Agency For Health Care Administration vs.
Richland Retirement Senior Home, Inc.
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, September 22, 2020.
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Tuesday, September 22, 2020.
10v AHCA No. 2020012170
22Having reviewed the Administrative Complaint, and all other matters of record, the Agency for
36Health Care Administration finds and concludes as follows:
441. The Agency issued the attached Administrative Complaints, Notice of Intent to Deny
57Renewal Application, and Election of Rights forms to the Provider. ( Ex. 1). The parties have since entered
75into the attached Settlement Agreement, which is adopted and incorporated by reference into this Final
90Order. ( Ex. 2).
942. The Provider' s license renewal application and the Agency' s Notice of Intent to Deny
110Renewal Application are withdrawn effective January 31, 2021, or upon the issuance of a provisional
125license to a change of ownership applicant, whichever occurs first. Should a change of ownership fail,
141the Provider' s license shall be cancelled effective January 31, 2021, without any further agency action and
158the Provider shall be required to comply with the requirements of facility closure.
1713. The Provider shall pay the Agency $ 6, 000. 00. If full payment has been made, the cancelled
190check acts as receipt of payment and no further payment is required. If full payment has not been made,
209payment is due within 30 days of the Final Order. Overdue amounts are subject to statutory interest and
227may be referred to collections. A check made payable to the " Agency for Health Care Administration"
243and containing the AHCA ten - digit case number should be sent to:
256Central Intake Unit
259Agency for Health Care Administration
2642727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 61
270Tallahassee, Florida 32308
273ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on this ( 1 day of , 2020.
284Molly McKfnstry, Deputy Secretary
288Agency for Health Care Administration
300A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to judicial review, which shall be instituted
319by filing one copy of a notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk of ARCA, and a second copy, along with
340filing fee as prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the Agency
359maintains its headquarters or where a party resides. Review of proceedings shall be conducted in
374accordance with the Florida appellate rules. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of
391rendition of the order to be reviewed.
401I CERTIFY that a true and correct c y o his Final Or was served on the below - named
421persons by the method designated on this day of / , 2020.
432Richard- op, Ag6ncy Clerk
436Agency for Health Care Administration
4412727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3
447Tallahassee, Florida 32308
450Telephone: ( 850) 412- 3630
455Facilities Intake Unit Central Intake Unit
461Agency for Health Care Administration Agency for Health Care Administration
471Electronic Mail) Electronic Mail)
475Keisha Woods, Unit Manager Arlene Mayo Davis, Field Officer Manager
485Licensure Unit Local Field Office
490Agency for Health Care Administration Agency for Health Care Administration
500Electronic Mail) Electronic Mail)
504Mary J. Howard, Senior Attorney Rickey Strong, Esq.
512Diana M. Giraldo, Senior Attorney Jeffrey S. Howell, P. A.
522Office of the General Counsel 2898- 6 Mahan Drive
531Agency for Health Care Administration Tallahassee, Florida 32308
539Electronic Mail) Counsel for Provider
544U. S. Mail)
547Division of Administrative Hearings
551Electronic Filing)
571Peti[ Foner, DOAIi No: 20- 0562
577V. Agency Nos, 2014005087
58220190[ 0449
599DOAH No: 20- 0562
603i' ctitioner, Agency Nos. 201901 0j;
628DOAH No:
630Petitioner, Agency Nos 2020012170 20- 0562
644Page I of 8
659Petitioner, Agency Nes. 2019017715
673The State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration ( hereinafter the " Agenic;
686through its undersigned representatives, and Richland Retirement Senior Home, Inc. ( hereinaller
698Richland"), pursuant to Section 120. 57( 4), Florida Statutes, each individually, a " party."
712collectively as " parties," hereby enter into this Settlement Agreement (" Agrecment") and aarcc:
726as follnws:
728WHEREAS, Richland wars at all times relevant an assisted living facility licensed
740pursuant to Chapters 429, Part 1, and 408, Part 11, Florida Slatuws, Section 20. 42, Florida
756Stinnes and Chapter - 59A- 36, Florida Administrative Code; and
766WHEREAS, the Agency has jurisdiction by virtue of ( wing the regulatory and licensing
780authority over Richland, puTsuant to Chapters 429, fart I, and 408, Part Il, Florida Statutes. and
796WHEREAS, the Agency issued an Adminibtrative Complaint can October 25, 2019,
807At ICA Case Numbers 2019005087, 2019010945, 20190104149, and 2419410955 seeking throe
818thou and five hundred dollars ( 53, 500. 00); and
828WHEREAS, the Agency issued an Administrative Complaint on January 9, 2020,
839AHC A Case Number 2019017715 socking $ 1, 000. 04 in administrative lines; and
853Page 2 of 8
857WHEREAS, the Agency issued an Amended Notice of Intent to Deny the Renawd
870Application for An Assisted Living thereinalter " NOIQ") AHC: A (.: attic dumber 2019015055 tier
885the Ricl lauid' s fiacility on March S. 2020.
894WHEREAS. the A- P m; y completed a survey of the Richland and its facility on July '.
912201- 0 ! hereinafter " Survcx' A"). . MIC' A case number 2020012170, during which delic: ient
929practices were cited; tmd
933WHEREAS, the citation of the above referenced deficient practice in Survey A subjects
946Richland to the imposition of administrative sanctions of one thousurid live hundred dollars
959S l , 500. 00 ): and
965WHEREAS, the Parties have agreed to an amicable resolution of these cases.
977VOW ' M RFFORE. 1br goad and valuable consideration. the sufEicicncy of which is
991hcreby agreed to and confirmed, tic Richland and the Agency agree as ibilows:
10041. All of the above recitals aro true and correct and are cxpresslti incorporated into
1019the Aereement.
10212. The Parties agree that the alxive recitals arc binding findings of the Parties.
1035Upon full execution of this Agreement, the Richl< lnd="" agrccs="" to="" waive="" tiny="" acid="">
1043appends and proocedinLis to % vhicll they may he entitled, including but nut limited to, tin intOnnal
1060proceeding under Subsection 120. 57( 2). Florida Statutes. a formal procL- eding router Sub« ctiun
1075120. 5- 7( 1), F' loridli Statutes. appeals under Section 120. 6$, Florida Statutes: and declaratory and
1092all writs of relief in any court or quasi - court of corntxtent _ jurisdiction: and agrees In tiVWr, e
1112Compliance with the firm of the Final Order ( findings of fact and conclusions of law) to Which
1130they niay be entitled. provided, however, that nu a8Merrrcnt herein shall Ue deemed a waiver by
1146anp part; of its right tea judicial cnl' arcement al' this Agreement or the Ageney' s rights under
1164The tindingc of the survey mere rLdluxd ui a stoic fimn 3420.
1176Pate 3 ( if 8
1181Scetion 120.( ). Ficirida Statute~ ( 2019). Richland slx: c: ific: ally waives the necessity of the
1198drai' tine of or scrvic,; of an s' dmii istrativC Complaint liar the irlief stipuluied to in this
1216Agree. nient a. The sante relates to tllL- Survey A ( hereinafter " Sun ey").
12314, Upon full execution of the Agreement:
1238a. Richland shall pay administrative tines in the amount of six thousand dollitrs
12511') x6. 000. 00). Richland small pay the Agency the suns of$ G. 000, 00 bciiwc the iir:, t
1270occurring ot: issuance of change of ownership licensure to a third - party applicant
1284or by January 11, 2021.
1289b. ' t' ttc tall UTC: of the Richland to timely remit the administrative fines purbunnt to the
1307Provisions of z; ub- paragraph ( 4)( a) above shall constitute grounds for the deninl of
1323any third - party application for change ol' owiurship licensure.
1333C. Riehinrid withdraw~ its application for renewal of licensure, assisted llvlllg facility
1345license number 9475. c[' fcctivc 14nuary 31, 2021. unless change cit' ownership
1357licensure has been arantod to a third - party applicant prior thereto.
1369d. All residents in Richland' s assisted living facility. license number 9475, shall he
1383Jischarucd on or Velure January 31. 2021 unless change o ownership licensure
1395has been - ranted to a third - party applicant prior thereto,
1407e. Richland shrill comply with all Pf0' Visiun5 cif" Chapter 408, Part ll. I- Ion' da
1423Stalutcs. C hapicr 41- 9. Part 1_ Florida Statutes. and Chapter~ 59; 1- 35 acid 59A- 36.
1440T Iorida Administrative Code thrcwughnut the discontinuation of Operntlotls
1449irtcluciing, but not limited to. compliance with provishms related to the timtAy
1461provision of statutory or contractual notice of discharge it) n- sidenm the timely
1474distribution ofclient records: and the timely provision ofrel' tmcis to residents and
1486the return of resident personal property. Nothing in this Agrcenivnt cslups or
14981' agca( if 8
1502prewrlts the . agency from seeking sane; lionn against the Richland for any non-
1516compliance which Richland rnav he cited liar based upon the acts or omis, iuns- of
1531WiAand including. but not limited tO, rapprupriute: disclzargC. timer. msidrnt
1541refund;: and the Timely return ofresident property,, and
1550V. Effective January I. 2. 021, or the issuance of change of ownership licensure%
1564whichever may occur first, the NOIR is deemed denied as moot.
1575f. Effective January 31. 2021, or the issuance of the Previsional license to a third -
1591party chung: c of ownership applicant, whichever shall first occur. Richland shall
1603he divestcd of any right, ( itle; or uvkmership interest in license number 94745.
16175. VOMIe fuT WIV action brought to eItforce the terms ol' thi5 Agrwrticat or the Final
1633thile: r 4ntered pursuant hereto shall lie in Circuit Court in Lcon County. Florida.
1647ti. By executing this Aurc; etnent. Richland denies, and the Agency a5xerls tl- e
1661validity of the . allegations raised in the Administrative Complaints, NOIT) and Survey ret' crenr. 4d
1677herein. No agrecrncnt made herein shall preclude the Agency from imposing a penalty against
1691Richland loan} deliciencylviolation of statute or rule identified in a hriurc survey oilRichland.
1704which constitutes a " repeat" or " wtcorrected" deficiency from surveys identilied in the
1716administrative, complaint. In said cvtmt. Richland jvtains thr right to challenge the tactual
1729allegations mlaled to the deficient practicesfviolations alleged in the; imMant cause.
17407. No tigrecment m adc herein shall preclude the Agency trom using the deficiencies
1754from the surveys identified in the administrative complaint in any decision regarding licensure of
1768Richbuid, including. but not lintiled to. licensure fbr limited menial health, limited nursing
1781services. extended congregale mare. or a demonstrated pattern of deficient performance. The
1793Aacncy is tint precluded from wing the tiuhje ct events fior any purpose within thc_ jurisdiction of
1810the Agency. Further, Richland acknowledges and agrees that this Aglevrrient shall not preclude:
1823Pa¢ c 3 of K
1828or estOp any tether federal, state, or local agency or office from prarsuin ally cause of anion ( Ir
1847along any action, even it' based on or nrising from. in whole or in part, the fuels raised in the
1867administrative complaints, N' UlU, tuid survey. ' t' ltis agreement docs, not prohibit the Agency
1882from taking action regarding the Richland' s Medicaid provider status, conditions. requirements
1894or contract.
18968. 1" pon full execution ofthis Agreement, the Agency shall enter Final Order
1909adapting and incorporating the terms of this Agreement and elusing the above - styled case.
19249. U- ch party shall be ar ib, ower ousts and attorney' s kes_
1938I U. This Agreement shall become effective on the date upon which it is fully ettc el ted
1956by all the parties.
196011. Richland ti) r its rclatcd or resulting organizations. its successors or transferees,
1973attorneys. Heirs. and executors or administrators, docs hereby discharge the 5bati of Florida,
1986rlgcnep For Hcalth Care Adminiatralion, anal its agents. representatives. and attorneys ofarlJ
1998from tall clairns. demands. actions, causes of action, suits, damages, losses, and expenses. of an
2013and every nature whtatswever, arising out of car in any way related to this matter and the Agency' s
2032Acii arts, including. but riot limited to, any claims that weri or may be tswrwd in any lccler< at="">
2050stall' eourr or administrative fOWT11. including any ciuim. S arising out of thi` 3 agorcpmcnt. by or on
2068beluilfofRichland or related facilitics.
20721?. This, Agrtem4nt iti hinding upon all parties herein and those identified in
2086paragraph cicv- en ( 11 ) of this Agreement.
209513. In tate event that Richland was a Medicaid provider at the subject lime of the
2111e' n' CurrenC. C% alleged in the complaint herein. this settlement docs not prevent the Agency trorn
2128seeking . 11cdicttid u4erpa. rn: rats related to the sunject issues or from imposing any . sanctions
2145puretu= t to Rule 59G 9. 070, Florida Administr4 ivi Cade.
2156Page 6 M' S
216014. Richland agrees that if any funds to be paid under this agreement to the Agency
2176are not paid by the: date the (` 11OW application is approv( A or by January 31, 2021. Whichever
2195may ( vcur v* ner. the Agency may deduct the amounts assessed against Richland, or any portion
2212thereof. owed hv Riehland to the Agency frotn any present or future funds owed to Richland by
2229Ole A- Cr1q, and that tllc Agency shall hold a Gen against present raid futtuiv funds oxcd to
2247Richl. vid by the A£ ency for said amounts until paid.
225815. The undersigned have read and understand this Agreement and have the authority,
2271to hind their respective pri eipals to it. Richland has the capacity to execute this Agreement.
2287I& This Agroement contains and incorporates the entire taiderstalklings and
2297agreements ofthe parties.
23001. 7. This Aizreemenl supersedes any prior oral or 4%- ritten agreements heLWecn the
231518. This Agreement may not be ainendcd except in writing. Any attempted
2327assignmcrit of this grccrncnt shall be void.
233419. All panics agree that a facsimile signature suffices 11or an Original sigrtaturr.
234720. The fol ] owing repre- sentatives hereby acknowledge that they are duly autbori zed
2362to enter into this Agreenlert.
2368M Ily cK strk, T) eputp Secrztur; Rickey Strom, I. sq.
2379I le Hty ,, sSNUrLutrc C uuuscl tor Richland Rutircnimi Senior
2389i me" 1'& r l lcalth Care Adminis tratinn I tome. In(;.
24022727 Malum Drivc. Building 41 Jeffrey S. How - ch, P. A.
2414Tallahassee. Florida 32308 2898- 6 Mahan Drive
2421Tallahassee, Florida 32308
2424Rick( uijsh- paxom
2427DATED. I) A' I' I" D: 71felzo Ze)
2435William Roberts, ( Tencral C' OLUISCI Car
2442iiice ol' the General C' oun- 5, 01 1Y C. 51r} en t
2455Agencv for Health Care Adinhiistrabun land Retirement Senior I tome, Inc.
246627 Mahan Drive. \\ 1S ;;
2471lalkiia sec. Florida 32308
2475Florida Rur No. 554617
247911ATED; _ 911` 11 2U
24841):' 1* FED: u (;,'
2490Diane! Xf. Gb- aldr), F. su.
2496Diana M. Ciraldo, Senior Atlurney Tatian, Perez
2503011' ce Of the General C' OMSC1 Title: .\\% VIC V, Prf' k, t
2517Agency for Health Cure Administration Richland elirementSeniorlLome. Inc.
252552, Mirror Lake Drive Korth. Suite 330F.
2532St. Petersburg, Florida 33101
2536Florida Dar No. 1132 1
2542DATED: Septernbu 17. 2020
2546Page 8 of I
- Date
- Proceedings
- PDF:
- Date: 09/17/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions of Carlos Perez and Tatiana Perez filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 09/11/2020
- Proceedings: Agency's Motion for Ruling on Its Motion to Compel Discovery or in the Alternative for a Hearing filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 07/28/2020
- Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for September 29 and 30, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee).
- PDF:
- Date: 07/21/2020
- Proceedings: Richland Senior Retirement Home, Inc. Response to Agency's First Request for Admissions filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 07/16/2020
- Proceedings: Agency's Motion to Compel Discovery and Deem the Requests for Admission Admitted filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 06/22/2020
- Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 20-0562, 20-1082, 20-2638)
- PDF:
- Date: 05/29/2020
- Proceedings: Order Canceling and Rescheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for August 12 and 13, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
- PDF:
- Date: 03/13/2020
- Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 22 and 23, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 02/26/2020
- Date Assignment:
- 02/27/2020
- Last Docket Entry:
- 01/13/2021
- Location:
- Tallahassee, Florida
- District:
- Northern
- Agency:
- Other
Mary J. Howard, Esquire
Address of Record -
Rickey L. Strong, Esquire
Address of Record -
Rickey L Strong, Esquire
Address of Record