21-000016 Drew Breznitsky vs. Department Of Health, Board Of Clinical Social, Work, Marriage And Familiy Therapy And Mental Health Counseling
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, February 11, 2022.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent did not establish that there was competent, substantial evidence to demonstrate that Petitioner was unable to practice as a registered mental health counselor intern.




17Petitioner ,

18vs. Case No. 21 - 0016





54Respondent .



61On June 28 through July 2, 2021, Yolonda Y. Green, an Administrative

73Law Judge (ÑALJÒ) with the Division of Administrative Hearings (ÑDOAHÒ),

83conducted a hearing pursuant to se ction 120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2020),

94via Zoom conference technology.


100For Petitioner: Stephen B. Burch, Esquire

106Smith & Associates

109Suite 540

111709 South Harbor City Boulevard

116Melbourne, F lorida 32901

120For Respondent: Timothy Frizzell, Esq uire

126Robert Antonie Milne, Esquire

130John Benjamin Fricke, Esquire

134Office of the Attorney General

139The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

144Tallahassee, F lorida 32399


1561. Whether Petitioner, Drew Breznitsky (ÑPetitionerÒ or ÑMr. BreznitskyÒ) ,

165should be issued a license as a men tal health counselor intern;

1772. Whether Petitioner is unable to practice with reasonable skill and

188safety to patients by reason of illness or use of alcohol, drugs, narcotics,

201chemicals, or any other type of materials or as a result of any mental or

216physical condition pursuant to section 456.072(1)(z), Florida Statutes; and

2253. Whether Petitioner is unable to practice as a mental health counselor

237intern with reasonable skill or competence as a result of any mental or

250phys ical condition or by reason of illness; drunkenness; or excessive use of

263drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or any other substance , in violation of section

274491.009(1)(p), Florida Statutes.


281On November 19, 2020, the Board of Clinical Socia l Work, Marriage and

294Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling (ÑRespondentÒ or Ñthe

303BoardÒ) notified Petitioner that his application for registration as a mental

314health counselor intern was denied through a Notice of Intent to Deny

326(ÑNoticeÒ). The Notic e was amended and , ultimately, stated that Respondent

337is not able to practice with reasonable ski ll, safety, or competence as a mental

352health counselor i ntern, pursuant to sections 491.009( 1 )(p) and 456.072(1)(z ).

365Petitioner timely requested an administrat ive hearing to dispute the BoardÔs

376denial of his application, and on January 4, 2021, the Board referred this

389matter to DOAH for a formal administrative hearing. After granting one

400continuance, the undersigned issued a notice scheduling the final hearing f or

412June 28 through July 2, 2021.

418O n June 21, 2021 , Petitioner filed a Daubert Motion and/or Motion in

431Limine to Exclude Dr. Lawrence Wilson (ÑMotion in LimineÒ) . The

442undersigned h eard argument from both parties on the Motion in Limine.

454A fter hear ing the testimony of Dr. Wilson , reviewing the deposition of

467Dr. Abbas and weighing that testimony and the evidence offered in support of

480the Motion, the undersigned denied PetitionerÔs Motion in Limine .

490The parties filed their P rehearing S tipulation which incl uded stipulated

502facts. To the extent they are relevant, they have been incorporated into the

515Findings of Fact below.

519On June 28, 2021, the hearing commenced as scheduled. At the final

531hearing, Petitioner testified on his own behalf and presented testimon y from

543the following witnesses: Susan B. Deane, MS, LMHC, LMFT, QS; Jack Platt,

555Esquire; Dr. Duncan Bowen, Ph.D. (Expert); Greg Richer; Christopher Kissel;

565and Dr. Beth Mahoney , D.O . Petitioner's Exhibits 1, 2, 7 through 16, 18, and

58020 through 33 were admi tted into evidence without objection. PetitionerÔs

591Exhibits 3 , 4 ( pages 2 through 5 ), 6, and 19 w ere admitted into evidence over


610Respondent presented testimon y from the following witnesses: Janet

619Hartman ; Ashleigh Irving ; Kimberly Simon ; Liaqa t Ali Abbas, M.D. ( E xpert) ;

632Lawrence Steven Wilson, M.D. (Expert) ; Dr. Alexis Polles , M.D. ; and

642Dr. Dean Aufderheide (Expert) . RespondentÔs Exhibits 1 through 16,

65223 through 30, 32 through 43, 47 through 61, and 63 through 97 were

666admitted into evidence wi thout objection. Respondent's Exhibits 17,

67519 through 22, 31 through 36 , and 41 were entered into evidence over

688objection. 1

6901 Respo ndentÓs Exhibits 75 through 87 included credit card accounts showing alcohol purchases. The

705Exhibits were admitted subject to the Petitioner's hearsay objection. Respondent argued in its P roposed

720R ecommended O rder (ÐPROsÑ) that during his deposition , Petitioner admitted that all the credit card

736account entries produced in response to request s for production were from his personal credit card accounts

753over which he had exclusive cont rol and was sole signatory. I n light of PetitionerÓs admission , the

771objections based on he arsay are overruled.

778The seven - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed with DOAH on

792August 10 , 202 1 . At the conclusion of the final hearing, t he parties requested

80845 days to file PROs. The parties ti mely filed P ROs, which have been

823carefully considered in preparation of this Recommended Order .

832Unless otherwise indicated, all statutory references are to Florida

841Statutes (2020).



8491 . The Department is the state agency charged with regulating the

861practice of clinical social work in Florida , s ee § 20.43 and chs. 456 and 491,

877Fla. Stat. T he Board is the state agency that implements and enforces

890regulations regarding the r egistration of mental health interns in the State of


9042 . Mr. Breznitsky is an applicant for licensure as a mental health

917counselor intern.

9193 . Mr. Breznitsky has a bachelor Ô s degree in human services , and a minor

935in psychology. In March 2020 , h e earned a d egree in c ounseling , with an

951emphasis in c linical m ental h ealth c ounseling , from Webster University .

965PetitionerÔs cumu lative GPA upon graduation was 3.550. He also holds a

977master Ô s degree in c linical m ental h ealth c ounseling and m arriage and f ami ly

997t herapy.

9994 . Mr. Breznitsky is the owner of Beachside Recovery Interventions and

1011Consulting (ÑBRICÒ) , for which he has received positive online reviews for his

1023work. BRIC provides interventions, peer support groups, educational

1031seminars, human traffick ing investigation, and expert witness services. As

1041part of his position at BRIC, Mr. Breznitsky has testified as an expert

1054witness in substance use, mental health assessment, and treatment services

1064in six different counties in Florida. Mr. Breznitsky also provides services to

1076the Brevard County SheriffÔs Office Gang Unit, Drug Unit, and Sex Crimes

1088Unit . He sits on several task forces including the Brevard County Opioid

1101Task Force, the Brevard County Human Trafficking Task Force, and the

1112Brevard County Preve ntion Coalition .

1118Application Process

11205 . On May 18, 2020, Mr. Breznitsky submitted his app lication for

1133registration as a mental health counselor i ntern to the Board.

11446 . On May 21, 2020, the Board informed Petitioner that his application

1157was not complete an d that additional documentation and information was

1168needed related to p rior disciplinary action and criminal history.

11787 . Mr. Breznitsky timely submitted the requested documentation and his

1189application was completed on July 6, 2020, when the Board received official

1201transcripts from Webster University. The Board obtains criminal history

1210background screening for applicants i n addition to any crimes disclosed by

1222the applicant .

12258 . On August 6, 2020, pursuant to notice, Mr. Breznitsky appeared before

1238the Board a t a scheduled Board meeting.

12469 . Members of the Board questioned Mr. Breznitsky regarding his

1257criminal and educational discipline history at the August 6, 2020 , Board

1268meeting . The Board, acting within their authority, passed a vote that

1280require d Mr. Brezni tsky to appear at one of the next two board meetings, and

1296to provide an evaluation from the Professional Resources Network (ÑPRNÒ)

1306indicating that he is able to practice as a r egistered m ental c ounselor i ntern

1323with reasonable skill and safety.

132810 . On Nove mber 5, 2020, Mr. Breznitsky appeared before the Board at a

1343Board meeting as instructed .

134811 . A t the November 5, 2020 , B oard meeting , t he Board voted to deny

1365Mr. Breznitsky Ôs application for registration as a m ental h ealth c ounselor

1379i ntern . O n November 19, 2020, the Board filed its Notice in this matter.

139512 . It is undisputed that Mr. Breznitsky has met all requirements for

1408licensure as a mental health counselor intern . However, there was a question

1421about whether he could practice with reasonable skill and safety to patients.

1433Fact Witness Testimony

143613 . Petitioner presented multiple witnesses to attest to his ability to

1448practice with reasonable skill and safety based upon personal observations

1458and experience with Petitioner. T he witnesses presented were fa miliar with

1470working with him in various environments.

147614 . Jack Platt, a personal injury and criminal defense attorney , has been

1489practicing law for more than 27 ye ars. Mr. Platt represent ed Mr. Brez n itsky

1505in a criminal matter. Due to this representation, Mr. Platt has knowledge of

1518Mr. BreznitskyÔs prior criminal issues.

152315 . Mr. Platt currently refers his criminal defense clients with substance

1535abuse issues to Mr. Breznitsky to help them with seeking treatment and

1547recovery. Mr. Breznitsky testifies in cou rt on behalf of these clients to help

1561redirect their sentences from incarceration to treatment.

156816 . While Mr. Platt does not socialize with Mr. Breznitsky, of most

1581importance in this matter, he sees him in professional settings, including

1592court. Mr. Plat t credibly testified that he has never seen Mr. Breznitsky

1605impaired by use of drugs or alcohol.

161217 . When asked if he believed that Mr. Breznitsky would pose a danger to

1627the public healt h or safety and if he should be granted the ability to practice

1643as a mental health counselor intern, Mr. Platt unequivocally testified that he

1655didnÔt b elieve he would be a danger and that the profession would benefit

1669from him being a part of it. Specifically , Mr. Platt testified that

1681ÑMr. Breznitsky gives these people these tools to deal with, not only the

1694clients but the family. And he helps them move forward and become

1706contributing members of society.Ò Mr. PlattÔs testimony is credited.

171518 . Dr. Beth Mahoney, another witness familiar with Mr. Breznitsky in a

1728professional s etting, is a licensed medical doctor and has been practicing as a

1742psychiatrist for over 25 years. Dr. MahoneyÔs practice focuses on patients

1753with addiction issues , tr auma , and post - traumatic stress disorder (ÑPTSDÒ) .

1766Dr. Mahoney practices in the same build ing, and in collaboration, with

1778Mr. Brez nitsky. Mr. Breznitsky Ôs business refers approximately four to five

1790patients to Dr. Mahoney each month.

179619 . Dr. Mahoney sees Mr. Breznitsky at the office daily. They also interact

1810and discuss p atients. She has neve r seen Mr. Breznitsky impaired by use of

1825drugs or alcohol, nor has she seen him do anything that would make her

1839doubt his ability to be a mental health counselor intern. Moreover,

1850Dr. Mahoney believes that he would be very good at practicing as a mental

1864he alth counselor intern as he is able to evaluate patients quickly and get

1878them the help they need. Dr. MahoneyÔs testimony is found to be credible.

189120 . R espondent has asserted that Dr. Mahoney has a financial interest in

1905the success of Dr. Breznitsky being granted a license. However, the

1916undersigned finds that the business relationship has no bearing on the issue

1928of whether he is able to practice with competency or reasonable skill and

1941safety. She credibly testified that she has never observed him impaired and

1953she does not believe that he would pose a danger to others. In addition, she

1968believes he would be an asset to the profession as a mental health counselor

1982intern. Moreover, the referral rel ationship is currently with Mr. BreznitskyÔs

1993company and it woul d not be impacted whether he is granted a license as he

2009is not required to hold a license to continue the relationship.

202021 . Gregory Richter , who has served in law enforcement for approximately

203220 years , created the ÑComing CleanÒ documentary after the death of his

2044brother from a drug overdose. Mr. Richter had interactions with

2054Mr. Breznitsky both during the filming of the documentary and for showings,

2066both locally and out of state, of the documentary after its completion. In

2079addition to interactions re lated to the documentary, Mr. Richter has had

2091social interactions with Mr. Breznitsky as well.

209822 . Due to the creation of the doc umentary, individuals with substance

2111abuse issues request Mr. RichterÔs help . Mr. Richter recommends

2121Mr. Breznitsky to these individuals .

212723 . Mr. Richter testified that he has never seen Mr. Breznitsky in a

2141professional or personal setting impaired on drugs or alcohol , and does not

2153believe he would be a danger to public health or safety should he be granted

2168his registered menta l health counselor intern license . Mr. RichterÔs testimony

2180is found to be credible.

218524 . Susan Deane, licensed mental health counselor, a licensed marriage

2196and family therapist, and a licensed qualified supervisor , also provides her

2207services to BRIC.

221025 . Mr. Breznitsky interned with Ms. D eane during his graduate program ,

2223an d she has been his mentor since that time . As part of her work with BRIC,

2241Ms. Deane reviews and approves Mr. BreznitskyÔs substance abuse and

2251mental health evaluations. Prior to signing any evaluation, Ms. Deane also

2262discusses the patient and the evaluation with Mr. Breznitsky. T he evaluation

2274discussion s routinely occur four to five times per week . Thus, Ms. Deane has

2289many opportunities to assess his competency in the professional settin g. She

2301credibly testified that ÑheÔs extremely thorough.Ò Ms. Deane would serve as

2312Mr. BreznitskyÔs qualified supervisor if he is granted a license.

232226 . Christopher Kiesel is a private investigator who has focused primarily

2334on criminal defense and due pro cess investigations for approximately

234410 yea rs. Mr. Kiesel was instrumental in helping Mr. Breznitsky start the

2357operation of BRIC and in helping him establish relationships with people he

2369would need to perform his job effectively .

237727 . Mr. Kiesel works wit h Mr. Breznitsky on criminal defense cases when

2391they share a common client. Mr. Kiesel has never seen Mr. Breznitsky

2403impaired by use of drugs or alcohol. Mr. Keisel has never seen Mr. Breznitsky

2417do anything that would make him doubt Mr. BreznitskyÔs abilit y to be a

2431mental health counselor intern nor does he believe that if Mr. BreznitskyÔs

2443license was granted that he would be a danger to public health or safety.

2457Mr. KieselÔs testimony is also credited.

246328 . Based on the testimony of five fact witnesses, t he re was no testimony

2479of client care or attendance issues. There was no evidence of any incidents

2492that would raise any concern that Petitioner was impaired in any way while

2505working or in a personal setting.

251129 . The Board offered no witnesses or evidence to rebut the testimony of

2525PetitionerÔs lay witnesses regarding any incidents that demonstrate

2533Petitio ner is unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety or whether he

2547is competent to practice as a mental health counselor intern.

2557PRN Review

255930 . The B oard directed Petitioner to undergo an evaluation with PRN to

2573determine whether he is safe to practice with reasonable skill. Mr. Breznitsky

2585contacted PRN a s directed by Board . Petitioner first submitted to an intake

2599interview with the PRN Intake Case M ana ger, Kim Simon. In addition to the

2614intake interview, PRN obtained available information from the Board. After

2624the intake interview, the intake team met to review and discuss

2635Mr. BreznitskyÔs file . The members of the intake team included: Dr. Polles ;

2648Willia m Jacobs, M.D ( associate medical director ) ; Delana Torrance ( case

2661manager supervisor ) ; Ms. Simon ( intake case manager ) ; and Miranda Ivy

2674( administrative support ) . Dr. Polles was the only member from the intake

2688team who testified at the final hearing. Based on the review, the intake team

2702was concerned that Mr. Breznitsky could be impaired and an independent

2713evaluation was ne cessary . PRN then notified Mr. Breznitsky about the intake

2726teamÔs determination and h e was given the names and contact information

2738for th ree evaluators approved by PRN whom he could choose for the

2751evaluation .

275331 . Petitioner selected Dr. Lawrence Wilson to perform the independent

2764evaluation. A proper evaluation to diagnose an alcohol or substance use

2775disorder requires obtaining a past histo ry, current use information, and

2786validating information with objective testing. The intake interview and

2795information provided to PRN from the Board was forwarded to Dr. Wilson,

2807along with a letter which requested what was needed for PRN to make their

2821deter mination regarding PetitionerÔs ability to practice safely.

282932 . The Board presented Dr. Wilson as an addiction medicine expert who

2842evaluated Respondent. He is board - certified in addiction medicine . Dr. Wilson

2855was a urologist until substance abuse impaired his ability to practice

2866medicine, and he entered t he PRN program. A fter successful completion of

2879the PRN program, he pursue d addiction medicine. He completed a two - year

2893fellowship in addiction medicine at the Drug Abuse Comprehensive

2902Coordinating Office ( DACCO) in Tampa from 2010 to 2012 . H e work ed at

2918DACCO and eventually became its associate medical director. He currently

2928serves as the CEO and medical director at Seven Summit Pathways , a

2940private treatment facility in Tampa , which is a residential and outp atient

2952medication - assisted substance abuse treatment facility. As the medical

2962director of Seven Summit Pathways, he is responsible for patientÔs medical

2973care. Dr. Wilson also routinely conducts evaluations for PRN.

298233. Dr. Wilson has held teaching positi ons in addiction medicine at the

2995University of Florida in the Department of Psychiatry, and in the

3006Department of Psychiatry and Neurobiology at the University of South

3016Florida. He is a certified m edical review officer and is qualified to interpret

3030laborato ry test results for substances detected in laborator y test samples .

304334. Mr. Breznitsky submitted to an in - office urine test, which detects the

3057presence or absence of certain drugs and sub stances. The urine tests detect

3070the presence of alcohol for 24 hours prior to testing and alcohol

3082metabolites for two to three days after drinking. Mr. BreznitskyÔs test

3093returned negative.

309535. On September 18, 2020 , Dr. Lawrence Wilson conducted an

3105independent medical evaluation of Mr. Breznitsky . The evaluation included a

3116personal interview an d examination of Mr. Breznitsky, and collection of hair

3128and blood samples for forensic drug and alcohol analysis.

313736 . On October 2, 2020, Dr. WilsonÔs office collected another hair sample

3150to perform a second drug test. The first hair sample, while being

3162presumptively positive for cocaine, did not have sufficient hair in the sample

3174for a definitive determination. The second hair test was positive for cocaine

3186and cocaethylene.

318837. Dr. Wilson Ôs evaluation was based on his examination and interview;

3200the reports on the three drug tests he performed on Respondent; the PRN

3213intake information; interviews of witnesses iden tified by the Petitioner; a

3224psychological report prepared by PetitionerÔs psychologist Dr. Eyring; and

3233PetitionerÔs prescrip tion for alprazolam , 2 a benzodiazepine .

324238. Dr. Wilson diagnosed Mr. Breznitsky with alcohol use disorder of

3253moderate to possibly severe based on his evaluation. He testified that

3264Mr. Breznitsky consumed alcohol in larger amounts over a longer period of

3276time than intended; his inability to control his alcohol use issues resulting in

3289a failure to fulfill a major obligation at work; and his recurrent alcohol use in

3304situations in which it was hazardous, i.e. , driving while under the influence

3316of alcohol. T o support his opinion , he identified incidents from

3327M r. BreznitskyÔs past history but could not point to any incidents that

33402 The brand name for Alprazolam is Zanax.

3348demonstrated Mr. Breznitsky is unable to practice with reasonable skill and

3359safety . 3

33623 9 . Dr. WilsonÔs evaluation was provided t o PRN upon completion and

3376reviewed by the intake team to determine the best decision for public safety

3389and Petitioner. Dr. Polles testified that Dr. Wilson addressed the intake

3400teamÔs concerns in his evaluation and his documented findings gave support

3411to h is final diagnoses and recommendations. PRN acc epted Dr. WilsonÔs


342440 . PRN provided a copy of Dr. W ilsonÔs evaluation to Mr. Breznitsky .

3439Petitioner disagreed with Dr. WilsonÔ s findings and recommendations. Due to

3450his dissatisf action with Dr. Wilso nÔs findings , Mr. Breznitsky was offered a

3463second evaluation by another evaluator approved by PRN . However,

3473Petitioner declined a second evaluation . Mr. Breznitsky was then offered

3484al ternative treatment solutions, w hich Mr. Breznitsky also declined. Based in

3496part on Dr. WilsonÔs opinion and the intake teamÔs review of Mr. BreznitskyÔs

3509history, PRN determined Petitioner is not able to practice and is a serious

3522danger to the safety and welfare of the public.

35313 Dr. Wilson testified that he based his decisions regarding his diagnosis on several factors

3546that are based on incidents that occurred more than 10 years prior to his evaluation of

3562Mr. Breznitsky. His testimony was as follows:

3569Q: È You say that he uses in larger amounts or over a longer

3583period than intended, what did you base that on?

3592A: Well, heÔs drinki ng large shots of 151 rum. HeÔs drinking

3604excessive amounts of alc o hol.

3610Q: Can you tell me the last time he drank 151 rum?

3622A: No. And like I told you before itÔs moot.

3632Q: È What major role obligations has he failed to fulfill?

3643A: He had issues in school, well, I donÔt know if he lost his

3657employment. He certainly lost his job. He lost his occupation

3667because he was arrested. È

3672Q: In the last ten years, what major role obligations has he

3684failed to fulfill?

3687A: DonÔt know.

3690QÈ In the last ten years, when has he used in physically

3702hazardous conditions?

3704A: DonÔt know.

37074 1 . By letter dated Octo ber 27, 2020, Dr. Polles c ommunicated to the

3723Board that Dr. Wilson diagnosed Mr. Breznitsky with a lcohol u se d isorder,

3737moderate to severe; s timulant (Cocaine Type) u se d isorder, mild to moderate;

3751s edative h ypnotic a nxiolytic u se, evaluate for use disorder; history of

3765g eneralized a n xiety d isorder; and stressors including professional licensure,

3777employment, and substance use. She further communicated that Dr. Wilson

3787recommended a residential , partial hospitalization program with housing.

3795Petitioner requested an agreement to intensive outpatient treatment. PRN

3804denied the request.

3807Dr. Bowen Ôs Testimony

38114 2 . Petitioner presented expert testimony of Dr. Duncan Bowen to refute

3824Dr. WilsonÔs opinions . Dr. Bowen, a psychotherapist, is a license d mental

3837health counselor , the same professional l icense that Mr. Breznitsky would

3848ultimately pursue . Dr. Bowen has been practicing for more than 40 years

3861with experience in mental health and substance abuse issues. Dr. Bowen is

3873not board - certified in addiction m edicine or addiction psychiatry, and he doe s

3888not hold the kinds of certifications Dr. Wilson holds. However, he has

3900performed evaluations of licensed healthcare providers. In addition,

3908Dr. Bowen has testified as an expert witness hundreds of times with the

3921majority of those cases being for drugs, a lcohol, and mental h ealth issues.

3935Dr. Bowen disagreed with Dr. WilsonÔs findings, including his conclusion that

3946Mr. Breznitsky has a lifetime alcohol use disorder.

39544 3 . Dr. Bowen conducted an evaluation of Mr. Breznitsky. Dr. Bowen met

3968with Mr. Breznitsky on three se parate occasions for interviews , he considered

3980documents that he received ; conducted independent int erviews with

3989Mr. Breznitsky's colleagues; obtained past history; performed an in - office

4000urine alcohol and substance screening test ( Precision Pl us U rinalysis -

401313 Panel Screen) ; and conducted a Minnesota Multiphasic Personality

4022Inventory - 2 ( ÑMMPI - 2 Ò ) personality test of Petitioner.

40354 4 . Dr. Bowen testified that the MMP I - 2 test is one of the most researched

4054inventories in the United States to deter mine an individualÔs personality

4065traits and one of the most recognized tests within the legal system.

40774 5 . Dr. Bowen completed training on administering the MMPI - 2 test and

4092interpretation of its results. Additionally, Dr. BowenÔs doctoral thesis

4101involved the administration and interpretation of MMPI - 2 test resul ts.

4113During his professional career, Dr. Bowen has administered the MMPI - 2

4125thousands of times. The early part of his career involved administering and

4137interpreting MMPI - 2 results for applicants to th e Brevard County SheriffÔs

4150Office to ensure that they were psychologically and emotionally fi t to be

4163sheriffÔs deputies. He currently routinely administer s and interprets the

4173MMPI - 2 when he is working with client s with potential mental he alth or

4189substance abuse issues.

41924 6 . Dr. Bowen collected the urine sample for the Precision Plus urine test.

4207He performed the test by standing outside the office restroom with the door

4220cracked while Petitioner was in the restroom. After collection of the sample,

4232Dr. Bowen read the reactive panel on the specimen cup, which was negative

4245for all substances. The Precision Plus test screens for alcohol ingestion within

4257the previous 24 hours and cocaine for three days.

42664 7 . After the evaluation, Dr. Bowen concluded that ÑMr. Brez nitsky is not

4281a danger to himself, children, or the community at large. He has the ability to

4296make sound assessments and decisions in life matters. He is not a danger to

4310clients with whom he may provide mental health or substance abuse


43224 8 . S imilarly, a t the f inal hearing, Dr. Bowen testified that in his opinion,

4340Mr. Breznitsky would not be a danger to public health and safety and that he

4355would be able to practice safely if he were granted his mental he alth

4369counselor intern license.

43724 9 . The Board disputed the MMPI - 2 validity and result s. Dr. Aufderheide

4388testified that Dr. BowenÔs report did not indicate whether Dr. Bowen gave

4400Mr. Breznitsky required instructions on taking the test , and he disputed

4411whether a mental health examination was perf ormed prior to the test being


442550 . However, Dr. Bowen testified that he conduc ted a mental health exam

4439on Mr. Breznitsk y and gave him the required instructions prior to

4451administering the MMPI - 2 . Further, he testified that he made sure

4464Mr. Br eznitsky was alone in a secure room, with periodic monitoring, while

4477the test was being conducted.

44825 1 . The Board disputed the results of the MMPI - 2 becau se the results

4499were reported as Ñmarginally valid . Ò The Board suspected the report was

4512Ñmarginally va lidÒ due to Mr. Breznitsky painting himself in a favorable

4524light. The Board challenged Dr. BowenÔs testimony on the basis that he relied

4537upon the results of the Ñmarginally validÒ MMPI - 2. Dr. Bowen testified that

4551when formulating his opinion , he took into consider ation that the MMPI - 2

4565results were Ñm arginally valid , Ò but did not rely solely on the result in his

4581evaluation of Mr. Breznitsky. Dr. Bowen testified that he considered the

4592MMPI - 2 , his clinical observations during the evaluation , and his 30 years o f

4607experience working with drug, alco hol, and mental health clients to reach his

4620conclusion that Mr. Breznitsky was safe to practice as a registered mental

4632health counselor intern.

46355 2 . R espondent also challenged the urinalysis test conducted by

4647Dr . Bowen on the basis that he collected a urine sample that was not

4662physically Ñobserved.Ò Dr. Polles questioned the results of the panel test used

4674by Dr. Bowen and explained that t he panel tests are screening tools,

4687inaccurate, and not appropriate for independent evaluations for substance

4696use disorders. The question raised was whether there was an opportunity for

4708tampering with the test results without someone directly observing the

4718production of the urine sample. Dr. Bowen credibly testified that the method

4730he use d to administer the test was standard industry practice among priva te

4744practitioners . There was also no credible evidence of fered at hearing to

4757demonstrate that Mr. Breznitsky tampered with the urine sample . T he

4769urinalysis test administered by Dr. Bow en ret urned negative for substances

4781teste d on that date and the results are accepted.

4791Dr. Polles Ô Testimony

47955 3 . Respondent offered the testimony of Alexandria Polles, M.D. , the

4807medical director and CEO of PRN. PRN is designated as one of the State of

4822FloridaÔs impaired practitioner programs. It serves as a consultant to the

4833Florida Department of Health on matters of practitioner impairment. The

4843mission of PRN is to protect public health, safety, and welfare. It oversees the

4857process for evaluation of professiona ls referred to the program, if needed, and

4870provides monitoring of recommended treatment.

48755 4 . Dr. Polles is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and

4889Neurology , the Ameri can Board of Addiction Medicine , and is a Fellow of the

4903American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Polles has served on the faculty of the

4915University Medical Center at the University of Florida, and at the

4926Osteopathic School of Medicine in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. She has authored

4936a number of peer - reviewed articles, contributed to text s, and given many


49515 5 . Dr. Polles testified that evaluators approved by PRN must have

4964experience in the area of concern for the evaluation. Moreover, evaluators

4975approved by PRN are required to attend an annual meeting to review what

4988their evaluat ions must include.

49935 6 . Dr. Polles explained that in addition to the collection of information,

5007PRN requested certain laboratory tes ts to assist in the evaluation, which

5019included an Ñ observed Ò urine test, a blood test for alc ohol use, and a HairStat


50375 7 . ÑObservedÒ urine tests means that a health care provider actually

5050observes urine directly collected in the specimen cup. Dr. Polles testified that

5062Ño bservation Ò prevents substitution or tampering with the specimen by t he


50765 8 . Dr. Polles did no t evaluate Mr. Breznitsky , as she does not perform

5092evaluation s . Thus, her testimony does not offer a first - hand assessment of

5107whether Mr. Breznitsky could practice as a registered mental health

5117counselor intern with reasonable skill and safety. However, Dr . Polles

5128accepted Dr. W ilsonÔs conclusion that Petitioner is not safe to practice

5140without tre atment. She further testified that based on her training, alcohol

5152use disorder is a lifet ime illness.

5159Dr. Aufderheide Ôs Testimony

51635 9 . Respondent also presented Dr . Aufderheide as an expert. Like

5176Dr. Polles , he did not evaluate Mr. Breznitsky and offered no opinions related

5189to whether he has any mental health or substance abuse disorders or

5201whether Mr. Breznitsky could practice as a mental health counselor intern

5212wi th reasonable skill and safety.

521860 . Dr. Aufderheide has been chief of mental health services with the

5231Florida Departm ent of Corrections for 17 years . Dr. A ufderheide ensures that

5245all psychiatrists, psychologists, and mental health professio nals are

5254approp riately licensed and credentialed. He has been licensed as a

5265psychologist in Florida since 1993, and is Board - certif ied in correctional


52796 1 . Dr. Aufderheide was offered as an expert in treating mental health

5293practitioners for mental health dis orders and substance abuse, and co -

5305occurr ing morbidities.

53086 2 . Dr. AufderheideÔs testimony focused in part on the MMPI - 2 test

5323administ e red by Dr. Bowen. Similar to Dr. BowenÔs explanation,

5334Dr. Aufderheide testified that the MMPI - 2 is a psychological test t hat

5348measures psychopathology, psychological and behavioral dysfunction, and

5355personality traits . Dr. Aufderheide believes the MMPI - 2 is not intended to be

5370used by professionals to interpret mental status evaluations and other tests.

53816 3 . Although Dr. Aufder heide was concerned with the ev aluation

5394performed by Dr. Bowen, those concerns were persuasively addressed

5403through Dr. BowenÔs testimony at the final hearing. Thus, the undersigned

5414finds that Dr. BowenÔs evaluation and conclusions are credited .

5424Dr. Abbas Ô Testimony

54286 4 . Dr. Abbas , a forensic toxicologist , testified at the hearing as well. He

5443works for United States Drug Testing Laboratories (USDTL) . USDTL tests

5454biological samples for drugs, as well as alcohol biomarkers . Dr. Abbas was

5467familiar with the testi ng of the urine sample provided by Mr. Breznitsky.

54806 5 . Dr. Abbas is currently the manager of the certifica tion department

5494that reports all the positive results reported out of USDTLÔs laboratory.

55056 6 . The parties stipulated to the validity of the two test results , i.e. , the

5521Hair S tat Specimen No. 7374951 (the hair test) and the PEth test ( blood test ) ,

5538which w ere both processed by USDTL .

55466 7 . The PEth test uses a sample of dried blood.

55586 8 . Regarding the PEth test, Dr. Abba s Ô testimony was critical as it

5574perta ined to Dr. WilsonÔs opinion regarding the frequency and the last time

5587Mr. Breznitsky consumed alcohol. Most important, h is testimony rebutted

5597Dr. WilsonÔs testimony pertaining to the ability to determine the frequency of

5609consumption of alcohol during a sp ecified time period. Specifically, he

5620testified that Ñ he could only report if the test is positive or negative. He could

5636not state how much alcohol a person consumed in the last 28 days ; he could

5651not state how frequently a person consumed alcohol in the la st 28 days ; and

5666he could not state the quantity a person con s umed in the last 28 days. Ò

56836 9 . Dr. Abbas determined that PetitionerÔs PEth test results were positive

5696for phosphatidylethanol at 181 nanogram per milliliter. The PEth test results

5707also reference d a confirmed cutoff of 20 nanograms per milliliter. The cut off

5721is an industry - wide value that is used as a threshold , and a ny specimen

5737measured at 20 and above is considered to be positive. T he initial testing was

5752done on a similar instrument that the co nfirmatory testing is done using

5765liquid chromatography mass spectrometry.

576970 . Dr. Abbas further testified to the results confirmed by USDTL from

5782PetitionerÔs second hair sample taken by Dr. WilsonÔs office. The results were

5794reported positive as follows: 1 ) Benzoylecgonine : positive 524 pg/mg ;

58052 ) Cocaine : positive 2595 pg/mg ; and 3 ) c ocaethylene : positive 773 pg/mg .

58227 1 . Dr. Abbas explained that hairs are a reservoir matrix where drug s

5837collect and degrade over time. Therefore, whenever a reservoir matrix is

5848examined , you cannot pinpoint when somebody used it, how much they used

5860it, and how often they used it. It simply reflects that an individual used a

5875certain substance with in the three - month period prior to collection and/or

5888was exposed to it.

58927 2 . Dr. Abb asÔ ultimate conclu sions from the test results for

5906Mr. Breznitsky were that they were negative for: amphetamines, opiates,

5916PCP, and ca nnabinoids . The results were presumptive positive for cocaine

5928and were confirmed positive for: benzoylecgonine, cocaine, a nd cocaethylene .

5939Mr. BreznitskyÔs Testimony

5942Personal and Criminal Background

59467 3 . Mr. Breznitsky acknowledged that he has a criminal history and a

5960past with substance use. His criminal history began more than 10 years prior

5973to submitting his application for registration as a mental health counselor

5984intern. T he most recent criminal conviction involving alcohol , occurred in


59967 4 . Mr. BreznitskyÔs substance use , which contributed to his criminal

6008history , stemmed from stress related , in part, to loss o f key family members .

6023He testified that his mother, grandmother, and grandfather died within a

6034two - year time period. Due t o the stress of the deaths, Mr. Breznitsky began

6050drinking heavily. Following the separation from his long - time girlfriend of

6062five year s , M r . Breznitsky began drinking more heavily on a daily basis.

6077Petitioner subsequently had three D riving Under the Influence (DUI ) arr ests

6090within an 18 - month period. His first arrest occurred in April 2005. He was

6105placed on probation, completed a DUI Leve l I course, and had a six - month

6121licens ure suspension. Mr. BreznitskyÔs second DUI occurred in 2007. His

6132third DUI occurred a few days after he posted bail from his secon d DUI and

6148both cases were consolidated. Additionally, Mr. Breznitsky reported that,

6157whi le in high school, he was arrested for Criminal Mischief while drinking

6170alcohol .

61727 5 . In 2011, while still on probation, he was a passenger in a car driven by

6190his friend who was pulled over . He was charged with a Violation of Probation

6205( Ñ VOP Ò ) for being o ut of the county and not informing hi s Probation Officer.

6224There was no evidence offered at hearing that he was intoxicated or that

6237alcohol was involved. He was arrested for the VOP offense and spent nine

6250and a half months in prison.

62567 6 . There has been no subsequent involvement with law enforcement for

6269DUI or involving al cohol since 2007.

62767 7 . Mr. Breznitsky has presented persuasive evidence that he has

6288changed his life since his last known criminal offense . Mr. Breznitsky has

6301owned BRIC for a number of ye ars , and has received awards from the

6315community for his work. Mr. Breznitsky has been married and has been

6327approved to adopt his two children.

63337 8 . To the contrary, the Board did not present any competent substantial

6347evidence of behavior that demonstrated Mr. Breznitsky has not been

6357rehabilitated from his criminal past since his last criminal offense.

6367Mr. Breznitsky Ôs Treatment History

63727 9 . Petitioner admitted that Ñhe used cocaine when he drank alcohol ; he

6386never really experimented too much outside of t hat but ultimately just

6398became a completely different person, and I drank to numb my emotions. I

6411drank to cope with trauma; I drank to cope with depression, shame, guilt,

6424famil y stuff, the loss of my mother.Ò In 2009 , Petitioner was required to

6438complete a 12 - month Residential program where he was treated for alcohol

6451use disor der at Phoenix House in Ocala. Mr. Breznitsky even tually continued

6464treatment at Phoenix House on a Partial Hospitalization Plan/Intensive

6473Outpatient Program basis, completing a total of 18 months of treatment. He

6485was placed on five years Ô criminal probation and had his driving privileges

6498suspended for five years with t he requirement that he have an i nterlock

6512device placed for six months once returning to driving. H is treatment did not

6526in volve treatment with a psychiatrist nor was he prescribed psychotropic

6537medications. While in treatment, he had an introduction to Twelve Step

6548Recovery and attended N arcotics Anonymous meetings . Mr. Breznitsky

6558remained sober during his 18 months at Phoenix House and continued to

6570abstain f rom alcohol for approximately 3 to 4 years , after which time,

6583abstinence from alcohol was no longer required as part of his treatment.

6595Mr. Breznitsky Ôs Recovery Plan

660080 . Mr. Breznitsky testified that while in treatment , he focused on PTSD,

6613depression, self - harm, and personal mental health recovery because those

6624were the stressors that led to his alcohol use. He indicated that he regularly

6638sees his therapist, c heck s in with his supervisors, maintains close friends,

6651and ensur e s that he engag es in self - care.

66638 1 . Additionally, a t hearing , Respondent testified that he currently

6675maintains his sobriety by regularly eating breakfast each morning, meeting

6685with his pastor on a weekly basis , attending church on Sundays , regularly

6697exerc ising , and us ing a sensory deprivation tank.

67068 2 . Dr. Aufderheide was asked to opine on whether PetitionerÔs recovery

6719plan of attending church , regularly engaging with colleagues and close

6729friends, surfing, exercis ing, and refuge recovery, would be recogniz ed by the

6742medical community. He did not offer an opinion regarding the efficacy of the

6755tr eatment plan recommended by Dr. Wilson. However, he suggested that a

6767recovery plan should include drug tes ting.

6774Ultimate Findings of Fact

677883. In general, Dr. Wilson w as concer n with the frequency and amount of

6793alcohol Mr. Breznitsky was consuming. His concerned stemmed from his

6803belief that Mr. Breznitsky had recently drank with such frequency that it

6815would affect his ability to practice as a mental health intern with r easonable

6829skill and safety. However, there was not sufficient competent substantial

6839evidence to demonstrate that Mr. Breznitsky exhibited behavior to

6848demonstrate he was impaired.

685284. The positive test results for alcohol and coathelylene is significant.

6863Ho wever, the positive test results alone do not prove Mr. Breznitsky is unable

6877to practice safely as a registered mental health intern.

688685. Dr. Wilson testified that he diagnosed Mr. Breznits ky with alcohol use

6899disorder moderate to severe , because he believe d Mr. Breznitsky consumed

6910alcohol in larger amounts over a longer period of time than intended; his

6923inability to control his alcohol use issues resulting in a failure to fulfill a

6937major obligation at work; and his recurrent alcohol use in situations in whi ch

6951it was hazardous , i.e. , driving while under the influence of alcohol. He also

6964diagnosed him with cocaine - type use disorder of mild to moderate severity.

697786. At the final hearing, Dr. Wilson maintained his opinion that

6988Mr. Breznitsky was not safe to prac tice as a registered mental health intern

7002based in part on his Ñ suspicions that [Mr. BreznitskyÔs] use was more recent

7016than three months ago because now the three - month window has moved two

7030weeks additional yet heÔs still testing positive . Ò 4 In addition, t hey were based

70464 At the final hearing , Dr. Wilson testified regarding his suspicions on more than one

7061occasion when formulating his opinion about Mr. BreznitskyÔs ability to practice as a

7074registered mental health i ntern. H is testimony about his suspicions include , but are not

7089limited to , the following :

7094Q: Yeah letÔs take them one at a time and look at some of the

7109comments that you made in those and what they were based

7120on. Dimension 1, what was your conclusion ther e?

7129A: I felt he was at a moderate risk for being intoxicated based

7142on the discrepancy between what he was telling me and the

7153laboratory result of his PEth test. They were incongruent.

7162And I believe I did not k n ow for sure how much this

7176gentleman was drink ing. So I claimed he was at moderate

7187risk, and I felt he was event at moderate risk for going

7199through alcohol withdrawal if he keeps drinking based on the

7209fact that they didnÔt know how much he was drinking, but I

7221knew he had a very high PEth test.Ò

7229in part on assumptions that were not proven at the hearing and more

7242importantly, on facts that were based on incidents from Mr. BreznitskyÔs past

7254history that occurred at least 10 years before his evaluation.

726487. Dr. WilsonÔs opinions appea red to be influenced by his honest and

7277genuine belief that Mr. Breznitsky would benefit from the care and treatment

7289he could receive as a participant in PRN. He may well be correct. At best, he

7305demonstrated that Mr. Breznitsky was not able to practice with reasonabl e

7317skill and safety more than 10 years before his evaluation . However, the issue

7331is not whether there is suspicion or a risk of Mr. Breznitsky being unsafe to

7346practice, but rather the issue is whether he is unsafe to practice at this time.

7361Nothing in the record demonstrated that Mr. Breznitsky was a danger while

7373working with clients or patients. T he evidence taken as a whole is not

7387sufficient competent and substantial evidence that Mr. Breznitsky is now

7397unable to practice as a registered mental hea lth intern with reasonable skill

7410and safety by reason of illness or use of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, or

7423chemicals, or any other type of material, or as a result of any mental or

7438physical condition.


74458 8 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the par ties and subject matter of this case,

7461pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1).

74678 9 . Chapte rs 456 and 491 , and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B4 - 5

7483regulate mental health counseling.

748790 . Section 491.0045 establishes the requirements for licensure as a

7498mental health counselor intern and provides that the D epartment Ñ shall

7510Q: And , Doctor what about the cocaine use that was

7520mentioned in there as well?

7525A: Well, I again, I know he was using cocaine. ThatÔs evident

7537by the tests. He reported it. I did not know how often. I could

7551not tell. My suspicion was this was not a --- his test re sult was

7566more than likely due to multiple uses over a period of time,

7578more than likely, but I had no knowledge to prove otherwise,

7589but I was suspicious.Ò

7593register Ò an applicant that satisfies the applicable provisions of sections

7604491.0045 and 491.005.

760791 . Pursuant to section 456.072(2), the Board has the authority to deny an

7621app licati on for registration as a mental health counselor i ntern upon finding

7635a violation of any of the grounds for discipline contained in section


764892 . Section 456.072( 1 ) provides that certain acts shall constitute grounds

7661for which disciplinary action may be taken. Section 456.072( 1 )(z) provides as


7675(1) The following acts shall constitute grounds for

7683which the disciplinary actions specified in

7689subsection (2) may be take n:

7695(z) Being unable to practice with reasonable skill

7703and safety to patients by reason of illness or use of

7714alcohol, drugs, narcotics, c hemicals, or any other

7722type of material or as a result of any mental or

7733physical condition .

773693 . Pursuant to section 491.009(2), the Board has the authority to deny an

7750app lication for registration as a mental health counselor i ntern upon finding

7763a violati on of any of the grounds for discipline contained in sect ion

7777491.009(1) .

777994 . S ection 491.009(1) establishes grounds for denial of a license or

7792disciplinary action, as specified in section 456.072(2 ) , including under section

7803491.009(1)(p) :

7805Being unable to practice the profession for which he

7814or she is licensed, registered, or certified under this

7823chapter with reasonable skill or competence as a

7831result of any mental or physical condition or by

7840reason of illness; drunkenness; or excessive use of

7848drugs, narco tics, chemicals, or any other substance .

78579 5 . Section 456.003(1) establishes the Legislature's intent Ñ that persons

7869desiring to engage in any lawful profession regulated by the [Department]

7880shall be entitled to do so as a matter of right if otherwise quali fied. Ò Section

7897456.003(2) further describes the Legislature's intent that such professions are

7907regulated to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare.

791696. Section 456.013(3)(c), provides:

7920I n considering applications for licensure, the board,

7928or the d epartment when there is no board, may

7938require a personal appearance of the applicant. If

7946the applicant is required to appear, the time period

7955in which a licensure application must be granted or

7964denied shall be tolled until such time as the

7973applicant appear s. However, if the applicant fails to

7982appear before the board at either of the next two

7992regularly scheduled board meetings, or fails to

7999appear before the department within 30 days if

8007there is no board, the application for licensure shall

8016be denied.

801897. The plain language of section 456.013(3)(c) authorizes the board to

8029requ ire that an applicant personally appear before the board.

80399 8 . Petitioner, as the license applicant, has the burden to prove by a

8054preponderance of the evidence that he meets the require ments for

8065certification in this licensing case. See DepÔ t of Child. & Fams. v. Davis Fam.

8080Day Care Home , 160 So. 3d 854, 857 (Fla. 2015); DepÔt of Banking & Fin. v.

8096Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996) (holding that an applicant for

8111licensure ha s the burden to prove his entitlement to the license);

8123§ 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

81279 9 . Petitioner also bears the burden of demonstrating that he is entitled to

8142licensure. Dep Ô t of Child. & Fams. v. Davis Fam. Day Care Home , 160 So. 3d

8159at 857; Dep Ô t of Ban king & Fin., Div. of Sec. & Investor Prot. v. Osborne Stern

8178& Co. , 67 0 So. 2d at 934 (Ñ The general rule is that a party asserting the

8196affirmative of an issue has the burden of presen ting evidence as to that

8210issue.Ò ).

8212100 . A preponderance o f the evidence is evidence that, more likely than

8226not , tends to prove the proposition set forth by a proponent. Gross v. Lyons ,

8240763 So. 2d 276, 289 (Fla. 2000). See also Haines v. Dep Ô t of Child. & Fams. ,

8258983 So. 2d 602, 606 (Fla. 5th DCA 2008).

826710 1 . In an application proc eeding, while the ultimate burden remains with

8281Petitioner to prove he meets the requirements for licensure , it is the Board's

8294burden to prove the specific acts or violations which it alleges are grounds for

8308denial and to produce competent, substantial evid ence to support those

8319reasons. See M.H. v. Dep Ô t of Child. & Fams. , 977 So. 2d 755, 761 (Fla. 2d

8337DCA 2008) ( Ñ Without question, an applicant for a license has the initial

8351burden of demonstrating his or h er fitness to be licensed. È But if the

8366licensing agen cy proposes to deny the requested license based on specific acts

8379of misconduct, then the agency assumes the burden of proving the specific

8391acts of misconduct that it claims demonstrate the applicant's lack of fitness to

8404be licensed. Ò ).

840810 2 . In Florida, lic enses to practice are considered a privilege granted by

8423the State, not a right. See, e.g., Lescher v. DepÔ t of High. Saf. & Motor Veh. ,

8440985 So. 2d 1078, 1084 (Fla.2008); Borrego v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. ,

8453675 So. 2d 666, 668 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996).

846210 3 . A s an administrative agency, the Board has Ñ particularly broad

8476discretion in determining the fitness of applicants who seek to engage in an

8489occupation in the conduct of which is a privilege rather than a right. Ò Osborne

8504Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d at 934 (citin g Osborne Stern & Co. v. DepÔ t of Banking

8523& Fin. , 647 So. 2d 245 (Fla. 1st DCA 1994) (Booth, J., concurring and

8537dissenting ) ) .

854110 4 . Based on the evidence offered at hearing, Petitioner me t his burden

8556of proof th at he is able to practice as a registered ment al health counselor

8572i ntern with reasonable skill and safety.

85791 0 5 . There is not sufficient evidence in the record to find , by a

8595prepond erance of the evidence , that Mr. Breznitsky continues to have an

8607alcohol use and substance use disorder such that he would be an immediate,

8620serious danger to the public health, safety, and welfare.


8631Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

8644R ECOMMENDED that the Board of Clinical Social Work , Marriage and Family

8656Therapy , and Mental He alth Counseling issue a final order granting

8667Petitioner's applica tion for registration as a mental health counselor i ntern ,

8679which may include conditions to ensure PetitionerÔs continued sobriety.

8688D ONE A ND E NTERED this 11th day of February , 2022 , in Tallah assee, Leon

8704County, Florida.



8712Administrative Law Judge

87151230 Apalachee Parkway

8718Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

8723(850) 488 - 9675


8728Filed with the Clerk of the

8734Division of Administrative Hearings

8738this 11th day of Febr uary, 2022


8750Timothy Frizzell, Esquire Stephen B. Burch, Esquire

8757Office of the Attorney General Smith & Associates

8765PL - 01, The Capitol Suite 540

8772Tallahassee, Florida 32399 709 South Harbor City Boulevard

8780Melbourne, Florida 32901

8783Robert Antonie Milne, Esquire

8787Office of the Attorney General John Benjamin Fricke, Esquire

8796The Capitol, Plaza Level 01 Office of the Attorney General

8806Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 105 0 PL - 01, The Capitol

8817Tallahassee, Florida 32399

8820Kimberly Marshall, MPH, JD Louise St. Laurent, General Counsel

8829Executive Director Department of Health

8834Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C65

8846and Family Therapy and Mental Health Tallahassee, Florida 32399


8856Department of Health

88594052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C06

8865Tallahassee, Florida 32399


8879All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

8892the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

8903Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/11/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/11/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 28 thorugh July 2, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/11/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/24/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/24/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/10/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 07/22/2021
Proceedings: Order Closing Record.
Date: 07/14/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Electronic Copy Deposition Transcripts filed.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Proffered Exhibits filed.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Electronic Copy of Volumes One and Two of Deposition Transcript of Drew Breznitsky filed.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Electronic Copy of Volumes One and Two of Deposition Transcript of Drew Breznitsky filed.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Electronic Copy of Video Exhibit filed.
Date: 06/24/2021
Proceedings: Response in Opposition of Petitioner's Daubert Motion and/or Motion in Limine to Exclude Dr. Lawrence Wilson filed.
Date: 06/24/2021
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Aufderheid) filed.
Date: 06/24/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Compel Deposition of Dr. Dean Aufderheide.
Date: 06/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing (motion hearing set for June 23, 2021; 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 06/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 06/23/2021
Proceedings: Response to Motion to Compel Dr. Dean Aufderheide's Deposition filed.
Date: 06/23/2021
Proceedings: Motion to Compel Dr. Dean Aufderheide's Deposition filed.
Date: 06/21/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits for June 28-July 2, 2021 Final Hearing filed.
Date: 06/21/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits for June 28 - July 2, 2021 Hearing filed.
Date: 06/18/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Objections to Petitoner's Exhibits filed.
Date: 06/18/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Rely upon Summaries filed.
Date: 06/18/2021
Proceedings: Amended Exhibit List filed.
Date: 06/15/2021
Proceedings: Amended Exhibit List filed.
Date: 06/11/2021
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/10/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (John Fricke) filed.
Date: 06/10/2021
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 06/01/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Seeking Attorneys' Fees filed.
Date: 05/26/2021
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Bowen) filed.
Date: 05/21/2021
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Abbas) filed.
Date: 05/20/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Abbas) filed.
Date: 05/20/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Cancellation of Deposition Duces Tecum (Jones) filed.
Date: 05/20/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Second Amended Witness List filed.
Date: 05/19/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Aufderheid) filed.
Date: 05/17/2021
Proceedings: Third Amended Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 05/17/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Burch) filed.
Date: 05/14/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Jones) filed.
Date: 05/05/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Compel and Motion to Clarify Order.
Date: 05/05/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Bowen) filed.
Date: 05/04/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 05/04/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing (motion hearing set for May 5, 2021; 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 05/03/2021
Proceedings: Amended Order on Pending Motions.
Date: 05/03/2021
Proceedings: Response to the Board's Motion to Compel Further and Better Responses to Petitioner's First Request for Production #8 & Motion to Clarify Order on All Pending Motions filed.
Date: 05/03/2021
Proceedings: Motion to Compel Further and Better Responses to Petitioner's First Request for Production #8 & Motion to Clarify Order on All Pending Motions filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Second Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 04/13/2021
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 04/05/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Mahone) filed.
Date: 04/05/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Kissel) filed.
Date: 04/02/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Breznitsky) filed.
Date: 03/29/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Deane) filed.
Date: 03/29/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum (Browning) filed.
Date: 03/26/2021
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for June 28 through July 2, 2021; 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 03/23/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 03/10/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Response to the Board's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 03/01/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's First Amended Witness List filed.
Date: 02/24/2021
Proceedings: Order on Pending Motions.
Date: 02/24/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Depositions Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/24/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by March 23, 2021).
Date: 02/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 02/23/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 02/19/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/19/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Answers to the Petitioner's First Interrogatories filed.
Date: 02/19/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 02/19/2021
Proceedings: Response to the Board's Motions to Compel filed.
Date: 02/16/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing (motion hearing set for February 23, 2021; 1:00 p.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 02/15/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Compel Responses to its First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 02/15/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Compel Responses to its First Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/15/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 02/15/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner's Response to the Board's First Interrogatories filed.
Date: 02/11/2021
Proceedings: Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 02/10/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Video Conference Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 02/10/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to the Boards First Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/10/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Service of Answers to First Interrogatories filed.
Date: 02/05/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness List filed.
Date: 01/22/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/22/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for March 16 through 18, 2021; 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 01/21/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Service of First Interrogatories filed.
Date: 01/21/2021
Proceedings: First Request for Production filed.
Date: 01/21/2021
Proceedings: First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 01/11/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 01/11/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 01/11/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/11/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/06/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/04/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Deny filed.
Date: 01/04/2021
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/04/2021
Proceedings: Referral for Hearing filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Satellite Beach, Florida
Department of Health


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):