19-005173PL Department Of Health, Board Of Medicine vs. Anthony Glenn Rogers, M.D.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, November 18, 2020.

View Dockets  
Summary: 6 months' suspension, $20,000 fine, 2 years' probation, and reprimand for medical malpractice in performance of a lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injection with hypertonic saline that left patient paralyzed in her lower extremities and incontinent

1Respondent performe d a wrong procedure or wrong - site procedure , in

13violation of section 456.072(1)(bb) ; and 4) if so, the determination of the

25penalty , pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 8.001 . (All

37references to statutes and rules are to the Florida S tatutes and rules in effect

52in 2012, as cited in the Amended Administrative Complaint.)


65On June 30, 2017 , Petitioner filed an Amended Administrative Complaint

75alleging that, on September 28, 2012, Respondent performed a lumbar

85transforaminal epidural steroid injection with catheter and fluoroscopy on

94M.S. The Amended Administrative Complaint alleges that, during the

103procedure, Respondent inserted the tip of the catheter through the epidural

114space and into the intrathecal space and injected co ntrast and injectate into

127the intrathecal space instead of the epidural space.

135The Amended Administrative Complaint alleges that Respondent "did not

144create or keep documentation of obtaining" intra - and post - injection lateral

157view epidurogram s to confirm the location of the catheter tip or the dispersal

171pattern of the contrast and injectate. The Amended Administrative Complaint alleges that Respondent did not recognize, or did not create or keep documentation of recognizing, that he had performed an intrat hecal

203administration instead of an epidural injection.

209The Amended Administrative Complaint alleges that, after the procedure,

218M.S. complained of bilateral hip and leg pain, numbness, and paralysis. She

230was transferred to Bethesda Memorial Hospital where she was diagnosed with conus medullaris syndrome.

244Count I alleges that Respondent violated section 458.331(1)(t)1. because

253he failed to practice within the minimum standard of care required by

265section s 456.50(1)(g) and 766.102(1) by failing to obtain an intra - injection

278lateral view epidurogram to confirm the location of the catheter tip and

290dispersal pattern of the contrast and injectate, failing to obtain a post -

303injection lateral view epidurogram to confirm the location of the cat heter tip

316and dispersal pattern of the contrast and injectate, and failing to recognize

328that he had performed an intrathecal injection instead of an epidural


340Count II alleges that Respondent violated section 458.331(1)(m) and (n n )

352and r ule 64B8 - 9.003 (1), (2), and (3) b ecause he failed to obtain an

369intra - injection lateral view epidurogram to confirm the location of the

381catheter tip and dispersal pattern of the contrast and injectate, failed to

393obtain a post - injection lateral view epidurogram to c onfirm the location of the

408catheter tip and dispersal pattern of the contrast and injectate, and failed to

421recognize that he had performed an intrathecal injection instead of an

432epidural injection.

434Count III alleges that Respondent violated section 456.07 2(1)(bb) because

444he performed or attempted to perform a wrong - site procedure or a wrong

458procedure by injecting contrast and injectate into a patient's intrathecal

468space instead of epidural space.

473The Amended Administrative Complaint seeks relief in the fo rm of

484revocation, suspension, restriction of practice, imposition of an administrative

493fine, imposition of probation, corrective action, refund of fees, and remedial


505Petitioner requested a formal hearing.

510Respondent transmitted the file to DO AH on September 27, 2019. The

522hearing was set for December 2 and 3, 2019, but continued at the request of

537Respondent due to a death of a member of the family of Respondent's counsel.

551After continuing the hearing to January 13 and 14, 2020, the administrati ve

564law judge abated the case through January 21, 2020. Following that date, the

577administrative law judge reset the hearing for April 6 and 7, 2020. This

590hearing was continued at the request of Petitioner due to incomplete discovery and reset for June 15 an d 16, 2020. This hearing was continued at

616the joint request of the parties due to Covid - 19 and reset for July 16 and 17,


635At the hearing, Petitioner called two witnesses and offered into evidence

64613 exhibits: Petitioner Exhibits 1 through 10, 13, 15, and 18 . Respondent

659called one witness and offered into evidence eight exhibits: Respondent

669Exhibits 1 through 3, 7 through 10, and 12. All exhibits were admitted for

683all purposes except Petitioner Exhibit 13 (penalty only) and Respondent

693Exhibits 7 (hearsay; basis for expert witness's testimony only) and 8

704through 10 (hearsay; impeachment only).

709The court reporter filed the transcript by July 31 , 2020. The parties filed

722proposed recommended orders on August 31 , 2020.


7341. Respondent is a medical physician, holding license number ME

7440062034. He is certified as a pain management specialist by the American Board of Anaesthesia and American Academy of Pain Management. Licensed for nearly 40 years, Respondent practice d in 2012 in Lake Worth at

779the Palm Beach Pain Management Center , where he was the chief executive

791officer . Respondent has performed the specific procedures involved in this

802case at least 500 times and many thousands of epidural injections.

8132. Respondent's expert witness was Dr. Bre tt Schlifka, who is an

825osteopathic physician licensed in Florida and practicing in Wellington.

834Dr. Schlifka is certified by the Board of Neurosurgeons of the American

846College of Osteopathic Surgeons. As a neurosurgeon, Dr. Schlifka performs

856epidural inject ions, but never of hypertonic saline, so he was unable to

869address in any detail the epidural injection of hypertonic saline , nor does he

882use a catheter in performing epidural steroid injection s (ESIs) , so he was

895unable to address in any detail the specifics of the processes of threading a

909catheter through epidural space and inadvertently into intrathecal space

918and administering injectates through a catheter . Dr. Schlifka and

928Respondent are friends and refer patients to each other.

9373. Petiti oner's expert witness was Dr. Harold Cordner, who is a medical

950physician licensed in Florida and practicing in Sebastian. Dr. Corner is

961certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology with an added

971qualification in Pain Management. For ten years, he has served as a clinical assistant professor at the Florida State University School of Medicine, where he teaches procedures such as those involved in this case -- procedures that

1008he himself has performed many times.

10144. This case involves procedures performed by Re spondent on M.S. 's

1026back on September 28, 2012. F rom bottom to top, relevant vertebra are

1039sacral 1 (S1), lumbar 5 (L5), L4, L3, L2, and L1. Above the lumbar vertebra

1054are thoracic vertebra, which are not directly pertinent to this case. The spinal cord exten ds no lower than L1/L2; the tapered end of the spinal cord

1081is known as the conus.

10865. Relevant anatomical features in the area of the lumbar vertebrae, from

1098the exterior to the interior, are ligament s , the epidural space, the dura, the

1112subdural space, the arachnoid, the subarachnoid space, and the spinal cord.

1123The subdural space is potential, presumably responding to changes in

1133posture or movement, or even theoretical, because the epidural and

1143subarachnoid spaces may be separated by less than one mm. Cerebr al spinal

1156fluid (CSF) is present in the subarachnoid space, but not the epidural space.

1169The subarachnoid space is also known as the intrathecal space, so an

1181intrathecal injection is an injection into the subarachnoid space. Intrathecal

1191injections may be in tentional or inadvertent, although this case does not

1203involve any intentional intrathecal injections.

12086. "Bilateral" refers to the left and right sides of the vertebrae on the left

1223and right sides of a patient's body. " Transforaminal " is across the space,

1235wi thin the epidural space, occupied by the foramen, which is a bony

1248structure at each vertebral level through which spinal nerves pass. This case

1260involves epidural injections of various injectates, including steroids -- i.e.,

1270ESIs -- although an ESI routinely in cludes the epidural injection of contrast

1283and an anaesthetic in addition to a steroid . The ESIs in this case all involve

1299lumbar transforaminal ESIs, so any reference to an "ESI" is to a lumbar

1312transforaminal ESI. The alternative to a transforaminal ESI is an

1322interlaminar ESI , which is an ESI within the space between vertebrae. A t

1335the time in question, at least, an interlaminar ESI wa s a safer procedure

1349than a transforaminal ESI , if, for no other reason, than the proximity of an

1363artery to the nerve passing through a foramen and the possibility of causing

1376an infarction of the spinal cord by an inadvertent injection into the artery.

13897. M.S. was a patient of Respondent at the Palm Beach Pain

1401Management Center from 2006 through September 28, 2012. On the latter dat e, Respondent performed procedures on M.S. , immediately after which

1422she has been left paralyzed in her lower extremities and incontinent of

1434bladder and bowe l.

14388. Born in 1951, M.S. presented to Respondent in 2006 with complaints of

1451low back pain for many year s. She had undergone failed back surgeries in 1989, 1993, and 2003 . In the course of these surgeries, surgeons had

1478performed spinal fusions of L3/L4 and L4/L5 and implanted hardware at

1489L3/L4. M.S. was five feet, two inches tall and weighed 160 pounds.

15019. At the time of M.S. 's initial office visit on February 7, 2006 , M.S.

1516described the pain in her low back as ranging from 5 to 10 on a scale of 0 - 10

1536and stated that she had not had "injection therapy" recently. Respondent's

1547impressions included lumbar failed back surgery syndrome and lumbar

1556radiculopathy , which is a condition in which a compressed spinal nerve

1567causes pain along the nerve . Respondent recommended a bilateral ESI.

1578Imaging conducted shortly after the initial office visit revealed the above - mentio ned hardware, postoperative changes in the disc at L4/L5, a

1601mild disc bulge at L1/L2, a "very minimal" posterior disc bu l ge at the

1616postoperative site of L3/L4, and a small central protrusion at L2/L3 causing

1628a mild compression along the central aspect of t he thecal sac, which is within

1643the subarachnoid space.

164610. Besides the initial office visit and some imaging reports from late

16582010, t he evidentiary record contains Respondent's medical records only

1668from December 2011 through September 28, 2012. In late 2010, imaging

1679disclosed disc degeneration at L1/L2 and L2/L3 with mild thecal sac impingement, the surgical fusion of L3/L4 and L4/L5, and disc desiccation at

1702L5/S1. There was also thickening or clumping of nerve roots through the

1714surgical levels that could be r egarded as arachnoiditis, which is

1725inflammation of the arachnoid membrane.

173011. However, the evidentiary record contains billing records from late

17402006 through September 28, 2012. These records indicate that Respondent

1750performed 21 epidural injection procedures on M.S. from December 6, 2006,

1761through September 28, 2012. The last ten such procedures, from April 19, 2010, were billed as ESIs using Code of Procedural Terminology (CPT)

1784code 64483, although one procedure was billed as CPT code 64473.

1795Respondent also billed ESIs under CPT code 64483 or 62311 on February 6,

18082008, May 15, 2009, May 29, 2009, and February 22, 2010. The remaining

1821procedures were billed on December 6, 2006, March 20, 2007, June 13, 2007,

1834November 8, 2007, Februar y 21, 2008, September 5, 20 0 8, January 9, 2009,

1849and October 30, 2009, under CPT code 62264 as "Racz" procedures, which

1861are described below. Among other things, these records establish that

1871Respondent performed ESIs on M.S. on 90 - day intervals from late 201 0 until

1886September 28, 2012.

188912. Obviously, the billing records also establish that the lumbar region of

1901M.S. was the site of numerous procedures over the six years leading up to

1915September 28, 2012. Although the experts agree that M.S. 's lumbar epidural

1927space w as challenging due to myriad deformities following years of disease

1939and multiple surg eries, Respondent had navigated this space over 20 times,

1951s o Respondent at least knew that he would encounter , if not where he would

1966encounter, lesions, narrowed openings, and other pathological changes .

197513. For many years , Respondent had prescribed Percocet to control pain.

1986The medical records for the nine months preceding the September 28

1997procedures indicate that Respondent consistently administered drug

2004screens, which appropriately revealed only ox ycodone. However, o n at least a

2017half dozen office visits during 2012, M.S. admitted that she was not abiding

2030by the Narcotic Treatment Agreement, but, each time, Respond ent's notes

2041mis state that she was in compliance, so as to indicate no inquiry into the

2056details of the noncompliance or its significance, if any , and recordkeeping by

2068rote .

207014. Respondent likewise displayed inattention to detail as to the informed

2081consent s that he obtained from M.S. during this nine month timeframe.

2093Each informed consent contain s a handwritten description of the procedure

2104to which M.S. was consent ing by signing the form . For each procedure, the

2119procedure is "lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injections with

2127fluoroscopy and catheter "; the June 25 informed consent rephrase s the last

2139four words as "with catheter with fluoroscopy , " and the September 28

2150informed consent add s "left" to the typical description of the procedure.

2162Respondent nev er obtained M.S. 's informed consent for the injection of

2174hypertonic saline, even though Respondent injected hypertonic saline , with

2183the amounts shown par e nthetically, during the procedures of December 23

2195(5 cc), June 25 (5 cc), and September 28 (8 cc).

220615. For the December 23 procedure s , Respondent took 12 minutes from

" 2218start " to " end " for the actual procedure s and 18 minutes from " in " to " out " of

2234the operating room. Coincidentally , the December 23 procedure s ' start and

2246end and in and out times are identical to these times for the September 28

2261procedures. The start to end time s of other two procedures were 11 minutes.

2275This brisk pace betrays Respondent's experience as a pain specialist, but

2286belies M.S. 's challenge as a patient.

229316. During each set of procedures fro m December 2011 through

2304September 28, 2012, Respondent injected the same injectates, except for the

2315March 23 procedure that omits hypertonic saline, but at different dosages,

2326which is discussed below. Respondent used a form that allowed him to

2338document his surgical plan by circling levels -- L1/L2, L2/L3, L3/L4, and

2350L5/S1 -- and sides -- left, right, and bilateral. For December 2011, Respondent

2363circled nothing; for March and June 2012, Respondent circled levels L3/L4,

2374L4/L5, and L5/S1 and the right side; and for September 28, 2012, Respondent circled the same levels, but the left side.

239517. The efficacy of the epidural procedures is revealed in the notes

2407from postsurgical office visits during which M.S. described her pain. On

2418January 2, 2012, M.S. reported that her pain ranged from 6 - 10 all day and

2434all night, the pain range d from her back down her legs, everything made her

2449pain worse, and the injections help ed , although , after several i njections, she

2462reported that she had experienced "floppiness" in one leg -- side unspecified.

2474M.S. concluded that the pain relief from the injections made a difference in

2487her life and restored functionality.

249218. On January 10, 2012, M.S. returned to Respondent's office

2502complaining of pain ranging from 8 - 10 without medications and 6 - 10 with

2517medications . The pain was radiating from her low back down her legs,

2530mostly her right leg . The pain was continuous and "sharp, burning, shooting,

2543achy, knife - like, stabbing, de ep, heavy, and gnawing." On February 7, 2012,

2557M.S. returned to Respondent's office with the same complaints.

2566Interestingly, on March 6, 2012, M.S. returned to Respondent's office

2576describing her pain as improved -- 5 - 10 without medications and 3 - 6 with

2592medications. This time the note specifi es that " transforaminal epidurals"

2602gave her the greatest relief. The note for this office visit mentions a

2615treatm ent plan of another ESI of a steroid and anaesthetic, but does not

2629specify the side.

263219. On April 3, 2012, M.S. returned to Respondent's office for her first

2645visit after the March 23 ESI. Again, the pain was worse immediately after

2658the procedure -- 9 - 10 without medications and 5 - 8 with medications, although

2673the note adds, "the transforaminal epidural with catheter has also helped

2684her tremendously." The notes contain no analysis of the worsened pain 11 days after the ESI compared to 17 days before the ESI, but leg floppiness

2710does not recur in this or any subsequent note.

271920. On May 5, 2012, M.S. returned to Respondent's office describing her

2731pain as 8 - 10 without medications and 5 - 9 with medications. M.S. stated that

2747the medications and "transforaminal epidurals with ca theter" were the only

2758treatments that help ed with the pain. On May 15, 2012, M.S. returned to

2772Respondent's office describing her pain as 6 - 10 without medications and 4 - 6

2787with medications. On June 22, 2012, M.S. returned to Respondent's office

2798following a trip to North Carolina, where she had been unable to obtain her

2812oxycodone and had been in considerable pain. On the day of the visit,

2825though, M.S. reported her pain to be a n 8 without medications and 6 with

2840medications. The treatment plan contained in the note includes a right ESI, which Respondent described to M.S. as the injection of Cortisone and

2863Marcaine or lidocaine with no mention of hypertonic saline.

287221. On July 20, 2012, M.S. returned to Respondent's office for her first

2885visit after the June 25 ESI. M. S. described the pain as 8 - 10 without

2901medications and 5 - 8 with medications. The recent "right lumbar

2912transforaminal with catheter [helped] about 50% to 60%." On August 17,

29232012, M.S. returned to Respondent's office describing her pain as 7 - 10

2936without medic ations and 1 - 7 with medications. The note adds, "She states no

2951real change in her status, just looking forward to another injection." The

2963treatment plan wa s for a left ESI with Cortisone and Marcaine or lidocaine,

2977but , again, with no mention of hypertonic saline.

298522. O n September 28, 2012, Respondent performed three procedures --

2996first, a caudal lumbar epidurogram with interpretation ; second, an ESI ; and ,

3007third , a distinct procedure involving the injection of hypertonic saline . In all

3020three procedures , Respondent relie d on live or real - time fluoroscopy to guide

3034the spinal needle and catheter, which are described below. M.S. was

3045positioned on a table , which, as relevant to these procedures, accommodates

3056the 90 - degree rotation of a fluoroscope , which is also called a C - arm due to

3074the ability of the device to project onto a monitor anterior - posterior (AP),

3088lateral, and oblique views of the spine and related structures. The AP view is a head - on (or back - on) view, and the lateral view is a side view at 90 degrees

3122from the AP view . At the direction of Respondent, a technician not only

3136rotate d the C - arm, but also captured a still image from the radiographic

3151output, which otherwise r an live or in real time or was switched off entirely

3166when unneeded , to avoid over - exposing the patient to radiation.

317723. T he cau d al lumbar epidurogram is a relatively simple diagnostic

3190procedure . Respondent passe d a spinal needle through the sacral hiatus,

3202which is a hole in the bony structure at the base of the spine below S 1 , and

3220into the caudal epidural space. By lightly pushing the syringe plunger,

3231Respondent employed the loss - of - resistance technique to sense the lack of

3245resistance characteristic of the epidural space; by lightly pulling the syringe

3256plunger, Respondent asp irated the needle and line to rule out the presence

3269of any CSF, which would reveal an intrathecal penetration, or blood, which

3281would reveal a vascular penet r ation. M.S. , who remained conscious during

3293the procedures, also did not indicate any paresthesia, which is numbness or

3305tingling. Respondent withdrew the hollow core of the spinal needle in

3316preparation for threading the catheter through the now - hollow needle and

3328up th rough the epidural space. Respondent has maintained five AP views

3340and one lateral view from the fluoroscopic imagery that he conducted on

3352September 28. The lone lateral view, which is of the sacrum, was taken and

3366preserved as part of the epidurogram.

337224. Durin g the entirety of the September 28 procedures, including the

3384epidurogram, Respondent injected 6 cc of contrast in the form of Omnipaque

3396300 . As with all injectates , Respondent's records refer only to divided doses,

3409so it is impossible to know how much of any injectate , including the contrast,

3423that he administered at what level . The ESIs in March and June 2012 may

3438have involved fewer levels than the ESIs in December 2011 and September 2012, because the former involved 3 cc each of Omnipaque and

3461the latter involved 5 cc each of Omnipaque.

346925. Returning to the epidurogram, a s t he contrast flowed up the epidural

3483space , the radiography revealed lesions at S1 on the right and L5 on the left.

3498The dispersal pattern of the contra s t indicated that the contra s t was within

3514the epidural space. Without incident, Respondent completed the

3522epidurogram about two minutes after starting the procedure .

353126. For the ESI and hypertonic saline proce dures , Respondent pass ed the

3544catheter up through the epidural space to the level or levels that he was targeting for treatment . At each level, Respondent injected, in order, the

3570above - described contrast, an anaesthetic, a steroid known as Depo Medrol,

3582and hypertonic saline solution . For all four procedures from December 2011

3594through September 28, 2012, Respondent used Marcaine 0.25% and

3603lidocaine 1%, but his records did not indicate the location at which he

3616administered each anaesthetic. It appears that the anaesthetic used in the

3627greater dose was used in the epidural space, and the other anaesthetic was

3640used elsewhere, likely at the site of the initial injection. If so, for the

3654September 28 procedures, Respondent used 5 cc of lidocaine in the epidural

3666space -- or what he intended to be the epidural space -- and 1 cc of Marcaine

3683elsewhere. In March 2012, Respondent used 3 cc of Marcaine and no

3695lidocaine; in December 2011, Respondent used 5 cc of each anaesthetic; and,

3707in June 2012, Respondent used 2 cc of Marcain e and 3 cc of lidocaine.

372227. Respondent's use of Depo Medrol was more consistent. He

3732administered 80 mg during the September 28 ESI , but had used 120 mg

3745during each of the three preceding ESIs .

375328. The greatest variability occurred with the hypertonic saline, whi ch,

3764as already noted, was omitted from the March 2012 ESI. Respondent

3775administered 8 cc of hypertonic saline during the September 28 procedures

3786and only 5 cc -- nearly 40% less -- during the December 11 and June 2012

3802procedures . The record contains no indicati on of why he failed to inject

3816hypertonic saline during the March 12 procedure, but the sole reference to leg floppiness, as noted above, was after the preceding procedures in

3839December 2011.

384129. There is some dispute in this case as to what may be injected as p art

3858of an ESI. Obviously, the ESI contemplates the injection of a steroid , as well

3872as contrast and an anaesthetic , which support the injection of the steroid by

3885heightening the safety of the ESI and the comfort of the patient during the

3899ESI. Also, these injectates are amenable to grouping because this record

3910does not suggest that an inadvertent intrathecal injection of these injectates,

3921even at the doses intended for the epidural space, affect s patient safety

3934nearly as much as an inadvertent intrathecal i njection of hypertonic saline.

3946An intrathecal injection of a very high dose of anaesthetic could proceed up

3959the spinal canal and cause respiratory and cardiovascular collapse, but the

3970record does not indicate that such dangers exist for the dosages involve d in

3984the September 28 procedures. For the same reason, an ESI may include an

3997injection of normal saline, which is harmless in the subarachnoid space.

400830. The epidural injection of hypertonic saline is the distinguishing

4018feature of a Racz procedure, which also involves an epidural injection.

4029Named after its physician - developer, Gabor Racz , the Racz procedure is

4041intended to break up, or lyse, epidural lesions or adhesions that may be the

4055source of part or all of a patient's pain when a nerve is trapped by an

4071adhesion. In the Racz procedure, a physician injects hypertonic saline near

4082the lesion . The salinity of hypertonic saline solution is ten times greater

4095than the salinity of ambient conditions in the body , so the hypertonic saline

4108solution , by osmosis , caus es the body to compensate for the sudden

4120appearance of hypersaline conditions by delivering fluid that expands the

4130space and may thus lyse any nearby adhesions. Although the catheter is

4142typically not stiff enough to break up lesions mechanically, such mech anical lysis may also occur incidentally while performing a Racz procedure .

416531. Other distinguishing features of an ESI and Racz procedure involve

4176the sources of pain and the term of pain relief. The lysis of an adhesion

4191permanently eliminates one potential s ource of pain -- a nerve trapped by an

4205adhesion. An ESI reduces inflammation wherever it may be present, so it

4217treats a wider range of conditions, but offers only temporary relief . The pain

4231relief from the steroid may extend weeks or month s . The pain relief from the

4247anesthetics -- one hour for lidocaine and four hours for Marcaine -- is not

4261intended to persist past the intra - operative and recovery stages of the


427532. There may also be a locational difference between the ESI and Racz

4288procedure s . As noted above, in the ESI, the catheter traverses the foramen

4302within the epidural space, and, in the Racz procedure, the catheter is threaded to lesions anywhere within the epidural space . Dr. Cord n er opined

4328that Respondent failed to perform an ESI due to the lack of proximity of the

4343injection sites to the various foramina. Labels notwithstanding, the procedures performed by Respondent on September 28 substantially

4360conformed to an ESI and, because an ESI does not include the epidural

4373injection of hypertoni c saline, a Racz procedure.

438133. Determining that Respondent performed two distinct procedures in

4390addition to the epidurogram does not answer several relevant questions.

4400First, which injectate, once introduced into the subarachnoid space, injured

4410M.S. ? If intr oduced to the subarachnoid space, t he hypertonic saline is a

4424known cause of the pa r alysis and incont in ence that M.S. suffered , such as

4440myopathic injury resulting in paralysis . Because safe practices, as described

4451by Dr. Cordner below, include the provisional injections of contrast and

4462anaesthetic to confirm that a catheter tip is safely in the epidural space, the

4476only other injectate that might injure the patient is the steroid, but, again,

4489the record is silent on the consequenc e of the introduction of the Depo

4503Medrol, at the dosages used by Respondent, into the subarachnoid space.

451434. Second, when did Respondent decide to inject the hypertonic saline ?

4525The record provides no basis to answer this question. As noted above, Respondent did not administer hypertonic saline in the March 2012

4547procedure, but administered hypertonic saline in the December 2011 and June 2012 procedures, as well as the September 28 procedure, in which he

4570increased the dose by 60%. For none of the three procedur es in which

4584Respondent injected hypertonic saline did his treatment plans or informed

4594consents mention hypertonic saline. Respondent may have decided, prior to

4604the day of surgery, to use hypertonic saline and merely failed to document

4617this decision in adva nce , or he may have decided, during surgery, to use

4631hypertonic saline and documented the use of hypertonic saline as noted

4642above .

464435. Third, why did Respondent inject hypertonic saline and why did he

4656administer the dosages that he used? The record provides no basis to answer

4669these questions, al t hough , as noted above, the omission of hypertonic saline

4682f r om the March 20 12 procedure corresponds to leg floppiness after the

4696December 2011 procedure and the increased dose of hypertonic saline in the

4708September 28 procedures corresponds to a lower dose of the Depo Medrol.

4720The medical records indicate that M.S. believed that the ESIs relieved her

4732pain, but she could not have had a preference about hypertonic saline

4744because she evidently never knew that Respondent was using this injectate.

4755On the other hand, M.S. 's rating of her pain after the March 2012 procedure,

4770without hypertonic saline, was not much different from her rating of her

4782pain after the December 2011 and June 2012 procedures. The likely

4793inference is, if Respondent's use of hypertonic saline were not arbitrary or

4805capricious , he injected hypertonic saline , at least when M.S. had not

4816mentioned leg floppiness after the last inje c tion of hypertonic saline, because

4829he believed it worked and used considerably mo re of it on September 28

4843because he believed that more would work better.

485136. Returning to the remaining S eptember 28 procedures , Respondent

4861injected the four injectates described above on M.S. 's left side at three levels:

4875S1/L5, L4/L5, and L3/L4. At each level, Respondent waited three or four seconds after injecting the contrast, while he watched the radiographic

4897output, before injecting the anaesthetic, after which he waited 30 to

490840 seconds to allow the anaesthetic to numb the area. Then, Respond ent

4921injected the steroid, waited five seconds, and lastly he injected the

4932hypertonic saline. Assisted directly by the epidurogram, Respondent

4940properly located t he catheter tip in the epidural space at S1/L5 . The

4954evidence is mixed as to the location of the catheter tip at L4/L5, but the

4969catheter tip was in the subarachnoid space at L3/L4.

497837. As Dr. Cordner testified, an inadvertent penetration of the

4988subarachnoid space by a catheter tip is not evidence of negligence; the

5000negligence arises in what a physician d oes or fails to do after such an

5015intrathecal penetration. Here, the reasons why Respondent failed to realize that the catheter tip was in the subarachnoid space at L3/L4 relate to the reasonable precautions that Respondent failed to take -- and thus establis h

5051Respondent's negligence. Respondent failed to realize that the catheter tip

5061had entered the subarachnoid space at L3/L4 because , after injecting the

5072contrast, he misread the AP real time view from the fluoroscope that showed

5085a dispersal pattern suggesti n g that the contrast was not within the epidural

5099space ; because, after injecting the contrast, he did not direct the technician

5111to obtain a lateral real time view , which would have provided another

5123dimension, so as to confirm that the contrast was not in the epidural space ;

5137because he did not perform the loss - of - reduction technique , which would

5151have confirmed that the catheter tip was no t in the epidural space; because

5165he did not aspirate the catheter and line, which would have revealed CSF;

5178and because, a fter injecting the anaesthetic, he did not wait at least

519115 minutes to rule out a gross motor block of the lower extremities, which

5205would have indicated that the catheter tip was in the subarachnoid space.

521738. U nre asonably unaware that the catheter tip was in the subarachnoid

5230space, Respondent injected the steroid and hypertonic saline, withdrew the

5240catheter, and completed the ESI and Racz procedures within ten minutes

5251from the end of the epidurogram procedure and turned over responsibility

5262for M.S. to Responde nt's nurse.

526839. One minute after the completion of the procedure, at 9:38 a.m., M.S.

5281complained of pain in her hips and legs, and Respondent administered

529260 mg of Toradol. Ten minutes later, M.S. stated that both of her legs were

5307numb, although by 10:15 a.m. s he was moving both legs. By 11:30 a.m., she

5322could move both legs, but had no feeling from the top of her thighs down. By 1:00 p.m., M.S. reported feeling to her mid - calf, but , three hours later, she

5353could not move her legs. Although Respondent justifiably had not been

5364concerned about transient numbness, the deterioration in the ability to move

5375the legs concerned him, and Respondent insisted that M.S. be admitted to a

5388nearby hospital. Respondent thus discharged M.S. at 5:25 p.m. for transfer

5399by ambulance to Bethesda Memorial Hospital (Bethesda) , where other

5408physicians assumed responsibility for her care.

541440. Imaging conducted at Bethesda upon the admission of M.S. revealed

5425no epidural hematomas, but evidence of arachnoiditis, which is

5434inflammation of the arachno id membran e . Most significantly, a lumbar CT

5447scan revealed a small amount of air in the subarachnoid space, which was

5460consistent with Respondent's recent intrathecal injection s. Also, M.S. 's

5470thecal sac displayed enhancement of disc disease at S1 through L4

5481suggestive of a recent subarachnoid injury.

548741. About six weeks after the procedures, an MRI at the JFK Medical

5500Center (JFK) revealed conus med u llaris syndrome posteriorly within the

5511thecal sac at L1/L2 through L3/L4. This syndrome results from injury to the

5524conus, such as from trauma , and is consistent with Respondent's intrathecal

5535injection of hypertonic saline . This hospitalization followed a finding from an

5547outpatient MRI of a large hematoma in the lumbar spine. Respondent and D r. Schlifka contend that the Bethesda physicians missed the hematoma,

5570but it is as likely that the hematoma formed after M.S. 's discharge from

5584Bethesda. M.S. underwent a resection of a mass, which was found to be an

5598arachnoid cyst. Post - operatively, M.S. s till was unable to move her lower

5612extremities, but started to regain sensation in her great toes.

562242. Respondent relies on a succinct affidavit from Dr. Racz himself,

5633which, as noted in the Conclusions of Law, is available only to impeach

5646Dr. Cordner's testim ony. Dr. Racz's affidavit states that he has examined

5658Respondent's medical records, including the six fluoroscopic images retained

5667by Respondent ; all of the images available in connection with the Bethesda

5679and JFK hospitalizations ; and some earlier images . From these materials,

5690without more, Dr. Racz 's affidavit conclude s that Respondent's care was

" 5702appropriate and that he met or exceeded the standard of care throughout

5714the lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injection with catheter and

5723fluoroscopy on Se ptember 28, 2012. Further, the complications suffered by

5734[ M.S. ] are known risks and complications of the procedure that are not

5748indicative of negligence. "

575143. The most obvious difference between the opinions of Dr. Cordner and

5763Dr. Racz is not the amount of wor k; each physician has examined all of the

5779available medical records. But Dr. Cordner has painstakingly analyzed the

5789September 28 procedures and Respondent's negligent actions and omissions,

5798and Dr. Racz has declare d by fiat that Respondent was not negligen t .

581344. Undoubtedly, Dr. Racz learned from his examination of the medical

5824records that Respondent injected hypertonic saline on September 28, yet

5834Dr. Racz describes the procedure as an ESI and makes no mention of

5847hypertonic saline . Perhaps Dr. Racz is sensitive to the greater potential for

5860injury introduced by hypertonic saline, which is the prominent injectate of

5871his procedure. Perhaps, the procedure followed by Respondent on

5880September 28 failed to follow strictly the requirements of the Racz

5891procedure . Dr. Cor dner, who co - teaches the Racz procedure with Dr. Racz,

5906testified that the procedure requires a physician to wait 15 to 30 minutes

5919after injecting anaesthetic to confirm the injection is in the epidural space.

5931Regardless, an informed opinion as to Respondent's negligence must take

5941into account the injectate that, on this record, bears the clear potential for

5954patient injury, and Dr. Racz's opinion fails to do so.

596445. Perhaps, Dr. Racz's affidavit is an expression of agreement with

5975Dr. Cordner's concession that, in itself, an inadvertent intrathecal

5984penetration is not evidence of negligence. But Dr. Racz's affidavit needs to

5996account for the acts and omissions, set forth above, that simultaneously

6007explain why Responden t failed to realize that the catheter tip was in the

6021subarachnoid space at L3/L4 and constitute hi s failure to take these simple

6034precautions against patient injury.

603846. The last sentence of Dr. Racz's affidavit dismisses M.S. 's

"6049complications" -- a veiled ref erence verging on a euphemism when describing

6061permanent paralysis and incontinence -- as known risks of the ESI and not

6074indicative of negligence. Obviously, a bad result does not prove medical

6085malpractice, although , as explained in the Conclusions of Law, th e risk of a

6099bad result and the impact on a patient of a bad result drive the precautions

6114that a physician must take to avoid a finding of medical malpractice. On the

6128other hand, the known risk of permanent paralysis and incontinence from a

6140Racz procedure o r an ESI with the injection of hypertonic saline does not

6154obviate the necessity of analysis of the adequacy of the precautions taken by

6167Respondent to avoid such a result; to the contrary, these grave consequences

6179underscore the importance of such analysis.

618547. Notwithstanding Dr. Racz's status in the field of pain management,

6196his affidavit is entitled to no weigh t whatsoever and fails to impeach the

6210testimony of Dr. Cordner.

621448. Dr. Schlifka's testimony is better than Dr. Racz's affidavit in one

6226respect: he clearly acknowledged that injectate had entered the subarachnoid space. It is impossible to dispute this fact based on M.S. 's

6248dramatic response, the dispersal pattern of contrast depicted in one saved

6259AP view, air found in the subarachnoid space shortly after the September 28

6272procedures, the injury to the thecal sac, and the conus injury.

628349. On the other hand, Dr. Schlifka's testimony shared the failure of

6295Dr. Racz's affidavit in addressing the particulars of the September 28

6306pro cedures performed by Respondent. As Dr. Racz failed to focus on

6318anyth i ng but a theoretical ESI, Dr. Schlifka failed to focus on anything but

6333the fragile anatomy of the dura -- never addressing, for instance, the

6345likelihood that a catheter during an ESI could tear the dura -- something that

6359the experienced Dr. Cordner has never encountered; whether a tear would

6370introduce air into the subarachnoid space ; or whether the injectate entering

6381through a tear could possibly injure the thecal sac and conus . Obviously,

6394Dr. Schlifka lacks the experience to opine as to whether a catheter may tear

6408the dura and, if so, the probability of this complication. On the other hand,

6422Dr. Schlifka failed to explain why a dural tear would admit injectates into

6435the subarachnoid space, b ut not allow injectates and CSF to escape from the

6449subarachnoid space into the epidural space. Nor did he address the behavior of injectates -- the most important one of which he has never worked with -- if

6477injected through the dura and into the subarachnoid s pace or if entering the

6491subarachnoid space through a tear in the dura. Although qualified to advise

6503that the dura may tear, and, as he testified, the dura may be more prone to

6519tearing after numerous surgeries and procedures in the affected area ,

6529Dr. Schlif ka clearly lacked the means to address, on these facts, the

6542probability that M. S.'s injuries were caused by a dural tear or an intrathecal

6556injection .

655850. Compared to Dr. Cordner's detailed analysis and superior relevant

6568experience, Dr. Schlifka's opinions ar e speculative and perhaps reflective of

6579a n understandable desire to help a beleaguered friend . However,

6590Dr. Schlifka's explanation for the intrathecal penetration of the injectate by

6601a dural tear is rejected as unsupported by the evidence .

661251. For Count I, Petitioner proved that , based on the standard of care in

6626effect in 2012, Respondent committed medical malpractice by failing to

6636recognize that he was performing intrathecal injection s of steroid and

6647hypertonic saline at L3/L 4. Petitioner failed to prove th at any injections at

6661L4/L5 and L5/S1 were intrathecal. The evidence of intrathecal injections at

6672L3/L4 is set forth in paragraph 48, and Respondent's negligent acts and

6684omissions are set forth in paragraph 37.

669152. The intrathecal injections of the contrast an d an a esthetic at L3/L4

6705were wrongful solely because Respondent failed to use the information obtainable from these injections to discover that the catheter tip was in the

6728subarachnoid space . I n other words, Respondent would not have committed

6740medical malpractice (or a wrong - site procedure or wrong procedure ) if he had

6755injected intrathecally c ontrast and an anaesthetic as part of what is

6767intended to be epidural injections, as long as he learned from these

6779injections that the catheter tip wa s in the subarachnoid space and move d the

6794tip into the epidural space or terminate d the procedure : the epidural

6807injection of these injectates performs both a therapeutic and diagnostic


681853. For Count II, Petitioner failed to prove that , in 2012, Respondent was

6831required to obtain and retain a permanent image of any lateral view of

6844L3/L4 or any other location as part of the procedures after the epidurogram

6857or that Respondent's failure to realize that the catheter tip was in the

6870subarachnoid space violated his recordkeeping obligation. The latter point

6879finds no support in the record. As for the images, Dr. Cordner's testimony on

6893this "requirement" of medical recordk eeping was vague , conditional, and

6903never tethered to the requirements in effect in 2012. Although his practice is

6916different, Dr. Schlifka does not keep permanent views from his epidural

6927steroid injections by needles . Petitioner itself seems to have missed the point

6940that a permanent image of an AP view helped prove that the catheter tip

6954was in the subarachnoid space at L3/L4.

696154. It is one thing to hold Respondent responsible for failing to interpret a

6975real time AP view of L3/L4 and failing to obtain a real time lateral view of

6991L3/L4, as discussed in connection with Count I, but it is another thing to hold Respondent responsible for failing to maintain permanent images of

7015any views for the procedures following the epidurogram. Among myriad

7025shortcomings in Petitio ner's case for Count II is the failure to address

7038whether, for reasons of cost or radiation exposure, a physician in 2012 could

7051still perform a blind ESI and, if so, the ramifications of more elaborate and

7065expensive recordkeeping requirements imposed on th e physician who

7074perform ed image - guided ESIs -- or otherwise would do so, but for this

7089expensive recordkeeping requirement.

709255. For Count III, Petitioner proved that Respondent performed a wrong

7103procedure or a wrong - site procedure by injecting "injectate," but no t

7116contrast, into the intrathecal space when he intended to inject injectates into the epidural space. As noted above, an inadvertent intrathecal

7137administration is not evidence of carelessness, and the timely detection of such a mishap -- before the intrathec al injections of a steroid or hypertonic

7162saline -- may involve interpreting the dispersal of contrast or the effect of the

7176anaesthetic and determining that either or both injectates have been

7186accidentally injected into the subarachnoid space. For this reason, the

7196inadvertent intrathecal injections of contrast or anaesthetic into the

7205subarachnoid space is not a wrong procedure or wrong - site procedure

7217because of the secondary diagnostic value of this otherwise - therapeutic

7228procedure. The wrong pro cedure or wrong - site procedure occur red when

7241Respondent then injected the steroid and hypertonic saline into the

7251subarachnoid space at L3/L4 ; the intrathecal injection s of these injectates

7262lack ed any diagnostic purpose and were thus wrong procedures or wro ng - site

7277procedures .

727956. In its proposed recommended order, Petitioner has proposed a

7289reprimand, probation for two years, and a $30,000 fine. Despite the passage

7302of seven years from the September 28 procedures and the transmittal of the

7315file to DOAH, Petitioner failed to identify important features of this

7326complicated case. Although not charged with these matters, Respondent wa s

7337guilty of serious failures to obtain informed consent for the use of injectate that caused M.S.'s catastrophic injuries -- hypertonic sal ine -- and to keep

7363medical records documenting his plans for an ESI or an ESI with hypertonic

7376saline and the locations and dosages of each injectate during the procedures,

7388as well as analysis of the efficacy of each set of procedures. T hese

7402aggravating facto rs necessitate the imposition of a suspension.

741157. On the other hand, past discipline is not an aggravating factor. By

7424final order entered April 20, 2006, the Board of Medicine fined Respondent

7436for a failure to keep adequate medical records 20 years ago, but t he failure

7451was in performing adequate physical examinations , which is not an issue

7462here . Given the age and nature of the offense, past discipline is irrelevant in

7477this case .


748558. DOAH has jurisdiction. §§ 120.569 , 120.57(1) , and 456.073(5), Fla.


749659. Petitioner must prove the material allegations by clear and

7506convincing evidence. § 120.57(1)(j); Dep't of Banking & Fin. v. Osborne Stern

7518& Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996). Clear and convincing evidence is evidence

7532that is "'precise, explicit, lacking in confusion, and of such weight that it

7545produces a firm belief or conviction, without hesitation, about the matter in

7557issue.'" Robles - Martinez v. Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP , 88 So. 3d 177, 179 n.3

7573(Fla. 3d DCA 2011) (citing Fla. Std. Jury Instr. (Civ) 405.4).

758460. A charging document must allege facts that support an alleged

7595violation of law, because disciplinary action against a licensee based on

7606unalleged facts would violate the licensee's right to a hearing under

7617chapter 120. Cottrill v. Dep't of Ins. , 685 So. 2d 1371, 1372 (Fla. 1st

7631DCA 1996). See also Trevisani v. Dep't of Health , 908 So. 2d 1108 (Fla. 1st

7646DCA 2005) .

764961. The affidavit of Dr. Racz was availab le for use in the cross -

7664examination of Dr. Cordner, so as to impeach his testimony, but not to

7677establish the truth of the contents of the affidavit. Cf. Kirkpatrick v. Wolford ,

7690704 So. 2d 708 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998) (use of medical treatise).

770262. Pursuant to section s 456.072(2) and 458.331(1), the Board of Medicine

7714is authorized to discipline Respondent's license for the following:

7723(t) Notwithstanding s. 456.072(2) but as specified in

7731s. 456.50(2):

77331. Committing medical malpractice as defined in

7740s. 456.50. The board shall give great weight to the

7750provisions of s. 766.102 when enforcing this paragraph. Medical malpractice shall not be

7763construed to require more than one instance, event,

7771or act. [Count I]

7775* * *

7778(m) Failing to keep legible, as defined b y

7787department rule in consultation with the board,

7794medical records that identify the licensed physician

7801or the physician extender and supervising

7807physician by name and professional title who is or are responsible for rendering, ordering, supervising, or bil ling for each diagnostic or

7829treatment procedure and that justify the course of treatment of the patient, including, but not limited to, patient histories; examination results; test results; records of drugs prescribed, dispensed, or administered; and repor ts of consultations and

7865hospitalizations. [Count II]

7868* * *

7871(bb) Performing or attempting to perform health

7878care services on the wrong patient, a wrong - site

7888procedure, a wrong procedure, or an unauthorized procedure or a procedure that is medicall y

7903unnecessary or otherwise unrelated to the patient’s

7910diagnosis or medical condition. For the purposes of

7918this paragraph, performing or attempting to perform health care services includes the

7930preparation of the patient. [Count III]

793663. Petitioner failed to pr ove the material allegations of Count II. The

7949Findings of Fact adequately address the alleged failure to keep images of

7961fluoroscopic views after the epidurogram was completed. The cryptic

7970allegation in Count II based on Respondent's failure to recognize th at the

7983catheter tip was in the subarachnoid space fails to meet the due process

7996standards recognized in Trevisani . Ultimately unable to understand this

8006allegation as a recordkeeping issue, the administrative law judge doubts

8016that Respondent understood it a ny better.

802364. Petitioner proved the material allegations of Count III. This is a

8035straightforward case of a wrong - site procedure or wrong procedure with the

8048intrathecal injection of the steroid and hypertonic saline, regardless of whether Respondent did so negligently or completely innocently. Perhaps

8067wisely, Petitioner did not allege merely that the intrathecal penetration of

8078the catheter tip constituted the wrong - site procedure or wrong procedure,

8090although, under the terms of the statute, it does.

809965. Petitioner proved the material allegations of Count I. Two statutes

8110apply to this count. First, section 458.331(1)(t) requires the administrative

8120law judge, as well as the Board of Medicine, to specify whether the licensee

8134has committed "medical malpractice," "gross medical malpractice," or

"8142repeated medical malpractice": the administrative law judge specifies

"8151medical malpractice."

815366. Second , section 456.073(5) provides that "a determination of the

8163reasonable standard of care is a conclusion of law to be determined by the

8177board and is not a finding of fact to be determined by an administrative

8191law judge." Conclusions of law retain a precatory quality in any

8202recommended order, but especially so here. In any event, s ection 456.50(1)(g)

8214provides: " ' Medical malpractice' means the failure to practice medicine in

8225accordance with the level of care, skill, and treatment recognized in general

8237law related to health care licensure." Section 766.102(1) adds:

8246the claimant shall have the burden of proving

8254that the alleged actions of the health care provider

8263represented a breach of the prevailing professional

8270standard of care for that health care provider. The

8279prevailing professional standard of care for a given

8287health care provider shall be that level of c are,

8297skill, and treatment which, in light of all relevant

8306surrounding circumstances, is recognized as

8311acceptable and appropriate by reasonably prudent

8317similar health care providers.

8321Section 766.103(3)(b) cautions: "The existence of a medical injury does not

8332create any inference or presumption of negligence against a health care

8343provider, and the claimant must maintain the burden of proving that an

8355injury was proximately caused by a breach of the prevailing professional

8366standard of care by the health care provider."

837467. Petitioner contends that Dr. Schlifka fails to meet the requirements of

8386section 766.102(5)(a)1. for failing to specialize in the same specialty as

8397Respondent. However, section 766.102(14) authorizes the trial court to

8406qualify an expert on ground s other than those stated in section 766.102, and,

8420in the end, Dr. Schlifka's testimony was discredited on its merits so as to

8434moot this issue.

843768. A n informed formulation of a standard of care or identification of the

8451acts or omissions that constitute medical malpractice, as defined above,

8461must balance the risk of an adverse outcome and the gravity of an adverse

8475outcome against the burden of the precautions to avoid an adverse outcome.

8487U . S . v. Carroll Towing Co. , 159 F.2d 169, 173 (2d Cir.1947) . See also

8504Restatement (Third) of Torts : General Principles, § 4 "Negligent" (Oct. 2020


851769. Even assuming that the risk of an inadvertent intrathecal injection

8528was low, the gravity of an intrathecal injection of hypertonic saline was very

8541high, so as to require Respondent to undertake more extensive precautions

8552while performing the ESI and Racz procedures and, certainly, perform the

8563unburdensome tasks set forth in paragraph 37 . On these fact s , Respondent's

8576failure to perform these tasks and ensuing failure to recognize that the

8588catheter tip was in the subarachnoid space prior to injecting the steroid and

8601hypertonic saline at L3/L4 constituted medical malpractice.

860870. As effective May 28, 2012, rule 64B8 - 8.001(2)(t) provides a penalty

8621range of one year's probation to revocation and a fine of $1000 to $10,000 for

8637a first violation of section 458.331(1)(t). Rule 64B8 - 8.001(2)(ss) provides a

8649$1000 fine, letter of concern, and education to a $10,000 fine, suspension

8662followed by probation, and education for a first violation of section 456.072(1)(bb). Rule 64B8 - 8.001(3) identifies as aggravating or mitigating

8683factors the severity of injury to the patient and the licensee's disciplinary

8695history and length of practice.


8702It is

8704R ECOMMENDED that the Board of Medicine enter a final order finding

8716Respondent not guilty of the alleged violation of section 458.331(1)(n) in

8727Count II , but guilty of the alleged violations of sections 458.331(1)(t)1.

8738and 456.072(1)(bb) in Counts I and III , respectively, and imposing a

8749reprimand, six month s' suspension, two years' probation following the end of

8761the suspension , and a fine of $ 2 0,000.

8771D ONE A ND E NTERED this 1 8 th day of November, 2020, in Tallahassee,

8787Leon County, Florida.


8795Administrative Law Judge

8798Division of Administrative Hearings

8802The DeSoto Building

88051230 Apalachee Parkway

8808Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

8813(850) 488 - 9675

8817Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


8824Filed with the Clerk of the

8830Division of Administrative H earings

8835this 1 8 th day of November, 2020.


8848Sharon B idka Urbanek, Esquire

8853Forman Law Offices, P.A.

8857238 Northeast 1st Avenue

8861Delray Beach, Florida 33444 - 3715


8868Michael J . Williams, Esquire

8873Geoffrey M. Christian, Esquire

8877Department of Health

8880Prosec uti on Services Unit

88854052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 65

8893Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3565


8899Louise St. Laurent, Gen eral Counsel

8905Department of Health

89084052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 65

8916Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3565


8922Claudia Kemp, J.D., Executive Director

8927Board of Medicine

8930Department of Health

89334052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 03

8941Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3253



8958All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

8971the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

8982Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/01/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/01/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 02/22/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/14/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Objections to Petitioner's Amended Motion to Assess Costs filed.
Date: 12/02/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Exceptions to the Recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 11/20/2020
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Loretta Sloan forwarding records to the agency.
Date: 11/18/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/18/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 16 and 17, 2020). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/18/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/31/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/31/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Respondent's Proposed Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law) filed.
Date: 07/31/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Supplemental Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 07/31/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 07/31/2020
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (Volumes 01 - 04; not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 07/30/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 07/30/2020
Proceedings: Transcript (July 16, 2020 only; not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 07/27/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Supplemental Proposed Exhibits on flash drive filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 07/27/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Supplemental Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 07/16/2020
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/15/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibits (Flash Drive; not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 07/14/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Witness and Exhibit List (Copy of Certain Exhibits attached) filed.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 07/14/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Supplemental Exhibit List (Copy of Certain Exhibits Attached) filed (medical information, not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 07/10/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving Second Supplemental Response to Respondent's First Set of Requests for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 07/10/2020
Proceedings: Order Denying Amended Motion in Limine.
Date: 07/09/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 07/09/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 07/09/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness and Exhibit List (Copy of Certain Exhibits Attached) filed (medical information, not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 07/08/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response in Opposition to Respondent's Amended Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 07/07/2020
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for July 16 and 17, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee; amended as to Zoom Hearing ).
Date: 07/01/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 07/01/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 06/24/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Objections to Petitioner's Second Motion for Official Recognition and, Alternatively, Request for Judicial Notice of Decisional Law filed.
Date: 06/24/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving Supplemental Response to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 06/23/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Second Motion for Official Recognition (with Exhibits A and B) filed.
Date: 06/19/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving Supplemental Response to Respondent's First Set of Requests for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/18/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Respondents Expert) filed.
Date: 06/09/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving Response to Respondent's First Set of Requests for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/09/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving Response to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 06/02/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Taking Deposition of Petitioner's Expert, Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/02/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Respondent) filed.
Date: 05/21/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Sixth Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 05/20/2020
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 16 and 17, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/19/2020
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 02/28/2020
Proceedings: Petitioners Fifth Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 02/21/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Cancellation of Deposition of Petitioner's Expert, Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/21/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Cancellation of Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/21/2020
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 15 and 16, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 02/20/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Unopposed Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 02/17/2020
Proceedings: Exhibit B to Petitioner's Notice of Intent to Seek to Admit Business Records into Evidence filed.
Date: 02/17/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Intent to Seek to Admit Business Records into Evidence filed.
Date: 02/12/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Taking Deposition of Petitioner's Expert, Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/10/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Michael Williams) filed.
Date: 01/23/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (Respondent) filed.
Date: 01/23/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Fourth Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 01/22/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 6 and 7, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/21/2020
Proceedings: Joint Status Report filed.
Date: 11/25/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal filed.
Date: 11/07/2019
Proceedings: Order of Abatement, Nunc Pro Tunc (parties to advise status by January 21, 2020).
Date: 11/06/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Compel Discovery filed.
Date: 11/06/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Deem Matters Admitted filed.
Date: 11/01/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Third Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 11/01/2019
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for January 13 and 14, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to Video Teleconference and Tallahassee Hearing Location).
Date: 10/30/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Second Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 10/29/2019
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing (hearing set for January 13 and 14, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach, FL).
Date: 10/16/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Continue the Hearing on the Amended Administrative Complaint Scheduled for December 2-3, 2019 filed.
Date: 10/04/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 10/04/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for December 2 and 3, 2019; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 10/04/2019
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/30/2019
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 09/27/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 09/27/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Set of Requests for Admission, First Set of Interrogatories, and First Set of Requests for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 09/27/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Scrivener's Error filed.
Date: 09/27/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance on behalf of Petitioner (Christopher R. Dierlam).
Date: 09/27/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance on behalf of Petitioner (Geoffrey M. Christian).
Date: 09/27/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 09/27/2019
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 09/27/2019
Proceedings: Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 09/27/2019
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):