Edwin Handte And Janice Handte vs.
Monroe County Planning Commission
Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, July 6, 2020.
DOAH Final Order on Monday, July 6, 2020.
3For Petitioner: Lee Robert R ohe, Esquire
10Lee R. Rohe, P.A.
14Suite 2
1630410 Sea Grape Terrace
20Big Pine Key, Florida 33043
25For Respondent: Ilze Aguila, Senior Coordinator
31County of Monroe
34Board of County Commissioners
38Suite 410
402798 Overseas Highway
43Marathon, Florida 33050
46Peter H. Morris, Esquire
50Monroe County Attorney's Office
54Suite 408
561111 12th Street
59Key West, Florida 33040
63A two - volume Record of the underlying proceeding before the Commission
75was filed with DOAH by its Clerk on October 22, 2019. Briefs were filed by
90the par ties and oral argument was held by video teleconference at sites in
104Marathon, Key West, and Tallahassee , Florida on February 24, 2020.
116The property and its duplex structure are located on Big Pine Key.
128Appellants submitted the LOU application to the Planning Department on
138August 17, 2017. A circuit court opinion accompanied the application. See
149Edwin Handte and Janice E. Handte v. Monroe Cty. , No. 2016 - AP - 4 - K (Fla.
16716th Cir. Ct. May 2, 2017). The circuit court concluded that Appellants "had a
181p re - existing non - conforming use which was 'grandfathered in.'" Id. The LOU
196was issued on April 16, 2018, wherein the Senior Planning Director: (a)
208recognized a lawfully established non - conforming duplex structure containing
218two dwelling units on the subject property, and that their replacement would
230be thereby exempt from Monroe County's Rate of Growth Ordinance permit
241allocation system; (b) recognized a lawfully established non - conforming
251vacation rental use for the duplex structure; and (c) concluded that the LDC
264requires that an annual special vacation rental permit and a vacation rental
276man a ger's license must be obtained and maintained to lawfully continue the
289duplex's vacation rental use. Appellants elected to appeal the Senior
299Planning Director's decisi on to the Commission in August 2018.
309The appeal hearing was held before the Commission on July 31, 2019. At
322the hearing, the County presented the expert testimony of Devin Rains and
334Reynaldo Ortiz. Appellant Edwin Handte also testified.
341Appellants' position was that Ordinance 004 - 1997, for the first time,
353defined, regulated, and prohibited in certain residential zoning districts,
"362vacation rental use." Appellants basically argued that their "grandfathered
371in" use was not prohibite d by the pre - 1986 an d post - 1986 LDC, and could
390continue unfettered by the 1997 regulation and its 2016 counterpart
400gover ning "vacation rental use." See § 134 - 1, Monroe Cty. Code.
413The County's position was that Ordinance 004 - 1997 clarified the existing
425prohibition on short - term rental s , i.e., less than 28 days, of single - family
441homes within residential districts. The County acknowledged the circuit
450court's decision and recognized a lawfully established non - conforming
460vacation rental use for the duplex structure. In addition, the Monroe County
472LDC required that an annual special vacation rental permit and a vacation rental man a ger's license must be obtained and maintained to lawfully
496continue the duplex's vacation rental use. Id.
503By motion that passed, the Commission voted to uphold the Senior
514Planning Director's decision. On September 25, 2019, the Commission
523adopted Resolution No. P34 - 19, denying the Appellants appeal request. The
535Resolution set forth that the Commission considered the full record before it
547and concurred with the April 16, 2018, LOU. This appeal ensued.
560Appellants raised several issues on appeal, including: (1) whether
569Appellee retroactively applied the LDC to Appellants' lawfully established
578non - conforming vacation rental use; (2) whether Appell ee violated
589Appellants' right to due process by applying Ordinance 004 - 1997, and its
6022016 counterpart, retroactively to events which occurred and were established as a matter of record prior to 1997; (3) whether the Appellee erred by requiring compliance w ith Ordinance 004 - 1997, and its 2016
637counterpart, in light of the doctrine of laches and equitable estoppel; (4) whether Appellants acquired vested rights when Ordinance 004 - 1997 was
660enacted , and the circuit court opinion judicially recognized those vested
670rights; and (5 ) whether Appellants' compliance with Ordinance 004 - 1997 and
683its 2016 counterpart, would be unduly burdensome.
694Standard of Review
697Pursuant to a contract, DOAH has jurisdiction to consider this appeal
708under section 102 - 213 of the Monroe County LDC. The hearing officer "may
722affirm, reverse or modify the order of the planning commission." § 102 - 218(b),
736Monroe Cty. Code. The hearing officer's order is subject to the following limitations:
749The hearing officer's order may reject or modify any
758conclusion of law or interpretation of the county land development regulations or comprehensive plan in the planning commission's order, whether
778stated in the order or necessarily implicit in the
787planning commission's determination, but he ma y
794not reject or modify any findings of fact unless he first determines from a review of the complete
812record, and states with particularity in his order,
820that the findings of fact were not based upon competent substantial evidence or that the
835proceeding bef ore the planning commission on
842which the findings were based did not comply with
851the essential requirements of the law.
857Id . Thus, the undersigned must determine whether the findings in the
869Resolution are based on competent substantial evidence, and whethe r the
880proceeding on which the findings were based complied with the essential
891requirements of the law.
895The issue of whether the Commission complied with the essential
905requirements of the law is synonymous with whether the Commission
"915applied the correct law." Haines City Cmty. Dev. v. Heggs , 658 So. 2d 523,
929530 (Fla. 1995). When used as an appellate standard of review, competent
941evidence has been construed to be "legally sufficient evidence" or evidence
952that is "sufficiently relevant and material that a reasonable mind would accept it as adequate to support the conclusion reached." DeGroot v. Sheffield ,
97595 So. 2d 912, 916 (Fla. 1957). Substantial evidence is evidence that provides
988a factual basis from which a fact at issue may reasonably be inferred. Id .
1003Procedural or Due Process Violations
1008Unlike the three - tier judicial review of final administrative action s by a
1022circuit court, procedural or due process violations may not be considered. See,
1034e.g., Osborn v. Monroe Cty. Planning Comm'n , Case No. 03 - 4720 (Fla. DOAH
1048Nov. 1, 2004)("the review criteria are limited and do not include consideration
1061of whether procedural due process was afforded by the Commission").
1072Therefore, Appellants' argument that procedural due process violations
1080occurred during the appeal hearing in front of the Commission, is not within
1093the scope of this appeal.
1098Constitutional Issues
1100Judicial review of final administrative action s by a circuit court is the
1113proper forum to address constitutional claims. See Wilson v. Cty. of Orange ,
1125881 S o. 2d 625, 631 - 32 (Fla. 5th DCA 2004); see also Holiday Isle Resort &
1143Marina Assoc. v. Monroe Cty ., 582 So. 2d 721, 722 (Fla. 3d DCA 1991).
1158Therefore, Appellants' arguments that the County's and Commission's actions violated various constitutional provisio ns were not within the scope of
1178this appeal.
1180Laches and Equitable Estoppel
1184Appellants did not argue to the Commission that it should or could
1196overturn the LOU using the doctrines of laches or equitable estoppel . In
1209addition, these doctrines are recognize d as equitable affirmative defenses and
1220not as standalone affirmative grounds for relief. See McGray v. State, 699 So.
12332d 1366, 1368 (Fla. 1997)( "[L]aches is a doctrine asserted as a defense[.]").
"1247Laches acts as a shield to an action, therefore, it has no application to the
1262case at bar where Appellant s seek to use it as a sword. Corona Prop s. of Fl a.,
1281Inc. v. Monroe Cty . , 485 So. 2d 1314, 1318 (Fla. 3 d DCA 1986).
1296The case law cited by Appellants arose from code enforcement actions
1307where the doctrines wer e pled as affirmative defenses. Cf. Corkery v.
1319Anchorage, 426 P. 3d 1078 ( A laska 2018). Appellants did not preserve this
1333argument before the Commission, and the case law dictates against use of
1345these doctrines in this type of administrative appeal.
1353Vested Rights
1355Appellants argued that when the duplex became a lawful, non - conforming
1367use , it acquired the vested rights to be exempt from the retroactive
1379application of substantive legislation , such as Ordinance 004 - 1997 and i ts
13922016 counterpart. See Ordinance 004 - 1997; § § 101 - 4(d) and 134 - 1, Monroe
1409Cty. Code. A ppellants argued that they acquired vested rights when
1420Ordinance 004 - 1997 was enacted, and the circuit court opinion was a j udicial
1435declaration and recognition of those rights .
1442The record reflects that Appellants did not apply for a vested ri ghts
1455determination under the LDC . This administrative remedy has been
1465available since the 1986 Monroe County LDC. This circuit has recognized
1476that this administrative remedy should first be exhausted before bringing a
1487challenge on vested rights grounds. See Oceanside 104, LLC v. Scott French
1499and Teresa Stafford, No. 2016 - CA - 0376 - K (Fla. 16th Jud. Cir. Jan. 25,
15162019) (Garcia, J.).
1519Contrary to Appellants' arguments, the circuit court opinion did not
1529judicially declare and recognize their acquisition of a vested right to be
1541e xempt from the Monroe County LDC vacation rental permit and license
1553requirements. See Dougherty ex rel. Eisenberg v. City of Miami , 23 So. 3d 156
1567(Fla. 3d DCA 2009)(reflecting that questions of law a ctually decided by the
1580circuit court appellate decision must govern the case).
1588Correct Application of the Law
1593The issue of whether the Commission complied with the essential
1603requirements of the law is synonymous with whether the C ommission
"1614applied the c orrect law." Haines City Cmty. Dev. , 658 So. 2d at 530 . One of
1631the first rules of statutory construction is that the plain meaning of the statute (ordinance) is controlling. See, e.g., Beshore v. Dep't of Fin. Servs ., 928
1658So. 2d 411, 412 (Fla. 1st DCA 2006 ). If the language is clear and
1673unambiguous, as it is here, there is no need to engage in statutory construction. Id. at 412.
1690The circuit court opinion stated that Appellants sought to continue using
1701their property as a short term rental, which was now p rohibited in the zoning
1716district in which the duplex was located. See Edwin Handte and Janice E.
1729Handte v. Monroe Cty. , No. 2016 - AP - 4 - K (Fla. 16th Cir. Ct. May 2, 2017).
1748Ordinance 004 - 1997 defined the use and required that "[a]ll vacation rental
1761uses shall obtain annual special vacation rental permits regardless of when
1772the use was first established." The circuit court opinion determined the status
1784of the duplex at 1547 Narcissus Avenue as "a pre - existing non - conforming
1799use which was grandfathered in." The County acknowledged the circuit
1809court's decision and the LOU recognized a lawfully established non -
1820conforming vacation rental use for the duplex structure.
1828Contrary to Appellants' arguments, the circuit court opinion did not
1838decide the question of whethe r the duplex was exempt from the vacation
1851rental permit and license requirements of the LDC. See Dougherty , 23 So. 3d
1864156 ( reflecting that questions of law actually decided by the circuit court
1877appellate decision must govern the case). In this appeal, Appe llants have not
1890produced any case law that stands for the proposition that Appellants can
1902conduct their vacation rental use unfettered by the County's substantive regulations for vacation rental businesses. The plain language of the LDC
1923requires that an an nual special vacation rental permit and a vacation rental
1936man a ger's license must be obtained and maintained to lawfully continue the
1949duplex's vacation rental use. See Ordinance 004 - 1997; § § 101 - 4(d) and 134 - 1,
1967Monroe Cty. Code.
1970Appellant s argued that it would be burdensome to obtain a County permit
1983and license , that requiring an on - site vacation rental manager was a
1996hardship, and that having to do so would in effect nullify the recognition of a lawful non - conforming vacation rental use . The record reflect s that one half
2026of the duplex at 1547 Narcissus has been continuously occupied by an on - site
2041resident manager . In addition, Mr. Rains testified that it would be possible
2054for Appellant s to obtain a special vacation rental permit and license from the
2068County if they submitted applications for them, and that a potential buyer of
2081the property would have the same ability to do so .
2092The record did not establish any alleged hardship. Also, an alleged
2103hardship is not unconstitutional. Cf. Legal Tender Cases , 79 U. S. 457, 552
2116(1870) (" [I]t is not every hardship that is unjust, much less that is
2130unconstitutional; and certainly it would be an anomaly for us to hold an act of
2145Congress invalid merely because we might think its provisions harsh and
2156unjust. " ).
2160Based on the foregoing, the Commission's denial of Appellants' appeal
2170request is affirmed.
2173D ONE A ND O RDERED this 6th day of July , 2020 , in Tallahassee, Leon
2188County, Florida.
2195Administrative Law Jud ge
2199Division of Administrative Hearings
2203The DeSoto Building
22061230 Apalachee Parkway
2209Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060
2214(850) 488 - 9675
2218Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847
2225Filed with the Clerk of the
2231Division of Administrative Hearings
2235this 6th day o f July , 2020 .
2248Peter H. Morris, Esquire
2252Monroe County Attorney's Office
2256Suite 408
22581111 12th Street
2261Key West, Florida 33040
2266Lee Robert Rohe, Esquire Lee R. Rohe, P.A.
2274Suite 2
227630410 Sea Grape Terrace
2280Big Pine Key, Florida 33 043
2287Ilze Aguila, Senior Coordinator
2291County of Monroe
2294Board of County Commissioners
2298Suite 410
23002798 Overseas Highway
2303Marathon, Florida 33050
2319Pursuant to article VI, section 102 - 218(c), Monroe Count y Code, this Final
2333Order is the final administrative action of the county. It is subject to judicial
2347review by common law petition for writ of certiorari to the circuit court in and for Monroe County, Florida.

- Date
- Proceedings
- Date: 09/03/2020
- Proceedings: Index, Record, and Certificate of Record sent to the Parties of Record.
- Date: 07/06/2020
- Proceedings: Amended Final Order (hearing held February 24, 2020). CASE CLOSED.
- Date: 03/09/2020
- Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
- Date: 03/06/2020
- Proceedings: Appellants' Notice of Filing the Transcript of the Oral Argument Held on February 24, 2020 filed.
- Date: 02/24/2020
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
- Date: 02/05/2020
- Proceedings: Second Amended Notice of Oral Argument by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 24, 2020; 11:15 a.m.; Key West and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to Location).
- Date: 02/04/2020
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Oral Argument by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 24, 2020; 11:15 a.m.; Marathon and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to Date).
- Date: 02/03/2020
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
- Date: 02/03/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Conference (status conference set for February 3, 2020; 4:00 p.m.).
- Date: 02/03/2020
- Proceedings: Appellants' Expedited Motion for Reconsideration of Motion to Reset Oral Argument and Objection to Conducting Oral Argument Prior to Filing of Appellants' Reply Brief filed.
- Date: 01/31/2020
- Proceedings: Appellee Monroe County Planning Commission's Response to Appellant's Motion to Reschedule Oral Argument filed.
- Date: 01/31/2020
- Proceedings: Motion to Reschedule Oral Argument Set for February 4th to Allow for Completion of the Briefing Schedule filed.
- Date: 01/30/2020
- Proceedings: Answer Brief of Appellee Monroe County Planning Commission filed.
- Date: 12/16/2019
- Proceedings: Respondent Monroe County Planning Commission's Consent Motion for 30-Day Extension of Time to File Answer Brief filed.
- Date: 12/04/2019
- Proceedings: Notice of Oral Argument by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 4, 2020; 11:15 a.m.; Key Largo and Tallahassee, FL).
- Date: 11/15/2019
- Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to Order Requiring Dates to Schedule Oral Argument filed.
- Date: 10/23/2019
- Proceedings: Notice sent out that this case is now before the Division of Administrative Hearings.
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 10/22/2019
- Date Assignment:
- 10/23/2019
- Last Docket Entry:
- 05/25/2022
- Location:
- Key West, Florida
- District:
- Southern
- Agency:
- Contract Hearings
Ilze Aguila, Senior Coordinator
Suite 410
2798 Overseas Highway
Marathon, FL 33050
(305) 892-2522 -
Peter H. Morris, Esquire
1111 12th Street, Suite 408
Post Office Box 1026
Key West, FL 330411026
(305) 292-3470 -
Lee Robert Rohe, Esquire
Post Office Box 430678
Big Pine Key, FL 33043
(305) 745-2254