Department Of Health, Board Of Massage Therapy vs.
Kenneth James Dipersio, L.M.T.
Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, May 26, 2021.
Recommended Order on Wednesday, May 26, 2021.
25Petitioner ,
26Case No s. 20 - 4754PL
32vs. 20 - 4755PL
43Respondent .
50The final hearing was held in this case by Zoom Video Conference in
63Tallahassee, Florida, on March 4 and 5 , 2021, before Brian A. Newman, an
76Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administr ative Hearings
89For Petitioner: Ann L. Prescott, Esquire
95Julisa Renaud, Esquire
98Department of Health
101Prosecution Services Unit
1044052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 65
112Tallahassee, Florida 32399
115For Respondent: R ichard A. Greenberg, Esquire
122Rumberger Kirk & Caldwell
126101 North Monroe Street , Suite 120
132Tallahassee, Florida 32301
143The issues in th ese consolidated case s are whether Respondent committed
155sexual misconduct as ch arged in the Administrative Complaint s , and, if so,
168what penalty should be imposed.
177On August 14, 2020, the Department of Health (Department) filed two
188Administrative Complaint s before the Board of Massage Therapy (Board)
198against Kenn eth James DiPersio, L.M.T. (Respondent). In DOAH C ase
209No. 20 - 4754PL , the Department charged Respondent with sexual misconduct
220while treating a client identified as M.S. , in violation of sections 4 80.046(1)(p)
233and 4 80.0485, Florida Statutes , and Florida Adm inistrative Code Rule 64B7 -
2462 6.010(1) and (3). 1 In DOAH C ase No. 20 - 4755PL , the Department charged
262Respondent with committing sexual misconduct while treating a client
271identified as S.B. , in violation of the same provisions. Respondent timely filed
283a reques t for a hearing involving disputed issues of material fact in both
298On October 23, 2020, the Department transmitted the Administrative
307Complaint s to DOAH for assignment of an administrative law judge to
319conduct the requested hearing s . On November 9 , 2020, DOAH C ase
332No s . 20 - 475 4 PL and 20 - 4755PL were consolidated for all purposes .
350The final hearing scheduled for January 13 , 202 1 , was continued at the
363request of both parties for good cause and was rescheduled to be heard via
377Zoom V ideo C onference on March 4 and 5, 2021.
388Prior to the hearing, the parties filed a Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation, in
402which they identified their proposed witnesses and exhibits, set forth their
413objections to the other partyÔs proposed exhibits, and agreed to several
4241 The Administrative Complaints are based on events that occurred in 2017 and 2018. All
439references herein to statutes an d rules are to the version s in effect at the time the events at
459issue occurred.
461state ments of fact and law. The partiesÔ agreed facts have been incorporated
474in the Findings of Fact below to the extent relevant.
484At the hearing, the parties offered Joint Exhibit 1 , which was admitted.
496T he Department presented the live testimony of S.B., M.S ., Maxine Satrape,
509and Jasmin Driessen, and the testimony of expert witness Faith Bueller ,
520L.M.T. , by deposition transcript . Department Exhibits 1 through 4, and 7
532were admitted. R espondent presented the testimony of expert witness Donald
543C. Kelley, L.M.T. , and testified on his own behalf. RespondentÔs Exhibits 1
555and 2 were admitted.
559The three - volume Transcript of the hearing was filed on March 29, 2021 .
574The deadline to file p roposed r ecommended o rders (PROs) was extended to
588April 26, 2021 , at the request of Respondent. Both parties timely filed PROs ,
601which have been considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.
6171. The Department is charged with regulating the practice of massage
628therapy pursuant to c hapter s 456 and 480, Fl orid a Statutes.
6412. At all times material to this case, Respondent was a licensed massage
654therapist in Florida, having been issued license number MA 11149.
664Respondent has practiced massage therapy for approximately 30 years.
673Client M.S. , DOAH Case No. 20 - 4754PL
6813 . On January 10, 2018, M.S. completed her initial client intake form with
695Respondent which contained several sections . M.S. wrote t hat she suffered
707from post - concussion syndrome. According to M.S., she was diagnosed with
719post - concussion syndrome and mild traumatic brain injury after a log fell on
733her head in August of 2017. Under the heading Ñconcerns , Ò M.S. wrote: ÑIÔm
747going crazy and losing memory completely Ð eyes burning.Ò Under Ñrecent
758changes , Ò M.S. wrote: Ñloss of memory, confusion, irate , irritabil ity,
769uncontrollable anxiety, depression, extreme vertigo, unable to focus or
778comprehend, extreme nervousness and fee ling out of control emotions. Ò
7894 . M.S. had four massage sessions with Respondent on January 10, 19, 24 ,
803and 31, 2018 . M.S. removed her shoe s but was otherwise fully clothed during
818all four massage sessions.
8225 . The Department alleges that the sexual activity occurred during M.S.Ôs
834fourth and final session on January 31, 2018. Specifically, the Department
845alleges that Respondent touched M.S.Ô s labia with his fingers, rested his
857fingers on M.S.Ôs vagina, and cupped her vagina. 2
8666 . During her testimony, M.S. demonstrated how Respondent touched her
877vagina. Using her own hand to demonstrate, M.S. placed her hand above her
890vagina with her fingers pointed in a horizontal position. M.S. did not indicate
903that Respondent ÑcuppedÒ her vagina during this demonstration.
9117 . Respondent denies that he touched M.S.Ôs labia with his fingers , rested
924his fingers on her vagina , or cupped her vagina.
9338 . Respond entÔs testimony as to the touching that occurred during the
946January 31, 2018 , massage session was credible and more precise than th at
959of M.S. RespondentÔs testimony is accepted over the testimony of M.S. where
971it conflicts.
9739 . Dr. George Rozelle is the ph ysician who owns the facility where
987Respondent performed massage therapy on M.S. The Department offered
996hearsay testimony from a witness who heard Dr. Rozelle say Ñnot againÒ
1008when M.S. told him that Respondent had touched her inappropriately during
1019the mas sage session that occurred that day. The inference suggested by the
1032Department is that Respondent had been previously accused of
1041inappropriately touching other massage therapy clients on other occasions.
10502 The Department also states in its PRO that Respondent touched M.S.Ôs breasts. The
1064Administrative Complaint in DOAH Case No. 20 - 4754PL does not, however, identify the
1078touchin g of M.S.Ôs breasts as a sexual activity that occurred when Respondent massaged her,
1093and therefore cannot serve as a basis for disciplinary action in this case. Trevisani v. DepÔt of
1110Health , 908 So. 2d 1108 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005) ; Delk v. DepÔt of ProfÔl Reg . , 595 So. 2d 966, 967
1131(Fla. 5th DCA 1992 ).
1136The testimony is hearsay for which the Department fa iled to establish an
1149exception, and is unreliable because D r. Rozelle did not testify to explain
1162what he meant when he said Ñnot again.Ò E ven if Dr. Rozelle said Ñnot again , Ò
1179because there were one or more prior similar complaints about Responden t,
1191such un proven allegations cannot be relied upon here to establish that
1203Respondent had a propensity to commit sexual misconduct on massage
1213therapy clients. § 120.57(1)( d ), Fla. Stat. For all of these reasons, the Ñnot
1228againÒ statement is not accepte d as evidence a gainst Respondent .
124010. The Department failed to prove that Respondent engaged M . S . in
1254sexual activity , or that Respondent touched M.S. in a manner that was
1266intended to, or likely to, erotically stimulate himself or M.S.
1276Client S.B. , DOAH Case No. 20 - 475 5 P L
12871 1 . S.B. presented to Respondent for massage therapy for the first time on
1302August 15, 2017. S.B. completed a client information form indicating that the
1314reason for her visit was Ñlow energy, lost, depressed.Ò S.B. wrote that she
1327experienced these conditi ons for four years, that they followed an undisclosed
1339accident, trauma , or illness , and that they were aggravated by Ñlife.Ò
13501 2 . S.B. was seen by Respondent for massage therapy on nine different
1364occasions on August 17 and 20, and October 10 and 19, 2017; J anuary 16, 23,
1380and 30, and February 6 and 15, 2018. Respondent was fully clothed during all
1394the massage sessions with Respondent.
13991 3 . S.B. testified that Respondent told her that he ÑlovedÒ her and that he
1415was Ñnever going to leaveÒ her during several visi ts , but she could not identify
1430when Respondent made th ose statement s .
14381 4 . S.B also testified that Respondent told her that she may experience an
1453orgasm when he applied pressure to her groin during a session, but she could
1467not recall when that happened. S. B. testified that she returned to see
1480Respondent for message therapy after he touched her groin and allegedly
1491made the ÑorgasmÒ comment, but that she had another female massage
1502therapist with her during the session.
15081 5 . Additionally, S.B. testified that R espondent put his hands over her
1522breasts during more than one session, but she could not say how often or
1536when this occurred. S.B. denied that Respondent ever ÑgraspedÒ her breasts
1547and admitted that she never complained to Respondent about allegedly
1557touchi ng her breasts.
15611 6 . Respondent denied that he told S.B. that he ÑlovedÒ her, that he was
1577Ñnever going to leave Ò her , or that she might experience an Ñorgasm.Ò
1590According to Respondent, he touched S.B.Ôs ad ductor muscles and pubic
1601bone Ð not her vagina Ð to help reduce her complaint of hip pain during her
1617third visit on October 10, 2017.
16231 7 . S.B.Ôs testimony was imprecise and the facts to which she testified
1637were not distinctly remembered. Respondent Ô s testimony is accepted over
1648S.B.Ôs testimony where it conflic ts.
165418. The Department failed to prove that Respondent engaged S.B. in
1665sexual activity or that Respondent touched S.B. in a manner that was
1677intended to, or likely to, erotically stimulate himself or S . B.
16941 9 . A pr o c ee d i ng to s u sp en d , r e v o k e, or i m p o s e other d i sc i p li ne u p on a
1736li c en s e i s p en a l i n n a t u r e. S t at e e x r el . Vi ni ng v. F la . R ea l Es t a te C omm Ô n , 28 1
1784S o . 2 d 4 87 , 4 9 1 ( F la . 19 7 3 ) . T he D e p a r tment the r e f o r e b e a r s the b u rd en of
1829pr o vi ng the c h a r g es agai n s t R e sp on d ent b y c l e a r a nd c on vi n ci n g e vi d en c e.
1872F ox v. D epÔ t of He a l th , 99 4 So. 2 d 41 6 , 4 1 8 ( Fla . 1 s t D C A 2 008 ) (ci t i ng D epÔ t of
1913Ba n k i ng & F i n. v. O s b o r ne S t er n & C o . , 67 0 So. 2 d 93 2 ( Fl a . 1 9 9 6 )) .
195420 . A s s t a ted b y the F l o r i d a Su pr eme C ou r t:
1979C l e a r a nd c on vi n c i ng e vi d en c e r e q u i r es th a t the
2010e v i d en c e mu s t b e f o u nd to b e c r e d ibl e; the f a c ts
2040to w h i c h the wi tne ss es te s t i f y mu s t b e d i s t i n c t l y
2072r emem b e r e d ; the te s t i mony mu s t b e pr e c i s e a nd
2098e x p li c i t a nd the w i tne ss es mu s t b e la ck i ng in
2123c on f u s i on a s to the f a c ts i n i ss ue. T he e vi d en c e
2151mu s t b e of s u c h w e ig ht th a t i t pr o d u c e s i n the
2180m i nd of the t r i er of f a c t a f i r m b e li ef or
2204c on vi c t i on, wi thout he s i t a n c y , a s to the t r uth of the
2230a l l e ga t i ons s ou g ht to b e e s t a b l i s he d .
2256I n r e He n s on , 91 3 So. 2 d 57 9 , 5 9 0 ( F la . 2 0 0 5 ) ( q uot i ng S l omo w i tz v. W al k er ,
229949 2 S o . 2 d 7 97 , 8 0 0 ( F la . 4 th D C A 1 983 )) . T h i s b u rd en of pr oof m a y b e met
2341w he r e the e vi d en c e i s i n c on f li c t; ho w e v e r , Ñ i t s eems to pr e c l u d e e vi d en c e t h a t
2391i s a m b ig uou s . Ò W es t i n g hou s e El e c . C o rp . v. S hu le r Br o s . , 59 0 So. 2 d 98 6 , 9 88
2436( Fla . 1 s t D C A 1 9 91 ) .
245021 . D i sc i p li n a r y s t a t u tes a nd r u l es Ñmu s t b e c on s t r ued s t r i c t ly , i n f av or
2497of the one ag a i n s t w hom the p en al ty w ou l d b e i m p o s e d . Ò G riff i s v. F is h &
2537W il d li f e C on s e r . C o m m Ô n , 5 7 So. 3 d 9 2 9 , 9 3 1 ( Fl a . 1 s t D C A 20 1 1 ) ; M un c h v.
2585D epÔ t of P r o fÔ l R e g. , D i v. of R ea l Es t ate , 59 2 So. 2 d 1 1 36 , 1 1 4 3 ( F l a . 1 s t D C A
263019 9 2 ) ; Mc C l ung v. Cr i m. Ju s t. S td s . & T rai n i ng C omm Ô n , 45 8 S o . 2 d 8 8 7,
266988 8 ( F la . 5 th D C A 1 9 84 ) .
26852 2 . A licensed massage therapist can be disciplined in Florida for
2698violating any provision of c hapter 480, or rules adopted pursuant t hereto.
2711§ 480.046(1)(p), Fla. Stat. Here, t he Department charged Respondent with
2722committing sexual misconduct in violation of section 480.0485 and rule
273264B7 - 26.010 .
27362 3 . Section 480.0485 prohibits massage therapists from engaging or
2747attempting to engage the massage therapy client in sexual activity:
2757The massage therapist - patient relationship is
2764founded on mutual trust. Sexual misconduct in the
2772practice of massage therapy means violation of the
2780massage therapist - patient relationship through
2786which the massage therapist uses that relationship
2793to induce or attempt to induce the patient to
2802engage, or to engage or attempt to engage the
2811patient, in sexual activity outside the scope of
2819practice or the scope of generally accepted
2826examination or treatment of the patie nt. Sexual
2834misconduct in the practice of massage therapy is
28432 4 . Rule 64B7 - 26.010 reiterates the statuteÔs prohibition against sexual
2856activity during massage therapy and defines Ð in detail Ð what constitutes
2868Ñsexual activityÒ in this context:
2873(1) Sexual activity by any person or persons in any
2883massage establishment is absolutely prohibited.
2888(2) No massage establishment owner shall engage
2895in or permit any person or persons to engage in
2905sexual activity in such owner's massage
2911establishment or use su ch establishment to make
2919arrangements to engage in sexual activity in any
2927other place.
2929(3) No licensed massage therapist shall use the
2937therapist - client relationship to engage in sexual
2945activity with any client or to make arrangements to
2954engage in sexual a ctivity with any client.
2962(4) As used in this rule, Ñsexual activityÒ means any
2972direct or indirect physical contact by any person or
2981between persons which is intended to erotically
2988stimulate either person or both or which is likely to
2998cause such stimulatio n and includes sexual
3005intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, masturbation, or
3010anal intercourse. For purposes of this subsection,
3017masturbation means the manipulation of any body
3024tissue with the intent to cause sexual arousal. As
3033used herein, sexual activity ca n involve the use of
3043any device or object and is not dependent on
3052whether penetration, orgasm, or ejaculation has
3058occurred. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to
3065prohibit a licensed massage therapist, duly
3071qualified under Rule 64B7 - 31.001, F.A.C ., from
3080pr acticing colonic irrigation.
30842 5 . The evidence here falls short of establishing that Respondent engaged
3097in Ñ sexual activity Ò with M.S. or S.B. , as the term is defined by rule. This is
3115primarily because the testimony from M.S. and S.B. was imprecise and
3126lac ked the certainty that the clear and convincing burden of proof requires .
3140But even so, most of the touching Respondent was accused of performing Ð on
3154clients who remained fully clothed during all sessions Ð does not constitute
3166sexual activity , because the touc hing was not a sexual act enumerated in the
3180rule or touching that was otherwise intended to erotically stimulate.
319026 . Based upon the weight of the credible evidence , t he Department failed
3204to prove by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent engaged S.B. or
3216M.S. in sexual activity while performing massage therapy on them.
3228Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is
3241R ECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of Massage Therapy,
3252enter a final order dismis sing the Administrative Complaints.
3261D ONE A ND E NTERED this 26th day of May , 2021 , in Tallahassee, Leon
3276County, Florida.
3284Administrative Law Judge
32871230 Apalachee Parkway
3290Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060
3295(850) 488 - 9675
3299www.doah.state.fl.u s
3301Filed with the Clerk of the
3307Division of Administrative Hearings
3311this 26th day of May , 2021 .
3323Mary A. Wessling, Esquire R ichard A. Greenberg, Esquire
3332Department of Health Rumberger Kirk & Caldwell
3339Prosecution Services Unit 101 North Monroe Street , Suite 120
33484052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 65 Tallahassee, Florida 32301
3359Tallahassee, Florida 32399
3362Julis a Renaud, Esquire Ann L. Prescott, Esquire
3370Florida Department of Health Department of Health
33774052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 65 Prosecution Services Unit
3388Tallahassee, Florida 32399 4052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 65
3399Tallahassee, Florida 32399
3402Kama Monroe, JD, Executive Director
3407Board of Massage Therapy L ouise St. Laurent, General Counsel
3417Department of Health Department of Health
34234052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 06 4052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 65
3439Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3257 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265
3460All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from
3473the date of this Re commended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended
3485Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this
- Date
- Proceedings
- PDF:
- Date: 05/26/2021
- Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
- PDF:
- Date: 05/26/2021
- Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 4 and 5, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/30/2021
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion for Additional Time to File Recommended Order filed.
- Date: 03/29/2021
- Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/29/2021
- Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Additional Time to File Recommended Order filed.
- Date: 03/04/2021
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
- Date: 02/25/2021
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
- PDF:
- Date: 02/19/2021
- Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Seek to Admit Records Pursuant to Section 90.803(6)(c), Florida Statutes filed.
- Date: 02/18/2021
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 01/04/2021
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Continued Deposition Pursuant to Subpoena Ad Testificandum (Kelley) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/29/2020
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (pre-hearing conference set for February 18, 2021; 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
- PDF:
- Date: 12/15/2020
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for March 4 and 5, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
- PDF:
- Date: 12/10/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Pursuant to Subpoena Ad Testificandum (D.K) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/10/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Pursuant to Subpoena Ad Testificandum (N.S) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/10/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Pursuant to Subpoena Ad Testificandum (M.L) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/10/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Pursuant to Subpoena Ad Testificandum (L.J) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/10/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Pursuant to Subpoena Ad Testificandum (K.R) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/10/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Pursuant to Subpoena Ad Testificandum (A.D) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/10/2020
- Proceedings: Second Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Via Zoom Conference filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/08/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Notice of Compliance with Case Management Order filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/07/2020
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Request for Production ( 20-04754PL and 20-04755PL) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/02/2020
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/30/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of Verified Answers to Interrogatories (20-004754PL and 20-004755PL) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/24/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Responses to Petitioner's First Set of Requests for Production (20-004755) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/24/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's First Set of Requests for Production (20-004754) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/24/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of Answers to Interrogatories (20-004755PL) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/24/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of Answers to Interrogatories (20-004754) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/20/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Compliance with Case Management Order filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/19/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Via Zoom Conference Pursuant to Subpoena Ad Testificandum (Respondent) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/19/2020
- Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition In Lieu of Live Testimony Via Zoom Conference Pursuant to Subpoena Ad Testificandum filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/12/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Responses to Petitioner's First Set of Requests for Admissions (20-004755PL) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/12/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Responses to Petitioner's First Set of Requests for Admissions filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 11/12/2020
- Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of Discovery Requests (filed in Case No. 20-004755PL).
- PDF:
- Date: 11/10/2020
- Proceedings: (Proposed) Order Granting Motion to Withdraw as Counsel of Record filed.
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 10/23/2020
- Date Assignment:
- 03/02/2021
- Last Docket Entry:
- 10/04/2021
- Location:
- Sarasota, Florida
- District:
- Middle
- Agency:
- Suffix:
- PL
Richard A. Greenberg, Esquire
Address of Record -
Mary A Wessling, Esquire
Address of Record