 17 - Public Facilities , and
2960Subject No. 25 - Plan Implementation, as relevant from a
2970planning and engineering per spective to the proposed amendment .
298022 . Subject No. 15 recognizes the importance of locating
2990development in areas that have the resources, fiscal abilities ,
2999and service capacity to accommodate growth. M r. Ross testified
3009that the Amended District will co ntinue to have the fiscal
3020capability to provide a wide range of services and facilities to
3031a population in a designated growth area. M r. RossÓ s testimony
3043constitutes competent, substantial evidence that the proposed
3050boundary amendment is not inconsistent with the land use goal of
3061the State Comprehensive Plan. There was no evidence to the
307223 . Subject No. 17 calls for the protection of existing
3083public facilities and the timely, orderly, and efficient
3091planning and financing of new facilities. M r . Ross testified
3102that the removal of the contraction parcel from the boundary of
3113the District will not have an impact on the DistrictÓs existing
3124public facilities and services, and the future facilities and
3133services serving the Contraction Parcel will be p rovided by a
3144newly established CDD ( s ) . Mr. RossÓ s testimony constitutes
3156competent, substantial evidence that the proposed boundary
3163amendment is not inconsistent with the public facilities goal of
3173the State Comprehensive Plan. There was no evidence to the
318424 . Subject No. 25 calls for systematic planning
3193capabilities to be integrated into all levels of government
3202throughout the State, with particular emphasis on improving
3210intergovernmental coordination and maximizing citizen
3215involvement. Mr. Ro ss testified that allowing the Amended
3224District and the Contraction Parcel to be overseen by separate
3234CDDs will result in an increased level of coordination between
3244the State, Pasco County, the relevant CDD and its residents and
3255landowners , as the CDDs wil l be serving a more localized
3266geographical boundary allowing for maximized citizen
3272involvement. M r. RossÓs testimony constitutes competent,
3279substantial evidence that the proposed boundary amendment is not
3288inconsistent with the plan implementation goal of the State
3297Comprehensive Plan. There was no evidence to the contrary.
330625 . Based on the evidence adduced at the hearing, the
3317Amended District will not be inconsistent with any applicable
3326provision of the State Comprehensive Plan.
333226 . M r. Ross also rev iewed the Amended District for
3344consistency with the Pasco County Comprehensive Plan.
335127 . Chapter 190 prohibits a CDD from acting in any manner
3363inconsistent with the local governmentÓs comprehensive plan.
3370When initially established in 2009 , the District demonstrate d
3379that the development of the lands within its boundary was
3389consistent with the Pasco County Comprehensive Plan. There is
3398nothing in the record of this proceeding to suggest that the
3409contraction of the DistrictÓs boundaries in the manner propo sed
3419will cause the Amended District to be inconsistent with any
3429portion or element of the Pasco County Comprehensive Plan.
343828 . M r. RossÓs testimony constitutes competent,
3446substantial evidence that the proposed boundary amendment will
3454not be inconsistent with any applicable element of the Pasco
3464County Comprehensive Plan. There was no evidence to the
347429 . Based on the evidence adduced at the hearing, the
3485Amended District will not be inconsistent with any applicable
3494provisions of the Pasco Coun ty Comprehensive Plan.
3502Section 190.005(1)(e)3. - Whether the area of land within the
3512Amended District is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact,
3521and is sufficiently contiguous to be developable as one
3530functional interrelated community.
353330 . The Amen ded District will include approximately
35421,777.448 acres, located entirely within Pasco County .
355131 . Mr. Brizendine testified that the Amended District has
3561sufficient land area, and is sufficiently compact and contiguous
3570to be developed, and has in fact be en developed as one
3582functional, interrelated community, and that the boundary
3589amendment will have no impact on that functionality.
359732 . M r. Ross testified that the area of land within the
3610District was originally developed as a planned community, was
3619pre viously determined to be of sufficient size, compactness , and
3629contiguity to be developed with facilities and services as one
3639functionally interrelated community . Development within the
3646District, to date, has occurred in two geographically abutting
3655phases which will comprise the Amended District after amendment.
3664Thus, the removal of the Contraction Parcel will allow the lands
3675within the proposed Amended District to continue to operate as a
3686functionally interrelated community, as it remains of sufficient
3694si ze, compactness and contiguity.
369933 . The testimony of Mr. Brizend ine and M r. Ross
3711constitute s competent, substantial evidence that the Amended
3719District will be of sufficient size, sufficiently compact,
3727and sufficiently contiguous to be developed as a sing le
3737functionally interrelated community. There was no evidence to
3745the contrary.
3747Section 190.005(1)(e)4. - Whether the Amended District remains
3755the best alternative available for delivering community
3762development services and facilities to the area that wi ll be
3773served by the Amended District.
377834 . The District is presently providing infrastructure
3786improvements to the lands within its boundar y , with the
3796exception of the contraction parcel. Facilities or services to
3805be provided to the Contraction Parcel wi ll be provided by a
3817future CDD (s) and/or the developer of the Wiregrass Ranch
382835 . Mr. Brizendine testified that to date, the District
3838has been the mechanism used to plan, finance, construct,
3847operate , and maintain the public facilities and se rvices within
3857the existing District . T he District has already constructed the
3868majority of the facilities and services needed to serve the
3878Amended District and is providing the associated maintenance and
3887operations . The proposed amendment will allow for t he continued
3898operation of the facilities and services to the lands within the
3909Amended DistrictÓs boundar y . Accordingly, the Amended District
3918is the best alternative to provide such facilities and services
3928to the area to be served.
393436 . M r. Ross testified that the existing District has
3945provided community development facilities and services
3951effectively and efficiently to the areas served from the date
3961the District was established, and that it is the best
3971alternative available for delivering community develo pment
3978services and facilities . Even after removal of the C ontraction
3989P arcel, the Amended District will be capable of continuing to
4000efficiently finance and oversee the operation and maintenance of
4009necessary capital improvements within its boundaries .
401637 . Mr. Sheridan testified that a new CDD will be
4027established to finance a portion of the cost of the
4037infrastructure, facilities , and services need ed to accommodate
4045development within the C ontraction P arcel. The master developer
4055of the lands within the Dist rict, Locust Branch, LLC, or its
4067subsidiaries or designees, will fund the remainder of the cost
4077of the construction of the infrastructure, facilities and
4085services needed to accommodate the development of such property
4094that is not funded by a future CDD . A fter construction, the
4107infrastructure and facilities within the C ontraction P arcel will
4117be conveyed to the future CDD , Pasco County, or to an applicable
4129homeownersÓ association for ownership and maintenance, as is
4137appropriate depending on the type of infra structure or
4146facilities that are actually constructed .
415238 . The testimony of Mr. Brizendine, Mr. Ross, and
4162Mr. Sheridan constitutes competent, substantial evidence that
4169the Amended District remains the best alternative available for
4178delivering community d evelopment services and facilities to the
4187area that will be served by the Amended District. There was no
4199evidence to the contrary.
4203Section 190.005(1)(e)5. - Whether the community development
4210services and facilities of the Amended District will be
4219incompa tible with the capacity and uses of existing local and
4230regional community development services and facilities.
423639 . Mr. Brizendine testified that the services and
4245facilities of the Amended District are identical to those
4254provided by the existing District , and thus are not incompatible
4264with the capacity and use of existing local or regional
4274community development services and facilities.
427940 . M r. Ross testified that the services and facilities to
4291be provided by the Amended District are not incompatible, an d in
4303fact remain fully compatible, with the capacities and uses of
4313the existing local or regional community development facilities
4321and with those provided by the existing District.
432941 . The testimony of Mr. Brizendine and Mr. Ross
4339constitutes competent, s ubstantial evidence that the community
4347development services and facilities of the Amended District will
4356not be incompatible with the capacity and uses of existing local
4367and regional community development services and facilities.
4374There was no evidence to t he contrary.
4382Section 190.005(1)(e)6. - Whether the area that will be served
4392by the Amended District is amenable to separate special - district
440442 . Mr. Brizendine testified that the removal of the
4414C ontraction P arcel will not affect the ability of the Amended
4426District to operate as a separate special district government,
4435and that contracting the boundar y of the existing District will
4446limit the area to be served by the government already in place,
4458but will not change the way the unit of government is operating
4470either now or into the future.
447643 . M r. Ross testified that t he area within the Amended
4489District remains large enough to comprise its own community with
4499individual facility and service needs , as the areas within the
4509District that are curren tly developed only include lands within
4519the proposed boundary of the Amended District . Moreover, the
4529Amended District will continue to constitute an efficient
4537mechanism for providing the necessary capital infrastructure
4544improvements, and ongoing operation and maintenance thereof,
4551to directly serve the development within its boundary. Special
4560district governance is appropriate for the Amended District
4568because it provides a mechanism whereby long - term maintenance
4578obligations can be satisfied by the persons using the facilities
4588and services.
459044 . The testimony of Mr. Brizendine and Mr. Ross
4600constitutes competent, substantial evidence that the area that
4608will be served by the Amended District is amenable to separate
4619special - district government. There was no evidence to the
4630Section 190.005(1)(a)8. - Statement of Estimated Regulatory
4637Costs .
463945 . In addition to the elements in section 109.005(1)(e) ,
4649s ection 190.005(1)(a)8 . requires the preparation and submission
4658of a S ERC w hich meets the requirements of s ectio n 120.541 . The
4674Petition includes a S ERC .
468046 . Mr. Brizendine explained the purpose of the SERC ,
4690the economic analysis presented therein, and the data and
4699methodology used in preparing the S ERC . H is testimony is
471247 . The SERC conta ins an estimate of the costs and
4724benefits to all persons directly affected by the proposed rule
4734to amend the boundar y of the District , including the State of
4746Florida and its citizens, Pasco County and its citizens, and the
4757property owners within the existi ng District and the C ontraction
4768P arcel.
477048 . Aside from nominal costs related to the amendment of
4781rule 42 MMM - 1 .002 , the s tate and its citizens will only incur
4796modest costs from contracting the DistrictÓs boundary as
4804proposed. O ngoing state costs related to the Amended District
4814are limited to the receipt and processing of reports that are
4825required to be file d with the s tate. C osts to the s tate
4840agencies that will receive and process the Amended DistrictÓs
4849reports are expected to be minimal. The Amended D istrict is one
4861of many governmental subdivisions required to submit reports to
4870the s tate. P ursuant to s ection 189.018 , the Amended District
4882will pay an annual fee to the DEO to offset such costs.
489449 . It is not anticipated that Pasco County will incur
4905co sts in reviewing the Petition, as the District remitted a
4916$15,0 25 .00 filing fee to Pasco County to offset any such costs.
4930Pasco County declined to hold a public hearing on the matter,
4941thus avoiding costs related thereto . As is the case with the
4953existing District, annual costs to Pasco County related to the
4963Amended District are expected to be minimal. Since t he Amended
4974District is an independent unit of local government , t he only
4985annual costs incurred by Pasco County will be the minimal costs
4996of receiving and r eviewing reports that are required to be
5007provide d to Pasco County .
501350 . The costs of petitioning for the boundary amendment
5023are being paid entirely by the master developer of the
5033C ontraction P arcel, Locust Branch, LLC , pursuant to a funding
5044agreeme nt with the District. The Amended District will continue
5054to incur costs for operation and maintenance of its facilities
5064and for its administration. Th o se costs are paid from annual
5076assessments against properties within the District benefiting
5083from its fa cilities and its services.
509051 . The evidence in this case establishes that the S ERC
5102meets all requirements of s ection 120.541 .
5110Other Procedural Elements
511352 . The District has complied with the provisions of
5123s ection 190.005(1)(b)1., in that Pasco County was provided a
5133copy of the Petition and was paid the requisite filing fee prior
5145to the District filing the Petition with the Commission.
515453 . Section 190.005(1)(d) require d the District to publish
5164notice of the local public hearing in a newspaper of gene ral
5176circulation in Pasco County for four consecutive weeks prior to
5186the hearing. The notice was published in the Tampa Bay Times, a
5198newspaper of general paid circulation in Pasco County on March
520827, 2018, April 3, 2018, April 10 , 2018, and April 17, 2018.
522054 . The Commission has certified that the Petition meets
5230all of the requirements of s ections 190.046(1)(f) and
5239190.005(1)(a) .
524355 . This proceeding is governed by chapter 120,
5252sections 190.005 and 190.046 , and Florida Administrative Code
5260C hapter 42 - 1.
526556 . The District was established by the adoption of
5275c hapter 42 MMM - 1, which followed the issuance of a DOAH Report of
5290Administrative Law Judge to the Florida Land and Water
5299Adjudicatory Commission . See In Re: Wiregrass Community
5307Development District , DOAH Case No. 08 - 3029 (DOAH Report
5317Aug. 28 , 2008 ; Chapter 42 MMM - 1 adoption J une 24, 2009 ).
533157 . Section 190.046(1) provides, in pertinent part, that :
5341(1) A landowner or the board may petition
5349to contract or expand the boundaries of a
5357community development district in the
5362following manner:
5364* * *
5367(f) Petit ions to amend the boundaries
5374of the district [to the extent provided in
5382this case] shall be proces sed in accordance
5390with s. 190.005, and the petition shall
5397include on ly the elements set forth in
5405s. 190.005(1) (a)1. and 5. - 8. and the
5414consent required by paragraph (g).
5419However, th e resulting administrative rule
5425or ordinance may only amend the boundari es
5433o f the distr ict and may not establish a
5443new district or cause a new 6 - year or
545310 - year period to begin pursuant to
5461s. 190.006(3)(a)2. The filing fee for
5467such petiti ons shall be as set forth in
5476s. 190.005(1)(b), as applicable.
5480(g) In all cases of a pet ition to amend
5490boundaries o f a district, the filing of
5498the petition by the district board of
5505supervisors constitutes consent of the
5510landowne rs within the district. In
5516all cases, written consent of those
5522landowners whose land is to be added to or
5531deleted f rom the district as provided in
5539s. 190.005(1)(a)2. is required.
554358 . The Consent and Joinder of Landowner s introduced as
5554Exhibit A, Attachment SB - 1 , Exhibit 7 K , establish es that the
5567District provided the requisite consent of the Contraction
5575Parcel landow ners, thus meeting the landowner consent
5583requirements of section 190.046(1)(g).
558759 . The District satisfied the statutory notice
5595requirements by providing Pasco County with a copy of the
5605Petition and paying the required filing fee as required by
5615section 190.005(1)(b) . The District also published notice
5623of the local public hearing in the manner required by
5633section 190.005(1)(d).
563560 . Section 190.005(1) provides, in pertinent part, that:
5644(1) The exclusive and uniform method for the
5652establishment of a community development
5657district with a size of 1,000 acres or more
5667shall be pursuant to a rule, adopted under
5675chapter 120 by the Florida Land and Water
5683Adjudicatory Commission, granting a petitio n
5689for the establishment of a community
5695development district.
5697(a) A petition for the establishment of a
5705community development district shall be filed
5711by the petitioner with the Florida Land and
5719Water Adjudicatory Commission . The petition
5725shall contain:
57271. A metes and bounds description of the
5735external boundaries of the district . Any
5742real property within the external boundaries
5748of the district which is to be excluded from
5757the district shall be specifically described,
5763and the last known address of all ow ners of
5773such real property shall be listed . The
5781petition shall also address the impact of the
5789proposed district on any real property within
5796the external boundaries of the district which
5803is to be excluded from the district.
5810* * *
58135. A map of the propose d district showing
5822current major trunk water mains and sewer
5829interceptors and outfalls if in existence.
58356. Based up on available data, the
5842proposed timetable for construction of the
5848district services and the estimated cost of
5855constructing the proposed ser vices . These
5862estimates shall be submitted in good faith
5869but are not binding and may be subject to
58797. A designation of the future general
5886distribution, location, and extent of public
5892and private uses of land proposed for the
5900area within the distr ict by the future land
5909use plan element of the effective local
5916government comprehensive plan of which all
5922mandatory elements have been adopted by the
5929applicable general - purpose local government
5935in compliance with the Community Planning
59428. A stateme n t of estimated regulatory
5950costs in accorda nce with the requirements of
5958s. 120.541.
596061 . The Petition includes t he elements required by
5970section 190.005(1)(a) 1. and 5. - 8.
597762 . Section 190.046(1)(a) provides that :
5984If the petitioner seeks to contract the
5991district, the petition shall describe what
5997services and facilities are currently
6002provided by the district to the area being
6010removed, and the designation of the future
6017general distribution, location, and extent
6022of public and private uses of land proposed
6030f or the area by the future land element of
6040the adopted local government comprehensive
604663 . As established herein, the Petition included the
6055description of services and facilities, and the designation of
6064future public and private land uses as require d.
607364 . As established in s ection 190.046 (1) ( f ) , the
6086Petition is to be processed by application of the standards in
6097section 190.005 .
610065 . Section 190.005(d) provides, in pertinent part,
6109A local publi c hearing on the petition
6117shall be conducted by a hearing officer in
6125conformance with the applicable requirements
6130and procedures of the Administrative
6135Procedure Act . The hearing shall include
6142oral and written comments on the petition
6149pertinent to the factors specified in
615566 . Section 190.005(1)(e) provides that:
6161The Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory
6167Commission shall consider the entire record
6173of the local hearing, the transcript of the
6181hearing, resolutions adopted by local
6186general - purpose governments as provided in
6193para graph (c), and the following factors and
6201make a determination to grant or deny a
6209petition for the establishment of a
6215community development district:
62181. Whether all statements contained within
6224the petition have been found to be true and
62342. Whet her the establishment of the
6241district is i nconsistent with any
6247applicable element or portion of the state
6254comprehensive plan or of the effective local
6261government comprehensive plan.
62643. Whether the area of land within the
6272proposed district is of sufficien t size, is
6280sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently
6285contiguous to be developable as one
6291functional interrelated community.
62944. Whether the district is the best
6301alternative available for delivering
6305community development services and
6309facilities to the area that will be served
6317by the district.
63205. Whether the community development
6325services and facilities of the district will
6332be incompatible with the capacity and uses
6339of existing local and regional community
6345development services and facilities.
63496. Whether the area that will be served by
6358the district is amenable to separate
6364special - district government.
636867 . E ach of the statutory criteria in section
6378190.005(1)(e) has been satisfied.
638268 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that the
6392statements cont ained in the Petition are true and correct.
6402§ 190.005(1)(e)1., Fla. Stat.
640669 . The evidence in t his proceeding establishes that the
6417amendment of the District's boundar y will not be inconsistent
6427with either the Pasco County C omprehensive P lan or the S ta te
6441C omprehensive P lan. § 190.005(1)(e)2., Fla. Stat.
64497 0 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that,
6459after the removal of the C ontraction P arcel, the A mended
6471District will continue to be of sufficient size, sufficiently
6480compact, and sufficiently contiguous to be developable as one
6489functional interrelated community. § 190.005(1)(e)3., Fla.
649671 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that ,
6505after the removal of the C ontraction P arcel, the Amended
6516District will continue to be the best al ternative available for
6527delivering community development services and facilities to the
6535remaining a reas. § 190.005(1)(e)4., Fla. Stat.
654272 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that the
6552services and facilities that will be provided by the Distric t to
6564the expansion areas are not incompatible with the capacity or
6574uses of any local or regional community development services and
6584facilities . § 190.005(1)(e)5., Fla. Stat.
659073 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that,
6599after the removal of the C ontraction P arcel, the District is
6611amenable to separate special - district government.
6618§ 190.005(1)(e)6., Fla. Stat.
6623Section 190.005(1)(e) , as ap plicable to a petition to
6632amend the boundar y of a CDD pursuant to section 190.046(1)(f),
6643prov ides that the Commission Ðshall consider the entire re cord
6654of the local hearing, the T ranscript of the hearing, resolutions
6665adopted by local general - purpose governments,Ñ and t he factors
6677set forth in section 190.005(1)(e)1. through 6. in determining
6686whether to grant or deny the petition. Based upon the foregoing
6697findings of fact and conclusions of law, the undersigned
6706concludes that the proposed boundary amendment satisfies the
6714statutory requirements, and that there is no reason not to grant
6725the Dist r ictÓs req uest to amend its boundary by removal of the
67392 ,196.846 - acre, more or less, C ontraction P arcel.
6750DONE AND ENTE RED this 25th day of May , 2018 , in
6761Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.
6769Administrative Law Judge
6772Division of Administrative Hearings
6776The DeSoto Building
67791230 Apalachee Parkway
6782Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060
6787(850) 488 - 9675
6791Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847
6798Filed with the Clerk of the
6804Division of Administrative Hearings
6808this 25th day of May , 2018 .
6818Cynthia Kelly
6820Florida Land and Water
6824Adjudicatory Commission
6826The Capitol
6828Office of the Governor
6832Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001
6837Molly Weller , Agency Clerk
6841Transportation and Economic
6844Development Policy Unit
6847Room 1801
6849The Capitol
6851Tal lahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001
6858Lindsay Whelan, Esquire
6861Hopping, Green and Sams, P.A.
6866Suite 300
6868119 South Monroe Street
6872Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1591
6878Jonathan T. Johnson, Esquire
6882Hopping, Green, and Sams, P.A.
6887119 South Monroe Street Suite 300
6893Post Office Box 6526
6897Tallahassee, Florida 32314 - 6526
6903Nicholas Primrose , General Counsel
6907General Counsel to the Commission
6912Office of the Governor
6916The Capitol, Suite 209
6920Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001
- Date
- Proceedings
- PDF:
- Date: 05/29/2018
- Proceedings: Report cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
- PDF:
- Date: 05/29/2018
- Proceedings: Amended Administrative Law Judge's Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission
- PDF:
- Date: 05/25/2018
- Proceedings: Report cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
- PDF:
- Date: 05/25/2018
- Proceedings: Administrative Law Judge's Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (public hearing held April 24, 2018). CASE CLOSED.
- PDF:
- Date: 05/14/2018
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions filed.
- Date: 04/24/2018
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/16/2018
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Prefiled Written Testimony (Part 4 of 4) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/16/2018
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Prefiled Written Testimony (Part 3 of 4) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/16/2018
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Prefiled Written Testimony (Part 2 of 4) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/16/2018
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Prefiled Written Testimony (Part 1 of 4) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/08/2018
- Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 24, 2018; 1:00 p.m.; Wesley Chapel, FL).
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 03/05/2018
- Date Assignment:
- 03/06/2018
- Last Docket Entry:
- 05/29/2018
- Location:
- Wesley Chapel, Florida
- District:
- Middle
- Agency:
- Office of the Governor
Jonathan T. Johnson, Esquire
119 South Monroe Street Suite 300
Post Office Box 6526
Tallahassee, FL 323146526
(850) 222-7500 -
Cynthia Kelly
The Capitol
Office of the Governor
Tallahassee, FL 323990001
(850) 488-7146 -
Barbara R. Leighty, Agency Clerk
Room 1801
The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 323990001
(850) 717-9491 -
John MacIver, Esquire
The Capitol, Suite 209
Tallahassee, FL 323990001
(850) 717-9310 -
Lindsay Whelan, Esquire
Suite 300
119 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 222-7500 -
Vinette D Godelia, Esquire
Address of Record