18-006799 Department Of Children And Families vs. Reid's Educational Child Care Centre, Llc, D/B/A Reid's Educational Child Care Center
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, June 5, 2019.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent should be fined, and Respondent's child care license, should be revoked, due to violations of child care licensing standards.






14vs. Case Nos. 18 - 6799

2019 - 0698







39Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was conducted in this

49case on April 10, 2019, via video teleconference in Tallahassee

59and Jacksonville, Florida, before Administrative Law Judge

66Suzanne Van Wyk of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


76For Petitioner: Roger L.D. Williams, Esquire

82Department of Children and Families

875920 Arlington Expressway

90Jacksonville, Florida 32231 - 0083

95For Respondent: Ni c kesha Reid, pro se

103ReidÓs Educational Child Care Center

10810658 Biscayne Boulevard

111Jacksonville, Florida 32218


119Whether Respondent committed the child care licensing

126violations alleged in the Administrative Complaints; and, if so,

135what penalty should be imposed.


142The Department of Children and Families (ÐDepartmentÑ)

149issued an Administrative Complaint dated November 16, 2018,

157charging Respondent with a Class II violation of child care

167facility licensing standard s, imposing a monetary fine of $2,925

178against Respondent, and seeking revocation of RespondentÓs child

186care license. Respondent timely filed a request for formal

195administrative hearing to contest the DepartmentÓs decision.

202The case was referred to the Div ision of Administrative

212Hearings (Ðthe DivisionÑ) on December 28, 2018, assigned Case

221No. 18 - 6799, and scheduled for final hearing on April 10, 2019.

234The Department issued a second Administrative Complaint

241against Respondent on January 11, 2019, charging Respondent with

250Class I, II, and III violations of child care licensing

260standards, imposing a monetary fine of $335 against Respondent,

269and seeking revocation of RespondentÓs child care license.

277The case was referred to the Division on February 8, 2019,

288a nd assigned Case No. 19 - 0698. The two cases were consolidated

301on February 25, 2019.

305The final hearing commenced as scheduled on April 10, 2019.

315At the final hearing, the Department offered the testimony of

325the following witnesses: Carl Smith, Child Car e Supervisor;

334Hannah McGlothlin, Family Services Counselor; Cassandro Virgo,

341Licensing Counselor; Virginia Ritter ; Palecia Crawford - Maddox ;

349and Carrie Gaouette. Pe titioner introduced Exhibits P1

357through P3, P5, P6, P9 through P11, and P13 through P15, whi ch

370were admitted in evidence.

374Respondent offered the testimony of its Director, Nickesha

382Reid ; Grady Dixon, Jr. ; and Child Care Protective Investigator

391Roberto Garcia. Respondent offered Exhibits R2(a) and (b), R3

400through R5, and R11, which were admitted in evidence.

409The two - volume Transcript of the hearing was filed with the

421Division on May 8, 2019. 1/ The Department timely filed a

432Proposed Recommended Order on May 13, 2019, which was considered

442in the preparation of this Recommended Order. On May 30, 20 19,

454Respondent filed a Motion for Extension of Time to file a

465proposed recom mended order, which was denied.

472Except as otherwise noted, all references herein to Florida

481Statutes are to the 2018 codification.


4911. The Department is responsibl e for licensing and

500monitoring Ðchild care facilities,Ñ as that term is defined in

511section 402.302(2), Florida Statutes.

5152. ReidÓs Educational Child Care Centr e, LLC, d/b/a ReidÓs

525Educational Child Care Center (ÐReidÓs Ñ or Ðthe facilityÑ) is a

536child car e facility licensed by the Department. ReidÓs is owned

547and operated by Nickesha Reid and is located at 10658 Biscayne

558Boulevard in Jacksonville, Florida.

562License Violation History

5653. ReidÓs has a dizzying history of violating Department

574child care licen sing standards. At final hearing, Department

583investigators testified that they had to rely upon the

592DepartmentÓs matrix, which documents a facilityÓs history of

600violations by date and class, as well as the penalties imposed,

611and whether monetary penalties have been paid. The matrix

620allows Department staff to cross - reference prior cases to

630identify repeated violations of the same standard. For purposes

639of this Recommended Order, the undersigned has included only the

649violations documented within the two - ye ar period preceding the

660consolidated administrative complaints at issue in this case.

6684. On December 14, 2017, ReidÓs was cited for lack of a

680Level II background screening (Ðbackground screeningÑ) for

687Ms. Reid. 2/

6905. During a renewal inspection on July 1 1, 2018,

700Petitioner cited ReidÓs for the following violations of child

709care licensing standards: (1) the child - to - teacher ratio for

721mixed age ranges including a child under the age of one,

732(2) direct supervision of children in its care, and

741(3) background screening for Ms. Reid. Each of these violations

751is a Class II violation of child care licensing standards.

7616. One of the most egregious violations cited during the

771July 11, 2018 inspection was a 10 - year - old child in charge of

786the infant classroom. Mor eover, the infant classroom was out of

797ratio, with the 10 - year - old ÐteacherÑ in charge of five infants,

811rather than the required ratio of 1:4.

8187. While Department staff was on - site at the facility,

829Ms. Reid responded to the DepartmentÓs calls, appeared at the

839facility, and attempted to address the ratio violation by

848personally covering the infant room. However, Ms. Reid still

857had no background screening documentation, which led to the

866citation for violation of the background screening requirement.

8748. Th e Department filed an Administrative Complaint

882against ReidÓs on July 25, 2018, solely on the background

892screening violation. In the complaint, the Department imposed a

901fine of $50 for this Class II violation, the second violation of

913the same child care l icensing standard within a two - year period.

9269. On July 23, 2018, during a complaint investi gation , 3/

937Petitioner cited ReidÓs for the following violations of child

946care licensing standards: (1) teacher - to - child ratios,

956(2) inadequate supervision, (3) pot entially harmful items

964accessible to children in care, and (4) background screening for

974child care personnel, all of which are Class II violations. In

985addition, the Department cited ReidÓs with a Class I violation

995for serious health hazard conditions.

100010. Pursuant to the administrative complaint issued

1007August 20, 2018 (based on the July 23, 2018 complaint

1017inspection), ReidÓs was placed on a probationary status for six

1027months. The terms of the probation were as follows:

1036a. The facility shall incur no Cla ss I

1045violations during the probationary period.

1050b. The facility shall incur no Ratio,

1057Background Screening or Supervision

1061violations during the probationary period.

1066c. The facility shall incur no Facility

1073Environment violations during the

1077probationary period. The facility must

1082always maintain a safe and clean


1089d. Non - active individuals listed in the

1097Corporation cannot be involved in the day -

1105to - day operation or present around children

1113at any time.

111611. The administrative complaint provide d, Ð Failure to

1125comply with these conditions may result in revocation of

1134RespondentÓs license. Ñ

113712. The DepartmentÓs findings in the administrative

1144complaint became final on October 24, 2018, when ReidÓs request

1154for hearing on the administrative complaint was dismissed as

1163untimely. The DepartmentÓs final order was not appealed.

117113. ReidÓs probationary status was effective October 24,

11792018, through April 22, 2019, and required monthly Department


118914. In addition, on August 20, 2018, Petitione r issued

1199ReidÓs a provisional license , effective August 21, 2018, through

1208February 16, 2019, because ReidÓs then - director, Delaria Blake,

1218did not have the director credentials required by section

1227402.305(2)(f) .

122915. Failure to maintain a credentialed dire ctor is a

1239Class II violation of the DepartmentÓs child care licensing


124916. The provisional license was resolved shortly after

1257issuance when ReidÓs hired Tracee Creighton, a properly

1265credentialed director, who served as ReidÓs interim director

1273th rough September 2018.

1277November 16, 2018 Administrative Complaint

128217. The November 16, 2018 Administrative Complaint was

1290initiated pursuant to another complaint investigation, 4/

1297conducted by Child Care Supervisor, Hannah McGlothlin, on

1305September 13, 2018.

1308Background Screening

131018. When Ms. McGlothlin arrived at ReidÓs, she was greeted

1320by Grady Dixon, the staff member in charge. Mr. Dixon is also

1332Ms. ReidÓs husband and RespondentÓs registered agent.

1339Ms. McGlothlin observed that Mr. Dixon wa s supervising two

1349employees on - site.

135319. Upon review of the employee files, Ms. McGlothlin

1362determined that Mr. Dixon became employed at ReidÓs on August 2,

13732018, but that his required background screening was not

1382completed until August 3, 2018. When asked by Ms. M cGlothlin,

1393Mr. Dixon verified August 2, 2018, as his date of employment.

140420. At final hearing, Mr. Dixon maintained there was an

1414error in his personnel file, and that he did not become employed

1426at ReidÓs until August 3, 2018. Mr. Dixon said he made a

1438mi stake in writing August 2, 2018 , on his personnel form.

1449Mr. DixonÓs testimony was not persuasive.

145521. Mr. Dixon became employed by ReidÓs as Ðother

1464personnelÑ on August 2, 2018.

146922. Mr. DixonÓs required background screening was not

1477complete and on fil e at the facility until August 3, 2018.

148923. On July 25, 2018, Ms. Reid completed a Non - Active

1501Member Affidavit for the Department, in which she swore that she

1512had Ða non - active roleÑ at ReidÓs, meaning she is an Ðindividual

1525who does not interact with the children, does not go on - site of

1539the program operation during operating hours, and whose role

1548does not involve the day - to - day operation of the child care


156324. Further, the affidavit provided that Ms. Reid

1571understood she must immediately notify t he Department at any

1581time in the future her role changed to an active role and

1593Ðcomplete a background screeningÑ as provided by statute.

160125. During Ms. McGlothlinÓs field visit on September 13,

16102018, she determined that Ms. ReidÓs role had become that of an

1622active member because she was going on - site during operating

1633hours, had contact with children at ReidÓs, and was involved in

1644day - to - day business of ReidÓs.

165226. As part of her investigation, Ms. McGlothlin spoke

1661with a parent who stated Ðit is always [M s. Reid] and

1673[Mr. Dixon] at the facilityÑ when she picks up her child in the


168727. Virginia Ritter is the parent of a child formerly

1697enrolled at ReidÓs. Ms. Ritter testified that she met Ms. Reid

1708at the facility in June 2018 when she first enro lled her son at

1722ReidÓs. Ms. Ritter further testified that, although she paid

1731her monthly tuition online, she met with Ms. Reid at the

1742facility at least twice between June 2018 and December 2018 to

1753address billing issues -- once when she changed the number o f days

1766he r son was attending, and once when she withdrew him.

177728. Ms. Reid denied meeting wi th Ms. Ritter at the


178929. The Department alleged that Ms. Reid was further

1798involved in the day - to - day activities of the facility by

1811corresponding with p arents and the D epartment via electronic


182230. Respondent introduced an undated email from

1829reidseducationalchildcare@gmail.com to Ms. Ritter and John

1835Kennedy 5/ which reads, as follows:

1841Good morning,

1843We are contacted Emmett parents because he

1850has not been at school for the last week and

1860no one has advised us of what is going on.

1870[sic] to his mother and no responded. Can

1878we please have an update.

188331. Although the email was not signed by Ms. Reid, or any

1895employee of ReidÓs, Ms. Ritter testified, cre dibly, that she

1905knew the email was from Ms. Reid because it reads consistent ly

1917with Ms. ReidÓs speech patterns.

192232. The email reads consistent ly with Ms. ReidÓs speech

1932patterns exhibited at final hearing.

193733. On Monday, December 31, 2018, Ms. Ritter repl ied to

1948reidseducationalchildcare@gmail.com, informing ReidÓs that her

1953son would not be returning to the facility and the reasons


196534. Ms. Ritter further testified that Ms. Reid was often

1975on - site when she picked up her son from the center on Frida ys

1990prior to her withdrawal of him in December 2018.

199935. Ms. Reid prepares meals at home and delivers them to

2010the facility to be served to the children. She testified that

2021she does not enter the facility to deliver the meals, but rather

2033leaves them at the door outside the facility.

204136. Ms. ReidÓs testimony was contradicted by Carrie

2049Gaouette, a former employee, who testified, credibly, that

2057Ms. Reid delivered meals to the front desk at the facility on a

2070daily basis.

207237. In addition to the foregoing evid ence of Ms. ReidÓs

2083involvement in the day - to - day business of the facility, Ms. Reid

2097has entered the facility during operating hours, at times since

2107executing her Non - Active Member Affidavit, to check mail and

2118collect payments.

212038. During field visits b y Department staff on

2129September 13 and October 17, 2018, Ms. Reid contacted and spoke

2140to Department staff to address the pending citations.

214839. Subsequent to signing the Non - Active Owner Affidavit,

2158Ms. Reid has been on - site at the facility during operating

2170hours, and has been actively involved in the day - to - day

2183operation of the center, including meal preparation, interacting

2191with parents for enrollment and changes thereto, addressing

2199billing issues, and intervening in licensing issues.

220640. As an active owne r, Ms. Reid is required to undergo

2218background screening.

222041. During the complaint investigation on September 13,

22282019, Ms. McGlothlin placed ReidÓs on notice of the background

2238screening violation and set a due date for compliance by

2248November 7, 2018.

225142. At a subsequent inspection on December 27, 2018,

2260Ms. McGlothlin determined that the background screening

2267violation for Ms. Reid had not been corrected.

227543. The Department proved the August 20, 2018

2283Administrative Complaint allegations of background scree ning

2290violations with regard to both Mr. Dixon and Ms. Reid.


230144. The background screening requirement is a Class II

2310child care licensing standard.

231445. ReidÓs was previously cited for failure to meet

2323background screening requirement on December 17, 2017, July 11,

23322018, and July 23, 2018.

233746. The August 20, 2018 Administrative Complaint is ReidÓs

2346fourth citation for background screening violations within a

2354two - year period.

235847. According to Department rule, the monetary penalty for

2367the fourth violation of the same Class II child care licensing

2378standard is $75 per day for each such violation. See Fla.

2389Admin. Code R. 65C - 22.010.

239548. The Department seeks to impose a fine of $2,925

2406against the facility for this violation, calculated at $75 per

2416day for 39 days -- from September 13, 2018 (the violation notice

2428date) , through November 7, 2018 (the corrective action date).

243749. The Department correctly calculated the monetary

2444penalty to be imposed against ReidÓs for the background

2453screening violations .

245650. The Department also seeks revocation of ReidÓs child

2465care license based on the background screening violation. In

2474the Administrative Complaint, the Department alleges, as


2482Provider is currently on Probation for

2488Facility Environment of whic h the terms were

2496not to incur any Background Screening and

2503Non - Active Individuals listed in the

2510Corporation cannot be involved in the day -

2518to - day operation or present around children

2526at any time. Provider has failed to comply

2534with the terms of the Probatio n therefor

2542their license is being Revoked.

254751. The DepartmentÓs allegation is unfounded. ReidÓs

2554probationary status was effective October 24, 2018, but the

2563violation was cited on October 20, 2018. This violation of the

2574background screening requirement was not a violation of the

2583terms of the probation.

2587January 11, 2019 Administrative Complaint

259252. Because ReidÓs was placed on probation, it was

2601required to undergo monthly inspections.

260653. Ms. McGlothlin conducted a routine inspection of the

2615facility o n December 27, 2018.

2621Direct Supervision

262354. Upon her arrival at the facility, Ms. McGlothlin was

2633greeted at the door by Carrie Gaouette, t he only child care

2645personnel on - site. When Ms. Gaouette opened the entry door, she

2657closed the door leading to the classrooms, effectively blocking

2666her view of the children and leaving them with no supervision.

267755. Ms. Gaouette explained that she shut the door to the

2688classroom to prevent children from running out the front door

2698while it was open to allow Ms. McGlothl in to enter.

270956. Florida Administrative Code Rule 65C - 22.001(5)(b)

2717provides, Ð[d]irect supervision means actively watching and

2724directing childrenÓs activities with the same room or outdoor

2733play area . . . and responding to the needs of each child while

2747in care.Ñ The rule requires child care personnel to Ðbe present

2758with [their assigned] group of children at all times.Ñ

276757. For the brief time Ms. Gaouette opened the door to

2778greet and allow Ms. McGlothin entry to the facility,

2787Ms. Gaouette was not in the s ame room with, and not directly

2800supervising, the children in her care.

280658. The direct supervision requirement is a Class II


281659. ReidÓs was previously cited for violating the direct

2825supervision standard on July 11 and 23, 2018.

283360. According to Department rule, the monetary penalty for

2842the third violation of the same Class II child care licensing

2853standard is $60 per day for each such violation. See Fla.

2864Admin. Code R. 65C - 22.010.

287061. In the Administrative Complaint, Department seeks to

2878impose a monetary penalty of $60 for one day.

288762. The Department correctly calculated the fine to be

2896imposed for this violation of the direct supervision standard.

2905Child Health Examination Forms

290963. During her inspection, Ms. McGlothlin reviewed the

2917records o f all 11 children enrolled at the facility on that

2929date. Ms. McGlothlin found that ReidÓs did not have a current

2940Student Health Examination form DH 3040 (Ðhealth examination

2948formÑ) on file for child M.S.

295464. Pursuant to r ule 65C - 22.001(7)(q), ReidÓs is

2964r esponsible for obtaining a complete and properly executed

2973health examination form for each child in its care.

298265. ReidÓs violated the child care licensing standard when

2991it failed to maintain a current health examination form for

3001child M.S.

300366. The requir ement to maintain child health examination

3012forms is a Class III standard.

301867. ReidÓs was previously cited for violation of this

3027standard on July 11 and November 20, 2018. This violation is

3038the third violation of the same Class III standard within a two -

3051y ear period.

305468. According to Department rule, the monetary penalty for

3063the third violation of the same Class III child care licensing

3074standard is $25 per day for each such violation. See Fla.

3085Admin. Code R. 65C - 22.010.

309169. In the Administrative Complai nt, the Department seeks

3100to impose a monetary fine of $25 against ReidÓs for this

3111violation of child care licensing standards.

311770. The Department correctly calculated the fine to be

3126imposed on Respondent for this violation of the child health

3136examination form standard.

3139False Statement/Information

314171 . Pursuant to Department rule, ReidÓs is required to

3151ha ve at least one staff member on - site at all hours of operation

3166with First Aid/CPR training, verified by a current, valid First

3176Aid/CPR card. See Fla. Admi n. Code R. 65C - 22.001(6).

318772 . Ms. Gaouette was a new employee, and the only child

3199care provider on - site, during Ms. McGlothlinÓs inspection on

3209December 27, 2018.

321273 . When Ms. McGlothlin returned to the office on

3222December 27, 201 8 , she reviewed her insp ection report and

3233realized that she had not check ed the files to ensure that

3245Ms. Gaouette had a valid First Aid/CPR card.

325374 . Ms. McGlothlin both called and emailed ReidÓs on the

3264afternoon of December 27, 2018, to obtain a First Aid/CPR card

3275for Ms. Gao uette; however, she was unable to reach anyone at the

3288facility. No one from the facility either returned her calls or

3299responded to her emails on December 27, 2018.

330775 . On the morning of December 28, 2018, Mr. Dixon, who

3319was the staff member in charge, re ad Ms. McGlothlinÓs emails and

3331reviewed her telephone messages requesting a First Aid/CPR

3339certificate for Ms. Gaouette. Mr. Dixon reviewed Ms. GaouetteÓs

3348personnel file and found no First Aid/CPR certificate.

335676 . Ms. McGlothlin returned to ReidÓs on De cember 28,

33672018, and requested Ms. GaouetteÓs First Aid/CPR card from

3376Mr. Dixon.

337877 . Mr. Dixon provided Ms. McGlothlin with a First Aid/CPR

3389card purporting to certify that Ms. Gaouette completed the

3398required training on November 6, 2018, from instructor P alecia


340978 . The space on the card for the traineeÓs name had been

3422Ðwhited outÑ and Ms. GaouetteÓs name written in. The spaces for

3433the date of the training and date of expiration were also

3444Ðwhited outÑ and the date ÐNov/6/2018Ñ written in for the date

3455of training, and ÐNov/6/2020Ñ written in for the date of


346679 . Ms. Crawford did not train Ms. Gauoette on November 6,

34782018, or on any other date prior to December 28, 2018.

348980 . Ms. Gaouette had not received First Aid/CPR training

3499from any entity prior to December 28, 2018.

350781 . Mr. Dixon, on behalf of ReidÓs, presented

3516Ms. McGlothlin with falsified documentation of Ms. GauoetteÓs

3524First Aid/CPR training.

352782 . At final hearing, Mr. Dixon denied that the First

3538Aid/CPR certificate provided to Ms. McGlothlin was

3545Ms. GaouetteÓs certification. Instead, he testified that, on

3553December 28, 2018, he was unable to locate a certificate in

3564Ms. GaouetteÓs personnel file, so he provided Ms. McGlothlin

3573with a First Aid/CPR card from the facilityÓs Ðdemo fi le,Ñ a

3586file set up as an example of what a complete employee file

3598should contain.

360083 . Mr. DixonÓs testimony was not credible. Mr. Dixon did

3611not represent to Ms. McGlothlin when he provided the certificate

3621to her that it was just an example from a demo fi le. If it was

3637just an example, there was no reason to change the name and date

3650of the training on the original card. The original, or for that

3662matter, a copy of, the traineeÓs card would be sufficient for an

3674example in a Ðdemo file.Ñ

367984 . Mr. Dixon had b oth motive and opportunity to falsify a

3692First Aid/CPR training card for Ms. Gaouette. Mr. Dixon

3701admitted on cross - examination that it would have been easier to

3713just tell Ms. McGlothlin that the facility did not have a valid

3725First Aid/CPR certificate on fi le for Ms. Gaouette.

373485 . Child care personnel providing fraudulent information

3742related to the child care facility to a licensing authority,

3752that could result in the death or serious harm to the health,

3764safety, or well - being of a child is a violation of a Class I

3779licensing standard.


378286 . Class I violations of Department rules are described

3792as Ðthe most serious in nature, [which] pose an imminent threat

3803to a child including abuse or neglect and which could or does

3815result in death or serious harm t o the health, safety or well -

3829being of a child.Ñ Fla. Admin. Code R. 65C - 22.010(1)(d)1.

384087 . Rule 65C - 22.010(2)(e) provides appropriate

3848disciplinary sanctions to be imposed for Class I violations, as


3859For the first and second violation of a

3867Class I standard, the department shall, upon

3874applying the factors in Section 402.310(1),

3880F.S., issue an administrative complaint

3885imposing a fine of not less than $100 nor

3894more than $500 per day for each violation,

3902and may impose other disciplinary sanctions

3908in ad dition to the fine.

391488 . Section 402.310(1)(b) provides:

3919In determining the appropriate disciplinary

3924action to be taken for a violation as

3932provided in paragraph (a), the following

3938factors shall be considered:

39421. The severity of the violation, including

3949the probability that death or serious harm

3956to the health or safety of any person will

3965result or has resulted, the severity of the

3973actual or potential harm, and the extent to

3981which the provisions of ss. 401.301 - 402.319

3989have been violated.

39922. Actions taken by the licensee or

3999registrant to correct the violation or

4005remedy complaints.

40073. Any previous violations of the licensee

4014or registrant.

401689 . In the Administrative Complaint, the Department seeks

4025to impose a fine of $250 and to revoke ReidÓs child care

4037l icense.

403990 . This violation is severe. Significant harm could

4048befall a child left under the care of personnel who have not had

4061basic CPR training.

406491 . This violation is the facilityÓs second Class I

4074violation within a two - year period.

408192 . This violation occurred during the facilityÓs

4089probationary period, which commenced on October 24, 2018. The

4098terms of probation prohibited the facility from incurring any

4107Class I violations during the probationary period.

411493 . The Department has authority to revoke Reid Ós license

4125based on this violation of its probationary terms.

413394 . Ms. Gaouette received First Aid/CPR training on

4142January 2, 2019.

414595 . The facility has a lengthy and dizzying history of

4156violations. Many of the monetary penalties imposed for past

4165violati ons remain unpaid.

416996 . Throughout the final hearing, Ms. Reid refused to

4179accept responsibility for the violations documented in the

4187subject, as well as previous, administrative complaints. She

4195attacked the credibility of Department witnesses and

4202demonstr ated a complete lack of respect for the DepartmentÓs


421397 . Despite Ms. ReidÓs unwillingness, or inability, to

4222complete the required background screening, she has failed to

4231comply with the non - active owner requirements and place

4241competent, qualifi ed, employees in charge of the day - to - day

4254operations of the facility.


426198 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

4269jurisdiction over this matter, pursuant to section 120.57,

4277Florida Statutes.

427999 . In cases where a state agency allege s that a licensee

4292engaged in wrongdoing, the burden is on the Department to prove

4303the wrongdoing. DepÓt of Banking & Fin. v. Osborne Stern and

4314Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 934 (Fla. 1996). Factual findings based on

4326record evidence must be made indicating how the alleged conduct

4336violates the statutes or rules or otherwise justifies the

4345proposed sanctions. Mayes v. DepÓt of Child. & Fam. Servs. ,

4355801 So. 2d 980, 982 (Fla. 1st DCA 2001).

4364100 . The standard of proof in this case is clear and

4376convincing evidence beca use the Department is seeking to

4385discipline ReidÓs and take action detrimental to ReidÓs license,

4394thus making the matter penal in nature. Ferris v. Turlington ,

4404510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

4410101 . The clear and convincing standard has been described

4420as foll ows:

4423[C]lear and convincing evidence requires

4428that the evidence must be found to be

4436credible; the facts to which the witnesses

4443testify must be distinctly remembered; the

4449testimony must be precise and explicit and

4456the witnesses must be lacking in confusion

4463as to the facts in issue. The evidence must

4472be of such weight that it produces in the

4481mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or

4491conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

4497truth of the allegations sought to be


4505Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

4517November 16, 2018 Administrative Complaint

452210 2 . As to the November 2018 Administrative Complaint, the

4533Department proved, by clear and convincing evidence, the

4541background screening violations for both Ms. Reid and Mr. Dixon.

4551The Department correctly calculated a monetary fine of $2,925 to

4562be imposed for these Class II violations, pursuant to the

4572DepartmentÓs child care licensing standards and rul e 65C - 22.010.

4583103 . However, the Department did not prove by clear and

4594convincin g evidence that revocation was appropriate because

4602ReidÓs probationary status was not in effect at the time the

4613Class II violations were cited.

4618January 11, 2019 Administrative Complaint

4623104 . As to the January 11, 2019 Administrative Complaint,

4633Respondent proved by clear and convincing evidence that

4641Respondent violated Class I, II, and III child care licensing

4651standards -- providing falsified information related to the child

4660care facility to Department personnel, failing to directly

4668supervise children in Reid Ós care, and missing student health

4678examination forms, respectively.

4681105 . The Department correctly calculated the monetary

4689penalty of $335 for the violations, pursuant to rule 65C - 22.010.

4701106 . Finally, the Department proved by clear and

4710convincing eviden ce that revocation of ReidÓs license is

4719appropriate because ReidÓs violated the terms of its

4727probationary license by incurring a Class I violation and a

4737direct supervision violation during the probationary period.

4744Further, the fact that this violation was the facilityÓs second

4754Class I violation of child care licensing standards within a

4764two - year period, coupled with the severity of the Class I

4776violation, is sufficient grounds for revocation of the license,

4785pursuant to rule 65C - 22.010(2)(d).


4792Upon consideration of the evidence presented at final

4800hearing, and based on the foregoing F indings of Fact and

4811C onclusions of L aw , it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be

4824entered by Respondent, Department of Children and Families,

4832finding ReidÓs Educationa l Child Care Centr e , LLC, d/b/a Reids,

4843Educational Child Care Center , committed Class I, II, and III

4853violations of child care facility licensing standards, imposing

4861a monetary penalty in the amount of $3,260, and revoking ReidÓs

4873child care facility license .

4878DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of June , 2019 , in

4888Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4896Administrative Law Judge

4899Division of Administrative Hearings

4903The DeSoto Building

49061230 Apalachee Parkway

4909Tallahassee, F lorida 32399 - 3060

4915(850) 488 - 9675

4919Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4926Filed with the Clerk of the

4932Division of Administrative Hearings

4936this 5th day of June , 2019 .


49451/ The Department filed a Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript on

4956Ma y 2, 2019, but the Transcript was not filed with the Division

4969until May 8, 2019. Based on the May 8, 2019 filing date, the

4982partiesÓ proposed recommended o rders were due on or before

4992May 20, 2019.

49952/ Ms. Reid initially completed background screening on J uly 2,

50062013, which would have been valid through July 2018, but a 2017

5018statutory change required new screening for individuals in her


50283/ A complaint investigation was initiated in response to an

5038anonymous complaint about the facility received b y the


50484/ A complaint investigation was initiated in response to

5057another complaint received by the Department on September 12,


50675/ Mr. Kennedy is the father of Ms. RitterÓs son, who was

5079previously enrolled at the facility.


5087Nickesha Reid

5089Reid's Educational Child Care Center

509410658 Biscayne Boulevard

5097Jacksonville, Florida 32218


5101Roger L. D. Williams, Esquire

5106Department of Children and Families

51115920 Arlington Expressway

5114Jacksonville, Florida 32231 - 0083

5119(eServ ed)

5121Grady L. Dixon

5124Reid's Educational Child Care Center, LLC

513010658 Biscayne Boulevard

5133Jacksonville, Florida 32218

5136Lacey Kantor, Agency Clerk

5140Department of Children and Families

5145Building 2, Room 20 4Z

51501317 Winewood Boulevard

5153Tallahassee, Florida 3239 9 - 0700


5160Chad Poppell, Secretary

5163Department of Children and Families

5168Building 1, Room 202

51721317 Winewood Boulevard

5175Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


5181Javier Enriquez, General Counsel

5185Department of Children and Families

5190Building 2, Room 204 F

51951317 Winewood Boulevard

5198Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700



5210All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

522015 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

5231to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5242will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/06/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 09/06/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 09/05/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/05/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/05/2019
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/05/2019
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/05/2019
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held April 10, 2019). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/03/2019
Proceedings: Motion to Dissolve/Terminate Case(s) filed.
Date: 06/03/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (e-mail notice from Respondent) filed.
Date: 05/30/2019
Proceedings: Order Denying Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time.
Date: 05/30/2019
Proceedings: Motion Requesting More Time to File Responsed to Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 05/13/2019
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order (filed in Case No. 19-000698).
Date: 05/13/2019
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/09/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 05/08/2019
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/02/2019
Proceedings: Department's Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 04/11/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits 14 and 15 filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 04/10/2019
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/09/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Exhibit filed by Respondent.
Date: 04/09/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Service Returns (filed in Case No. 19-000698).
Date: 04/09/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Additional Exhibit filed.
Date: 04/08/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 04/05/2019
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order of Pre-hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 02/25/2019
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 18-6799 and 19-0698).
Date: 02/19/2019
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/19/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 10, 2019; 9:30 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/30/2019
Proceedings: Amended Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/28/2019
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/10/2019
Proceedings: Order on Joint Request for Extension of Time to Respond to the Initial Order.
Date: 01/08/2019
Proceedings: Joint Response Requesting Extension of Time to Respond to the Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/02/2019
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 12/28/2018
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 12/28/2018
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 12/28/2018
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):