18-006677 Agency For Health Care Administration vs. Blue Angel Enterprises, Inc., D/B/A Blue Angel Residences
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, July 5, 2019.

View Dockets  
Summary: AHCA proved that Respondent engaged in unlicensed activity and committed background screening violations, sufficient to revoke its license and levy fines, but did not prove that Respondent failed to timely correct a medication storage deficiency.






15vs. Case No. 18 - 6677






34The final hearing in this matter was conducted before

43Administrative Law Judge Andrew D. Manko of the Division of

53Administrative Hearings (ÐDOAHÑ), pursuant to sections 120.569

60and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2018), 1/ on May 7 and 8, 201 9,

73by video teleconference between sites in Tallahassee and

81St. Petersburg , Florida , and on May 24, 2019, in St. Petersburg .


94For Petitioner: Nicola Brown, Esquire

99Gisela Iglesias, Esquire

102Agency for Health Ca re Administration

108Suite 330H

110525 Mirror Lake Drive North

115St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

119For Respondent: Jeffrey Scott Howell, Esquire

125Rickey L. Strong, Esquire

129Jeffrey S. Howell, P.A.

1332898 - 6 Mahan Drive

138Tallahassee, Florida 32308


145Whether Blue Angel Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Blue Angel

153Residences (ÐBlue AngelÑ) , committed the statutory or rule

161violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint and,

169if so, what penalty is authorized for such violations.


180On May 2, 2018, the Agency for Health Care Administration

190(AHCA) issued a six - count a dministrative c omplaint against Blue

202Angel, seeking to impose fines and revoke its assisted living

212facility license for engaging in unlicensed activity, failing to

221complete background screening and maintain an updated background

229screening roster, failing to ensure medication was properly

237secured, and opera ting beyond its licensed capacity. On May 25,

2482018, Blue Angel disputed the allegations and requested a

257hearing pursuant to section 120.57(1).

262On December 18, 2018, AHCA referred the administrative

270complaint to DOAH to conduct a formal administrative hear ing

280under section 120.57. The final hearing was initially set for

290February 18 and 19, 2019, but was continued upon agreement of

301the parties and rescheduled for May 7 and 8, 2019.

311Before the hearing, AHCA moved to determine no justiciable

320issues of materia l fact on two of the six counts. The

332undersigned denied the motion without prejudice to re newing it

342at the hearing after the evidence had been presented.

351The final hearing began on May 7, 2019. That morning, a

362proposed intervenor ÏÏ whose facility was the subject of a number

373of allegations in the administrative complaint but was neither

382named as a respondent nor served with the complaint ÏÏ filed

393motions to intervene and for continuance. Before any evidence

402was presented, the undersigned heard arguments and, on agreement

411of the parties and the proposed intervenor, AHCA filed an

421a mended a dministrative c omplaint that removed all allegations

431concerning the proposed intervenorÓs facility and the proposed

439intervenor withdrew its motions.

443On May 8, 2019, AHCA beg an its case - in - chief and presented

458the testimony of five witnesses: Unidad Bonoan, Laura Manville,

467Steven Brodsky, Rod Jean - Gilles, and Serita Evans. PetitionerÓs

477Exhibits 1 through 30, 33 through 41, 44, 47, and 49 through 51

490were admitted without objec tion. The undersigned took official

499recognition of PetitionerÓs Exhibit 44.

504On May 24, 2019, Blue Angel began its case - in - chief and

518presented the testimony of three witnesses: Maria Aussendorf,

526Saili Hernandez, and Edelma Perez Garcia. RespondentÓs Ex hibits

5353, 7, 15, and 18 were admitted without objection.

544On May 24, 2018, AHCA presented one witness in its rebuttal

555case, Sharon Lawrence.

558A three - volume T ranscript of the final hearing was filed on

571June 10, 20 19 . The part ies timely filed their Propose d

584Recommended Order s (ÐPRO s Ñ), which were duly considered in

595preparing this Recommended Order.

599To maintain confidentiality of the residents and staff at

608issue, the parties have referred to residents by number and to

619staff by letter throughout these proceed ings. The undersigned

628utilizes the same system in this R ecommended O rder. 2/


6431. AHCA is the state agency charged with licensing of

653assisted living facilities (ALFs) in Florida , pursuant to the

662authority in chapters 408, part II, and 429, part I, Florida

673Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 58A - 5. AHCA

683is authorized to evaluate ALFs to determine their compliance

692with statutes and rules regulating the ir licensure and


7022. Blue Angel, located in Tampa, Florida, has bee n a

713licensed ALF (#12211) since 2012 with an operating capacity of

723six beds. It is licensed to provide limited mental health

733services, participates in long - term care, and is a licensed

744adult daycare facility. Ms. Aussendorf owns the property,

752serves as B lue AngelÓs chief financial officer (ÐCFOÑ), and also

763assists with clinical care because she is a nurse. Armando

773Vazquez, Ms. AussendorfÓs brother, serves as Blue AngelÓs

781president and administrator.

7843. An ALF is a structure (whether a building, part o f a

797building, or multiple buildings) that provides housing, meals,

805and one or more personal services to residents for at least

81624 hours. These personal services typically include assistance

824with activities of daily living , such as bathing, dressing,

833ambu lating, and feeding, among others. It also can include

843assistance with self - administration of medication, whereby the

852facility stores the medication in a locked cabinet, retrieves

861it, observes the resident taking it, and then documents that it

872was taken.

8744. When an ALF applies for a license, it typically submits

885floor plans of the facility along with reports from local fire,

896zoning, and health agencies to ensure the structure meets

905regulatory and safety standards. AHCA reviews the application

913materials a nd conducts an inspection of the structure(s) to be

924licensed. If approved, the license is issued for the particular

934structure(s) inspected.

9365. The property on which Blue Angel is located has two

947structures. The main building, located in the front of th e

958property, has been licensed as an ALF since 2012. The back

969structure, located behind the main building, has never been

978licensed as an ALF. Ms. Aussendorf renovated the back structure

988in 2013 , and lived in it for several months before ÐrentingÑ it

1000to fo ur residents. Blue AngelÓs characterization of these

1009residents as independent, as opposed to assisted living, is one

1019of the primary issues in this case.

10266. AHCA conducts inspections, called surveys, of licensed

1034ALFs to determine their compliance with go verning statutes and

1044rules. AHCA has a right of entry to conduct surveys at licensed

1056ALFs at any time.

10607. ALFs are subject to bi - annual surveys, during which

1071surveyors tour the facility, review resident and staff records,

1080and observe compliance with co re standards, medication storage,

1089and direct care to residents. Surveyors interview residents,

1097family members, and staff. Complaint surveys are conducted when

1106AHCA receives a complaint from the public, another agency, or

1116anonymously; those surveys are fo cused to the area of concern.

1127Revisit surveys are conducted to ensure that any deficiencies

1136cited in a prior survey have been corrected.

11448. Surveyors also have authority to investigate unlicensed

1152facilities if they suspect that unlawful activity is occu rring,

1162though entering an unlicensed building without the ownerÓs

1170permission could be a violation of the ownerÓs rights.

11799. If an ALF is not in compliance with the law, AHCA

1191classifies the deficiencies based on the level of threat to the

1202safety and welf are of the residents. They are categorized as

1213Class I, II, III, IV, or unclassified deficiencies. Class III

1223deficiencies are the most common and involve an indirect threat

1233to the health or well - being of the residents. AHCA typically

1245gives the ALF 30 day s to correct a Class III deficiency before

1258seeking to impose a fine or penalty. An unclassified deficiency

1268is one that does not meet the other classifications and often

1279requires a fine or penalty to be assessed. A finding of

1290unlicensed activity is treate d as an unclassified deficiency,

1299which often results in action being taken against the license.

130910. On January 9, 2018, AHCAÓs surveyors, Mr. Brodsky and

1319Mr. Jean - Gilles, conducted a complaint survey at Blue Angel for

1331allegedly operating beyond its six - be d capacity. The complaint

1342was not specific to the unlicensed back structure so the focus

1353upon arrival was on the licensed main building.

136111. Upon arrival at 6:00 p.m. , the surveyors spoke to

1371Staff A about the complaint, told her to contact the owner, a nd

1384requested the admission/discharge log. Although Ms. Aussendorf

1391was not present initially, she arrived about 30 minutes later.

140112. Things were chaotic when the surveyors arrived due to

1411a shift change and residents being moved around the facility,

1421inc luding out the back door and into the back structure. As a

1434result, Mr. Brodsky inspected the main building, while Mr. Jean -

1445Gilles went out back to inspect the unlicensed back structure.

145513. In the main building, Mr. Brodsky interviewed several

1464residents , including Resident 1, who said he lived in the main

1475building. Resident 1Ós file contained a document showing an

1484admission date of December 2016, which indicated he had dementia

1494and needed assistance with bathing, dressing, and ambulation,

1502among others. He also was apparently admitted back into Blue

1512Angel from the hospital in July 2017. Ms. Aussendorf maintained

1522that Resident 1 was only there as an adult day care patient and

1535went home every day, though his daughter told Mr. Brodsky on the

1547phone that eve ning that he lived there. The surveyors believed

1558that seven residents (including Resident 1) were living in the

1568main building, one more than Blue AngelÓs license allowed.

157714. Meanwhile, Mr. Jean - Gilles went out back and spoke to

1589Staff C. She permitted h im to enter the back structure. He

1601observed a common area with a bunkbed and kitchenette, one

1611bedroom with two beds, and another bedroom with one bed.

162115. An unlocked cabinet in the kitchenette contained

1629medication belonging to residents who lived in th e main building

1640and some who no longer lived in the facility. The majority of

1652the medication was expired.

165616. Mr. Jean - Gilles observed Residents 14, 15, and 16 in

1668the back structure, interviewed them, spoke to Resident 13

1677outside the back structure, an d contacted family members. 3/

1687Those interviews revealed the following:

1692• Resident 13 lives in the back structure and moved there

1703from an ALF in Nebraska. Blue Angel provides her with

1713meals, cleans her room, and brings a groomer for her dog.

1724• Resident 14 lives in the back structure and shares a room

1736with another resident . Blue Angel assist s her with

1746bathing in the main building, change s her clothes, and

1756provides her meals. She also uses a walker because she

1766is not stable due to ParkinsonÓs Disease .

1774• R esident 15 live s in the back structure and has for about

1788five weeks after being discharged from the hospital . She

1798s hare s the bunkbed with Staff C . Blue Angel provide s her

1812with meals , assist s her with medication, and assisted her

1822with bathing initially . Her son confirmed that she has

1832dementia and needs assistance with everything.

1838• Resident 16 lives in the back structure and share s a room

1851with Resident 14 . Blue Angel assist s her with her

1862medication. A nurse c omes to check her blood pressure

1872and arrange her medicine in organizers.

187817. Mr. Jean - Gilles interviewed Staff C during the survey

1889and she informed him of the following:

1896• She live s in the back structure , supervise s the residents

1908at night , and helps them as needed . She assist s all of

1921them with their medication and confirmed they ate meals

1930in the main building. She also sometimes fills in during

1940day shifts .

1943• As to Resident 13, she bathes on her own in the back

1956structure because she is in better shape than the others.

1966But staff assists and wat ches her take her medication.

1976• As to Resident 14, Staff C or daytime staff assists her

1988with bathing in the main building and changing her

1997clothes because she is unstable and needs help.

2005• As to Resident 16, Staff C or daytime staff assists her

2017with bathing in the main building and changing clothes.

202618. Mr. Jean - Gilles also interviewed Staff D during the

2037survey and she informed him of the following:

2045• She has worked there for three years and, though the

2056residents in the back structure are independent, they do

2065need supervision and assistance.

2069• As to Resident 13, she is independent and staff does not

2081need to help her with anything.

2087• As to Resident 14, she walks by herself but also

2098occasionally uses a walker. Staff D supervises her when

2107she bathes so she does n ot fall. Staff makes sure she

2119takes her medication during snacks and meals, but she

2128does it in her room. Resident 14 also has been

2138incontinent and staff helps to clean her.

2145• As to Resident 15, she initially bathed in the main

2156building, but now does so i n the back structure. She is

2168assisted with her medication by Ms. Aussendorf.

2175• As to Resident 16, she is independent. Staff does not

2186watch her or give her medication. She showers in the

2196back structure.

219819. Mr. Jean - Gilles also reviewed Blue AngelÓs files

2208pertaining to Residents 13, 14, 15, and 16, which were kept in

2220the main building even though they lived in the back structure.

223120. All four residents executed residential leases with

2239Blue Angel, signed by Ms. Aussendorf, whereby Blue Angel agreed

2249to cl ean their rooms and assist them with laundry and meals.

2261The leases prohibited the residents from having guests without

2270prior written consent, required them to sign in/out before

2279leaving the premises, and mandated that they be on the premises

2290by 9 p.m. Re sident 16 also signed an ALF contract with Blue

2303Angel after she moved in, which indicated that her rent would

2314start at $700 but increase to $1,500 once she was enrolled in a

2328long - term care program.

233321. Residents 13, 14, and 16 each had ALF resident health

2344assessment forms (AHCA Form 1823). These forms were completed

2353by healthcare providers and confirmed that the residents needed

2362assistance with personal services that would be met at an ALF.

2373Each form listed Blue Angel as the licensed ALF, Ms. Aussendorf

2384as the facility contact, and detailed the following information:

2393• Resident 13 (signed by Ms. Aussendorf on January 28,

24032016) - she had schizophrenia - paranoid type, needed

2412assistance with self - administration of medication, and

2420needed daily oversight as to wh ereabouts and well - being ,

2431but was independent as to activities of daily life .

2441• R esident 14 (unsigned but dated October 23, 2017 ) - she

2454was unsteady, used a walker, and had a tremor, needed

2464supervision with bathing, meals, handling personal and

2471financial affairs, assistance with self - administration of

2479medication, and daily oversight as to her well - being ,

2489whereabouts, and reminders for important tasks.

2495• Resident 16 (unsigned, undated) - she needed supervision

2504with bathing, transferring, preparing meals, s hopping,

2511handling personal affairs, and ambulati ng because she is

2520unsteady , and needed daily oversight as to her well -

2530being , whereabouts, and reminders for important tasks.

253722. Blue AngelÓs files contained medical logs and forms

2546for Residents 13, 14, 15, and 16, which is not typical for

2558independent residents. The files contained the following:

2565• Resident 13 Î monthly logs tracking her medications and

2575the time of day taken from November 2017 through January

25852018; monthly logs tracking her weight from Novembe r 2013

2595through April 2015; monthly progress notes from March

2603through May 2015 indicating that Blue Angel checked her

2612vitals, though noting she was very independent;

2619certificate of Medicaid necessity signed by her medical

2627provider, indicating that she neede d assistance with

2635self - administration of medication and health support,

2643such as observing her whereabouts and well - being,

2652reminders of important tasks, and recording and reporting

2660significant changes in appearance and behavior ; community

2667living support pla n, naming Blue Angel as the ALF and

2678noting she needed assistance with medication management .

2686• Resident 14 Î monthly log s tracking her weight from

2697December 2015 through July 2016 .

2703• Resident 15 Î undated and unsigned observation log

2712i ndicat ing that Blue Ange l checked her vitals, though

2723noting she was independent.

2727• Resident 16 Î log tracking her medications and the time

2738of day taken for Jan uary 2018; copies of prescriptions

2748noting Blue Angel as the facility or listing its address.

275823. The su rveyors reviewed t he AHCA b ackground screening

2769c learinghouse a gency website to ensure all staff screenings were

2780current. They discovered that Staff CÓs level II background

2789screening had expired just a few days before the survey.

279924. The surveyors walked around with Ms. Aussendorf to

2808identify the issues they found. While in the back structure,

2818they showed Ms. Aussendorf the unlocked medication cabinet and

2827she acknowledged they were expired. They observed her removing

2836medicine from the packaging and giving it to Resident 15 because

2847she could not read the labels. Ms. Aussendorf admitted to

2857assisting Resident 15 with her medication, but maintained that

2866the residents in the back structure were independent.

287425. Although Staff D and Ms. Aussendorf gave conflicting

2883testimony as to the services provided, the undersigned finds the

2893testimony of Mr. Jean - Gilles and Mr. Brodsky to be credible,

2905particular ly viewed in the context of the documents in Blue

2916AngelÓs files, the statements made by staff and residents , and

2926the observations made by the surveyors during the survey.

293526. Before leaving that evening, the surveyors informed

2943Ms. Aussendorf of the following deficiencies: overcapacity

2950based on Resident 1 in the main building and the four residents

2962in the back structure, the backg round screening issue, and the

2973medication storage issue in the back structure. They did not

2983inform her, show her their notes, or discuss an allegation of

2994unlicensed activity. Thus, at that point, Blue Angel had no

3004notice of that allegation.

300827. The we ek following the survey, Ms. Aussendorf called

3018Ms. Manville, AHCAÓs supervisor for the local field office.

3027According to Ms. Aussendorf, Ms. Manville said the residents

3036could not live in the back structure and that, though an exact

3048deadline could not be gi ven, she should be fine if she moved

3061them before the revisit survey .

306728. Based on that call, Ms. Aussendorf began to find other

3078places for the four residents. Although there is conflicting

3087evidence as to the date on which the last resident moved out,

3099there is no dispute that Residents 13, 14, and 16 moved to other

3112ALFs and Resident 15 moved in with her daughter.

312129. On January 22, 2018, AHCA issued its Notice of

3131Unlicensed Activity. Based on the weight of the credible

3140evidence, this was the first da te that AHCA notified Blue Angel

3152that the activities in the back structure constituted unlicensed

3161activity, as opposed to mere overcapacity.

316730. In a letter dated January 25, 2018, AHCA reported its

3178findings and enclosed a summary statement of deficienc ies citing

3188the following four deficiencies: Tag 0055 - medication storage

3197and disposal, r ule 58A - 5.0185(6) (Class III); Tag Z815 Î

3209background screening, sections 408.809, 435.02(2), and 435.06

3216(unclassified); Tag Z827 Î unlicensed activity (Residents 13,

322414, 15, and 16 living in the back structure), section 408.812;

3235and Tag Z828 Î administrative fines and violations (overcapacity

3244as to Resident 1 living in main building), section 408.813(3).

3254The letter required all deficiencies to be corrected within 30

3264d ays of the date of the letter and mandated that a corrective

3277action plan be submitted by February 4, 2018.

328531. Blue Angel timely submitted its corrective action plan

3294and indicated that all deficiencies were corrected as follows:

3303• Unlicensed Activity - Al l residents had been moved out of

3315the back structure.

3318• Background Screening Î Staff C had been scheduled for a

3329background screening appointment as of the date of the

3338survey and, on January 10, 2018, completed the

3346rescreening and was in compliance.

3351• Overcap acity Î Resident 1 was an adult daycare patient

3362and his family had informed AHCA about their


3371• Medications Î All employees received additional training,

3379medication was now locked in secure cabinets, and all

3388expired medication was sent to th e pharmacy and


339832. AHCAÓs surveyors, Mr. Jean - Gilles, Ms. Evans, and

3408Ms. Hardie, returned to Blue Angel to conduct a revisit survey

3419on February 26, 201 8 . Ms. Aussendorf was out of the country,

3432but the staff granted access to the surveyors. The surveyors

3442spoke to staff, inquired about the number of residents currently

3452living in the facility, and inspected the back structure.

346133. As to the main building, the surveyors observed an

3471unlocked medication cabinet that included medication for six

3479residents present in the main building and two residents,

3488including Resident 1, who were not present.

349534. As to the back structure, Staff C confirmed she lived

3506there, but no belongings of the four residents remained. The

3516surveyors spoke to staff, revie wed records , and called or

3526visited the residents, their family members, and the new ALFs to

3537confirm when the residents moved out of the back structure.

354735. The parties dispute when the last resident moved out

3557of the back structure . Blue Angel maintai ns that it was

3569January 23, 2018 , whereas AHCA maintain s that it was

3579February 13, 2018. The evidence on this issue ÏÏ testimony from

3590AHCAÓs witnesses and its own exhibits ÏÏ is conflicting. 4/

3600However, the undersigned finds that the weight of the credible

3610evid ence, including in particular the testimony of Ms. Evans,

3620established that Resident 16 moved out on January 16, 2018,

3630Residents 13 and 14 moved out on January 18, 2018, and Resident

364215 moved out on January 23, 2018.

364936. The revisit survey also revealed that Residents 13,

365814, and 16 received long - term care services, including some type

3670of supervision and assistance, and were eligible to receive

3679Medicaid managed care services. Long - term care services are not

3690offered to residents in independent facilities because such

3698services indicate a need for supervision or assistance with

3707daily activities of life. Ms. Aussendorf helped some of the

3717residents with their applications for long - term care plans.

372737. As required by the long - term care plans, Residents 13,

373914 , and 16 had assigned case manager s who conduct ed in - person

3753visits. Ms. Lawrence, Resident 13Ós case manager, confirmed

3761that she is unable to take care of her own needs, including food

3774preparation, medication, and transportation. Ms. Lawrence

3780visited Res ident 13 on Wednesdays to ensure that her bills were

3792paid and her medications were stocked and taken correctly, and

3802to assist with anything else she needed.

380938. The revisit survey lastly revealed that Blue Angel

3818failed to maintain its background scre ening clearinghouse

3826employee roster. The surveyors reviewed the employee records

3834and found that five employees had been omitted from the roster.

384539. Based on the complaint and revisit surveys, AHCA

3854pursued disciplinary action against Blue Angel. On May 2, 2018,

3864AHCA filed an administrative complaint seeking to impose

3872administrative fines and to revoke Blue AngelÓs license.

388040. On May 8, 2019, AHCA served an amended administrative

3890complaint seeking the same relief based on the following six

3900counts: ( I ) administrative fine of $35,000 ($1,000 per day) for

3914unlicensed activity in the bac k structure from January 9, 2018 ,

3925through February 13, 2018, pursuant to section 408.812;

3933( II ) license revocation for the unlicensed activity in the back

3945structure, pursuan t to sections 429.14(1)(j) and 408.815(1)(c);

3953( III ) administrative fine of $500 for failing to maintain an

3965updated background screening clearinghouse employee roster,

3971pursuant to sections 429.19(2)(c) and 408.815(1)(c);

3977( IV ) administrative fine of $500 for failing to secure

3988medication in a locked storage room or cabinet, pursuant to

3998section 429.19(2)(c); ( V ) administrative fine of $500 for

4008failing to conduct a level II background screening for an

4018employee, pursuant to sections 429.19(2)(c) and 408.813(3)(b) ;

4025and ( VI ) administrative fine of $500 for overcapacity, pursuant

4036to section 408.813(3). 5 /

404141. Blue Angel admitted the allegations of Counts III , V ,

4051and VI and conceded to the $500 fines imposed in each.


406642. It is well settled u nder Florida law that determining

4077whether alleged misconduct violates a statute or rule is a

4087question of ultimate fact to be decided by the trier - of - fact

4101based on the weight of the evidence . Holmes v. Turlington ,

4112480 So. 2d 150, 153 (Fla. 1985); McKinney v. Castor , 667 So. 2d

4125387, 389 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995); Langston v. Jamerson , 653 So. 2d

4137489, 491 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995). Thus, determining whether the

4147alleged misconduct violates the law is a factual, not legal,


415843. AHCA has the burden to prove its a llegations against

4169Blue Angel by clear and convincing evidence. Dep Ó t of Banking &

4182Fin. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 934 (Fla. 1996) ;

4195Avalon Ó s Assisted Living, LLC v. Ag . for Health Care Admin . ,

420980 So. 3d 347, 348 - 49 (Fla. 1 st DCA 2011 ) (citin g Ferris v.

4226Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 , 294 - 95 (Fla. 1987) ) . As the Florida

4241Supreme Court has stated:

4245Clear and convincing evidence requires that

4251the evidence must be found to be credible;

4259the facts to which the witnesses testify

4266must be distinctly rememb ered; the testimony

4273must be precise and explicit and the

4280witnesses must be lacking in confusion as to

4288the facts in issue. The evidence must be of

4297such weight that it produces in the mind of

4306the trier of fact a firm belief or

4314conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

4320truth of the allegations sought to be


4328In re Henson , 913 So. 2d 579, 590 (Fla. 2005) (quoting Slomowitz

4340v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)).

435144. Based on the findings of fact above, AHCA established

4361by clear and co nvincing evidence that Blue Angel engaged in

4372unlicensed activity in the back structure. §§ 408.812(2) &

4381429.04, Fla. Stat. The weight of the credible eviden ce proved

4392that Blue Angel provided housing, meals, and multiple personal

4401services for more than 24 hours in the back structure to

4412Residents 13, 14, 15, and 16, none of whom were relatives of

4424Blue AngelÓs owners. £ 429.02(5), Fla. Stat. Specifically, it

4433supervised and/or assisted residents with bathing (Residents 14,

444115, and 16), ambulating (Residents 14 and 15), dressing

4450(Residents 14 and 16), washing clothes (all four residents), and

4460self - administration of medication, including storing, bringing

4468it to the resident, verbally reading the label, and maintaining

4478records tracking same (all four residents) . See Avalon Ó s

4489Assisted Living , 80 So. 3d at 348 - 49 (holding that Ðpersonal

4501servicesÑ as defined in section 429.02, includes Ðwashing

4509clothes and feeding, bathing, grooming, and administering

4516medications to its residentsÑ).

452045. Based on the findings of fact above and the weight of

4532the credible evidence, AHCA failed to establish by clear and

4542convincing evidence that it put Blue Angel on notice of the

4553unlicensed activity allegation on January 9, 201 8 , the date of

4564the complaint survey, nor that Blue Angel did not cease such

4575operations until February 13, 2018. Instead, the undersigned

4583finds that the weight of the credible evidence established that

4593AHCA put Blue Angel on notice of the unlicensed activity

4603violation on January 22, 2018, when it issued its noti ce of

4615unlicensed activity, and that Blue Angel ceased such activity by

4625January 23, 2018, the date the last resident moved out.

463546. Based on the findings of fact above and the weight of

4647the credible evidence, AHCA established by clear and convincing

4656evid ence that Blue Angel knowingly and unlawfully operated the

4666back structure as an ALF without a license in violation of

4677sections 429.14(1)(j), 408.812(2), and 408.815(1)(c). Blue

4683Angel used its licensed structure to serve the residents meals,

4693bath e some of them, and maintain their files. The Form 1823s

4705listed Blue Angel as the receiving ALF and Ms. Aussendorf as the

4717contact, and detailed the personal services these four residents

4726needed . Ms. Aussendorf, Blue AngelÓs CFO and a controlling

4736interest, owned th e property, acted on Blue AngelÓs behalf in

4747handling issues with AHCA , and had clear knowledge of the types

4758of services ALFs provide. The leases with the residents listed

4768Blue Angel as the landlord and were signed by Ms. Aussendorf.

4779And, the leases detai led b road personal services provided by

4790Blue Angel and imposed movement restrictions , which would not

4799apply in an independent facility.

480447. Based on the findings of fact above and the weight of

4816the credible evidence, AHCA established by clear and co nvincing

4826evidence that Blue Angel violated r ule 58A - 5.0185(6) by failing

4838to keep the centrally - stored medication cabinet in the back

4849structure locked and properly dispose of the expired medications

4858found therein. However, AHCA did not establish by clear a nd

4869convincing evidence that Blue Angel failed to timely correct

4878that Class III deficiency ( e.g. , keeping medication in an

4888unlocked cabinet in the unlicensed back structure). The

4896evidence was undisputed that Blue Angel had properly removed all

4906of the medic ation from the cabinet in the back structure and,

4918thus , a fine cannot be imposed. § 408.813(2)(c), Fla. Stat.


493148. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject

4941matter of this cause. §§ 120.569 & 120.57(1), Fla. Stat.

4951Cou nt I Î $35,000 Fine for Unlicensed Activity 6 /

496349. AHCA seeks to impose an administrative fine against

4972Blue Angel for unlicensed activity. § 408.812(4), Fla. Stat.

498150. Section 429.04(1) requires ALFs to be licensed.

4989Although the statute contains several exemptions, none of them

4998are applicable here. § 429.04(2), Fla. Stat.

500551. An ALF is defined as:

5011[A] ny building or buildings , section or

5018distinct part of a building, private home,

5025boarding home, home for the aged, or other

5033residential facility, rega rdless of whether

5039operated for profit, which through its

5045ownership or management provides housing,

5050meals, and one or more personal services for

5058a period exceeding 24 hours to one or more

5067adults who are not relatives of the owner or

5076administrator .

5078§ 429. 02(5), Fla. Stat. (emphases added).

508552. Ð P ersonal servicesÑ are defined as:

5093direct physical assistance with or

5098supervision of the activities of daily

5104living, the self - administration of

5110medication, or other similar services which

5116the department may define by rule. The term

5124may not be construed to mean the provision

5132of medical, nursing, dental, or mental

5138health services.

5140§ 429.02(17), Fla. Stat.

514453. ÐActivities of daily livingÑ are defined as Ð functions

5154and tasks for self - care, including ambulation, bath ing,

5164dressing, eating, grooming, and toileting, and other similar

5172tasks. Ñ £ 429.02(1), Fla. Stat.

517854. Ð Supervision Ñ is defined as Ð reminding residents to

5189engage in activities of daily living and the self - administration

5200of medication, and, when necessar y, observing or providing

5209verbal cuing to residents while they perform these activities. Ñ

5219§ 429.02(24), Fla. Stat.

522355. As authorized by section 429.02(17), AHCA has further

5232defined assistance with activities of daily li ving to include

5242Ðindividual assistan ceÑ with any of the following:

5250(a) Ambulation - Providing physical support

5256to enable the resident to move about within

5264or outside the facility. Physical support

5270includes supporting or holding the

5275resident's hand, elbow, or arm; holding on

5282to a support b elt worn by the resident to

5292assist in providing stability or direction

5298while the resident ambulates; or pushing the

5305resident's wheelchair. The term does not

5311include assistance with transfer.

5315(b) Bathing - Assembling towels, soaps, or

5322other necessary sup plies; helping the

5328resident in and out of the bathtub or

5336shower; turning the water on and off;

5343adjusting water temperatures; washing and

5348drying portions of the body that are

5355difficult for the resident to reach; or

5362being available while the resident is

5368bath ing.

5370(c) Dressing - Helping residents to choose,

5377put on, and remove clothing.

5382(d) Eating - Helping residents with or by

5390cutting food, pouring beverages, or feeding

5396residents who are unable to feed themselves.

5403(e) Grooming - Helping residents with

5409sha ving, oral care, care of the hair, or

5418nail care.

5420(f) Toileting - Assisting the resident to

5427the bathroom, helping the resident to

5433undress, positioning the resident on the

5439commode, and helping the resident with

5445related personal hygiene including

5449assistance with changing an adult brief and

5456assistance with the routine emptying of a

5463catheter or ostomy bag.

5467Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A - 5.0131 .

547556. ÐAssistance with self - administration of medicationÑ is

5484defined by statute to include:

5489( a) Taking the medication, in i ts

5497previously dispensed, properly labeled

5501container, including an insulin syringe that

5507is prefilled with the proper dosage by a

5515pharmacist and an insulin pen that is

5522prefilled by the manufacturer, from where it

5529is stored, and bringing it to the resident.

5537(b) In the presence of the resident,

5544reading the label, opening the container,

5550removing a prescribed amount of medication

5556from the container, and closing the


5563(c) Placing an oral dosage in the

5570residentÓs hand or placing the dosage in

5577another c ontainer and helping the resident

5584by lifting the container to his or her


5593* * *

5596(e) Returning the medication container to

5602proper storage.

5604(f) Keeping a record of when a resident

5612receives assistance with self - administration

5618under this sec tion.

5622* * *

5625(l) Assisting with measuring vital signs.

5631£ 429.256(3), Fla. Stat. Additionally, Ðassistance with self -

5640administration of medication includes, in the presence of the

5649resident, reading the medication label aloud and verbally

5657prompting a resident to take medications as prescribed.Ñ Fla.

5666Admin. Code R. 58A - 5.0185(3)(b).

567257. Section 408.812(2) provides that Ð[t]he operation or

5680maintenance of an unlicensed provider or the performance of any

5690services that require licensure without proper licensure is a

5699violation of this part and authorizing statutes.Ñ

570658. Based on the findings of fact and ultimate fact above,

5717AHCA proved by clear and convincing evidence that Blue Angel

5727engaged in unlicensed activity in the back structure by

5736providing hous ing, meals, and Ðpersonal servicesÑ for more than

574624 hours to Residents 13, 14, 15, and 16, in violation of

5758sections 429.04(1) and 408.812(2).

576259. AHCA seeks to impose an administrative fine of

5771$35,000 ÏÏ $1,000 for each day that Blue Angel failed to ceas e

5786operating the unlicensed facility after agency notification.

5793§ 408.812(3), (4), Fla. Stat. AHCA contends that Blue Angel was

5804put on notice of the unlicensed activity on January 9, 2018, the

5816date of the complaint survey, and did not cease operations unt il

5828February 13, 2018, the date AHCA contends Resident 13 moved out

5839of Blue Angel.

584260. However, the clock for correcting the cited deficiency

5851does not run from verbal communications of agency staff, but

5861instead from the providerÓs receipt of written notice of the

5871deficiency. See § 408.811 (4), Fla. Stat. (requiring deficiency

5880to Ð be corrected within 30 calendar days after the provider is

5892notified of inspection results Ñ); Fla. Admin. Code R. 59A -

590335.120(1)(a) (ÐD eficiencies must be corrected within 30 days of

5913the date the Agency sends the de ficiency notice to the

5924provider... .Ñ ); Fla. Admin. Code R. 58A - 5.033(2) (a) (requiring

5936agency to Ð issue a statement of deficiency Ñ for violations

5947observed during inspections with a timeframe for correction).

5955AHCAÓs argumen t has been previously rejected. See Pinehurst

5964Convalescent Ctr. v. Ag . for Health Care Admin. , 814 So. 2d 452,

5977453 (Fla. 4th DCA 2001) (Ð The notion that a nursing home could

5990suffer a substantial fine or lose its license based solely on

6001verbal communicatio n makes about as much sense as the notion

6012that police officers could issue verbal traffic citations. Ñ).

602161. Moreover, even if verbal notice was sufficient, the

6030surveyors conceded that they never informed Blue Angel of an

6040unlicensed activity violation at the complaint survey and

6048instead solely discussed an allegation of overcapacity, which is

6057a distinct violation with differing penalties. And, to boot,

6066the evidence was undisputed that AHCAÓs staff never gave Blue

6076Angel a timeframe for correction.

608162. B ased on the findings of fact and ultimate fact above

6093and the weight of the credible evidence, AHCA established by

6103clear and convincing evidence that Blue Angel was put on notice

6114of the allegation of unlicensed activity on January 22, 2018,

6124when it issued i ts notice of unlicensed activity, and that

6135violation was corrected one day later, on January 23, 2018, when

6146the last resident moved out of the back structure.

615563. For the foregoing reasons, the undersigned concludes

6163that a fine of $1,000 is appropriate u nder section 408.812. 7 /

6177Count II Î License Revocation for Unlicensed Activity

618564. AHCA also seeks to revoke Blue AngelÓs license for

6195engaging in unlicensed activity, pursuant to sections

6202429.14(1)(j) and 408.815(1)(c).

620565. Section 429.14(1)(j) authori zes AHCA to revoke Blue

6214AngelÓs license for Ð[k] nowingly operating any unlicensed

6222facility or providing without a license any service that must be

6233licensed under this chapter or chapter 400. Ñ

624166. Based on the findings of fact and ultimate fact above,

6252AHC A established by clear and convincing evidence that Blue

6262Angel engaged in unlicensed activity in the back structure and

6272did so knowingly, in violation of sections 429.04(1),

6280429.14(1)(j), and 408.812(2).

628367. The undersigned rejects Blue AngelÓs argument that

6291AHCAÓs failure to notify it on prior surveys that the back

6302structure had to be licensed undermines the knowing nature of

6312its conduct. AHCA had no reason to inspect the back structure

6323because Blue Angel never applied for it to be licensed. And,

6334Blue AngelÓs knowledge of its unlawful activity cannot be

6343ignored simply because it evaded being caught for several years.

6353The conduct of Blue AngelÓs CFO upon being caught confirmed the

6364knowing nature of the violation, as she tried to convince AHCA

6375that the residents were independent.

638068. Section 408.815(1)(c) also authorizes AHCA to revoke

6388Blue AngelÓs license if a Ðcontrolling interestÑ commits Ð[a]

6397violation of this part, authorizing statutes, or applicable

6405rules.Ñ A Ðcontrolling interestÑ includes the Ð licensee Ñ and

6415Ð[a] person or entity that serves as an officer of, is on the

6428board of directors of, or has a 5 - percent or greater ownership

6441interest in the applicant or licensee ,Ñ so long as the person is

6454not a voluntary board member. § 408.803(7)(a) & ( b), Fla. Stat.

646669. Based on the findings of fact and ultimate fact above,

6477AHCA established by clear and convincing evidence that Blue

6486Angel along with its CFO, Ms. Aussendorf, unlawfully operated

6495the unlicensed facility in the back structure in violation of

6505sections 408.812(2) & (3) and 408.815(1)(c) .

651270. For the foregoing reasons, the undersigned concludes

6520that revocation of Blue AngelÓs license is appropriate.

6528Count III Î $500 Fine for Failing to Maintain Updated Background

6539Screening Clearinghouse Ros ter

654371. AHCA seeks to impose an administrative fine for Blue

6553AngelÓs failure to maintain an updated background screening

6561clearinghouse employee roster for five of six employees, as

6570required by section 435.12, Florida Statutes. AHCA seeks to

6579impose a $50 0 fine for this violation pursuant to sections

6590429.19(2)(e) and 408.815(1)(c).

659372. Blue Angel admitted to the allegations in Count III

6603and to the $500 administrative fine imposed therein.

6611Count IV - $500 Fine for Failing to Secure Medication

662173. AHCA s eeks to impose a $500 administrative fine for

6632Blue AngelÓs failure to correct a class III deficiency within 30

6643days, as required by 429.19(2)(c) .

664974. The law requires ALFs that centrally store medications

6658for residents keep them Ðin a locked cabinet; lo cked cart; or

6670other locked storage receptacle, room, or area at all timesÑ and

6681ensure abandoned or expired medications are Ðdisposed of within

669030 days of being determined abandoned or expired.Ñ Fla. Admin.

6700Code R. 58A - 5.0185(6)(c)1. & (f).

670775. Section 408.813(2)(c) defines Class III violations as:

6715those conditions or occurrences related to

6721the operation and maintenance of a provider

6728or to the care of clients which the agency

6737determines indirectly or potentially

6741threaten the physical or emotional healt h,

6748safety, or security of clients, other than

6755class I or class II violations. The agency

6763shall impose an administrative fine as

6769provided in this section for a cited class

6777III violation. A citation for a class III

6785violation must specify the time within wh ich

6793the violation is required to be corrected.

6800If a class III violation is corrected within

6808the time specified, a fine may not be


681776. After the complaint survey, AHCA cited Blue Angel for

6827failing to ensure that medications were kept centrally st ored

6837and locked for two residents who required assistance with self -

6848administration of medication , and failing to ensure that

6856abandoned and expired medications were destroyed or returned to

6865the pharmacy, in violation of rule 58A - 5.0185(6). Both of these

6877fa ilures concerned an unlocked cabinet in the back structure.

6887AHCA cited that violation as a class III deficiency and gave

6898Blue Angel 30 days to correct it.

690577. Based on the findings of fact and ultimate fact above,

6916AHCA established by clear and convincing evidence that Blue

6925Angel violated rule 58A - 5.0185(6) by failing to keep the

6936centrally - stored medication cabinet in the back structure locked

6946and properly dispose of the expired medications found therein. 8 /

695778. However, based on the findings of fact and u ltimate

6968fact above, AHCA did not establish by clear and convincing

6978evidence that Blue Angel failed to correct that cited deficiency

6988within 30 days. Blue Angel corrected that cited deficiency by

6998removing and properly disposing of all medication from the

7007ca binet in the back structure before the revisit survey. As

7018such, Ða fine may not be imposed.Ñ £ 408.813(2)(c), Fla. Stat.

702979. Albeit in the same general subject matter, the

7038deficiency cited after the revisit survey concerned a different

7047cabinet in an ent irely separate building. Those distinctions

7056matter here. See A g . for Health Care Admin. v. Tampa Health

7069Care Associates, LLC , Case No. 03 - 165 (Fla. DOAH May 30, 2003;

7082Fla. AHCA Nov. 14, 2003) (finding fine inappropriate based on

7092failure to timely correct a deficiency because initial survey

7101cited one broken laundry shoot door, which had been fixed, but

7112revisit survey cited a different broken laundry shoot door).

7121Count V - $500 Fine for Lack of Background Screening

713180. AHCA seeks to impose an administrat ive fine for Blue

7142AngelÓs failure to ensure that a level II background screening

7152had been completed for one of its employees who resided in the

7164facility and provided care to its residents, as required by

7174section 408.809(1) - (2). AHCA seeks to impose a $500 fine for

7186this violation pursuant to sections 429.19(2)(e) and


719481. Blue Angel admitted to the allegations in Count V and

7205to the $500 administrative fine imposed therein.

7212Count VI - $500 Fine for Overcapacity

721982. AHCA seeks to impose an administrative fine of $500

7229for Blue Angel operating over its 6 - bed capacity in violation of

7242section 408.813(3). AHCA alleged that Resident 1 lived at Blue

7252Angel along with six other residents and that, as such, it was

7264operating beyond its licensed six - be d capacity.

727383. Blue Angel admitted to the allegations in Count VI and

7284to the $500 administrative fine imposed therein.


7292Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

7302Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care

7312Admi nistration issue a final order revoking the license (#12211)

7322of Blue Angel Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Blue Angel Residences,

7331and imposing an administrative fine totaling $2,500.

7339DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of July , 2019 , in

7349Tallahassee, Leon County, Florid a.



7358Administrative Law Judge

7361Division of Administrative Hearings

7365The DeSoto Building

73681230 Apalachee Parkway

7371Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

7376(850) 488 - 9675

7380Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


7387Filed with the Clerk of the

7393Division of Administrative Hearings

7397this 5th day of July , 2019 .


74061/ All statutory references are to Florida Statutes (2018),

7415unless otherwise noted.

74182/ AHCA filed both un - redacted and redacted versions of all of

7431it s exhibits to protect the confidentiality of the residents .

7442The un - redacted exhibits, including a demonstrative aid that

7452identifies the names of the residents and staff with their

7462corresponding resident number or staff letter, have been sent

7471back to AHCA in a sealed box labelled to indicate that the

7483contents are confidential.

74863/ Consistent with section 120.57(1)(c), the undersigned has not

7495based any finding of fact on hearsay evidence alone, unless it

7506would be admissible over objection in a civil act ion or merely

7518supplements or explain s other admissible evidence.

7525For example, AHCA introduced its survey notes into evidence,

7534which contain both notes of what the surveyors observed during

7544their investigations and summaries of out - of - court statement s

7556made by Blue AngelÓs staff, residents , and family members to the

7567surveyors. The records constitute hearsay and, in some cases,

7576hearsay within hearsay. However, the survey notes themselves

7584are admissible under the public records exception, as they are

7594r ecords created by AHCA pursuant to a duty to report and contain

7607observations made by the surveyors during their investigation.

7615§ 90.803(8), Fla. Stat. Summaries of the out - of - court

7627statements made by Blue AngelÓs staff and Ms. Aussendorf to the

7638surveyors are admissible as party admissions. See § 90.803(18),

7647Fla. Stat. (providing that statements made either by a party or

7658by a partyÓs servant about a matter within the scope of

7669employment are admissible as admissions). Although the

7676summaries of the stateme nts made by the residents and family

7687members to the surveyors are hearsay (as is any testimony by

7698surveyors as to what residents or family members told the m ),

7710they supplement and explain other admissible evidence, including

7718the multitude of records maintai ned in Blue AngelÓs files , i.e. ,

7729residential leases, medication logs, and medical records

7736documenting the needs of the residents , that detail the types of

7747services being provided to the residents.

77534/ The testimony and exhibits revealed the following co nflicting


7764As to Resident 13, Ms. Evans testified that she was

7774discharged from Blue Angel to a private house on January 18,

77852018, based on her interview with Blue AngelÓs staff and her

7796conversations with staff from KristianaÓs ALF and Resid ent 13

7806herself. The survey notes indicate that both a fri end of

7817Resident 13 and her long - term care case manager, Ms. Lawrence,

7829told Ms. Evans that she had been living at Orchard Hills ALF for

7842several weeks and that staff at KristianaÓs ALF told Ms. Evans

7853she arrived on February 13, 2018. Ms. Lawrence testified that

7863she moved Resident 13 from Blue Angel to KristianaÓs ALF around

7874February 13, 2018, though she only visited her once a week and

7886could not confirm whether Resident 13 was only at Blue Angel on

7898th e days she visited. Ms. Bonoan, the administrator of

7908KristianaÓs ALF, also testified that Resident 13 was admitted on

7918February 13, 2018, though she did not know the name of the ALF

7931from which Resident 13 came and could not confirm that it was

7943Blue Angel.

7945As to Resident 14 , Ms. Evans testified that she moved to

7956another ALF on January 18, 2018. Yet, the survey notes indicate

7967that Ms. Evans spoke with the administrator for Rose and Mary

7978ALF, who confirmed that Resident 14 moved there on January 23,

79892018 .

7991As to Resident 15 , Ms. Evans testified that she moved out to

8003live with family on January 23, 2018. The survey notes confirm

8014that Resident 15Ós daughter told Ms. Evans that her mother had

8025been with her in Tennessee for two to three weeks.

8035As to Resident 16 , Ms. Evans testified that she moved to

8046another ALF on January 16, 2018. Yet, the survey notes indicate

8057that Ms. Evans spoke with the administrator for Rose and Mary

8068ALF, who confirmed that Resident 1 6 moved there on January 23,


80815 / I n what appear to be mere typos, AHCA cited section

8094408.805(1)(c) as a basis for license revocation in Count II and

8105section 408.815(1)(c) as a basis for imposing an administrative

8114fine in Count III . However, section 408.805 concerns licensure

8124fees, not rev ocation, and there is no subsection (1)(c) therein.

8135AHCA again mistakenly cited section 408.805(1)(c) at the hearing

8144as grounds for revocation, but made it clear that it was

8155pursuing revocation on grounds that Blue AngelÓs controlling

8163interest violated ch apter 408 and other governing statutes and

8173rules. The statute that authorizes revocation on that basis is

8183section 408.815(1)(c), which is just one number off from AHCAÓs

8193citations. Similarly, AHCA cited section 408.815(1)(c) as one

8201of the bases for impos ing the fine in Count III (it also

8214properly cited section 429.19(2)(e)), rather than citing section

8222408.813(3)(b), as it correctly did in Counts IV, V, and VI .

8234However, Blue Angel did not argue lack of notice or raise any

8246issue as to these apparent typos at any point during th is case .

82606 / At the beginning of the final hearing, AHCA renewed its pre -

8274hearing motion to determine no justiciable issues of material

8283fact as to Count I. The basis for AHCAÓs motion is that, on

8296January 16, 2018, Blue Angel filed an application to increase

8306its capacity from six to ten beds in the main building.

8317Although the timing of this application happened to coincide

8326with the complaint survey, Blue Angel had sought approval from

8336the zoning board in early 2017 to increase its b ed capacity and

8349had been unable to file the application until it received zoning

8360approval in December 2017. The application did not seek to

8370convert or license the back structure. On April 12, 2018, AHCA

8381denied the application for six reasons, including t hat the

8391complaint survey uncovered unl icensed activity. On June 1,

84002018, AHCA issued a final order denying the application.

8409Because Blue Angel neither requested a hearing on the denial

8419of its application nor appealed AHCAÓs fi nal order after it was

8431issued, AHCA argues that the findings made in its notice of

8442denial and final order concerning the unlicensed activity were

8451entitled to res judicata effect on Count I in this proceeding,

8462which are based on those violations. The undersigned denied

8471this moti on before the hearing without prejudice to re - raising

8483it after all of the evidence had been presented.

8492Although AHCA renewed its motion at the beginning of the

8502final hearing, it failed to re - raise the issue during closing

8514arguments after the evidenc e had been presented or include any

8525argument about it in its PRO. Thus, AHCA waived this issue.

8536Even if the issue had been preserved, the motion would be

8547denied. AHCA failed to introduce the notice of denial or the

8558final order into evidence , both of which are necessary to make

8569findings of fact on the issue of res judicata . AHCA did not

8582request that official recognition be taken of either document

8591and merely attaching copies of them t o its pre - hearing motion is

8605insufficient to rely on them as evidenc e in this matter .

8617Regardless, the denial of the motion would stand for the

8627same reasons explained in the pre - hearing O rder dated

8638February 27, 2019. Res judicata may be applied in

8647administrative proceedings, but only with Ðgreat caution.Ñ

8654Thomson v. DepÓt of Env tl . Reg. , 511 So. 2d 989, 991 (Fla.

86681987). Because of the fluidity of facts and shifting policies

8678of government work, res judicata will not apply if there are

8689Ðnew facts, changed conditions, or additional submissionsÑ by

8697the non - governmental e ntity. See id. (holding that res judicata

8709did not apply to second application for permit because first

8719application was denied on somewhat different grounds and second

8728application changed the location of the dock); Delray Med. Ctr.

8738v. Ag. for Health Care A dmin. , 5 So. 3d 26, 29 (Fla. 4th DCA

87532009) (noting that ÐFlorida courts do not apply the doctrine of

8764administrative finality when there has been a significant change

8773of circumstances or there is a d emonstrated public interestÑ).

8783As the First District Cour t of Appeal recognized:

8792This doctrine bars relitigation of an issue

8799when the following five factors are met:

"8806(1) an identical issue must have been

8813presented in the prior proceeding; (2) the

8820issue must have been a critical and

8827necessary part of the prior determination;

8833(3) there must have been a full and fair

8842opportunity to litigate that issue; (4) the

8849parties in the two proceedings must be

8856identical; and (5) the issue[] must have

8863been actually litigated.Ñ

8866Felder v. DepÓ t of Mgmt. Servs., Div. of Ret. , 9 93 So. 2d 1031,

88811034 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008) (quoting Goodman v. Aldrich & Ramsey

8892Enters., Inc. , 804 So. 2d 544, 546 - 47 (Fla. 2d DCA 2002)).

8905In this case, AHCA seeks to use its unchallenged findings in

8916denying Blue AngelÓs application to increase its capacity as res

8926judicata for the facts underlying its attempt to impose

8935administrative fines in Count I and revoke Blue AngelÓs license

8945in Count II. However, these two matters are distinct (denial of

8956an application vs. revo cation of a license), the standards and

8967b urdens of proof are quite different, and AHCAÓs denial of the

8979application was based on four factors beyond the unlicensed

8988activity . Even t he factual findings as to unlicensed activity

8999in the n otice of i ntent were not specific . In sum, t he critical

9015differ ences between the two matters and the burdens of proof,

9026and the lack of specificity of the prior findings render res

9037judicata inapplicable in this instance.

90427 / The undersigned rejects Blue AngelÓs argument that a fine

9053would be improper because AHCA faile d to consider the factors

9064outlined in section 429.19(3). T hose factors are required to be

9075considered only when AHCA imposes a fine under section 429.19.

9085Here, AHCA seeks to impose a fine under sections 408.812,

9095408.815, and 429.14, none of which contain the factors outlined

9105in section 429.19(3). Accordingly, section 429.19(3) is

9112inapplicable here.

91148 / The undersigned rejects Blue AngelÓs argument that it cannot

9125be fined for its admitted failure to keep centrally - stored

9136medications locked in a cabinet b ecause the back structure was

9147not a licensed facility that had such a requirement. Not only

9158is this argument made solely in the conclusion section of its

9169PRO with no citation to supporting legal authority, but the

9179findings of fact and conclusions of law a bove confirm that Blue

9191Angel was operating an ALF and was required to comply with the

9203legal requirements for doing so, notwithstanding that it was

9212unlawfully operating without a license.


9219Nicola Brown, Esquire

9222Agency for Health Car e Administration

9228Suite 330H

9230525 Mirror Lake Drive North

9235St. Petersburg, Florida 33701


9240Jeffrey Scott Howell, Esquire

9244Jeffrey S. Howell, P.A.

92482898 - 6 Mahan Drive

9253Tallahassee, Florida 32308


9257Rickey L. Strong, Esquire

9261Jeffrey S. Howell, P .A.

92662898 - 6 Mahan Drive

9271Tallahassee, Florida 32308


9275Gisela Iglesias, Esquire

9278Agency for Health Care Administration

9283Suite 330G

9285525 Lake Mirror Drive North

9290St. Petersburg, Florida 33701


9295John Thomas Buchan, Esquire

9299Jeffrey S. Howell, P.A .

93042898 - 6 Mahan Drive

9309Tallahassee, Florida 32308


9313Richard J. Shoop, Agency Clerk

9318Agency for Health Care Administration

93232727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

9329Tallahassee, Florida 32308


9333Kim Kellum, Esquire

9336Agency for Health Care Administration

93412727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

9347Tallahassee, Florida 32308


9351Thomas M . Ho e ler, Esquire

9358Agency for Health Care Administration

93632727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

9369Tallahassee, Florida 32308


9373Mary C. Mayhew, Secretary

9377Agency for Health Care Adm inistration

93832727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 1

9389Tallahassee, Florida 32308


9393Stefan Grow, General Counsel

9397Agency for Health Care Administration

94022727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

9408Tallahassee, Florida 32308



9418All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

942815 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

9439to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

9450will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/03/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/03/2019
Proceedings: Agency for Health Care Administration's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/03/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 09/17/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/05/2019
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/05/2019
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 07/05/2019
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 7, 8 and 24, 2019). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/20/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/20/2019
Proceedings: Agencys Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/10/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 06/10/2019
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/24/2019
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/20/2019
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 24, 2019; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL; amended as to heaing type).
Date: 05/17/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/17/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Exhibit List filed.
Date: 05/09/2019
Proceedings: Order Scheduling Continuation of Final Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for May 24, 2019; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/09/2019
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Intervene.
Date: 05/09/2019
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint
Date: 05/08/2019
Proceedings: Emergency Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 05/08/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Sean Colon).
Date: 05/08/2019
Proceedings: Motion to Intervene filed.
Date: 05/08/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Agency's Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/08/2019
Proceedings: Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/07/2019
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to May 24, 2019; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL.
Date: 05/03/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 05/02/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Agency's Responses to Respondent's Amended First Request for Admissions and Respondent's Second Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 05/02/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Exhibit List filed.
Date: 05/02/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness List filed.
Date: 05/02/2019
Proceedings: Deposition filed.
Date: 05/02/2019
Proceedings: Deposition filed.
Date: 05/02/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/01/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Mailing of Agency's Trial Exhibits and Deposition Transcripts filed.
Date: 04/30/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Unilateral Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/30/2019
Proceedings: Agency's Unilateral Pretrial Response to Order of Pre-hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 04/30/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Agency's Unilateral Pretrial Response to Order of Pre-hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 04/30/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Tom Buchan, Jeffrey Howell) filed.
Date: 04/29/2019
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 04/26/2019
Proceedings: Order Denying Motions to Compel and Motion for Continuance.
Date: 04/26/2019
Proceedings: Joint Unopposed Motion for an Extension of Time to File the Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/25/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Memorandum in Opposition to Respondent's Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 04/25/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Memorandum in Opposition to Respondent's Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 04/25/2019
Proceedings: Agency's Cross Notice of Taking Deposition in Lieu of Live Testimony filed.
Date: 04/25/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Services of Agency's Supplemental Response to Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 04/25/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion for Order Compelling Agency's Response to First Request for Production and Assessing Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 04/25/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion for Order Compelling Agency's Response to First Set of Interrogatories and Assessing Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 04/25/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Responses to Respondent's Motion for Order Compelling Agency's Response to First Set of Interrogatories and Assessing Fees and Costs and Respondent's Motion for Order Compelling Agency's Response to First Request for Production and Assessing Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 04/24/2019
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 04/24/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing (motion hearing set for April 24, 2019; 4:00 p.m.).
Date: 04/24/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (S.E.) filed.
Date: 04/24/2019
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Jean-Gilles) filed.
Date: 04/23/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Jean-Gilles) filed.
Date: 04/22/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 04/18/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Order Compelling Agency's Response to First Request for Production and Assessing Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 04/18/2019
Proceedings: Rrespondent's Motion for Order Compelling Agency's Response to First Set of Interrogatories and Assessing Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 04/18/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Steven Brodsky) filed.
Date: 04/18/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Shanita Hardie) filed.
Date: 04/18/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Patricia Caufman) filed.
Date: 04/11/2019
Proceedings: Agency's Supplemental Response to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 04/08/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 04/05/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Agency's Response to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories and Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 04/03/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 04/03/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 04/03/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Request for Production filed.
Date: 04/03/2019
Proceedings: Respodent's Second Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 03/27/2019
Proceedings: Order Granting Petitioner's Motion to Compel.
Date: 03/27/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 03/25/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 03/20/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 03/15/2019
Proceedings: Agency's Motion to Compel Discovery filed.
Date: 03/06/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 03/06/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 03/06/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent's First Set of Requests for Admissions filed.
Date: 02/27/2019
Proceedings: Order .
Date: 02/26/2019
Proceedings: Blue Angel Residences' Response to Agency's Motion to Determine No Justiciable Issues of Material fact as to Counts I and VI of the Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 02/20/2019
Proceedings: Agency's Motion to Determine No Justiciable Issues of Material Fact as to Counts I and VI of the Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 02/13/2019
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing (hearing set for May 7 and 8, 2019; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 02/12/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance as Co-counsel (Gisela Iglesias) filed.
Date: 02/12/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories, Request for Admissions and Request for Production of Documents to Respondent filed.
Date: 02/12/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Gisela Iglesias) filed.
Date: 02/08/2019
Proceedings: No Objection Response by Respondent, Blue Angel Enterprises for Agency's Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 02/08/2019
Proceedings: Agency's Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 01/09/2019
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/09/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 18 and 19, 2019; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 12/26/2018
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/19/2018
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 12/18/2018
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 12/18/2018
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Proceeding filed.
Date: 12/18/2018
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 12/18/2018
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
St. Petersburg, Florida


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