Ambar Trail, Ltd vs.
Naranja Lakes Housing Partners, Lp, Slate Miami Apartments, Ltd., And Florida Housing Finance Corporation
Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, April 3, 2020.
Recommended Order on Friday, April 3, 2020.
19Petitioner ,
20vs. Case No. 20 - 1138BID
34Respondent ,
67vs. Case No. 20 - 1139BID
81Respondent ,
118Petitioner ,
119vs. Case No. 20 - 1140BID
133Respondent ,
161Petitioner ,
162vs. Case No. 20 - 1141BID
177Respondents ,
203A telephonic hearing was conducted in this case on March 23, 2020, before
216James H. Peterson, III, Administrative Law Judge with the Division of
227Administrative Hearings (DOAH) . The telephonic hearing was convened to
237consider the Joint Motion to Dismiss , f iled on March 13, 2020, by Naranja
251Lakes Housing Partners, LP, and Slate Miami Apartments, Ltd., joined by
262Flor ida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) . By agreement of the
274parties, the telephonic hearing constituted the first day of the final hea ring in
288this case. As this Recommended Order recommends the dismissal of Case
299Numbers 20 - 1138 BID , 20 - 1139BID, and 20 - 1140BID in the above - styled
316consolidated cases, and given the fact that the Petitioner in the remaining
328consolidated case, Case Number 20 - 1 141BID, filed a Notice of Voluntary
341Dismissal on March 24, 2020, no further d ays of final hearing before D OAH
356are anticipated in this case.
364For Petitioners Ambar Trail, Ltd. ; Sierra Meadows Apartments, Ltd.;
373and Quail Roost Transit Villag e IV, Ltd.:
381Donna Elizabeth Blanton, Esquire
385Brittany Adams Long, Esquire
389Radey Law Firm, P.A.
393Suite 200
395301 South Bronough Street
399Tallahassee, Florida 32301
402For Petitioner Parc Grove, LLC:
407Maureen McCarthy Daughton, Esquire
411Maureen McCarthy Daughton, LLC
415Suite 3 - 231
4191400 Village Square Boulevard
423Tallahassee, Florida 32312
426For Respondent Florida Housing Finance Corporation:
432Hugh R. Brown, General Counsel
437Betty Zachem, Esquire
440Florida Housing Finance Corporation
444Suite 5000
446227 North Bronough Street
450Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1329
455For Intervenor Nar anja Lakes Housing Partners, LP:
463J. Stephen Menton, Esquire
467Tana D. Storey, Esquire
471Rutledge Ecenia, P.A.
474119 South Monroe Street, Suite 202
480Post Office Box 551 (32302)
485Tallahassee, Florida 32301
488For Intervenor Slate Miami Apartments, Ltd.:
494M. Christopher Bryant, Esquire
498Oertel, Fernandez, Bryant & Atkinson, P.A.
504Post Office Box 1110
508Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 1110
513For Intervenor Harbour Springs, LLC. :
519Michael P. Donaldson, Esquire
523Carlton Fiel ds Jorden Burt, P.A.
529215 South Monroe Street, Suite 500
535Post Office Drawer 190
539Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 0190
551Whether the Petitions filed by Ambar Trai l, Ltd. ; Sierra Meadows
562Apartments, Ltd.; and Quail Roost Transit Village IV , Ltd., should be
573dismissed for lack of standing.
582I n February 2020, Petitioners Ambar Trail, Ltd . (Ambar Trail) ; Sierra
594Meadows Apartments, Ltd. (Sierra Meadows) ; and Quail Roost Transit
603Village IV, Ltd. (Quail Roost) filed separate f ormal written protests and
615petitions for administrative hearings, alleging that the entire Request for
625Applications (RFA) 2019 - 112 and the preliminary funding award decisions
636issued for that RFA by the Florida Housing should be rescinded. On March 2,
6502020 , Florida Housing forwarded the petitions, together with another petition
660filed by Parc Grove, LLC (Parc Grove) , 1 to DOAH.
670Following assignment of the cases to the undersigned to conduct the
681requested administrative hearings , o n March 5, 2020, based on a n Unopposed
694Motion to Consolidate, an Order of Consolidation was entered consolidating
704the four peti tions. The style of t he Order of Consolidation, and filings
718thereafter , erroneously identify t he preliminarily awarded bidders, who are
728technically interven ors, as respondents . Therefore, the style of this case is
741corrected as reflected above, to properly show that the preliminarily awarded
752bidders are ÑIntervenors , Ò aligned with Florida Housing in each case, as
764opposed to ÑRespondents.Ò
767A fter a telephonic s cheduling conference with the parties, an Order on
780Telephonic Scheduling Status Conference (Scheduling Order) was entered on
789March 6, 2020, together with a Notice of Hearing and Prehearing
800Instructions with provisions for expedited discovery. In accordance with the
810Scheduling Order, a Joint Motion to Dismiss was filed on March 13, 2020, by
824Naranja Lakes Housing Partners, LP (Naranja Lakes) , and Slate Miami
834Apartments, Ltd. (Slate Miami) , joined by Flor ida Housing , challenging the
845standing of Ambar Trail, Si erra Meadows , and Qua il Roost (collectively the
858Petitioners) . Thereafter, on March 20, 2020, a Response to the Joint Motion
871to Dismiss was filed .
876O n March 23, 2020, a telephonic hearing was held during which the Joint
890Motion to Dismiss, the Response to th e Motion to Dismiss, the Petitions filed
904by the Petitioners, and arguments of counsel were considered and discussed.
915At the end of those discussions, the undersigned announced that the Joint
9271 The Petitio n filed by P arc Grove challenged Florida HousingÔs preliminary funding awards,
942but did not seek to rescind the RFA.
950Motion to Dismiss was well take n and that a favorable written O rd er thereon
966would be entered .
970In accordance with the Scheduling Order and agreement of the parties,
981the telephonic hearing held March 23, 2020, constituted the first day of the
994administrative hearing in the consolidated cases. The proceedings were
1003recorde d. At the time of that telephonic hearing, because the Petition filed by
1017Parc Grove was still pending and not subject to the Joint Motion to Dismiss,
1031it was anticipated that a second day of hearing, as scheduled in the Notice of
1046Hearing in this case , would be held on April 13, 2020. However, on March 24,
10612020, Parc Grove filed a Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of its Petition.
1073Therefore, because this Recommended Order of Dismissal recommends the
1082dismissal of the remaining Peti tions filed by the Petitioners , n o further dates
1096for the administrative hearing before DOAH in these cases have been
11141. Florida Housing i s a public corporation created under Florida l aw to
1128administer the gov e rnmental function of financing or refinancing affor dable
1140ho u s ing and related facilities in Florida.
11492. F lorida Housing administers a competitive solicitation proc e ss to
1161imple m ent the provisions of the housing credit program , under which
1173develope r s apply and compete for funding for projects in response to R FAs
1188developed by Florida Housing.
11923. The RFA in this case was spe c ifically targeted to provide affordable
1206ho u s i n g in Miami - Dade County, F lorida. The R F A introduction provides :
12262 As this Recommended Order of Dismissal is based upon a motion to dismiss, the factual
1242allegations of the three Petitions filed by the Pet itioners in this consolidate case are accepted
1258as true, and the Findings of Fact are derived from the four corners of those Petitions, see
1275Madison Highlands. LLC v. Florida Housing Finance Corp., 220 So. 3d 467, 473 (Fla. 5th
1290DCA 2017 ), and facts that are not otherwise in dispute.
1301This Requ e st for Applications (R F A) is open to
1313Applicants proposing the de v e lop ment of
1322affordabl e , multifami l y housi n g lo c a ted in Miami -
1337Dade County.
1339Under this R F A, Florida Housing F i nan c e
1351Corporation (the Corporation) e x p e c ts to have up
1363to an e s timated $7,195,917 of Housing Credits
1374ava i lab l e for award to prop o s e d D e v elopments
1391locat ed in Miami - Dade C o unt y .
14024. After Florida Housing announced its preliminary funding award
1411decisions for RFA 2019 - 112 for Housing Credit Financing for Affordable
1423Housing Developments Located in Miami - Dade C ounty, each o f the
1436Petitioners filed Petitions cha llenging the decisions .
14445. Petitioners do not allege that Florida Housing improperly scored or
1455evaluated the applications selected for funding , nor do they contend that
1466Petitioners' applications should be funded. Instead, Petitioner s allege that
1476the evalua tion was fundamentally unfair and seek s to have the entire R F A
1492rescinded based on alleged improprieties of one responding entity and its
15046. Petitioners claim that the evaluation process was fundamentally
1513unfair is based entirely on allegations that several entities associated with
1524Housing Trust Group, LLC ( HTG ), combined to submit 15 Priority I
1537applications in contravention of the limitation in the R F A on the number of
1552Priority I applications that could be submitted. Even assuming Petitioners'
1562a ssertions are correct, there is no scenario in which Petitioners can reach
1575the funding range for this RFA.
15817. In order to break ties for those applicants that achieve the maximum
1594number of points and meet the mandatory eligibility requirements, the
1604R F A set s forth a series of tie - breakers to determine which applications will
1621be awarded funding. The instant R F A included specific goals t o fund
1635certain types of developments and set s forth sorting order tie - breakers to
1649distinguish between applicants. The relevan t R F A provisions are as
16621. Goals
1664a. The Corporation has a goal to fund one (1)
1674proposed Development that ( a ) selected the
1682Demographic Commitment of Family at
1687questions 2.a. of Exhibit A and (b) qualifies for
1696the Geographic Areas of Opportunity/SA DDA
1702Goal as outlined in Section Four A. 11. a.
1711b. The Corporation has a goal to fund one (1)
1721proposed Development that selected the
1726Demographic Commitment of Elderly (Non - ALF)
1733at question 2.a. of Exhibit A.
1739*Note: During the Funding Selection Process
1745outl ined below, Developments selected for these
1752goals will only count toward one goal.
17592. Applicant Sorting Order
1763All eligible Priority I Applications will be ranked
1771by sorting the Applications as follows, followed by
1779Priority II Applications.
1782a. First, fr om highest score to lowest score;
1791b. Next, by the Application's eligibility for the
1799Proximity Funding Preference (which is outlined
1805in Section Four A.5.e. of the RFA) with
1813Applications that qualify for the preference listed
1820above Applications that do not q ualify for the
1830c. Next, by the Application's eligibility for the Per
1839Unit Construction Funding Preference which is
1845outlined in Section Four A.lO.e. of the RFA (with
1854Applications that qualify for the preference listed
1861above Applications that do not qualify for the
1869preference ) ;
1871d. Next, by the Application's eligibility for the
1879Development Category Funding Preference which
1884is outlined in Section Four A.4.(b)(4) of the R F A
1895(with Applications that qualify for the preference
1902listed above Applicatio ns that do not qualify for
1911the preference ) ;
1914e. Next, by the Applicant's Leveraging
1920Classification, applying the multipliers outlined
1925in Item 3 of Exhibit C of the RFA (with
1935Applications having the Classification of A listed
1942above Applications having the Cl assification of B ) ;
1951f. Next, by the Applicant's eligibility for the
1959Florida Job Creation Funding Preference which is
1966outlined in Item 4 of Exhibit C of the RFA ( with
1978Applications that qualify for the preference listed
1985above Applications that do not qualify for the
1993preference); and
1995g. And finall y, b y lot t erv numbe r , resulti n g in the
2011lowest lott e ry number receivi n g p reference.
20218. This RFA was similar to previous RFAs issued by Florida Housing,
2033but included some new provisions limiting the number of Priority I
2044applications that could be submitted.
20499. Specifically, the R F A provided:
2056Priori t y Desi g n a tion of A p p lications
2069A p p licants m a y submit no more than three ( 3 )
2084Priorit y I A p p lications. There is no limit to the
2097number of Priori t y II A p p lications that can be
2110submitted; howeve r , no Princi p al can be a
2120Princ i p al, as defined in Rule Ch a p ter 67 -
213448.00 2 ( 9 4 ), F.A.C. , of more than three ( 3 ) Priori t y
21511 A p p lications.
2156For purposes of scoring, Florida Housing will rely
2164on the Principals of the Applicant and
2171Developer(s) Disclosure Form (Rev. 05 - 2019)
2178outlined below in order to determine if a Principal
2187is a Principal on more than three (3) Priority 1
2197Applications. If duri n g scori n g it is determined
2208that a Princ i p al is disclosed as a Princ i p al on
2223more than three ( 3 ) Priori t y I A p p lication s , a ll
2240such Priorit y I A p p lications will be deemed
2251Priorit y II.
2254If it is later determined that a Principal, as
2263defined in Rule Chapter 67 - 48.002(94), F.A.C.,
2271was not disclosed as a Principal and the
2279undisclosed Principal causes the maximu m set
2286forth above to be exceeded, the award (s) for the
2296affected Application(s) will be rescinded and all
2303Principals of the affected Applications may be
2310subject to material misrepresentation, even if
2316Applications were not selected for funding, were
2323deemed i neligible, or were withdrawn.
232910. The Petitioners all timely submitted applications in response to the
2340R F A.
234311. L ottery numbers were assigned by Florida Housing, at random, to
2355all applications shortly after the applications were received and before any
2366sc oring began.
236912. Lottery numbers were assigned to the applications without regard to
2380whether the application was a Priority I or Priority II.
239013. The RFA did not limit the number of Priority II Applications that
2403could be submitted.
240614. Review of the applic ations to determine if a p rincipal was a p rincipal
2422on more than three Priority 1 Applications occurred during the scoring
2433process, well after l ottery numbers were assigned.
244115. The leveraging line, which would have divided the Priority I
2452A pplications into Group A and Group B, was established after the
2464eligibility determinations were made. All applications were included in
2473Group A. There were no Group B applications. Thus, all applications were
2485treated equally with respect to this preference.
249216. The applica tions were ultimately ranked according to l ottery
2503number and funding goal.
250717. If Florida Housing had determined that an entity or entities
2518submitted more than three Priority I A pplications with related principals,
2529the relief set forth in the R F A was to mo ve those applications to Priority II .
254818. Florida Housing did not affirmatively conclude that any of the 15
2560c hallenged applications included undisclosed p rincipals so as to cause a
2572violation of the maximum number of Priority I A pplications that could be
2585su bmitted.
258719. All of the application s that were deemed eligible for funding,
2599including the Priority II A pplications, scored equally , and met all of the
2612funding preferences.
261420. After the applications were evaluated by the Review Committee
2624appointed by Flor ida Housing, the scores were finalized and preliminary
2635award recommendations were presented and approved by Florida
2643Housing's Board. Consistent with the procedures set forth in the RFA,
2654Florida Housing staff reviewed the Principal Disclosure Forms to
2663deter mine the number of Priority I A pplications that had been filed by
2677each applicant. This review did not result in a determination that any
2689applicant had exceeded the allowable number of Priority I A pplications
2700that included the same p rincipal.
270621. One of the HTG Applications (Orchid Pointe, App. No. 2020 - 148C)
2719was initially selected to satisfy the Elderly Development goal.
2728Subsequently, three applications, including Slate Miami, that had initially
2737been deemed ineligible due to financial arrearages were later determined
2747to be in full compliance and , thus , eligible as of the close of business on
2762January 8, 2020. The Review Committee reconvened on January 21, 2020,
2773to reinstate those three applications. Slate Miami was then recommended
2783for funding.
278522. The Review Committee ultimately recommended to the Board the
2795following applications for funding: Harbour Springs (App. No. 2020 - 101C),
2806which met the Geographic Areas of Opportunity/SADDA Goal; Slate
2815Miami (App. No. 2020 - 122C), which met the Elderly (non - ALF) Goal; a nd
2831Naranja Lakes (App. No. 2020 - 117C), which was the next highest - ranked
2845eligible Priority I Application.
284923. The Board approved the Committee's recommendations at its
2858meeting on January 23, 2020, and approved the preliminary selection of
2869Harbour Springs, Slate Miami , and Naranja Lakes for funding.
287824. The applications selected for funding held Lottery numbers 1 (Harbour
2889Springs), 2 (Naranja Lakes ) , and 4 (Slate Miami).
289825. Petitioners' l ottery numbers were 16 (Quail Roost), 59 (Sierra
2909Meadows) and 24 (Am bar Trail).
291526. The three applications selected for funding have no affiliation or
2926association with HTG, or any of the entities that may have filed
2938applications in contravention of the limitation in the R F A for Priority I
295327. The a pplications alleged in the Petitions as being affiliated with HTG
2966received a wide range of l ottery numbers in the random selection , including
2979numbers : 3, 6, 14, 19, 30, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 49, 52 through 54, and 58.
299728. If Petitioners prevailed in demons trating an im proper p rincipal
3009relationship between the HTG applications, the relief specified in the RFA
3020(the specifications of which were not challenged) would have been the
3031conversion of the offending HTG applications to Priority II applications. The
3042relief would not have been the removal of those applications from the pool of
3056applications, nor would it have affected the assignment of lottery numbers to
3068any of the applicants, including HTG.
307429. T he Petitions do not allege any error in scoring or ineligibility with
3088re spect to the three applications preliminarily approved for funding.
310330. Florida Housing is a public corporatio n organized pursuant to
3114c hapter 420, Part F, Florida Statutes, to administer the financing of
3126affordable housing in Florida . Fl orida Housing is designated as the housing
3139credit agency for Florida and has the responsibility to competitively allocate
3150and distribute low income housing tax credits to help fund affordable housing
3162developments. 3 Because the demand for tax credits provid ed by the federal
3175government far exceeds the available supply, qualified affordable housing
3184developments must compete for this funding. See Ybor III. Ltd. v. Florida
3196Housing Finance Corp , 843 So. 2d 344, 345 (Fla. 1st DCA 2003).
320831. Section 420.507(48) a uthorizes Florida Housing to allocate tax credits
3219and other funding by means of a request for proposal or other competitive
3232solicitatio n. Florida Housing has adopted Florida Administrative Code Rule
3242C hapter 67 - 60 to govern the competitive solicitation proc ess for tax credits
3257and other programs administered by Florida Housing. The adopted rules
3267incorporate the bid protest provisions of s ection 120.57(3), Florida Statutes,
3278for resolving disputes related to the allocation of tax credits. See Fla. Admin.
3291Code r ule 67 - 60.001 .
329832. The competitive process begins with Florida Housing issuing a n
3309RFA. See Florida Administrative Code Rule 67 - 60.003 .
331933. In an administrative proceeding, standing is a jurisdictional
3328threshold issue equivalent to assessing subject matter jurisdiction. See
3337Abbott Lab . v. Mylan Pharm . , Inc., 15 So. 3d 642 (Fla. 1st DCA 2009);
3353Grande Dune s . Ltd. v. Walton C t y . , 714 So. 2d 473, 475 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998).
3373DOAH lacks jurisdiction to consider the merits of a petition unless and
3385until a petitioner a ffirmatively establishes standing. Westi n g house Elec.
3397C o r p . v. Jacksonville Tran s p . Auth. , 491 So. 2d 1238, 1240 - 41 (Fla. 1st
3418DCA 1986).
342034. P ursuant to section 120.57(3), to have standing for a bid protest, a
3434petitioner must establish that the agency's in tended decision "adversely
3444affected" the petitioner's substantial interests. See Madison H i g hland s .
3457LLC v. Fl a. Hous . Fin . Corp. , 220 So. 3d 467, 473 (Fla. 5th DCA 2017)(citing
3475Preston Carroll Co. , v. Fla. K e y s A q ueduct Auth ., 400 So. 2d 524, 525
3494(Fla. 3d DCA 1981)). To establish a substantial interest, the protesting
35053 Unless otherwise indicated, all references to Florida Statutes or the Florida Administrative
3518Code are to current versions.
3523entity must meet the two - prong "substantial interest" test forth in A gr i co
3539Chemical Co mpany v. Department of Environmental Regulation , 406 So.
35492d 478 (Fla. 2d DCA 1981). See Madison H i g h lands , LLC , at 473 (Fla. 5th
3567DCA 2017); Ybor III. Lt d .. supra , at 346.
357735. Agrico requires a challenging party to show: "(1) that he will suffer
3590injury in fact which is of sufficient immediacy to entitle him to a section
3604120.57 hearing, and (2) that his substant ial injury is of a type or nature
3619which the proceeding is designed to protect." Agrico , 406 So. 2d at 482.
"3632The first aspect of the test deals with the degree of injury. The secon d
3647deals with the nature of the injury." Id .
365636. An injury - in - fact must result from the challe n g ed a g en c y action and
3678be real and immediate, not conjectural or hypothetical. Abstract injury is
3689insufficient to establish standing. See Florida DepÔt of Rehab. v. J e rr y ,
3703353 So. 2d 1230 (Fla. 1st DCA 1978); Madison H i g h lands at 473 ("Unde r
3722the first prong of Agrico , the injury must be actual and immediate, and not
3736based on a hypothetical scenario."). In this case, the Petitioners fail to allege
3750sufficient facts to establis h that Florida Housing's preliminary funding
3760awards will cause Petit ioners Ô injury - in - fact that satisfies the first prong of
3777the Agrico test. Even if Petitioners can prove their allegations regarding
3788HTG and its affiliates, the R F A expressly provides a remedy that does not
3803alter or rescind the preliminary funding awards.
38103 7. A lower - ranked bidder only meets the substantial interest test if it
3825demonstrates that it would be funded if a higher - ranked bidder is
3838disqualified. Even a fifth - place bidder can establish standing if they
"3850establish that the four higher - ranked applicat ions must all be rejected or re -
3866evaluated, resulting in the protesting filer being ranked the highest ."
3877Madison H i g hlands at 474; Preston Carroll at 525.
388838. Here, as apparent from the Petitions, Petitioners have no chance of
3900achieving funding through this R F A because all of their applications are
3913behind the applications selected for funding.
391939. While there were three HTG - related applications with better lottery
3931numbers (i.e., 3, 6 and 14) than Quail Roost, even if the three HTG - related
3947applications were d eemed ineligible or were relegated to Priority II status,
3959Quail Roost would still only be the 12 th - ranked application and would not
3974advance to the funding range.
397940. The inability to advance to the funding range is also true for Ambar
3993Trail and Sierra Mea dows. Ambar Trail held lottery number 24 , making it
4006the 23rd - ranked eligible Priority I application by lottery number. There
4018were four HTG - related applications with better lottery numbers than
4029Ambar Trail. Even if all the HTG - related applications with bett e r lottery
4044numbers were deemed ineligible or relegated to Priority II, Ambar Trail
4055would only advance to the 18th highest lottery number among eligible
4066Priority I applicants, far behind all three of the preliminarily awarded
407841. Similarly, Sier ra Meadows, with its lottery number of 59, would only
4091move to the ranking of 37th, after the elimination of any ineligible
4103applications, Priority II applications, and all HTG - related applications with
4114better lottery numbers .
411842. Instead of challenging Flor ida Housing's scoring or evaluation of the
4130applications selected for funding, Petitioners assert that:
4137Florida Housi n g 's failure to take a n y action with
4150re s p ect to the 15 affiliated Priori t y I a pp lications
4165p laced other A p p licants, including Petitioner Ï
4175Ap plicants who followed the RFA's limitations
4182regarding submission of the Priority I
4188Applications, and who did not act to eliminate
4196competition . . . at a competitive disadvantage and
4205rendered the entire RFA's scoring and selection
4212process fundamentally unf air.
4216* * *
4219By manipulating the Leveraging Classification
4224calculations to ensure that all of its Applications
4232were in Group A, the HTG entities effectively
4240rendered the Levering Classification procedures
4245meaningless and placed greater emphasis on
4251lottery numbers in determining which Applicants
4257would be funded. Because HTG entities submitted
426415 Prior i ty I Applications instead of the three
4274Priorit y I A p p lications other Devel o p ers were
4287allowe d , the HTG entities increased their cha n g es
4298of obtaini n g lower (bet ter) lott e ry numbers. Had
4310HTG submitted on l y three Applications, there
4318would have been 51 total Applicants instead of
432663. The mathematical chances of a rule - abiding
4335Developer obtaining a more favorable lottery
4341number are far more when one Developer is
4349allo wed to submit five times the number of
4358applications as the rule - abiding developer.
436543. During the hearing on t he Joint Motion to Dismiss, PetitionersÔ
4377counsel conceded that even if all of the HTG applications were taken out of
4391the process, none of the Pe titioners would be moved into the funding range.
4405It is otherwise mere speculation that that the purported manipulation of
4416the leveraging had a negative impact on Petitioners or any other applicant
4428or g a ve any applicant a better lottery number.
443844. All appl ications received a randomly generated lottery number from
4449the same batch of numbers. Moreover, under the terms of the R F A, a
4464developer could submit as many Priority II applications as it wished,
4475without limitation . Improperly submitted Priority I applicat ions are,
4485pursuant to the terms of the RFA, converted to Priority II applications. They
4498are not removed from the pool of applications. Thus, whether the HTG -
4511related applications were labeled as Priority I or Priority II is irrelevant to
4524the assignment of l ottery numbers, which was done through a random
4536number generator when the applications were received.
454345. Further, Petitioners' argument presupposes that the number of
4552applications submitted by HTG and related entities would somehow have
4562been different if Florida Housing deemed HTG and related entities to be in
4575violation of the limitation on the number of Priority 1 applications.
4586However, under the terms of the RFA, such a determination by Florida
4598Housing would always come after lottery numbers were assigne d.
4608Therefore, there is no support for the argument that Petitioners would
4619receive a better number because the numbers were already issued.
462946. Petitioners try to avoid their standing problems b y alleging that the
4642process was so fundamentally unfair that th e entire RFA should be thrown
4655out. However, the remedy established in the unchallenged RFA
4664specifications is clear -- applications exceeding the Priority I limit would be
4676converted to P riority II. They would not be removed from the pool, and they
4691would not b e assigned different lottery numbers. If Petitioners had an issue
4704with the ÑfairnessÒ of the process, they could have challenged the
4715specification. They did not. A s the preliminary awards would not change ,
4727whether or not the HTG applications are considered , is contrary to the
4739PetitionersÔ assertion that the alleged improprieties of HTG somehow
4748subverted the process or made it fundamentally unfair.
475647. W hile certainly, everything would change if all of the applications
4768were thrown out and everyone was allowe d to resubmit applications, whether
4780Petitioners would receive an award or a more favorable lottery number with
4792respect to any subsequent R F A is pure conjectur e and speculation.
4805Moreover, to throw out all applications on such speculation would be
4816fundamenta lly unfair to applicants like Naranja Lakes , Slate Miami , and
4827Harbour Springs who are entitled to funding based on the terms of the
4840R F A. The alleged improprieties of HTG should not be used to unjustifiably
4854penalize them.
485648. In sum, Petitioners do not meet the Agrico test because they failed to
4870demonstrate that their substantial interests are adversely affected by
4879Florida Housing's preliminary awards. Petitioners do not cite to any
4889binding authority, nor could the undersigned locate any such authority,
4899that would support the assertion that, even if an applicant has no chance
4912of getting an award for that applicant, that applicant has standing to
4924challenge the Ñ fundamental fairness Ò of the process. A mere assertion that
4937the fundamental fairness of the procurem ent process was flawed does not
4949relieve the Petitioners of the requirement to establish standing by meeting
4960both prongs of the Agrico test and demonstrating a substantial interest
4971that is adversely affected by the intended agency action. See Madison
4982H i g h la nds, supra at 474 .
499249. Fairbanks v. Department of Tran s p ortation , 635 So. 2d 58 (Fla. 1st
5007DCA 1984), cited by Petitioners in support of the argument that one does
5020not have to be an eligible bidder in line for an award to have standing, "does
5036not involve a bid protest pursuant to [s ection Rather, it involves
5048the denial of a request for a formal hearing pursuant to section
5060See Id . at 61. The dispute in Fairbanks was o ver the
5073specifications in a construction contract that had been awa rded. The
5084awarded contractor submitted plans to the Department that included
5093Fairbanks' equipment. The Department rejected the submitted plans
5101because the contract specifications specifically called for the use of
5111Fairbanks' competitor's product. Fairbanks requested a formal s ection
5120120.57(1) hearing to challenge the contract specifications. The Department
5129challenged Fairbanks' standing since it was not a bidder for the
5140construction contract. The Department argued that c hapter 337, Florida
5150Statutes, which c ontrol s construction contracts, was intended to protect
5161only the interest of bidders, not suppliers like Fairbanks. Id at. 59. The
5174First District Court of Appeal disagreed, finding that Fairbanks Ô
5184substantial interests were adversely affected. Id . at 61.
51935 0. Unlike the appellant in Fairbanks , the Petitioners have failed to show
5206that their substantial interests were affected by the agencyÔs actions. Florida
5217Housing's alleged inaction regarding the HTG applications has no bearing
5227on the propriety of Florida H ousing's scoring and intended selection of
5239Naranja Lakes , Slate Miami , and Harbour Springs for funding.
524851. Petitioners cannot establish that, but for an error on the p art of
5262Florida Housi n g , Petitioners' applications would have been selected for
5273funding , or that Petitioners' applications would have received a higher
5283lottery number. Here, Petitioners were not prevented from competing for
5293funding nor were any of Petitioners Ô applications rejected during the
5304process. The Petitioners Ô failure to make the fundi ng range was not due to
5319any error by Florida Housing or any actions by the applicants selected for
5332funding. In fact, Petitioners' failure to obtain funding cannot be directly
5343tied to any HTG - related action .
535152. In sum, the Petitioner s failed to demonstrate that the assignment of
5364lottery numbers or treatment of HTG applications failed to comply with the
5376express terms of the RFA, or was otherwise Ñ fundamentally unfair ,Ò and did
5390not demonstrate that the outcome could have changed such that their
5401interests are substantially affected in order to meet the standing
5411requirements to challenge th e preliminary awards or maintain the Petitions
5422filed in this case . Therefore, for the reasons set forth above and in the Joint
5438Motion to Dismiss, the Petitioners and Petitions should be dismissed for lack
5450of standing.
5454Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is
5467R ECOMMENDED that a f i n a l o rd e r b e en t e r e d finding that Petitioners lack
5492standing and d is m iss in g t h e Petitions with prejudice .
5507D ONE A ND E NTERED this 3rd day of April , 2020 , in Tallahassee, Leon
5522County, Florida.
5529Administrative Law Judge
5532Division of Administrative Hearings
5536The DeSoto Building
55391230 Apalachee Parkway
5542Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060
5547(850 ) 488 - 9675
5552Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847
5559Filed with the Clerk of the
5565Division of Administrative Hearings
5569this 3rd day of April , 2020.
5580Maureen McCarthy Daughton, Esquire
5584Maureen McCarthy Daughton, LLC
5588Suite 3 - 231
55921400 V illage Square Boulevard
5597Tallahassee, Florida 32312
5601Michael P. Donaldson, Esquire
5605Carlton Fields Jorden Burt, P.A.
5610215 South Monroe Street, Suite 500
5616Post Office Drawer 190
5620Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 0190
5626Donna Elizabeth Blanton, Esq uire
5631Brittany Adams Long, Esquire
5635Radey Law Firm, P.A.
5639Suite 200
5641301 South Bronough Street
5645Tallahassee, Florida 32301
5649Hugh R. Brown, General Counsel
5654Betty Zachem, Esquire
5657Florida Housing Finance Corporation
5661Suite 5000
5663227 North Bronough Street
5667Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1329
5673M. Christopher Bryant, Esquire
5677Oertel, Fernandez, Bryant & Atkinson, P.A.
5683Post Office Box 1110
5687Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 1110
5693J. Stephen Menton, Esquire
5697Tana D. Storey, Esquire
5701Rutledge Ecenia, P.A.
5704119 South Monroe Street, Suite 202
5710Post Office Box 551 (32302)
5715Tallahassee, Florida 32301
5719Corporation Clerk
5721Florida Housing Finance Corporation
5725Suite 5000
5727227 North Bronough Street
5731Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1329
5749All parties have the right to submit exceptions within 10 days from the date
5763of the Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order
5773should be filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.
- Date
- Proceedings
- PDF:
- Date: 06/12/2020
- Proceedings: Florida Housing Finance Corporation's Response to Petitioners' Exceptions filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 06/12/2020
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Objection/Exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's Recommended Order of Dismissal filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/03/2020
- Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/03/2020
- Proceedings: Recommended Order of Dismissal (telephonic hearing held March 23, 2020). CASE CLOSED.
- Date: 03/23/2020
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/20/2020
- Proceedings: Intervenor, Slate Miami's Notice of Filing Demonstrative Exhibit for Hearing on Motion to Dismiss filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/18/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Cancellation of Taking Deposition of Juan D. Reyes filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/16/2020
- Proceedings: Florida Housing Finance Corporation's Amended Answers to First Request for Admissions from Petitioner Parc Grove, LLC filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/16/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition of Juan D. Reyes via Telephone filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/13/2020
- Proceedings: Florida Housing Finance Corporation's Notice of Joinder in Joint Motion to Dismiss filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/11/2020
- Proceedings: Florida Housing Finance Corporation's Answers to First Request for Admissions from Petitioner Parc Grove, LLC filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/11/2020
- Proceedings: Florida Housing Finance Corporation's Answers to First Request for Admissions from Petitioners Ambar Trail, Quail Roost Transit Village IV, and Sierra Meadows Apartments filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/11/2020
- Proceedings: Florida Housing Finance Corporation's Response to Petitioners Ambar Trail, Quail Roost Transit Village IV, and Sierra Meadows Apartments First Request for Production filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/11/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Service of Florida Housing Finance Corporation's Answers to Petitioners Ambar Trail, Quail Roost Transit Village IV, and Sierra Meadows Apartments First Set of Interrogatories filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/11/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Service of Florida Housing Finance Corporation's Answers to Petitioner Parc Grove, LLC's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/10/2020
- Proceedings: Revised Notice of Taking Rule 1.310(b)(6) Deposition of Florida Housing Finance Corporation's Corporate Representative filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/09/2020
- Proceedings: Cross-Notice of Taking Deposition of Respondent's Agency Representative (Corporate Representative) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/09/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Rule 1.310(b)(6) Deposition of Florida Housing Finance Corporation's Corporate Representative filed.
- Date: 03/06/2020
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/06/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition of Carl Robinson via Telephone filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/06/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 13, 2020; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee).
- PDF:
- Date: 03/06/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing (motion hearing set for March 23, 2020; 2:30 p.m.).
- PDF:
- Date: 03/06/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Brittany Long; filed in Case No. 20-001140BID).
- PDF:
- Date: 03/06/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Brittany Long; filed in Case No. 20-001139BID).
- PDF:
- Date: 03/05/2020
- Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 20-1138, 20-1139, 20-1140, 20-1141)
- PDF:
- Date: 03/05/2020
- Proceedings: Petitioner Parc Grove, LLC's Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Florida Housing Finance Corporation filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/05/2020
- Proceedings: Petitioners' First Request for Admissions to Respondent, Florida Housing Finance Corporation filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/05/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Florida Housing Finance Corporation from Petitioners Ambar Trail, Quail Roost Transit Village IV, and Sierra Meadows Apartments filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/05/2020
- Proceedings: First Request for Admissions to Florida Housing Finance Corporation from Petitioners Ambar Trail, Quail Roost Transit Village IV, and Sierra Meadows Apartments filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/05/2020
- Proceedings: First Request for Production of Documents to Florida Housing Finance Corporation from Petitioners Ambar Trail, Quail Roost Transit Village IV, and Sierra Meadows Apartments filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/05/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for March 6, 2020; 11:00 a.m.).
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 03/02/2020
- Date Assignment:
- 03/03/2020
- Last Docket Entry:
- 06/12/2020
- Location:
- Tallahassee, Florida
- District:
- Northern
- Agency:
- Suffix:
Donna Elizabeth Blanton, Esquire
Address of Record -
Hugh R Brown, General Counsel
Address of Record -
M. Christopher Bryant, Esquire
Address of Record -
Maureen McCarthy Daughton, Esquire
Address of Record -
Michael P. Donaldson, Esquire
Address of Record -
Brittany Adams Long, Esquire
Address of Record -
J. Stephen Menton, Esquire
Address of Record -
Tana D. Storey, Esquire
Address of Record -
Betty Zachem, Esquire
Address of Record -
Brittany Adams Long, Esquire
Address of Record -
Tana D Storey, Esquire
Address of Record