21-000303 Marion County School Board vs. Desiree Seaton
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, May 28, 2021.

View Dockets  
Summary: The laboratory test result on which the allegations were based was unsubstantiated and uncorroborated hearsay.





24Petitioner ,

25Case No. 21 - 0303



35Respondent .



43Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was conducted on April 20, 2021, via

56Zoom before Garnett W. Chisenhall, a duly designated Administrative Law

66Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings (ÑDOAHÒ).


76For Petitioner: Mark E. Levitt, Esq uire

83Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A.

88Suite 100

901477 W est Fairbanks Avenue

95Winter Park, Florida 32789

99For Respondent: Desiree M. Seaton, pro se

1065 Hemlock Loop Lane

110Ocala, Florida 34472


121Whether Resp ondent (ÑDesiree SeatonÒ) violated Petitioner, the School

130Board of Marion CountyÔs (Ñthe School BoardÒ) , 1 drug - free workplace policy;

1431 The School BoardÔs official name is ÑThe School Board of Marion County.Ò £ 1001.40, Fla.

159Stat. (2020 )(providing that Ñ[t]he governing body of each school district shall be a district

174school board. Each district school board is constituted a body corporate by the name of ÓThe

190School Board of County, Florida.ÔÒ). The case style has been amended accordi ngly.

203and, if so, whether her employment with the School Board should be



220On December 2, 2020 , the Superintendent of Schools for Marion County

231(Ñthe SuperintendentÒ) issued an Administrative Complaint alleging that

239Ms. Seaton took a random drug test on October 27, 2020, and that the urine

254sample she provided tested positive for opioids. The Super intendent

264characterized Ms. SeatonÔs positive test result as Ñserious misconductÒ and

274notified Ms. Seaton that the Superintendent intended to recommend that the

285School Board terminate her employment.

290The School Board issued a letter to Ms. Seaton on Dece mber 2, 2020,

304notifying her that the SuperintendentÔs recommendation would be considered

313by the School Board during a January 12, 2021, meeting. However, if

325Ms. Seaton wished to appeal the SuperintendentÔs recommendation, the

334School BoardÔs letter instruc ted her to submit a letter setting forth her

347response to the SuperintendentÔs allegations.

352Ms. Seaton issued a letter on December 11, 2020, setting forth the

364following response:

3661. I hold the title of School Bus Driver, however I

377have not performed in t hat capacity since October

3862, 2020 while injured on your school bus. I have

396been ordered by your doctors at Concerta [to] light

405duty and I have performed to the best of my ability.

416I even had a supervisor tell me if I ever needed a

428job with her office or t he county, she would give me

440a recommendation. I also received several accolades

447from employees and other management staff. I can

455provide the names if necessary.

4602. I did take a random test ordered by DOT.

4703. I provided a urine sample and questioned the

479DOT why I was being selected since I am on light

490duty. His response [was] because I am signed in on

500Marion County[Ós] clock. This also confused me

507[because] I am on workmanÔs compensation and

514signing in. I just did as I was told.

5234. This is the only thin g that I cannot answer

534because I did not use Percocet and I have

543Hydrocodone which I have a prescription to use.

551I am also allergic to that drug and all my medical

562records all the way back to the 1990s will show as

573such. I wanted to ask your doctor [i f] poppy seeds

584[could] alter that test. I can provide evidence that I

594was eating them that week, even the morning of

603the testing. I wish that we could concur on the type

614of opiate, either way I am not going to tell you, I did

627not take one at night.

6325. In regards to notifying my supervisor, this was

641not a safety concern and the Nurse Practitioner at

650Concentra was advised. She advised me to try the

659ibuprofen and one Tylenol instead. Of course that

667did not work. Since I was under doctorÔs care, I saw

678no need to advise my supervisor, plus the pill was

688only taken at night to go to sleep. I have never used

700that pill on school property nor during working

708hours. The staff there do not care about the

717employee. The fall I sustained should have been

725sent for further t esting earlier. I had to go through

736therapy for a month before they would order [an]

745MRI. So far [I have a] dislocated shoulder with

754possible rotator cuff [damage and] that is why at

763night, the pain is terrible. I since got a second and

774third opinion. I am seeing a pain management

782doctor. I am scheduled for my next MRI on


7926. I never used drugs or alcohol, nor brought [any]

802on school property.

8057. I have never misused my prescription drugs and

814that would be up to a doctor to substantiate. I ca n

826provide you with [the name of] every doctor I have

836seen in the last four years. They will all tell you

847that I use pain medicines as a last resort and I am

859an amazing patient. I do the required therapy, I do

869all my appointments and follow directions.

8758. In regards to OTETA [ 2 ] , I completely understand

886their position on safety sensitive position[s]. If I

894was driving a bus, the first person that would know

904that I could not drive because I was in pain and

915had to take medication, would be my direct reports.

924I consider my life and the life of my students, which

935are my heart, my first priority. I can provide you

945with a drug test on August 3 and on October 2, the

957day of the accident. You will see that I was not

968under any influence.

971I would not be going through t his situation right

981now, if not [for] being hurt on your job, by not

992having doctors who care about their patients, or

1000should I say the medical insurance companies that

1008they blame because itÔs just protocol. No one cares

1017that I have cried myself to sleep be cause of the

1028pain, or I had to work two jobs and do classes which

1040was hard to concentrate through the pain. I am left

1050handed and I cannot even brush my hair [or] hold a

1061cup. I can provide their information as well.

1069The undersigned convened the final hea ring on April 15, 2021. The School

1082Board presented the testimony of Brent Carson, and PetitionerÔs Exhibits 1

1093through 10 were accepted into evidence without objection. Ms. Seaton

1103testified on her o w n behalf and RespondentÔs Exhibits 1 through 5 and 7

1118throu gh 9 were accepted into evidence. 3 The undersigned noted , but

1130overruled, relevancy objections to RespondentÔs Exhibits 2, 4, and 5 through

11417. With regard to RespondentÔs Exhibit 6, the undersigned reserved ruling on

1153the admissibility of a portion of a news article. After taking the matter under

11672 OTETA is the acronym for Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act.

1178advisement, the undersigned concludes that the news article is

1187uncorroborated hearsay and must be excluded from evidence. The

1196undersigned granted an objection and excluded RespondentÔs Exhibit 11 from


1207The one - volume final hearing Transcript was filed on April 18, 2021.

1220Both parties filed timely Proposed Recommended Orders that were

1229considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


1242Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduce d at the final hearing,

1255the entire record of this proceeding, and matters subject to official

1266recognition, the following Findings of Fact are made:

12741. The School Board maintains an alcohol and drug - free workplace.

1286Section 6.33 of the School BoardÔs Human Resources Manual provides that:

1297It is further the intent of the School Board of

1307Marion County to comply with the Omnibus

1314Transportation Employee Testing Act (OTETA),

1319regulations of the Federal Highway Administration

1325(FHWA) contained in 49 CFR Parts 40 an d 382, et

1336al , Section 2345.091, Florida Statutes, the

1342provisions of the Drug - Free Workplace Act, and

1351other applicable state and federal safety programs.

1358This policy shall also affirm the BoardÔs position

1366that an employee in a safety sensitive position may

1375be considered impaired at any measurable level by

1383the use of alcohol and/or controlled substances.

1390Pursuant to OTETA and its implementing

1396regulations, drug and alcohol testing is mandated

1403for all safety sensitive identified employees who

1410function in a safe ty sensitive position.

14172. Section 6.33 further specifies that prohibited substances include

1426Ñmarijuana, amphetamines, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP), and cocaine.Ò In

14343 Ms. SeatonÔs exhibits were misnumbered in that there was no RespondentÔs Exhibit 10.

1448addition, Ñ[i]llegal use includes the use or possession of any illegal drug, and

1461the mis use of legally prescribed or obtained prescription drugs.Ò Also, Ñwhen

1473the use of a controlled substance is pursuant to the instructions of a

1486physician, the employee shall immediately notify his/her supervisor.Ò

14943. Section 6.33 states that random drug te sting Ñmay take place at any

1508time, with or without proximity to driving,Ò and that there will be random

1522drug testing for Ñall identified safety sensitive positions.Ò A Ñsafety sensitive

1533positionÒ is defined as Ñ[a]ny function for which a commercial driver Ôs license

1546is mandated and in which a driver operates a vehicle designed to carry

1559sixteen (16) or more passengers, a vehicle which weighs 26,000 1 pounds, or

1573a vehicle which carries a placard indicating hazardous cargo.Ò Furthermore,

1583drug testing shall b e conducted by Ñindependent, certified laboratories

1593utilizing recognized techniques.Ò

15964. While the School Board maintains a drug and alcohol - free workplace, it

1610encourages employees with chemical dependency to seek treatment:

1618The School Board of Marion Co unty recognizes that

1627chemical dependency is an illness that can be

1635successfully treated. It is the policy of The School

1644Board of Marion County to seek rehabilitation of

1652employees with a self - admitted or medically

1660determined drug problem. The School Board o f

1668Marion County will make every effort to assist

1676those self - admitted and/or referred employees while

1684being treated. Employees who are unwilling to

1691participate in rehabilitation may be subject to

1698appropriate action, pursuant to School Board

1704policy , applicab le Florida Statutes, State Board of

1712Education rules, and applicable provisions of

1718collective bargaining agreements.

1721Substance Abuse Program Ï At any time prior to

1730notification of a required test, an employee is

1738encouraged to contact the Employee Assistanc e

1745program. Such employees may be required to

1752submit to testing as a part of a treatment program.

17625. The laboratory that conducts drug - testing for the School Board

1774randomly selects individuals who will be tested during the upcoming quarter.

1785The School Bo ard then schedules those individuals for testing throughout the

1797quarter so that a large number of drivers are not unavailable for work at the

1812same time. During the next quarter, a different set of individuals are


18256. Brent Carson is the School Bo ardÔs Director of Professional Practices.

1837He becomes involved in employee disciplinary cases that rise above the level

1849of a reprimand. Mr. Carson testified that the School Board has no ability to

1863test employees other than the individuals the laboratory sel ects for testing:

1875Q: To protect the integrity of the random testing, do

1885you have the ability to vary from that random list

1895provided by the outside lab?

1900A: We have to test who they say Ï who they identify

1912as the random employees.

1916Q: So if you decided to pick and choose Ï if they

1928pick someone and you said, no, IÔm not going to

1938bother with that person today, do you believe that

1947could affect the randomness, if you will, if thatÔs the

1957right word, of the test procedure, that it could affect

1967the testing procedu re and call into question if you

1977start picking and choosing whoÔs not giving tests to

1986people on the list?

1990A: Yes, that would definitely, I think, impugn the

1999efficacy of having random tests.

20047. If an employee has a positive drug test for a prescription medication,

2017then the School BoardÔs Medical Review Officer (ÑMROÒ) gives that employee

2028three days to produce a valid prescription for that medication. If the

2040employee produces a valid prescription, then the positive test is deemed to be

2053a negative test. In addition, an employee can have a urine sample retested at

2067his or her own expense. If there is no retest and no valid prescription is

2082produced, then the School Board puts the employee on paid administrative

2093leave pending the outcome of disciplinary proceed ings.

21018. With regard to the consequences of a positive test, the Manual states

2114that Ñ[c]overed employees testing positive at any level for alcohol or

2125controlled substances are in violation of district policy and will be

2136immediately removed from their s afety sensitive positions. A violation of

2147federal, state, or District requirements shall be grounds for dismissal.Ò

21579. Mr. Carson testified that there is no progressive discipline for safety -

2170sensitive positions. The first time an employee tests positive f or an illegal

2183substance or one for which that employee does not have a prescription, that

2196employee is recommended for termination. Mr. Carson testified that the

2206Superintendent has always recommended termination for violations of the

2215School BoardÔs drug - fre e workplace policy: ÑWhether itÔs random, whether itÔs

2228reasonable suspicion or whether itÔs a drug test base d off of injury, we have

2243always recommended the termination of the employee.Ò

2250Ms. Seaton Tests Positive for Opioids

225610. Ms. Seaton began wor king for the School Board as a bus driver in

2271December of 2017. On February 5, 2018, Ms. Seaton signed a document

2283acknowledging that bus drivers must Ñ[s]ubmit to random, post accident and

2294reasonable suspicion drug testing. Ò [ 4 ]

230211. Ms. Seaton has undergon e surgeries in the past and testified that she

2316has been prescribed hydrocodone Ñfor years on and off depending on the

23284 Prior to the positive drug test at issue in the instant case, Ms. Seaton had no disciplinary

2346issues and had no other positive drug tests.

2354surgery.Ò 5 Ms. Seaton claims to be allergic to oxycodone, and it has been her

2369habit to take hydrocodone only when she has excruciating pai n. 6

238112. Ms. Seaton suffered a work - related injury on October 2, 2020, and

2395described it as follows:

2399I always help out where I can. So we have spare

2410buses that we need to move from one compound to

2420the other, and on this particular day I was taking

2430one of th e spare buses back over to another

2440compound. As I was getting off the bus, I always

2450grab with my right hand to the bar and my left

2461hand on the dashboard. My hand slipped off the

24705 Ms. Seaton had a double knee replacement surgery in August of 2019 and was prescribed

2486hydrocodone. RespondentÔs Exhibit 7 is a photograph of a pill bottle indicating that

2499Ms. Seaton had been prescribed 60 hydrocodone pills . However, no date is visible from the


25166 RespondentÔs Exhibit 8 is a letter from a physician stating that Ms. Seaton has treated with

2533him since December 21, 2018. The letter notes that Ms. Seaton is allergic to codeine and

2549P remarin. There is no mention of Ms. Seaton being allergic to oxycodone. Also, h ydrocodone

2565was not among the medications this particular physician has prescribed for Ms. Seaton.

2578dashboard and I went forward. And from there I

2587suffered a rotator cuff tear and some other, like,

2596bone spurs. [ 7 ]

260113. After the accident, Ms. Seaton took a drug test on October 2, 2020, and

2616the test returned negative results for opiates, marijuana, cocaine,

2625amphetamines, propoxyphene, PCP, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines.

263114. M edical documentation from an October 5, 2020, evaluation by a

2643workersÔ compensation physician indicates Ms. Seaton had a contusion of the

2654left elbow and shoulder, a left shoulder strain, a left elbow strain, and a neck

2669strain. An MRI on January 5, 2021, r evealed a posterior labrum tear along

2683with a possible anterior dislocation of her left shoulder.

269215. Since her accident, Ms. Seaton had been driving her motherÔs car

2704because it is an automatic, and Ms. Seaton has a stick shift. Ms. Seaton flew

2719out - of - tow n to visit her son in Baltimore on October 22, 2020. Because

27367 Ms. Seaton has had a difficult recovery from her injury a nd i s dissatisfied with the

2754treatment she received through workers Ô compensation. After receiving a second opinion from

2767her primary care physician, Ms. Seaton had shoulder surgery on February 26, 2021. At the

2782time of the final hearing, she did not know whe ther the surgery would ultimately prove to be

2800a success : ÑI am still in ongoing treatment. It started October 2 nd . I went through holy heck

2820with our Ï the way that Concentra work[s] Ï which is the people they use for workmenÔs

2837comp Ï they make you go throu gh physical therapy before you can actually get an MRI done,

2855because they say that itÔs required by the insurance company. They had given me ultrasound

2870Ï not an ultrasound. X - rays when I first had the injuries. And from there they said I had to

2891go through physical therapy, I went through that a month. And then from there I went for an

2909MRI which determined that they saw something, but they couldnÔt know exactly. So they,

2923then again, another MRI, a contrast MRI. I want to say I had that done December 23 rd

2941whe re they finally saw that. And we still, let me still Ï I didnÔt have my surgery until

2960February 26 th . So from October 2 nd to February 26 th , I did not have surgery. And I was in

2982constant pain. At nighttime with the rotator cuff, itÔs kind of Ï in the daytime itÔs tolerable,

2999but at nighttime itÔs excruciating pain, something to do with the way the muscles go. IÔm not

3016a doctor, but Ï I mean, it would be online. But itÔs when youÔre laying down youÔre in a lot of

3037pain. I had pain from my neck all the way shootin g to my arm. It would be like a shooting

3058pain and [ ] constant. On December 23 rd , when I actually had the MRI to determine that I

3077did have a rotator cuff tear, at that point I got tired of the Concentra doctors because they

3095werenÔt doing anything for my pa in, and I went to my primary care for a second opinion,

3113[and] he sent me to a pain management doctor. As of December 30 th I have been on pain

3132management with him, which is, like, Lyrica and hydrocodone and tramadol. So between the

3146two. I still have therapy like I go three times a week. And IÔm expected Ï like six more weeks.

3166I still canÔt Ï theyÔre not feeling that IÔm where IÔm supposed to be at this point. IÔm supposed

3185to be able to lift my arm a certain way, and itÔs not. So I still have another set of t herapy that

3208I have to go through. IÔm praying that everything goes back to normal. But I still have neck

3226pain and weÔre waiting to see if that clears up, I might have to go back to a neck specialist


3247M s. Seaton did not want to leave her mother without transportation, she

3260drove her own manual - shift car to and from an airport in Orlando, 90

3275minutes each way. However, using her left arm for dri ving caused her a great

3290deal of pain. U pon her return to Florida, Ms. Seaton took a hydrocodone

3304during the night of Sunday, October 25, 2020, because the pain was

3316preventing her from sleeping. The hydrocodone came from a prescription:

3326A: IÔve had hydrocod one prescribed to me for years

3336on and off, depending on the surgery, because I

3345canÔt take oxycodone, which is the one that theyÔre

3354saying came up on my test. The one that I took for

3366Ï on October 25 th , I want to say, it was a Sunday,

3379it was from my previous surgery that I had.

3388ALJ: Hold on. We need to get this straight. It looks

3399like your drug test was October 27 th , according to

3409PetitionerÔs Exhibit 1.

3412A: Correct.

3414ALJ: Are you telling me you took something prior

3423to Ï just prior to October 27 th ?

3431A: Corre ct.

3434ALJ: What did you take?

3439A: Hydrocodone.

3441ALJ: Did you have a prescription for hydrocodone?

3449A: Yes.

345116. During her stay in Baltimore, Ms. Seaton ate two biscuits sprinkled

3463with poppy seeds. On October 26, 2021 , and on the morning of October 27,

34772021 , Ms. Seaton also ate bagels sprinkled with poppy seeds.

348717. Ms. Seaton was notified during the morning of October 27, 2020, that

3500she had been selected for drug testing that day. At that point in time, she was

3516on light duty due to her injury and assigned to the transportation help desk. 8

353118. On approximately November 4, 2020, the testing laboratory reported

3541that Ms. SeatonÔs urine sample had tested positive for oxycodone and

3552oxymorphone. 9

355419. The School Board notified Ms. Seaton on November 5, 2020, that she

3567had been placed on administrative leave, with pay, during the pendency of an

3580internal investigation.

358220. Mr. Carson met with Ms. Seaton on December 2, 2020 , to inform her of

3597the SuperintendentÔs recommendation that she be terminated. Ms. Seaton

3606told Mr. Carson that she did not know how she could have tested positive for

3621oxycodone because she is allergic to that medication.

362921. Mr. Carson and Ms. Seaton disagree about other aspects of the

3641meeting. Specifically, Ms. Seaton claims that she mentioned dur ing the

3652December 2, 2020, meeting that she took hydrocodone and had a prescription

3664for that medication. Mr. Carson does not recall Ms. Seaton making that

3676comment. 10

36788 Even though Ms. Seaton was on light duty stat us, Mr. Carson testified that she was still

3696subject to random drug testing: ÑEmployees that are subject to random drug tests based off of

3712their status because theyÔre CDL holders and drivers, theyÔre expected to stay in the pool for

3728random drug tests if th ey are on light duty. The only time they are removed from that list is

3748if theyÔre in a no - work status.Ò

37569 The laboratory report entered into evidence was not authenticated, either by a witness or

3771by self - authentication as provided in section 90.902, Flo rida Statutes (2020). Furthermore,

3785no witness was produced to testify that the laboratory report was a business record and thus

3801subject to an exception to the hearsay rule. The laboratory report is, therefore, unreliable


381610 During questioning by P etitionerÔs counsel, Ms. Seaton claimed that she told the School

3831BoardÔs MRO about her hydrocodone prescription:

3837Q: Now, the note on the drug test that says it was positive

3850lists oxycodone. Correct?

3853A: Yes.

385522. Mr. Carson and Ms. Seaton spoke again on January 8, 2021, and

3868Ms. Seaton stated for the first time to Mr. Carson that she had taken a long

3884trip during the weekend prior to the October 27, 2020, 11 drug test. She

3898relayed that she was experiencing a lot of pain after driving and took some

3912pills to alleviate the pain. According to Mr. Carson, Ms. Seaton did not

3925identify the pills she took, state that she had a prescription, or offer him

3939evidence that she had a prescription for opioids . 12

394923. As described above in the Preliminary Statement, Ms. Seaton

3959speculated in her December 11, 2020, respons e to the SuperintendentÔs

3970allegations that the positive test result could have been caused by poppy

3982seeds she ate in the days preceding the drug test. This was the first time that

3998Q: Do you understand that oxycodone is a diffe rent drug than


4011A: Yes. After doing research, yes. Well, actually speaking with

4021the MRO officer, because he called it Percocet and I said, well,

4033thatÔs impossible because I canÔt take Percocet because IÔm

4042allergic to it. And so I told him, I s aid, all the Percocets, all

4057those things, every time I have a surgery the doctors try to

4069give me that and I tell them, no, I canÔt have that because I

4083get really sick and break out with [a] rash and vomiting, so

4095they donÔt prescribe that. ThatÔs why I get prescribed


4105Q: So youÔre saying that you told the MRO you took


4117A: Correct, hydro.

4120Q: And even after you told him that, he still reported a

4132positive test. Correct?

4135A: He said he had to go by what he has there.

414711 October 27, 2 020, was a Tuesday.

415512 Ms. Seaton explained during the final hearing that she did not provide the School Board

4171with a copy of her prescription because no one ever asked her to do so.

4186Mr. Carson was aware of Ms. Seaton asserting that poppy seeds could have

4199cau sed her positive test result. 13

420624. Ms. Seaton testified that she did not tell the School Board about her

4220hydrocodone prescription because she was on desk duty following the

4230accident and did not anticipate ever driving a school bus again:

4241ALJ: I gue ss what IÔm struggling with is given your

4252accidents and the pain you were experiencing, it

4260seems perfectly reasonable that you would be on

4268some sort of opioid. I guess on the other hand, you

4279know, if you tested positive, I guess it seems like a

4290reasonable person would show the School Board a

4298prescription for any kind of pain med, regardless

4306[of] whether they tested positive, or not. I guess

4315thatÔs what IÔm struggling a little bit with.

4323* * *

4326So is it your testimony that Ï according to my

4336notes, there wer e three Ï there have been three

4346conversations or discussions between you and the

4353School Board. The first one with Mr. Carson where

4362he told you about the positive test. And let me just

4373clarify. During that first conversation, did you

4380mention the hydrocodone ?

4383A: Yes, I did. With Mr. Carson in the first


4394ALJ: All right. So you disagree with his testimony

4403that during the first conversation you said simply, I

4412have no idea how that tested positive?

441913 Mr. Carson testified that Ñ[m]y brief understanding of it is that you would have to consume

4436a great deal of poppy seeds for it to alter any type of drug test. I donÔt know what that limit

4457is. But thatÔs not something that weÔre able to delineate in a drug test, whether itÔs truly a

4475substance or if itÔs poppy seeds.Ò Mr. Car son disclosed that the basis for that aforementioned

4491statement came from Ñthe internet.Ò Because the School Board elicited no testimony

4503indicating that Mr. Carson has any independent knowledge or expertise with drug testing or

4517a related field, the undersig ned does not credit his assertion that someone would have to

4533Ñconsume a great deal of poppy seedsÒ in order to affect a drug test.

4547* * *

4550A: Yes. And I did ask him because I wante d to

4562remember that, I said to him, as much pain as I

4573was in, if I had to do it again, I would. But the

4586difference is I would tell my supervisor. Because I

4595really didnÔt Ï in the role that I was in, which was a

4608desk job, I was not in any safety risk for any one, I

4621would never get on a bus, nor was I Ï I knew I

4634wasnÔt getting on a bus any time soon with the

4644injury that I had. But I would never, ever put

4654anybody at risk. I wouldnÔt even get on a bus

4664because my CDL, I figured my CDL was going to be

4675taken. ThatÔs another thing - -

4681ALJ: Ms. Seaton, did you say, -- I may be mistaken.

4692I thought I heard you testify that youÔve had a

4702hydrocodone prescription for many years. Was that

4709accurate or did I mishear?

4714A: On different occasions for surgeries, correct.

4721* * *

4724ALJ: On the day that you injured your shoulder on

4734the school bus and hurt your rotator cuff, the injury

4744that we were talking about, at that time did you

4754have any hydrocodone prescription?

4758A: Yes.

4760* * *

4763ALJ: Were you taking hydrocodone at that time?

4771A: No, sir. [ 14 ]

477725. During the final hearing, Ms. Seaton moved RespondentÔs Exhibit 7

4788into evidence, and a portion thereof was a picture of a prescription bottle for

480214 Ms. Seaton then testified that her trip to Baltimore resulted in her taking hydrocodone to

4818alleviate pain in her left shoulder.

482460 hydrocodone pills with Ms. SeatonÔs name on the bottle. Ms. Seaton

4836offered the following testimony in support of that Exhibit:

4845ALJ: So, Ms. Seaton, this picture of the prescription

4854bottle, can you give me some background on this?

4863When was this prescribed to you? When do you fill

4873it? Who prescribed it to you, and why?

4881* * *

4884A: The original prescription was prescribed to me in

4893August, and it was for my double knee replacement

4902by Dr. Raymond Weiand at the Orthopedic


4910PetitionerÔs Counsel: August, you said, prior to the

4918injury, August of 2020?

4922A: No, Ó 19.

4926* * *

4929ALJ: I think you m ay have discussed this, but were

4940you taking hydrocodone consistently or without a

4947break from that date to the day of your accident

4957and beyond?

4959A: No, sir. I only took hydrocodone when I had

4969excruciating pain. This is not something that I take

4978on a regular , like Ï like if I have pain then I was

4991taking it. ThatÔs why I put Exhibit 1, it will state - -

5004it wasnÔt in my system.

5009ALJ: But is your testimony that at some point after

5019your accident which resulted in your injured

5026shoulder, is it your testimony that you are taking

5035hydrocodone to relieve the pain resulting from that


5044A: That is correct. The night when I returned from

5054the trip, I was in so much Ï I kept waking up out of

5068my sleep because the pain was so bad that I took

5079the pill for it to go to sleep, to go back to sleep,

5092because I did not want to miss work.

5100ALJ: Okay. Mr. Levitt, do you have any cross on

5110that issue regarding this exhibit?

5115PetitionerÔs Counsel: Let me think --- So you have

5124August 2019 for a knee operation, and when was

5133the la st time you took it for the knee operation?

5144Like back in 2019, or as the judge asked, were you

5155continuing to take it?

5159A: I took it around my birthday, July Ï July 28 th of

5172the 2020, I took some then.

5178PetitionerÔs Counsel: For what, for your knee?

5185A: Yes.

5187PetitionerÔs Counsel: But this was never prescribed

5194for your shoulder. Correct?

5198A: No, sir.

520126. Ms. Seaton had left shoulder surgery on February 26, 2021. The post -

5215operative diagnosis notes she had a rotator cuff tear and superior labral


5228Ultimate Findings

523027. PetitionerÔs Exhibit 1 is the only record evidence supporting the School

5242BoardÔs allegation that Ms. Seaton Ñprovided a urine sample and it was

5254reported as a positive test for opioids .Ò PetitionerÔs Exhibit 1 is a report from

5269a labora tory indicating that the urine sample Ms. Seaton provided on

5281October 27, 2020, tested positive for oxycodone and oxymorphone. PetitionerÔs

5291Exhibit 1 is hearsay in that it is an out - of - court statement being offered to

5309prove the truth of the matter asserted therein, i.e., that Ms. Seaton Ôs urine

5323sample from October 27, 2020 , tested positive for opioids .

533328. The School Board did not present a records custodian from the testing

5346laboratory or otherwise attempt to have PetitionerÔs Exhibit 1 accepted into

5357eviden ce under the business records exception to the hearsay rule.

536829. There is no record evidence supplementing or corroborating that

5378Ms. SeatonÔs urine sample was positive for opioids, the allegation specifically

5389pled in the Administrative Complaint. Thus, th ere is no evidentiary support

5401for the School BoardÔs allegation that Ms. Seaton committed Ñmisconduct in

5412officeÒ or that there is Ñjust cause for discipline.Ò


542630. DOAH h as jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties in this

5439case , pursuant to section s 120.569 , and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. 15

545031. The Board is a duly constituted school board charged with the duty to

5464operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the school

5475district of Marion County, Florida, unde r section 1012.22 , Florida Statutes .

548732. The Board seeks to terminate M s . Seaton Ôs employment and has the

5502burden of proving the allegations set forth in the SuperintendentÔs

5512Administrative Complaint by a preponderance of the evidence, as opposed to

5523the mor e stringent standard of clear and convincing evidence applicable to

5535the loss of a license or certification. C ropsey v. Sch. Bd. of Manatee C ty. , 19

5552So. 3d 351 (Fla. 2d DCA 2009), rev. denied , 29 So. 3d 1118 (Fla. 2010);

5567Cisne ros v. Sch. Bd. of Miami - Dade C ty. , 990 So. 2d 1179 (Fla. 3d DCA 2008).

558633. The preponderance of the evidence standard requires proof by Ñthe

5597greater weight of the evidence,Ò BlackÔs Law Dictionary 1201 (7th ed. 199 9 ),

5612or evidence that Ñmore likely than notÒ tends to prove a certain pro position.

5626See Gross v. Lyons , 763 So. 2d 276, 289 n.1 (Fla. 2000).

563834. The allegations of fact set forth in the charging document are the facts

5652upon which this proceeding is predicated. Once the School Board has

566315 All statutory references shall be to the 2020 version of the Florida Statutes.

5677delineated the offense alleged to justify termination in its notice of

5688recommendation of termination, that is the only ground upon which

5698dismissal may be predicated. Trevisani v. DepÔt of Health , 908 So. 2d 1108,

57111109 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005). See also Klein v. Dep't of Bus. & Prof'l Reg. , 625

5727So. 2d 1 237, 1238 - 39 (Fla. 2d DCA 1993); Cottrill v. DepÔt of Ins. , 685 So. 2d

57461371, 1372 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996). Due process prohibits the School Board from

5759disciplining a teacher based on matters not specifically alleged in the notice

5771of recommendation of terminati on. See Pilla v. Sch. Bd. of Dade Cty. , 655 So.

57862d 1312, 1314 (Fla. 3d DCA 1995); Texton v. Hancock , 359 So. 2d 895, 897 n.2

5802(Fla. 1st DCA 1978); see also Sternberg v. Dep't of Prof'l Reg. , 465 So. 2d

58171324, 1325 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985) (Ñ For the hearing officer and the Board to

5832have then found Dr. Sternberg guilty of an offense with which he was not

5846charged was to deny him due process. Ò ).

585535. The notice of recommendation of termination alleged that

5864RespondentÔs urine sample tested positive for opioids. Thus, t he scope of this

5877proceeding is properly restricted to that matter as framed by Petitioner.

5888M.H. v. DepÔt of Child. & Fam. Servs. , 977 So. 2d 755, 763 (Fla. 2d DCA


590536. The following are the key allegations from the School BoardÔs

5916Administrative Comp laint that supposedly support the School BoardÔs

5925ultimate allegations that Ms. Seaton committed Ñmisconduct in officeÒ and

5935that there is Ñjust cause for disciplineÒ:

5942On October 27, 2020, Respondent provided a urine

5950sample and it was reported as a positive test for


5961The use of opioids is a prohibited substance

5969pursuant to County School Board Policy 6.33 I(B),

5977unless the employee can produce a valid

5984prescription and provide sufficient information to

5990the Medical Review Officer (MRO) [ 16 ] so that the

6001te st result would be negative.

6007In this case the Respondent failed to provide a valid

6017prescription to the MRO or otherwise explain her

6025use to the MRO. The test was, therefore, reported

6034as a positive test of opioids. Further, Respondent

6042had not notified her s upervisor about the use of

6052opioids as a controlled substance.

605737. PetitionerÔs Exhibit 1 is the only record evidence supporting the School

6069BoardÔs allegation that Ms. Seaton Ñprovided a urine sample and it was

6081reported as a positive test for opioids.Ò Pet itionerÔs Exhibit 1 is a report from

6096a laboratory indicating that the urine sample Ms. Seaton provided on

6107October 27, 2020, tested positive for oxycodone and oxymorphone. PetitionerÔs

6117Exhibit 1 is hearsay in that it is an out - of - court statement being offe red to

6136prove the truth of the matter asserted therein. See § 90.801(1)(c), Fla. Stat.

6149(providing that ÑhearsayÒ is Ña statement, other than one made by the

6161declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered in evidence to prove

6174the truth of the ma tter asserted.Ò).

618138. The School Board did not present a records custodian from the testing

6194laboratory or otherwise attempt to have PetitionerÔs Exhibit 1 accepted into

6205evidence under the business records exception to the hearsay rule , and it is

6218not subje ct to any other exception pursuant to section 90.803 .

623039. A finding of fact cannot be based on hearsay unless that hearsay is

6244supplemented or corroborated by nonhearsay or evidence that falls under one

6255of the hearsay exceptions. See § 90.803(6), Fla. S tat.

626540. There is no record evidence supplementing or corroborating the

6275allegation set forth in PetitionerÔs Exhibit 1. As a result, the undersigned is

628816 MRO is an acronym for ÑMedical Review Officer.Ò The pertinent portion of Section 6.33

6303defines an MRO as Ña physician with knowledge of substance abuse disord ers and who has

6319appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate laboratory positive drug test results

6331in a confidential manner, in conjunction with an individual medical history, and any other

6345relevant biomedical information to determine alternative medical explanations for positive

6355results.Ò The School Board did not present the MRO as a witness at the final hearing.

6371foreclosed from finding that Ms. Seaton Ñprovided a urine sample and it was

6384reported as a positive tes t for opioids .Ò See § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat.

6398(2020)(mandating that Ñ[h]earsay evidence may be used for the purpose of

6409supplementing or explaining other evidence, but it shall not be sufficient in

6421itself to support a finding unless it would be admissible over objection in civil


643641. With no competent, substantial evidence to support the allegation that

6447Ms. Seaton provided a urine sample that tested positive for opioids, any other

6460allegations based on a positive test result must fail.


6472Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

6485R ECOMMENDED that the Administrative Complaint be D ISMISSED .

6495D ONE A ND E NTERED this 28th day of May , 2021 , in Tallahassee, Leon

6510County, Florida.



6517Administrativ e Law Judge

65211230 Apalachee Parkway

6524Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6529(850) 488 - 9675


6534Filed with the Clerk of the

6540Division of Administrative Hearings

6544this 28 t h day of May , 2021 .


6558Mark E. Levitt, Esquire Matthew Mears, General Counsel

6566Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A. Department of Education

65741477 West Fairbanks Avenue , Suite 100 Turlington Building, Suite 1244

6584Winter Park, Florida 32789 325 West Gaines Street

6592Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

6597Dr. Diane Gullett, Superintendent

6601Marion County Public Schools Desiree M. Seaton

6608512 S outheast 3rd Street 5 Hemlock Loop Lane

6617Ocala, F lorida 34471 Ocala, Florida 34472


6635All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

6648t he date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

6660Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/08/2021
Proceedings: Petitioners Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/03/2021
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from the Clerk of the Division forwarding Respondent's exhibits to Respondent.
Date: 05/28/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/28/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held April 20, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/28/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 05/10/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: (Respondent`s) Closing Arguments for Case 21-000303 Marion County School Board versus Desiree Seaton filed.
Date: 04/28/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 04/28/2021
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 04/20/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 04/14/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for April 15, 2021; 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 04/14/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 04/13/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner's Hearing Exhibits filed.
Date: 04/09/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 04/09/2021
Proceedings: Certificate of service filed.
Date: 04/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 02/11/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/05/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for April 20, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 02/05/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Ex Parte Communication.
Date: 02/04/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/03/2021
Proceedings: Letter to Judge from Respondent Requesting Assistance with Case filed (not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 02/03/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting "Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Initial Order".
Date: 02/01/2021
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/25/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/25/2021
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/25/2021
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 01/25/2021
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 01/25/2021
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Ocala, Florida
County School Boards


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):