Sarasota County School Board vs.
Joy Deal
Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, February 11, 2021.
Recommended Order on Thursday, February 11, 2021.
21Petitioner ,
22vs. Case No. 19 - 3135
28J OY D EAL ,
32Respondent .
39On N ov e m b e r 2 through 4, 2020 , Administrative Law Judge Hetal Desai of
57the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) conducted an evidentiary
66hearing via Zoom conference.
72For Petitioner: Robert K. Robinson, Esquire
78Rob Robinson Attorney, P.A.
82500 South Washington Boulevard, Suite 400
88Sarasota, Florida 34236
91For Respondent: Joy L. Deal, pro se
984503 Hale Street
101Sarasota, Florida 34233
112Whet her Respondent, Joy Deal (Respondent or Ms. Deal), committed
122misconduct as alleged by the School Board of Sarasota County ( School
134Board), and, if so, whether the School Board had just cause to terminate her
153On December 14, 2018, the School Board ' s Superintendent, Todd Bowden ,
165issued a letter to Ms. Deal indicating he had found just cause to recommend
179termination of her employment to the School Board for committing the
190offense of " misconduct in office. " Respondent grieved that finding and
201On May 14, 2019, Mr. Bowden issued another letter to Respondent
212indicating that the original recommended termination had proceeded through
221the grievance process. The May 14 letter indicated that the School Board
233would vot e to accept or reject the recommendation for termination at a
246meeting on June 4, 2019, unless she requested an administrative hearing.
257On May 28, 2019, Ms. Deal submitted a letter requesting a hearing
269pursuant to section 120.569, Florida Statutes (2018). 1 On June 10, 2019, the
282School Board referred the matter to DOAH, where it was assigned to the
295undersigned Administrative Law Judge. A f i n a l h ear in g wa s noticed w it h i n
31760 d a y s o f R e sp o nd e nt ' s re qu e s t for an administrative hearing for A ugu s t 2 6
349a n d 2 7 , 2019 . § 1 0 12.33 ( 6 )( a ) 2. , Fla. Stat.
368On June 28, 2019, the School Board filed an Administrative Complaint
379providing more specific charges of misconduct against Ms. Deal. 2 Specifically,
390the School Board alleged that Ms. Deal had an incident with a student on
404No vember 2, 2018, involving Ms. Deal yelling at a student. 3
4161 All references to Florida Statutes, administrative rules, and the School Board ' s policies are
432to the 2018 versions in effect a t the time of the allegation, except as otherwise indicated.
4492 The Administrative Complaint was filed in response to an Order Requiring Notice of
463Specific Charges , rendered on June 13, 2019.
4703 The Administrative Complaint also contained an allegation th at Ms. Deal acted
483inappropriately in front of parents on November 7, 2018. This basis for termination was
497abandoned in the School Board's Proposed Recommended Order (PRO). See Pet. PRO, ¶72.
510On August 20, 2019, Ms. Deal filed a document titled " Respondent
521Complaint to the Honorable Judge Robert S. Cohen " (Complaint), requesting
531that DOAH conduct an investigation and " suspend any furthe r proceedings. "
542Specifically, Ms. Deal complained about the use of her deposition testimony
553at the final hearing and alleged that the School Board had committed
565evidence tampering and conspiracy , and had violated chapter 119, Florida
575Statutes, Florida ' s p u blic r ecords law. The Complaint was treated as a motion
592to stay and denied on August 20, 2019.
600The final hearing commenced on August 26, 2019, but concluded abruptly
611after a few hours due to a n emergency involving Respondent ' s family. The
626final hearing wa s rescheduled , continued due to the COVID - 19 health crisis,
640placed in abeyance for three months due to Respondent ' s health issues , and
654ultimately set to be heard November 2 through 6, 2020. 4
665On October 23, 2020, the School Board filed a Motion to Strik e
678Respondent Joy Deal ' s Second Amended Pre - Hearing Statement or, in the
692alternative, to Exclude Untimely Disclosed Exhibits and Witnesses, and for
702Fees and Costs. This motion was treated as a motion in limine and heard at
717the pre - hearing conference held Oc tober 26, 2020. Ultimately, the
729undersigned struck a number of untimely disclosed witnesses who
738Respondent intended to present on her claims of spoliation of evidence
749(missing emails and video footage), and alleged harassment of other
759employees . The unders igned ruled these issues were not appropriate for the
772final hearing. Petitioner ' s request for fees and costs were denied.
7844 Because of the length of time between the original commencement date and the resumption
799of the hearing on November 2, 2020, the testimony at the August 26 hearing was not
815considered. The parties agreed to start the hearing over and began with their opening
829arguments on November 2, 2020.
834The final hearing was held via Zoom on November 2 through 4, 2020. The
848School Board presented testimony from a number of its employee s and former
861employees who worked at Sarasota High School: David Jones (principal),
871Jeffrey Hradek (former principal), Denise Masi (security aide), Ryan Chase
881(former assistant principal), and Becky Moyer (assistant principal). The
890School Board also relied on the deposition testimony of Ms. Deal. Petitioner ' s
904Exhibits P1 through P8 and P16 through P57 were admitted into evidence.
916Respondent presented the testimony of Madison Byrd (Ms. Deal ' s daughter),
928and Mark Gilliland (assistant principal). Ms. Deal did not testify.
938Respondent ' s Exhibits R2 through R4, R9 through R11, and R16 through R18
952were admitted into evidence.
956At the conclusion of the hearing, the parties requested an exten ded
968deadline of the traditional deadline of 20 days after the transcript i s filed t o
984submit their PROs, thus waiving the requirement for the undersigned to
995issue this Recommended Order within 30 days after receiving the Transcript.
1006See Fl a. Admin . Code R . 28 - 106.216(2).
1017The Transcript of the hearing was filed with DOAH on Nove mber 23,
10302020 . Petitioner filed an agreed motion for a further extension to file PROs on
1045December 31, 2020 , which was granted. Pe titioner ' s PRO was timely filed,
1059but Respondent ' s PRO was not. Because there was no objection to
1072Respondent ' s late - filed PRO, b oth PROs have been considered in the
1087preparation of this Recommended Order.
1097The Parties and Personnel
11011. Petitioner is responsible for operating the public schools in the Sarasota
1113County School District, including Sarasota High School (S arasota High) . The
1125School Board is responsible for hiring, firing, and overseeing both
1135instructional employees and non - instructional employees within Sarasota
1144County, Florida.
11462. Respondent has been an employee the School Board for 22 years . She
1160has worke d as an administrative secretary, but relevant to these proceedings,
1172Ms. Deal was employed at Sarasota High as an SSP - 5 Attendance Clerk
1186( At tendance C lerk). 5
11923. David Jones (Principal Jones) is Sarasota High ' s principal and has been
1206employed by the School Board since 2005 . He previously serv ed as a math
1221teacher, assistant principal, middle school principal, and principal of another
1231high school. He became the principal at Sarasota High at the start of the
12452016 / 20 17 school year, replacing Jeffrey Hradek (Pri ncipal Hradek).
12574. Sarasota High ' s administrative team was made up of Principal Jones
1270and numerous assistant principals. Both Ryan Chase and Beck y Moyer
1281served as assistant principals under Principal Jones during the 2016/2017,
12912017/2018 , and 2018/2019 sc hool years. Principal Jones , Assistant Principal
1301Chase, and Assistant Principal Moyer all supervised Respondent during
1310these years at different times .
1316C oll e c tiv e B ar g a i n in g A g ree m e n t ( CB A )
13415. There is a C oll e c tiv e B ar g a i n in g A g ree m e n t ( CB A ) b e t wee n the Sc hool
1378Board a n d t h e S ara sot a C l a s s i f i e d , Teac h er s A sso c i a t io n ( S C / TA) . Ms. Deal is
1420a member o f the SC/TA and subject to the CBA.
14316. A r ti c l e X X I of the CBA ( D is c i p lin ar y Ac t ion s ) p r ovid e s f o r p r og r e ssiv e
1473d i s c i p lin e , with t er m in a t i o n o f e m p l o y m e n t a s th e l a s t s t e p o f t h e d is c i p l in ar y
1529p r o ce ss :
1535(A ) S c op e o f Ar ti c l e
15481 . T hi s ar t i c l e c ov er s ac t ion s i nv o lv i n g o ra l a n d
1580wr i tt e n war ning , wr i tt e n re p r i m a nds , su s p e n s ion s ,
1607d e m o ti ons , d i sm i ss a l s , o r re du c ti o n s i n g ra d e o r p a y
1641w it h p re ju d i ce .
16515 " SSP - 5 " means Salary Schedu le P - 5.
16622 . D is c i p l i n ar y ac t i o n m a y no t b e t a k e n a g a i n s t
1698a n e mpl o y e e e x ce p t f o r j u s t ca us e , a n d t h i s m us t b e
1733su b st a n t i a t e d b y s u ff i c i e n t e vid e n c e w h i c h s uppo r t s
1771t h e rec omm e n d e d d is c i pl i n ar y ac ti o n .
17953 . A l l f ac t s p er t a i n in g t o a dis c i p l in ar y ac t io n sh a l l
1831b e d e v e lop e d a s p r om p t l y a s po s si b l e . Ac t ion s u n d e r
1867t h i s A r ti c l e sh a l l b e p r om p t l y i n i t i a t e d a f t e r a l l th e
1909fac t s h a v e b ee n m a d e kno w n t o th e o ff i c i a l
1937r e spo n si b l e f o r t a k in g th e ac t ion s .
1960* * *
1963( C ) A n e mp l oy e e w h o m d i s c ip l in ar y ac t io n i s t o b e
1997t a k e n m a y a pp e a l th r ou g h t h e g r i e v a n c e p r o ce du r e
2034th a t p r op o s a l .
2045(D ) A n e mp l oy e e a g a i n s t w h o m ac t i o n i s t o b e
2077t a k e n und e r t h i s A r ti c l e sh a l l h a v e th e r ig h t t o
2111re v i e w a l l o f th e in f o r m a t io n r e li e d up o n t o s uppo r t
2146t h e p r opos e d ac t i o n a n d sh a l l b e giv e n a c op y up o n
2178re q u e st .
2184(E ) T h e U n i o n sh a l l b e p r o v i d e d w i t h a c op y o f a l l
2221c o rre spond e n c e th a t i s re l a t e d t o t h e ac t i o n o f t h e
2255e mp l oy e e t h e U n i o n i s re p re s e nti n g .
2280( F ) T h e e m p loy e e a n d hi s /h e r re p re s e nt a tiv e sh a l l b e
2315a f f o r d e d rea son a bl e a mou n t o f t im e t o p re p ar e a n d
2347p re s e n t a pp r op r i a t e re spons e s t o th e p r op o s e d
2377ac tion s u n d e r t hi s ar ti c l e , th r o ug h S t e p O n e o f th e
2409Gr i e v a n c e P r o ce s s . T h i s a mou n t o f t i m e i s t o b e
2444m utu a l l y a g ree d upo n b y t h e p ar ti e s .
2467* * *
2470(H ) P re vi o u s c h ar g e s o r ac t i on s t h a t h a v e b ee n
2502b r o u gh t f o r t h b y t h e a dmi n i s t ra t i o n m a y b e c it e d
2538a g a in s t e m pl o y e e i f th e s e p re vi o u s ac t s ar e
2568rea son a bl y re l a t e d t o th e e xi s t i n g c h ar g e . A l l
2599p r e viou s c h ar g e s o r ac t i on s mus t h a v e b ee n sh are d
2629w i t h t h e e m p loy ee .
2642( I ) P r og re s siv e D is c i p l in e
26601 . T h e d i s c i p l i n e , d i s mi s s a l , d e m o ti o n , a n d
2693susp e ns i o n o f a n y e mpl o y e e sh a l l b e f o r j us t ca us e.
27252 . W h er e jus t ca us e warra n t s su c h a c ti o n ( s ) , a n
2753e m p l oy e e m a y b e d e m ot e d , s usp e n d e d , o r d is m iss e d
2786u po n rec o m m e nd a t io n o f t h e imm e d i a t e s u p er vi s o r
2819t o th e S up e r int e n d e n t o f S c hoo l s . E x ce p t i n ca s e s
2853th a t c on s t i tut e a r e a l i m m e di a t e d a ng e r t o t h e
2886di s t r i c t o r [sic] t h e oth e r f l a g ra n t vi o l a t ion ,
2915p r og re ss i v e dis c ip l in e sh a l l b e a dmi n i s t ere d a s
2945f o l lo w s :
2952a . Ver b a l re p r im a n d (wr i tt e n not a t io n p l ace d i n
2981s i t e f il e) .
2989b . Wr itt e n re p r im a n d f i l e d i n p er sonn e l a n d s i t e
3021f i l e s .
3027c . S usp e ns i o n w it h o r w i th o u t p a y .
3051d . D is m iss a l .
30607. Sarasota High ' s administration utilized meetings known as
" 3070Weingarten hearings " to make factual findings that would d etermine
3080whether discipline was warranted for an employee. Employees were provided
3090notice of the allegations against them and allowed to bring counsel or union
3103representation to the hearing. 6
3108Ms. Deal ' s Job Description
31148 . As her job title implies, Ms. Deal was responsible for maintaining
3127attendance data and monitoring the coming s and going s of students
3139throughout the s chool day. Ms. Deal ' s job duties were listed in Board Policy
31556.42, Job Description 11 for A ttendance Clerk , and include :
31666 Article XXI sets forth what is commonly referred to as " Weingarten " rights. See In NLRB v.
3183J. Weingarten, Inc. , 420 U.S. 251 (1975) ( h olding unionized employee has right to notice and
3200union r epresentation , in instances where member reasonably believes investigatory
3210meetings, conferences, or interviews may result in disciplinary actio n).
3220(8 ) Communicate daily with a variety of parents and
3231(9) Assist office staff with answering the telephone
3239and greeting parents.
3242* * *
3245(12) P r o vid e a s af e a n d s e c u r e w o r kpl ace .
3270( 13 ) Mod e l a n d m a i nt a i n hig h e thi c a l s t a nd ar d s .
3301* * *
3304( 15 ) M a i nt a i n c on f id e n t i a l it y re g a r din g s c h o o l
3338m a t t er s .
3345* * *
3348(18) Respond to inquiries and concerns in a timely
3358( 19 ) F ol l o w a l l S c ho o l B o ar d po l i c i e s , r ul e s a n d
3392re g ul a t i on s .
3401( 20 ) E x h ib i t int er p e r son a l sk i l l s t o w o r k a s a n
3433effec t iv e t ea m m e m b er .
3446(21) Demonstrate support for the School District
3453and its goals and priorities.
3458(22) Pe r form other incidental tasks consistent with
3467the goals and objectives of this position.
34749 . As an A ttendance Clerk, Ms. Deal had constant interactions with
3487students and parents when they checked in or out of school. She was priv y to
3503the students ' personal information because she was the school employee w ith
3516w ho m parents would interact if they were picking or dropping off a child
3531(outside of normal school start and stop times) for personal or medical
35441 0 . The a ttendance d esk, Ms. Deal ' s workspace, was in Sarasota High ' s
3563front office . The front office also houses the s chool c linic and the office of the
3581At - Risk Coordinator , Keri Gartland . To enter either the clinic or
3594Ms. Gartland ' s office, staff and students would have to go through the front
3609office. The clinic also has a sliding glass window looking into th e front office.
36241 1 . The front office had an " outside door " which was open to the public,
3640and a " campus door " to the school grounds . Anyone coming to school after the
3655start of the school day would have to come in the front office through the
3670outside door , s top at the a ttendance d esk to sign in, and go through the
3687campus door to get to class . Students leaving the school before normal exiting
3701times were required to stop by the a ttendance d esk to sign out of schoo l, or
3719have their parent sign them out.
3725Employmen t History
37281 2 . School administrators u t ili ze d m e m o ra nd u m s o f inst r u c ti o n (MOI) a s a
3760no n - d i s c ipl i n ar y m ea n s o f w o r k i n g w i t h e mp l oy ee s t o imp r o v e j o b
3805p erf o r m a n ce . A lth o ug h M O I s ar e no t dis c i p l in ar y i n n a tu re , th e y ar e
3846i n t e nd e d t o be corrective tools t o focus an e mp l oy ee ' s a tt e n t i o n on cer t a i n
3883g uid e lin e s a n d a cce pt a bl e st a nd ar d s o f c o ndu c t i n re s p ons e t o performance or
3922behavioral issues.
39241 3 . Principal Hra d e k supervised Ms. Deal fr o m 2 00 3 th r o u g h 20 1 6 .
3951During this period, Ms. Deal rece iv e d no n - dis c i p l in ar y MOIs fr o m P r in c i p a l
3983Hra d e k and assistant principals o u t l ini n g th e n ee d t o i mp r o v e h e r l e v e l o f
4020c o o p era t i o n w h i l e w o r k in g w i t h o t h er s , stop g o s s i p ing, be more t ac t ful , be
4064more c ou r t e ous t o p are nts and s t ud e n t s, be more p a ti e n t with a n d re s p ec t ful
4102of oth er s, and accept guidance from others regarding these issues.
41141 4 . O n August 2 5 , 2010, Ms. Deal was issued a n MOI w i t h re g a r d t o
4141e thi ca l d ef i c i e n c i e s . The MOI focused on th e P r i n c ipl e s o f P r o fe s s ion a l
4182C o ndu c t o f th e E du ca t io n P r o fe s sio n i n F l o r i d a (the Principles) w hi c h , as
4220explained below, re q ui r e e mpl o y ee s t o t a k e rea son a bl e p reca u tio n s t o
4252di s ti n gu i s h b e t wee n p e r son a l v i ew s a n d t h os e o f th e School Board, n o t
4291i n t e n t ion a l l y d i s to r t o r m i s re p re s e n t fac t s c on cer n i n g a n e du ca tion a l
4338m a tt e r i n di r ec t o r i ndi rec t pu b li c e x p re ssio n , a n d no t m a k e m a li c i o u s o r
4384i n t e n tion a ll y fa ls e s t a t e m e n t s a b ou t a n o th e r e m p loy ee .
44221 5 . In her 2010 ev a lu a t i o n, Ms. Deal was rated " Effec t i v e , " " Nee d s
4448I mp r ov e m e n t , " a n d " N o t Effec tiv e . " Specifically, the evaluation in d i ca t e d
4477th a t R e s p ond e n t needed improvement acce pting c on s t r u c t iv e c r i t i c i s m a n d
4514that she n ee d e d t o i n crea s e her a bil i t y t o acce p t g uid a n c e. The evaluation
4547also stated Ms. Deal was in effec tiv e i n the areas of " Coo p era tio n " a n d
" 4569P e r son a l R e l a t ion s hi p s . " Ms. Deal was again reminded to " i n c rea s e h e r l e v e l
4606o f c oop era t io n w o r k in g w i t h o th er s [and] d ecrea s e go s si p . " Regarding her
4640personal r e l a t i ons h i ps , she was told to " in crea s e t ac t , c o u r t e s y t o p are n t s a n d
4680s t ud e n t s , p a ti e n c e a n d re sp ec t f o r oth e r s . "
47091 6 . At some point during his tenure, Princi pal Hradek relieved Ms. Deal
4724of her attendance duties and moved her out of the front office into Building
473814 . Ms. Deal ' s duties in this new area were to provide secretar ial support to
4756the a ssistant p rincipals, the school resource officer, and the Exception al
4769Student Education (ESE) liaison. Neither Principal Hradek nor the School
4779Board change d Respondent ' s SSP - 5 Attendance Clerk designation , even
4792though she was no longer performing the duties of that job.
48031 7 . In this new role, Respondent had less contact w ith parents and
4818students. Principal Hradek explained :
4823I think in the role of an attendance clerk with all the
4835public interaction that [Ms. Deal] had with families
4843and various staff it was Ï that was her flaw. She
4854wanted to talk about things other than her job
4863responsibilities or elicit her opinions. So, moving her
4871over to Building 14, she did a very good job with the
4883special needs students.
48861 8 . Ms. Deal had no disciplinary issues or MOIs for a number of years.
4902Then, o n A ugu s t 2 0 , 201 5 , P r in c ip a l Hra d e k i s su e d an MOI to Ms. Deal for
4935having l o u d o utbu r s t s and making p r o f a n e st a t e m e n t s i n fr on t o f s t ud e n t s
4978a n d s t af f w h i l e c o n t e s t in g n e w p ar k i n g p r o ce du re s. R e spo n d e n t wa s a g a i n
5030re mind e d o f her ethical obligations and th e P r in c i pl e s.
505019 . When Principal Jones re placed Principal Hradek, Principal Jones
5061made the decision to move Ms. Deal back to the a ttendance d esk in the front
5078office to perform the duties she was designate d to do as Attendance Clerk .
50932 0 . Shortly after resuming her position as Attendance Clerk , Re spondent
5106received an MOI from Principal Jones addressing numerous issues including:
5116her failure to tak e consistent breaks throughout the day ; her use and volume
5130of musical devices during school hours ; her verbal communications with
5140colleagues, parents , and students ; her failure to bring her concerns to
5151administration instead of voicing them to others ; and her need to collaborate
5163with and receive approval from an administrator prior to changing office
5174procedures and protocols. Respondent was reminded again t o adhere to
5185acceptable ethical standards and the Principles.
51912 1 . O n December 1, 2016, Principal Jones received a complaint from a
5206parent complaining Ms. Deal had made an inappropriate comment to his or
5218her child. The student , who suffers from a medical con dition, was attempting
5231to address school absences with Ms. Deal . Ms. Deal made rude,
5243embarrassing, and inappropriate comments to the student , her brother, and
5253two other students who were in the front office . The parent ' s complaint was
5269corroborated by anoth er student.
52742 2 . Around the same time, the school administration received another
5286complaint from a different parent regarding inappropriate comments to her
5296child made by Ms. Deal regarding the child ' s illness . Ms. Deal questioned
5311whether the student should be able to leave the school, and whether the
5324student sh ould be able to obtain work from his or her teachers.
53372 3 . On February 1, 2017, as a result of these incidents and after following
5353the proper procedures under the CBA, Assistant Principal Moyer issued
5363Ms. Deal a v er b a l r e p r im a n d f o r unp r o fe s s ion a l b e h a v io r . R e spo n d e n t di d n o t
5412g r i e v e th i s ac t ion.
54242 4 . On September 25, 2017, the administration was informed that
5436Respondent had made inappropriate statements regarding a student
5444suffering a seizure to a paren t who was signing out another student from
5458school .
54602 5 . On September 26, 2017, Respondent was involved in an incident in
5474which sh e allegedly discussed and laughed at a student ' s medical issue with a
5490teacher in the student ' s presence. Ms. Deal refused to al low the student to
5506contact her parents to request a change of clothes needed due to a
5519menstruation accident. Ms. Deal then demanded the student ' s parent call
5531Ms. Deal even though the student informed Respondent that her parent did
5543not speak English. Ms. De al allegedly told the student that she did not care if
5559her parents spoke Chinese or Spanish . She then proceeded to discuss the
5572student ' s medical condition in front of another parent .
55832 6 . After an investigation and following the procedures in the CBA, on
5597O c tob e r 5 , 2 01 7 , Assistant Principal Chase issued a w r i t t e n r e p r i m a n d to
5628Ms. Deal for unp r o fe s s ion a l b e h a v io r in connection with the September 25 and
565426 incidents. R e spo n d e n t di d n o t g r i e v e th i s ac t ion .
56822 7 . On August 7, 2018 , t he administration received two reports from staff
5697regarding inappropriate behavior by Ms. Deal during the distribution of
5707locker assignments. Ms. Deal was frustrated with her computer and was
5718disrespectful to fellow staff members. Ms. Deal also complained to students
5729and parents about t he computer and process for assigning lockers , and
5741eventually left school early that day .
57482 8 . After an investigation and following the procedures in the CBA, on
5762S e pt e mb e r 18 , 20 1 8 , Principal Jones recommended Ms. Deal be s usp e n d e d for
5787three d a y s w ith o u t p a y f o r u np r o fe ssion a l b e h a vio r .
581829 . Ms. Deal grieved the suspension. A s a result, the suspension was
5832reduced to two days . Ms. Deal did not further grieve or appeal the
58473 0 . At the final hearing , Ms. Deal sought to relitigate the facts underlyin g
5863these previous disciplinary actions and argued she accepted the discipline
5873based on the faulty advice of her union representative . Ms. Deal presented no
5887evidence contradicting the circumstances regarding these incidents and chose
5896not to testify on her be half. Even if she had presented such evidence , the time
5912for appealing the se previous steps of progressive discipline ha s passed.
5924November 2, 2018
59273 1 . O n N o v e mb e r 2 , 2 0 18 , Ms. Deal had an incident with a student,
5951Jo h n e s h i a Bu r k s , in the front office (the In cident) . T he School Board
5975presented no testimony from anyone who was in the front office at the time
5989the Incident started. According to Ms. Deal ' s PRO, Ms. Burks entered the
6003attendance office, told Ms. Deal that she was there to see Ms. Gartland, and
6017asked Ms. Deal where Ms. Gartland was. Ms. Deal claims she replied, " she
6030did not keep Ms. Gartland ' s schedule. " (Resp. PRO, p.5, ¶8).
60423 2 . In her PRO, Ms. Deal also claims she asked Ms. Burks for a hall
6059pass , a t which point , Ms. Burks got upset and started verba lly attacking
6073Ms. Deal. Ms. Deal also claims Ms. Burks became physically aggressive.
6084(Resp. PRO, p.5, ¶8). Ms. Deal, however, did not testify and offer ed no
6098credible evidence of the I ncident. Although other evidence establishes they
6109were both yelling, ther e is no evidence that Ms. Burks was physically
6122aggressive or started the argument .
61283 3 . Regardless, Denise Masi, the school ' s security aide and a former
6143New York City police officer, testified as to what she witnessed that day.
6156The undersigned finds Ms. Ma si ' s testimony is unbiased, credible, and
6169convincing; her testimony also is corroborated by various witness
6178statements in the investigative file.
61833 4 . Sometime between 11:00 a.m. and noon, Ms. Deal called M s . M a s i f o r
6205a s s i s t a n c e in the front office on the s chool - issued radio. Ms. Masi ar r iv e d a t
6235th e front office e n t er i n g from the campus d oo r. She observed Ms. Burks on
6257the side of the door yelling at Ms. Deal, and Ms. Deal behind her desk
6272yelling at Ms. Burks. Although she did not understand what they were
6284ye lling about, she heard Ms. Deal yell " you can ' t stay in here. She has to go. "
63033 5 . Ms. Masi also observed that there were parents in the office. She also
6319noticed the clinic nurse and assistant looked frightened behind the clinic ' s
6332glass sliding window, whic h was closed.
63393 6 . Ms. Masi tried to de - escalate the situation by asking Ms. Deal to
" 6356keep quiet " and stop yelling. Ms. Deal did not comply. Ms. Masi testified
6369that Ms. Deal was not making it easy to calm everyone down.
63813 7 . Realizing Ms. Deal was not goin g to stop yelling, Ms. Masi removed
6397Ms. Burks from the front office. Ms. Masi assessed that Ms. Burks was
6410waiting to see Ms. Gartland and remained with Ms. Burks. While in a
6423breezeway between the front office and the a dministrative o ffice, they
6435encountered Ms. Gartland. Ms. Gartland returned to her office through the
6446front office with Ms. Burks without incident.
64533 8 . Ms. Masi then went back into the front office to check on the nurse
6470and assistant. The nurse and assistant told Ms. Masi that, in response to
6483hearing the yelling, the y suggested to Ms. Deal that she call security and
6497then they closed the glass window into the front office.
650739. During Ms. Masi's return to the front office, she observed Ms. Deal
6520was still agitated and kept repeating that she was n ot Ms. Gartland ' s
65364 0 . Ms . M a s i was interviewed separately by P r in c ip a l J o n e s and by
6563Assistant Principal Chase regarding the I ncident. A ssi s t a n t P r i n c ip a l Ch a s e
6589also int er v i ewe d Ms. B u r ks , who gave him a written statement. Based on his
6610conversati ons with Ms. Burks he learned that Ms. Gartland had requested
6622Ms. Burks to come to her office but Ms. Gartland was not there when
6636Ms. Burks arrived. Ms. Burks claimed Ms. Deal started yelling when she
6648asked her about Ms. Gartland ' s whereabouts .
66574 1 . As par t of their investigation , both Principal Jones and Assistant
6671Principal Chase reviewed a video of the Incident . The video had no audio.
6685This video was not retained and was not offered into evidence at the final
6699hearing . The undersigned finds that the testim ony regarding what was in the
6713video is not helpful in determining what happened between Ms. Deal and
6725Ms. Burks.
67274 2 . Ms. Deal did not testify. I nstead, she offered the testimony of Madison
6743Byrd ( her daughter and a Sarasota High student ), in an attempt to e stablish
6759that Ms. Deal ' s actions during the I ncident were justified and appropriate.
6773Ms. Byrd claimed she was in the front office during the Incident. According to
6787Ms. Byrd, Ms. Burks was the only person yelling and her mother did not say
6802anything to Ms. B urks. Ms. Byrd admitted she walked into the front office " in
6817the middle of the situation. " She also heard the nurse ask Ms. Deal to call
68334 3 . Ms. Byrd's testimony was subject to bias because of her familial and
6848financial ties to Respondent . Ms. Byrd also indicated she dislike d Ms. Burks
6862because of something that happened in middle school. The undersigned finds,
6873to the extent Ms. Byrd's testimony was inconsistent with Ms. Masi ' s
6886testimony, Ms. Masi ' s testimony is more reliable and corroborated by other
69004 4 . On N ov e mb e r 1 5 , 2 01 8 , Principal Jones met with Ms. Deal in a
6923We i n g ar t e n m e e ti n g t o a dd r e s s t h e I n c i d e n t. During this meeting,
6959R e s po nd e n t to o k n o p er s on a l r e spon s i b il i t y , a tt e mpt e d t o l a y b l a m e u po n
7007Ms. Burk s , and d e nied yelling. Similar ly, at the final hearing , Ms. Deal
7023presented no evidence that she accepted some responsibility or that her
7034behavior was appropriate and justified under the circumstances.
70424 5 . On November 30, 2018, P r i n c ip a l J o n e s rec o m m e n d e d t er min a ti o n o f
7080R e s po n d e nt ' s e m p lo y m e n t b a s e d upon Ms. Deal ' s past disciplinary history for
7113u np r o fe s s ion a l c o n du c t i n t he w o r kpl ac e a n d the I ncident.
71454 6 . A t the final hearing , Ms. Deal attempted to impeach the School Board ' s
7163witnesses by asking them if the administration told them to " k eep an eye " on
7178her or give written statements against her. There was no evidence anyone was
7191asked to fabricate information about Ms. Deal.
71984 7 . It is clear from the testimony and evidence at the hearing that
7213Ms. Deal and Ms. Burks were involved in a shoutin g match in the front office
7229that could be heard by other parents and staff. Regardless of who started the
7243argument, Ms. Deal was the adult in the room. More importantly, as an
7256Attendance Clerk , Ms. Deal was required to act p rofessionally and according
7268to S chool Board rules and regulations. Instead , she took no steps to de -
7283escalate the situation, and refused to regain her composure even after being
7295asked by Ms. Masi to do so.
73074 8 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this
7321proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat. 7
732949 . Ms. Deal i s an educational support employee. §§ 1012.40(1)(a) and
73421012.01(6), Fla. Stat.
73455 0 . The School Board is charged with the duty to operate, control, and
7360supervise all free public schoo ls within the school district of Sarasota County,
7373Florida. Art. IX, § 4(b), Fla. Const.; §§ 1001.30 and 1001.33, Fla. Stat. The
7387School Board ' s superintendent has the authority to recommend to the School
7400Board that an employee be terminated from employment. § 1012.27(5), Fla.
74125 1 . The School Board has the statutory authority to adopt rules governing
7426personnel matters pursuant to sections 1001.42(28), 1012.22, and 1012.23 ,
7435Florida Statutes . Section 1012.22 , provides, in pertinent part:
7444The district scho ol board shall:
7450(1) Designate positions to be filled, prescribe
7457qualifications for those positions, and provide for
74647 The School Board has contracted with DOAH to conduct the administrative proceedings
7477pursuant to Article XXI (C)(14) of the CBA.
7485the appointment, compensation, promotion,
7489suspension, and dismissal of employees as follows,
7496subject to the requirements of this chapter:
7503* * *
7506(f) Suspension, dismissal, and return to annual
7513contract status. Ð The district school board shall
7521suspend, dismiss, or return to annual contract
7528members of the instructional staff and other school
7536employees; however, no administrative assistant,
7541supe rvisor, principal, teacher, or other member of
7549the instructional staff may be discharged, removed,
7556or returned to annual contract except as provided
7564in this chapter.
75675 2 . Section 1012.40(2)(c) provides:
7573In the event a district school superintendent seeks
7581termination of an employee, the district school
7588board may suspend the employee with or without
7596pay. The employee shall receive written notice and
7604shall have the opportunity to formally appeal the
7612termination. The appeals process shall be
7618determined by the appropriate collective
7623bargaining process or by district school board rule
7631in the event there is no collective bargaining
76405 3 . The School Board bears the burden of proving by a preponderance of
7655the evidence that the alleged misconduct occurred a nd just cause exists to
7668terminate Respondent ' s employment. Cropsey v. Sch . Bd. of Manatee Cty. , 19
7682So. 3d 351, 355 (Fla. 2d DCA 2009). A p reponderance of the evidence is
7697evidence that " more likely than not " tends to prove the proposition set forth
7710by a pro ponent. Gross v. Lyons , 763 So. 2d 276 (Fla. 2000).
77235 4 . As an initial matter, the undersigned must determine whether
7735Ms. Deal ' s conduct constitutes " just cause " for dismissal. Florida
7746Administrative Code R ule 6A - 5.056 provides in pertinent part:
7757Criteria for Suspension and Dismissal.
" 7762Just cause " means cause that is legally sufficient.
7770Each of the charges upon which just cause for a
7780dismissal action against specified school personnel
7786may be pursued are set forth in Sections 1012.33
7795and 1012.335, F.S. In fulfillment of these laws, the
7804basis for each such charge is hereby defined:
7812* * *
7815(2) " Misconduct in Office " means one or more of the
7826* * *
7829(b) A violation of the Principles of Professional
7837Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida a s
7846adopted in Rule 6A - 10.081, F.A.C.;
7853(c) A violation of the adopted school board rules;
7862(d) Behavior that disrupts the student ' s learning
7872(e) Behavior that reduces the teacher ' s ability or his
7883or her colleagues ' ability to effectively pe r fo rm
78955 5 . Additionally, Article XXI( A )( 2 ) of the CBA provides that the discipline,
7912including dismissal, of any employee shall be for just cause.
7922The Principles
79245 6 . The Principles provide guid ance to educational employees on how they
7938should act, and state in relevant part:
79456A - 10.081 Principles of Professional Conduct
7952for the Education Profession in Florida .
7959(1) Florida educators shall be guided by the
7967following ethical principles:
7970(a) The educator values the worth and dignity of
7979every person, the p ursuit of truth, devotion to
7988excellence, acquisition of knowledge, and the
7994nurture of democratic citizenship. Essential to the
8001achievement of these standards are the freedom to
8009learn and to teach and the guarantee of equal
8018opportunity for all.
8021(b) The educ ator ' s primary professional concern will
8031always be for the student and for the development
8040of the student ' s potential. The educator will
8049therefore strive for professional growth and will
8056seek to exercise the best professional judgment and
8065* * *
8068(2) Florida educators shall comply with the
8075following disciplinary principles. Violation of any of
8082these principles shall subject the individual to
8089revocation or suspension of the individual
8095educator ' s certificate, or the other penalties as
8104provided by l aw.
8108(a) Obligation to the student requires that the
81171. Shall make reasonable effort to protect the
8125student from conditions harmful to learning and/or
8132to the student ' s mental and/or physical health
8141and/or safety.
8143* * *
81465. Shall not intention ally expose a student to
8155unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement.
81595 7 . Ms. Deal was required to value " the worth and dignity " of Ms. Burks.
8175Fla. Admin. Code R. 6A - 10.08 1 (1)(a). Ms. Deal ' s behavior during the I ncident
8193violated this principle.
819658 . Rule 6 A - 10.081(1)(b) required that Ms. Deal ' s primary professional
8211concern " always be for the student and for the development of the student ' s
8226potential. Therefore, one will strive for professional growth and will seek to
8238exercise the best professional judgment and integrity. " Ms. Deal ' s behavior
8250during the I ncident violated this principle.
825759 . Rule 6A - 10.081(2)(a) 1. required Ms. Deal to make a reasonable effort
8272to protect Ms. Burks from conditions harmful to learning and " towards the
8284student ' s mental and / or phy sical health and / or safety. " Ms. Deal ' s behavior
8303during the I ncident violated this principle.
83106 0 . Finally, r ule 6A - 10.081(2)(a) 5. provides that one " [s]hall not
8325intentionally expose a student to necessary embarrassment or
8333disparagement. " Ms. Deal ' s behavi or during the I ncident toward Ms. Burks
8347in the presence of others violated this principle.
83556 1 . The School Board had previously warned and counseled Ms. Deal for
8369violating these and other Principles through her performance evaluations,
8378MOIs, and discipline . There was no evidence that Ms. Deal was remorseful
8391for the Incident or that she would change her behavior in the future to better
8406comply with the Principle s .
8412School Board Rules
84156 2 . School Board R ule 6.27 requires Ms. Deal to adhere to the Principles.
8431Be cause she violated the Principles, as explained above, Ms. Deal has also
8444violated this rule . See also School Board Policy 6.42 , Job Description 11 (19).
84586 3 . Additionally, Ms. Deal ' s behavior violated School Board Policy 6.42 ,
8472Job Description 11 (12), which sets forth her job description and requires her
8485to " provide a safe and secure workplace. "
8492Previous Discipline
84946 4 . The School Board previously issued Ms. Deal the following discipline:
8507a verbal reprimand on February 1, 2017 ; a written reprimand on October 5,
85202017 ; and a two - day suspension on September 18, 2018.
85316 5 . Respondent ' s a ttempt to rehash what happened to warrant her
8546previous disciplines is barred by the doctrine of " administrative finality, "
8556which holds that agency orders must become final and no l onger subject to
8570change or modification. See Delray Med. Ctr. v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. ,
85835 So. 3d 26, 29 (Fla. 4th DCA 2009)(comparing administrative finality to res
8596judicata). The credibility and persuasiveness of the evidence supporting past
8606discipli nary actions, as well as whether the discipline was appropriate, were
8618issues previously litigated (or could have been litigated) and decided.
8628Respondent may not relitigate these issues in this proceeding, especially
8638when she had been provided due process a nd union representation. See Fla.
8651Power Corp. v. Garcia , 780 So. 2d 34, 44 (Fla. 2001)(noting there must be a
" 8666terminal point in every proceeding both administrative and judicial, at
8676which the parties and the public may rely on a decision as being final an d
8692dispositive of the rights and issues involved therein. " ); Reedy Creek Utils. Co.
8705v. Fla. Pub. Serv. Comm ' n , 418 So. 2d 249, 254 (Fla. 1982)( " An underlying
8721purpose of the doctrine of [administrative] finality is to protect those who rely
8734on a judgment or ruling. " ).
8740Ultimate Conclusions
87426 6 . The School Board has satisfied its burden to show that Ms. Deal was
8758guilty of misconduct on November 2, 2018.
87656 7 . The School Board has satisfied its burden to show that the misconduct
8780constituted just cause for disciplin ary action .
87886 8 . The School Board has complied with the progressive discipline steps
8801set forth in Article XXI (I)(2) of the CBA . Thus, termination is the appropriate
8816disciplinary action.
8820Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is
8833R ECOMMENDED the School Board of Sarasota County terminate Joy Deal ' s
8847D ONE A ND E NTERED this 11th day of February , 2021 , in Tallahassee, Leon
8862County, Florida.
8869Administrative Law Judge
88721230 Apalachee Parkway
8875Ta llahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060
8881(850) 488 - 9675
8886Filed with the Clerk of the
8892Division of Administrative Hearings
8896this 11th day of February , 2021 .
8908Joy L. Deal Robert K. Robinson, Esquire
89154503 Hale Street Rob Robinson Attorney, P.A.
8922Sarasota, Florida 34233 Suite 400
8927500 South Washington Boulevard
8931Matthew Mears, G eneral Counsel Sarasota, Florida 34236
8939Department of Education
8942Turlington Building, Suite 1244 Dr. Brennan Asplen , III , Superintendent
8951325 West Gaines Street Sarasota County School Board
8959Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400 1960 Landings Boulevard
8967Sarasota, FL 34231 - 3365
8983All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from
8996the date of this Recommende d Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended
9008Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this
- Date
- Proceedings
- PDF:
- Date: 01/19/2022
- Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant's motion to compel is denied. Appellee's motion for an extension of time is granted, and Appellee shall serve the answer brief by February 1, 2022.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/28/2021
- Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellee's motion for extension of time is granted, and the answer brief shall be served by January 12, 2022.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/17/2021
- Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant's Motion to Supplement the Record is denied.
- PDF:
- Date: 08/11/2021
- Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Apellee's motion for an extension of time is granted, and the record shall be transmitted to this court within thirty days of the date of this order, Appellant's motion to compel is denied as moot.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/22/2021
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 02/11/2021
- Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 2 through 4, 2020). CASE CLOSED.
- PDF:
- Date: 02/11/2021
- Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/15/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Unavailability of Petitioner, Sarasota County School Board's Counsel filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/08/2020
- Proceedings: Agreed Motion for Enlargement of Time within which to File and Serve Proposed Recommended Order filed.
- Date: 11/23/2020
- Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/05/2020
- Proceedings: Designation of Transcript Excerpts for Use at Final Hearing filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/04/2020
- Proceedings: Order on Respondent's Request Pursuant to Florida Civil Procedure Rule 1.330(4) Regarding Use of Portions of Deposition Transcript.
- Date: 11/02/2020
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 10/29/2020
- Proceedings: Letter from Demaris Bell regarding Subpoena (with attachments) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 10/29/2020
- Proceedings: Designation of Transcript Excerpts for Use at Final Hearing filed.
- Date: 10/26/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
- Date: 10/26/2020
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 10/23/2020
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Strike Respondent Joy Deal's Second Amended Pre-Hearing Statement or, in the alternative, to Exclude Untimely Disclosed Exhibits and Witnesses, and for Fees and Costs filed.
- Date: 10/15/2020
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
- PDF:
- Date: 08/24/2020
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for November 2 through 6, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee; amended as to Hearing Type).
- PDF:
- Date: 08/24/2020
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference (Zoom) (status conference set for October 26, 2020; 10:00 a.m.).
- PDF:
- Date: 07/15/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Unavailability of Petitioner, Sarasota County School Board's Counsel filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 06/17/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Serving of Expert Interrogatories to Respondent Joy Deal filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 06/04/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for October 26, 2020; 10:00 a.m.).
- PDF:
- Date: 06/04/2020
- Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing (hearing set for November 2 through 6, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota).
- Date: 06/02/2020
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 05/21/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Status Conference by Zoom (status conference set for June 2, 2020; 11:00 a.m.).
- PDF:
- Date: 03/31/2020
- Proceedings: Order Granting Confidentiality of Document, Canceling Hearing, and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by June 30, 2020).
- Date: 03/27/2020
- Proceedings: Motion to Determine Confidentiality of Document filed (Duplicate; not available for viewing). Confidential document; not available for viewing.
- Date: 03/27/2020
- Proceedings: Letter to Judge Desai (Motion for Stay of Proceedings in a Timely Manner; confidential information not available for viewing) filed. Confidential document; not available for viewing.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/17/2020
- Proceedings: Order Canceling Hearing (parties to advise status by April 7, 2020).
- PDF:
- Date: 02/21/2020
- Proceedings: Stipulation for Substitution of Counsel; (Proposed) Order Substituting Counsel filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 01/24/2020
- Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing (hearing set for April 1 through 3, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota).
- Date: 01/16/2020
- Proceedings: Letter from Joy Deal Regarding Request to Continue filed. Confidential document; not available for viewing.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/13/2019
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 18 through 21, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota; amended as to location).
- PDF:
- Date: 11/06/2019
- Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 18 through 21, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota).
- Date: 10/28/2019
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 08/30/2019
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for October 28, 2019; 10:00 a.m.).
- PDF:
- Date: 08/29/2019
- Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for September 26, 2019; 10:00 a.m.).
- Date: 08/26/2019
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to date not certain.
- PDF:
- Date: 08/21/2019
- Proceedings: Response to "Respondent Complaint to the Honorable Judge Robert S. Cohen".
- PDF:
- Date: 08/20/2019
- Proceedings: Respondent Complaint to the Honorable Judge Robert S. Cohen filed.
- Date: 08/19/2019
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
- PDF:
- Date: 08/13/2019
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 26 and 27, 2019; 9:00 a.m.; Sarasota, FL; amended as to location).
- Date: 08/12/2019
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 08/07/2019
- Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Management Conference (management conference set for August 12, 2019; 2:00 p.m.).
- PDF:
- Date: 08/06/2019
- Proceedings: Motion to Compel Deposition Testimony of Respondent Joy Deal and Completion of Suspended Deposition of Respondent filed.
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 06/10/2019
- Date Assignment:
- 06/10/2019
- Last Docket Entry:
- 07/25/2022
- Location:
- Tallahassee, Florida
- District:
- Northern
- Agency:
Joy L. Deal
4503 Hale Street
Sarasota, FL 34233
(941) 955-0181 -
Robert K. Robinson, Esquire
6th Floor
240 South Pineapple Avenue
Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 364-2400 -
Robert K Robinson, Esquire
Address of Record