20-005259TTS Duval County School Board vs. Thomas Caggiano
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, November 15, 2021.

View Dockets  
Summary: The School Board established, by a preponderance of the evidence, just cause to discipline Respondent.




21Petitioner ,

22vs. Case No. 20 - 5 259TTS


33Respondent .



40On May 27, July 13, August 11 and 18 , 2021, Administrative Law Judge

53Robert J. Telfer III, of the Florida Division of Administrative Hearings

64(DOAH), conducted a final hearing pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida

74Statutes (20 2 0 ), by the Zoom conference .


86For Petitioner: Derrel Q. Chatmon, Esquire

92Office of General Counsel

96City of Jacksonville

99Suite 480

101117 West Duval Street,

105Jacksonville, Florida 32202

108For Respondent: Kelly B. Mathis, Esquire

114Mathis Law Firm

1173577 Cardinal Point Drive

121Jacksonville, Florida 32257


131Whether just cause exists to reprimand and suspend Respondent , Thomas

141Caggiano , for five days without pay from his position as a teacher with

154Petitioner , the School Board of Duval County (School Board) , 1 for the reasons

167set forth in the March 26, 2021 , correspo n dence from the School Board, which

182contained an April 6, 2021, Amended Step III Progressive Discipline Petition.


197On November 19, 2020, Victoria N. Schultz, the Assistant Superintendent

207of Duval County Public Schools , Human R esources Services, sent to

218Mr. Caggiano, correspondence entitled ÑStep III Progressive Discipline Ï

227Written Reprimand and Suspension Without Pay Pending School Board

236Approval,Ò which notified Mr. Caggiano of the Duval County School DistrictÔs

248intention to issue a written reprimand and suspend Mr. Caggiano for five

260working days from employment, without pay, and to require him to complete

272a course in Culture Diversity, pending the School BoardÔs approval, for posts,

284reports, or comments to posts made on Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook account

295which Ms. Schultz characterized as containing Ñinappropriate, derogatory,

303demeaning and inflammatory material and comments referencing sex ual

312orientation, national origin and domestic abuse È.Ò

319On March 17, 2021, the School Board filed a Motion for Leave to Amend

333the November 19, 2020 , Step III Progressive Discipline. Having received no

344response in opposition, the undersigned entered, on M arch 31, an Order

356Granting PetitionerÔs Motion for Leave to Amend the November 19, 2020,

367Step III Progressive Discipline. In correspondence dated March 26, 2021,

377Ms. Schultz provided Mr. Caggiano with an ÑAmended Step III Progressive

388Discipline Ï Written R eprimand and Suspension Without Pay Pending School

399Board Approval,Ò which authorized the issuance of Amended Step III

410Progressive Discipline on April 6, 2021 (Amended Step III Progressive

420Discipline). The Amended Step III Progressive Discipline corresponde nce is

4301 The School BoardÔs official name is ÑThe School Board of Duval County.Ò £ 1001.40, Fla.

446Stat. (2021) (providing that Ñ[t]he governing body of each school district shall be a district

461school board. Each district school board is const ituted a body corporate by the name of ÑThe

478School Board of County, Florida.Ò Ô ). The case style has been amended accordingly.

492similar to the November 19, 2020, correspondence, but adds an additional

503post and comment that Mr. Caggiano made on his Facebook account.

514The undersigned originally noticed this matter for a final hearing on

525March 25, 2021. On March 15, 2021, the School Board filed an Unopposed

538Motion to Continue the Scheduled Hearing Due to the Impact of COVID - 19

552and New Material Evidence. On that same date, the undersigned entered an

564Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing by Zoom Conference,

573for May 27, 2021.

577The undersigned conducted a final hearing on May 27, July 13,

588August 11 and 18 , 2021. The School Board presented the testimony of : J.N.S.,

602a student at Sandalwood High School (SHS); C.C, a student at SHS; Brannon

615Lutz, faculty at SHS; Cassie Solliday, faculty at SHS; Randal Allen Lessen,

627faculty at SHS; Rhonda Shene Motley, administrator at SHS; JC, a student

639at SHS; Alyson Marie Pora k, a parent of students at SHS; Kevin Lee Stika,

654administrator for Duval County Public Schools; Reginald Lafranc Johnson,

663supervisor for Duval County Public Schools; Dr. Saryn Hatcher; principal

673at SHS; Jamie Brennan, school psychologist supervisor for Duv al County

684Public Schools; and Ms. Schultz . The undersigned entered into evidence

695PetitionerÔs Exhibits P 1 through 12, 14, 15, 21, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 36, 38,

71239, 42 through 47, 50, 55 through 57, 62 through 64, 66, 67, and 69

727through 71. Mr. Caggiano t estified on his own behalf, and presented the

740testimony of his daughter, Arielle Caggiano. Mr. Caggiano did not offer any

752exhibits into evidence. On rebuttal, the School Board presented the testimony

763of: Christina Gentzkow, a parent of a student at SHS; Sa ndra Rocquin, a

777former administrator at SHS; and Dr. Tiffany Wells, an administrator at

788SHS. The undersigned entered into evidence PetitionerÔs Rebuttal

796Exhibit PR 1.

799At the conclusion of the final hearing, the parties jointly requested a

81130 - day time period after the filing of the t ranscript to submit their proposed

827recommended orders. The four - volume Transcript was filed with DOAH on

839September 9 , 2021. The School Board timely filed a Proposed Recommended

850Order ; however, Mr. Caggiano filed his Proposed Recommended Order late.

860The School Board thereafter, on October 6, 2021, filed a Motion to Strike

873RespondentÔs Untimely Proposed Recommended Order or Alternatively Grant

881Petitioner Leave to s upplement (Amend) its Proposed Recommended Order,

891which indicated that Respondent opposed the striking of his Proposed

901Recommended Order, but did not oppose leave for the School Board to file a

915Supplement to its Proposed Recommended Order , and thereafter filed a

925Response on Oct ober 6, 2021, restating that position. On October 8, 2021, the

939undersigned entered an Order Denying PetitionerÔs Motion to Strike

948RespondentÔs Proposed Recommended Order and Granting Petitioner Leave

956to File a Supplemental Proposed Recommended Order. The S chool Board

967thereafter timely filed a Supplemental Proposed Recommended Order on

976October 15, 2021.

979This proceeding is governed by the law in effect at the time of the

993commission of the acts alleged to warrant discipline. See McCloskey v. DepÔt of

1006Fin. Ser vs. , 115 So. 3d 441, 444 (Fla. 5th DCA 2013). Accordingly, a ll

1021statutory references are to the 20 2 0 codification of the Florida Statutes

1034unless otherwise indicated.


10421. The School B oard is charged with the duty to operate, control, and

1056supervise free public schools within Duval County Public Schools . See Art. IX,

1069§ 4(b), Fla. Const.; § 1012.33(1)(a), Fla. Stat.

10772. The School Board and Mr. Caggiano executed a professional service

1088contract, as defined in section 1012.33, Florida Statutes, and he has been

1100employed by the School Board since 1994.

11073. The School Board has renewed this professional services contract on an

1119annual basis.

11214. The partiesÔ employment relationship is governed by School Board

1131policies, Florida laws, Department of Ed ucation rules, and the Collective

1142Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Duval Teachers United and the School

1152Board. The CBA relevant to this matter was effective from 2017 through

11642020. 2

1166Mr. CaggianoÔs Employment at SHS

11715. Mr. Caggiano had been a math teache r at SHS for numerous years,

1185including the time period relevant to the allegations of the Amended Step III

1198Progressive Discipline correspondence . He currently remains employed by the

1208School Board, but is currently not a math teacher at SHS.

12196. During his career with the School Board, Mr. Caggiano received

1230positive employment evaluations. Prior to the allegations at issue, the School

1241Board had never disciplined Mr. Caggiano.

12477. During the 2019/2020 school year, Mr. Caggiano taught Algebra II.

1258During his ca reer at SHS, he also taught geometry, trigonometry, analytic

1270geometry, calculus, and statistics. He also taught college - level classes for

1282Embry - Riddle Aeronautical University during this time .

12918. As a teacher at SHS and an employee of the School Board,

1304Mr . Caggiano received numerous and various training materials and updates

1315concerning governing policies and procedures, electronically (via email).

13232 The CBA entered into evidence, without objection, and which was unexecuted, states on its

1338cover page that it is effective from 2 017 through 2020. However, the same document, in

1354Article XV, section C, states that it is effective from July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2017. As

1372the Amended Step III Progressive Discipline letter references the 2017 - 2020 CBA, and as no

1388party objected to th e CBA that the undersigned accepted into evidence, the undersigned has

1403treated the CBA entered into evidence as the CBA that was in effect during the allegations

1419concerning Mr. Caggiano.

1422Many of these materials were provided to Mr. Caggiano prior to faculty and

1435staff training, which occurred in t he weeks leading up to the start of the

1450school year. Among the various materials provided to Mr. Caggiano (and

1461other faculty) was a handout entitled ÑEthics and Professionalism,Ò provided

1472by Duval County Public SchoolsÔ Office of Equity and Inclusion/Profe ssional

1483Standards. SHS also provided Mr. Caggiano (and other faculty) a link to its

1496handbook , which contained policies, laws, and rules that govern

1505Mr. Caggiano.

15079. T he ÑEthics and ProfessionalismÒ trainin g materials contained a section

1519on social media, a nd stated:

1525Please ensure that personal social media accounts

1532are set to private. Do not accept friend requests from

1542students or their parents, and use discretion when

1550inviting colleagues to your pages. Please ensure that

1558your social media posts are respectful and do not

1567possess profane, insensitive, or offensive language or

1574images. As a reminder, you may not post

1582photographs or identifying language about your

1588students. It is a violation of FERPA.

1595In the Acceptable Use Policy (2.1.11), it states

1603ÑEmp loyees must maintain professional boundaries

1609between themselves and students. Employees will

1615not solicit or engage in inappropriate

1621communications with students verbally, in writing,

1627or electronically regardless of the age of the student.

1636Employees will no t engage in any direct electronic

1645communications with students, parents,

1649supervisors, or co - workers whether by e - mail,

1659instant messaging, or other digital media that will

1667adversely affect the employeeÔs ability to perform his

1675or her job.Ò

1678Here are some be st practices to follow:

1686• You are the adult, the teacher, the professional. You

1696are not their friend.

1700• You are in violation of the Code of Ethics if you post

1713disparaging comments about your colleagues,

1718administration, and/or the Superintendent.

1722• Do not post m aterial that is illegal, sexually explicit,

1733obscene, derogatory, related to alcohol or drug use,

1741or in violation of copyright laws.

1747• Do not access social networking sites from your

1756school computer or during work time.

1762• Be cautious about photos posted online. Students

1770and parents could view them!

1775• Any information posted to, or communicated

1782through, a social networking site shall not bring

1790disfavor, embarrassment or condemnation to the

1796student, employee or school district.

180110. Mr. Caggiano (and other faculty) further received materials and

1811training related to the School BoardÔs Non - Discrimination Policy (Board

1822Policy 10.10), which states:

1826Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) believes that

1833education should be provided in an atmosphere

1840where differences are understood and appreciated,

1846and where all persons are treated fairly and with

1855respect, and where all persons are free from

1863discrimination, harassment and threats of violence

1869or abuse. School board policy explicitly states, ÑNo

1877person s hall, on the basis of a personÔs actual or

1888perceived identity with regard to race, color,

1895religion, gender or gender identity, age, marital

1902status, disability, sexual orientation, political or

1908religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, veteran

1915status, or any other distingui shing physical or

1923personality characteristics, be excluded from

1928participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be

1937subjected to discrimination under any education

1943program or activity on in any employment conditions

1951or practices conducted by this School Dis trict, except

1960as provided by law.Ò

1964Previous Incident Involving Transgender Student J.N.S.

197011. J.N.S., a student at SHS, is a female transgender student and has

1983identified as female at least since the 2018 - 2019 school year, her freshman


199812. In the summer before her sophomore year, after receiving her class

2010assignments for the new academic year, J.N.S. sent an email to all of her new

2025teachers , including Mr. Caggiano . The August 5, 2019 , email , sent at

20379:21 p.m., stated:

2040I will be in your c lass during the 2019 - 2020 school

2053year, and I would like to let you know that I am a

2066Male - to - Female Transgender student who would

2075like to go by the name [J.N.S.] as well as female

2086pronouns in your class. I am sending this email

2095before the actual school year starts so that there is

2105plenty of time to change it on the roll before then if

2117possible. Thank you very much for carrying out my

2126request, I canÔt wait to attend your class this year.

213613. That same evening , Mr. Caggiano responded to J.N.S.Ôs email:

2146I wil l call you by any reasonable name you like, but

2158the pronouns are not a negotiable thing for me. I will

2169NOT refer to you with female pronouns. If this is not

2180acceptable for you change classes.

2185J.N.S. testified that most of her remaining teachers responded to this email

2197in a positive fashion, agreeing to her request. J.N.S. also testified that she

2210posted her email interaction with Mr. Caggiano on one of her social media


22241 4 . On August 6, 2019, during the faculty pre - planning period before

2239classes started , SHS held a mandatory training session presented by

2249Dr. Wells as part of the Duval County Public SchoolsÔ ÑAll In: Ally for AllÒ

2264program. As part of this training, Dr. Wells presented various Duval County

2276Public Schools policies that included the t reatment of transgender students,

2287including that transgender students had a right to be called by names that

2300they chose. Principal Hatcher also attended this training, and stated that all

2312students had a right to be called by their requested names, includin g

2325pronouns. A sign - in sheet reflected that Mr. Caggiano attended this training

2338session , although Mr. Caggiano testified that he did not recall attending .

23501 5 . On August 7, 2019, J.N.S. contacted the SHS school counselor,

2363Ms. Solliday, to request a transfer out of Mr. CaggianoÔs class. After

2375conferring with SHS Assistant Principal Motley, Ms. Solliday transferred

2384J.N.S. to a different class with a different teacher .

23941 6 . J.N.S. never at tended Mr. CaggianoÔs class, was never his student

2408during the 2019 - 2020 s chool year , and has never been a student in

2423Mr. Cagg iano Ôs class .

24291 7 . On August 12, 2019, Principal Hatcher met with Mr. Caggiano

2442regarding his email response to J.N.S. and to counsel him regarding Duval

2454County Public SchoolsÔ policies for addressing stud ents. Principal Hatcher

2464informed Mr. Caggiano that he should use whatever name or pronoun a

2476student asks to be called. Mr. Caggiano testified that he told Principal

2488Hatcher he would stop using all pronouns, and refer to a student by the name


25041 8 . Although the School Board devoted a significant amount of time and

2518effort at the final hearing to this incident involving Mr. CaggianoÔs response

2530to J.N.S.Ôs email request, this incident is not part of the Amended Step III

2544Progressive Discipline correspo ndence that is the subject of the instant

2555action. Dr. Hatcher counselled Mr. Caggiano on this issue. The undersigned

2566hear d testimony of various students, faculty, administrators, and even a

2577school psychologist concerning this incident, which the undersigne d finds

2587provides background to the issues included in the Amended Step III

2598Progressive Discipline correspondence ; however, this particular incident do es

2607not form the basis for the proposed discipline in the instant proceeding .

2620Mr. CaggianoÔs Use of Faceboo k

262619 . Mr. Caggiano testified that he decided to set up a Facebook account

2640sometime in 2008, to catch up with old friends. He testified that his daughter,

2654Arielle, actually set up the account, and told him that his accountÔs settings

2667were Ñprivate.Ò

26692 0 . T hereafter, Mr. Caggiano stated that he posted and commented on

2683posts of his Facebook Ñfriends,Ò and because he believed his settings were

2696Ñprivate,Ò he believed that only those ÑfriendsÒ could see those posts and

2709comments. He testified that Ñ[a]ll my posts were either political commentary,

2720social commentary, or adult humor.Ò

27252 1 . Mr. Caggiano did not accept any of his students as Facebook Ñfriends,Ò

2741but did have a few fellow SHS teachers as Facebook Ñfriends.Ò He testified

2754that he did not think anybody from SHS would be able to see his Facebook

2769posts, aside from the fellow SHS teacher Ñfriends.Ò

27772 2 . Additionally, at some point in the past, Mr. Caggiano set up a separate

2793Facebook account, called ÑAP Caggiano,Ò for students in an advanced

2804placement class to post questions or comments concerning a class.

2814Mr. Caggiano testified that he had not used that particular Facebook account

2826in some time.

28292 3 . Mr. Caggiano also testified that he never accessed his Facebook

2842account at SHS or during his normal work hours. M r. Stika, who was a

2857forensic examiner in the Information Technologies department of Duval

2866County Public Schools, testified that Mr. Caggiano did not use his school -

2879issued laptop to access Facebook during the time period relevant to the

2891instant matter.

2893Amended Step III Progressive Discipline

28982 4 . On May 19, 2020, the Duval County Public Schools Office of Equity

2913and Inclusion/Professional Standards received an email concerning

2920Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook posting s .

29262 5 . On May 21, 2020, the Florida Times Unio n published a story

2941concerning Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook postings and comments. The May 19,

29512021, email, and the May 21, 2020, newspaper article, caused an

2962investigation into Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook posts and comments, conducted

2971primarily by Mr. Johnson.

29752 6 . Mr. Johnson interviewed parents, students, former students, Principal

2986Hatcher, Mr. Stika, and Mr. Caggiano, as part of this investigation. His

2998findings form the basis for the Amended Step III Progressive Discipline


30102 7 . As alleged in the Amended Step III Progressive Discipline

3022correspondence, the complainant provided screenshots of Mr. CaggianoÔs

3030Facebook postings. Mr. JohnsonÔs investigation discovered a Facebook

3038account in the name of ÑThomas Caggiano,Ò who was listed as a Duval

3052County P ublic School teacher. Mr. Caggiano admitted that the Facebook

3063account referenced in the Amended Step III Progressive Discipline

3072correspondence was his personal Facebook account, which his daughter

3081initially set up.

30842 8 . As reflected in the Amended Step III Progressive Discipline

3096correspondence, the investigation revealed Mr. Caggiano, commencing on or

3105about January 2020, admitted to 27 various Facebook posts, reposts, or

3116comments. The Amended Step III Progressive Discipline correspondence

3124specifically alleg es that Ñsome of your posts and/or comments were as

3136follows[,]Ò and then lists seven specific posts, reposts, or comments from

3148Mr. CaggianoÔs personal Facebook account. 3

315429 . At the final hearing, the undersigned heard testimony and considered

3166evidence of Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook posts, reposts, or comments, including

3176Mr. CaggianoÔs testimony, and finds that Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook account

3186reflects the following posts and repo sts Ð which could be considered Ñmemes,Ò

3200which can be defined as amusing or interesting pictures, videos, etc., that are

32133 The School Board introduced into evidence other Facebook posts, rep osts, or comments

3227attributed to Mr. Caggiano, and questioned numerous witnesses about this ÑotherÒ Facebook

3239activity. The undersigned has only considered the allegations contained in the Amended

3251Step III Progressive Discipline correspondence in determining whether the School Board has

3263just cause to discipline Mr. Caggiano.

3269spread widely through the internet or social media Ð or comments to memes

3282or articles, that were made, or reposted, by Mr. Caggiano. These seven posts,

3295reposts, or comments, which are the only posts, reports, or comments alleged

3307in the Amended Step III Progressive Discipline, are:

3315(a) A repost from a Facebook entity called ÑMessenger of Liberty,Ò which

3328states: ÑMy son is taking part in a soc ial experiment. He has to wear a Bernie

33452020 t - shirt for 2 weeks and see how people react. So far heÔs been spit on,

3363punched and had a bottle thrown at him! IÔm curious to see what happens

3377when he goes outside.Ò;

3381(b) A repost from an individual and an ent ity called ÑLIFT Ï LONG

3395ISLANDERS FOR TRUMP,Ò which states: Ñ Crazy but TRUE , If this girl sees

3409a penis at a party itÔs a crime È [with an accompanying photograph of a

3424young woman], but if this girl sees a penis in the womanÔs bathroom È itÔs

3439tolerance [wit h an accompanying photograph of a girl in a bathroom]. Vote

3452Republican and put an end to the madness.ÒÔ

3460(c) A post authored by Mr. Caggiano which states: ÑDumb ass liberals are

3473no w organizing protest against the killing of the Iranian general (terrorist)

3485who was responsible for many attacks against the USA. Amazing how

3496TRUMP derangement syndrome can cause democraps, and the main stream

3506media, to support our enemies.Ò;

3511(d) A repost from another individual, which appears to be a Ñscreen grabÒ

3524from a Fox New s segment, which states, at the top, ÑMAN AND WOMAN,Ò

3539and which then states: ÑA man goes home and masturbates his typical

3551fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused. A woman

3566enjoys intercourse with her man Ð she fantasizes being raped by 3 men

3579simultaneouslyÈÒ The Ñscreen grabÒ attributes this quote to Bernie Sanders,

3589currently a United States Senator from Vermont, sometime in the 1970Ôs (the

3601exhibit copy is unclear), and Mr. CaggianoÔs handwritten notes next to this

3613exhibit statesÒ ÑBerni e said this!Ò;

3619(e) A repost from a Facebook entity called ÑMaine Bikers,Ò which states:

3632ÑMeanwhile at the ÓBikers for BernieÔ rallyÈ[,]Ò and which contains a picture

3645of two nude men on a motorcycle;

3652(f) What appears to be an attempted repost by Mr. Caggi ano, which

3665Facebook apparently removed with the message ÑFalse information, Checked

3674by independent fact - checkers,Ò but which also contains the following

3686comments from Mr. Caggiano: ÑTeach this childish nasty bitch a lesson. Have

3698her treasonous ass removed from office and put in jail.Ò; and

3709(g) A repost, dated August 19, 2020, from Mr. Caggiano, of an article from

3723an entity called ÑLifesitenews.com,Ò with a headline that states, ÑTeen girls

3735stage school walkout to protest boys in their bathroom who claim to be ÓgirlsÔÒ;

3749and to which Mr. Caggiano commented, ÑLove it! About time people stood up

3762to this insanity.Ò

37653 0 . The Amended Step III Progressive Discipline correspondence further


3777Resulting from our Facebook postings, your school

3784and district leade rship were both impacted as they

3793received several complaints and/or concerns from

3799students, parents and constituents expressing their

3805displeasure with your conduct as a Duval county

3813teacher and the comments displayed within your

3820Facebook account. Many pare nts also contacted the

3828school and informed the principal that they would

3836not want their children in your class for the 2021 -

38472021 school year. If this administrative action had

3855not occurred, the public consequences would cause

3862an equity issue for other teac hers by redistributing

3871your assigned students or assignment of

3877replacement teachers.

3879While you are certainly entitled to your First

3887Amendment right to free speech, your actions are in

3896direct contradiction to the DistrictÔs mission to

3903ÑProvide educational excellence in every school, in

3910every classroom, for every student, every day.Ò This

3918is without regard to a studentÔs ethnicity, race,

3926religious beliefs, gender orientation, political

3931persuasion, or any other qualifier. In addition, the

3939Principals of Profes sional Conduct of the Education

3947Profession in Florida (Florida Administrative Code

39536A - 10.081), requires that an individual, ÑTake

3961reasonable precautions to distinguish between

3966personal views and those of any educational

3973institution or organization with whi ch the individual

3981is affiliated.Ò

3983As an educator you have a duty and/or a

3992responsibility to maintain the respect of the

3999community and your colleagues. You posted and/or

4006shared inappropriate, derogatory, demeaning and

4011inflammatory material and comments ref erencing

4017sexual orientation, national origin, and domestic

4023abuse on your public social media (Facebook)

4030account. Your conduct was unethical, lacked

4036integrity and violated Duval County School Board

4043policy, as such, warrants corrective discipline.

40493 1 . The Amended Step III Progressive Discipline correspondence alleges

4060that Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook posts, reposts, and comments violated

4069section 1006.147, Florida Statutes; Florida Administrative Code Rules; rules

40786A - 5.053 and 6A - 10.081, and Duval County School Board Policies 6.80 and

409310.10. It further alleges that, pursuant to article V, section 9, of the CBA,

4107which concerns Ñpotential harm to the physical or mental wellbeing of a

4119student, or students , constitutes more severe acts of misconduct which

4129warrant cir cumventing progressive disciplinary steps,Ò and imposed

4138discipline of a written reprimand, five consecutive working days of

4148suspension without pay, and a requirement that Mr. Caggiano complete a

4159course in ÑCulture DiversityÒ by a certain date. 4

4168Additional Facts Concerning Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook Account

41753 2 . J.N.S. testified that at some point after her email interaction with

4189Mr. Caggiano, she was ÑcuriousÒ and decided to access his Facebook account ,

42014 A review of the CBA in evidence shows that the provision of the CBA that addresses

4218progressive discipline may be found in article V, section C, subsections 9 and 10.

4232and s aw numerous posts, including some of the posts that form the basis of

4247the School BoardÔs proposed discipline. She stated that she was Ñappalled, but

4259not surprised.Ò She also testified that the Florida Times Union reporter who

4271authored the May 21, 2020, article about Mr. Caggiano reached out to her

4284through s ocial media concerning Mr. Caggiano .

42923 3 . Ms. Schultz previously served as SHS P rincipal during the time period

4307that Mr. Caggiano taught at SHS. She recalled seeing Mr. CaggianoÔs posts

4319that were ÑforwardedÒ to her, and she thereafter communicated directly with

4330Mr. Caggiano. She stated that she asked Mr. Caggiano to remove his

4342Facebook posts. In an email exchange between them, after Ms. Schultz

4353informed Mr. Caggiano that she was able to access his Facebook account

4365numerous times after he stated that he had changed his account settings to

4378private, Mr. Caggiano wrote:

4382Thank you for your email. I have had my daughter

4392assist me in making my Facebook account settings

4400Ñprivate,Ò and I have changed my account password.

4409I am going through and removing a number of po sts

4420that were made by people that I do not know. I do

4432not wa n t to shut the entire account down, because I

4444have a number of personal photos of my grandkids

4453and me. Please confirm whether you are still able to

4463see the Facebook ÑwallÒ for my account. I want t o

4474make sure the settings are properly adjusted so that

4483only people whom I accept as ÑfriendsÒ can see what

4493I post at this time.

4498As you are aware, I have also received inquiries from

4508the Duval County Public Schools Equity &

4515Inclusion/Professional Standards supervisor È. In

4520the emails , [he] provided me with a link to a Times -

4532Union article by reporter Emily Bloch. [He] inquired

4540whether I posted the items in question, on my

4549Facebook account, as attributed by the writer of the


4559I have reviewed the arti cle. The article indicates

4568that I am not obligated to respond to [his] inquiry.

4578The article states that a Ñnote from the Office of

4588Equity and Inclusion and Professional Standards

4594added that an inquiry Ócould take some time, as the

4604office cannot compel anyo ne to meet or speak with

4614usÔ,Ò and that I Ñdid not directly reference a student

4625of direct [my] posts at a student in [my] posts,Ò nor

4637identify myself as a Duval County Public Schools

4645teacher in my posts. Please confirm whether the

4653articleÔs statement is ac curate, as I prefer to only

4663respond on this issue as I am obligated and as is

4674otherwise necessary.

4676For the record, I view Emily BlochÔs article as a well -

4688timed political hit piece, full o f inaccuracies,

4696targeting me for my political views on issues of

4705sex uality, to promote the latest version of the ÑneedÒ

4715for the City of Jacksonville Human Rights

4722Ordinance (ÑHROÒ), which was illegally passed back

4729in 2017, and recently struck down by a Florida court.

4739It is a transparent attempt to torpedo a good

4748teacherÔs c areer, to score political points. I hope the

4758Duval County Schools will not countenance this

4765reporterÔs efforts to manufacture an issue to promote

4773her political causes, especially where the public

4780cannot come out to oppose the latest ordinance,

4788because of C oronavirus.

4792I treat all of my students with dignity and respect,

4802and my classroom record speaks for itself. I will not

4812lie to my students. I treat all of them with honesty

4823and fairness.

4825On the other hand, I make no secrets that when I am

4837not acting in my official capacity as a Duval County

4847Schools teacher, I do engage in robust political

4855debate on political issues. I deny making any kind of

4865ÑphobicÒ remarks or posts. A ÑphobiaÒ is an irrational

4874fear. Holding traditional views about the biological

4881nature o f sex (and need for sex - based privacy in

4893bathrooms and lockers) is not a Ñphobia.Ò

4900Disagreement with the political orthodoxy of the

4907Left on matters of sexuality is not a Ñphobia.Ò

4916Sharing my belief on my personal Facebook that

4924there are only two genders th at correspond with

4933biological sex is not a Ñphobia.Ò Ms. Bloch may not

4943like the way I make those points, and that is fin e .

4956Since I have been active on Facebook, I know I have

4967shared various political memes on my personal

4974Facebook wall, or commented in resp onse to othersÔ

4983postings. I do not instantly recall them all. Memes

4992are often a good way of making pithy political

5001statements, with a touch of humor. Sometimes

5008ÑhumorÒ is in the eye of the beholder, or is funny at

5020the time. IÔm sure I found certain memes f unny or

5031punchy at the time, and I have friends who did as

5042well. IÔm sure others may not find them funny, or

5052may disagree with me, as is their right.

5060I have not gone back through the last yearÔs worth of

5071Facebook postings, and I am unable to verify some

5080of Ms. BlochÔs attributed quotes. I can confirm that

5089the account settings are now Ñprivate.Ò

5095I stand by a number of statements Ms. Bloch

5104attributes to me (or at least, I agree with the

5114sentiments expressed, where they may have been

5121posted by me or others). Others I do not.

5130I will also note that at least one of the specifically

5141quoted references in Ms. BlochÔs article was taken

5149out of context, and she uses that out - of - context quote

5162to suggest my remarks are ÑracistÒ or Ñxenophobic.Ò

5170IÔm neither. In fact, som e of my beautiful

5179grandchildren are ÑbiracialÒ (for lack of a better term

5188Ï there is only one Ñrace Ò Ï the human race). But even

5201having to make that note is offensive, and suggests

5210bigotry and prejudice on the part of Ms. Bloch in

5220leveling that charge again st me. For the record, the

5230ÑcoronaÒ or ÑcovidÒ food reference was a political jab

5239at President TrumpÔs references to the ÑCHINAÒ

5246virus. Nothing more, nothing less.

5251I trust that the Duval County Schools will continue

5260to respect the rights of teachers to en gage in robust

5271political debate on Facebook, on matters of public

5279concern (such as the political ÑtransgenderismÒ

5285movement Ï ÑExhibit AÒ of which is the novel

5294ÑlexiconÒ Ms. Bloch placed in her article, purporting

5302to tell the public which terms are acceptab le in the

5313debate, and which are not).

5318The First Amendment surrounds political speech

5324with the highest level of protection, whether some

5332people find the speech of others Ñoffensive,Ò or wish

5342to silence speakers with whom they disagree.

53493 4 . Mr. Caggiano and his daughter, Arielle, testified that it was, and has

5364been, Mr. CaggianoÔs intention that his Facebook account settings be

5374ÑprivateÒ so that only his ÑfriendsÒ could see them, and that after the May 21,

53892020, Florida Times Union article, they both chec ked and saw that it was not

5404set to private. Arielle then set Mr. CaggianoÔs settings back to private.

54163 5 . The School Board called numerous witnesses, including students and

5428parents, who testified about accessing Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook account.

5437None of th e student witnesses (including J.N.S.) were students of

5448Mr. C aggiano. Ms. Porak, a parent of students at SHS, testified that neither

5462of her children had Mr. Caggiano for a teacher. The various student and

5475teacher witnesses discussed a number of Mr. Caggian oÔs Faceook posts,

5486reposts, and comments, only some of which were contained in the Amended

5498Step III Progressive Discipline correspondence.

5503Impact of Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook Posts

55093 6 . After the publishing of the May 21, 2020, Florida Times Union article,

5524school officials, including Ms. Schultz and Dr. Hatcher, testified to receiving

5535numerous complaints. The undersigned received into evidence numerous

5543complaints from parents concerning Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook posts, some of

5553which were included with Mr. John sonÔs investigative report . Some of these

5566parents also testified at the final hearing concerning their complaints and

5577feelings concerning Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook activity. The se parents testified

5587that they felt Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook posts were inappropri ate for a


56003 7 . Assistant Principal Motley testified that a total of four students (not

5614including J.N.S.) requested and were transferred out of Mr. CaggianoÔs

5624classes during the Spring 2020 semester.

56303 8 . Dr. Hatcher testified that after the Duval County Public Schools

5643removed Mr. Caggiano from SHS, it took part of the Fall 2020/2021 semester

5656to hire a full - time replacement teacher. During that semester, several

5668substitute teachers taught what would have been Mr. CaggianoÔs math

5678classes before SHS hired a full time teacher.

568639 . Ms. Brennan testified that Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook posts impacted

5697J.N.S. negatively. Ms. Brennan did not perform a psychological assessment of

5708J.N.S.; the School Board requested that Ms. Brennan provide emotional

5718support to J.N.S. during her preparation as a witness in this matter in

5731March 2021 Ð more than a year after J.N.S. testified that she read

5744Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook posts. Ms. Brennan testified that J.N.S. has

5754experienced symptoms of depression. She also testified that J .N.S. Ð

5765previously an A - B student her freshman year, and who had few absences her

5780sophomore year Ð had approximately 345 separate class absences from school

5791he r junior year and was retained.

5798Mr. CaggianoÔs Explanation

58014 0 . Mr. Caggiano admitted to having authored the Facebook posts,

5813reposts, and comments that are contained in the Amended Step III

5824Progressive Discipline correspondence and detailed in paragraph 29 above.

58334 1 . Mr. Caggiano testified that his daughter Arielle Ñdid everythingÒ in

5846settin g up his Facebook account, to ensure that his settings were private so

5860that only people he accepted as ÑfriendsÒ could see his posts, reposts, and

5873comments. He further stated that , for the approximately 10 years after

5884establishing his Facebook account, he believed his settings were private.

5894After learning in 2019/2020 that members of the public could view his

5906Facebook account, he again asked Arielle to ensure that it was private.

59184 2 . Mr. Caggiano believes his Facebook account was Ñhacked.Ò He testified

5931tha t he believed it to be set to private, and after learning otherwise, ÑfixedÒ it.

5947Then, he found it was ÑpublicÒ again. As there was no additional testimony or

5961evidence concerning whether Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook account was hacked,

5970the undersigned does not credit this explanation.

59774 3 . Mr. Caggiano testified about the seven posts, reposts, or comments

5990that are the subject of the Amended Step III Progressive Discipline

6001correspondence and detailed in paragraph 29 above. Mr. Caggiano did not

6012express any regret in making any of these Facebook posts, reposts, or


60254 4 . With respect to Mr. CaggianoÔs repost from a Facebook entity called

6039ÑMessenger of Liberty,Ò which states, in part, ÑMy son is taking part in a

6054social experiment[,]Ò Mr. Caggiano testified th at ÑitÔs funny. All my posts

6067were either political commentary, social commentary, or adult humor. And

6077thatÔs funny. Okay. So for somebody to look at that and not giggle at least,

6092you know, I donÔt think you know what funny is. ThatÔs funny.Ò

61044 5 . This part icular repost states that, after his son wears a ÑBernieÒ

6119t - shirt, Ñ[s]o far heÔs been spit on, punched and had a bottle thrown at him.Ò

6136Although Mr. Caggiano testified that he believed this to be Ñfunny,Ò the

6149undersigned finds that it also could be logic ally read to encourage violence

6162against a child.

61654 6 . With respect to Mr. CaggianoÔs repost from another individual, which

6178appears to be a Ñscreen grabÒ from a Fox News segment, which states, at the

6193top, ÑMAN AND WOMAN,Ò and which then states: ÑA man goes home and

6207masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a

6221woman abused. A woman enjoys intercourse with her man Ð she fantasizes

6233being raped by 3 men simultaneouslyÈ[,]Ò and which attributes this quote to

6246Bernie Sanders, sometime in the 1970Ôs (the exhibit copy is unclear),

6257Mr. Caggiano testified that it was not his opinion, but that he was quoting

6271Bernie Sanders, and that Ñpeople should know somebody whoÔs a sitting

6282senator, twice presidential candidate, former mayor of New York City , has

6293this sort of mentality.Ò

62974 7 . On cross - examination, when asked if Ñwomen, teenage girls, could be

6312offended by this post[,]Ò Mr. Caggiano testified, ÑI think everybody should be

6325offended by this.Ò The undersigned finds that despite Mr. CaggianoÔs beli ef

6337that his post makes an important point about Bernie Sanders, the

6348undersigned finds that it can be logically read to be patently offensive,

6360discriminatory, and degrading to women. Mr. CaggianoÔs own testimony

6369confirms this.

63714 8 . The undersigned finds that the remaining posts, reposts, or comments,

6384can be fairly characterized as political memes that, depending on the

6395viewpoint of the reader, could be characterized as crude political

6405commentary, passionate advocacy, or humor. Whil e these postings, which are

6416generally consistent with a conservative ideology, might not originate from

6426more traditionally respected sources like the National Review or the opinion

6437page of the Wall Street Journal , they are the type of abrasive political sp eech

6452that one regularly finds in social media.

645949 . In particular, with respect to Mr. CaggianoÔs repost of the meme

6472entitled Ñ Crazy but TRUE ,Ò and the article from an entity called

6485ÑLifesitenews.com,Ò with a headline that states, ÑTeen girls stage school

6496walkout to protest boys in their bathroom who claim to be ÓgirlsÔÒ; and to

6510which Mr. Caggiano commented, ÑLove it! About time people stood up to this

6523insanity[,]Ò the undersigned cannot find that th ese repost s , or Mr. CaggianoÔs

6537comments, are related to, o r in retaliation to, his email interaction with

6550J.N.S. concerning the use of pronouns, or his subsequent counselling on the

6562subject. Mr. Caggiano testified of his concern about men using a womenÔs

6574restroom which, while counter to the policy of the Duval Co unty Public

6587Schools, does not on its face appear to be the type of bullying, harassing, or

6602retaliating prohibited in applicable laws, rules, and policies.

6610Ultimate Findings of Fact

66145 0 . Mr. Caggiano created seven posts, reposts, and comments to posts on

6628his personal Facebook account, which are more fully described in paragraph

663929 above.

66415 1 . Mr. Caggiano contends that he never intended to share these posts,

6655reposts, and comments publicl y, and more specifically, to the SHS

6666community. Mr. Cag g iano contends that his Facebook account was hacked,

6678which caused all of his Facebook activity to become public. The undersigned

6690finds that Mr. CaggianoÔs explanation is not credible, as he testified t hat he

6704had several SHS teachers as Ñfriends,Ò and as he did not check his Facebook

6719settings for approximately 10 years, before the Duval County Public Schools,

6730and the SHS community, became aware of the seven posts, reposts, and

6742comments. The undersigned f inds that Mr. Caggiano posted, reposted, and

6753commented on Facebook on his personal account, and shared them in a

6765manner that did not ensure that they remain private.

67745 2 . Ultimately, Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook posts, reposts, and comments

6785described in paragra ph 29 made their way into the public sphere, and

6798students, parents, Duval County Public Schools personnel, and the media

6808viewed and became aware of them.

68145 3 . The undersigned finds that two of the alleg ed posts, reposts, and

6829comment s Ð en titled ÑMy son is ta king part in an experiment,Ò and ÑMAN

6846AND WOMANÒ Ð warrant further findings that include violations of statutes,

6857rules, and policies enunciated in the Amended Step III Progressive Discipline

6868correspondence. The undersigned does not make such findings with re spect to

6880the remaining five posts, reposts, and comments contained in the Amended

6891Step III Progressive discipline correspondence. Accordingly, the following

6899ultimate findings of fact below apply only to the two posts previously


69125 4 . The two post s at issue concern violence and abuse of a child, as well as

6931discriminatory and degrading views of women being abused and raped.

6941Mr. Caggiano candidly admitted that the post concerning women was

6951offensive. The undersigned finds that these particular posts violate some of

6962the governing laws, rules, and policies alleged in the Amended Step III

6974Progressive Discipline correspondence.

69775 5 . Mr. Caggiano violated rule 6A - 10.081(1)(b), because the School Board

6991established, by a preponderance of the evidence, that h e failed to exercise

7004best professional judgment and integrity. As a result, the School Board has

7016also established, by a preponderance of the evidence, a violation of

7027rule 6A - 5.056(2)(b).

70315 6 . Mr. Caggiano violated rule 6A - 10.081(1)(c), because the School Board

7045established, by a preponderance of the evidence, that he failed to maintain

7057the respect and confidence of his colleagues, students, and parents, and failed

7069to sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct. As a result, the School Board

7083has also estab lished, by a preponderance of the evidence, a violation of rule

70976A - 5.056(2)(b), which concerns Ñmisconduct in office.Ò

71055 7 . Mr. Caggiano violated rule 6A - 10.081(2)(a)1., because the School

7118Board established, by a preponderance of the evidence, that he fail ed to make

7132reasonable effort to protect students from conditions harmful to learning

7142and/or to the studentsÔ mental and/or physical health and/or safety. As a

7154result, the School Board has also established, by a preponderance of the

7166evidence, a violation of rules 6A - 5.056(2)(b), which concerns Ñmisconduct in


71795 8 . Mr. Caggiano violated rule 6A - 10.081(2)(a)5., because the School

7192Board established, by a preponderance of the evidence, that he intentionally

7203exposed students to unnecessary embarrassment o r disparagement. As a

7213result, the School Board has also established, by a preponderance of the

7225evidence, a violation of rule 6A - 5.056(2)(b), which concerns Ñmisconduct in


723859 . Mr. Caggiano violated rule 6A - 10.081(2)(b)1., because the School

7250Board established, by a preponderance of the evidence, that he failed to take

7263reasonable precautions to distinguish between personal views and those of

7273any educational institution or organization with which he is affiliated. As a

7285result, the School Board has als o established, by a preponderance of the

7298evidence, a violation of rule 6A - 5.056(2)(b), which concerns Ñmisconduct in


73116 0 . Mr. Caggiano violated rule 6A - 5.056(1), which concerns Ñimmorality,Ò

7325because the School Board established, by a preponderance of the evidence,

7336that his actions constituted immorality, which is Ñconduct that brings the

7347individual concerned or the education profession into public disgrace or

7357disrespect and impairs the individualÔs service in the community.Ò

73666 1 . Mr. Caggiano viola ted Duval County School Board Policy 10.10(IV) (A) ,

7380because the School Board established, by a preponderance of the evidence,

7391that he engaged in conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion

7403toward an individual because of his/her actual or perceiv ed identity with

7415regard to gender.

74186 2 . The undersigned finds that the School Board did not establish,

7431bya preponderance of the evidence, that Mr. Caggiano violated

7440section 1006.147(2), which prohibits bullying and harassment.

74476 3 . The undersigned finds th at the School Board did not establish,

7461by a preponderance of the evidence, that Mr. Caggiano violated

7471rule 6A - 10.081(2)(a)6. (ÑShall not intentionally violate or deny a studentÔs

7483legal rights.Ò) , or rule 6A - 10.081(2)(c)1. (ÑShall maintain honestly in all

7495professional dealings.Ò).

74976 4 . The undersigned finds that the School Board did not establish other

7511alleged violations of Duval County School Board Policy, including bullying or


75236 5 . The School Board established, with respect to the two af o reme ntioned

7539Facebook posts, that Mr. CaggianoÔs conduct constituted Ñ potential harm to

7550the physical and mental wellbeing of a student, or students[,] Ò and Ñbehavior

7564that impairs the employeeÔs effectiveness in performing her/his duties,

7573professionalism, and confidence in the eyes of the students and

7583parents/guardians[,]Ò and thus, under article V, section C, subsections 9

7594and 10 of the CBA, it was not r equired to follow the steps of progressive

7610discipline, and had just cause to reprimand (Step II) and suspend without

7622pay (Step III) Mr. Caggiano , and require him to complete a course in Culture

7636Diversity . However, because the undersigned finds that the Sch ool Board did

7649not establish that the remaining Facebook posts violated gov erning laws,

7660statutes, rules or polices, and because the undersigned further finds that the

7672School Board did not establish that the posts constituted bullying or

7683retaliation, the und ersigned finds that a reduction in the proposed discipline

7695is warranted.


77026 6 . The Division has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties

7716to this proceeding in accordance with sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and

77261012.33(6)(a)2., Florida Statutes.

77296 7 . This is a disciplinary proceeding in which the Petitioner seeks to

7743reprimand and suspend Mr. Caggiano as a teacher with the Duval County

7755Public Schools , and require him to complete a course in Culture Diversity .

77686 8 . The School Board is a duly constituted school board charged with the

7783duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the

7795school district of Duval County, Florida, under section 1012.22.

780469 . This is a de novo proceeding designed to formulate agency ac tion, not

7819review agency action taken earlier and preliminarily. See DepÔt of Transp. v.

7831J.W.C. Co., 396 So. 2d 778, 785 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); Capele t ti Bros., Inc. v.

7848DepÔt of Transp. , 362 S o. 2d 346, 348 (Fla. 1st DCA 1978); McDonald v. DepÔt

7864of Banking & Fin. , 346 So. 2d 569, 584 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). Accordingly, the

7879undersigned is charged in this proceeding with determining anew, based on

7890the competent substantial evidence in the record, whether just cause exists to

7902reprimand, suspend, and require Mr. Cag giano to complete a course in

7914Culture Diversity.

79167 0 . Section 1012.01(2), classifies Mr. Caggiano as Ñinstructional


79277 1 . Section 1012.33(6)(a) states that, Ñ[a]ny member of the instructional

7939staff È may be suspended or dismissed at any time durin g the term of the

7955contract for just cause as provided in paragraph (1)(a).Ò

79647 2 . Section 1012.33(1)(a) defines Ñjust causeÒ as including, but not limited


7978[T]he following instances, as defined by the State

7986Board of Education: immorality, misconduct in

7992o ffice, incompetency, two consecutive annual

7998performance evaluation ratings of unsatisfactory

8003under s. 1012.34, two annual performance ratings

8010of unsatisfactory within a 3 - year period under

8019s. 1012.34, three consecutive annual performance

8025ratings of needs improvement or a combination

8032of needs improvement and unsatisfactory under

8038s. 1012.34, gross insubordination, willful neglect of

8045duty, or being convicted or found guilty of, or

8054entering a plea of guilty to, regardless of

8062adjudication of guilt, any crime i nvolving moral


80717 3 . Similarly, section 1012.335(5) provides:

8078JUST CAUSE. Ð The State Board of Education shall

8087adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to

8096define the term Ñjust caus.Ò Just cause includes, but

8105is not limited to:

8109(a) Immor ality.

8112(b) Misconduct in office.

8116(c) Incompetency.

8118(d) Gross insubordination.

8121(e) Willful neglect of duty.

8126(f) Being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a

8136plea of guilty to, regardless of adjudication of guilty,

8145any crime involving moral turpitude.

81507 4 . Rule 6A - 5.056(1) defines immorality as Ñconduct that is inconsistent

8164with the standards of public conscience and good morals. It is conduct that

8177brings the individual concerned or the education profession into public

8187disgrace or disrespect and impairs the individualÔs service in the community.Ò

81987 5 . Rule 6A - 5.056(2) defines misconduct in office as,

8210(a) A violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education

8221Profession in Florida as adopted in Rule 6A - 10.080,


8232(b) A violation of the Princ iples of Professional

8241Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida as

8249adopted in Rule 6A - 10.081, F.A.C.;

8256(c) A violation of the adopted school board rules;

8265(d) Behavior that disrupts the studentÔs learning

8272environment; or

8274(e) Behavior that reduces th e teacherÔs ability or his

8284or her colleagueÔs ability to perform duties.

82917 6 . The School Board seeks to reprimand, suspend, and require

8303Mr. Caggiano to complete a Culture Diversity course, and has the burden of

8316proving the allegations of the Amended Step III Progressive Discipline

8326correspondence by a preponderance of the evidence, as opposed to the more

8338stringent standard of clear and convincing evidence applicable to the loss of

8350a license or certification. Cropsey v. Sch. Bd. of Manatee Cty. , 19 So. 3d

83643 51 (Fla. 2d DCA 2009), rev. denied, 29 So. 3d 1118 (Fla. 2010); Cisneros v.

8380Sch. Bd. of Miami - Dade Cty., 990 So. 2d 1179 (Fla. 3d DCA 2008).

83957 7 . The preponderance of the evidence standard requires proof by Ñthe

8408greater weight of the evidence,Ò BlackÔs Law Dictionary 1201 (7th ed. 1999),

8421or evidence that Ñmore likely than notÒ tends to prove a certain proposition.

8434See Gross v. Lyons , 763 So. 2d 276, 28 1 n.1 (Fla. 2000).

84477 8 . It is well established under Florida law that determining whether

8460alleged misconduct violates a statute or rule is a question of ultimate fact

8473to be decided by the trier - of - fact, based on the weight of the evidence.

8490See Holmes v. Turlington, 480 S o. 2d 150, 153 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985); McKinney

8505v. Castor, 667 So. 2d 387, 389 (Fla. 1 st DCA 1995). Thus, determining

8519whether alleged misconduct violates the law is a factual, rather than a legal,


853379 . The allegations of fact set forth in the charging document are the facts

8548upon which this proceeding is predicated. Once the School Board has

8559delineated the offense alleged to justify reprimand, suspension, and

8568requirement of a Culture Diversity class, that is the only ground upon which

8581the discipline may be predicated. Trevisani v. DepÔt of Health , 908 So. 2d

85941108, 1109 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005). See also Klein v. DepÔt of Bus. & ProfÔ l Reg. ,

8611625 So. 2d 1237, 1238 - 39 (Fla. 2d DCA 1993); Cottrill v. DepÔt of Ins. , 685 So.

86292d 1371, 1372 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996). Due process prohibits the School Board

8642from disciplining a teacher based on matters not specifically alleged in the

8654charging document. See Pilla v. Sch. Bd. of Dade Cty. , 655 So. 2d 1312,

86681314 (Fla. 3d DCA 1995); Texton v. Hancock, 359 So. 2d 895, 897 n.2 (Fla. 1st

8684DCA 1978) ; see also Sternberg v. DepÔt of ProfÔl Reg. , Bd of Med. Examiners ,

8698465 So. 2d 1324, 1325 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985) (ÑFor the hearing officer and the

8713Board to have found Dr. Sternberg guilty of an offense with which he was not

8728charged was to deny him due process.Ò).

87358 0 . An instructional personnelÔs guilt or innocence is a ques tion of

8749ultimate fact to be decided in the context of each alleged violation. McKinney ,

8762667 So. 2d at 389; Langston v. Jamerson, 653 So. 2d 489, 491 (Fla. 1st DCA


877981 . The School Board proved, by a preponderance of the evidence, that

8792Mr. Caggiano v iolated rule 6A - 5.056(1) and (2)(b) ; rule 6A - 10.081(1)(b), (c),

8807(2)(a)1., (2)(a)5., and (2)(b)1. ; and Duval County School Board Policy

881710.10(IV) (A) , by establishing that:

8822(a) Mr. Caggiano made two posts or reposts on his Facebook account , that

8835are more fully described in paragraph 29 (a) and (d) above;

8846(b) Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook account identified that he was an employee of

8858Duval County Public Schools;

8862(c) While Mr. Caggiano purportedly attempted to maintain his Facebook

8872account setting s as Ñprivate,Ò he had several Facebook ÑfriendsÒ who were

8885SHS teachers, and ultimately, t he public, including students, parents, other

8896teachers, and the local media, had access to Mr. CaggianoÔs Facebook wall,

8908including the two posts or reposts ;

8914(d) The two aforementioned Facebook posts or reposts concern violence

8924and abuse of a child, as well as discriminatory and degrading views of women

8938being abused and raped.

89428 2 . Based on the above, the School Board has demonstrated, by a

8956preponderance of the evidenc e, just cause in this matter to reprimand,

8968suspend, and require Mr. Caggiano to complete a course in Culture Diversity.

89808 3 . The undersigned has considered Mr. CaggianoÔs contention that his

8992intention was for his Facebook account to remain ÑprivateÒ so tha t only his

9006friends could see his posts, reposts, or comments. Florida courts have held

9018that generally, content posted on a social media site is neither privileged nor

9031protected by any right of privacy, regardless of any privacy settings that the

9044user may h ave established. Nucci v. Target Corp. , 162 So. 3d 146, 154 (Fla.

90594th DCA 2015). The Nucci court, reviewing cases from other jurisdictions,

9070noted that the sharing of information with others on a social media network

9083Ñis the very nature and purpose of these social networking sites else they

9096would cease to exist.Ò Id. (quoting Romano v. Steelcase, Inc. , 30 Misc.3d 426,

9109907 N.Y.S.2d 650, 656 (N.Y.Sup.Ct. 2010). The undersigned rejects

9118Mr. CaggianoÔs contentions based on the lack of competent, substantial

9128evide nce in the record to support such a contention, and pursuant to Nucci .

91438 4 . Although the CBA provides for progressive discipline, the School

9155Board has established that Mr. CaggianoÔs two posts and reposts fall within

9167the definition of Ñmore severe acts of misconductÒ found in the CBA and thus,

9181under article V, section C, subsectio ns 9 and 10 of the CBA, the School Board

9197has just cause to reprimand and suspend Mr. Caggiano, and to require him to

9211complete a course in Culture Diversity. See Costin v. Fla. A&M Univ. Bd. of

9225Trs. , 972 So. 2d 1084, 1086 - 87 (Fla. 5th DCA 2008) (holding whe ther

9240employeeÔs misconduct justified dismissal based on terms of the universityÔs

9250progressive discipline rule was Ñan Óultimate factÔ best left toÒ the ALJ).

9262However, because the School Board did not establish that the remaining

9273Facebook posts violated gov erning laws, statutes, rules, or policies, and

9284because the School Board did not establish that the posts constituted bullying

9296or retaliation, the undersigned recommends a reduction in the proposed

9306suspension to the three days.


9313Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law,

9324the undersigned hereby R ECOMMEND S that the School Board of Duval

9336County enter a final order that: (1) finds that Mr. Caggiano violated rule 6A -

93515.056(1) and (2)(b) ; rule 6A - 10.081(1)(b), (c) , (2)(a)1., (2)(a)5., and (2)(b)1. ; and

9364Duval County School Board Policy 10.10(IV)(A) for two public Facebook posts

9375or reposts associated with his Facebook account; (2) finds that Mr. Caggiano

9387did not violate section 1006.147(2), rules 6A - 10.081(2)(a)6. or 6A -

939910.081(2)(c)1., or any remaining portions of Duval County School Board

9409Policy 10.10(IV); (3) issues a written reprimand; (4) suspends Mr. Caggiano,

9420without pay, for three days; and (5) requires Mr. Caggiano to complete a

9433course in Culture Diversity.

9437D ONE A ND E NTERED this 1 5 th day of November , 2021 , in Tallahassee,

9453Leon County, Florida.



9463Administrative Law Judge

94661230 Apalachee Parkway

9469Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

9474(850) 488 - 9675


9479Filed with the Clerk of the

9485Division of Administrative Hearings

9489this 1 5 th day of November , 2021 .


9503Derrel Q. Chatmon, Esquire Kelly B. Mat his, Esquire

9512Office of General Counsel Mathis Law Firm

9519City of Jacksonville 3577 Cardinal Point Drive

9526Suite 480 Jacksonville, Florida 32257

9531117 West Duval Street

9535Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Richard Corcoran

9540Commissioner of Education

9543Anastasios Kamoutsas, General Counsel Department of Education

9550D epartment of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514

9558Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street

9566325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

9575Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

9580Dr. Diana Greene , Superintendent

9584Duval County School Board

95881701 Prudential Drive

9591Jacksonville, F lorida 32207 - 8152


9608All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

9621the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

9632Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/28/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed.
Date: 01/24/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 01/19/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/29/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/15/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/15/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 27, July 13, August 11 and 18, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/15/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Supplemental Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/13/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitioner's Motion To Strike Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order and Granting Petitioner Leave To File A Supplemental Proposed Recommended Order.
Date: 10/08/2021
Proceedings: Response to Petitioner's Motion to Strike and Motion for Leave for Extension filed.
Date: 10/06/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Strike Respondent's Untimely Proposed Recommended Order or Alternatively Grant Petitioner Leave to Supplement (Amend) Its Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/01/2021
Proceedings: (Proposed) Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/30/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/09/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 08/20/2021
Proceedings: Order Closing Record.
Date: 08/19/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Petitioner's Rebuttal No. 1 Submission filed.
Date: 08/16/2021
Proceedings: Order Continuing Final Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for August 18, 2021; 8:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 07/20/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for August 11, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 07/19/2021
Proceedings: Joint Notice of Proposed Hearing Dates for Third Session filed.
Date: 06/03/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for July 13, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 06/03/2021
Proceedings: Joint Notice of Proposed Hearing Dates filed.
Date: 05/26/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Hearing Exhibits Amended Index filed.
Date: 05/25/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Trial Brief filed.
Date: 05/20/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Hearing Exhibits filed.
Date: 05/20/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/20/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Hearing Exhibits filed. (FILED IN ERROR)
Date: 05/20/2021
Proceedings: Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/14/2021
Proceedings: Affidavit of Service filed.
Date: 04/07/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Live Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 03/31/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Petitioner's Motion For Leave To Amend The November 19, 2020, Step III Progressive Discipline.
Date: 03/24/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Serving Verified Answers to Petitioner's First Interrogatories filed.
Date: 03/19/2021
Proceedings: Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 03/19/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Serving Unverified Answers to Petitioner's First Interrogatories filed.
Date: 03/17/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Leave to Amend the November 19, 2020 Step III Progressive Discipline filed.
Date: 03/15/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for May 27, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 03/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Unopposed Motion to Continue the Scheduled Hearing Due to the Impact of COVID-19 and New Material Evidence filed.
Date: 03/15/2021
Proceedings: Duval County School Board's Second Supplemental Response to Respondent's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/04/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Service of Amended First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 02/04/2021
Proceedings: Duval County School Board's Supplemental Response to Respondent's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/02/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Service of Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 02/02/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/02/2021
Proceedings: Duval County School Board's Answers to Respondent's Interrogatories filed.
Date: 02/02/2021
Proceedings: Duval County School Board's Response to Respondent's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 01/12/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/12/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for March 25, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 01/11/2021
Proceedings: Amended Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/04/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 01/04/2021
Proceedings: First Request for Production to Petitioner filed.
Date: 12/30/2020
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Kelly Mathis) filed.
Date: 12/15/2020
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/07/2020
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 12/04/2020
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Appeal Hearing filed.
Date: 12/04/2020
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 12/04/2020
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Atlantic Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (12):