20-004258 Kathy L. Mckethan vs. Winter Park Imports, D/B/A Lexus Of Orlando
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, October 28, 2020.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner executed a general release; therefore, the Florida Commission on Human Relations has no jurisdiction in this case.

1filing of the complaint and that , pursuant to sections 760.11(4) and (8),

13Petitioner was entitled to either: (1) b ring a civil action against the person

27named in the complaint in any court of competent jurisdiction within one

39year of the date of the notice; or (2) r equest an administrative hearing with

54the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) under sections 120 .569 and

65120.57, Florida Statutes, by filing a Petition for Relief (Petition) within 35 days of the date of the notice.

84On September 18, 2020 , Petitioner timely filed a Petition with FCHR,

95request ing an administrative hearing before DOAH. On September 22 , 2020 ,

106FCHR forwarded the Petition to DOAH for the assignment of an

117Administrative Law Judge to conduct all necessary proceedings required

126under the law and submit recommended findings to FCHR.

135On September 23, 2020, the undersigned issued an Initial Or der to

147facilitate the scheduling of the final hearing . In response, on September 28,

1602020 , Respondent filed Respondent ’ s Motion to Dismiss (Mot ion) in which

173Respondent asserted that Petitioner and Respondent entered into a Dispute

183Resolution Agreement in w hich they agreed to mediate and, if necessary,

195arbitrate, any disputes between them, including disputes based on the types

206of claims Petitioner attempts to bring in her Petition for Rel ief. Further,

219Respondent asserted that Petitioner signed a General Rele ase on January 16,

2312019, her last day of employment with Respondent, in which she released Respondent from any and all claims she had or might have had as of the date

259of her ex ecution of the General Release. Copies of the Dispute Resolution

272Agreement and t he General Release were attached as exhibits to the Motion.

285The undersigned treated Respondent ’ s Motion as a motion to relinquish

297jurisdiction pursuant to section 120.57(1)(i), based on the documen ts attached

308to the motion. The documents raise d a threshol d question of whether the

322undersigned has jurisdiction to address the disputed facts raised in the

333Petition for Relief, or whether, instead, Petitioner ’ s claim is barred by the

347General Release or cannot be heard in this tribunal because of Petitioner ’ s

361agr eement to arbitrate.

365On October 8, 2020, the undersigned issued an Order to Show Cause in

378which Petitioner was directed to file a written response to the Order setting

391forth material facts that dispute Respondent ’ s assertion that Peti tioner has

404released her claim through the signing of a General Release and agreed to

417final and binding arbitration to resolve disputes under the FCRA , as

428suggested by the documents attached to Respondent ’ s Motion.

438On October 22, 2020, Petitioner timely responded to the Orde r to Show

451Cause by filing Petitioner ’ s Response to Show Cause Order and Respondent’ s

465Motion to Dismiss (Response). In the Response, Petitioner made specific

475allegations regarding Respondent’s purported discriminatory conduct and asserted that the General R elease was signed under duress, she did not give

496up her rights because she had not yet received her final paycheck or her

510belongings from Respondent, and that there is no proof that she received

522consideration for signing the General Release. Specifically, Petitioner asserts

531that there is no proof she was given “the $10 to keep quiet.”

544Due consideration has been given to Petitioner ’ s R esponse to the Order to

559Show Cause. No hearing is necessary.

565All sta tutory references are to the 201 8 version of the Flori da Statutes.


5851. On January 16, 2019, on her last day of employment with Respondent,

598Petitioner executed a General Release.

6032. Petitioner does not dispute that she signed the General Release, which

615states, in pertinent part:

619I knowingly and voluntaril y release and forever

627discharge [Respondent] of and from any and all

635claims, known and unknown, anticipated and

641unanticipated, asserted and unasserted, which I

647have or may have against the [Respondent] as of

656the date of execution of this Gen eral Release . These

667released claims include, but are not limited to, any alleged violation of .. . Title VII of the Civil Rights

687Act of 1964; the Americans with Disabilities Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; the Family and Medical Leave Act; .. . [and] the Florida

712Civil Rights Act [ . ]

718* * *

721By signing below, I am knowingly and freely waiving and releasing all claims I may have

737against the [Respondent]. I further affirm I have

745been given a sufficient amount of time to consider whether to sign this General Release.

7603. The subject complaint of discrimination was brought by Petitioner , after

771she signed the General Release, pursuant to the FCRA, which i s specifically

784referenced as a released claim in the General Release .

7944. By executing the General Release, Petitioner released Respondent from

804the claim s that were the basis for her complaint of discrimination .

8175. Petitioner asserts that the General Release was signed under duress,

828she did not give up her rights because she had not yet rec eive d her final

845paycheck or belongings, and that there is no proof that she received

857consideration for signing the general release.


8686. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

881cause pursuant to sectio ns 120.569 and 120.57(1).

8897. The FCRA prohibits discrimination in the workplace. See §§ 760.10 and

901760.11, Fla. Stat. Section 760.10(1)(a) states that it is an unlawful

912employment practice for an employer:

917To discharge or to fail or refuse to hire any

927individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to compensation, terms,

940conditions, or privileges of employment, because of

947such individual ’ s race, color, religion, sex,

955pregnancy, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status.

9638. The is sue at hand is whether Petitioner’s execution of the G eneral

977Release operates as a bar to FCHR’s jurisdiction or the undersigned having

989authority to resolve this matter on the merits in an administrative

1000proceeding. FCHR has already conclusively resolved t his le gal question, as

1012set forth below, and, u nless and until a court of competent jurisdiction

1025permits Petitioner to rescind the General Release, s he is precluded from

1037bringing this complaint of discrimination in this administrative proceeding .

10479. It is settled law that a person may waive his or her right to pursue an

1064employment discrimination claim. See, gen., Puentes v. UPS , 86 F.3d 196, 198

1076(11th Cir. 1996).

107910. As found above, Petitioner released Respondent from any claim

1089brought under the FCRA . Accor dingly, FCHR has no jurisdiction in this

1102matter. This conclusion is consistent with result s reached in previous DOAH

1114Recommended Orders and FCHR Final Orders .

112111. In Keeley v. Millers Super Value Store , Case No. 02 - 4727 ( Fla. DOAH

1137Jan. 21, 2003 ; FCHR July 24, 2003 ), the Administrative Law Judge entered a

1151Recommended Order of Dismissal on the basis that by entering into a release

1164agreement, Peti tioner waived her rights under s ection 760.11, to prove that

1177Respondent discriminated against her based on her race and/or disability. In

1188Keeley , the Petitioner did not dispute that she sign ed the release discharging

1201R espondent from all legal and equitable claims of any nature that she h ad or

1217may have had against R espondent.

122312. I n Wunderlich v. WCI Communities, Inc. , Case No. 08 - 0684 ( Fla.

1238DOAH Apr. 8, 2008 ; FCHR July 1, 2008 ) , the Administrative Law Judge

1251entered a Recommended Order of Dismissal determining that Mr.

1260Wunderlich had released any claims he had under FCRA, and further,

1271“[u] nless and until a court of comp etent jurisdiction permits Petitioner to

1284rescind the Separation Agreement, he is precluded from bringing th is

1295complaint of discrimination.” FCHR ’ s Final Order (FCHR Order No. 08 - 040)

1309adopted the Administrative Law Judge ’ s recommendation of dismissal. In

1320ru ling on exceptions, F CHR set s forth a detailed discussion of FCHR

1334precedent on the subject of a complainant’ s release of claims, as follows:

1347The Administrative Law Judge concluded that

1353Petitioner, through entering into a Separation

1359Agreement, released his claims under the Florida

1366Civil Rights Ac t of 1992 against Respondent.

1374* * *

1377Essentially, the exceptions document argues that

1383Respondent is in breac h of the Separation Agreement.

1392* * *

1395In a case in which Petitioner argued that she had not received the money she was entitled to under a settlement agreement and Respondent argued that

1421the money agreed to had been pa id, a Commission

1431panel stated: “ Whether Petitioner received what

1438she was entitled to under the Settlement and

1446Release Agreemen t is not an issue appropriately

1454before the Commission in our view. Rather the

1462issue before the Commission is whether there is

1470competent substantial evidence in the record to suppo rt the Administrative Law Judge’ s finding

1485that claims brought forth in this m atter ha ve been

1496released by Petitioner.” Keeley v. Millers

1502SuperValue Store , FCHR Order No. 03 - 057 (July

151124, 2003).

1513In conclusions of law adopted by a Commiss ion

1522panel, it has been stated, “ Enforcement of a

1531settlement agreement is not within the jurisdic tion

1539conferred upon FCHR under Chapter 760, Florida

1546Statutes … McShane v. Brevard County Sheriff ’ s

1555Office , FCHR O rder No. 03 - 040 (July 3, 2003).

1566* * *

1569Further, in a case in which a Petitioner alleged

1578that he was unjustly pressured to sign a sett lement

1588agreement, a Commission panel adopted an Administrative Law Judge ’ s conclusion that in the

1603absence of a showi ng of legislative authority to “ go

1614behind ” a settlement agreement by the parties in

1623order to determine whether a settlement agreement by the parties resulted from just or

1637unjust pressure, it must be concluded that in the face of the existing settlement agreement between the parties the case should be dismissed. Cotter v.

1662Gambro Renal Products, Inc. , FCHR Order No. 03 -

1671087 (December 29, 2003).

1675Finally, in a case in which a Petitioner alleged that he executed a settlement agreement under duress and without benefit of le gal counsel, and in which

1702the Administrative Law Judge concluded that the

1709Divis ion of Administrative Hearings “ has no

1717authority to interpret, enforce, or nullify a private

1725contrac t,” a Commission panel stated, “ If, as suggested by Keeley and McShane , supra , the

1742Commission is without jurisdiction to enforce settlement agreements entered into in cases brought pursuant to the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, in our view, it would logically follow that the Commission is without jurisdiction to determine

1779th e validity of those agreements.” Howard v.

1787Colomer, USA , FCHR Order No. 06 - 084 (September

179618, 2006).

1798Based on the foregoing, we co nclude that the

1807Commission has no authority to interpret whether Respondent is in breach of the Separation

1821Agreement. It is undisputed that the agreement

1828released Petitioner ’ s Florida Civil Rights

1835Act of

18371992 claims against Respondent.

184113. Petitioner has asserted that the General Release was procured under

1852duress, that she signed it before receiving her last paycheck and that there is

1866no proof she received consideration for the execution. FCHR has previously

1877determined that it lacks jurisdiction to determi ne the validity of settlement

1889agreements. See Wunderlich v. WCI Communities, Inc. , FCHR Order No. 08 -

1901040 (July 1, 2008)(noting that “in the absence of a showing of legislative authority to ‘ go behind ’ a settlement agreement by the parties in order to

1929deter mine whether a settlement by the parties resulted from just or unjust

1942pressure, it must be concluded that in the face of the existing settlement

1955agreement between the parties the case should be dismissed.”).

196414. In accordance with Florida law and FCHR pre cedent, Petitioner’ s

1976claims are barred by the General Release and FCHR does not have

1988jurisdiction in this matter.

199215. Based on the finding above, a determination of whether Petitioner ’ s

2005claim could be heard in this tribunal (if it had not been released) b ecause of

2021Petitioner ’ s agreement to arbitrate is unnecessary .


2032Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

2045R ECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a

2056Final Order dismissing Kathy L. McKethan ’s Petition for Relief due to a lack

2070of jurisdiction.

2072D ONE A ND E NTERED this 28th day of October , 2020 , in Tallahassee, Leon

2087County, Florida.



2098Administrative Law Judge

2101Division of Administrative Hearings

2105The DeSoto Building

21081230 Apalachee Parkway

2111Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2116(850) 488 - 9675

2120Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2127Filed with the Clerk of the

2133Division of Administrative Hearings

2137this 28th day of October , 2020 .


2149Tammy S. Barton, Agency Clerk

2154Florida Commission on Human Relations

2159Room 110

21614075 Esplanade Way

2164Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 7020


2170Keith L. Hammond, Esquire

2174Law Office of Keith L. Hammond, P.A.

2181Post Office Box 547873

2185Orlando, Florida 32854


2189Kathy McKethan

2191Post Office Box 953304

2195Lake Mary, Florida 32795


2200Cheyanne Costilla, General Counsel

2204Florida Commission on Human Relations

22091 075 Esplanade Way , Room 110

2215Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 7020



2232All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

2245the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

2256Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/27/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/27/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response with Exceptions filed.
Date: 01/27/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 11/16/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response with Exceptions filed.
Date: 10/28/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/28/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/28/2020
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/23/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Show Cause Order and Respondent's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 10/22/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response To Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/08/2020
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause.
Date: 09/30/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/28/2020
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Dismiss and Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 09/23/2020
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 09/22/2020
Proceedings: Technical Assistance Questionnaire for Employment Complaints filed.
Date: 09/22/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Rights filed.
Date: 09/22/2020
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 09/22/2020
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lake Mary, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):