18-002807 Shayla Elizabeth Hoff vs. Department Of Financial Services, Board Of Funeral, Cemetery And Consumer Services
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, September 19, 2018.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to demonstrate that she is entitled to a preneed sales agent license.





12vs. Case No. 18 - 28 07







34Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this matter

45on July 31 , 2018, in Ocala, Florida, before Yolonda Y. Green, a

57duly - designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

67Administrative Hearings (Division).


72For Petitioner: Shayla Elizabeth Hoff, pro se

796041 Northwest 54th Terrace

83Ocala, Florida 34482

86For Respondent: Tom L. Barnhart, Esquire

92Robert Antonie Milne, Esquire

96Office of th e Attorney General

102The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

107Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


116Whether PetitionerÓ s application for licens ure as a preneed

126sales a gent should be approved.


134In a Notice of Intent to Deny issued on April 26, 2018 , the

147Department of Financial Services, Board of Funeral, Cemetery and

156Consumer Services ( Department or Respondent) notified Petiti oner

165that her application for a preneed sales agent license had been

176deni ed because she had ple d nolo contendere to a felony charge

189of child neglect without great bodily harm and failed to

199demonstrate that she would not be a danger to the public if her

212license was approved. On May 1, 2018, Petitioner timely

221requested a hearing disputing the factual basis for the denial

231of licensure. This matter was referred to the Division and was

242assigned to the undersigned.

246At the final hearing, the parties offered Joint Exhibit 1,

256which was PetitionerÓ s deposition taken on July 18, 2018.

266Petitioner testified on her o w n behalf. Petitioner did not

277offer a ny e xhibits. Respondent presented testi mony of

287Petitioner. Respondent also offered Exhibits 1 through 8, which

296were admitted into evidence.

300The hearing commenced as scheduled. A one - volume

309Transcript of the hearing was filed on August 20, 2018.

319Respondent filed a Proposed Recommended Order, which has been

328considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.

336Unless otherwise indicated, all statutory references are to

344Florida Statu tes (2018). 1/


353Based upon the evidence presented at hearing, the following

362relevant Findings of Fact are made.

3681. Petitioner seeks a license as a preneed sales agent so

379that she may work at Good Shepherd Memorial Gardens Funeral Home

390(ÐG ood ShepherdÑ) . Petitioner plans to work as a family service

402advisor to help families with preneed services.

4092. A preneed sales agent assists families with planning

418for funeral or burial needs prior to death. Petitioner

427anticipates she would conduct mee tings with potential customers

436at the cemetery or in their homes.

4433 . Petitioner worked with Good Shepherd from January 2018

453until June 201 8 . Although Petitioner is currently not employed

464at the funeral home, she anticipates that Good Shepherd would

474all ow her to return to work if her application for licensure is


4884 . Respondent is the state entity responsible for

497regulating licensure of persons who provide preneed sales

505services under chapter 497 , Florida Statutes .

5125 . When applying for any l icense under chapter 497,

523Respondent considers whether the applicant has a criminal

531record . A n applicant must disclose any felony offense that was

543committed within 20 years immediately preceding the application .

552The Board then considers the applicantÓs criminal history and

561wh ether the applicant would pose an unreasonable risk to members

572of the public who might deal with the applicant in preneed


5846. Petitioner has a criminal history involving an incident

593that occurred two years ago. In Se ptember 2016, PetitionerÓs

603husband placed PetitionerÓs then eight - year - old daughter in a dog

616cage because the daughter had allegedly mistreated the family

625dog. Petitioner returned home from work, found her daughter in

635the dog cage, and remove d her . In a separate but related

648incident, Petitioner watched her husband take her daughter to

657her bedroom. Petitioner entered the daughterÓs bedroom a nd saw

667her husband spanking her child with a flip - flop sandal on her

680behind . At no point did Petitioner attempt to protect her

691daughter from her husbandÓ s abusive actions or report him to the

703appropriate authorities . The abuse was ultimately reported by a

713roommate who lived in the home.

7197 . On June 12, 2017, Petitioner (age 28) pled nolo

730contendere to one count of c hild neglect wit hout great bodily

742harm, a third - degree fel ony , in violation of section s

754827.03(1)(e) and 8 27.02(2)(d), Florida Statutes. The court

762sentenced Petitioner to: one day of jail time with credit for

773time served, probation for 24 months, 100 hou rs of c ommunity

785service (within the 18 months of probation), and peaceful

794contact with her daughter. Petitioner was also ordered t o pay

805court costs and fees and fines in the amount of $937.00.

816Adjudication of guilt was withheld.

8218 . PetitionerÓs husband , who was not the c hildÓs

831biological father, ple d guilty to two counts of child abuse

842without great bodily harm. Among other things, h e was ordered

853to have no contact with the child.

8609 . Prior to the criminal offense at issue in this matter,

872Petitioner had no criminal history. In addition, Petitioner has

881had no known contact with law enforcement since the criminal


89210 . In a Notice of Intent to Deny issued on April 26,

9052018, Respondent notified Petitioner that her application for a

914preneed sale s agent license had been denied as follows :

9253. On June 7, 2017, Ms. Hoff pled no

934contest to a felony charge of child neglect

942without great bodily harm and was sentenced

949to 24 months of probation, 100 hours

956community service, assessed court costs and

962fine s in the amount of $937.00, and her

971parental rights were terminated.

9754. The [A] pplicant stated that her criminal

983probation will no t be completed until

990June 2019 .

9935. The Applicant stated that she has not

1001yet paid the fines and fees assessed in this

1010[c riminal] matter.

10136. The Applicant stated that she is still

1021married to the gentleman she was married to

1029at the time of the arrest. This gentleman

1037was involved in the criminal allegations of

1044child neglect .

104711 . On May 1, 2018, Petitioner timely reques ted a hearing

1059disputing the factual basis for the denial of licensure.

106812 . Petitioner has completed 40 hours of the 100 hours

1079community service requirement . She anticipates that she may be

1089eligible for early termination of her probation after she

1098complet es the community service hours. Petitioner did not

1107present any evidence of community service other than court -

1117ordered community service .

112113. Prior to submitting her application, Petitioner

1128completed approximately 15 0 to 175 hours of training in preneed

1139sales, covering family planning, death certificates, Veterans

1146Affair benefits, types of burial products, and financial plan


115614 . Petitioner provided no explanation regarding why she

1165did not protect her daughter from abuse. In addition,

1174Peti tioner continues to live with her husband and indicated that

1185she has not yet divorced him due to financial reasons.

119515. Petitioner has not presented sufficient evidence to

1203meet her burden to prove that she is not a danger to the public.


122116 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1229jurisdiction over the subject matter of the proceeding and the

1239parties thereto p ursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1) ,

1248Florida Statutes (2018) .

125217 . The applicant has the burden of presenting evidenc e of

1264her fitn ess for licensure as a preneed sales agent . See Fla.

1277Dep't of Transp. v. J.W.C. Co., Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778, 788

1289(Fla. 1st DCA 1981). Sh e must prove entitlement to licensure by

1301a preponderance of the evidence. See § 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

13111 8 . As a general matter, s ection 497.141(5) provides that

1323t he licensing authority (in this case , the Board) may not issue

1335a license under this chapter to an applicant that has a criminal

1347record r equired to be disclosed under section 497.142 (10) ,

1357unless the applicant demonstrates that issuance of the license,

1366according to rules adopted by the licensing authority, does not

1376create a danger to the public.

138219 . Section 497.466 addresses requirements and procedures

1390for applicants seeking approval for a preneed sa les agent

1400license, including in pertinent part:

1405(2)(d) The application shall require the

1411preneed sales agent applicant to disclose

1417any criminal record, as required by

1423s. 497.142 .

1426* * *

1429(5) (c) An applicant with a criminal or

1437disciplinary record who des ires a permanent

1444preneed sales agent license shall petition

1450the board for issuance of such license using

1458forms and procedures as specified by rule.

1465The board shall issue a permanent preneed

1472sales agent license to an applicant with a

1480criminal or disciplina ry record if the board


1489* * *

14922. That the applicant, if issued a preneed

1500sales agent license, would not pose an

1507unreasonable risk to members of the public

1514who might deal with the applicant in preneed


152320 . Section 497.142 provides, in pertinent part, that:

1532(10)(a) When a pplying for any license under

1540this chapter, every applicant must disclose

1546the applicantÓs criminal records in

1551accordance with this subsection. When

1556applying for renewal of any license under

1563this chapter, every licensee must disclose

1569only those criminal of fenses required to be

1577disclosed under this subsection since the

1583most recent renewal of her or his license

1591or, if the license has not been renewed,

1599since the licenseeÓs initial application.

1604(b) The criminal record required to be

1611disclosed shall be any crime listed in

1618paragraph (c) for which the person or entity

1626required to make disclosure has been

1632convicted or to which that person or entity

1640entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere.

1648Disclosu re is required regardless of whether

1655adjudication is entered or withheld by the


1663(c) Crimes to be disclosed are:

1669* * *

16722. Any other felony not already disclosed

1679under subparagraph 1. that was committed

1685within the 20 years immediately preceding

1691the application under this chapter.

169621 . In evaluating the application of a licensee who has a

1708criminal record, the Board considers the factors cited in

1717Florida Administrative Code Rule 69K - 1.008(2).

172422 . Rule 69K - 1.008 ( 2 ) provides that :

1736A n applic ant for new or renewal license that

1746has a criminal record that is required to be

1755disclosed under section 497.142(10) shall

1760not be approved unless the applicant

1766demonstrates that issuance of the license

1772will not create a danger to the public.

1780Such applican t when evaluating wh ether an

1788applicant for license who has a criminal

1795record has demonstrated that issuance of the

1802license applied for would not create a

1809danger to the public. Such applicant shall

1816complete and submit with the application a

1823form DFS - N1 - 171 6, ÐCriminal History FormÑ

1833(Oct. 2006), which is incorporated by

1839refe rence in rule 69K - 1.001, F.A.C.

1847Applicant shall also make a written

1853presentation to the Board, in the form of a

1862letter to the Board, dated and signed by the

1871applicant and attached to the application,

1877addressing therein the factors listed below.

1883(a) A detailed explanation of the facts and

1891circumstances of the criminal conduct.

1896(b) If applicant was not the sole

1903perpetrator of the crime, a description in

1910detail of applicantÓs role on t he crime.

1918(c) If there are multiple crimes on

1925different dates, applicantÓs explanation of

1930why the multiple crimes should not be found

1938to indicate inability or unwillingness to

1944comply with applicable laws.

1948(d) The age of the applicant when the

1956crime(s) was committed.

1959(e) Whether the crime involved physical

1965violence, and the nature, amount and

1971circumstances of the violence.

1975(f) A detailed description of the type and

1983amount of personal or property harm, injury

1990or damage suffered by any victim or inno cent

1999bystander as a result of the crime(s).

2006(g) Whether all legally required

2011restitution has been made. If all legally

2018required restitution has not been made,

2024applicant shall provide an explanation of

2030why it has not been made.

2036(h) If applicant initial ly denied or failed

2044to disclose the criminal record on the

2051application for license, an explanation for

2057such denial or failure to disclose.

2063(i) Identification and description of any

2069evidence that applicant is remorseful

2074concerning the crime.

2077(j) Whether applicant believes they had a

2084drug or alcohol abuse problem in the time

2092frame the crime was committed and if so,

2100identification and description of any

2105evidence that applicant has been

2110successfully treated, or has otherwise

2115overcome or is in remission conc erning such

2123drug or alcohol abuse.

2127(k) Whether the applicant has successfully

2133completed and complied with, or is

2139completing or complying with, all

2144requirements imposed by the court in the

2151criminal proceedings, including but not

2156limited to probation, and identification and

2162description of any evidence in support of

2169applicantÓs assertion in that regard.

2174(l) Whether applicant has, since the

2180criminal court proceeding, engaged in any

2186activity in the nature of community service,

2193apart from and in addition to a ny criminal

2202sentencing requirements, and if so,

2207identification and description of any

2212evidence in support of applicantÓs assertion

2218in that regard.

2221(m) Any other argument by applicant as to

2229why applicant would not be a danger to the

2238public if the licensed applied for is

2245granted, and identification and description

2250of any evidence in support of such argument

2258and not previously identified and described

2264in applicantÓs presentation to the Board.

227023 . Petitioner submitted a letter with her application

2279addressin g her criminal history. Regarding factors (a)

2287through (f), the record demonstrates that Petitioner provided

2295details concerning certain facts about the criminal conduct.

2303Petitioner explained that her daughter was laughing while in the

2313dog cage and sugge sts she was not harm ed . She also indicated

2327that there was no violence involved with her daughter being

2337placed in the dog cage. However, Petitioner provided few

2346details about her role in the criminal events and provided no

2357explanation of why she did not p rotect her daughter from abuse.

2369Regarding factor (i), Petitioner expressed remorse for the

2377incident and indicated that she Ðfeels horrible about it.Ñ

2386Regarding factor (k), Petitioner is com plying with her probation

2396term , which is scheduled to end o n June 7, 2019 . Regarding

2409factor (m), Petitioner did not offer any evi dence of other

2420community service outside of the court - ordered community service

2430and requirements . Factors (g), (h), and (j) were not relevant

2441to this matter.

244424 . Rule 69K - 1.008(3) allows th e submission of reference s

2457that support the assertion that if licensed the applicant would

2467not be a danger to the public. Petitioner submitted three

2477letters of reference. The first letter was authored by Adriana

2487Hartzell , the f amily services m anager for Good Shepherd. She

2498described Petitioner as honest, compassionate, caring , and

2505punctual. Ms. Hartzell has known Petitioner for only six

2514months. The two remaining letters were identical and written by

2524Candace Morris . However, Ms. Morris signed one letter and

2534Robert Morris signed the other letter. The letters describ e

2544Respon dent as a hard worker but offer no information regarding

2555whether she would be a danger to the public.

256425 . Based on the totality of the evidence, Petitioner has

2575not demonstrated that , if licensed, she would not be a danger to

2587the public. Accordingly, h er application should be denied at

2597this time.


2600Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2610Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Funeral, Cemetery , a nd

2622Consumer Services enter a final order denying Shayla HoffÓs

2631application for licensure as a preneed sales agent.

2639DONE AND ENTERED this 19 th day of September , 2018 , in

2650Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2658Administrative Law Judge

2661Division of Administrative Hearings

2665The DeSoto Building

26681230 Apalachee Parkway

2671Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2676(850) 488 - 9675

2680Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2687Filed with the Clerk of the

2693Division of Administrative Hearings

2697this 19 th day of September , 2018 .


27071/ Because a final o rder has not yet been issued for this case,

2721Petitioner's application is governed by current law. See Ag. for

2731Health Care Admin. v. Mount Sinai Med. Ctr. , 690 So. 2d 689, 691

2744(Fla. 1st DCA 1997).


2751Tom Barnhart, Esquire

2754Office of the Attorney General

2759Plaza Level 01

2762The Capitol

2764Tallahassee, Florida 32399


2768Shayla Elizabeth Hoff

27716041 Northwest 54th Terrace

2775Ocala, Florida 34482


2779Robert Antonie Milne, Esquire

2783Office of the Attorney General

2788The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

2793Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


2799Mary Schwantes, Director

2802Div ision of Funeral, Cemetery ,

2807& Cons umer Services

2811Department of Financial Services

2815200 E ast Gaines Street

2820Tallahassee, Fl orida 32399 - 0361


2827Julie Jones, CP, FRP, Agency Clerk

2833Division of Legal Services

2837Department of Financial Services

2841200 East Gaines Street

2845Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0390



2857All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

286715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2878to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2889will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/11/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 12/10/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/19/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/19/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 31, 2018). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/19/2018
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/30/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/20/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 08/20/2018
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 08/13/2018
Proceedings: Order Restricting Use and Disclosure of Information Exempt from Public Disclosure.
Date: 08/06/2018
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Seal Record filed.
Date: 07/31/2018
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/26/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Witness List filed.
Date: 07/26/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Robert Milne) filed.
Date: 06/29/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 06/13/2018
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/13/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 31, 2018; 1:00 p.m.; Ocala, FL).
Date: 06/07/2018
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/01/2018
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/31/2018
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Deny filed.
Date: 05/31/2018
Proceedings: Election of Proceeding filed.
Date: 05/31/2018
Proceedings: Referral for Hearing filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Ocala, Florida


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