19-006584MPI Agency For Health Care Administration vs. Hour Bliss, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, April 27, 2020.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent was overpaid $237,802.50 for services that in whole or in part are not covered by Medicaid because the services were performed by providers who did not have the requisite education or work experience. Recommend repayment, sanctions, and costs.





23Petitioner ,

24Case No. 19 - 6584MPI


30H OUR B LISS , I NC . ,

37Respondent .



45Pursuant to notice, a formal administrative hearing was conducted before

55Administrative Law Judge Mary Li Creasy of the Division of Administrative

66Hearings ( Ñ DOAH Ò ) on March 9, 2020, by video teleconference at sites located

82in Miami and Tallah assee, Florida.


90For Petitioner: Susan Sapoznikoff, Esquire

95Kimberly Murray, Esquire

98Agency for Health Care Administration

1032727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

109Tallahassee, Florida 32308

112For Respondent: Julio Cesar Perez - Del gado , pro se

122Hour Bliss, Inc.

125Apartment 406

127888 Brickell Key Drive

131Miami, Florida 33131


142Whether Respondent was overpaid $237,802.50 for services that in whole ,

153or in part , are not covered by Medicaid becaus e the services were performed

167by rendering providers who did not have the requisite education or work

179experience to meet the eligibility requirements in the B ehavior A nalysis

191Services Coverage Handbook (ÑBA HandbookÒ) to perform the services or for

202whom do cumentation was insufficient to determine eligibility ; and , if so, the

214amount of the overpayment to be repaid, t he amount of any fine to be

229imposed against Respondent, and the amount of any investigative, legal, and

240expert witness costs to be assessed agai nst Respondent.


253Respondent, Hour Bliss, Inc., was a n entity that provided high quality

265behavior a nalysis services , to families with children with developmental

275disabilities and neurological condition s, for which Respondent received

284r eimburse ment under the Florida Medicaid program.

292In order for b eh a vior a nalysis services to be reimbursed by M edicai d, the

310services must be provided by a Behav ior A ssistant (ÑBAÒ) who meets certain

324educational, training , and experience requirements set fo rth in Section 3.2 of

336the BA Handbook to work with the vulnerable target population (children

347with medical and mental disabilities) .

353Peti ti oner, FloridaÔs Agency for Health Care Administration (Ñ AHCA Ò)

365performed an audit of RespondentÔs business records a nd Medicaid - related

377records for the period of November 1, 2017, through December 31, 2018 , t o

391determine if Respondent sufficient ly documented the qualifications of its

401BAs .

403AHCA issued the Final Audit Report (ÑFARÒ), dated July 19, 2019, that

415constitutes the challenged agency action in this proceeding. The FAR

425concluded that AHCA overpaid Respondent $905,838.36 for b ehavior a nalysis

437services that, in whole or in part, were not covered by the Medicaid program.

451Additionally, the FAR sought to impose a sancti on of $2,500.00 pursuant to

465Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G - 9.070(7)(c), for failure to comply with

477Medicaid rules, and costs of $1,280.00 inc urred as a result of the audit.

492Respondent timely requested an administrative hearing pursuant to

500sections 1 20.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, challenging the amounts

510assessed and the findings in the FAR. In this proceeding, AHCA, as the party

524seeking to establish a Medicaid overpayment, has the burden of proving the

536allegation by a preponderance of the evi dence. Southpointe Phar m. v. Dep't of

550H RS , 596 So. 2d 106, 109 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992). After an initial abeyance, the

566matter was referred to DOAH to conduct a final hearing . The parties filed a

581Joint Pre - Hearing S tipulation on March 2, 2020, including a state ment of

596undisputed facts. To the extent that the stipulated facts are relevant, the

608facts are adopted and incorporated herein as necessary. Based on additional

619information received during the litigation process, AHCA reduced the

628asserted overpayment to $23 7,802.50.

634Despite repeated requests from AHCA prior to the filing of the Joint Pre -

648Hearing S tipulation, Respondent failed to identify or provide any exhibits

659upon which the business intended to rely . On March 5, 202 0 , four days prior

675to the final hearing, Respondent provided AHCA with additional resumes

685and training certificates for its BAs whose qualifications were in dispute.

696AHCA repeatedly requested these documents from the outset of the audit and

708through the discovery process in this proceeding. Respo ndentÔs owner,

718Julio Perez - Delgado, previously insisted he did not have these records.

730On March 9, 2020, the final hearing was held as scheduled . As a

744preliminary matter, oral argument was held on AHCAÔs ÑMotion to

754Strike/Exclude from Evidence Documents t hat Were Untimely Provided,

763Previously Withheld, and/or Were Advised to be Non - Existent.Ò After hearing

775from the parties, this motion was granted , holding that any document of

787Respondent not provided to AHCA before March 5, 2020, was excluded.

798AHCA offer ed Exhibits 1 through 11, which were admitted into evidence

810without objection. Respondent offered no exhibits. AHCA presented

818testimony of Ramona Stewart, AHCA Administrator, and Kathy Herold,

827AHCA Senior Pharmacist. Respondent Ôs owner , Julio C. Perez - Delg ado,

839testified on behalf of Respondent.

844The one - volume Tr anscript of the final hear ing was filed on March 26,

8602020. Both parties timely filed p roposed r ecommended o rder s that were

874considered in the drafting of this Recommended Order. All references to

885sta tutes refer to the 201 7 version unless otherwise specified.


9011. This case involves a Medicaid audit by AHCA of Respondent , which

913relates to dates of service from November 1, 2017, through December 31,

9252018 ("audit period").

9302. During the a udit period, Respondent was an enrolled Medicaid provider

942and had a valid Medicaid provider agreement with AHCA, Medicaid Provider

953No . 017421300.

9563. As an enrolled Medicaid provider, Respondent was subject to the duly -

969enacted federal and state statutes, re gulations, rules, policy guidelines, and

980Medicaid handbooks incorporated by reference into rule, which were in effect

991during the audit period.

9954. AHCA is designated as the single state agency authorized to make

1007payments for medical assistance and related s ervices under Title XIX of the

1020Social Security Act. This program of medical assistance is designated the

"1031Medicaid Program." See § 409.902, Fla. Stat. AHCA has the responsibility

1042for overseeing and administering the Medicaid Program for the State of

1053Florid a, pursuant to section 409.913, Florida Stat utes .

10635 . AHCA Ôs Bureau of Medicaid Program Integrity (MPI), pursuant to its

1076statutory authority, conducted an audit o f Respondent of paid Medicaid

1087claims for services to Medicaid recipients.

10936 . Medicaid claims ar e paid under what is known as a Ñpay and chaseÒ

1109system. Claims are quickly paid under the presumption the provider is billing

1121in accordance with Medicaid law and rules. When paid claims are later

1133audited and AHCA finds non - compliant claims, the payments ar e deemed

1146overpayments and AHCA requests reimbursement.

11517. Section 409.913 allows MPI to audit for fraud and abuse. Abuse

1163includes Ñ[p]rovider practices that are inconsistent with generally accepted

1172businessÈpractices and that result in an unnecessary cost to the Medicaid

1183program È. Ò See § 409.913(1)(a)1 . , Fla . Stat.

11938. All Florida Medicaid providers are required to maintain, for at least five

1206years, Ñcontemporaneous documentation of entitlement to payment, including

1214employment eligibility, compliance with al l Medicaid Rules, regulations,

1223handbooks and policies.Ò This includes business records, Medicaid - related

1233records and medical records. See § 409.913(7)(e) and (f), Fla . Stat.

12459. A providerÔs failure to document, in accordance with Medicaid

1255handbooks and the Provider Enrollment Agreement, whether its rendering

1264providers met the criteria to provide services, as stated in the promulgated

1276handbook, is inconsistent with generally accepted business practices.

128410. Behavior analysis services are Ñhighly structured i nterventions,

1293strategies, and approaches provided to decrease maladaptive behaviors and

1302increase or reinforce appropriate behavior for persons with mental health

1312disorders, and developmental or intellectual disabilities.Ò 1 Medicaid coverage

1321for these servi ces is limited to children under the age of 21. B ehavior analysis

13371 See Section 1.0 ÑIntroductionÒ of Florida Medicaid Behavior Analysis Services Coverage

1349Policy (October 2017); Fla. Admin. Code R. 59G - 4.125.

1359recipients are a vulnerable population, consisting of individuals that have

1369mental health disorders, and intellectual and developmental disabilities,

1377including , but not limited to , autism an d Down Syndrome. They often have

1390severe deficits in their abilities to complete self - care tasks and communicate

1403their wants and needs. These clients are at a heightened risk of abuse,

1416neglect, and exploitation because of their developmental disabilities an d

1426inability to self - preserve. For these reasons, persons entrusted to provided

1438critical services must meet the minimum qualifications.

144511. To provide appropriate services to this vulnerable population, BA s are

1457required to meet the criteria set forth in Sec tion 3.2 of the BA Handbook ,

1472incorporated by reference in Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G - 4.125,

1483ÑBehavior Analysis Services , Ò as amende d , October 29, 2017 .

149412. The BA Handbook requires a BA to have Ña bachelorÔs degree from an

1508accredited university or college in a related human service fieldÒ and an

1520agreement to become a Registered Behavior Technician (ÑRBTÒ) by 1/1/19; or,

1531alternatively: ( 1) be at least 18 years old; ( 2 ) have a high school diploma; ( 3 )

1551have Ñat least two years of experience providin g direct services to recipients

1564with mental health disorders, developmental or i ntellectual disabilitiesÒ; and

1574( 4 ) have at least Ñ20 hours of documented in - service training s in the

1591treatment of mental health, developmental or intellectual disabilities,

1599rec ipient rights, crisis management strategies and confidentiality . Ò


161313 . This audit was opened in follow - up to AHCAÔs statewide review of

1628b ehavior a nalysis services. The assessment of these services revealed

1639rampa nt fraud and abuse within th e behavior analysis program including

1651more than twice as many providers as recipients, providers billing

1661unbelievable hours (such as more than 24 hours per day ) , and

1673unsubstantiated qualifications, meaning that patients were receiving BA

1681services from unqu alified providers .

16871 4 . Based on information obtained in the s tatewide behavior analysis

1700review, AHCA issued a moratorium regarding new enrollments in Southeast

1710Florida and chose a number of providers for audits. Respondent was selected

1722for audit .

17251 5 . Petitioner audited Respondent's records related to paid claims from

1737November 1, 2017, through D ecember 31, 2018 . This audit period was

1750selected because an updated Behavior Analysis Handbook was promulgated

1759and became effective October 29, 2017. 2

17661 6 . AHCAÔs review of Respondent's records consisted of identifying the

1778rendering providers for whom Respondent provided insufficient or no

1787documentation to support t heir qualifications to render behavior analysis

1797services .

17991 7 . The parties stipulated t hat none of the rendering providers at issue

1814had both a bachelorÔs degree Ñin a related human services fieldÒ and had

1827obtained their RBT by January 1, 2019. Respondent and AHCA also

1838stipulated that the records for each rendering provider indicate they were at

1850least 18 years old and had obtained at least a high school diploma or its

1865equivalent . The o nly questions that remained was did the BA provider have

1879the requisite two years of experience with the target population and did they

1892have 20 hours or more of t he required applicable in - service training .

19071 8 . During the Audit Period, Respondent submitted claims for services

1919rendered by 169 rendering providers , for which Medicaid paid Respondent a

1930total of $3,999,828.65. Based on the audit, Petitioner initiall y determined

1943Respondent had been overpaid in the amount of $1,060,590.41. AHCA issued

1956a Preliminary Audit Report (ÑPARÒ) dated March 25, 2019, notifying

1966Respondent o f the rendering providers deemed not qualified and the amount

19782 During the MPI audit period, Respondent was placed under pre - payment re view by a

1995different section of AHCA. Respondent stopped billing during the audit period and its

2008Medicaid provider number was terminated without cause in October 2018. As such, although

2021the audit period was from November 1, 2017, through December 31, 2018, the last claims

2036reviewed in the audit were for date of service March 28, 2018, as that was the date of the last

2056paid claim .

2059of the overpayment associated with each. Respondent was given the

2069opportunity to pay the PAR amount or submit additional records .

20801 9 . In response to the PAR, Respondent submitted additional records.

2092Based on the those additional records, AHCA issued a FAR dated July 19,

21052019, al leging Respondent was overpaid $905,838.36 for BA services it billed

2118for 41 BA rendering providers who did not meet the criteria specified in the

2132BA Handbook. In addition, the FAR informed Respondent that AHCA was

2143seeking to impose a sanction of $2,500.00 pursuant to r ule 59G - 9.070(7)(c),

2158and costs of $1,280.00 pursuant to section 409.913(23)(a). In sum, Petitioner

2170asserted in the FAR that Respondent owed a total of $909,618.36.

218220 . Kathy Herold is a Senior Pharmacist with AHCAÔs MPI unit. In that

2196capa city she assists with MPI audits. She compiles and analyzes data;

2208applies appropriate rules, regulations, policies , and procedures to oversee the

2218activities of Florida Medicaid providers to detect fraudulent or abusive

2228behavior and minimize the neglect of recipients; recovers overpayments;

2237imposes sanctions; and makes referrals as appropriate to the Florida

2247Attorney GeneralÔs Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, the Florida Department of

2257Health , and the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

2267Sh e has over seventeen yearsÔ experience in administrative investigations.

2277She is a Certified Fraud Examiner.

22832 1 . Ms. Herold re - reviewed the records provided by Respondent to

2297determine whether the rendering providers for whom behavior analysis

2306services were billed met the qualifications . AHCA did not place a ny

2319limitations on how Respondent documented the qualifications of its rendering

2329providers . AHCAÔs only concern was whether the criteria were met.

23402 2 . During the audit, and through the discovery p rocess , Respondent

2353supplied AHCA with copies of employment applications, resumes, letters of

2363recommendation , and training certificates of the BAs in question. At the time

2375of the final hearin g, the qualifications of only 14 BAs remained in dispute

2389and the a mount sought in overpayment was calculated by AHCA as

2401$ 237,802.50. Based on the competent, substantial, and persuasive evidence,

2412AHCA demonstrated that the audit was properly conducted.


2427Eduardo Rodriguez

24292 3 . The resu me for Eduardo Rodriguez lists work with Abreu Quality

2443(ÑAbreuÒ) from 2017 to Ñpresent.Ò It does not indicate a job title or reference

2457any work with the t arget population in that job. There is no contact

2471information that would have allowed Respondent the o pportunity to verify

2482the alleged work experience. The resume also lists ÑPrivate CaseÒ work with

2494a child with disabilities from 2010 - 2014 and 2016 - 2017. There is no contact

2510information that would have allowed Respondent the opportunity to verify

2520the allege d work experience.

25252 4 . The application for Mr. Rodriguez, dated December 27, 2017,

2537Mr. Rodriguez lists BA work with Abreu from February 2017 to ÑpresentÒ

2549(December 27, 2017). While that listing (unlike the resume) contains contact

2560information that wou ld have allowed Respondent the opportunity to verify

2571the alleged work experience, that work, even if verified, did not meet the

2584r equisite work experience as it was at most ten months. The application also

2598lists two BA jobs for ÑPrivate Case.Ò There is no i nformation provided that

2612would have allowed Respondent the opportunity to verify the alleged work

2623experience met the r equisite work experience or the t arget population

2635requirements. One private job was from 2010 - 2014 and the other was from

26492016 - 2017

26522 5 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed a letter

2666of recommendation by Felicia Noval. That letter makes no reference to work

2678with the t arget population . There is no indication who Ms. Noval is or how

2694she knows Mr. Rodriguez.

26982 6 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed a letter

2712of recommendation by Jose Chao. However, that letter contains no indication

2723of work with the t arget population . There is no indication of who Mr. Chao is

2740or how he knows Mr. Rodriguez.

27462 7 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed a

2759b ackground s creening requested by Respondent . The background screening

2770indicates that Mr. Rodriguez was not eligible to work with the t arget

2783population until April 2017. Because Respondent requeste d the screening , it

2794knew or should have known that Mr. Rodriguez did not ha v e the requisite

2809work experience .

28122 8 . Based on conflicting information as to when Mr. Rodriguez worked at

2826Abreu, Ms. Herold reviewed documentation submitted by Abreu to AHCA .

2837This documentation indicates that Mr. Rodriguez only worked for them from

2848May 18, 2017 , to June 17, 2017.

28552 9 . The documents submitted by Respondent to AHCA for Mr. Rodriguez

2868contain ed training certificates for both the 20 - hour BA cou rse and the 40 -

2885ho ur RBT course.

288930 . Mr. Rodriguez began working for Respondent on February 8, 2018. The

2902last paid claim for Mr. Rodriguez was March 23, 2018 .

29133 1 . Based on the documentation provided by Respondent , Mr. Rodriguez

2925did not have documented requisite wo rk experience at the time of hire, at the

2940beginning of the audit period, or by the end of the last paid claim in the audit


29583 2 . Despite Respondent ha ving documentation that Mr. Rodriguez

2969satisfied the t raining requirement , payments made by AHC A to Respondent

2981for services billed for him are an overpayment because he did not have the

2995r equisite work experience or there is insufficient documentation that he had

3007the requisite work experience .

3012Fanny Vargas

30143 3 . The application for Fanny Varg as, dated March 1, 2017, lists work as a

3031BA / AHH for ChildrenÔs Home Services (ÑCHSÒ) from 2015 - 2017. There is no

3046indication of how long Ms. Vargas performed each function. There is no

3058indication of work with the t arget population in the job as an AHH. Ther e is

3075insufficient information to determine how long Ms. Vargas worked for CHS.

3086The application did not provide sufficient information regarding whether

3095Ms. Vargas had the r equisite work experience .

31043 4 . The resume for Ms. Vargas only lists BA work with CHS from 2015 -

3121Ñstill workingÒ ( presumably March 1, 20 17, the date of the application) . There

3136is still insufficient information on the resume to determine when Ms. Vargas

3148began at CHS or if Ms. Vargas worked at CHS for over two years. The

3163resume also list s Ñprivate serviceÒ for children with special needs from 2012 -

31772015. The Ñprivate serviceÒ job was not listed on the application. There is no

3191contact information listed on the resume for the Ñprivate serviceÒ job that

3203would have allowed anyone to verify it. The resume did not provide sufficient

3216information regarding whether Ms. Vargas had the r equisite work

3226experience .

32283 5 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent indicate

3239Ms. Vargas was not screened as a Medicaid Provider until January 14, 2017.

3252Sh e was enrolled as a Medicaid provider on April 4, 2017, effective January 9,

32672017. She could not have provided services to the t arget population with CHS

3281before then.

32833 6 . The date of service for the last paid claim for Ms. Vargas is

3299December 31, 2017.

33023 7 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit and

3316during litigation did not substantiate that Ms. Vargas had the r equisite work

3329experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit period or by the

3345end of the audit period , or that she satisfied the t raining requirement .

3359Javier Collazo Veloz

33623 8 . The application for Javier Collazo Veloz , dated May 4, 2017, lists work

3377as Private Practice BA in Miami for Melissa Catano, from Ñ08/01/2016 Ï Ò

3390(presumably May 4, 2017) and BA work for Fe y Alegria in Ecuador from

3404March 9, 2015 Ï April 3, 2016. Combined , those jobs do not satisfy the

3418r equisite work experience .

34233 9 . The resume for Mr. Collazo Veloz only lists work as a BA for Fe y

3441Alegria. However, on the resume the dates o f employment are listed as

3454July 1, 2013 Ï July 1, 2015. Those dates conflict with the information Mr.

3468Collazo Veloz listed on his application .

347540 . Based on the conflict regarding the work with Fe y Alegria, Ms. Herold

3490attempted to verify it. She located a website for Fe y Alegria, but the website

3505makes no mention of work with the t arget population .

35164 1 . The last paid claim for Mr. Collazo Vel o z was February 16, 2018.

35334 2 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit and

3547during li tigation did not substantiate that Mr. Collazo Veloz had the

3559documented r equisite work experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of

3573the audit period or by the end of the last paid claim in the audit period, or

3590that he satisfied the t raining requirem ent .

3599Jorge N. Bernal

36024 3 . The application for Jorge N. Bernal, dated March 29, 2017 , lists work

3617as an x - ray technician from April 15 , 2015, to July 17, 20 15 . There is no

3636indication of work with the t arget population and the nature of that work

3650wou ld not contribute to the r equisite work experience . Overlapping with the

3664x - ray technician job, Mr. Bernal also lists he was a teacher at Jesus Para

3680Todos from December 1, 2012, to March 15, 2016 . The resume makes no

3694mention of work with the t arget populati on associated with that job and there

3709is no contact information on the application that Respondent could have used

3721to verify the alleged work experience.

37274 4 . The resume for Mr. Bernal only lists the teacher job at Jesus Para

3743Todos, but there is no con tact information to verify the employment. The

3756resume indicates that job involved work with the t arget population .

37684 5 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed

3780numerous documents indicating Mr. Bernal was born June 16, 1993 . That

3792means that Mr. Bernal was purportedly ÑteachingÒ when he was only 17.

38044 6 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent also contain ed an

3818honor roll certificat e which indicates that Mr. Bernal was attending college

3830while purportedly Ñteaching.Ò

38334 7 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent post - PAR

3846contain ed a letter of reference from International Ministry of Jesus for All

3859(ÑJesus Para TodosÒ) dated March 19, 2019 . That letter does not clearly

3872corroborate that Mr. Bernal was teaching there. The letter from Jesus Para

3884Todos indicated it was a church, not a school. The letter further indicates

3897that Mr. Bernal Ñwas able to serve to the kid Ô s ministry and youth groups,

3913teaching kids and youth and serving in our community, and participate in

3925helping s pecial need kids in our church.Ò

39334 8 . Mr. Bernal began w ork for Respondent on November 7, 2017 . The last

3950paid claim for Mr. Bernal is February 17, 2018 . Thus, not only could the

3965letter from Jesus Para Todos not have been used to verify work in the hir ing

3981process, it also was not created until after the audit period and almost one

3995year after the end of Mr. BernalÔs employment with Respondent .

40064 9 . Given the conflicting information regarding Jesus Para Todos,

4017Ms. Herold attempted to verify the facili ty. She discovered there was no

4030online presence for the facility , and it was not listed in the StateÔs database of

4045private schools or licensed daycares .

405150 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit and

4064during litigation did not su bstantiate that Mr. Bernal had the r equisite work

4078experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit period or by the

4094end of the last paid claim in the audit period, or that he satisfied the t raining

4111requirement .

4113Leyanis Morffi

41155 1 . T he application for Leyanis Morffi, dated June 30, 2017, lists two

4130cashier jobs. The nature of that work would not contribute to the r equisite

4144work experience . The application also lists work as a paid childcare worker at

4158Smiles Child c are from October 2014 to November 2016. However, there is no

4172mention of work with the t arget population at that job.

41835 2 . The resume for Ms. Morffi lists the same work experience that was

4198listed on the application. Again, there is no reference to work with the t arget

4213popula tion at the childcare job. The resume further indicates that Ms. Morffi

4226Ñspecializes in homes for the elderly and youth detention facilities.Ò However,

4237there is no listing of that type of work on the application or resume.

42515 3 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed a

4264b ackground s creening requested by Respondent . The screening indicates that

4276Ms. Morffi was not eligible to work with the t arget population until

4289February 2017. Because Respondent requested the screening , it knew or

4299should have known that Ms. Morffi did not have the r equisite work

4312experience .

43145 4 . Documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed a letter of

4328reference dated September 5, 2017, from Lazaro Noel Suarez. That letter is

4340dated post - hire and was provided to A HCA post - PAR. It references one year

4357of BA work. However, it provides no specific dates or date range, and contains

4371no contact information that could be used to verify the information. Neither

4383the application nor the resume indicates any BA work prior to R espondent to

4397which this letter could correlate.

44025 5 . Documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed a letter of

4416reference dated July 30, 2017, from Doris Jimenez. That letter is dated post -

4430hire and was provided to AHCA post - PAR. It makes no refer ence to work

4446with the t arget population . It makes no mention of the relationship between

4460Ms. Morffi and Ms. Jimenez. The letter does not indicate where the work was


44755 6 . Documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain a letter of

4488referenc e dated April 5, 2018. The author is unknown as the signature is

4502illegible. That letter is dated post - hire and was provided to AHCA post - PAR.

4518It references work at Smiles Child care from October 2014 to May 2017. While

4532the letter mentions work with the t arg et population , there is no way to

4547determine who wrote the letter or the authorÔs relationship to Ms. Morffi. The

4560letter contains no contact information that could be used to verify the

4572information. The dates of service in the letter conflict with the dates of

4585service listed by Ms. Morffi in her application and resume. The letter

4597indicates that Ms. Morffi was a volunteer, while her application indicates she

4609earned $10.00 per hour. While volunteer work would count toward requisite

4620work experience , t he conflic ting information undermines the credibility of

4631both this letter and the information provided by Ms. Morffi .

46425 7 . Based on the conflicting information regarding Smiles Childcare ,

4653Ms. Herold attempted to verify the information. Smiles Childcare had no

4664in ternet website and was not listed by the State as a childcare facility.

46785 8 . The last paid claim for Ms. Morffi is March 16, 2018. Not only could

4695the April 5, 2018, letter not have been used to verify work in the hiring

4710process, it also was not created until after the audit period and over

4723two weeks after the end of Ms. MorffiÔs employment with Respondent .

47355 9 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit and

4749during litigation did not substantiate that Ms. Morffi had the documented

4760r equisite work experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit

4775period or by the end of the last paid claim in the audit period, or that she

4792satisfied the t raining requirement .

4798Luig u i Melendez Tijerino

480360 . The application for Luigui Melendez Tijerino, dated January 30, 2017,

4815lists overlapping work as a Pharmacy Tech at Walmart from June 2012 to

4828Ñ presentÒ ( presuma bly the date of the application) and as a food prepper at

4844WendyÔs from October 2013 to June 2014. There is no indication of work with

4858the t arget population and the nature of those jobs would not contribute to the

4873r equisite work experience . Overlapping with the Pharmacy technician job,

4884Mr. Melendez Tijerino also listed BA work with ABA Pro Support Services

4896(ÑABA Pro SupportÒ) f rom May 2015 to January 31, 2017.

49076 1 . The resume for Mr. Melendez Tijerino lists the same jobs as indicated

4922on the application and also lists work as a server at ÑThe ChelseaÒ from

4936April 2011 to September 2013. There is no indication of work with the t arget

4951population and the nature of that job would not contribute to the r equisite

4965work experience .

49686 2 . Documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain a b ackground

4981s creening requested by Respondent . The screening indicates that Mr.

4992Melendez Tijerin o was not eligible to work with the t arget population until

5006October 2016. Because Respondent requested the screening , it knew or

5016should have known that Mr. Melendez Tijerino did not have the r equisite

5029work experience .

50326 3 . Documents submitted to AHCA b y Respondent contain an undated

5045letter of reference from Xochilt Povsic . 3 That letter was provided to AHCA

5059post - PAR. That letter references work with the t arget population , but it does

5074not mention any dates that would allow anyone to determine if it satisf ied the

5089r equisite work experience . The letter does not mention where the BA services

5103were allegedly performed, and the only indication of BA work on

5114Mr. Melendez TijerinoÔs application and resume was at ABA Pro Support .

51266 4 . Based on the conflicting in formation regarding work at ABA Pro

5140Support, Ms. Herold looked further into the matter. In response to the letter

5153sent to ABA Pro Support for the BA statewide review, ABA Pro Support

5166advised th at Mr. Melendez Tijerino was never an employee. That informatio n

5179was provided to AHCA on January 12, 2018.

51873 Ms. Povsic is another rendering provider at issue in the audit. Ms. Povsic may be or may

5205have been related to Mr. Melendez Tijerin o as the documents submitted by Respondent for

5220her indicate she used to be called Xochilt Tijerino.

52296 5 . Documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain a letter of

5242reference dated September 23, 2016, from Walmart, that was provided to

5253AHCA post - PAR. That letter does not reference work with the t arget

5267pop ulation and the nature of the job would not contribute to the r equisite

5282work experience .

52856 6 . Mr. Melendez Tijerino began working for Respondent on November 1,

52982017. The last paid claim for Mr. Melendez Tijerino was January 27, 2018.

53116 7 . The docum ents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit and

5326during litigation did not substantiate that Mr. Melendez Tijerino had the

5337r equisite work experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit

5352period or by the end of the last paid claim in t he audit period, or that he

5370satisfied the t raining requirement .

5376Maria Oduber

53786 8 . The application for Maria Oduber, dated November 29, 2017, lists

5391Ñyoung care workerÒ with ÑLoyal Resource/CHSÒ from August 2015 to

5401March 2017. There is no mention of work with the t arget population

5414associated with that job. Overlapping with that job, the application lists work

5426as client support with HOPWA Housing from March 2010 to January 2017.

5438The application also lists work as an ESOL (English for Speakers of Other

5451Languages) teacher at Greystone Elementary School and as a theater teacher

5462in ÑCaracas.Ò There is no indication of work with the t arget population and

5476the nature of those jobs would not contribute to the r equisite work

5489experience .

54916 9 . The resume for Ms. Oduber listed the same jobs as listed on the

5507application. There was still no mention of work with the t arget population for

5521any of those jobs.

552570 . Ms. Oduber began working for Respondent on January 2, 2018. The

5538last paid claim for Ms. Oduber was March 17, 2018.

55487 1 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit and

5562during litigation did not substantiate that Ms. Oduber had the r equisite work

5575experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit period or by the

5591end of the last paid claim in the audit period, or that she satisfied the

5606t raining requirement .

5610Mey Weiss Rodriquez

56137 2 . The application for Mey Weiss Rodriguez is dated October 4, 2017, on

5628the front and October 10, 2017, on the back. The application lis ts work as an

5644assistant at Eliseo Reyes School in ÑS. Spiritus, Cuba,Ò from September 2010

5657to December 2014. There is no mention of work with the t arget population

5671associated with the job. The application also lists work at Provincial

5682Veterinary Laboratory from August 1997 to August 2010. There is no

5693indication of work with the t arget population and the nature of that job

5707would not contribute to the r equisite work experience .

57177 3 . The resume submitted for Ms. Weiss Rodriguez lists the same work on

5732the application, but with less specific information regarding dates, and no

5743information regarding location or contact information. Contrary to the

5752application, work with the t arget population is listed for Eliseo Reyes S chool.

5766The resume also claims that Ms. W eiss Rodriguez is an RBT even though

5780Respondent stipulated that none of the rendering providers at issue obtained

5791an RBT by January 1, 2019.

57977 4 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed a letter

5811of recommendation dated October 4, 2017, from Carmen Yebra. The letter

5822was provided to AHCA post - PAR and makes no mention of work with the

5837t arget population .

58417 5 . Due to the conflict regarding whether there was work with the t arget

5857population , and the fact there was no documentation of indep endent

5868verification of that matter, Ms. Herold attempted to verify the work

5879experience. No search engine provi ded a listing for Eliseo Reyes S chool and

5893Google Maps, while providing detailed information on Sancti Spiritus, Cuba,

5903indicated the address listed on the application does not exist.

59137 6 . The last paid claim for Ms. Weis s Rodriguez was March 17, 2018.

59297 7 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit and

5943during litigation did not substantiate that Ms. Weiss Rodriguez had the

5954r equisite work experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit

5969period , or by the end of the last paid claim in the audit period, or that she

5986satisfied the t raining requirement .

5992Sorelys Ferros

59947 8 . On her application dated March 14, 2017, Sorelys Ferros lists work as

6009an RBT with MHB Consultants Group (ÑMHBÒ) beginning in December 2015

6020with no end date listed. However, Respondent stipulated that none of the

6032rendering providers at issue obtained an RBT by January 1, 2019.

60437 9 . The r esume for Ms. Ferros lists the job at MHB and also lists work at

6062Respondent from March 2017 to present. On her resume , Ms. Ferros also

6074indicates that she obtained her RBT certification in December 2015.

6084However, as indicated above, Respondent stipulated th at none of the

6095rendering providers at issue obtained an RBT by January 1, 2019.

610680 . Documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain a b ackground

6118s creening requested by Respondent . The screening indicates that Ms. Ferros

6130was not eligible to work with the t arget population until June 2016. As such,

6145she could not have obtained her RBT certification by December 2015.

6156Because Respondent requested the screening , it knew or should have known

6167that Ms. Ferros did not have the r equisite work experience and tha t she was

6183not actually an RBT .

61888 1 . The last paid claim for Ms. Ferros was February 2, 2018.

62028 2 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit and

6216during litigation did not substantiate that Ms. Ferros had the r equisite work

6229experi ence at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit period , or by the

6246end of the last paid claim in the audit period, or that she satisfied the

6261t raining requirement .

6265Teresita Rodriguez

62678 3 . The application for Teresita Rodriguez, dated Augus t 10, 2017, lists

6281two jobs as an HHA - BA , 4 one with Gifted Health Group, Inc. (ÑGiftedÒ) , from

6297January 2010 to February 2014, and the other with NoryÔs Home Services,

6309Inc. (ÑNoryÔs Ò ) , from February 2014 to April 2015. There is no indication of

6324how long Ms. Rodriguez worked in the capacity of an HHA versus as a BA at

6340either job. There is no indication of work with the t arget population in the

6355HHA job at Gifted or NoryÔs. The application also listed work as an HHA at

6370Homecare for Neighborhood Home Health (ÑNei ghborhoodÒ) from April 2015

6380to ÑactualÒ (presumably, the date of the application, August 10, 2017). There

6392is no mention of work with the t arget population in the job with


64078 4 . The resume for Ms. Rodriguez, lists the same jobs listed on th e

6423application ; however, the work with Neighborhood is listed on the resume as

6435HHA - BA , and not HHA Homecare. The resume provides more description for

6448each job , and only the job at Gifted describes work with the t arget population .

64648 5 . Documents submitt ed to AHCA by Respondent contain a b ackground

6478s c reening requested by Respondent . The screening indicates that Ms.

6490Rodriguez was not eligible to work with the t arget population until

6502September 2015. Based on the screening, Ms. Rodriguez could not have

6513worke d with the t arget population at NoryÔs, Neighborhood , or Gifted before

6526then. Because Respondent requested the screening , it knew or should have

6537known that Ms. Rodriguez did not have the r equisite work experience .

65508 6 . The documents submitted to AHCA b y Respondent contain ed an

6564undated letter of reference from Josie Vallejo. That letter does not reference

6576any work with the t arget population but specifically mentions work with Ms.

6589VallejoÔs mother, a senior, although it does not provide any dates. The let ter

6603mentioned that Ms. Vallejo had been a friend of Ms. Rodriguez for six years.

66174 Presumably, ÑHHAÒ as used in applications and on resumes of rendering providers stands

6631for Home Health Aide .

66368 7 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain an undated

6649letter of refer ence from Danitza Montero. The letter from Ms. Montero states

6662Ms. Rodriguez cared for Ms. MonteroÔs son, but does not indicate the son was

6676a member of the t arget population .

66848 8 . Ms. Rodriguez began working for Respondent on December 26, 2017.

6697There is no documentation indicating that Ms. Rodriguez worked for Gifted

6708past August 10, 201 7. The last paid claim for Ms. Rodriguez was March 17,


67248 9 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit and

6738during litigation did not substantiate that Ms. Rodriguez had the r equisite

6750work experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit period , or by

6766the end of the last paid claim in the audit period, or that she satisfied the

6782t raining requirement .

6786Xochilt Povsic

678890 . The application for Xochilt Povsic, dated January 31, 2017, states she

6801worked as a member ship coordinator for SamÔs Club, and a dietary aide at

6815Bentley Commons at Paragon Village in New Jersey. There is no indication of

6828work with the t arget population at either job , and the nature of those jobs

6843would not contribute to the r equisite work experi ence . Overlapping the

6856dietary aide job, on her application Ms. Povsic also indicates work as a BA at

6871two private practice/personal care jobs. Ms. Povsic states she worked for

6882Maria Mora from August 2013 to June 2015 and that she worked for Miriam

6896Ponzano f rom September 2014 to December 2015.

69049 1 . The resume for Ms. Povsic listed the same jobs and dates as listed on

6921the application and also listed another dietary aide job with Fellowship

6932Village in New Jersey. The resume contains descriptions of the typ e of work

6946performed at each job. There is no mention of work with the t arget population

6961at either dietary aide job or in the job at SamÔs Club, and those jobs would not

6978be of the type to contribute to the r equisite work experience . The work for

6994Ms. Mora wa s described by Ms. Povsic as providing BA services from

7007August 2013 to June 2015 to a Ñ3 - 4 [year old child]Ò with autism, ADHD , and

7024behavior disorders. The work for Ms. Ponzano was described by Ms. Povsic as

7037providing BA services from September 2014 to Dec ember 2015 to twin boys,

7050Ñ1 - 2 years oldÒ with behavior disorders and ADHD.

70609 2 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed a letter

7074from Miriam Ponzano that is not dated and was provided to AHCA post - PAR.

7089While Ms. Ponzano confirms that Ms . Povsic cared for her boys, there is no

7104indication that the children were part of the t arget population or that any

7118work performed contributed to the r equisite work experience . In addition, the

7131dates of service listed by Ms. Ponzano conflict with the date s listed by Ms.

7146Povsic. Ms. Ponzano indicated the Ms. Povsic cared for her sons from

7158November 2015 to March 2016, not September 2014 to December 2015, as

7170had been asserted by Ms. Povsic on her application and resume.

71819 3 . The documents submitted to AH CA by Respondent also contain ed a

7196letter from Maria Mor a , that is not dated , and was provided to AHCA post -

7212PAR. Ms. Mora did not confirm that Ms. Povsic had cared for her 3 to 4 - year -

7231old son with autism, ADHD , and behavior disorders, as Ms. Povsic had

7243indi cated. Rather, Ms. MoraÔs letter indicates that Ms. Povsic was her

7255caretaker, performing personal tasks such as picking up medicines and

7265buying groceries. Ms. Mora does not indicate that she is part of the t arget

7280population and the services listed are not of the type to contribute to the

7294r equisite work experience . In addition, the dates of service listed by Ms. Mora

7309conflict with the dates listed by Ms. Povsic. Ms. Mora indicates that Ms.

7322Povsic cared for her during the winter of 2014 to 2015 (even mentioni ng that

7337Ms. Povsic shoveled snow for her), not August 2013 to June 2015, as had been

7352indicated by Ms. Povsic on her application and resume.

73619 4 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed a letter

7375from Maydelis Cruz. The letter is not date d and was provided to AHCA post -

7391PAR. Ms. Cruz indicates she has known Ms. Povsic for 20 years. Ms. Cruz

7405indicates that Ms. Povsic assisted with her son, who has Down Syndrome,

7417from November 2011 to March 2013. Ms. Povsic would only have been

742917 years old a t that time.

74369 5 . The last paid claim for Ms. Povsic was March 17, 2018.

74509 6 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit and

7464during litigation did not substantiate that Xochilt Povsic had the r equisite

7476work experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit period , or by

7492the end of the last paid claim in the audit period, or that she satisfied the

7508t raining requirement .

7512Yaima Alvarez

75149 7 . The application for Yaima Alvarez, dated August 10, 2017, listed two

7528overl apping HHA jobs: ÑFaith,Ò from July 2016 to ÑpresentÒ (presumably

7540August 10, 2017, the date of the application) ; and Home Health Solutions,

7552from June 2017 to present (August 10, 2017). There is no indication of work

7566with the t arget population for either jo b.

75759 8 . The resume for Ms. Alvarez lists no work experience, but has listings

7590under ÑProfessional AffiliationsÒ that appear to be a work history. Faith

7601Health Care, Inc. , is listed with dates that correspond to the listing for Faith

7615on the application. There is no mention of a job title or work with the t arget

7632population regarding Faith Health Care, Inc. Solutions Group, Inc. , is also

7643listed under ÑProfessional Affiliations.Ò As with Faith Health Care, Inc., there

7654is no mention of her job title or work with the t arget population . That listing

7671does not appear to be the same job that is listed as Home Health Solutions on

7687the resume as the dates do not correspond. There is no indication of work

7701with the t arget population for Faith Health Care, Inc. , or Solu tions Group,

7715Inc. There is also a listing for ÑL.G. (R.B.T. patient).Ò However, as indicated

7728before, Respondent stipulated that none of the rendering providers at issue

7739obtained an RBT by January 1, 2019 .

77479 9 . Ms. Alvarez began working for Respondent o n December 12, 2017. The

7762last paid claim for Ms. Alvarez was February 8, 2018.

7772100 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit

7784and during litigation did not substantiate that Ms. Alvarez had the r equisite

7797work experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit period or by

7813the end of the last paid claim in the audit period, or that she satisfied the

7829t raining requirement .

7833Yudisley Garces

783510 1 . The application for Yudisley Garces, dated April 20, 2017, lists

7848overlap ping CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) jobs. One was with AAA

7859Home Health Service (ÑAAAÒ) from June 2014 to today (April 20, 2017) and

7872the other is with Alma Care, Inc. (ÑAlma CareÒ) , from August 2015 to ÑtodayÒ

7886(presumably the date of the application, Apr il 20, 2017). There is no

7899indication of work with the t arget population for either job.

791010 2 . The resume for Ms. Garces only lists the job for AAA. However, the

7926dates listed on the resume for that job (beginning June 2014) conflict with the

7940dates liste d on the application (beginning February 2014). There is no

7952indication of work with the target population associated with that job. The

7964resume also listed two jobs (one at a hospital in Cuba and the other at a

7980hospital in Venezuela) performing puncture asp iration biopsies and cervical

7990cancer diagnoses. There is no mention of work with the t arget population at

8004either of those hospital jobs, and those jobs would not be of the type to

8019contribute to the requisite work experience .

802610 3 . The last paid claim f or Ms. Garces was March 17, 2018.

804110 4 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit

8054and during litiga tion did not substantiate that Ms. Garces had the r equisite

8068work experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit period , or by

8084the end of the last paid claim in the audit period, or that she satisfied the

8100t raining requirement .

8104Zerelys Lauzerique

810610 5 . The resume for Zerelys Lauzerique lists work with ÑLenin &

8119DaughterÒ and Ignite Christian Academy (ÑIgniteÒ). There is no indication of

8130work with the target population regarding the job at Ignite. It also lists work

8144as a fitness coach with Beach Body, as a Youth Pastor at Cross Church, and

8159as an Assistant Director at Flames of Fire Bible School (ÑFlames of FireÒ) ,

8172that is not listed on the application. The Beach Body work overlaps the BA

8186work with Lenin & Daughter. There is no indication of working with the

8199t arget population associated with the jobs at Beach Body , Cross Church , or

8212Flames of Fire, and those jobs would no t be of the type to contribute to the

8229r equisite work experience .

823410 6 . The application for Ms. Lauzerique, dated December 4, 2017, lists

8247work as a BA with Lenin & Daughter from December 2016 to ÑcurrentÒ

8260(presumably the date of the application, Decembe r 4, 2017) and as a Teacher

8274Assistant with Ignite from August 2014 to August 2015. There is no mention

8287of work with the t arget population regarding the job at Ignite.

829910 7 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Respondent contain ed a letter

8313of reference d ated December 5, 2016, from Melanie Reyes, a Ñclose friend.Ò

8326The letter from Ms. Reyes does not indicate any work with the t arget

8340population and instead pertains to Ms. La uzeriqueÔs work at Beach Body.

835210 8 . The documents submitted to AHCA by Responde nt also contain ed a

8367letter of reference dated December 2016 from Reverend Abram Gomez of

8378Cross Church. The letter indicates that he worked with Ms. Lauzerique for

8390two years, but does not indicate any work with the t arget population .

840410 9 . Ms. Lauzeriq ue began working for Respondent on December 11, 2017.

8418The last paid claim for Ms. Lauzerique was January 6, 2018.

84291 10 . The documents submitted by Respondent to AHCA for Ms.

8441Lauzerique contain ed training certificates for both the 20 - hour BA course and

8455the 40 - hour RBT course.

846111 1 . The documents provided by Respondent to AHCA during the audit

8474and during litigation d id not substantiate that Ms. Lauzerique had the

8486requisite work experience at the time of hire, at the beginning of the audit

8500period , or by the end of the last paid claim in the audit period.

8514Respondent's Response

851611 2 . The owner of Hour Bliss, Inc., Mr. Perez - Delgado, testified on behalf

8532of Respondent. He is a Board - Certified Behavior Analyst, has a masterÔs

8545certification in addiction , and is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor.

8555Mr. Perez - Delgado testified that Respondent served populations in Miami

8566that no other company would because of the crime.

857511 3 . Mr. Perez - Delgado said that when he enrolled Respondent as a BA

8591provider, many of the rendering providers he hired had worked at other

8603companies where he had also worked , and because of this, he believed they

8616met the qualifications required to serve as BAs .

862511 4 . Mr. Perez - Delgado testified that he provided records he thought wer e

8641relevant to the Medicaid investigation beginning in August 2017, and again

8652in January 2018 and April 2019. If there had been a proble m , he would have

8668liked AHCA to institute a corrective action plan. However, he alleges the next

8681communication from AHCA w as terminating his Medicaid provider number

8691without cause. Later, he received notice of the audit . Much of the testimony

8705from Mr. Perez - Delgado concerned events that occurred prior to the audit

8718beginning in November 2018, and the issuance of the PAR and FA R in 2019.

8733These events are obviously related to the pre - payment review or other

8746matters with AHCA, and not the audit.

875311 5 . Mr. Perez - Delgado testified that several of his rendering providers

8767were parents of children with autism or ADHD. Accordingly, they had more

8779than the requisite experience with the target population. However, he did not

8791document that in the files provided to the Agency . Nor did he timely provide

8806recor d s demonstrating that these same workers met the training

8817requirement. Mr. Perez - D elgado offered no information regarding how or

8829whether he verified prior work experience of these BAs in question.


884811 6 . In this case, AHCA presented credible, persuasive evidence

8859establishing that the audit giving rise to this pro ceeding wa s properly

8872conducted. AHCA obtained and reviewed records from Respondent , issued a

8882PAR, reviewed additional records submitted after the PAR, issued the FAR,

8893and even then continued to review records and consider evidenced that, by

8905giving Responde nt the benefit of the doubt whenever possible, further

8916reduced the overpayment.

891911 7 . In this audit, AHCA examined the records provided by Respondent to

8933determine if it maintained business records and Medicaid - related records

8944establishing that its renderin g providers met the qualifications set forth in

8956the BA Handbook. The BA Handbook required no special documentation.

8966Respondent , as are all providers who contract to provide Medicaid services,

8977was required to keep contemporaneous records regarding entitleme nt to

8987payment, including employment eligibility, an d compliance with all Medicaid

8997r ules, regulations, handbooks , and policies.

900311 8 . Respondent failed to provide AHCA with documentation that its

9015rendering providers met the qualifications set forth in the B A Handbook . Of

9029the 14 BA providers in dispute, 12 lacked any documentation of the requisite

9042work experience with the target population and meeting the training

9052requirement. Only two BAs, Mr. Rodriguez and Ms. Lazerique, met the

9063training requirements , but d id not meet the required work experience with

9075the target population.


908311 9 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

9095parties to and the subject matter of this proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57,

9108Fla. Stat.

91101 20 . T he burden of proof is on Petitioner to prove the material allegations

9126by a preponderance of the evidence. See e.g., S. Med. Servs., Inc. v. Ag. for

9141Health Care Admin. , 653 So. 2d 440, 441 (Fla. 3d DCA 1995); Southpointe

9154Pharm. v. Dep't of HRS , 596 So. 2d 1 06, 109 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992).

91691 21 . Pursuant to section 409.913, Petitioner is authorized to recover

9181Medicaid overpayments from Medicaid providers . Under section

9189409.913 (1)(e), an ÑoverpaymentÒ is defined as Ñany amount that is not

9201authorized to be paid by t he Medicaid program whether paid as a result of

9216inaccurate or improper cost reporting, improper claiming, unacceptable

9224practices, fraud, abuse, or mistake.Ò Under section 409.913(1)(a), ÑabuseÒ is

9234defined, in pertinent part, as Ñ[p]rovider practices that a re inconsistent with

9246generally accepted businessÈpractices and that result in an unnecessary cost

9256to the Medicaid programÈ.Ò

926012 2 . The failure of a Medicaid provider to document that its employees

9274meet the applicable qualifications to provide services in ac cordance with the

9286applicable Medicaid handbooks and the Provider Enrollment Agreement is

9295inconsistent with generally accepted business practices. See Ag. For Health

9305Care Admin. v. Zenith Psych. Ser v s . , Case No. 19 - 3666MPI ( Fla. DOAH

9322Jan. 14, 2020, p. 12, ¶ 28; Fla. AHCA Feb. 12, 2020).

933412 3 . AHCA is authorized to impose sanctions on a provider, including

9347administrative fines. § 409.913(16), Fla. Stat. To impose an administrative

9357fine, AHCA must establish by clear and convincing evidence the factual

9368grounds f or doing so. Dep't of Banking & Fin., Div. of Sec. & Investor Prot. v.

9385Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 935 (Fla.1996); Dep't of Child. & Fams.

9400v. Davis Fam. Day Care Home , 160 So. 3d 854, 857 (Fla. 2015).

941312 4 . Sections 409.913(7) (e) and (f), require providers to present claims for

9427reimbursement in accordance with all Medicaid rules, regulations, and

9436handbooks, and to appropriately document all good s and services provided.

9447The Medicaid rules and handbooks applicable to all Medicaid providers, and

9458the N on - Institutional Medicaid Provider Agreement signed by Respondent

9469set forth the type of documentation required to be kept. No specialized

9481documentation was required by the BA Handbook or requested in this audit.

949312 5 . In this case, AHCA presented credible, persuasive evidence

9504establishing that the audit giving rise to this proceeding was prop erly

9516conducted. AHCA presented documentary and testimonial evidence that

9524supports the denial of the claims at issue in this proceeding. Respondent was

9537required to keep c ontemporaneous records regarding entitlement to payment,

9547including employment eligibility, and compliance with all Medicaid Rules,

9556regulations, handbooks , and policies. Respondent failed to provide AHCA

9565with documentation that its rendering providers met t he qualifications set

9576forth in the BA Handbook.

958112 6 . Based on these standards and the foregoing Findings of Fact, AHCA

9595proved, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Respondent was overpaid a

9607total of $237,802.50 for claims that failed to comply with the laws, rules, and

9622regulations governing Medicaid providers .

962712 7 . AHCA presented unrefuted, competent , and substantial testimony

9637that Respondent provided additional documentation after the PAR was

9646issued. AHCA demonstrated its entitlement to sanctions by clear and

9656convincing evidence in this proceeding. AHCA is entitled to a sanction of

9668$2,500.00 pursuant to r ule 59G - 9.070(7)(c) .

967812 8 . Pursuant to section 409.913(23), as the prevailing party in this

9691proceeding, AHCA is entitled to recover, as costs, all investigative, legal, and

9703expert witness costs. At the time AHCA issued the FAR, it was seeking costs

9717in the amount of $1,280.00. Additional costs were incurred in preparing for

9730and attending the final hearing and filing post - hearing submittals.


9744Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

9757R ECOMMENDED tha t the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final

9770order incorporating the terms of this Recommended Order as follows:

97801. AHCA overpaid Respondent the s um of $237,802.50 for BA services and

9794Respondent must reimburse the Agency for those payments.

98022. AHCA is entitled to an administrative sanction in the amount of


98163. AHCA , as the prevailing party in this proceeding , is entitled to recover,

9829from R espondent, costs inclu ding all investigative, legal, and expert witness

9841costs .

9843D ONE A ND E NTERED this 27 th day of April , 2020 , in Tallahassee, Leon

9859County, Florida.



9868Administrative Law Judge

9871Division of Administrative Hearings

9875The DeSoto Building

98781230 Apalachee Parkway

9881Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

9886(850) 488 - 9675

9890Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


9897Filed with the Clerk of the

9903Division of Administrative Hearings

9907this 27th day of April , 2020 .


9919Julio Cesar P erez - Delgado

9925Hour Bliss, Inc.

9928Apartment 406

9930888 Brickell Key Drive

9934Miami, Florida 33131


9938Susan Sapoznikoff, Esquire

9941Agency for Health Care Administration

99462727 Mahan Drive , Mail Stop 3

9952Tallahassee, Florida 32308


9956Kimberly Murray, Esqu ire

9960Agency for Health Care Administration

99652727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

9971Tallahassee, Florida 32308


9975Richard J. Shoop, Agency Clerk

9980A gency for H ealth C are A dministration

99892727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

9995Tallahassee, Florida 32308


9999Stefan Grow, General Counsel

10003Agency for Health Care Administration

100082727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

10014Tallahassee, Florida 32308


10018Mary C. Mayhew, Secretary

10022Agency for Health Care Administration

100272727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 1

10033Tallahassee, Florida 32308

10036(eSer ved)

10038Shena L. Grantham, Esquire

10042Agency for Health Care Administration

10047Building 3, Room 3407B

100512727 Mahan Drive

10054Tallahassee, Florida 32308


10058Thomas M. Hoeler, Esquire

10062Agency for Health Care Administration

100672727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

10073Tallahassee, Florida 32308



10088All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

10101the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

10112Order should be filed with the agency that w ill issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/29/2020
Proceedings: Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/29/2020
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 06/26/2020
Proceedings: Agency's Motion to Re-Open Case as to Costs filed. (DOAH CASE NO. 20-3054F ESTABLISHED)
Date: 06/09/2020
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/27/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/27/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 9, 2020). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/27/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/06/2020
Proceedings: Agency's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/06/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/03/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/26/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 03/26/2020
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/09/2020
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/09/2020
Proceedings: Agency's Motion to Strike/Exclude from Evidence Documents That Were Untimely Provided, Previously Withheld, and/or Were Advised to be Non-Exisitent filed.
Date: 03/09/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Exhibits and Exhibit List (Motion to Determine Confidentiality of Document) filed.
Date: 03/09/2020
Proceedings: (Corrected) Exhibit List and Exhibits filed by Respondent (confidential documents, not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 03/05/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Exhibits and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 03/05/2020
Proceedings: Respondent exhibit list filed (medical information; not available for viewing) filed by Respondent.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 03/04/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Witness List filed.
Date: 03/04/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Witness List filed. (FILED IN ERROR)
Date: 03/04/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Exhibits and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 03/03/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/02/2020
Proceedings: Order Granting Unopposed Motion to Restrict the Use and Disclosure of Information Concerning Medicaid Beneficiaries.
Date: 03/02/2020
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/28/2020
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion to Restrict the Use and Disclosure of Information Concerning Medicaid Beneficiaries filed.
Date: 01/27/2020
Proceedings: Notice Regarding Agency's First Request for Admissions, Respondent's Contestation filed.
Date: 01/24/2020
Proceedings: Expert Interrogatories filed.
Date: 01/24/2020
Proceedings: Notice Regarding Agency's Contestation to Interrogatories filed (confidential information, not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 01/17/2020
Proceedings: Response to Agency Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 01/17/2020
Proceedings: Notice Regarding Agency's First Request for Admissions, Respondent's Contestation filed.
Date: 01/06/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Deposition Pursuant to Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.310(b)(6) filed.
Date: 12/19/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Kimberly Murray) filed.
Date: 12/19/2019
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 12/19/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 9 through 11, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 12/19/2019
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/18/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Respondent Conferring and Providing Responses to Petitioner for Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/12/2019
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Agency's First Interrogatories and Expert Interrogatories, First Request for Admissions, and First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 12/12/2019
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 12/11/2019
Proceedings: Final Audit Report filed.
Date: 12/11/2019
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 12/11/2019
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):