20-000100 Department Of Children And Families vs. Chappell Schools, Llc, D/B/A Chappell Schools Deerwood
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, May 14, 2020.

View Dockets  
Summary: Department did not demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that childcare facility failed to follow its own disciplinary policies.





22Petitioner ,

23vs. Case No. 20 - 0100



41Respondent .



48Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was conducted in this case on

60March 12 , 2020, in Jacksonville , Florida, before Lawrence P. Stevenson, a

71duly - design ated Administrative Law Judge (Ñ ALJ Ò ) of the Division of

86A dministrative Hearings.


91For Petitioner: David G regory Tucker, Esquire

98Department of Children and Families

1035920 Arlington Expressway

106Jacksonville, Florida 32 231 - 0083

112For Respondent: Jesse N olan Dreicer, Esquire

119Tassone, Dreicer & Hill

1231833 Atlantic Boulevard

126Jacksonville, Florida 32207


137At issue is whe ther Respondent committed the Class II violation alleged

149in the Administrative Complaint and, if so, what is the appropriate penalty.


165On December 19, 2019, the Department of Children and Families (the

176Ñ Department Ò ) filed a one - count Administrative Complaint (the Ñ Complaint Ò )

192against Chappell Schools, LLC, d/b/a Chappell Schools Deerwood

200(ÑChappellÒ) . The Complaint stated that during a complaint investigation on

211October 10, 2019 , Department Licensing Counselor Gretrell Marshall

219observe d the following:

223A staff member did not comply with the facility's

232written disciplinary and expulsion policies.

237Counselor reviewed the facility's discipline and

243expulsion policy and observed that the director D.T.

251did not comply with the policy. Counselor reviewed

259accident/incident reports and observed that a child

266E.W. bit another child A.H. five (5) times in one (1)

277week and at least twice in one (1) day during that

288week. There were other reports that showed the

296child had bitten other children several tim es within

305a two (2) month period. Per director D. T. the child

316was suspended for one (1) day. According to the

325facility's Child Management Behavior protocol:

330After two (2) incidents in one (1) week, the child

340will be suspended for one (1) day; after five ( 5)

351incidents the child will be suspended for one (1)

360week. The child E.W. mother K.W. arrived at the

369center for a meeting due to another biting attempt

378and to discuss a course of action with director.

387The Complaint stated that this was a Class II violati on of child care

401licensing standards. It was the facilityÔs third Class II violation within a two -

415year period. The Complaint stated that the fine imposed for this violation

427would be $60.00 and revocation of ChappellÔs Gold Seal Quality Care

438designation .

440C happell timely filed with the Department a letter that challenged the

452factual allegations of the Complaint and requested a formal administrative

462hearing. On January 10, 2020, the Department forwarded Chappell's request

472to the Division of Administrative Hea rings for the scheduling and conduct of

485a formal hearing. The case was set for hearing on March 12, 2020, on which

500date it was convened and completed.

506At the hearing, the Department presented the testimony of its Licensing

517Counselor, Gretrell Marshall. Th e DepartmentÔs Exhibits A and B were

528admitted into evidence. Chappell presented the testimony of its Chief

538Executive Officer, Nancy Dreicer. ChappellÔs Exhibits A through C were

548admitted into evidence.

551The one - volume Transcript of the hearing was filed at the Division of

565Administrative Hearings on April 14, 2020. At the close of the hearing, the

578parties agreed that they would file their proposed recommended orders

588within 20 days of the filing of the transcript. In any event, both parties timely

603filed their Proposed Recommended Orders on April 17, 2020.

612All references to the Florida Statutes are to the 2019 edition, unless

624otherwise noted.


631Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the

645following Findings of Fact are made:

6511. The Department is authorized to regulate child care facilities pursuant

662to sections 402.301 through 402.319, Florida Statutes. Section 402.310

671authorizes the Department to take disciplinary action against child care

681facilities for violations o f sections 402.301 through 402.319.

6902. Chappell operates at eight child care locations in Duval and St. Johns

703Counties, admitting children from the ages of six weeks to five years.

715Chappell also has an after school program for children ages five to eight, and

729a summer camp for children ages five to ten. Chappell is licensed to operate

743the Chi ld Care Facility at 8400 Baycenter R oa d, Jacksonville, Florida,

756pursuant to License Number C04DU0093. The facility on Baycenter Road is

767commonly called ChappellÔs Deerw ood facility.

7733. Gretrell Marshall works for the Department as a Licens ing Counselor .

786She inspects child care facilities and family daycare homes to ensure they are

799not operating in violation of Department standards. She has worked for the

811Department for t wo years. Ms. MarshallÔs previous experience includes

821operating a family daycare home for two years , and seven years as the owner

835and director of a licensed child care facility in Jacksonville. She has worked

848as an infant and toddler development specialist and holds a bachelor's degree

860in psychology.

8624. On October 10, 2019, Ms. Marshall went to Chappell to investigate a

875parentÔs complaint that a child at the facility was repeatedly biting other


8885. The DepartmentÔs rules require child care faciliti es to document all

900accidents and incidents that occur while a child is in the care of program

914staff. The incident reports must be completed on the same day the incident

927occurs. The documentation of the incident must be shared with the childÔs

939parent or gua rdian on the day the incident occurs .

9506. ChappellÔs Ñaccident/incident reportÒ form contained spaces for the

959name and age of the child, the names of the teachers and other adults

973present, and the date and time of the incident. It had multiple choice check -

988boxes for location (classroom, playground, bathroom, cafeteria, or ÑotherÒ);

997markings (abrasion, bite, bruise, bump, cut/tear, fracture, puncture, red

1006mark, rug burn, scratch, sprain, or ÑotherÒ); appendage (a list of 26 body

1019parts); and first aid given (i rrigate, antibacterial soap, bandage, ice pack,

1031splint, or ÑotherÒ). The form also included space for a narrative description of

1044the accident or incident , and whether the parent was called.

10547 . Ms. Marshall found several accident/incident r eports that stude nt E.W.,

1067a two - year - old boy, bit other children and a teacher between August 21

1083and October 4, 2019 .

10888 . On August 21, 2019, E.W. bit another student in the back while jostling

1103for position in a line . T he skin was not broken and the bite did not require

1121fir st aid. Chappell recorded that the bite left bite marks.

11329. An August 27, 2019, incident report described two biting incidents on

1144the same day. First, E.W. bit another student Ñjust becauseÒ and pulled

1156another studentÔs hair. Then, E.W. indicated to the te acher that he had to use

1171the bathroom. The teacher took him to the bathroom but the child just ate

1185toilet paper and urinated on himself. When the teacher tried to change his

1198diaper, E.W. bit and kicked the teacher.

120510. For the August 27, 2019, incident, Ch appellÔs accident/incident report

1216form left blank the first aid treatment space. Th e report noted the bites left

1231bite marks.

123311 . On September 11, 2019, E.W. bit another child in the back. Chappell Ôs

1248accident/incident report recorded that first aid was admi nistered, but did not

1260specify the form of treatment. The report noted that the bites resulted in bite


127512 . Chappell reported that two biting incidents occurred on September 30,

12872019. E.W. bit another student on the back during circle time . Later, whe n

1302the students went outside to play, E.W. bit another child on the back without

1316provocation. The teacher talked to him about being gentle with friends. The

1328accident/incident report left blank the space for reporting first aid.

133813. On October 2, 2019, E.W. bit another student in the back. A different

1352form, called a Ñbehavior incident report,Ò was used by Chappell to record this

1366incident. This form did not contain the check - boxes of the accident/incident

1379report but simply provided space for a narrative Ñdescr iption of behavior

1391incident. Ò The narrative stated that E.W. and other students were on the

1404castle playhouse in the playground when E.W., Ñunprovoked,Ò bit another

1415student on the back. Chappell did not record whether this bite left marks or

1429required first aid.

143214. On October 4, 2019, at 12:40 p.m., E.W. bit another student on the

1446right shoulder during play time in their classroom. The accident/incident

1456report recorded that the bite left a bite mark . The space on the form to

1472indicate whether the bite require d first aid was left blank.

148315. A separate accident/incident report completed on October 4, 2019,

1493documented that E.W. bit another student at 3:15 p.m. , while the children

1505were lining up at the door of the classroom. The report did not indicate

1519whether the re were bite marks or whether first aid was required.

153116. Chappell intended to suspend E.W. for one day on October 4, 2019.

1544The school phoned the parents but was unable to get anyone to come in and

1559pick up E.W. Therefore, the suspension was enforced on the next school day,

1572October 7, 2019. The school warned the parents that another biting incident

1584would result in the childÔs permanent removal from Chappell.

159317. On October 23, 2019, E.W. bit another child at the school. Chappell

1606expelled E.W.

160818. Nancy Dreic er, the Chief Executive Officer of Chappell, testified that

1620there is a societal problem with small children being suspended and expelled

1632from childcare centers. She stated that more children are expelled from child

1644care centers in the United States than ar e expelled from grade schools and

1658high schools.

166019. Ms. Dreicer testified that disciplinary expulsions were problematic for

1670multiple reasons. Behaviors such as biting are common among two year olds,

1682but a child that age learns nothing from being suspended or expelled from

1695school. The parents are forced to find another child care facility and whatever

1708behavioral issue is causing the childÔs misbehavior is not addressed. The

1719problem is merely pushed off onto a new child care facility.

173020. Ms. Dreicer testifi ed that in 2019, Chappell received a grant from

1743Hope Haven ChildrenÔs Hospital and the Community F oundation of

1753Jacksonville to have a behavioral psychologist at the Deerwood facility to

1764work with the children and to train the teachers in dealing with behav ior


177921. The psychologist worked with E.W., observing the child in the

1790classroom, tracking the timing of his misbehavior, and looking for triggers to

1802his actions. He worked with the teachers on how to identify triggers.

181422. Ms. Dreicer pointed o ut that suspending the child would have meant

1827that the psychologist could not observe him. She noted that nothing

1838approaching a serious injury had occurred , and added that the school would

1850not have kept E.W. in the classroom if there was any possibility of his being a

1866danger to the other students. She believed that E.W.Ôs behavior was

1877improving, but that biting is such a natural part of a two year oldÔs

1891development that it was very difficult to stop it completely.

190123. The Department has adopted a Child Care Facility Handbook (the

1912ÑHandbookÒ), intended to be used on conjunction with sections 402.26

1922through 402.319. The Handbook has been adopted by reference in Florida

1933Administrative Code R ule 65C - 22.001(6). 1 The Introduction to the Handbook

1946states, ÑTo protec t the health and welfare of children, it is the intent of the

1962Legislature to develop a regulatory framework that promotes the growth and

1973stability of the child care industry and facilitates the safe physical,

1984intellectual, motor, and social development of the child.Ò

199224. Section 2.8 of the Handbook, titled ÑChild Discipline,Ò provides, in

2004relevant part:

2006A. The child care facility shall adopt a discipline

2015policy consistent with Section 402.305(12), F.S.,

2021including standards that prohibit children from

20271 The cited rule references the May 2019 edition of the Handbook. However, the version of

2043the Handbook provided on the DepartmentÔs website and through the hype rlink provided in

2057the rule as published in the Florida Administrative Register is dated December 2019. To

2071further complicate matters, the version of the Handbook introduced at the hearing was dated

2085October 2017. The October 2017 and December 2019 editions are identical in all respects

2099relevant to the determination in this proceeding, which leads to the inference that the May

21142019 edition is likewise identical.

2119being subjected to discipline which is severe,

2126humiliating, frightening, or associated with food,

2132rest, or toileting. Spanking or any other form of

2141physical punishment is prohibited.

2145B. The child care facility operators, employees, and

2153volunteers must comply wi th written disciplinary

2160and expulsion policies .

2164C. Verification that the child care facility has

2172provided the parent or guardian a written copy of

2181the disciplinary and expulsion policies used by the

2189program must be documented on the enrollment

2196form with the signature of the custodial parent or

2205legal guardian.

2207* * *

2210E. A copy of the current [ 2 ] disciplinary and

2221expulsion policies must be available for review by

2229the parents or legal guardian and the licensing

2237authority. Providers must have a comprehensive

2243discipline policy that includes developmentally

2248appropriate social - emotional and behavioral health

2255promotion practices, as well as discipline and

2262intervention procedures that provide specific

2267guidance on what child care personnel should do to

2276prevent and respond to challenging behaviors.

2282Preventive and discipline practices should be used

2289as learning opportunities to guide childrenÔs

2295appropriate behavioral development È. ( e mphasis

2302added) .

230425 . Pursuant to section 2.8.A of the Handbook, Chappell has adopted and

2317implemented a discipline policy , titled ÑChild Management Behavior

2325Protocol . Ò ChappellÔs policy sets forth the following mission statement:

2336Chappell recognizes the importance of promoting

2342acceptable behavior and methods of discipline

2348within the child c are setting. We believe that all

23582 The word ÑcurrentÒ is not in the October 2017 edition of the Handbook. This is the only

2376relevant difference between section 2.8 in the October 2017 Handbook and section 2.8 in the

2391December 2019 edition of the Handbook

2397children have the right to expect positive

2404approaches to discipline, which foster self - esteem,

2412respect, tolerance and self - control. Behaviors which

2420injure people either emotionally or physically or

2427damage property are real problems to adults/staff

2434and the other children. These behaviors must be

2442dealt with in an appropriate manner.

244826. After setting forth a catalogue of acceptable and unacceptable methods

2459of discipline to be applied in specific instances of misbehavior, the Chappell

2471discipline policy next stated the process to be followed ÑIn The Case of

2484Persistent Inappropriate BehaviorÒ as follows, in relevant part:

2492• The childÔs parents/caregivers will be involved

2499at first hit, kick, thrown toy, etc. The Director

2508will discus s the situation with the

2515parents/caregivers in an attempt to find the

2522possible cause of the behavior.

2527• The Director and the parents/caregivers will

2534together develop strategies for dealing with the

2541unwanted behavior, which could be

2546implemented at home.

2549• Sho uld it be necessary and with the consent of

2560the parent/caregiver, advice and assistance will

2566be sought from relevant external specialists to

2573address the matter.

2576• After two incidences in one week, which caused

2585or could have caused injury to self or others, the

2595child will be suspended for one day, and after

2604five such incidences the child will be suspended

2612for a week. However, if the Director at any time

2622feels the behavior is extreme and dangerous to

2630other children or teachers, the child will be

2638removed from t he Center. This may be a

2647temporary or permanent expulsionÈ.

265127. There was no question that the Chappell discipline policy meets the

2663requirements of the Handbook.

266728. The Class II violation alleged by the Department is that Chappell

2679failed to follow its ow n discipline policy in the case of E.W., thereby violating

2694section 2.8.B of the Handbook, which requires child care facilities to Ñ comply

2707with written disciplinary and expulsion policies . Ò

271529. The Department points out that the Chappell discipline policy

2725specifies that after two incidences in one week that Ñcaused or could have

2738caused injury,Ò the child will be suspended for one day , and that five such

2753instances will result in one weekÔs suspension. The Chappell policy gives the

2765Director discretion to rem ove a child for extreme or dangerous behavior. The

2778Department notes that the policy does not give the Director discretion to

2790waive the stated discipline schedule.

279530. Ms. Marshall calculated that under ChappellÔs written policy, E.W.

2805should have been suspe nded for one day after the two biting incidents on

2819August 27, 2019, and again following the tw o biting incidents on

2831September 30, 2019. Chappell did not suspend E.W. on either occasion.

284231. Ms. Marshall calculated that in the space of the five days between

2855September 30 and October 4, 2019, E.W. was involved in five biting incidents.

2868Ms. Marshall testified that, under ChappellÔs policy, E.W. should have been

2879suspended for one week. Chappell gave E.W. a one - day suspension on

2892October 7, 2019.

289532. Ms. Dreicer conceded in the abstract that biting is an act that could

2909cause injury to another child. She did not concede that E.W.Ôs biting was

2922injurious or threatened actual injury to the other children at the child care

2935facility. It was a developmental behavior issu e that the facilityÔs staff and a

2949psychologist were attempting to correct. Chappell ultimately decided that it

2959had to expel the child, but only after making every effort to correct the biting


297533. Chappell argued that neither the DepartmentÔs Hand book nor

2985ChappellÔs policy defines the term Ñinjury.Ò Ms. Marshall believed that a bite

2997is always an injury. It leaves a mark, however temporary, and requires some

3010treatment. Chappell noted that none of the bites recorded in its

3021accident/incident reports b roke the skin of the other child or required

3033treatment of any kind. Ms. Dreicer and the staff of the Deerwood facility

3046made a determination that E.W.Ôs behavior presented no danger of injury to

3058the other children.

306134. Chappell argues that, whatever the lit eral language of the written

3073policy, the d irector of a child care facility must be allowed to exercise

3087discretion on a case - by - case basis in making disciplinary decisions. Chappell

3101points to section 2.8.E of the Handbook, with its admonitions that a

3113compre hensive disciplinary policy must be Ñdevelopmentally appropriateÒ and

3122that discipline practices Ñshould be used as learning opportunities to guide

3133childrenÔs appropriate behavioral development.Ò Ms. Dreicer forcefully made

3141the case that suspending or expel ling a two year old teaches nothing and

3155abdicates the facilityÔs responsibility to the child.

316235. Neither party appeared to take note of another section of the Chappell

3175disciplinary policy. The undersigned observes that, while the language of the

3186Chappell policy quoted above appears to prescribe a rigid disciplinary process

3197admitting no exceptions, another portion of the policy gives Chappell

3207discretion as to when the disciplinary process commences:

3215After an incident, our first step:

3221We will tend to the in jured child to see if medical

3233attention is needed. We will give the child who hit,

3243kicked, etc. an opportunity to apologize and provide

3251comfort. We will notify both sets of parents and

3260prepare an incident report (Attachment 1). DCF

3267requires the report be s igned by a parent or

3277caregiver the day of the incident. If behaviors

3285persist, Chappell will follow the process

3291management flow chart . (Attachment 2) [ 3 ]

3300( e mphasis added) .

33053 The referenced attachments were not part of the record. From the context, the undersigned

3320has inferred that the referenced Ñflow ch artÒ was a graphic representation of the disciplinary

3335procedure quoted at Finding of Fact 26 above.

334336. The underscored language, read together with the title of the

3354discipline policy, ÑIn The Case of Persistent Inappropriate Behavior,Ò gives

3365Chappell discretion to determine when the childÔs behaviors have reached the

3376stage of ÑpersistenceÒ warranting commencement of the disciplinary process.

3385The Department did not account for this disc retion in finding that Chappell

3398violated section 2.8.B of the Handbook.

340437. Ms. DreicerÔs testimony was consistent with the Chappell disciplinary

3414policy. Though the facility eventually expelled the child, it exercised the

3425discretion afforded by the policy to determine whether the childÔs behavior

3436was potentially injurious and whether the behavior was persistent enough to

3447warrant invocation of the disciplinary process.

345338. Clear and convincing evidence was not presented that Chappell

3463committed the Class II v iolation alleged by the Department.


347839 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction of the subject

3490matter of and the parties to this proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57(1) , Fla.


350440 . The Department has the burden of esta blishing the grounds for

3517discipline against Respondent's license by clear and convincing evidence.

3526Dep't of Banking and Fin. v. Osborne Stern & Co., 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996);

3542Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987); Coke v. Dep't of Child. &

3557Fam . Servs. , 704 So. 2d 726 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998).

356841 . In Evans Packing Co mpany v. Depar t ment of Agric ulture and

3583Consumer Ser vices , 550 So. 2d 112, 116 n.5 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989), the c ourt

3599defined clear and convincing evidence as follows:

3606Clear and convincing e vidence requires that the

3614evidence must be found to be credible; the facts to

3624which the witnesses testify must be distinctly

3631remembered; the evidence must be precise and

3638explicit and the witnesses must be lacking in

3646confusion as to the facts in issue. The evidence

3655must be of such weight that it produces in the mind

3666of the trier of fact the firm belief of conviction,

3676without hesitancy, as to the truth of the allegations

3685sought to be established. Slomowitz v. Walker , 429

3693So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

370142 . Judge Sharp, in her dissenting opinion in Walker v. Dep artment of

3715Business and Prof essiona l Reg ulation , 705 So. 2d 652, 655 (Fla. 5th DCA

37301998) (Sharp, J., dissenting), reviewed recent pronouncements on clear and

3740convincing evidence:

3742[C]lear and conv incing evidence requires more

3749proof than preponderance of evidence, but less than

3757beyond a reasonable doubt. In re Inquiry

3764Concerning a Judge in re Graziano , 696 So. 2d 744

3774(Fla. 1997). It is an intermediate level of proof that

3784entails both qualitative and quantative [sic]

3790elements. In re Adoption of Baby E.A.W ., 658 So. 2d

3801961, 967 (Fla. 1995), cert. denied, 516 U.S. 1051,

3810116 S. Ct. 719, 133 L. Ed. 2d 672 (1996). The sum

3822total of evidence must be sufficient to convince the

3831trier of fact without any hesita ncy. Id. It must

3841produce in the mind of the factfinder a firm belief

3851or conviction as to the truth of the allegations

3860sought to be established. Inquiry Concerning

3866Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994).

387443 . At all times material to this case, Respondent was a provider of child

3889care, pursuant to section 402.302, which provides the following relevant


3900(1) Ñ Child care Ò means the care, protection, and

3910supervision of a chil d, for a period of less than

392124 hours a day on a regular basis, which

3930supple ments parental care, enrichment, and health

3937supervision for the child, in accordance with his or

3946her individual needs, and for which a payment, fee,

3955or grant is made for care.

3961(2) Ñ Child care facility Ò includes any child care

3971center or child care arrange ment which provides

3979child care for more than five children unrelated to

3988the operator and which receives a payment, fee, or

3997grant for any of the children receiving care,

4005wherever operated, and whether or not operated for

4013profit . . . .

401844 . Section 402.305 (1) directs the Department to Ñ establish licensing

4030standards t hat each licensed child care facility must meet regardless of the

4043origin or source of the fees used to operate the facility or the type of children

4059served by the facility. Ò

406445 . Section 402.310(1 ) provides, in relevant part:

4073(c) The department shall adopt rules to:

40801. Establish the grounds under which the

4087department may deny, suspend, or revoke a license

4095or registration or place a licensee or registrant on

4104probation status for violations of ss. 402.301 -


41132. Establish a uniform system of procedures to

4121impose disciplinary sanctions for violations of

4127ss. 402.301 - 402.319. The uniform system of

4135procedures must provide for the consistent

4141application of disciplinary actions across districts

4147and a progressively increas ing level of penalties

4155from pre disciplinary actions, such as efforts to

4163assist licensees or registrants to correct the

4170statutory or regulatory violations, and to severe

4177disciplinary sanctions for actions that jeopardize

4183the health a nd safety of children, such as for the

4194deliberate misuse of medications . . .

420146 . To implement these statutory directives, the Department has adopted

4212c hapter 6 5C - 22, ÑChild Care Standards.Ò Rule 65C - 22.001(6) adopts by

4227reference the Handbook and requires licensed child care facilities to follow

4238the standards set forth therein.

424347 . Rule 65C - 22.010 Ñestablishes the grounds under which the

4255Department shall issue an administrative fine, deny, suspend, revoke a

4265license or registration or place a licensee or reg istrant on probation status as

4279well as uniform system of procedures to impose disciplinary sanctions.Ò

4289Rule 65C - 22.010(1)(e)2 . defines violations of licensing standards in terms of

4302their relative severity, as follows:

4307(e) ÑViolationÒ means noncompliance wi th a

4314licensing standard as described in an inspection

4321report resulting from an inspection under Section

4328402.311, F.S., as follows with regard to Class I,

4337Class II, and Class III Violations.

43431. ÑClass I ViolationÒ is an incident of

4351noncompliance with a Cla ss I standard as described

4360on CF - FSP Form 5316, May 2019 Child Care

4370Facility Standards Classification Summary and

4375CF - FSP Form 5427, May 2019, School - Age Child

4386Care Facility Standards Classification Summary,

4391which are incorporated by reference. Copies of th e

4400CF - FSP Form 5316 and CF - FSP Form 5427 may be

4413obtained from the DepartmentÔs website at

4419www.myflfamilies.com/childcare or from the

4423following links: http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/

4426reference.asp?No=Ref - 10471 and http://www.

4432flrules.org/Gateway/reference.as p?No=Ref - 10473.

4437However, any violation of a Class II standard that

4446results in death or serious harm to a child shall

4456escalate to a Class I violation. The effective date of

4466a termination of a providerÔs Gold Seal Quality

4474Care designation is the date of the DepartmentÔs

4482written notification to the provider. However, any

4489violation of a Class II standard that results in

4498death or serious harm to a child shall escalate to a

4509Class I violation. Class I violations are the most

4518serious in nature.

45212. ÑClass II Violat ionÒ is an incident of

4530noncompliance with an individual Class II

4536standard as described on CF - FSP Form 5316. Class

4546II violations are less serious in nature than Class I


45573. ÑClass III ViolationÒ is an incident of

4565noncompliance with an individual Class III

4571standard as described on CF - FSP Form 5316.

4580Class III violations are less serious in nature than

4589either Class I or Class II violations.

459648. The allegation made in the Complaint is that Chappell violated section

46082.8.B of the Handbook by failing to comply with its own written disciplinary

4621and expulsion policies.

462449. Section 11.3 of the DepartmentÔs Form CF - FSP 5316, ÑChild Care

4637Facility Standards Classification Summary,Ò provides that a violation of

4647section 2.8.B constitutes a Class II violation.

465450. The Department did not prove by clear and convincing evidence that

4666Chappell failed to comply with its own written disciplinary and expulsion


467851. The Department correctly stated that ChappellÔs rules prescribe a

4688disciplinary procedure to be f ollowed when there is Ñpersistent inappropriate

4699behaviorÒ that Ñcauses or could cause injury to self or others.Ò The

4711Department alleges that Chappell did not follow the prescribed disciplinary

4721procedure in the case of E.W.

472752. The DepartmentÔs allegation a ssumes that E.W. engaged in persistent

4738inappropriate behavior that caused or could have caused injury to others.

474953. Whether inappropriate behaviors are Ñpersistent , Ò and whether a

4759childÔs actions are potentially injurious to others , are judgment calls th at

4771must be made by the d irector and staff of the child care facility. Chappell

4786offered the testimony of Ms. Dreicer to demonstrate that the childÔs behavior

4798posed no danger of injury to others. ChappellÔs contemporaneous

4807documentation of the biting inciden ts confirmed that E.W.Ôs bites never broke

4819the skin or necessitated treatment. The Department offered no counterpoint

4829save for Ms. MarshallÔs assertion that biting is always injurious.

483954. No parent wants their child to receive bites at school, and it is

4853understandable that a parent reported E.W.Ôs biting to the Department,

4863which is certainly empowered to investigate and evaluate the wisdom of the

4875facilityÔs judgments. However, the facts demonstrated that ChappellÔs

4883disciplinary policy provided more discre tion than the Department initially

4893conceded and that ChappellÔs on - the - ground assessment of the situation was

4907a reasonable attempt to c orrect a behavior common to two - year - old children.


4925Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclu sions of Law, it is

4939R ECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Families enter a f inal

4952o rder dismissing the Administrative Complaint.

4958D ONE A ND E NTERED this 14th day of May , 2020 , in Tallahassee, Leon

4973County, Florida.



4981Administ rative Law Judge

4985Division of Administrative Hearings

4989The DeSoto Building

49921230 Apalachee Parkway

4995Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5000(850) 488 - 9675

5004Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5011Filed with the Clerk of the

5017Division of Administrative Hearings

5021this 14th day of May , 2020 .


5033Nancy Drier

5035Chappell Schools, LLC

50388400 Baycenter Road

5041Jacksonville, Florida 32256

5044Lacey Kantor, Agency Clerk

5048Department of Children and Families

5053Building 2, Room 204Z

50571317 Winewood Boulevard

5060Tallahassee , Florida 32399 - 0700


5066David Gregory Tucker, Esquire

5070Department of Children and Families

50755920 Arlington Expressway

5078Jacksonville, Florida 322 3 1 - 0083


5086Jesse Nolan Dreicer, Esquire

5090Tassone, Dreiver & Hill

50941833 Atlantic Boulevard

5097Jacksonvi lle, Florida 32207


5102Chad Poppell, Secretary

5105Department of Children and Families

5110Building 1 , Room 20 2

51151317 Winewood Boulevard

5118Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


5124Javier Enriquez, General Counsel

5128Department of Children and Families

5133Buildin g 2, Room 204 F

51391317 Winewood Boulevard

5142Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700



5159All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

5172the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

5183Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/24/2021
Proceedings: Apellant's Request for Oral Argument filed.
Date: 08/24/2021
Proceedings: Apellant's Motion for Attorneys' Fees filed.
Date: 08/24/2021
Proceedings: Reply Breif of Appellant filed.
Date: 06/24/2021
Proceedings: Initial Brief of Appellant filed.
Date: 06/14/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Agreed Extension of Time to File Initial Brief filed.
Date: 05/27/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Agreed Extension of Time to File Initial Brief filed.
Date: 05/10/2021
Proceedings: Amended Motion to Stay Revocation of Gold Seal Quality Care Designation filed.
Date: 05/06/2021
Proceedings: Motion to Stay Revocation of Gold Seal Quality Care Designation filed.
Date: 05/06/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Joshua La Bouef) filed.
Date: 04/12/2021
Proceedings: Motion to Stay Final Administrative Order filed.
Date: 04/12/2021
Proceedings: Docketing Statement & Notice of Appearance of Councel filed.
Date: 03/30/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed.
Date: 02/26/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/26/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/26/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/14/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/14/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 05/14/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 12, 2020). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/17/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/17/2020
Proceedings: (Respondent's Proposed) Recommended Order on Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 04/17/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Jesse Dreicer) filed.
Date: 04/14/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 04/14/2020
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/12/2020
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/06/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List and Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 01/17/2020
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/17/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 12, 2020; 1:00 p.m.; Jacksonville).
Date: 01/14/2020
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/10/2020
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/10/2020
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 01/10/2020
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/10/2020
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 01/10/2020
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (10):