20-003754 Department Of Children And Families vs. Starchild Academy Wekiva
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, May 19, 2021.

View Dockets  
Summary: DCF proved Respondent, through the actions of its employee, committed an act of physical punishment as a form of discipline, a class I violation of DCF rules and statutes.





22Petitioner ,

23Case No. 20 - 3754



35Respondent .



43The final hearing in this matter was conducted before Administrative Law

54Judge Jodi - Ann V. Livingstone of the Division of Administrative Hearings

66(DOAH), on February 9, 2021, by Zoom Conference.


76For Petitioner: Brian Christophe r Meola, Assistant General Counsel

85Department of Children and Families

90400 West Robinson Street , Suite S - 1129

98Orlando, Florida 32801

101Javier A. Enriquez, General Counsel

106Department of Children and Families

111Building 2, R oom 204F

1161317 Winewood Boulevard

119Tallahassee, Florida 3239 9 - 0700

125For Respondent: Lucia C. Pineiro, Esquire

131Lucia C. Pineiro & Associates, P.A.

137717 Ponce de Leon Boulevard , Suite 309

144Coral Gables, Florida 33134


157Whether Respondent, a licensed child care facility, committed two Class I

168v iolation s as alleged in the Administrative Complaint ; and, if so, the

181appropriate penalty, including whether Petitioner may terminate

188Respondent ' s participation in the Gold Seal Quality Care program .


204On July 10, 2020, the Department of Children and Families (Department

215or Petitioner) issued an Administrative Complaint against StarChild

223Academy Wekiva (StarChild or Respondent) , in which it alleged t hat

234StarChild committed two Class I violations of the Child Care Licensing

245Standard s , as incorporated by reference in Florida Administrative Code

255Rule 65C - 22.010(1)(e) 1. For the alleged violations, the Department sought to

268impose a fine of $1 , 000.00.

274In a Response to Administrative Complaint and Request for

283Administrative Hearing , StarChild timely disputed the allegations and

291requested a disputed - fact hearing. The Department transmitted the matter to

303DOAH on August 18, 2020 , for the assignment of an admin istrative law


317At the final hearing, the Department presented the testimony of Shakira

328Alexander, Kurt Jones, Meghan Jones, and David Meconitas . The

338Department's E xhibits A through D were admitted into evidence , without

349objection. StarChild presente d the testimony of David Meconitas , Shelby

359Feinberg, Deborah Files, Margarita Diaz, Zuleika Martinez, Ida Lewis ,

368Danny King, and Nadia Engwall. StarChild's Exhibits 1 through 18 were

379admitted into evidence, without objection.

384At the close of the hearing, the parties requested an extended deadline of

39730 days following DOAH ' s receipt of the hearing transcript to file post -

412hearing submittals. 1 A two - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed

426with DOAH on March 25, 2021 . Both parties timely submitted Pro posed

439Recommended Orders , which were duly considered in preparation of this

449Recommended Order .

452All references to the Florida Statutes are to the 2019 version , unless

464otherwise noted . All references to the Florida Administrative Cod e are to the

478versions t hat were in effect at the time of the alleged violations .


4971. The Department is the state agency responsible for licensing and

508regulating child care facilities in the s tate in Florida.

5182. StarChild is a licensed child care facility locate d in Apopka, Florida .

532StarChild is d esignated as a Gold Seal Provider and has a contract with the

547Early Learning Coalition t o provide school readiness services.

5563. As a designated Gold Seal Quality Care Provider, StarChild is subject

568to the provisions of s ection 402.281 , Florida Statutes.

5774. In order to obtain and maintain a designation as a Gold Seal Quality

591Care provider, a child care facility must not have had any Class I violations,

605as defined by rule, within the two years preceding its application f or

618designation as a Gold Seal Quality Care provider. § 402.281(4)(a), Fla. Stat.

6305. " Commission of a Class I violation shall be grounds for termination of

643the designation as a Gold Seal Quality Care provider until the provider has

656no Class I violations for a period of two years. " § 402.281(4)(a), Fla . Stat.

6711 By agreeing to an extended deadline for post - hearing submissions beyond ten days after the

688filing of the transcript, the parties waived the 30 - day timeframe for issuance of the

704Recommended Order. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 28 - 106.216.

7146. As of the date of the final hearing, StarChild ha d never had a Class I


732The May 5, 202 0 , Incident

7387. At all times relevant to this case, CJ was a two - year - old boy who

756attended StarChild.

7588. On May 5, 2020, CJ, along with several other children and two

771teachers , were in a two - year - old classroom at StarChild. The actions of the

787children and a teacher, Ms. Crisman, were recorde d by a surveillance camera

800mounted in the room. The factual allega tions in the Administrative

811Complaint are primarily based on an incident captured on video.

8219. In the video, CJ is seen interacting with other children in the room. The

836children are all engaged in different activities; some are standing while

847others are si tting on the floor. CJ stood near a group of children who were

863sitting on the floor in close proximity to Ms. Crisman, who also sat on the


87910. CJ walked up behind another child who sat in front of Ms. Crisman.

893CJ placed his hands on the other child 's shoulders. The other child turned his

908torso toward CJ, while still sitting, and pushed CJ away from him. This was

922by no means a hard push. CJ stumbled into a seated position and then

936immediately thereafter laid on his back. CJ remained laying on his bac k for

950approximately five to ten seconds, during which he playfully kicked his feet.

96211. Ms. Crisman stood up from her seated position, walked over to CJ, and

976stood over him. She then grabbed CJ by both wrists and forcefully yanked

989him off the ground.

99312. It is clear from the video that Ms. Crisman used great force when she

1008pulled CJ off the floor Ð CJ's feet flew up in the air and his head flew back.

1026Ms. Crisman then pulled CJ, by his wrists, approximately ten feet across the

1039room, and placed him in a corne r in timeout. CJ sat in the corner clutching

1055his arm.

105713. Zuleika Martinez (Ms. Martinez) was one of the two teachers assigned

1069to CJ's classroom. She was not present during the incident, but came back to

1083see CJ sitting in timeout. Ms. Martinez noticed tha t CJ was favoring one

1097hand over the other . Approximately 30 minutes after noticing this,

1108Ms. Martinez notified Deborah Files (Ms. Files).

111514. Ms. Files has been employed by StarChild since March 2005 , and has

1128been serving as the Director of StarChild since April 2020 .

113915. Ms. Files walked over to the classroom to check on CJ and speak to

1154Ms. Martinez. She learned that CJ was holding his arm and he would not use

1169it for play or to eat.

117516. Ms. Files brought CJ into StarChild's front - desk area Ð the area

1189typica lly used for children who are not feeling well. Ms. File s iced CJ's arm.

120517. Shortly thereafter, Ms. Files contacted Shelby Feinberg

1213(Ms. Feinberg). At the time of the incident, Ms. Feinberg was the Executive

1226Director of StarChild. Ms. Feinberg was working remotely and, therefore, not

1237at Star C hild's facility. Ms. Files explained to Ms. Feinberg that CJ appeared

1251to be having difficulty utilizing one of his arms. Ms. Feinberg advised

1263Ms. Files to contact CJ's parents.

126918. Ms. Files contacted CJ's mother, Megh an Jones, at approximately

128011:00 a.m. Ms. Files reported to the mother that CJ was favoring one arm,

1294and that he was not using the other arm at all. Ms. Files encouraged

1308Ms. Jones to pick CJ up.

131419. At approximately 12:30 p.m., CJ's father, Kurt Jones (Mr . Jones),

1326arrived at StarChild to pick CJ up. Mr. Jones f ound CJ in the classroom,

1341lying on the floor. He told CJ to get up . CJ attempted to push himself up off

1359the floor but was unable to do so . CJ appeared to be in pain and unable to

1377support his body wei ght on his arm. It was clear to Mr. Jones that his son

1394was in pain. Mr. Jones had difficulty getting CJ strapped into his car seat.

1408Mr. Jones drove CJ to their home, which was five minutes away.

142020. When at home, Mr. Jones noticed that CJ still appeared to be in pain.

1435Mr. Jones noticed that CJ would not move or touch his arm. He was holding

1450his arm as if it was in a sling. CJ would periodically cry.

146321. Mr. Jones grew worried as his son still appeared to be in pain and did

1479not seem to be getting better as time passed. Mr. Jones considered taking CJ

1493to the emergency room but decided against it because of concerns related to

1506the COVID - 19 pandemic. He could not take CJ to his primary care

1520pediatrician as there were scheduling difficulties also tied to the COVI D - 19

1534pandemic. The family's usual after - hours urgent care pediatrics office did not

1547open until 4:00 p.m.

155122. At approximately three or four hours after picking CJ up from

1563StarChild , Mr. Jones, with few options, searched for help on the internet. He

1576researc hed possible causes of CJ's pain and why he was holding his arm like

1591a sling. After watching several videos, he came across a YouTube video made

1604by a nurse who described a condition called "nursemaid elbow." A nursemaid

1616elbow is a dislocated elbow. The sym ptoms matched what CJ was

1628experiencing and Mr. Jones determined CJ had dislocated his elbow. The

1639video provided instructions on how to correct the nursemaid elbow.

164923. Desperate to help his son who was still in pain, he attempted the

1663procedure to put CJ's elbow back in place . Mr. Jones followed the

1676instructions . H e heard a "pop" noise, which was to be expected per the

1691instructions in the video. CJ cried for ten to 15 seconds. Thereafter, CJ

1704regained full mobility of his arm and no longer appeared to be in pain. CJ

1719began acting like his typical self.

172524. The next day, Mr. and Mrs. Jones took CJ to his pediatrician. CJ was

1740diagnosed with nursemaid elbow. They were advised that the procedure that

1751Mr. Jones conduc ted the previous day was the correct one.

176225. T he Department conducted an investigation of the incident. As part of

1775its investigation, t he Department scheduled an examination of CJ by its

1787Child Protective Team (CPT).

179126. Margarita Diaz (Nurse Diaz) is a pediatric nurse practitioner who

1802works for CPT. She has been with CPT for three years. She has received

1816extensive training in child abuse. On May 7, 2020, she d id a complete head -

1832to - toe examination of CJ. She reviewed the history of CJ' s injury provided by

1848CJ's parents and collateral information which i ncluded the video of the

1860incident. She diagnosed CJ as having suffered a nursemaid elbow due to child


187427. Nurse Diaz described a nursemaid elbow as a condition that occurs

1886when the ligament in the elbow gets trapped between two bones. When a

1899child ' s arm is pulled away, the tendon slips down . When the arm goes back

1916into place, the tendon gets stuck between the humerus and the radial bone s .

1931When this condition happens, it is usually very painful for the child . The

1945child often presents as protective of the arm and will not move it.

195828. Nurse Diaz further testified that t he most common mechanism of

1970injury is when a child is pulled . Other mechanism s for injury include

1984swinging or lifting a child by the arm. She testified that a nursemaid elbow is

1999easy to correct and once corrected, a child is back to normal i n five to ten


201729. Nurse Diaz testified that her f inding of child abuse was based on her

2032observations of the actions of the teacher as shown in the video. She

2045confirmed that the actions of th e teacher in the video were consistent with

2059the infliction of a nursemaid elbow injury on CJ .

2069StarChild ' s Response to Incident

207530. When Ms. Martinez reported CJ's injury, StarChild took immediate

2085action to address the situation. They removed CJ from the c lassroom, tended

2098to his injuries, promptly contacted his parents, and set out to find out the

2112cause of the injury.

211631. StarChild administrators watched video footage of the activity leading

2126up to CJ's change in behavior. In reviewing the video , StarChild d etermined

2139that Ms. Crisman used improper form by lifting CJ by his wri s ts when

2154movin g CJ to the timeout corner . By noon on the same day of the incident,

2171StarChild terminated Ms. Crisman' s employment. StarChild then contacted

2180the Department to report the in cident.

218732. Mr. Jones made a request to review video footage of the incident.

2200Danny King, the owner of StarChild, reached out to Mr. Jones personally and

2213agreed to meet with him and Mrs. Jones to review the video together in

2227person. The parents were infor med that Ms. Crisman was terminated.

223833. Following the incident, StarChild develop ed a self - imposed Corrective

2250Action Plan, that include d re - training its entire staff. Ms. Feinberg met with

2265all members of the staff and conducted in - person training in smal l class

2280settings. All staff members were provided StarChild 's dis cipline policy and

2292child interaction policies . Staff members were also required to take a child

2305abuse and training course . StarChild re - wr ote it s staff h andbook to include

2322stronger and cleare r language about how children are to be moved and

2335repositioned in the classroom . Additionally, StarChild implemented

2343permanent policy changes which required discussions during weekly staff

2352meetings about behavior and how staff members should positively dea l with

2364behavior in the classroom. All staff members were also provided with

2375information on nursemaid elbow, specifically.

238034 . StarChild has current plans to bring in guest speakers, such as a

2394behavior management professional and a CPT speaker , to further e ducate

2405their staff members.

240835. StarChild acted commendably in response to the incident. It took

2419immediate and comprehensive action to try to reduce the probability of an

2431incident like that occurring again. It must be noted that complete prevention

2443is an i mpossibility.

244736. CJ continued to attend StarChild after the incident . Indeed, he

2459attended StarChild the day after the incident and appeared to be in good

2472spirits. CJ's younger sister was also enrolled at StarChild after the incident,

2484when she was three - a nd - a - half months old.


250237. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

2515cau se pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57( 1) , Florida Statutes (2020) .

252838 . The Administrative Complaint sets forth allegations that Star Child

2539committed two Class I violations of rule 65C - 22.010(1)(e)1 ., and seeks to

2553impose discipline against StarChild' s license .

256039. A proceeding to suspend, revoke, or impose other discipline upon a

2572license is penal in nature. State ex rel. Vining v. Fla. R eal Estate Comm' n ,

2588281 So. 2d 487, 491 (Fla. 1973). Petitioner therefore bears the burden of

2601proving the charges against Respondent by clear and convincing evidence .

2612Fox v. Dep't of Health , 994 So. 2d 416, 418 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008) (citing Dep ' t of

2631Banking & Fin. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996)).

264540. The clear and convincing standard of proof has been described by the

2658Florida Supreme Court as follows:

2663Clear and convincing evidence requires that

2669evidence must be found to be cre d ible; the fa cts to

2682which the wit n esses testify must be distinctly

2691remembered; the testimony must be precise and

2698explicit a nd the witnesses must be lacking in

2707conf usion as to the facts in issue. The evidence

2717m ust be of such weight that it produces in the mind

2729of the tr ier of fact a firm belief o r conviction,

2741without hesitancy, as to the tr u th of the a llegations

2753sought to be established.

2757In re Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994 ) (quoting Slomowitz v. Walker , 429

2773So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)); see also In re Hen son , 913 So. 2d 579,

2791590 (Fla. 2005). " Although this standard of proof may be met where the

2804evidence is in conflict, È it seems to preclude evidence that is ambiguous. "

2817Westinghouse Elec. Corp. v. Shuler Bros. , 590 So. 2d 986, 988 (Fla. 1st DCA


283241 . Whether Respondent committed the charged offenses is a question of

2844ultimate fact to be determined by the trier of fact in the context of each

2859alleged violation. Holmes v. Turlington , 480 So. 2d 150, 153 (Fla. 1985);

2871McKinney v. Castor , 66 So. 2d 387, 389 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995); Langston v.

2885Jamerson , 653 So. 2d 489, 491 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

289542. Here, Respondent has been charged in the Administrative Complaint

2905with violations based on the following allegations:

29123. The Department discovered that StarChild

2918comm itted two Class One violations of Child Care

2927Licensing standards during an investigation on

2933May 6, 2020.

2936a. The Department received a complaint regarding

2943the possible violations of childcare standards

2949committed at StarChild on or about May 6, 2020.

2958The c omplaint alleged that a child was mistreated

2967and abused by a staff member while under care.

2976b. David Meconitas was assigned by the

2983Department to investigate the complaint.

2988Mr. Meconitas' investigation discovered the


2994i . A teacher at StarChild reported a concern about

3004one of the children because the child was not using

3014his arm and it appeared injured. The teacher's

3022concern was conveyed to the child's father. The

3030child is two years old. It appeared that the child's

3040elbow was dislocated. The child 's father, upon

3048arrival at the school, was able to set the arm back

3059into the socket without i ssue.

3065ii . Mr. Meconitas reviewed StarChild's surveillance

3072footage of the classroom area to determine if a

3081cause for the child's dislocated arm could be

3089determine d. After a review of the footage, it was

3099discovered that a staff member of StarChild, Kylie

3107Crisman, improperly and aggressively grabbed the

3113child by both of his hands and pulled his arms

3123strongly in an effort to get him on his feet, and then

3135she dragged t he child by his arms several feet to

3146another area of the room. The video shows that this

3156action was strong and sudden, and not in

3164accordance with StarChild's discipline policy.

3169iii. A referral was made to the Child Protection

3178Team, to evaluate the allega tions. CPT Advanced

3186Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Margarita Diaz

3192completed a medical examination of the child and

3200concluded with positive findings of physical abuse.

3207APRN Diaz confirmed that the sudden force and

3215dragging of the child by his arms by Ms. Crisman

3225caused the child's dislocated arm injury. APRN

3232Diaz interviewed the mother, and determined that

3239the child acquired a "nursemaids' elbow," as a

3247result of Ms. Crisman's actions.

3252i v. StarChild terminated Ms. Crisman as a result of

3262this incident.

326443 . Section 402.310 authorizes the Department to take disciplinary action

3275against licensed child care facilities. This statute provides, in pertinent part,

3286that the Department "may administer ... disciplinary sanctions for a violation

3297of any provision of ss. 402.301 - 402.319, or the rules adopted thereunder."

3310§ 402.310(1)(a), Fla. Stat.

331444. Section 402.310(1)(c) directs the Department to adopt rules to

3324effectuate the following:

33271. Establish the grounds under which the

3334department may deny, suspend, or revoke a license

3342or registration or place a licensee or registrant on

3351probation status for violations of ss. 402.301 -

3359402.319 .

33612. Establish a uniform system of procedures to

3369impose disciplinary sanctions for violations of

3375ss. 402.301 - 402.319 . The uniform system of

3384procedures must provide for the consistent

3390application of disciplinary actions across di stricts

3397and a progressively increasing level of penalties

3404from predisciplinary actions, such as efforts to

3411assist licensees or registrants to correct the

3418statutory or regulatory violations, and to severe

3425disciplinary sanctions for actions that jeopardize

3431t he health and safety of children, such as for the

3442deliberate misuse of medications.

344645. The "uniform system of procedures to impose disciplinary sanctions" is

3457commonly referred to as the "classification system." This classification system

3467is set forth in the Child Care Facility Standards Classification Summary

3478(Classification Summary), which is incorporated by reference in rule 65C -

348922.010(1)(e)1. The Department classifies violations as Class I, Class II, or

3500Class III.

350246 . Rule 65C - 22.010(1)( e )1. defines C lass I violations as those that " are

3519the most serious in nature ." A Class I violation occurs when there is an

3534incident of noncompliance with the Class I standards set forth in the

3546Classification Summary.

354847 . Pursuant to the mandate of section 402.310(1)(c )1., the Department

3560created the School - Age Child Care Facility Handbook (Handbook). The

3571Handbook is incorporated by reference in rule 65C - 22.008 (5) . School - age child

3587care programs , like StarChild, must follow the standards found in the

3598Handbook . Fla. Admin . Code R. 65C - 22.008(5) .

360948. Respondent was charged with two Class I violations of standards set

3621forth in the Handbook. The Administrative Complaint states, in pertinent


3632a. On or about May 6, 2020, a form of discipline used

3644by staff included the use of spanking or other form

3654of physical punishment, in violation of CCF

3661Handbook, Section 2.8 F. 1 . This constitutes a

3670Class I violation of Child Care Licensing Standard,

3678CF - FSP Form 5316, 11 - 6, October 2017,

3688incorporated by reference, 65C22.010(1)(e)1 . , F.A. C.

3695b. On May 6, 2020, the owner, operator, employee or

3705substitute, while caring for children, committed an

3712act or omission that meets the definition of child

3721abuse or neglect provided in Chapter 39, Florida

3729Statutes or Chapter 827, Florida Statutes. This

3736constitutes a Class I violation of Child Care

3744Licensing Standard, CF - FSP Form 5316, 47 - 2,

3754October 2017, incorporated by reference, 65C -

376122.010(1)(e) 1. , F.A.C.

376449. The Department, in its Proposed Recommended Order, clarifies the

3774violations charged. First, the Department alleges StarChild's employee used

3783physical punishment as a form of discipline and committed an act of child

3796abuse , as defined in c hapter 39, Florida Statutes , and that the

3808aforementioned violations are Class I violations.

3814Physical Punishmen t as a Form of Discipline

382250. Section 2.8, F.1 . of the Handbook provides that t he following discipline

3836techniques shall be prohibited in a child care facility:

38451. The use of corporal punishment/including, but

3852not limited to:

3855a) Hitting, spanking, shaking, slapping, twisting,

3861pulling, squeezing, or biting;


3866e) Rough or harsh handling of children, including

3874but not limited to: lifting or jerking by one or both

3885arms; pushing; forcing or restricting movement;

3891lifting or moving by grasping clothing; coveri ng a

3900childÔs head.

390251. In a video recording, StarChild's employee, Ms. Crisman, can clearly

3913be seen committing several of these prohibited disciplinary techniques.

3922Ms. Crisman roughly handled CJ by lifting or jerking him off the floor by

3936both arms. While doing so, Ms. Crisman also pulled and forced CJ's

3948movement. These actions were clearly the use of improper disciplinary

3958technique s Ð Ms. Crisman forcefully yanked CJ off the ground and pulled him

3972into a timeout corner.

397652. The Department clearly and convin cingly showed that StarChild,

3986through the actions of its employee, committed an act of physical punishment

3998as a form of discipline .

4004Child Abuse

400653. Section 8.2 , A . of the Handbook provides that "[a] cts or omissions that

4021meet the definition of child abuse o r neglect provided in Chapter 39, F.S. or

4036Chapter 827, F.S., constitute a violation of the standards i n section 402.301 -

4050.319, F.S., and will support imposition of a sanction, as provided in Section

4063402.310, F.S ."

406654. Section 39.01(2) defines abuse as "any willful act or threatened act

4078that results in any physical, mental, or sexual abuse, injury, or harm that

4091causes or is likely to cause the childÔs physical, mental, or emotional health to

4105be significantly impaired. "

410855. In this case, to prove StarChild co mmitted child abuse, the

4120Department must show through clear and convincing evidence that : ( 1) the

4133StarChild employee committed a willful act; ( 2 ) that the willful act resulted

4147in physical or mental injury/ harm; and that ( 3 ) the physical or mental

4162injury/ ha rm caused CJ's physical, mental, or emotional health to be

4174significantly impaired .

417756. Section 39.01(3 5 ) (a)4. defines the word "harm" and provides guidance

4190for determining whether harm has occurred in the context of inappropriate or

4202excessively harsh disc iplinary action. Although it specifically lists "dislocated

4212elbow" as an example of when harm has occurred, it provides several factors

4225to consider when making the determination about whether such harm

4235amounts to abuse. It provides, in pertinent part:

42434. I nappropriate or excessively harsh disciplinary

4250action that is likely to result in physical injury,

4259mental injury as defined in this section, or

4267emotional injury. The significance of any injury

4274must be evaluated in light of the following factors:

4283the age of the child; any prior history of injuries to

4294the child; the location of the injury on the body of

4305the child; the multiplicity of the injury; and the type

4315of trauma inflicted. Corporal discipline may be

4322considered excessive or abusive when it results in

4330any of the following or other similar injuries:

4338a. Sprains, dislocations, or cartilage damage.

4344(emphasis added).

434657. It is clear in this case that Ms. Crisman willfully jerked CJ off the floor

4362by both arms and pulled him into the corner of the room, and tha t her actions

4379caused physical harm to CJ Ð that is, a dislocated elbow. However, the

4392Department has not shown that CJ's physical, mental, or emotional health

4403w as significantly impaired because of the employee's actions. Although it is

4415clear CJ was physically harmed, there is insufficient clear and convincing

4426evidence that the physical harm caused CJ's physical, mental, or emotional

4437health to be significantly impaired. CJ's father was able, through directives

4448provided by a YouTube video, to fix CJ's arm. CJ at tended StarChild the very

4463next day and appeared happy and healthy.

44705 8 . T he Department failed to prove that StarChild, through the actions of

4485its employee, committed child abuse. 2

4491Disciplinary Guidelines

44935 9 . Section 402.281 (4)(a) sets out the standards for the Gold Seal Quality

4508Care Program. It provides as follows:

45142 In its Propose d Recommended Order, the Department misplaces its reliance on a

4528Recommended Order issued by Administrative Law Judge John Newton . See Dep't of Chil d.

4543& Fam. v . Kiddie Island Acad . , LLC , Case No. 20 - 2100 (Fla. DOAH Oct. 26, 2020 ), adopted

4564in pertinent part (DCF Feb. 12, 2021). The Department argues that i n Kiddie Island , the

4580child care facility was found to have committed c hild a buse and the DepartmentÔs

4595Administrative Complaint was upheld. Further, t he Department argues that Judge Newton

4607found, and the unde rsigned should follow suit, that the physical injuries the child suffered in

4623that case amounted to child abuse . The Department mischaracterizes Judge Newton's

4635findings. In fact, Judge Newton found that the teacher's treatment of the child in that case

"4651did not amount to 'abuse' as the Legislature has defined it." Moreover, Judge Newton found

4666that the Department did not prove the charges alleged and recommended dismissal of the

4680Administrative Complaint. In its Final Order, t he Department adopted these recomm ended

4693findings and conclusions and dismissed the child abuse charge.

4702(4) In order to obtain and maintain a designation

4711as a Gold Seal Quality Care provider, a child care

4721facility, large family child care home, or family day

4730care home must meet the following additional


4738(a) The child care provider must not have had an y

4749class I violations, as defined by rule, within the 2

4759years preceding its application for designation as a

4767Gold Seal Quality Care provider. Commission of a

4775class I violation shall be grounds for termination of

4784the designation as a Gold Seal Quality Care

4792p rovider until the provider has no class I violations

4802for a period of 2 years. (emphasis added).

481060 . The statute explicitly provides that the commission of a C lass I

4824violation shall be grounds to terminate a child care facility's designation as a

4837Gold Seal Quality Care provider .

48436 1 . As set forth above, StarChild is found to have committed an act of

4859physical punishment as a form of discipline , in violation of s ection 2.8 , F.1. of

4874the Handbook , which constitutes a Class I violation.

48826 2 . Rule 65C - 22.010(2)(d) 1 . provides for progressive discipline when

4896Class I violations are found , as follows:

49031. Class I Violations.

4907a. For the first and second violation of a Class I

4918standard, the Department shall, upon applying the

4925factors in section 402.310(1), F.S., impose a fine not

4934less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00 per day

4943for each violation, and may impose other

4950disciplinary sanctions in addition to the fine.

49576 3 . Section 402.310(1) provides, in pertinent part:

4966(1)(a) The department or local licensing agency

4973may a dminister any of the following disciplinary

4981sanctions for a violation of any provision of

4989ss. 402.301 - 402.319, or the rules adopted


49981. Impose an administrative fine not to exceed

5006$100 per violation, per day. However, if the

5014violation could or d oes cause death or serious harm,

5024the department or local licensing agency may

5031impose an administrative fine, not to exceed $500

5039per violation per day in addition to or in lieu of any

5051other disciplinary action imposed under this



5059(b) In determ ining the appropriate disciplinary

5066action to be taken for a violation as provided in

5076paragraph (a), the following factors shall be


50841. The severity of the violation, including the

5092probability that death or serious harm to the health

5101or safety o f any person will result or has resulted,

5112the severity of the actual or potential harm, and

5121the extent to which the provisions of ss. 402.301 -

5131402.319 have been violated.

51352. Actions taken by the licensee or registrant to

5144correct the violation or to remedy complaints.

51513. Any previous violations of the licensee or


51606 4 . Considering the factors set forth in section 402.310(1)(b) , to include

5173StarChild's robust response to address the incident, the lowest fine possible is

5185appropriate. In addition, f o r the found violation, the Department is required

5198by law to revoke StarChild Ôs Gold Seal Designation.


5209Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

5222R ECOMMENDED that the Department of Children and Familie s impose a fi ne

5236of $100.00 against StarChild and revoke its designation as a Gold Seal

5248Quality Care provider .

5252D ONE A ND E NTERED this 19th day of May , 2021 , in Tallahassee, Leon

5267County, Florida.



5278Administrative Law Judge

52811230 Apalachee Parkway

5284Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5289(850) 488 - 9675


5294Filed with the Clerk of the

5300Division of Administrative Hearings

5304this 19th day of May , 2021 .


5316Brian Christopher Meola, Assistant Lucia C. Pineiro, Esquire

5324General Counsel Lucia C. P ineiro & Associates, P.A.

5333Department of Childre n and Families Suite 309

5341Suite S - 1129 717 Ponce de Leon Boulevard

5350400 West Robinson Street Coral Gables, Florida 33134

5358Orlando, Florida 32801

5361Javier A. Enriquez, General Counsel

5366Lacey Kantor, Agency Clerk Department of Children and Families

5375Department of Children and Families Building 2, Room 204F

5384Building 2, Room 204Z 1317 Winewood Boulevard

53911317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

5399Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


5416All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

5429the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

5440Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this

5455ca se.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/09/2021
Proceedings: Settlement Agreement filed.
Date: 09/09/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order Closing File filed.
Date: 09/08/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/08/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/02/2021
Proceedings: Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/19/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/19/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 9, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/19/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/26/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/26/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/12/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 04/09/2021
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion to Extend Time to Submit Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 03/25/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 03/25/2021
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/09/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Composite Exhibit 18: Certificates of Completion filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 16: Investigative Report filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 15: Chapter 39, Florida Statues (part two) filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 15: Chapter 39, Florida Statues (part time) filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 14: Chapter 65C-22 (part two) filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 14 (part one) filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 13: Chapter 402.310, Florida Statues filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Composite Exhibit 12: Orange County Sheriff's Office Incidents Reports dated May 6 and May 14, 2020 filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Composite Exhibit 11: DCF Eligibility Screening filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Partial Exhibit 9: Child Care Facility Handbook Section 8.2 filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Partial Exhibit 7: Staff Handbook filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 6: Child Abuse Training Curriculm filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Partial Exhibit 5: StarChild Academy - Disciplinary and Teacher Interactions with Acknowlgement filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 4: StarChild Academy -Wekiva's Timeline and Corrective Action filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Composite Exhibit 3: Chapter 12: Enforcement filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Composite Exhibit 3: Chapter 9: Complaints filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 3: Chapter 8: Child Abuse and Neglect filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 1: Complaint filed. DUPLICATE
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 2: Response and Request for Hearing filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Exhibit 1: Complaint filed.
Date: 02/05/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 02/04/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) (USB attached).
Date: 02/04/2021
Proceedings: Amended Exhibit for the Respondent filed.
Date: 02/03/2021
Proceedings: Order.
Date: 02/03/2021
Proceedings: (Proposed) Unopposed Order for the Release of any and All Child Protection Team filed.
Date: 02/03/2021
Proceedings: Motion without Opposition for the Release of any and All Child Protection Team Reports Related to this Matter filed.
Date: 02/03/2021
Proceedings: Witness and Exhibit List for the Respondent filed.
Date: 02/02/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Pre-Hearing Statement filed.
Date: 02/02/2021
Proceedings: Witnesses and Exhibits for the Department filed.
Date: 02/01/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Pre-Hearing Statement filed.
Date: 12/11/2020
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for February 9, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 12/10/2020
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order filed.
Date: 12/01/2020
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by December 11, 2020).
Date: 11/30/2020
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance of Trial and Enlargement of Time to Prepare for Trial Due to Respondent's Counsel Being Hospitalized for a Serious Medical Condition filed.
Date: 11/12/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum via Zoom (M. Jones) filed.
Date: 11/12/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum via Zoom (K. Jones) filed.
Date: 11/12/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (M. Diaz) filed.
Date: 11/12/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum via Zoom (S. Alexander) filed.
Date: 11/12/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 11/12/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum via Zoom (D. Meconitas) filed.
Date: 10/08/2020
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for December 17, 2020; 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 10/07/2020
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order filed.
Date: 10/01/2020
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by October 8, 2020).
Date: 10/01/2020
Proceedings: Emergency Motion for Continuance of Hearing by Zoom Conference filed.
Date: 08/28/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Javier Enriquez) filed.
Date: 08/27/2020
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/27/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for October 14, 2020; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee).
Date: 08/27/2020
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/19/2020
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/18/2020
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/18/2020
Proceedings: Response to Administrative Complaint and Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 08/18/2020
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):