19-005851PL Richard Corcoran, As Commissioner Of Education vs. Carmen Komninos
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, March 26, 2020.

View Dockets  
Summary: Commissioner did not prove that teacher forcefully grabbed two students by the arms or failed to make reasonable efforts to protect the students from conditions harmful to learning, mental and physical health, or safety.





24Petitioner ,

25Case No. 19 - 5851PL



35Respondent .



42The final hearing in this matter was conducted before Administrative Law

53Judge Andrew D. Manko of the Division of Administrative Hearings

63(ÑDOAHÒ), pursuant to sections 120.569 , 120.57(1), and 1012.796(6), Florida

72Statutes (201 8 ) , on Ja nuary 27, 2020 , in Naples , Florida.


86For Petitioner: Ron Weaver, Esquire

91Post Office Box 770088

95Ocala, Florida 34477 - 0088

100For Respondent: Robert J. Coleman, Esquire

106Coleman and Coleman

109Post Office Box 2089

113Fort Myers, Florida 33902 - 2089


126The issue s to be determined are w hether the Florida e ducatorÔs c ertificate

141of Respondent, Carmen Komninos, is subject to discipline for violating section

1521012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A -

16210 .081(2)(a)1, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint , and, if so, the

174appropriate penalty therefor .


182On September 5, 2019, Petitioner Richard Corcoran, as Commissioner of

192Education (ÑCommissionerÒ), issued an Administrative Complain t alleging

200that Ms. Komninos grabbed two students by the arms forcefully, in violation

212of the Principle of Professional Conduct requiring her to make reasonable

223efforts to protect students from conditions harmful to their learning, mental

234and physical heal th, and safety. The Commissioner sought discipline within

245the range of a written reprimand to revocation of her educatorÔs certificate .

258On September 20, 2019, Ms. Komninos answered the Administrative

267Complaint, denied the material allegations, and timely requested an

276administrative hearing. The Commissioner referred the matter to DOAH for

286assignment of an Administrative Law Judge to conduct an eviden tiary

297hearing under chapter 120.

301The final hearing occurred on January 27, 2020. The Commissioner

311prese nted the testimony of six witnesses: (1) Andrei Ghelman, the Collier

323County School DistrictÔs (ÑSchool DistrictÒ) coordinator for secondary schools

332and human resources; (2) Harry Kasten, the principal of Cypress Palm

343Middle School (ÑSchoolÒ) at the time of the alleged misconduct; (3) Melissa

355Coleman , the SchoolÔs assistant principal; (4) B.T., III (ÑB.T.Ò), a student

366allegedly grabbed by Ms. Komninos; (5) B.T., Jr., B.T.Ôs father; and (6) C.M., a

380student allegedly grabbed by Ms. Komninos . PetitionerÔs Exhib its 1 through

39215 were admitted into evidence over RespondentÔs hearsay objections to

402PetitionerÔs Exhibits 10 through 14. PetitionerÔs Proposed Exhibit 16 Ð a

413handwritten letter signed by several non - testifying students complaining

423about Ms. Komninos Ð was exc luded on foundational and relevancy grounds.

435Ms. Komninos testified on her own behalf and presented the testimony of

447Corporal Luis Soto, the SchoolÔs youth relations deputy at the time of the

460alleged misconduct. RespondentÔs Exhibits 1 and 2 were admitte d into

471evidence over the CommissionerÔs hearsay objections.

477A one - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed on February 26,

4912020 . T he parties timely filed their Proposed Recommended Orders

502(ÑPROsÒ), which were duly considered in preparing this Recommended Order.

512All references to the Florida Statutes and the Florida Administrative Code

523are to the 2018 versions, none of which have been materially amended since.

536In making the findings below, the undersigned only considered hearsay

546evidence that either supplemented or explained other evidence or would be

557admissible over objection in civil actions. § 120. 57(1)(c), Fla. Stat. To protect

570the privacy of the minor students, they are referred to herein by their initials.


5891. Ms. Komnino s holds Florida EducatorÔs Certificate No. 985529, which

600covers Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages

609(ESOL) , and World Language Ï Spanish , and is valid through June 2021.

6212. Ms. Komninos began her 42 - year career as an educator in N ew Jersey.

637She moved to Florida in 2006 and started working for the School District. She

651primarily taught Spanish at the School from 2007 until she retired in 2019.

6643. During the 2017 - 2018 school year, Ms. Komninos served as a Spanish

678teacher and taught B. T. and C.M., among other students.

6884. The Administrative Complaint focuses on two separate incidents in

698which Ms. Komninos allegedly grabbed B.T. and C.M. by their arms. Neither

710B.T. nor C.M. reported the alleged incidents to the School when they

722happened . Rather, they only disclosed them during the SchoolÔs investigation

733of complaints made by other students.

7395. That investigation began on March 22, 2018, when a teacher received

751the following two documents from an unidentified student: (1) a handwritten

762l etter of unknown origin purportedly signed by several students complaining

773about Ms. Komninos 1 ; and (2) a copy of a photograph posted to Snapchat.

7876. The photograph clearly depicts Ms. Komninos standing behind B.T. and

798holding onto his left arm with both of her hands. She does not appear to be

814exerting any force. B.T. is facing away from her and clearly smiling. The

827photograph contained the following two captions:

833how aggressive

835Hey Look! ÑLos noviosÒ

839The use of the cry - laughing emoji multiple times seems to reflect that the

854students who posted the photograph found the incident humorous. But, the

865record contains neither evidence as to who took the photograph, posted it to

878Snapchat, or drafted the captions, nor evidence as to when that occurred.

8907. The teacher brought the documents to a guidance counselor who gave

902them to the assistant principal. The assistant principal brought them to the

914principal and Corporal Soto, the SchoolÔs youth relations deputy.

9238. The principal notified the School District and immediately removed

933Ms. Komninos from teaching duties pending the investigation. Mr. Ghelman,

943the School DistrictÔs coordinator for secondary schools and human resources

953at the time, directed the principal to obtain statements from the students.

9659. In his statement, B.T. acknowledged that he got out of his seat to

979sharpen his pencil after being told not to do so by Ms. Komninos and then

994refused to heed her directive to sit down. At that point, she grabbed his arm

1009and tried to pull him back into his sea t while his classmates yelled.

10231 The record is silent as to the letterÔs author, no student who signed i t testified, and it

1042focuses on allegations beyond the scope of the Administrative Complaint. Thus, the

1054undersigned excluded the letter and has not relied on it in making any finding of fact.

107010. In her statement, C.M. indicated that she got up out of her seat to

1085throw a piece of paper in the recycling bin and did so w ithout permission

1100because Ms. Komninos did not have a rule requiring them to ask first. C.M.

1114sta ted that Ms. Komninos approached her at the recycling bin, grabbed her

1127arm forcefully, and pushed her down to pick up the paper from the bin. C.M.

1142said she picked up the paper and walked back to her desk.

115411. In their written statements, neither B.T. nor C.M. indicated when

1165their respective incidents occurred or stated that they suffered (or could have

1177suffered) any harm.

118012. Upon receipt of the statements, Mr. Ghelman met with Ms. Komninos.

1192Contrary to C.M.Ôs statement, Ms. Komninos confirmed that she re quired the

1204students to ask permission before getting up from their seats. She also said

1217that she never placed her hands on a student. When shown the photograph,

1230she ultimately agreed that it depicted her and B.T., but she did not recall the

1245incident. She n oted that she met with B.T.Ôs parents earlier that year to

1259address B.T.Ôs struggles in her class. As to C.M., Ms. Komninos recalled the

1272incident, but said that she never pushed C.M. and only told her to sit down

1287when she got up without permission.

129313. Ar ound the same time, Corporal Soto interviewed B.T. B.T. conceded

1305that he wrongly got up without permission and refused to sit after being told

1319to do so. B.T. said that, at that point, Ms. Komninos grabbed his arm to

1334prevent him from continuing to walk towa rds the pencil sharpener and he

1347went back to his seat. B.T. confirmed he suffered no injuries.

135814. Corporal Soto contacted B.T.Ôs father , who did not know about the

1370incident. A fter viewing the photograph and speaking to his son, he informed

1383Corporal Soto that they did not want to press charges. However, he remained

1396concerned because he had met with Ms. Komninos and the guidance

1407counselor before the incident to address concerns with her teaching style.

141815. In early April 2018, the principal met with B.T., his father, and

1431Ms. Komninos. B.T.Ôs father wanted to ensure that Ms. Komninos would not

1443treat his son differently if she returned to the class. She apologized for the

1457incident and promised to help B.T. with the class. The principal believed that

1470B.T.Ôs pa rents accepted the apology and welcomed her assistance.

148016. On April 18, 2018, after concluding its investigation, the School

1491District suspended Ms. Komninos for one day without pay. She accepted the

1503discipline and returned to the classroom. B.T.Ôs father confirmed that she

1514treated B.T. fairly and that he passed her class.

152317. Notwithstanding the discipline already imposed, the Commissioner

1531conducted its own investigation and obtained additional written statements

1540from the students in November 2018.

154618. I n B.T.Ôs statement, he indicated that he stood up to sharpen his pencil

1561during a test, after Ms. Komninos told him he could not do so, and she then

1577grabbed his arm and pulled to get him back to his seat. This statement

1591largely mirrored the one he gave in M arch 2018.

160119. In C.M.Ôs statement, she indicated that Ms. Komninos forcefully

1611grabbed her arm when she got up to throw away trash, pulled her, and told

1626her to return to her seat. C.M. did not believe she needed permission since

1640they were doing independent study. She was upset that Ms. Komninos

1651grabbed her, instead of asking her to sit down. This statement conflicted with

1664the one she gave in March 2018, in which she never accused Ms. Komninos of

1679pulling her.

168120. Much like their first statements, neither B.T . nor C.M. indicated when

1694their respective incidents occurred or stated that they suffered (or could have

1706suffered) any harm.

170921. Several other students also submitted statements, though none of

1719them testified at the hearing. A.A. indicated that B.T. got o ut of his seat after

1735the bell rang, at which point Ms. Komninos grabbed B.T.Ôs arm and would not

1749allow him to leave until he handed in his work. M.C. indicated that

1762Ms. Komninos grabbed B.T.Ôs arm and pulled him over to her desk. C.R.

1775indicated that Ms. Ko mninos grabbed C.M.Ôs wrist and pulled her to the front

1789of the room, yelling that she would not give C.M. respect without it being

1803returned. Most of these accounts conflicted with the details described in the

1815statements of B.T. and C.M.

182022. In the meant ime, Ms. Komninos continued teaching at the School until

1833her retirement in July 2019. Upon her retirement, the School District issued

1845a ÑResolution in Recognition of Outstanding Service Leading to RetirementÒ

1855to recognize her excellent service, contributio ns to the School District, and

1867devotion to the school system. The resolution recognized that Ms. Komninos

1878served the School District in a meritorious, faithful, and outstanding manner.

188923. The honor bestowed on her is not surprising. The principal who

1901eva luated Ms. KomninosÔs performance for many years, including at the time

1913of the alleged incidents, believed she was a strong educator, a hard worker,

1926and a rule follower based on his observations of her in the classroom.

1939According to him, she c learly commun icated her rules to the students , had a

1954great rapport with them, and maintained control over the classroom.

196424. After Ms. Komninos already had been disciplined by the School,

1975received an award from the School District for her years of dedicated service,

1988a nd retired from teaching, the Commissioner issued its Administrative

1998Complaint seeking to discipline her educatorÔs certificate as a result of the

2010two incidents. Specifically, the Commissioner alleged that she violated the

2020Principle of Professional Conduct requiring her to make reasonable effort s to

2032protect the students from conditions harmful to their learning, mental and

2043physical health, and/or safety. In its PRO, the Commissioner seeks to issue a

2056letter of reprimand, place Ms. Komninos on probation for t wo years, and levy

2070a $750 fine against her.

207525. Only three witnesses who were in the classroom when the incidents

2087allegedly occurred testified at the hearing Ð B.T., C.M., and Ms. Komninos.

209926. Ms. Komninos generally explained that she required students to raise

2110their hands before getting out of their seat for any reason. They knew the

2124rules because she wrote them on the bulletin board and repeated them

2136verbally. However, some of the students pushed the envelope.

214527. As to the incident concerning B.T., Ms. K omninos credibly testified

2157that she did not recall the incident even after seeing the photograph, which

2170she agreed depicted her holding onto B.T.Ôs arm. She said the same thing to

2184both the principal and Mr. Ghelman during the investigation. She credibly

2195ex plained that the photograph must have been taken in the Fall of 2017

2209based on the items posted on the cabinet doors in the background. She agreed

2223that she met with the principal and B.T.Ôs father after the investigation

2235began, reassured them that she would harbor no ill will towards B.T., and

2248offered to help him better his grade. The undersigned credits Ms. KomninosÔs

2260testimony and found her to be forthcoming and truthful.

226928. B.T. testified that he thought the incident occurred within a month or

2282two before the March 2018 investigation. He explained that Ms. Komninos

2293would not allow him to sharpen his pencil during a test, so he violated her

2308rules and got up without permission. Instead of walking to the back of the

2322room to the sharpener, he started walking t o the front. Ms. Komninos then

2336grabbed his arm to stop him from walking. She held onto his arm for a matter

2352of seconds and let go. He initially confirmed that she never pulled him back

2366into his seat, contrary to his prior written statements, but later waiv ered and

2380agreed that his memory was better back then.

238829. B.T. confirmed that he suffered no injuries in the incident and felt

2401embarrassed more than anything else. That is why he smiled. He definitively

2413testified that he never felt there was even a chance of Ms. Komninos harming

2427him, though he waivered when counsel for the Commissioner later asked

2438whether he could have been harmed had he continued to walk forward.

245030. Based on the weight of the credible evidence, the undersigned finds

2462that Ms. Komninos hel d onto B.T.Ôs arm for a few seconds to stop him from

2478further violating the rules by walking around during a test, but she did not

2492pull him back into his seat. B.T. suffered no harm and the credible evidence

2506established that Ms. Komninos never acted in a ma nner that could be seen as

2521failing to make reasonable efforts to protect B.T. from conditions harmful to

2533learning, mental and physical health, and/or safety.

254031. As to the incident concerning C.M., Ms. Komninos credibly explained

2551that it occurred in March 2018. Ms. Komninos testified that C.M. got out of

2565her seat without permission and, when Mr. Komninos instructed her to sit

2577down, she further defied her order by continuing to walk to the recycling bin.

2591Ms. Komninos walked to the recycling bin, instructed C.M. to remove the

2603paper, and followed her back to her seat to ensure that she did not walk

2618around the room and disturb the other students. Ms. Komninos credibly

2629confirmed that she never touched C.M., pushed her down towards the

2640recycling bin, or pushed he r into her seat. She stayed at least a foot away

2656from C.M. the entire time.

266132. C.M. testified that Ms. Komninos pushed her down towards the

2672recycling bin , grabbed her arm for a brief period of time, and pulled her back

2687to her seat. However, C.M.Ôs testimo ny conflicted with her prior written

2699statements. In the first statement, she indicated that Ms. Komninos

2709forcefully grabbed her arm and pushed her down to pick up the paper from

2723the bin . In the second statement, she accused Ms. Komninos of forcefully

2736grabb ing her arm, pulling her, and telling her to sit down. When confronted

2750with these inconsistencies, C.M. said the first statement Ð that omitted any

2762reference to pulling her Ð more accurately reflected the incident. She also

2774could not recall on what day the inc ident occurred. Nevertheless, C.M.

2786confirmed that she suffered no harm and only got upset because

2797Ms. Komninos c ould have asked her nicely to sit down.

280833. Based on the weight of the credible evidence, the undersigned finds

2820that Ms. Komninos did not forcef ully grab C.M.Ôs arm, push her down

2833towards the recycling bin, or pull her back to her seat. C.M. suffered no harm

2848and the credible evidence established that Ms. Komninos never acted in a

2860manner that could be seen as failing to make reasonable efforts to p rotect

2874C.M. from conditions harmful to learning or to her mental and physical

2886health, and/or safety.


289434. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this

2906cause. §§ 120.569 , 120.57(1), and 1012.796(6), Fla. Stat .

291535. Res pondent, as Commissioner of the Department of Education, is the

2927state agent responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of

2936misconduct against teachers holding Florida educatorÔs certificates .

2944§§ 1012.795(1) and 1012.796(6), Fla. Stat.

295036. It is well settled u nder Florida law that determining whether charged

2963conduct violates a s tatute or rule is a question of ultimate fact to be decided

2979by the trier - of - fact based on the weight of the evidence. Holmes v. Turlington ,

2996480 So. 2d 150, 153 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985); McKinney v. Castor , 667 So. 2d 387,

3012389 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995); Langston v. Jamerson , 653 So. 2d 489 (Fla. 1st DCA

30271995). Thus, determining whether Ms. KomninosÔs alleged misconduct

3035violates the law is a factual, not legal, inquiry .

304537. The Commis sioner has the burden to prove its allegations against

3057M s. Komninos by clear and convincing evidence. DepÔt of Banking & Fin. v.

3071Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 934 (Fla. 1996); AvalonÔs Assisted

3084Living, LLC v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. , 80 So. 3d 34 7, 348 - 49 (Fla. 1st

3102DCA 2011) (citing Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 - 95 (Fla. 1987)).

3117As the Florida Supreme Court has stated:

3124Clear and convincing evidence requires that the

3131evidence must be found to be credible; the facts to

3141which the witness es testify must be distinctly

3149remembered; the testimony must be precise and

3156explicit and the witnesses must be lacking in

3164confu sion as to the facts in issue. The evidence

3174must be of such a weight that it produces in the

3185mind of the trier of fact a firm bel ief or conviction,

3197without hesitancy, as to the truth of the allegations

3206sought to be established.

3210In re Henson , 913 So. 2d 579, 590 (Fla. 2005) (quoting Slomowitz v. Walker ,

3224429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)).

323338. ÑWhere a statute imposes sanctions and penalties in the nature of

3245denial or revocation of a license to practice for violating its proscriptions, such

3258a statute Ómust be strictly construed and no conduct is to be regarded as

3272included within it that is not reasonably proscribed by it.Ô Ò McC loskey v.

3286DepÔt of Fin. Servs. , 115 So. 3d 441, 444 (Fla. 5th DCA 2013) (citing Lester v.

3302DepÔt of ProfÔl & Occ. Regs. , 348 So. 2d 923, 925 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977)); accord

3318Elmariah v. DepÔt of ProfÔl Reg. , 574 So. 2d 164, 165 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990)

3333(holding that a statute imposing Ñsanctions or penaltiesÒ is Ñpenal in nature

3345and must be strictly construed, with any ambiguity interpreted in favor of the

3358licenseeÒ); see also Djokic v. DepÔt of Bus. & ProfÔl Reg. , 875 So. 2d 693, 695

3374(Fla. 4th DCA 2004) (same).

337939. The Commissioner alleged in the Administrative Complaint that

3388Ms. Komninos forcefully grabbed B.T. and C.M. by their arms. By doing so,

3401the Commissioner alleged that she violated the Principle of Professional

3411Conduct requiring her to make reasonable effort to protect the students from

3423conditions harmful to their learning, mental and physical health, and /or

3434safety , outlined in rule 6A - 10.081(2)(a)1 , and may be disciplined accordingly

3446for that violation under section 1012.795(1)(j). 2

345340. As to the Principles of Professional Conduct, rule 6A - 10.081 provides

3466in pertinent part:

3469(2) Florida educators shall comply with the

3476foll owing disciplinary principles. Violation of any of

3484these principles shall subject the individual to

3491revocation or suspension of the individu al

3498educator's certificate, or the other penalties as

3505provided by law.

35082 The Administrative Complaint contains two individual counts. Co unt I alleges a violation of

3523section 1012.795(1), which authorizes the Commissioner to discipline an educator for

3534violating a Principle of Professional Conduct, whereas Count II alleges violations of a

3547Principle of Professional Conduct based on the alleged incidents involving B.T. and C.M. The

3561Commissioner conceded in his PRO that Count I did not constitute an independent violation ,

3575so the undersigned resolves both counts together herein.

3583(a). Obligation to the student requires that the


35921. Shall make reasonable effort to protect the

3600student from conditions harmful to learning and/or

3607to the student's mental an d/or physical health

3615and/or safety.

361741. Based on the findings of fact above , the undersigned finds as a matter

3631of ultimate fact that the Commissioner failed to establish by clear and

3643convincing evidence that Ms. Komninos violated rule 6A - 10.081(2)(a)1. Th e

3655Commissioner failed to prove that Ms. Komninos forcefully grabbed B.T. and

3666C.M. by their arms, as alleged. The weight of the credible evidence did not

3680establish that Ms. Komninos ever grabbed C.M.Ôs arm at all and, at most,

3693established that Ms. Komninos merely held onto B.T.Ôs arm, not forcefully, for

3705a matter of seconds and let go. It is undisputed that neither B.T. nor C.M.

3720suffered injury and, more importantly, no credible evidence showed that

3730either student reasonably could have suffered injury based on

3739Ms. KomninosÔs actions. In short, the weight of the credible evidence simply

3751failed to establish that Ms. Komninos acted in a manner that could be seen as

3766failing to make reasonable efforts to protect student s from conditions harmful

3778to learning or to t heir mental health, physical health , and/or safety .


3793Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

3806R ECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission , issue a final order

3817dismissing the Administrative Complaint again st the Respondent , Carmen

3826Komninos .

3828D ONE A ND E NTERED this 26th day of March , 2020 , in Tallahassee, Leon

3843County, Florida.



3851Administrative Law Judge

3854Division of Administrative Hearings

3858The DeSoto Building

38611230 Apalachee Parkway

3864Tallahasse e, Florida 32399 - 3060

3870(850) 488 - 9675

3874Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3881Filed with the Clerk of the

3887Division of Administrative Hearings

3891this 26th day of March , 2020 .


3903Robert J. Coleman, Esquire

3907Coleman and Coleman

3910Post Of fice Box 2089

3915Fort Myers, Florida 33902 - 2089


3922Ron Weaver, Esquire

3925Post Office Box 770088

3929Ocala, Florida 34477 - 0088


3935Gretchen Kelley Brantley, Executive Director

3940Education Practices Commission

3943Department of Education

3946Turlington Buildin g, Suite 316

3951325 West Gaines Street

3955Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


3961Matthew Mears. General Counsel

3965Department of Education

3968Turlington Building, Suite 1244

3972325 West Gaines Street

3976Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


3982Randy Kosec, Jr., Ch ief

3987Office of Professional Practices Services

3992Department of Education

3995Turlington Building, Suite 224 - E

4001325 West Gaines Street

4005Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400



4022All parties have the right to submit written exc eptions within 15 days from

4036the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

4047Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/04/2020
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 06/02/2020
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/14/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel (Thomas Johnson) filed.
Date: 03/26/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/26/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 03/26/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held January 27, 2020). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/09/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/26/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 02/26/2020
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/25/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/27/2020
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/24/2020
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 27, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Naples; amended as to Location ).
Date: 01/24/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Exhibit List filed.
Date: 01/24/2020
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance of Final Hearing.
Date: 01/23/2020
Proceedings: Return of Service (Dep. Soto) filed.
Date: 01/23/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Supplemental Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed.
Date: 01/22/2020
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 01/22/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed.
Date: 01/21/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Scheduling Court Reporter filed.
Date: 01/17/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Second Amended Exhibit List filed.
Date: 01/17/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Second Amended Witness List filed.
Date: 01/17/2020
Proceedings: (Amended) Petitioner's Exhibit List filed.
Date: 01/17/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Witness List filed.
Date: 01/15/2020
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 01/14/2020
Proceedings: Subpoena Ad Testificandum filed.
Date: 01/14/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Exhibit List filed.
Date: 01/14/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness List filed.
Date: 01/13/2020
Proceedings: Petitioners' Exhibit List filed.
Date: 01/08/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 11/06/2019
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 11/06/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 27, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Naples).
Date: 11/06/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent's Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 11/06/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 11/05/2019
Proceedings: Agreed Upon Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 11/05/2019
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 11/04/2019
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 11/04/2019
Proceedings: Respondent's Answer to Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 11/04/2019
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 11/04/2019
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Naples, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):