20-004890 In Re: Joint Petition To Amend The Villages Of Westport Community Development District vs. *
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, February 26, 2021.

View Dockets  
Summary: The Joint Petition to amend the boundary of the Villages of Westport CDD satisfies the statutory requirements established in sections 190.005 and 190.046.



15I N R E : J OINT P ETITION T O A MEND T HE Case No. 20 - 4890



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76On January 29, 2021, a local public hearing was conducted before E. Gary

89Early, an Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative

99Hearings (DOAH), by Zoom Conference and at the Holiday Inn Express Ï

111Bartram Park, 13934 Village Lake Circle, Jacksonville, Florida 32258 .


123For Petitioner Villages of Westport Community Development District :

132Wesley S. Haber , Esquire

136Hopping, Green and Sams, P.A.

141Post Office Box 6526

145Tallahassee, Florida 323 14 - 6526

151For Petitioner CC Westport, LLC :

157Kenneth R aymond Artin , Esquire

162Bryant Miller Olive , P.A.

166255 S outh Orange Ave nue, S ui te 1350

176Orlando, Florida 32801


187The issue before the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commissi on

198(Commission) in this proceeding is whether to grant the Joint Petition to

210Amend the Villages of Westport Co mmunity Development District ( Joint

221Petition) to amend the boundary of the Villages of Westport Community

232Development District (District) by remov ing approximately 1,058.56 acres ,

242and adding approximately 3.63 acres to the land comprising the current area

254encompassed by the District .

259The local public hearing was conducted pursuant to sections 190.046(1)(f)

269and 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes, for the purpose of taking testimony and

280public comment and receiving exhibits on the Joint Petition .

290This report is prepared and submitted to the Commission pursuant to

301s ections 190.046 and 190.005 for consideration in its determination whether

312to adopt a r ule amending the boundary of the District as requested by the

327District .


333On September 1, 2020 , the District filed the Joint Petition with the

345Commission. T he District previously provided the Joint Petition and its

356e xhibits, along with the requisite filing fee, to the City of Jacksonville ,

369Florida ( the City of Jacksonville ) .

377The Joint Petition seeks to contract the boundary of the District by

389removing approximately 1,058.56 acres (the C ontraction P arcel) from , and by

402adding approximate ly 3.63 acres (the Expansion Parcel) to , the 1,476.34 acres

415comp r ising the E xisting District, which will result in a District boundary

429encompassing approximately 421.03 acres (the Amended District) . Within the

439boundary of the Amended District are three par cels that are excluded from

452the boundary of the Amended District (the Excluded Parcel s ) , and are not

466affected by this Amendment .

471The District is located entirely within the City of Jacksonville. Section

482190.005(1)(c) provides that the municipality contai ning all or a portion of the

495lands within the proposed Amended District has the option to hold a public

508hearing within 45 days of the filing of a petition. The City of Jacksonville

522held a public hearing relative to the proposed boundary amendment on

533Octobe r 27, 2020 , a nd adopted Resolution 20 - 652 - A, recommending approval

548of the boundary amendment.

552On November 5, 2020 , the Commission certified that the Joint Petition

563contained all required elements and referred the Joint Petition to DOAH for

575the purpose of conducting the local public hearing required by s ection

587190.005(1)(d). On January 15, 2021 , a Notice of Receipt of Petition was

599published in the Florida Administrative Register.

605On November 23, 2020, the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO)

615certified to the Commission that the Joint Petition contained no potential

626inconsistency with chapter 163, Florida Statutes , or the City of Jacksonville

6372030 Comprehensive Plan .

641The local public hearing was held on Friday , January 29, 2021 , at

6539 :00 a .m. , at the Hol iday Inn Express Ï Bartram Park, 13934 Village Lake

669Circle, Jacksonville, Florida 32258 , with the Administrative Law Judge

678appearing by Zoom conference . Petitioner s published notice of the local public

691hearing in accordance with s ection 190.005(1)(d). At t he local public hearing,

704Petitioner s presented the live and written testimony of :

7141. Vivian Carvalho, District Manager, employed by PFM Group

723Consulting, LLC , who was accepted as an expert in district management and

735finance ;

7362. James Stowers, Vice - Chairm an of the DistrictÔs Board of

748Supervisors ;

7493 . Neal Brockmeier, P.E., the Project Director, employed by Prosser,

760Inc., and District Engineer for the District , who was accepted as an expert in

774land development and public infrastructure construction; and

7814 . Kelly McCarrick, Vice President of CC Westport, LLC .

792The District offered Composite Exhibit A , consisting of the prefiled testimony

803of Ms. Carvalho, and including as attachments thereto Tabs VC - 1 through

816VC - 11 ; Exhibit B , consisting of the prefiled testi mony of Mr. Stowers ;

830Composite Exhibit C, consisting of the prefiled testimony of M r. Brockmeier ,

842and including as attachments thereto Tabs N B - 1 and N B - 2 ; and Exhibit D ,

860consisting of the prefiled testimony of Ms. McCarrick . A ll exhibits were

873received in e vidence .

878Roughly eight members of the public appeared by Zoom. Three of them,

890Alice Sanders, Melissa Story, and Danylle Connor, who are residents in the

902completed development phase s of the area proposed as the Amended District,

914provided public comment. Th e comments went beyond the more traditional

925three - minute statements, and included a number of questions regarding the

937infrastructure provided by the District, fees before and after the proposed

948boundary amendment , plans for development of the Contraction P arcel, and

959other similar concerns. Counsel and witnesses for Petitioners were open and

970informative in their responses.

974The record of the proceeding was held open for 10 days to allow for the

989submission of additional written comments or documents from the public. On

1000February 8, 2021, six filings were received by the undersigned , placed on the

1013public docket , and have been considered in the development of this Report.

1025The filings have been placed onto a thumb drive which accompanies the


1038On February 15, 2021, Petitioners filed an affidavit in reply to the public

1051comments, which is on the public docket of this proceeding.

1061The one - volume transcript of the local public hearing was filed with

1074DOAH on February 10, 2021 . Petitioner s also filed a Proposed Report of

1088Findings and Conclusions on February 22, 2021 , which has been considered

1099in the preparation of this Report.

1105References to statutes are to Florida Statutes (20 20 ), unless otherwise



1120The District is seeking the adoption of an amen dment to Florida

1132Administrative Code Rule 42 QQ - 1.002 to remove the a pproximately 1,058.56 -

1147acre C ontraction Parcel, and to add the approximately 3.63 - acre Expansion

1160Parcel as described in the Joint Petition . After the contraction and addition ,

1173the Amended D istrict will contain approximately 421.03 a cres.

1183The Contraction Parcel and the Expansion Parcel are both owned, in their

1195entirety, by CC Westport, LLC. CC Westport, LLC , provided written consent

1206to the proposed amendment of the DistrictÔs boundaries. Fu rthermore, t he

1218favorable action of the Board of Supervisors of the District constitutes

1229consent for all of the lands within the District, as is evidenced by District

1243Resolutions 2020 - 06 and 2020 - 11, and by its status as a party to the Joint

1261Petition .

1263The District is presently providing certain infrastructure improvements to

1272the lands within its boundaries, except that the District is not currently

1284providing facilities or services to any land within the Contraction Parcel.

1295F acilities or services to be provi ded to the Contraction Parcel will be provided

1310by a future community development district (CDD) and/or the developer of

1321the Villages of Westport development.

1326The sole purpose of this proceeding was to consider the amendment of the

1339District boundary as pro posed. Information relating to the managing and

1350financing of the service - delivery function of the Amended District was also

1363considered. Inasmuch as s ections 190.046 and 190.005 provide the statutory

1374criteria to be considered, this report summarizes the rel evant and material

1386evidence relating to each relevant section of the statute.


1403A. Joint Petition Contents and Related Matters

14101 . The Joint Petition was submitted to the Commission on September 1,

14232020 . A copy of the Joint Petition , a long with a check in the amount of

1440$ 15, 000. 00, was previously subm itted to the City of Jacksonville on

1454August 31 , 2020 .

14582 . The Joint Petition incorporated the following Exhibits:

1467a . Joint Petition Exhibit 1 , which is a depiction of

1478the general location of the E xisting District


1487b . Joint Petition Exhibit 2 , which is the metes and

1498bounds description of the E xisting District

1505boundary as incorporated by reference in Florida

1512Administrative Code Rule 42 QQ - 1.002.

1519c . Joint Petition Exhibit 3 , which is t he metes and

1531bounds description of the C ontraction P arcel.

1539d. Joint Petition Exhibit 4 , which is the metes and

1549bounds description of the Expansion Parcel.

1555e . Joint Petition Exhibit 5 , which is the metes and

1566bounds description of the Amended District afte r

1574removal of the C ontraction P arcel and addition of

1584the Expansion Parcel .

1588f . Joint Petition Exhibit 6 , which is a general

1598location map of the Amended District .

1605g . Joint Petition Exhibit 7 , which is the written

1615Consent of the owner (at the time of the fi ling of the

1628Joint Petition ) of 100 percent of the lands within

1638the C ontraction P arcel and Expansion Parcel

1646expressed its consent to the amend ment of the

1655boundary of the Dist r ict .

1662h . Joint Petition Exhibit 8 , which consists of

1671Resolutions 2020 - 06 and 2020 - 11 , by which the

1682DistrictÔs Board of Supervisors has approved and

1689consented to the amendment of the boundary of the

1698District .

1700i . Joint Petition Exhibit 9 , which is the Future

1710Land Use Map for the City of Jacksonville that

1719depicts the distribution, locati on , and extent of

1727public and private land uses proposed for the

1735Amended District by the future land use element s

1744of the c omprehensive p lan .

1751j . Joint Petition Exhibit 1 0 , which is a map of the

1764current major trunk water mains, sewer

1770interceptors , and outfal ls within the proposed

1777Amended District.

1779k . Joint Petition Exhibit 1 1 , which describes the

1789facilities and services that have been completed in

1797the first three phases of construction in the

1805Amended District and the costs of construction, and

1813the infrastruc ture improvements planned for

1819construction in the fourth phase of construction in

1827the Amended District and the estimated costs of

1835construction .

1837l . Joint Petition Exhibit 1 2 , which is the Statement

1848of Estimated Regulatory Costs (SERC) prepared in

1855accordan ce with the requirements of s ection

1863120.541, Florida Statutes.

1866m . Joint Petition Exhibit 1 3 , which is the DistrictÔs

1877and the LandownerÔs authorization s of Wesley S.

1885Haber of Hopping Green & Sams, P.A. , and

1893Kenneth R. Artin of Bryant Miller Olive , P.A. , to

1902act as their respective a gents relative to the

1911boundary amendment .

19143 . The Joint Petition established that the District is not currently

1926providing any facilities or services to the Contraction Parcel . According to the

1939Joint Petition , t he Contraction Parc el is presently subject to debt service

1952assessments and operation and maintenance assessments levied and imposed

1961by the District, however, the Landowner will pay such assessments in full

1973prior to the effective date of any amended r ule approving the boundar y of the

1989Amended District . There will be no changes in the facilities provided by the

2003District as a result of the removal of the C ontraction P arcel.

20164. The Joint Petition described the Amended District as including four

2027phases of construction. Infrastruct ure improvements for the first three

2037phases, which are fully platted and developed and include 540 lots, have been

2050completed. The infrastructure improvements for the fourth phase will allow

2060for the development of 227 lots and are intended to be constructed by the end

2075of 2021.

20775 . The Joint Petition alleges that the removal of the C ontraction P arcel

2092from the District boundary should be granted for the following reasons:

2103a. Amendment of the District and all land uses and services planned

2115within the District, as amended , are not inconsistent with applicable

2125elements or portions of the adopted State Comprehensive Plan or the City of

2138Jacksonville Comprehensive Plan.

2141b. The area of land within the District, as amended , is part of a

2155planned community. The District , as amended , will continue to be of

2166sufficient size and sufficiently compact and contiguous to be developed as one

2178functional and interrelated community.

2182c. The District, as amended , continues to be the best alternative for

2194delivering community developme nt services and facilities without imposing

2203an additional burden on the general population of the local general - purpose


2217d. The community development services and facilities of the District,

2227as amended , will not be incompatible with the capacit y and use of existing

2241local and regional community development services and facilities.

2249e. The area to be served by the District, as amended , continues to be

2263amenable to separate special - district government.

22706 . The Commission certified that the Joint Peti tion contained the required

2283elements of a petition to amend the District boundary, though that

2294certification made no representation of the accuracy of the documents.

2304B. Summary of the Local Public Hearing

23117 . Notice of the public hearing was advertised o n December 30, 2020;

2325January 8, 2021; January 15, 2021; and January 22, 2021, in t he Jacksonville

2339Daily Record , a newspaper of general paid circulation in the City of

2351Jacksonville , wh ich newspaper complies with the requirements for

2360publication of legal and official advertisements , pursuant to c hapter 50,

2371Florida Statutes. The published notice gave the time and place for the

2383hearings, a description of the area to be removed from the District boundary ,

2396including a map showing the Contraction P arcel, and other relevant


24088 . The local public hearing on the Joint Petition was held as noticed on

2423Friday, January 29, 2021, at 9:00 a.m., by Zoom conference , and physically at

2436the Holiday Inn Express Ï Bartram Park, 13934 Village Lake Circle,

2447Jacksonville, Florida 32258 .

24519 . The Exhibits received in evidence at the hearing consisted of: Hearing

2464Exhibit A, consisting of the p re - f iled w ritten t estimony of Ms. Carvalho;

2481Hearing Exhibit B, consisting of the prefiled written testimony of

2491Mr. Stowers; Hearing Exhi bit C, consisting of the prefiled written testimony

2503of Mr. Brockmeier; and Hearing Exhibit D, consisting of the prefiled written

2515testimony of Ms. McCarrick. The four witness es also offered live testimony in

2528which the y fully adopted their pre - filed written testimony.

25391 0 . M s. CarvalhoÔs pre - filed testimony , Hear ing Exhibit A, included the

2555following exhibits, all of which were received into evidence at the hearing:

2567a . Tab VC - 1 , which is the Joint Petition , an d which includes each of the

2585Joint Petition Exhibit s listed in paragraph 2 herein;

2594b. Tab VC - 2, a d epiction of the general location of the E xisting District

2611boundary , and of the Contraction Parcel, the Expansion Parcel, and the

2622Outparcels ;

2623c. Tab VC - 3, the September 1, 2020 , cover letter of transmittal of the

2638Joint Petition to the Clerk of the Commission ;

2646d. Tab VC - 4 , the August 31, 2020 , cover letter of transmittal of the

2661Joint Petition and the $15,000.00 filing fee to the Director of the Department

2675of Planning and Development for the City of Jacksonville ;

2684e. Tab VC - 5, which consists of Resolution 2020 - 652 - A by which the

2701Council of the City of Jacksonville recommended approval of the Joint

2712Petition to the Commission ;

2716f. Tab VC - 6, the November 5, 2020, certification from the Commission

2729that the Joint Petiti on contained all required elements and referred the Joint

2742Petition to DOAH for the purpose of conducting the local public hearing

2754re quired by section 190.005(1)(d);

2759g. Tab VC - 7, the Notice of Receipt of Petition published in the

2773January 15, 2021, Florida A dministrative Register , Volume 47, Number 10,

2784Page 368 ;

2786h. Tab VC - 8, the December 9, 2020, Amended Notice of Hearing b y

2801Zoom Conference setting January 29, 2021 , as the date for the local public

2814hearing ;

2815i. Tab VC - 9, the proof of publication that the n otic e of the public

2832hearing was advertised on December 30, 2020; January 8, 2021; January 15,

28442021; and January 22, 2021, in the Jacksonville Daily Record, a newspaper of

2857general paid circulation in the City of Jacksonville ;

2865j. Tab VC - 10, the November 23 , 202 0, certification from the DEO that

2880the Joint Petition contained no potential inconsistency with chapter 163 , or

2891the City of Jacksonville 2030 Comprehensive Plan ; and

2899k. Tab VC - 11, the current annual operations and maintenance

2910assessments for each parcel in the 1,856 - unit E xisting District ($176.68) , and

2925the anticipated annual operations and maintenance assessments for each

2934parcel in the 767 - unit Amended District ($427.54).

294311 . Mr. BrockmeierÔs pre - filed testimony, Hearing Exhibit C, included the

2956following e xhibits, all of which were received into evidence at the hearing:

2969a. Tab N B - 1, consisting of the State Comprehensive Plan, chapter 187 ,

2983Florida Statutes (2020) ; and

2987b. Tab NB - 2, consisting of the City of Jacksonville 2030 Comprehensive


30011 2 . Three mem bers of the public provided comment at the hearing. Six

3016documents were filed as p ublic comment after the local public hearing.

30281 3 . The T ranscript of the local public hearing was filed with DOAH on

3044February 10, 2021 . The District also filed a Proposed Repor t of Findings and

3059Conclusions on February 22 , 2021 , which has been considered in the

3070preparation of this Report.


308614 . The standards applicabl e to a determination of whether to grant or

3100deny the Joint Petition are those in section 190.005(1)(e).

3109Section 190.005(1)(e)1. - Whether all statements contained within the Joint

3119Petition have been found to be true and correct.

312815 . M s. Carvalho testified as to the accuracy of the information contained

3142in the Joint Petition . She als o prepared, or had others prepare under h er

3158supervision, Joint Petition Exhibit 12 , the SERC . M s. Carvalho Ôs testimony

3171constitutes competent, substantial evidence of the accuracy of the statements

3181in the Joint Petition and the exhibits attached thereto.

319016. Mr. Stowers testified to his familiarity with, and the accuracy of the

3203information contained in the Joint Petition , including the Joint Exhibits .

3214M r. StowersÔs testimony constitutes competent, substantial evidence of the

3224accuracy of the statements in the Joint Petition and the exhibits attached


323717 . Mr. Brockmeier testified that he prepared, or had others prepare

3249under h is supervision, Joint Petition Exhibits 1 through 6, and 9 through 11 .

3264M r. Brockmeier testified that these exhibits accurate ly depict and describe

3276the boundaries and legal descriptions of the parcels of property at issue ; the

3289City of Jacksonville Ôs future land uses for the parcels of property at issue ; the

3304location and description of the existing major trunk water mains, sewer

3315interceptors , and outfalls associated with the Amended District ; and the

3325types of facilities constructed and installed, and those anticipated in the

3336Amended District . M r. Brockmeier Ô s testimony constitutes competent,

3347substantial evidence of the accuracy of Joint Petition Exhibits 1 through 6,

3359and 9 through 11 .

336418 . M s. McCarrick testifi ed that s he is familiar with the Joint Petition ,

3380and that s he coordinated the execution of Joint Petition Exhibit 7 , the

3393Consent and Joinder of Landowners to the Amendment of the Boundaries of

3405the Villages of Westport Community Development District. M s. McCarrick Ôs

3416testimony constitutes competent, substantial evidence of the accuracy of the

3426statements in the Joint Petition , and of the consent of the landowners in the

3440Existing D istrict to the proposed District boundary amendment.

344919 . Based on the testimony and evidence of record, and in the absence of

3464evidence to the contrary, the statements contained in the Joint Petition and

3476the exhibits thereto are true and correct.

3483Section 190.005(1)(e) 2 . - Whether the amendment of the District boundary is

3496inconsistent with any applicable element or portion of the State

3506Comprehensive Plan or of the effective local government comprehensive plan.

351620 . M r. Brockmeier reviewed the proposed Dist rict boundary amendment

3528for consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan .

353621 . The State Comprehensive Plan Ñprovides long - range policy guidance

3548for the orderly social, economic and physical growth of the State . Ò Of the

3563subjects, goals, and policies in th e State Comprehensive Plan,

3573M r. Brockmeier identified Subject No. 15 - Land Use ; Subject No. 17 -

3587Public Facilities ; and Subject No. 25 - Plan Implementation, as relevant from

3599a planning and engineering perspective to the proposed amendment .

360922 . Subject No . 15 recognizes the importance of locating development in

3622areas that have the resources, fiscal abilities , and service capacity to

3633accommodate growth. M r. Brockmeier testified that the Amended District

3643will continue to have the fiscal capability to provide a wide range of services

3657and facilities to a population in a designated growth area. M r. Brockmeier Ô s

3672testimony constitutes competent, substantial evidence that the proposed

3680boundary amendment is not inconsistent with the land use goal of the State

3693Compre hensive Plan. There was no evidence to the contrary.

370323 . Subject No. 17 calls for the protection of existing public facilities and

3717the timely, orderly, and efficient planning and financing of new facilities.

3728M r. Brockmeier testified that the removal of the C ontraction P arcel from the

3743boundary of the District will not have an impact on the DistrictÔs existing

3756public facilities and services, and the future facilities and services serving the

3768Contraction Parcel will be provided by a newly established CDD (s) .

3780M r. Brockmeier further testified that the removal of the Contraction Parcel

3792from the boundary of the District will not have a significant impact on the

3806DistrictÔs existing public facilities and services , and will better allow for the

3818timely, orderly , and ef ficient planning and financing of new infrastructure

3829within the Contraction Parcel. Mr. Brockmeier Ô s testimony constitutes

3839competent, substantial evidence that the proposed boundary amendment is

3848not inconsistent with the public facilities goal of the State Comprehensive

3859Plan. There was no evidence to the contrary.

386724 . Subject No. 25 calls for systematic planning capabilities to be

3879integrated into all levels of government throughout the State, with particular

3890emphasis on improving intergovernmental coordinat ion and maximizing

3898citizen involvement. Mr. Brockmeier testified that allowing the Amended

3907District and the Contraction Parcel to be overseen by separate CDDs (or

3919other operation entity in the case of the Contraction Parcel) will result in an

3933increased lev el of coordination between the State, the City of Jacksonville ,

3945the relevant CDD , and its residents and landowners , as the CDDs will be

3958serving a more localized geographical boundary allowing for maximized

3967citizen involvement. M r. Brockmeier Ôs testimony co nstitutes competent,

3977substantial evidence that the proposed boundary amendment is not

3986inconsistent with the plan implementation goal of the State Comprehensive

3996Plan. There was no evidence to the contrary.

400425 . Based on the evidence adduced at the hearing, the Amended District

4017will not be inconsistent with any applicable provision of the State

4028Comprehensive Plan.

403026 . M r. Brockmeier also reviewed the Amended District for consistency

4042with the City of Jacksonville 2030 Comprehensive Plan .

405127 . Chapter 190 proh ibits a CDD from acting in any manner inconsistent

4065with the local governmentÔs comprehensive plan. When initially established

4074in 200 4 , the District demonstrate d that the development of the lands within

4088its boundary was consistent with the City of Jacksonvi lle Comprehensive

4099Plan. There is nothing in the record of this proceeding to suggest that the

4113contraction of the DistrictÔs boundaries in the manner proposed will cause the

4125Amended District to be inconsistent with any portion or element of the City of

4139Jack sonville 2030 Comprehensive Plan .

414528 . M r. Brockmeier Ôs testimony constitutes competent, substantial

4155evidence that the proposed boundary amendment will not be inconsistent

4165with any applicable element of the City of Jacksonville 2030 Comprehensive

4176Plan . The re was no evidence to the contrary.

418629 . Based on the evidence adduced at the hearing, the Amended District

4199will not be inconsistent with any applicable provisions of the City of

4211Jacksonville 2030 Comprehensive Plan .

4216Section 190.005(1)(e)3. - Whether the area of land within the Amended

4227District is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently

4238contiguous to be developable as one functional interrelated community.

424730 . The Amended District will include approximately 421.03 acres, located

4258e ntirely within the City of Jacksonville .

426631 . M s. Carvalho testified that the Amended District has sufficient land

4279area, and is sufficiently compact and contiguous to be developed, and has in

4292fact been developed as one functional, interrelated community, an d that the

4304boundary amendment will have no impact on that functionality.

431332 . M r. Brockmeier testified that the area of land within the District was

4328originally developed as a planned community, was previously determined to

4338be of sufficient size, compactnes s , and contiguity to be developed with

4350facilities and services as one functionally interrelated community .

4359Development within the District, to date, has occurred in two geographically

4370abutting phases which will comprise the Amended District after amendment .

4381Thus, the removal of the Contraction Parcel and addition of the Expansion

4393Parcel will allow the lands within the proposed Amended District to continue

4405to operate as a functionally interrelated community, as it remains of

4416sufficient size, compactness , and contiguity.

442133 . The testimony of M s. Carvalho and M r. Brockmeier constitute

4434competent, substantial evidence that the Amended District will be of

4444sufficient size, sufficiently compact, and sufficiently contiguous to be

4453developed as a single functionally in terrelated community. There was no

4464evidence to the contrary.

4468Section 190.005(1)(e)4. - Whether the Amended District remains the best

4478alternative available for delivering community development services and

4486facilities to the area that will be served by the Amended District.

449834 . The District is presently providing infrastructure improvements to the

4509lands within the boundary of what is proposed as the Amended District , but

4522provides no infrastructure improvements to the lands within the boundary of

4533the C ontrac tion P arcel. Facilities or services to be provided to the Contraction

4548Parcel will be provided by a future CDD (s) and/or the developer of the

4562Villages of Westport d evelopment.

456735 . M s. Carvalho testified that to date, the District has been the

4581mechanism use d to plan, finance, construct, operate , and maintain the public

4593facilities and services within the E xisting District . T he District has already

4607constructed the majority of the facilities and services needed to serve the

4619Amended District and is providing the associated maintenance and

4628operations . The proposed amendment will allow for the continued operation

4639of the facilities and services to the lands within the Amended DistrictÔs

4651boundar y . Accordingly, the Amended District is the best alternative to

4663provide s uch facilities and services to the area to be served.

467536 . M r. Brockmeier testified that the E xisting District has provided

4688community development facilities and services effectively and efficiently to

4697the areas served from the date the District was establis hed, and that it is the

4713best alternative available for delivering community development services and

4722facilities . A fter removal of the C ontraction P arcel and addition of the

4737Expansion Parcel , the Amended District will be capable of continuing to

4748efficiently finance and oversee the operation and maintenance of necessary

4758capital improvements within its boundaries .

476437 . Ms. McCarrick testified that the developer, CC Westport, LLC, or its

4777subsidiaries or designees will fund the cost of the facilities and service s

4790needed for the development of the Contraction Parcel. After construction, the

4801infrastructure and facilities within the C ontraction P arcel will be conveyed

4813to a future CDD , the City of Jacksonville , or to an applicable homeownersÔ

4826association for ownershi p and maintenance, as is appropriate depending on

4837the type of infrastructure or facilities that are actually constructed .

484838 . The testimony of Mr. Carvalho, Mr. Brockmeier , and M s. McCarrick

4861constitute competent, substantial evidence that the Amended Distr ict

4870remains the best alternative available for delivering community development

4879services and facilities to the area that will be served by the Amended District.

4893There was no evidence to the contrary.

4900Section 190.005(1)(e)5. - Whether the community develo pment services and

4910facilities of the Amended District will be incompatible with the capacity and

4922uses of existing local and regional community development services and


493339 . M s. Carvalho testified that the services and facilities of the Amended

4947District are identical to those provided by the E xisting District and , thus , are

4961not incompatible with the capacity and use of existing local or regional

4973community development services and facilities.

497840 . M r. Brockmeier testified that the services and faci lities to be provided

4993by the Amended District are not incompatible and , in fact , remain fully

5005compatible, with the capacities and uses of the existing local or regional

5017community development facilities and with those provided by the E xisting

5028District. Ther e will be no duplication or overlap of facilities or services as a

5043result of the elimination of the Contraction Parcel from the District.

505441 . The testimony of M s. Carvalho and Mr. Brockmeier constitute

5066competent, substantial evidence that the community de velopment services

5075and facilities of the Amended District will not be incompatible with the

5087capacity and uses of existing local and regional community development

5097services and facilities. There was no evidence to the contrary.

5107Section 190.005(1)(e)6. - Wh ether the area that will be served by the

5120Amended District is amenable to separate special - district government.

513042 . M s. Carvalho testified that the removal of the C ontraction P arcel will

5146not affect the ability of the Amended District to operate as a separ ate special -

5162district government, and that contracting the boundar y of the E xisting

5174District will limit the area to be served by the government already in place,

5188but will not change the way the unit of government is operating either now or

5203into the future.

520643 . Mr. Brockmeier testified that t he area within the Amended District

5219remains large enough to comprise its own community with individual facility

5230and service needs , as the areas within the District that are currently

5242developed only include lands within t he proposed boundary of the Amended

5254District . Moreover, the Amended District will continue to constitute an

5265efficient mechanism for providing the necessary capital infrastructure

5273improvements, and ongoing operation and maintenance thereof, to directly

5282serv e the development within its boundary. Special - district governance is

5294appropriate for the Amended District because it provides a mechanism

5304whereby long - term maintenance obligations can be satisfied by the persons

5316using the facilities and services.

532144 . The testimony of M s. Carvalho and Mr. Brockmeier constitute

5333competent, substantial evidence that the area that will be served by the

5345Amended District is amenable to separate special - district government. There

5356was no evidence to the contrary.

5362Section 190.005 (1)(a)8. - Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs .

537245 . In addition to the elements in section 1 90 .005(1)(e) , s ection

5386190.005(1)(a)8 . requires the preparation and submission of a S ERC w hich

5399meets the requirements of s ectio n 120.541 . The Joint Petition incl udes a

5414S ERC .

541746 . M s. Carvalho explained the purpose of the SERC , the economic

5430analysis presented therein, and the data and methodology used in preparing

5441the S ERC . H er testimony is accepted.

545047 . The SERC contains an estimate of the costs and benefits to al l persons

5466directly affected by the proposed rule to amend the boundar y of the District ,

5480including the State of Florida and its citizens, the City of Jacksonville and its

5494citizens, and the property owners within the E xisting District , the Expansion

5506Parcels, and the C ontraction P arcel.

551348 . T he s tate and its citizens will only incur modest costs from amending

5529chapter 42QQ - 1 and the DistrictÔs boundary as proposed , including reviewing,

5541processing, and analyzing the Petition, and conducting public hearings .

5551O ng oing state costs related to the Amended District are limited to the receipt

5566and processing of reports that are required to be file d with the s tate and its

5583various entities . C osts to the s tate agencies that will receive and process the

5599Amended DistrictÔs re ports are expected to be minimal , if any . The District is

5614one of many governmental subdivisions required to submit reports to the

5625s tate. P ursuant to s ection 189.018 , Florida Statutes, the Amended District

5638will pay an annual fee to the DEO to offset process ing costs.

565149 . It is not anticipated that the City of Jacksonville will incur costs in

5666reviewing the Joint Petition , as the District remitted a $15,0 00 .00 filing fee to

5682the City of Jacksonville to offset any such costs. As is the case with the

5697E xisting Dis trict, annual costs to the City of Jacksonville related to the

5711Amended District are expected to be minimal. Since t he Amended District is

5724an independent unit of local government , t he only annual costs incurred by

5737the City of Jacksonville will be the minima l costs of receiving and r eviewing

5752the various reports that the Amended District will be required to provide to

5765the City of Jacksonville .

577050 . The costs of petitioning for the boundary amendment are being paid

5783entirely by the landowner and master developer of the Contraction Parcel

5794and Expansion Parcels, CC Westport, LLC , pursuant to a funding agreement

5805with the District. The Amended District will continue to incur costs for

5817operation and maintenance of its facilities and for its administration. Th o se

5830costs are , and will continue to be pa id from , annual assessments against

5843properties within the District benefiting from its facilities and its services.

585451 . The evidence in this case establishes that the S ERC meets all

5868requirements of s ection 120.541 .

5874Other P rocedural Elements

587852 . The District has complied with the provisions of s ection

5890190.005(1)(b)1., in that the City of Jacksonville was provided a copy of the

5903Joint Petition and was paid the requisite filing fee prior to the District filing

5917the Joint Petitio n with the Commission.

592453 . Section 190.005(1)(d) require d the District to publish notice of the local

5938public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of

5950Jacksonville for four consecutive weeks prior to the hearing. The notice was

5962published in the Jacksonville Daily Record , a newspaper of general paid

5973circulation in the City of Jacksonville on December 30, 2020 ; January 8,

59852021 ; January 15, 2021 ; and January 22, 2 0 21 .

599654 . The Commission has certified that the Joint Petition meets all of the

6010requirements of s ections 190.046(1)(f) and 190.005(1)(a) .

6018Public Comment

602055 . Members of the public attended the public hearing via Zoom and

6033public comment was provided by Alice Sanford, Melissa Story , and Danielle


604556 . On February 8, 2021, written post - hearing comments were filed in the

6060public docket by Phyleshia Jackson - OÔNeal, Alice Sanford, and Randall and

6072Virginia Merideth.

607457 . The public comments included, among others, those regarding notice

6085of the public hearing, levels of operations and ma intenance assessments for

6097the Amended District, and development plans for the Contraction Parcel. The

6108written comments were largely directed to what the residents believed to be

6120unfulfilled promises of amenities and improvements (schools, churches,

6128recreat ional areas , etc. ) that were to be provided within the boundaries of the

6143E xisting District.

614658 . In response to the public comments, Petitioner filed a rebuttal

6158affidavit o n February 15, 2021.

616459 . The public comment included a suggestion that the notice fo r the

6178public hearing was inadequate . As set forth herein, Petitioners met the

6190requirements in s ection 190.005(1)(d), by publish ing notice of the local public

6203hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Jacksonville for

6216four consecutive wee ks prior to the hearing.

622460 . There were a number of public comments related to the impact the

6238boundary amendment will have on the DistrictÔs o peration and m aintenance

6250(O&M) a ssessments. Using the amounts in the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget, per

6263lot O&M a ssessm ents for the proposed A mended District will be increase d

6278from $176.68 per year to $ 427.54 per year. The reason for the increase is that

6294t he O&M a ssessments for the improvements made in the Amended District

6307will be limited to the 767 existing and proposed l ots in the A mended District,

6323and will no longer be spread across the roughly 1,000 undeveloped lots in the

6338Contraction Parcel. Since the District has not installed any improvements on

6349the Contraction Parcel, there are no maintenance expenses incurred by th e

6361District associated with the Contraction Parcel. Ms. McCarrick explained

6370that, in the short term , the removal of the Contraction Parcel will increase

6383the O&M assessments on the landowners in the Amended District. However,

6394long term O&M assessments will b e less for homeowners in the Amended

6407District because they will not share in expenses related to maintaining

6418improvements to be constructed to support the development of the 1,000

6430additional lots in the Contraction Parcel.

643661 . There were also a number of public comments related to the impact

6450the boundary amendment will have on the development of the overall

6461Villages of Westport Project , particularly as related to social and recreational

6472amenities . Ms. McCarrick noted that the District has no role in determ ining

6486how the remainder of the property will be developed . Section 190.004(3)

6498provides that Ñ[a]ll governmental planning, environmental, and land

6506development laws, regulations, and ordinances apply to all development of

6516the land within a community developm ent district.Ò The master developer

6527holds the land use entitlements for the Villages of Westport as a planned unit

6541development that would allow planned commercial/retail development,

6548recreational amenities, schools , and church es to be built based on market

6560demand. The L andowner , through Resolution 2020 - 06, has expressed its

6572intention to provide the Amended District access to share in the use of any

6586amenity facilities constructed in the Contraction Parcel , subject to a

6596proportionate share of the cost of oper ating and maintaining the facilities .

660962 . The public comments do not alter the findings regarding compliance

6621with the statutory criteria for CDD boundary amendments set forth herein.


663663 . This proceeding is governed by chapter 120, sections 190.005 and

6648190.046 , and Florida Administrative Code C hapter 42 - 1.

665864 . The District was established by the adoption of c hapter 42 QQ - 1,

6674effective June 14, 2004. The boundary was previously amended following the

6685issuance of a n Administrative Law JudgeÔs Rep ort to the Florida Land and

6699Water Adjudicatory Commission . See In Re: Petition for Rule Amendment -

6711Villages of Westport C mty. Dev . Dist . , DOAH Case No. 0 6 - 0351 (DOAH

6728Report June 22, 2006 ; Chapter 42 QQ - 1 amendment Apr . 16, 2007 ).

674365 . Section 190.046(1) provi des, in pertinent part, that :

6754(1) A landowner or the board may petition to

6763contract or expand the boundaries of a community

6771development district in the following manner:

6777* * *

6780(f) Petit ions to amend the boundaries of the district

6790[to the extent provide d in this case] shall be

6800processed in accordance with s. 190.005, and the

6808petition shall include on ly the elements set forth in

6818s. 190.005(1) (a)1 . and 5. - 8. and the consent

6829required by paragraph (g). However, th e resulting

6837administrative rule or ordinance may only amend

6844the boundari es of the distr ict and may not establish

6855a new district or cause a new 6 - year or 1 0 - year

6870period to begin pursuant to s. 190.006(3)(a)2. The

6878filing fee for such petiti ons shall be as set forth in

6890s. 190.005(1)(b), as applicable.

6894(g) In all cases of a petition to amend boundaries o f

6906a district, the filing of the petition by the district

6916board of supervisors constitutes consent of the

6923landowne rs within the district. In all cases, written

6932consent of those landowners whose land is to be

6941added to or deleted from the district as provided in

6951s. 190.005(1)(a)2. is required.

695566 . The Consent and Joinder of Landowner introduced as Exhibit A, Tab

6968VC - 1, Joint Petition Exhibit 7 , establish es that the District provided the

6982requisite consent of t he Expansion Parcel and Contraction Parcel landowner,

6993thus meeting the landowner consent requirements of section 190.046(1)(g).

700267 . The District satisfied the statutory notice requirements by providing

7013the City of Jacksonville with a copy of the Joint Pet ition and paying the

7028required filing fee as required by section 190.005(1)(b) . The District also

7040published notice of the local public hearing in the manner required by

7052section 190.005(1)(d).

705468 . A local public hearing was conducted in accordance with chap ter 120,

7068as specified in the published notice.

707469 . Section 190.005(1) provides, in pertinent part, that:

7083(1) The exclusive and uniform method for the

7091establishment of a community development district

7097with a size of 1,000 acres or more shall be pursuant

7109to a rule, adopted under chapter 120 by the Florida

7119Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission,

7124granting a petition for the establishment of a

7132community development district.

7135(a) A petition for the establishment of a community

7144development district shall be file d by the petitioner

7153with the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

7160Commission . The petition shall contain:

71661. A metes and bounds description of the external

7175boundaries of the district . Any real property within

7184the external boundaries of the district which i s to

7194be excluded from the district shall be specifically

7202described, and the last known address of all owners

7211of such real property shall be listed . The petition

7221shall also address the impact of the proposed

7229district on any real property within the external

7237boundaries of the district which is to be excluded

7246from the district.

7249* * *

72525. A map of the proposed district showing current

7261major trunk water mains and sewer interceptors

7268and outfalls if in existence.

72736. Based up on available data, the proposed

7281timeta ble for construction of the district services

7289and the estimated cost of constructing the proposed

7297services . These estimates shall be submitted in

7305good faith but are not binding and may be subject

7315to change.

73177. A designation of the future general distribut ion,

7326location, and extent of public and private uses of

7335land proposed for the area within the district by the

7345future land use plan element of the effective local

7354government comprehensive plan of which all

7360mandatory elements have been adopted by the

7367applica ble general - purpose local government in

7375compliance with the Community Planning Act.

73818. A statemen t of estimated regulatory costs in

7390accorda nce with the requirements of s. 120.541.

739870 . The Joint Petition includes t he elements required by

7409section 190.005(1 )(a) 1. and 5. through 8.

741771 . Section 190.046(1)(a) provides that :

7424If the petitioner seeks to contract the district, the

7433petition shall describe what services and facilities

7440are currently provided by the district to the area

7449being removed, and the designat ion of the future

7458general distribution, location, and extent of public

7465and private uses of land proposed for the area by

7475the future land element of the adopted local

7483government comprehensive plan.

748672 . As established herein, the Joint Petition included the description of

7498services and facilities, and the designation of future public and private land

7510uses as required.

751373 . As established in s ection 190.046 (1) ( f ) , the Joint Petition is to be

7531processed by application of the standards in section 190.005 .

754174 . Sec tion 190.005(d) provides, in pertinent part, that:

7551A local publi c hearing on the petition shall be

7561conducted by a hearing officer in conformance with

7569the applicable requirements and procedures of the

7576Administrative Procedure Act . The hearing shall

7583include oral and written comments on the petition

7591pertinent to the factors specified in paragraph

759875 . Section 190.005(1)(e) provides that:

7604The Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

7610Commission shall consider the entire record of the

7618local hearing, t he transcript of the hearing,

7626resolutions adopted by local general - purpose

7633governments as provided in paragraph (c), and the

7641following factors and make a determination to

7648grant or deny a petition for the establishment of a

7658community development district:

76611. Whether all statements contained within the

7668petition have been found to be true and correct.

76772. Whether the establishment of the district is

7685i nconsistent with any applicable element or portion

7693of the state comprehensive plan or of the effective

7702local g overnment comprehensive plan.

77073. Whether the area of land within the proposed

7716district is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact,

7724and is sufficiently contiguous to be developable as

7732one functional interrelated community.

77364. Whether the district is t he best alternative

7745available for delivering community development

7750services and facilities to the area that will be

7759served by the district.

77635. Whether the community development services

7769and facilities of the district will be incompatible

7777with the capacity and uses of existing local and

7786regional community development services and


77926. Whether the area that will be served by the

7802district is amenable to separate special - district


781176 . E ach of the statutory criteria in section 190.005(1)( e) has been

7825satisfied , as established by competent , substantial evidence described herein .

783577 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that the statements

7846contained in the Joint Petition are true and correct. § 190.005(1)(e)1.,

7857Fla. Stat.

785978 . The evi dence in t his proceeding establishes that the amendment of the

7874District's boundar y will not be inconsistent with either the City of

7886Jacksonville 2030 Comprehensive Plan or the S tate C omprehensive P lan.

7898§ 190.005(1)(e)2., Fla. Stat.

790279 . The evidence in thi s proceeding establishes that, after the addition of

7916the Expansion Parcel and removal of the C ontraction P arcel, the A mended

7930District will continue to be of sufficient size, sufficiently compact, and

7941sufficiently contiguous to be developable as one functio nal interrelated

7951community. § 190.005(1)(e)3., Fla. Stat.

795680 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that , after the addition of

7969the Expansion Parcel and removal of the C ontraction P arcel, the Amended

7982District will continue to be the best alternative available for delivering

7993community development services and facilities to the remaining a reas that

8004will be served by the district . § 190.005(1)(e)4., Fla. Stat.

801581 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that the services and

8027facilities that will be provided in the Amended District are not incompatible

8039with the capacity or uses of any local or regional community development

8051services and facilities . § 190.005(1)(e)5., Fla. Stat.

805982 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that, after the addition of

8072the Expansion Parcel and removal of the C ontraction P arcel, the District is

8086amenable to separate special - district government. § 190.005(1)(e)6., Fla. Stat.


8099Section 190.005(1)(e) , as ap plicable to a petition to amend the boundar y of

8113a CDD pu rsuant to section 190.046(1)(f), prov ides that the Commission

8125Ñshall consider the entire re cord of the local hearing, the t ranscript of the

8140hearing, resolutions adopted by local general - purpose governments,Ò and t he

8153factors set forth in section 190.005(1)( e)1. through 6. in determining whether

8165to grant or deny the petition.

8171Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, the

8183undersigned concludes that the proposed boundary amendment satisfies the

8192statutory requirements, and that there is no reason not to grant the Dist r ictÔs

8207request to remov e approximately 1,058.56 acres from, and add approximately

82193.63 acres to, the 1,476.34 acres that comprise the Existing District, which

8232will result in a District boundary encompassing approximately 421. 03 acres ,

8243and to amend Florida Administrative Code Chapter 42QQ - 1, consistent

8254therewith .

8256D ONE A ND E NTERED this 26th day of February , 20 21 , in Tallahassee, Leon

8272County, Florida.



8280Administrative Law Judge

82831230 Apalachee Parkway

8286Tallahasse e, Florida 32399 - 3060

8292(850) 488 - 9675


8297Filed with the Clerk of the

8303Division of Administrative Hearings

8307t his 26th day of February, 2021.


8319Barbara R. Leighty, Clerk Wesley S. Haber, Esquire

8327Transpor tation and Economic Hopping Green & Sams, P.A.

8336Development Policy Unit Post Office Box 6526

8343Room 180 2 , The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32314 - 6526

8353Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

8358Joshua E lliott Pratt, Esquire

8363Kenneth R aymond Ar tin, Esquire Florida Land and Water

8373Bryant Miller Olive, P.A. Adjudicatory Commission

8379Suite 1350 Governor's Legal Office

8384255 South Orange Avenue The Capitol, Room 209

8392Orlando, Florida 32801 Tallahassee, Florida 323 99 - 0001

8401Chris Spencer, Secretary

8404Florida Lan d and Water

8409Adjudicatory Commission

8411Room 1802, The Capitol

8415Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/26/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/26/2021
Proceedings: Administrative Law Judge's Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (hearing held January 29, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/26/2021
Proceedings: Report cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/22/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions filed.
Date: 02/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Affidavit filed.
Date: 02/10/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 02/10/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 02/10/2021
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: Letter from Randall and Virginia Merideth Regarding Comments filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: Specific Exhibits Referenced in Villages of Westport Boundary Amendment Homeowner Concern Letter (document) filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: Disclosure oF Public Financing and Maintenance of Improvements to Real Property Undertaken by the Villages of Westport Community Development District Board of Supervisors filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: Villages of Westport Community Development Series 2005A Bond Documentation filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: Villages of Westport Boundary Amendment Homeowner Concerns Letter filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: Villages of Westport Community Development District Boundary Amendment Opposition Letter filed.
Date: 01/29/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/22/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 01/22/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Prefiled Written Testimony (part 3 of 3) filed.
Date: 01/22/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Prefiled Written Testimony (part 2 of 3) filed.
Date: 01/22/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Prefiled Written Testimony (part 1 of 3) filed.
Date: 12/09/2020
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for January 29, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 12/01/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for January 29, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 11/20/2020
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 11/19/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for November 20, 2020; 2:00 p.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 11/16/2020
Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to the Initial Order filed.
Date: 11/09/2020
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 11/05/2020
Proceedings: Joint Petition to Amend the Boundary of the Villages of Westport Community Development District filed.
Date: 11/05/2020
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida
Office of the Governor


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):