20-003110 Karenlee Krason vs. Brevard County Housing Authority, Et Al
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, November 24, 2020.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner's claim that she was discriminated against on the basis of her disability fails, and the entry of a Summary Recommended Order of Dismissal is appropriate under the facts of this case.


8Whether, on the basis of her handicap, Respondent discriminated against

18P etitioner as alleged in Petitioner’s Housing Discrimination Complaint, in

28violation of the Florida Fair Housing Act (“FFHA”).


40Petitioner, KarenLee Krason, filed her Housing Discrimination Complaint

48(“Complaint”) with the Florida Comm ission on Human Relations (“FCHR”) on

59February 25, 2020. This is an action alleging housing discrimination brought

70pursuant to the FFHA, as amended, and codified in sections 760.20 - . 37,

84Florida Statutes. Respondent is a Public Housing Agency ( “ PHA ” ), under the

99U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development ( “ HUD ” ), which

112administers vouchers provided in Brevard County, Florida, as part of the Housing Choice Voucher Program ( “ HCV Program ” ) , also known as Section 8.

138Petitioner was one of Respondent’s HCV Prog ram clients. Petitioner alleges

149in her Complaint that she was discriminated against based on her disability and she was treated differently than non - disabled voucher holders. Petitioner

173further alleges she continues to be harassed by Respondent’s employees and

184receives threats that her voucher will be terminated.

192FCHR investigated Petitioner’s claims and on June 12, 2020, FCHR

202issued a determination finding “no cause” for Petitioner’s Complaint against

212Respondent. FCHR found that Petitioner failed to stat e a claim for

224harassment based on her disability because there was no evidence of


236Furthermore, FCHR concluded Petitioner was not currently qualified to

245receive the voucher due to her failure to conform to the terms of Respondent’s policie s. Lastly, FCHR found Respondent could not be found to have

271discriminated by refusing to sell or rent a property to Petitioner because

283Respondent was not responsible for providing housing, and Petitioner failed

293to make a bona fide offer to Respondent for t he purchase or rental of a


310Dissatisfied with the Commission’s determination, on July 13, 2020,

319Petitioner filed the Petition for Relief (“Petition”) which is t he subject of this

333proceeding. The Petition was referred to the Division of Administra tive

344Hearings (“DOAH”) that same day, and assigned to the undersigned

354administrative law judge.

357The undersigned scheduled the final hearing for September 28, 2020, but

368on September 23, 2020, Respondent filed a Motion, and Amended Motion, for Continuance. That motion was granted and this matter was rescheduled for

391final hearing on October 28, 2020.

397On October 12, 2020 , Respondent filed the Motion for Summary

407Recommended Order (“Motion”) , which is now before the undersigned.

416Petitioner did not file a respon se to the Motion within the allowable response

430period. Due to the potentially dispositive nature of the Motion, and the short

443time remaining prior to the scheduled final hearing, on October 21, 2020 , the

456undersigned determined that in all fairness to Petit ioner , the final hearing

468should be cancelled to allow time for Petitioner to respond to the Motion. In

482the Order entered on that date , the undersigned expressly ruled that

493Petitioner may file a written response to the Motion within ten days of the

507date of the Order, and should she so choose, also file sworn affidavits in

521support of her response to the Motion.

528On October 22, 2020 , Petitioner responded by e - mail to the Motion,

541stating in full , “I contest the latest Request for summery [ sic ] judgment.” No

556aff idavits or other documents were attached to Petitioner’s response to the


569The Motion invokes the procedure in section 120.57(1)(i), Florida Statutes,

579which provides as follows:

583When, in any proceeding conducted pursuant to

590this subsection, a dispu te of material fact no longer

600exists, any party may move the administrative law judge to relinqui sh jurisdiction to the agency. An

617order relinquishing jurisdiction shall be rendered if

624the administrative law judge determines from the

631pleadings, depositions , answers to interrogatories,

636and admissions on file, together with supporting and opposing affidavits, if any, that no genuine

651issue as to any material fact exists. If the

660administrative law judge enters an order

666relinquishing jurisdiction, the agency may

671promptly conduct a proceeding pursuant to subsection (2), if appropriate, but the parties may

685not raise any issues of disputed fact that could have

695been raised before the administrative law judge. An

703order entered by an administrative law judge relinquish ing jurisdiction to the agency based upon

718a determination that no genuine dispute of

725material fact exists, need not contain findings of

733fact, conclusions of law, or a recommended disposition or penalty.

743Attached to Respondent’s Motion is the affidavit of Cheryl Disco, a

754manager of the Housing Authority of Brevard County (“HABC”) .

7641 This

766affidavit contains multiple factual statements that are material and relevant

776to the disposition of this case. None of those statements have been rebutted

789by Petitioner, and accordingly, to the extent relevant, they have been

800incorporated in the Findings of Fact herein.

8071 As noted by Respondent, the case style inc orrectly names the Respondent. The correct name

823is the “Housing Authority of Brevard County.”

830The undersigned has determined from the pleadings and affidavit on file

841that no genuine issue as to any material fact exists with regard to the

855dispositive i ssues raised by the Motion, and that, based on the unrebutted

868facts, the Petition should be dismissed.

874While it is recognized that, per section 120.57(1)(i), this Order “need not”

886contain findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommended disposition, the

897undersigned chooses to do so here, to fully explain the bases for these

910determinations and to offer the legal analysis leading to the recommended


922Unless otherwise noted, all citations to the Florida Statutes are to the

9342020 version.


9421 . HABC is a PHA that administers vouchers used in Brevard County,

955Florida, as part of the HCV Program .

9632 . Petitioner, Karenlee Krason, began receiving an HCV Program voucher

974("voucher") in 2009. In 2019, she rented a two - bedroom house at 407 Ward

991Road Southwest, Melbourne, Florida, 32980 ("Ward Unit").

10003 . HABC granted a reasonable accommodation to Petitioner by approving

1011a second bedroom for her oxygen equipment.

10184 . On July 30, 2019, Petitioner's landlord notified her in writing that her

1032leas e would not be renewed for the Ward Unit.

10425 . Ms. Alysha Connor, a Section 8 Technician at the HABC, scheduled a

1056relocation appointment on October 9, 2019, to assess Petitioner's plan for

1067finding new housing. HABC issued Petitioner a voucher authorizing he r to

1079find new housing within 60 days.

10856 . HABC is not responsible for finding suitable housing for voucher

1097recipients. However, HABC repeatedly attempted to assist Petitioner in

1106finding a new place to reside.

11127 . Petitioner notified HABC that she found a pl ace to rent at Las Palmas

1128Apartments, located at 1915 Agora Circle, Unit 101, Palm Bay, Florida 32909

1140(“Agora Circle Unit").

11448. In an e - mail dated November 5, 2019, Petitioner requested that her

1158voucher include reimbursement for expenses relating to her c ertified service


11709 . A Request for Tenancy Approval was submitted for the Agora Circle

1183Unit for a potential move - in date of December 1, 2019.

119510 . All rental units must meet minimum standards of health and safety

1208and pass a Housing Quality Standard ( “ HQS ” ) inspection, as determined by

1223HABC in cooperation with HUD.

12281 1 . The Agora Circle Unit failed an inspection conducted by HABC on

1242November 18, 2019. HABC identified the conditions/items needing to be

1252addressed in order to pass inspection.

12581 2 . In the m eantime, HABC obtained an extension on Petitioner's Ward

1272Unit lease with her landlord. The lease would not expire until December 31,

12852019. An additional inspection of the Agora Circle Unit was performed on

1297November 27, 2019, at which time the Agora Circle Unit passed HABC's re -

1311inspection. However, Petitioner communicated to HABC that she no longer

1321wanted to rent the Agora Circle Unit.

13281 3 . Petitioner now expressed a desire to rent a unit at 409 Mercury

1343Avenue S outheast , Unit 103, Palm Bay, Florida ("Mercury Unit"). The

1356Mercury Unit passed HABC's inspection on December 11, 2019. However, issues arose with Petitioner refusing to submit an application for her

1377daughter's background check. HABC had offered to pay the required

1387application fee, but the landlord revo ked Petitioner's application approval

1397because she failed to comply with the landlord's request for the background


141014 . By this time, Petitioner's lease extension for the Ward Unit had

1423expired, as of December 31, 2019. However, Petitioner was still re siding in

1436the unit. On January 9, 2020, HABC attempted to obtain another extension

1448on Petitioner's lease, but the landlord refused the request. Nonetheless

1458Petitioner continued to live in the Ward Unit as she searched for alternative


14721 5 . On Februa ry 3, 2020 , Petitioner's realtor, Bruce Reilly, contacted

1485HABC regarding a unit located at 1642 Lizette Street S outheast , Palm Bay,

1498Florida ("Lizette Unit"). Mr. Reilly inquired whether Petitioner could afford

1510the unit. HABC provided Mr. Reilly its calcula tions on what Petitioner could

1523qualify for. There were no further communications from Mr. Reilly.

15331 6 . During this time, Petitioner's landlord at the Ward Unit provided her

1547with notice to vacate the unit by February 29, 2020. Furthermore, the

1559landlord commu nicated to HABC that he would no longer accept rent from

1572HABC for the following month.

15771 7 . Two days before her deadline to vacate the Ward Unit, Petitioner sent

1592an email to HABC advising that she had located a unit at 3025 Thrush Drive, Unit 101 , Melbourne , Florida (''Thrush Unit"). Petitioner advised HABC that

1618the property needed to be inspected the following day.

16271 8 . The Request for Tenancy Approval ('"RFTA") packet submitted by

1641Petitioner for the Thrush Unit was incomplete. Although HABC was closed for b usiness on Friday, February 28, 2020, HABC made arrangements for one

1665of its employees to inspect the Thrush Unit that day. In addition, HABC's CEO, Michael Bean, accelerated the process to allow Petitioner to relocate to the Thrush Unit immediately so she would not become homeless.

17001 9 . Later that day, Petitioner notified HABC that the Thrush Unit had

1714been rented to another individual.

171920 . Throughout the relocation process, Petitioner was granted numerous

1729extensions on her voucher.

17332 1 . At the end of each year, HABC conducts a mandatory review of the

1749financial information provided by Section 8 voucher recipients through the

1759Enterprise Income Verification ( “ EIV ” ) system. EIV provides a comprehensive

1772online system for the determination and verification of var ious resident

1783information and income that PHAs use to determine rental subsidies.

17932 2 . On or about January 2020, EIV reported that Petitioner's daughter

1806was working at Cumberland Farms. Petitioner had failed to disclose this fact. Upon contacting Petitioner to discuss this omission, Petitioner continued to

1828assert that her daughter was not employed. HABC proceeded to investigate

1839this matter further.

18422 3 . Throughout its investigation, HABC retrieved employment records

1852from Cumberland Farms. This documentation c onfirmed that Petitioner’s daughter indeed worked at Cumberland Farms. Moreover, Florida Power and

1871Light billing records disclosed that Petitioner’s daughter no longer resided at the residence occupied by Petitioner.

18872 4 . In light of the above revelations, HABC began the process of

1901terminating Petitioner's voucher because she had violated HABC's policies and regulations. Specifically, Petitioner violated HABC’s policy by failing to disclose additional household income and by failing to disclose that her

1931dau ghter was no longer living at the Ward Unit.

19412 5 . On February 3, 2020 , HABC emailed Petitioner, outlining its findings,

1954and notifying her that HABC would be terminating her voucher effective March 31, 2020. HABC informed her she had the option to request a hearing

1979before termination. Petitioner elected to have an informal hearing to contest

1990her termination from the program.

19952 6 . The informal hearing was held on February 14, 2020. Petitioner

2008appeared by telephone. At the hearing, Petitioner was combative and r efused

2020to answer questions posed by Hearing Officer G. Phillip J. Zies. She abruptly

2033ended the telephone call before the conclusion of the hearing. At the hearing,

2046HABC recommended the Hearing Officer not terminate Petitioner's voucher.

20552 7 . On the same da y as the hearing, the Hearing Officer decided to make

2072Petitioner's status "conditionally eligible" subject to her making

2080arrangements with HABC to stay in the HCV Program within seven (7) days

2093of the hearing.

20962 8 . On February 19, 2020, HABC reached out to Petitioner via email

2110providing a list of documents she needed to complete, including:

2120A. A Retroactive Payment Plan;

2125B. Nicole Krason ’ s tax returns from 2017, 2018, and

21362019 tax years;

2139C. Copies of updated driver's licenses from

2146Petitioner and Nicole Kra son; and

2152D. An Updated Lease Agreement from Nicole


21602 9 . As of October 9, 2020, the date of Ms. Disco’s affidavit, Petitioner has

2176failed to provide any of the documents requested above. Notwithstanding

2186Petitioner’s failure to comply with HABC's doc umentation requests, HABC

2196has extended Petitioner's voucher until December 31, 2020.

220430 . Petitioner’s voucher originally expired on November 30, 2019, but has

2216been extended th rough December 31, 2020. During the period of the

2228extension , Petitioner was requi red to complete her annual recertification in

2239order to remain eligible under the HCV Program. HUD mandates HABC

2250must conduct an annual re - examination of a participant's eligibility for the

2263HCV Program. The purpose of the annual re - examination is to establi sh that

2278every family's eligibility for assistance is based on their income, as

2289determined in accordance with program rules.

22953 1 . During the annual recertification process, Petitioner requested that

2306her daughter be deemed a “live - in aid” so that her daughter 's income would

2322not count toward s the household income. However, Petitioner declined to

2333continue with this process because she wanted the voucher to transfer to her


23473 2 . According to HUD guidelines, Petitioner's daughter would not qualify

2359as a liv e - in aide , eligible for rental assistance or occupancy in a subsidized

2375unit, because her daughter had lived as an "other household adult" between

23872008 and 2019. HABC's administrative plan does not allow prior , or current ,

2399household adults to be live - in aid es.

24083 3 . Participant s must provide information requested by HABC because

2420changes in income or family composition can affect the amount of assistance

2432a tenant is eligible to receive. Those who fail to cooperate in providing such

2446information can have their v oucher terminated.

24533 4 . On or about July 30, 2020, HABC sent Petitioner an annual

2467recertification packet in order for her to complete the annual recertification process. This packet needed to be completed by September 1, 2020.

24893 5 . On September 17, 2020, HAB C sent a letter to Petitioner advising her

2505she had not completed the annual recertification packet and that she would

2517need to complete the packet in order to remain eligible under the HCV Program.

25313 6 . On September 23, 2020, Petitioner returned the packet, but it was

2545incomplete. Specifically, Petitioner did not provide proper documentation for her out - of - pocket medical expenses. HABC requested the proper

2566documentation be submitted to complete the annual recertification process.

25753 7 . Petitioner did provide HAB C with a letter from Health First Alliance

2590Group confirming her continued need for medical equipment.

25983 8 . Independent of the proceedings before FCHR, HUD also investigated

2610the handling of Petitioner's case by HABC. The scope of HUD’s investigation was to determine whether HABC discriminated against Petitioner in

2631violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and its

2643implementing regula tions found at 24 CFR, Part 8. Section 504 provides that

2656no otherwise qualified individual with disabilities s hall, solely on the basis of

2669disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or

2681otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity that

2692receives federal financial assistance from HUD.

26983 9 . HUD’s investigation led to a finding that there were no reasonable

2712grounds to believe that an unlawful discriminatory housing practice had occurred.


272840 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

2739parties to and the subject matter of this proceeding pursuant to sections

2751120.569 and 120.57(1).

27544 1 . Petitioner filed a Complaint against HABC alleging housing

2765discrimination under the FFHA. According to Petitioner, HABC allegedly

2774discriminated against her based on her disability when she r eapplied for

2786eligibility under the HCV Program (also called the annual recertification/re -

2797examination process). The FFHA provides a private right of action for “ [a]ny

2810person who claims to have been injured by a discriminatory housing

2821practice.” The F F HA is patterned after the federal Fair Housing Act and the

2836courts have recognized it to be construed consistently with federal law.

2847Woolington v. 1st Orlando Real Estate Servs . , Inc. , 2011 WL 3919715 at *2

2861(M.D. Fla. 2011); Loren v. Sasser , 309 F.3d 1296, 1300 n.9 (11th Cir. 2002).

2875Petitioner has neither alleged nor demonstrated any direct evidence of

2885discrimination. 2 Accordingly, discrimination claims under either Act are

2894subject to the burden - shifting analysis set forth in McDonnell Douglas

29062 Alt ernatively, Petitioner’s burden may be satisfied with direct evidence of discriminatory

2919intent. See Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Thurston , 469 U.S . 111 (1985) (“[T]he McDonnell

2934Douglas test is inapplicable where the plaintiff presents direct evidence of di scrimination”

2947inasmuch as “[t]he shifting burdens of proof set for in McDonnell Douglas are designed to

2962assure that the ‘plaintiff [has] his day in court despite the unavailability of direct evidence.’”

2977Corp oration v. Gree n, 411 U.S. 792 (1973). Head v. Cornerstone Residential

2990Mgmt . , Inc. , 2010 WL 3781288 at * 6 (S.D. Fla. 2010).

30024 2 . Under the three - part McDonnell Douglas burden - shifting analysis, a

3017petitioner must first prove a prima facie case of discrimination by a

3029prepon derance of the evidence. Head , 2010 WL 3781288 at * 6. If she can

3044sufficiently establish a prima facie case, a rebuttable presumption of

3054discrimination arises and the burden shifts to the respondent to articulate some legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason fo r its action. Id . Finally, if the

3078respondent articulates a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for its action,

3087to avoid summary judgement (in this context, summary recommended order) ,

3097the petitioner must then create a genuine issue of material fact as to whether

3111the advanced reasons are pretextual. Id .

31184 3 . Section 760.23 provides in relevant part:

3127760.23 Discrimination in the sale or rental of

3135housing and other prohibited practices. —

3141(1) It is unlawful to refuse to sell or rent after the

3153making of a bona fide offer, to refuse to negotiate

3163for the sale or rental of, or otherwise to make

3173unavailable or deny a dwelling to any person because of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, familial status, or religion.

3193(2) It is unlawful to discriminate agai nst any

3202person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale

3211or rental of a dwelling, or in the provision of services or facilities in connection therewith, because of race, color, national origin, sex,

3234disability, familial status, or religion.

32394 4 . Peti tioner has failed to establish a prima facie case of housing

3254discrimination under section 760.23(2). To establish a prima facie case of

3265housing discrimination under this section, Petitioner must establish four

3274elements: 1) that she belonged to a protected class; 2) that she was qualified

3288to receive HCV Program housing assistance for the unit in question; 3) that

3301she was rejected despite her qualifications; and 4) that Respondent continued

3312to approve other similarly situated applicants outside of her protect ed class

3324for HCV Program housing assistance. See Martin v. Palm Beach Atlantic

3335Ass’n, Inc . 696 So. 2d 919, 921 (Fla. 4th DCA 1997); see also Head , 2010

3351WL 3781288 at * 6; Alley v. Les Cateaux Condo . Ass’n, Inc. , 2010 WL 2774178

3367at * 3 (M.D. Fla. 2007).

33734 5 . W hile HABC does not dispute that Petitioner is disabled, Petitioner

3387was not qualified to receive HCV Program housing because she failed to abide

3400by HABC’s policies. Her failure to submit necessary paperwork requested as

3411part of HABC’s annual recertification process constituted non - compliance

3421under the terms and policies of the HCV Program. Petitioner was “required to

3434provide information [to HABC] when requested, and to cooperate in efforts to

3446verify the information provided.” The documents requested were: (1 ) a copy of

3459the driver’s license for Petitioner and her daughter; (2) documentation related

3470to her certified service animal; (3) expenses for her certified service animal;

3482and (4) her out - of - pocket medical expenses. A “failure to comply with the

3498PHA’s annu al reexamination requirements is grounds for terminating

3507assistance.” Despite her initial noncompliance, Petitioner was granted

3515numerous extensions to submit the necessary paperwork. However, she never

3525submitted the documents needed. These documents are ne cessary to

3535determine Petitioner’s eligibility in the HCV Program because HUD

3544establishes income limits by family size and household income. Pursuant to HUD’s regulations and guidelines, HABC was required to request and obtain

3566such documents from Petitioner .

35714 6 . HABC’s document requests were related to determining Petitioner’s

3582eligibility and had nothing to do with her disability. There is no evidence Petitioner was treated unfavorably compared to others in the HCV Program.

3606Despite her noncompliance with HAB C’s documentation requests, Petitioner

3615was given numerous opportunities to submit the necessary paperwork. Her

3625possible termination from the HCV Program was due to her noncompliance

3636with HABC’s policies, not her disability. Accordingly, HABC has clearly

3646ar ticulated legitimate, nondiscriminatory reasons for terminating Petitioner’s


36554 7 . Petitioner’s claim must also fail because section 760.23(1) is

3667inapplicable under the facts of this case. Under the FFHA, it is “unlawful to

3681refuse to sell or rent af ter the making of a bona fide offer, to refuse to

3698negotiate for the sale or rental of, or otherwise to make unavailable or deny a

3713dwelling to any person because of ... handicap....” § 760.23(1) , Fla. Stat .

3726( e mphasis a dded).

37314 8 . To establish a prima facie c ase of refusal to rent based on a handicap

3749or disability, a petitioner must allege and prove, by a preponderance of the

3762evidence that , (1) petitioner is handicap ped as defined by the FFHA;

3774(2) Respondent was aware of it; (3) petitioner was ready, willing, and able to

3788rent the apartment; and (4) respondent refused to allow her to do so. Martin v. Palm Beach Atlantic Ass'n, Inc. , 696 So. 2d at 921 (noting that in order to

3818make out a prima facie case of a violation of sub - section 3604(a) for

3833discriminatory hou sing refusal, a plaintiff must show that he is a member of

3847a statutorily protected class who applied for and was qualified to rent or

3860purchase housing and was rejected although housing remained available.);

3869see also Jackson v. Comberg , 2007 WL 2774178 at * 3 (M.D. Fla. 2007); Alley ,

38842010 WL 4739508 at * 5 . (citations omitted).

38934 9 . In the present case, Petitioner never made a bona fide offer to rent or

3910buy a dwelling from HABC. Most significantly, HABC was not responsible for

3922providing housing to Petitioner, a nd neither did Petitioner request public

3933housing from HABC. Instead, this case involved her eligibility under the

3944HCV Program. Accordingly, based on the undisputed material facts, HABC

3954cannot be found to have violated section 760.23(1).

396250 . The unrebutted evidence establishes that Petitioner was afforded

3972numerous opportunities to comply with HABC’s policies , and she simply

3982failed to do so. HABC’s requests for documentation are related to assessing

3994her eligibility under the HCV Program, rather than her disab ility. Despite

4006HABC’s having grounds to terminate her voucher, HABC has and continues

4017to allow Petitioner the opportunity to remain in the HCV Program.

40285 1 . Petitioner has not established a prima facie case that she was

4042discriminated against because of her disability. To the contrary, there is no

4054evidence that she was treated differently than others outside of her protected

4066class. In fact, HABC and its representatives attempted to assist Petitioner in keeping her voucher. HABC has proffered a legitimate, no n - discriminatory

4090reason for HABC’s request for documentation under the annual

4099recertification process, and Petitioner has failed to come forward with any

4110evidence inconsistent with the proffered reason for requesting such

4119documentation, namely to assess he r eligibility under the HCV Program.

4130Therefore, Petitioner’s claim that she was discriminated against on the basis

4141of her disability fails, and the entry of a Summary Recommended Order of

4154Dismissal is appropriate under the facts of this case.


4166Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

4179R ECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a

4190final order dismissing Petitioner’s Petition for Relief.

4197D ONE A ND E NTERED this 2 4th day of November , 2020 , in Tal lahassee,

4213Leon County, Florida.


4221Administrative Law Judge

4224Division of Administrative Hearings

4228The DeSoto Building

42311230 Apalachee Parkway

4234Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4239(850) 488 - 9675

4243Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4250Fil ed with the Clerk of the

4257Division of Administrative Hearings

4261this 2 4th day of November , 2020 .


4274Tammy S. Barton, Agency Clerk

4279Florida Commission on Human Relations

4284Room 110

42864075 Esplanade Way

4289Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 7020


4295L aShawnda K. Jackson, Esquire

4300Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell, P.A.

4305Suite 1400

4307300 South Orange Avenue

4311Orlando, Florida 32801


4315KarenLee Krason

4317c/o General Delivery

4320Melbourne, Florida 32901


4324Francis Sheppard, Esquire

4327Rumberger, Kirk & Cal dwell , P.A.

4333Suite 1400

4335300 South Orange Avenue

4339Orlando, Florida 32801


4343Michael D. Begey, Esquire

4347Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell , P.A.

4352Suite 1400

4354300 South Orange Avenue

4358Orlando, Florida 32801


4362Cheyanne Costilla, General Counsel

4366Florida Co mmission on Human Relations

4372Room 110

43744075 Esplanade Way

4377Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 7020



4394All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

4407the date of this Recommended Order. Any ex ceptions to this Recommended

4419Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 05/17/2021
Proceedings: Memorandum of the First DCA filed.
Date: 04/26/2021
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Ordered that the above-styled cause is dismissed.
Date: 03/25/2021
Proceedings: Acknowledgment of New Case, 5TH DCA Case No. 21-0754 filed.
Date: 02/25/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/25/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from a Discriminatory Housing Practice filed.
Date: 12/28/2020
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 12/28/2020
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 12/28/2020
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 12/28/2020
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 11/24/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/24/2020
Proceedings: Summary Recommended Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/24/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/22/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's E-Mail Response to Summary Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/21/2020
Proceedings: Order Canceling Hearing and Reserving Ruling on Respondent's Motion for Summary Recommended Order (parties to advise status by November 2, 2020).
Date: 10/12/2020
Proceedings: Exhibits (2 of 2) of Respondent's MSJ and Affidavit filed on 10-9-2020 filed.
Date: 10/12/2020
Proceedings: Exhibits (1 of 2) of Respondents MSJ and Affidavit filed on 10-9-2020 filed.
Date: 10/12/2020
Proceedings: Respondent Brevard County Housing Authority's Motion for Summary Recommended Order and Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 10/06/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Michael Begey) filed.
Date: 09/25/2020
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 09/25/2020
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for October 28, 2020; 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time; Melbourne).
Date: 09/23/2020
Proceedings: Email from Petitioner regarding Denial of scheduled Hearing filed (medical information, not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 09/23/2020
Proceedings: Email from Petitioner regarding Response to Motion for Continuance filed (medical information, not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 09/23/2020
Proceedings: Brevard County Housing Authority's Amended Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 09/23/2020
Proceedings: Brevard County Housing Authority's Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 09/23/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Francis Sheppard) filed.
Date: 08/19/2020
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/07/2020
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/07/2020
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/07/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for September 28, 2020; 9:30 a.m.; Melbourne).
Date: 08/05/2020
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 07/23/2020
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 07/22/2020
Proceedings: Housing Authority of Brevard County's Response in Compliance with Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/14/2020
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 07/13/2020
Proceedings: Housing Discrimination Complaint filed.
Date: 07/13/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Determination of No Cause filed.
Date: 07/13/2020
Proceedings: Determination (No Cause) filed.
Date: 07/13/2020
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 07/13/2020
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Melbourne, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):