21-000432 Ned Bowers vs. Orange County, A Political Subdivision Of The State Of Florida And The St. Johns River Water Management District
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, July 19, 2021.

View Dockets  
Summary: Orange County is entitled to issuance of an ERP for the Lake Ola Circle Drainage Improvements.




17Petitioner ,

18VS . C ASE N O . 21 - 0432








65Pursuant to notice, a final hearin g was held in this case on May 10

80through 13 , 2021 , by Zoom conference before E. Gary Early, a designated

92A dministrative L aw J udge of the Division of Administrative Hearings

104(ÑDOAHÒ) .


108For Petitioner Ned Bowers :

113Keith L. Williams, Esquire

117Keith L. Williams Law, PLLC

122101 Canterbury Drive West

126West Palm Beach , Florida 33407

131For Respondent Orange County, Florida:

136Linda S. Brehmer - Lanosa, Esquire

142Orange County AttorneyÔs Office

146201 South Rosalind Avenue, Third Floor

152Orlando, Florida 32 801

156F or Respondent S t. Johns River Water Management District :

167Sharon M. Wyskiel, Esquire

171Erin H. Preston, Esquire

175Steven J. Kahn, Esquire

179Jessica Pierce Quiggle, Esquire

183St. Johns River Water Management District

1894049 Reid Street

192Palatka , Florida 3 2177


203The issue to be determined is whether the proposed construction and

214operation of an outfall drainage improvement project for a 0.167 - acre project

227known as Lake Ola Circle Outfall Drainage Improvements meet s the criteria

239in Florida Administrative Code Rule s 62 - 330. 301(1) and 62 - 330.302(1), and

254the ApplicantÔs Handbook (ÑA.H.Ò) for issuance of an Environmental Resource

264Permit .


270On December 1 8 , 20 20 , the St. Johns River Water Management District

283( ÑSJRWMDÒ or ÑDistrictÒ) entered a notice of its intent to issue

295Environmental Resource Permit ( Ñ ERP Ò ) No. 154996 - 2 (ÑPermitÒ) , to

309Respondent, Orange County, Florida (Ñ Orange CountyÒ) , for the proposed

319construction and operation of an outfall drainage improvement project for a

3300.167 - acre project known as Lake Ola Circle Outfall Drainage Improvements ,

342and the related construction of an upgradient rock check dam in a swale

355along the north side of Lake Ola Drive (ÑProjectÒ) .

365On February 3, 2021 , Ned Bowers (ÑPetitionerÒ or Ñ Mr. Bowers Ò) filed his

379Petition for Administrative Hearing Involving Disputed Issues of Material

388Fact Re: Permit No. 154996 - 2 (ÑPetitionÒ) challenging the Permit , which was

401refer r ed to DOAH and assigned as DOAH Case No. 2 1 - 0432 .

417The f inal hearing was scheduled for May 10 through 14, 2021, by Zoom


432Prior to the final hearing, the parties file d a number of Motions in Limine

447seeking to exclude issues and evidence from consideration by the

457undersigned, disposition of which are contained in the docket.

466On May 5, 2021, Petitioner filed a Motion in Limine to Exclude

478Engineering Plans or Reports Sign ed and Sealed by Benjamin Pernezny,

489P.E. , on May 3, 2021 (ÑPernezny MotionÒ) . The District filed a Response on

503May 6, 2021. The basis for the Pernezny Motion was, generally, that

515engineering plans had been signed by an engineer -- retained by Orange

527County as the engineer - of - record for the Permit application and as an expert

543witness in this case -- after the April 30, 2021 , deadline for experts to have

558formulated their opinions. On May 7, 2021, the Pernezny Motion was denied

570without prejudice to raise issue s of admissibility of evidence at the final


584Among the more inflammatory allegations made in the Pernezny Motion

594was the suggestion by Petitioner that Mr. PerneznyÔs actions were violative of

606his professional standards of conduct, which Ñsubjects him to disciplinary

616action.Ò As a result of that allegation, Brian Bennett, Esquire , made a special

629appearance on behalf of Mr. Pernezny, and was allowed to participate in the

642discussion of Mr. PerneznyÔs participation as a witness in this proceeding.

653At the final hearing, evidence was received that the prior engineer - of -

667record for the Permit application had retired . As a result, the District

680requested Mr. Pernezny, as the successor engineer, to sign the Permit

691application, which was done on May 3, 2021 . The evidence demonstrated

703that, but for Mr. PerneznyÔs signature, the Permit application was

713unchanged. The evidence also demonstrated that Petitioner was made aware

723that Mr. Pernezny was assuming responsibility as engineer - of - record by

736letter dated Apri l 14, 2021, well prior to Mr. PerneznyÔs deposition, and that

750Mr. Pernezny had fully formed his opinions regarding the P roject prior to his


765Having heard the evidence and reviewed the relevant provisions of

775chapter 471, Florida Statutes, inclu ding , but not limited to , section

786471.025(4), the undersigned finds that Mr. PerneznyÔs act of signing the

797Permit application documents did not make either the documents or his

808testimony unreliable. The act of affixing a signature to plans is not the

821forma tion of an Ñopinion,Ò and so doing did not violate the provisions of the

837Order of Pre - hearing Instructions regarding expert opinions. Therefore, the

848Motion in Limine to Exclude Engineering Plans or Reports Signed and Sealed

860by Benjamin Pernezny, P.E. on Ma y 3, 2021, is denied.

871On May 7, 2021, after the initial denial of the Pernezny Motion,

883Respondent, Orange County, filed a Notice of Improper Purpose under

893Section 120.569(2)(e), Fla. Stat., arguing, inter alia , that Petitioner made

903Ñscandalous and baseless accusations against Orange CountyÔs expert

911witnesses for the purpose of harassing and intimidating the witnesses, which

922purposes are improper.Ò The undersigned agrees that the language used in

933the Pernezny Motion was, at best, improvident ; h owever, under the

944circumstances, which are unusual, it was not unreasonable for Petitioner to

955conclude that the signing of the Permit application documents violated the

966Order of Pre - hearing Instructions. PetitionerÔs unn ecessarily inflammatory

976language notwithstanding, the undersigned does not conclude that the

985Pernezny Motion was Ñinterposed for any improper purposes, such as to

996harass or to cause unnecessary delay, or for frivolous purpose or needless

1008increase in the co st of litigation.Ò Thus, Orange CountyÔs Notice of Improper

1021Purpose under Section 120.569(2)(e), Fla. Stat. , is denied.

1029On May 10 , 2021 , the parties filed their Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation

1042(ÑJPSÒ) . The J PS contained two stipulations of fact , which are adopted and

1056incorporated herein . The JPS also identified disputed issues of fact and law

1069remaining for disposition .

1073T he final hearing was convened on May 10, 202 1 , as scheduled.

1086The Permit was approved under the authority of chapter 373 , Florida

1097Statutes , and the modified burden of proof established in

1106section 120.569(2)(p) , Florida Statutes , is applicable . Under that burden of

1117proof, an applicant for a permit may establish its prima facie case of

1130entitlement to a permit Ñby entering into evidence the application and

1141relevant material submitted to the agency in support of the application, and

1153the agencyÔs sta ff report or notice of intent to approve the permit.Ò At t hat

1169point, the burden of ultimate persuasion is on Petitioner to prove his case in

1183opposition to the p ermit by a preponderance of the competent and substantial

1196evidence and , thereby , prove that the applicant failed to provide reasonable

1207assurance that the standards for issuance of the p ermit were met. Thereafter,

1220the applicant and agency may present evidence on rebuttal to demonstrate

1231that the application meets the conditions for issuance.

1239At the fi nal hearing , Respondent, Orange County, offered Joint Exhibits 1

1251through 32, consisting of the Permit application and the DistrictÔ s Technical

1263Staff Report (ÑTSRÒ) and proposed Permit, which were receiv ed in evidence,

1275and which established a prima facie case of entitlement for the Permit.

1287Orange County also presented the testimony of Maricela Torres, and rested

1298its initial case in chief.

1303Petitioner presented the testimony of Kimberly Buchheit, R.L.S., who

1312possessed the knowledge , skill, education, trainin g , and experience to offer

1323testimony as an expert in surveying; and Daniel Morris, P.E., who possessed

1335the knowledge , skill, education, training , and experience to offer testimony as

1346an expert in engineering . Petitioner also presented the testimony of Davi d

1359Russell, who possessed a degree of knowledge , skill, education, training , and

1370experience in engineering , though his background was primarily in chemical ,

1380industrial, and municipal engineering, with experience in remediation,

1388industrial safety, and wastew ater treatment , none of which are pertinent to

1400the issues in this case . He is no t a licensed Florida Professional Engineer. His

1416only knowledge of Florida stormwater rules was that gained in conjunction

1427with his preparation for testifying in this hearing. H e was no t familiar with

1442the A.H. Questioning by PetitionerÔs counsel and on voir dire elicited no

1454indication of any knowledge , skill, education, training , and experience in

1464water quality or stormwater modeling, and he was, by admission, Ñnot a

1476wetlands expert . Ò For those reasons, Mr. RussellÔs testimony regarding the

1488District Ôs stormwater regulatory standards, water quality, stormwater

1496modeling, and wetlands has been given little weight. PetitionerÔs Exhibits 1,

150737, 38, 47, 48 (minus editorial notations) , 50 through 54, 64 (pages 1

1520through 11), 66 (minus editorial notations), 69 (pages 3 through 6), 71, 91,

1533and 98 were received in evidence. PetitionersÔ Exhibits 31 through 33, and 43

1546were proffered, but not received in evidence , and accompany the record .

1558In rebuttal, Orange County presented the testimony of Benjamin

1567Pernezny, P.E., who was proffered and accepted as an expert in water

1579resources engineering and stormwater management; Julie Bortles, who was

1588proffered and accepted as an expert in water quality testing and analysis;

1600and Brian Mack, P.E., who was proffered and accepted as an expert in water

1614resources engineering, inclu ding stormwater modeling and hydrology. Orange

1623CountyÔs Exhibits 02 - 3, 10 - 1, 10 - 3 through 10 - 7, 10 - 9, 12 - 1, 12 - 2, 16 - 1, 16 - 2,

165318, 19 - 1, 29 - 2, 35, 44, 47 (page 2), 62 (which includes Orange County

1670Exhibit 46 as an attachment) , and 65 were received in eviden ce. In addition,

1684Orange County Exhibits 54 and 55 were accepted solely for the purpose of

1697ruling on Orange CountyÔs Notice of Improper Purpose under Section

1707120.569(2)(e), Fla. Stat. , discussed above, and not as substantive evidentiary

1717exhibit s . Orange Cou nty Exhibit 19 - 2 was proffered, but not received in

1733evidence , and accompanies the record .

1739In rebuttal, the District presented the testimony of Nicole Martin, who

1750was proffered and accepted as an expert in wetland and wildlife ecology; and

1763Cameron Dewey, P .E., who was proffered and accepted as an expert in water

1777resources engineering. SJRWMD Exhibits 1 through 4 and 12 were received

1788in evidence.

1790A four - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed on June 8 , 2021 .

1806The parties requested 3 0 days from the filing of the Transcript to file their

1821post - hearing submittals. The District and Orange County timely filed their

1833P roposed Recommended Orders (ÑPROÒ) on July 8, 2021 , and e ach h as been

1848considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order . On July 12, 2021,

1861Petitioner filed his P RO . No motion for an extension of time to file

1876PetitionerÔs P RO was filed , either prior to the July 8, 2021, PRO filing date or

1892otherwise, as is required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 28 - 106.204(4).

1904Nonethele ss, PetitionerÔs PRO has been considered.

1911The law in effect at the time the District takes final agency action on the

1926Permit application being operative, references to statutes are to their current

1937versions , unless otherwise noted . Lavernia v. DepÔt of Pr ofÔl Reg. , 616 So. 2d

195253 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993).


1963Based upon the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses , the

1973stipulations of the parties, and the evidentiary record of this proceeding, the

1985following Findings of Fact are made:

1991The Parties

19931 . Mr. Bowers resides at 7400 Lake Ola Circle, Tangerine , Florida . Th e

2008property fronts Lake Ola. PetitionerÔs homesite includes Lots 1 and 2 of Block

20218 in the Tangerine Terrace subdivision; the east 30 feet of a vacated street on

2036its western side; and part of a vacated park south of Lots 1 and 2. The

2052Tangerine Terrace subdivision was originally platte d in 1926.

20612 . The District is a special taxing district created by chapter 373, and is

2076authorized by sections 373.413, 373.414, and 373.416 to administer and

2086enforce the ERP requirements for the management and storage of surface

2097waters. The District has implemented these statutes, in pertinent part,

2107through chapter 62 - 330. The District is the permitting authority in this

2120proceeding and issued the Permit to Orange C o unty .

21313. Orange County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida . Orange

2145County is the applicant for the Permit, the activities authorized by which are,

2158except for the rock check dam on Lake Ola B oulevard, to be constructed on a

2174drainage easement in its favor over the eastern 20 feet of PetitionerÔs


2187Existing Conditions

21894. Lake Ola is a freshwater lake located south of Mount Dora, Florida.

2202Lake Ola is connected to Lake Carlton via a culvert passing underneath Dora

2215Drive. Lake Ola is not designated as an impaired waterbody, an Outstanding

2227Florida Water, or an Outstanding National Resource Water.

22355 . Tangerine Terrace is a rural residential area on the north side of Lake

2250Ola. The main road serving the subdivision, Lake Ola Boulevard, has been in

2263existence since the 1940s.

22676 . The stormwater management system that currently d rains to the

2279outfall on Mr. BowersÔ s property serves a catchment area of eight drainage

2292sub - basins with a combined area of approximately 46.3 acres (collectively the

2305Ñcatchment areaÒ) . The area is rural - residential in nature, consisting of

2318relatively large residential homesites, and wooded and agricultural areas.

23277 . The soils in the catchment area consist of Type - A soils as described by

2344the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Such soils are sandy and pervious in

2356nature. Homes, driveways, and roads in the area are impervious.

23668 . Stormwater from the catchment area generally flows south to Lake Ola

2379Boulevard, where it is intercepted by the Lake Ola Boulevard roadside

2390swales. There is a culvert crossing from the north side to the south side of

2405Lake Ola Boulevard, the Cooper Cross - drain, that was installed at or near

2419the time that the road was first constructed. The evidence was not sufficient

2432to determine whether water flows from the south side of the drain to the

2446north, or from the north side to the south . For pur poses of this case, that

2463determination is unnecessary.

24669 . Stormwater from the upland basi ns flows along the Lake Ola Boulevard

2480swales to a point at or near the driveway of the Holstrom property, across the

2495road from the western leg of Lake Ola Circle. At t hat point, stormwater

2509enters into a 15 - inch diameter High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe that

2522is 407 feet in length. The best evidence indicates that the pipe was installed

2536by Orange County in 2010. 1 Stormwater then is directed under Lake Ola

2549Boulevard to a ditch (with one driveway culvert) running along the east side

2562of the eastern leg of Lake Ola Circle. From the re , a 15 - inch diameter HDPE

25791 The permitting status of the pipe is unknown. In any event, there is no evidence that the

2597pipe is the subject of any governmental enforcement or compliance action, and no evidence of

2612a citizen suit for injunctive relief regarding the pipe.

2621pipe carries stormwater to the northeast corner of Mr. Bower sÔ s property, and

2635the northern end of the drainage easement.

264210 . Existing stormwater discharge /outfall facilities on property owned by

2653Petitioner and by the adjoining landowner to the east, Mr. Bloodworth ,

2664consist of a portion of the buried 15 - inch HDPE pipe which empties into an

2680upland asphalt - lined swale running between the two properties . The asphalt -

2694lined swale has, by appearance, accumulated sufficient sediment to support

2704lawn grasses. Water discharged from the southern terminus of the swale

2715flows overland to Lake Ola.

272011 . Wetlands, as evidenced by hydric, organic soils, exist near the end of

2734the existing asphalt - lined swale. The wetlands within the Project area have

2747been mowed and maintained as a residenti al St. Augustine grass lawn. There

2760is some scattered hydrocotyle (dollarweed) that has come up through the

2771St. A ugustine grass, though the wetland delineation was determined through

2782the hydric soils, rather than wetland vegetative species. The preponderanc e

2793of the evidence demonstrates that the wetland delineation was appropriate

2803and consistent with the best evidence, that being wetland soils. There is a

2816wetland scrub community along the shoreline of Lake Ola that is outside of

2829the Project boundary, but wit hin the easement limits.

2838Proposed Project

284012 . Orange County proposes to replace a 22 - foot segment of the existing

2855buried 15 - inch HDPE pipe and the existing asphalt - lined swale, with an

2870underground 18 - inch concrete drainage outfall pipe with a shallow surface

2882swale , three ditch bottom inlets , and a baffled endwall . The remaining 15 - foot

2897segment of the 15 - inch HDPE pipe will connect to the first of the ditch bottom

2914inlets and discharge to the 18 - inch culvert.

292313 . At the point at which it connects to the 15 - inch pipe at the first ditch

2942bottom inlet, the 18 - inch pipe will be eight feet west of the centerline of the

2959existing asphalt - lined swale. At its outfall at the baffled endwall, the 18 - inch

2975pipe will be 14 feet w est of the centerline of the existing asphalt - lined swale.

299214 . The 18 - inch outfall pipe and baffled endwall are to be installed

3007entirely within a drainage easement 20 feet in width along the eastern edge

3020of Mr. BowersÔ s property. Mr. Bowers owns the underl ying servient fee

3033interest. Orange County introduced competent substantial evidence in the

3042form of recorded easements and surveys to establish its prima facie case that

3055it has a sufficient real property interest over the land upon which the

3068activities subj ect to the Permit application will be conducted. The evidence

3080submitted by Petitioner was not sufficient to establish that Orange County

3091was proposing to construct the drainage improvements outside of the

3101boundary of the easement. However, as will be discu ssed in the Conclusions

3114of Law, the proposed P ermit conveys no title, and affects no real property

3128interests . D isputes over the scope, extent, and rights conferred under the

3141easement are left to a court of competent jurisdiction over conflicting real

3153property claims.

315515 . Stormwater from the catchment area into the proposed improvements

3166will maintain the current runoff patterns. In simple terms, the Project

3177(exclusive of the upstream rock check dam) entails little more than enclosing

3189the existing asphal t lined swale with a n outfall pipe , overlain by a pervious

3204surface swale and inlets.

320816 . Water flowing from the 15 - inch pipe in to the 18 - inch outfall pipe will

3227decrease in velocity as the conveyance pipe volume is increased. Thus, despite

3239PetitionerÔs contention that the increase in pipe size is unnecessary, it serves

3251a benefit. In addition, t he termin al endwall for the 18 - inch concrete pipe will

3268incorporate baffles to further dissipate flows. Water discharged from the

3278baffled endwall will then flow overland to Lake Ola, much as it does now

3292from the end of the asphalt swale. There was no persuasive evidence

3304introduced that water discharged from the Lake Ola discharge portion of the

3316Project will reasonably be expected to result in scour or erosion.

332717 . The outfall pipe and associated endwall will result in 0.001 acre s of

3342permanent wetland impact , limited to the footprint of the baffled endwall,

3353and 0.031 acre s of temporary wetland impact from the installation of the pipe

3367waterward of the wetland delineation line. The calculation of temporary

3377wetland impact is restricted to the temporary effects associated with the

3388construction of the outfall structure , and has no relation to the waters to be

3402discharged from the outfall pipe.

340718 . The Project also includes construction of a n upgradient rock check

3420dam to be placed across the roadside swale along Lake Ola Boulevard west of

3434its intersection with Lake Ola Circle. The rock check dam is proposed t o be

3449constructed with relative ly large pieces of rock to an elevation of six inches

3463above the bottom of the swale. The rock check dam is designed to slow the

3478passage of low velocity stormwater resulting from minor rain events, allowing

3489energy dissipation o f the stormwater, and a Ñsmall amountÒ of water being

3502held up behind the dam to infiltrate into the soil, thereby incrementally

3514reducing the volume of stormwater downgradient. The purpose of the rock

3525check dam is not to enhance or promote water quality treatment, or to affect

3539the flow of water in the existing stormwater system during periods of

3551significant rainfall. In higher flow storm events, the rock check dam will have

3564littl e or no attenuating effect on stormwater moving down the Lake Ola

3577Boulevard swale. In no event will the rock check dam increase the volume or

3591velocity of stormwaters through the Lake Ola Boulevard swale, or affect

3602existing water quality in the overall stor mwater management system.

361219 . The proposed Project will not add to, diminish, or change any existing

3626land use , soil types, or impervious areas in the 48.3 - acre catchment area .

3641Except for the rock check dam and the grading of the proposed swale over the

3656proposed 18 - inch outlet pipe, the Project will not change the existing

3669topography in the 48.3 - acre catchment area.

3677Stormwater Permitting Standard and Modeling Calculations

368320 . I n permitting stormwater management systems, or elements thereof,

3694the District is guided by the principle that post - development stormwater

3706volume cannot exceed predevelopment stormwater volume.

371221 . Predevelopment, i.e. , existing, stormwater volumes are those

3721conditions that existed when ERP Application No. 154996 - 2 was submitted in

3734March 2020.

373622 . Petitioner has argued that predevelopment volumes should be

3746calculated based on conditions in the catchment area that existe d as far back

3760as 2010. Petitioner has not, nor could he, provide any authority to support

3773the assertion that existing conditions in an area subject to a permit

3785application are those conditions existing a decade prior. Th us, PetitionerÔs

3796argument is rejecte d.

38002 3 . In order to calculate pre - and post - development volumes, Orange

3815County utilized the Interconnected Channel and Pond R outing (ICPR) model

3826to calculate flows. The preponderance of the evidence established that the

3837ICPR is an accepted and reliable method for determining stormwater flows

3848and volumes.

3850Scenario 1

38522 4 . Ms. Dewey met with Mr. Bowers at his property in June 2020 to

3868disc uss the Project. Afterwards, in order to satisfy certain of Mr. Bowers Ôs

3882inquiries, Ms. Dewey asked Orange County to run the ICPR model using

3894reasonably available data to estimate runoff conditions that existed in the

3905area prior to 2010 , an exercise dubbed Scenario 1.

39142 5 . Ms. Dewey testified convincingly that the Scenario 1 exercise Ñwas

3927really for historical context,Ò and was not an effort to determine Ñexisting

3940conditionsÒ for purposes of the District Ôs pre - and post - development


39542 6 . Much of the testimony and evidence offered by Petitioner concerned

3967disagreements in the model inputs for Scenario 1, particularly as related to

3979elevations at the Cooper Cross - drain and the Holstrom driveway. Though the

3992disagreement s were in inches, differences in inches can affect the dir e ction

4006and volume of stormwater flows.

40112 7 . Mr. Morris opined that the outfall pipe at Mr. BowersÔ s property could

4027not be properly sized without a determination of the full volume of water to

4041be introduced into it. However, Mr . MorrisÔs testimony is predicated on

4053conditions that existed in the area in 2010 and before. It was not based on

4068conditions that currently exist in the area, as is required by the District

4081rules. Furthermore, Petitioner Ôs witn esses did not opine as to a m ore

4095appropriate size for the discharge pipe because they ran no models of their


41092 8 . Mr. MorrisÔs testimony was also based on his conclusion that surface

4123elevation inputs at the Cooper Cross - drain and the Holstrom driveway were

4136incorrectly calculated. As h is solution, he suggested that Ñ all that needs t o be

4152done is for CDM to connect -- correct two points, rerun the model, and we'll

4167see what the real scenario one is. Ò Mr. Morris, however, did not run the model

4183to substantiate his testimony.

41872 9 . Mr. Mack testified regarding the elevations disputed by Mr. Morris.

4200His opinions were based on surveys and methods of calculating elevation that

4212were reasonable and reliable , and led him to conclude that the model inputs

4225for Scenario 1 were accurate, and reasonabl y depicted conditions and

4236elevations that existed in the area in 2010 and before . His testimony is


425130 . Mr. Pernezny testified that , even under Scenario 1 conditions, the

4263proposed 18 - inch discharge pipe will be able to accommodate the flows for the

427810 - year and 25 - year drainage storm events without exceeding the capacity of

4293the pipe. A smaller pipe , matching the existing 15 - inch input, would result in

4308discharges at its terminal end hav ing a higher velocity , and higher erosive

4321potential , while the 18 - inch pipe is designed to result in a decreased ve locity

4337and reduced erosi ve potential at the outfall.

43453 1 . As indicated, Scenario 1 conditions are not relevant to a determination

4359of whether the Permit meets District permitting standards, because

4368Scenar io 1 does not reflect existing or predevelopment conditions in the

4380catchment area or at the discharge structure. Nonetheless, the

4389preponderance of the evidence establishes that the proposed Project, even

4399under S cenario 1 , meets the standards for issuance of the ERP.

4411Sce n ario 2

44153 2 . In order to provide pre development and post - development conditions,

4429Orange County ran Scenario 2 to calculate existing conditions , i.e. , those

4440conditions that existed in the catchment area at the time the Permit

4452application was f iled.

44563 3 . The existing conditions were then compared to the conditions that will

4470be expected after the construction of the permitted activities. The only

4481permitted activities consist of the outfall pipe and baffled endwall at

4492Mr. BowersÔ s property , and the rock check dam.

45013 4 . A preponderance of the evidence, including the ICPR modeling results,

4514establish that the Project will not cause adverse water quantity impacts to

4526receiving waters and adjacent lands because the post - development peak rate

4538of d ischarge will not exceed the predevelopment peak rate of discharge.

45503 5 . A preponderance of the evidence, including the ICPR modeling results,

4563establish that the Project will not cause flooding to on - site or off - site property

4580because the peak stages of the discharge will not ex tend beyond the limits of

4595Orange CountyÔs easement.

45983 6 . A preponderance of the evidence, including the ICPR modeling results,

4611establish that the Project will not cause adverse impacts to existing water

4623storage and conveyance capabilities because the post - development peak rate

4634of discharge will not exceed that of the predevelopment peak rate of

4646discharge , and the peak stages of discharge during a 25 - year, 24 - hour storm

4662event will not extend beyond the limits of Orange CountyÔs easement .

46743 7 . The modeling inputs for Scenario 2 were not disputed by PetitionerÔs

4688experts. In that regard, Mr. Morris testified that he had Ñno issue with the

4702input data for Scenario 2.Ò His objection was limited to the characterization

4714of the Scenario 2 data and , in particular , the 407 feet of pipe installed in

47292010, as ÑexistingÒ conditions. Mr. Russell, in addition to the general lack of

4742weight given his testimony, admitted that he looked only ÑbrieflyÒ and Ñnot in

4755great depthÒ at the Scenario 1 modelin g, and not at all at Scenario 2.

4770Water Quality

47723 8 . T he Project does not propose a change in drainage patterns, runoff

4787volumes, or land uses that would change the pollutant loading to Lake Ola.

4800Soil types and conditions, and areas that are impervious, are completely

4811unchanged from existing predevelopment conditions to conditions that will

4820exist after completion of the Project. There is no proposed change in runoff

4833from the predevelopment conditi on to the post - development condition. Water

4845flowing to Lake Ola in the existing condition is the same as the water that

4860will be flowing to Lake Ola after the Proposed Project is constructed.

4872Mr. Pernezny testified that there would be no appreciable differe nce in the

4885overall hydraulics of the system as a result of the replacement of the asphalt -

4900lined swale with the 18 - inch pipe, and that there will be Ñno change in water

4917quality characteristics between existing and proposed.Ò His testimony is

4926credited. As a result, the preponderance of competent substantial evidence

4936demonstrates that t he Project will not cause adverse water quality impacts to

4949Lake Ola .

49523 9 . Because the Project is not adding pollutants to the stormwater, water

4966quality treatment is not required. Nonetheless, Orange County proposed

4975construction of a rock check dam upstream, which will help slow down water

4988flow and thereby promote infiltration fo r smaller storm events. Increased

4999infiltration, even marginally, will result in more stormwater being absorbed

5009into the ground, and fractionally less traveling towards the point of discharge

5021to Lake Ola. Under no possible circumstance will the rock check d am cause or

5036contribute to any adverse impact to the quality of waters flowing from the

5049catchment area to the point of discharge.

505640 . Orange County has proposed the deployment of erosion, sediment , and

5068turbidity control measures to be utilized during constr uction. Thus, there is

5080expected to be no temporary water quality impacts related to the construction

5092or period of stabilization of the proposed Project.

5100Wetland Impacts

51024 1 . T he Project footprint contains a total of 0.167 acres within an existing

5118drainage easement . The wetlands are defined as such due solely to the

5131presence of hydric soils. The area w ithin the P roject boundaries have been

5145mowed and maintained as a single - family residential lawn dominated by

5157St. Augustine grass , thus , effectively eliminating any beneficial wetland

5166function or value. Although the area in which construction is to occur

5178includes sparse emergence of scattered dollarweed , it is not defined as a

5190wetland due to the dominance of any wetland plant species.

52004 2 . The existing asphalt - li ned swale provid e s no significant value to

5217functions provided to fish and wildlife and their habitat.

52264 3 . Given the lack of existing wetland values in the Project area, t he 0.001

5243acre s of permanent impacts and 0.031 acre s of temporary impacts are not

5257adverse . Thus, Orange County was not required to eli minate or reduce the

5271impacts. Since the Project will not cause adverse impacts and the area has no

5285significant ecological value, mitigation is not required.

5292Secondary Impacts

52944 4 . Rule 62 - 330.301(1)(f) and A.H. Vol ume I, section 10.1.1 , 2 provide that

5311Ñ[a] regulated activity will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water

53232 The Environmental Resource Permit ApplicantÔs Handbook has been adopted as a rule for

5337use by DEP and the stateÔs five water management districts. Fla. Admin. Code R. 62 -

5353resources .Ò As set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, the Project Ð will not

5369cause or contribute to viola tions of water quality standards or adverse

5381impacts to the functions of wetlands or other surface waters .Ò There was no

5395competent substantial evidence offered that the Project will Ñ adversely

5405impact the ecological value of uplands for bald eagles, and aquatic or wetland

5418dependent listed animal species for enabling existing nesting or denning by

5429these species . Ò The Project will not affect significant historical and

5441archaeological resources. Finally, t here is no indication that future phases or

5453activities closely linked or causally related to the Project will result in water

5466quality violations or adverse impacts to wetlands or other surface waters.

54774 5 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence received in

5489this case establishes that Orange Coun ty provided reasonable assurance that

5500the Project will not cause adverse secondary impacts to wetlands and other

5512surface waters as defined in A.H. Vol ume I , section 10.2.7 .

5524Public Interest Test

55274 6 . R ule 62 - 330.302(1)(a) , as supplemented by A.H. Vol ume I, section

554310.2.3 , requires that projects :

5548L ocated in, on, or over wetlands or other surface

5558waters will not be contrary to the public interest, or

5568if such activities significantly degrade or are within

5576an Outstanding Florida Water, are clearly in the

5584public interest, as determined by balancing the

5591following criteria as set forth in sections 10.2.3

5599through of Volume I .

5605What follows are seven listed criteria. Lake Ola is not an Outstanding

5617Florida Water . Thus, the standard applicable to those elements of the Project

5630that are to be constructed in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters is

5645that they not be contrary to the public interest.

5654330.010(4). The A.H. was developed Ñto help persons unders tand the rules, procedures,

5667standards, and criteria that apply to the environmental resource permit (ERP) program

5679under Part IV of Chapter 373 of the Florida Statutes (F.S.).Ò A.H. Vol. I, § 1.0.

56954 7 . The first public interest factor is whether the Project Ñwill adversely

5709affect the public he alth, safety, or welfare or the property of others.Ò The part

5724of the Project located in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters is

5738within a mowed and maintained residential lawn . T he Project will not cause

5752an environmental hazard to public health or safety; is not located in a

5765shellfish harvesting area; and will not cause flooding or environmental

5775impacts to the property of others . A preponderance of the competent

5787substantial evidence established that the Project will meet all w ater quantity

5799standards, and that the Project will cause no increase in water volume or

5812velocity from existing predevelopment conditions. The prima facie case

5821established by Orange County established, for purposes of this proceeding,

5831that the proposed drainage pipe and outfall will be contained entirely within

5843Orange CountyÔs easement. Nonetheless, as set forth previously, and as will

5854be discussed in the Conclusions of Law, d isputes over the scope, extent, and

5868rights under the easement are left to a court of competent ju risdiction.

58814 8 . The second public interest factor is whether the Project Ñwill adversely

5895affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or

5905threatened species or their habitats.Ò There was nothing received in evidence

5916to support a findin g that the Pro ject area is utilized by wildlife , or that it

5933supports nesting or denning.

59374 9 . The third public interest factor is whether the Project Ñwill adversely

5951affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling.Ò

5964The Project is located landward of the waters of Lake Ola and , therefore , will

5978not impede navigability. A preponderance of the competent substantial

5987evidence establishe d that neither the discharge from the pipe and endwall

5999structure, nor the effects of the rock check dam , will ca u se erosion or


601550 . The fourth public interest factor is whether the Project Ñwill adversely

6028affect the fishing or recreational values of marine productivity in the vicinity

6040of the project.Ò A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence

6050established that there will be no impacts to fisheries, boating, or swimming

6062activities on Lake Ola.

60665 1 . The fifth public interest factor is whe ther the Project Ñwill be of a

6083temporary or permanent nature.Ò The Project will result in 0.001 acre s of

6096permanent impacts and 0.031 acre s of temporary impacts associated with

6107construction of the outfall structure. A.H. Vol ume I , section

6118establishes that Ñ[t] emporary impacts will be considered less harmful than

6129permanent impacts of the same nature and extent .Ò Given that Petitioner has

6142maintained the hydric - soil wetlands as a residential St. Augustine grass

6154covered lawn, t here is no signif icant ecological value to the wetlands. O nce

6169the installation of the drainage pipe is complete and stabilized, it will have no

6183impact on the residential lawn. T he ecological effect of the 0.001 acre s of

6198permanent impact is, given the nature of the affected wetland, insignificant.

62095 2 . The sixth public interest factor is whether the Project Ñwill adversely

6223affect or will enhance significant historical and archaeological resources.Ò A

6233preponderance of the competent substantial evidence established that there

6242a re no known historical or archaeological resources in the area. The proposed

6255P ermit also contains a condition for Orange County to cease activities and

6268contact the Division of Historical Resources if any artifacts are encountered

6279during construction.

62815 3 . The seventh public interest factor is the Ñcurrent condition and

6294relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed

6306activities.Ò As set forth herein, the area affected by the Project has no

6319wetland value due to its conversion to use as PetitionerÔs residential lawn.

63315 4 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence received in

6343this case establishes that Orange County provided reasonable assurance that

6353the Project will not be contrary to the public interest as defined in A.H.

6367Vol ume I, section 10.2. 3 .

6374Cumulative Impacts

63765 5 . R ule 62 - 330.302(1)(b), as supplemented by A.H. Vol ume I, section

639210.2.8, establish that an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that a

6403project Ñwill not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts to wetlands and

6413other surface watersÒ within the same drainage basin. The impact s on

6425wetlands and surface waters are reviewed by evaluating the impacts to water

6437quality wetland functions . As set forth herein, the Project will have no effect

6451on water qualit y, and the affected hydric - soil wetlands have no functional

6465wetland value due to their conversion to a mowed and mai ntained residential

6478grass lawn.

648056 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence received in

6491this case establishes that Orange Cou nty provided reasonable assurance that

6502the Project will not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts to wetlands and

6513other surface waters as defined in A.H. Vol ume I, section 10.2.8.

6525Special Basins

65275 7 . Petitioner argues that the Project does not meet the applicable special

6541basin criteria for the Ocklawaha River Hydrologic Basin or the special basin

6553criteria for the Wekiva Recharge Protection Area due to the perceived errors

6565in the ICPR model inputs and results. The argument is largely based on the

6579assumpti on that existing predevelopment conditions for the Permit should be

6590based on those existing in 2010, rather than those existing at the time of the

6605Permit application. As set forth herein, that argument is rejected.

66155 8 . The a pplicable special criteri on for the Ocklawaha River Hydrologic

6629Basin provide s that Ñ[t] he system shall meet applicable discharge criteria for

664210 - year and 25 - year frequency storms. Ò Competent substantial evidence

6655established that Orange County applied those discharge criteria in its ICPR

6666modeling, and th at the data demonstrated that the post - development peak

6679rate of discharge to Lake Ola will not exceed the predevelopment or existing

6692condition peak rate of discharge for 10 - year and 25 - year frequency storms .

67085 9 . The a pplicable special crit eri on for the Wekiva Recharge Protection

6723Area require s retention storage of three inches of runoff Ñ from all impervious

6737areas proposed to be constructed on soils defined as Type ÓAÔ soils.Ò The

6750Project proposed no construction of impervious surfaces on Typ e A soils.

676260 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence received in

6773this case establishes that the proposed Project does not violate special basin

6785criteria for the Ocklawaha River Hydrologic Basin or the Wekiva Recharge

6796Protection Area pursua nt to A.H. Vol ume I I (SJRWMD) , section s 1 3. 2

6812and 13.3 .

6815Plan Certification

68176 1 . Petitioner argues that Orange County failed to provide signed and

6830sealed plans and calculations in support of its Permit application as required

6842by A.H. Vol ume II (SJRWMD) , section 2.3 . The evidence in this case

6856established that the original professional engineer assigned to the Permit

6866retired. Mr. Pernezny, as the successor engineer, was asked by the District to

6879sign the Permit application, which was done on May 3, 2021. B u t for

6894Mr. PerneznyÔs signature, the Permit application was unchanged. Petitioner

6903was aware that Mr. Pernezny was assuming responsibility as engineer - of -

6916record well prior to the final hearing in this case.

692662 . This proceeding, being de novo in nature, is intended to formulate

6939final agency action and not to review action taken earlier and preliminarily .

6952The documents received in evidence at the final hearing were signed , sealed ,

6964and dated as required, and are sufficient to provide reasonable assurance

6975that the project meets District permitting standards .

6983Legal A uthorization

698663 . Rule 62 - 330.060(3), entitled Content of Applications for Individual and

6999Conceptual Approval Permits , provides, in pertinent part, that:

7007The applicant must certify that it has sufficient real

7016property interest over the land upon which the

7024activities subject to the application will be

7031conducted, as required in Section A of Form 62 -

7041330.060(1) and Section 4.2.3(d) of the ApplicantÔs

7048Handbook V olume I.

705264 . Similarly, A.H. Volume I, section 4.2.3 provides, in pertinent part, that

7065an application for an ERP include :

7072(d) Documentation of the applicantÔs real property

7079interest over the land upon which the activities

7087subject to the application will be conducted.

7094Interests in real property typically are evidenced by:

7102* * *

71052. The applicant being the holder of a recorded

7114easement conveying the right to utilize the property

7122for a purpose consistent with the authorization

7129requested in the permit app lication.

713565 . A.H. Volume II (SJRWMD) , section 2.5, entitled Legal Authorization,

7146further provides that:

7149Applicants which propose to utilize offsite areas not

7157under their control to satisfy the criteria for

7165evaluation listed in section 2.0 must obtain

7172sufficient legal authorization prior to permit

7178issuance to use the area. For example, an applicant

7187who proposes to locate the outfall pipe from the

7196stormwater basin to the receiving water on an

7204adjacent property owner's land must obtain a

7211drainage easement or other appropriate legal

7217authorization from the adjacent owner. A copy of the

7226legal authorization must be submitted with the

7233permit application.

723566. Neither the rule nor the A.H. require proof as would be necessary to

7249adjudicate disputes in property ri ghts and boundaries in circuit court.

7260Rather, they require a good faith certification. That certification was provided

7271by Orange County in the Permit application.

72786 7 . Orange County also submitted , along with its certification,

7289documentation , including co pies of the drainage easement and survey ,

7299sufficient to meet the criteria in the rule and the A.H. , that it has sufficient

7314real property interest over the land upon which the Project is to be conducted .

7329That documentation , on its face, established Orange CountyÔs prima facie

7339right to use the recorded drainage easement and , thus , entitlement to the

7351Permit. The evidence submitted by Petitioner was not sufficient, even if

7362accepted as true, to demonstrate that Orange County was proposing to

7373construct the drain age improvements outside of the boundary of the


73856 8 . Rule 62 - 330.350(1)(i), which has been incorporated verbatim as

7398Condition 9 of the Permit , provides that , as a general condition :

7410This permit does not:

7414a. Convey to the permittee any property rights or

7423privileges, or any other rights or privileges other

7431than those specified herein or in Chapter 62 - 330,


7442b. Convey to the permittee or create in the permittee

7452any interest in real property;

7457c. Relieve the permittee from the need to obtain and

7467comply with any other required federal, state, and

7475local authorization, law, rule, or ordinance; or

7482d. Authorize any entrance upon or work on property

7491that is not owned, held in easement, or controlled by

7501the permittee.

750369 . As set forth in the Concl usions of Law, disputes as to property

7518boundaries and rights are to be resolved outside of the context of this


7532Ultimate Findings of Fact

753670 . The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes

7547that neither the rock check dam nor the 0.167 - acre outfall drainage

7560improvement at Lake Ola Circle are reasonably expected to adversely

7570impound or obstruct existing water flow, cause adverse impacts to existing

7581surface water storage and conveyance capabilities, or otherwise cause

7590ad verse water quantity or flooding impacts to receiving waters and adjacent

7602lands. Evidence to the contrary was not persuasive.

761071 . The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes

7621that neither the rock check dam nor the 0.167 - acre outfal l drainage

7635improvement at Lake Ola Circle are reasonably expected to cause or

7646contribute to a violation of state water quality standards. Evidence to the

7658contrary was not persuasive.

766272 . The greater weight of the competent substantial evidence establishes

7673that the rock check dam and the 0.167 - acre outfall drainage improvement at

7687Lake Ola Circle meet all applicable permitting criteria for issuance of the

7699Permit. Petitioner did not meet hi s burden of demonstrating that the Permit

7712should not be issued. Evidence to the contrary was not persuasive.



772973 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

7740parties to and the subject matter of this proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57,

7753F la. Stat.


775774 . Section 120.52(13) defines a Ñparty , Ò in pertinent part, as a person

7771Ñ whose substantial interests will be affected by proposed agency action, and

7783who makes an appearance as a party.Ò Section 120.569(1) provides, in

7794pertinent part, that Ñ[t]he provisions of this section apply in all proceedings

7806in which the substantial intere sts of a party are determined by an agency.Ò

782075 . Standing under chapter 120 is guided by the two - pronged test

7834established in the seminal case of Agrico Chemical Corporation v.

7844Department of Environmental Regulation , 406 So. 2d 478 (Fla. 2d DCA 1981).

7856In that case, the court held that:

7863We believe that before one can be considered to have

7873a substantial interest in the outcome of the

7881proceeding, he must show 1) that he will suffer an

7891injury in fact which is of sufficient immediacy to

7900entitle him to a section 120.57 hearing and 2) that

7910his substantial injury is of a type or nature which

7920the proceeding is designed to protect. The first

7928aspect of the test deals with the degree of injury. The

7939second deals with the nature of the injury.

7947Id. at 482.

79507 6 . Agrico wa s not intended as a barrier to the participation in

7965proceedings under chapter 120 by persons who are affected by the potential

7977and foreseeable results of agency action ; ra ther, Ñ[t]he intent of Agrico was to

7991preclude parties from intervening in a proceedin g where those partiesÔ

8002substantial interests are totally unrelated to the issues that are to be

8014resolved in the administrative proceedings.Ò Mid - Chattahoochee River Users

8024v. Fla. Dep't of Envtl. Prot. , 948 So. 2d 794, 797 (Fla. 1st DCA 2006)(citing

8039Gregory v. Indian River Cty. , 610 So. 2d 547, 554 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992)).

80537 7 . The standing requirement established by Agrico has been refined, and

8066now stands for the proposition that standing to initiate an administrative

8077proceeding is not dependent on proving that the proposed agency action

8088would violate applicable law. Instead, standing requires proof that the

8098petitioner has a substantial interest and that the interest could reasonably be

8110affected by the proposed agency action. Whether the effect would constitute a

8122violation of applicable law is a separate question.

8130Standing is Ña forward - looking conceptÒ and Ñcannot

8139ÓdisappearÔ based on the ultimate outcome of the

8147proceeding.Ò. . . When standing is challenged during

8155an administrative hearing, the petitioner must o ffer

8163proof of the elements of standing, and it is sufficient

8173that the petitioner demonstrate by such proof that

8181his substantial interests Ñ could reasonably be

8188affected by . . . [the] proposed activities.Ò

8196Palm Beach Cty. Envtl. Coal. v. Fla. Dep't of En vtl. Prot. , 14 So. 3d 1076,

82121078 (Fla. 4th DCA 2009) (citing Peace River/Manasota Reg'l Water Supply

8223Auth. v. IMC Phosphates Co . , 18 So. 3d 1079, 1083 (Fla. 2d DCA 2009); and

8239Hamilton Cty. Bd. of Cty. Comm'rs v. Dep't of Envtl. Reg. , 587 So. 2d 1378

8254(Fla. 1st DCA 1991)); see also, St. Johns Riverkeeper, Inc. v. St. Johns River

8268Water Mgmt. Dist. , 54 So. 3d 1051, 1055 (Fla. 5th DCA 2011) (ÑUltimately,

8281the ALJ's conclusion adopted by the Governing Board that there was no proof

8294of harm or that the harm would be offset went to the merits of the challenge,

8310not to standing.Ò).

83137 8 . Mr. Bowers alleged standing based on his ownership of the property

8327encumbered by the drainage easement. This proceeding is designed to protect

8338property owners from potential pollution, water quality and quantity

8347violations, and other adverse impacts caused by permitted activities, impacts

8357that are the subject of chapter 373 and the rules adopted thereunder.

8369Mr. BowersÔs status as the owner of the underlying fee over which Orange

8382County holds its easement, and that the permitted activities will cause or

8394contribute to flooding of his land; impact s to physical structures on his land;

8408deposits of excessive sediments on his land and shoreline; water quality

8419violations in Lake Ola; algal blooms on Lake Ola; adverse effects on wildlife;

8432impairment of boating, fishing , and recreational interests; and an imbalance

8442of flora and fauna, including the rapid growth of invasive plant species that

8455impair the Lake Ola shoreline and its scenic views , meet the second prong of

8469the Agrico test .

84737 9 . Ñ[T] he injury - in - fact standard is met by a showing that the petitioner

8492has sustained actual or immediate threatened injury at the time the petition

8504was filed, and Ó[t]he injury or threat of injury must be both real and

8518immediate, not conjectural or hypothetica l.ÔÒ S. Broward Hosp. Dist. v. Ag. for

8531Health Care Admin. , 141 So. 3d 678, 68 1 (Fla. 1st DCA 2014)(citing Vill. Park

8546Mobile Home Ass Ô n v. Dep Ô t of Bus. Reg. , 506 So. 2d 426, 433 (Fla. 1st DCA

85661987)). Mr. BowersÔ s allegations that the activities are expecte d to result in

8580the adverse impacts described above are sufficient to meet the standard of an

8593Ñinjury in fact which is of sufficient immediacy to entitle [him] to a section

8607120.57 hearing.Ò

860980 . Orange County has standing as the applicant for the Permit . Ft. Myers

8624Real Estate Holdings, LLC v. Dep Ô t of Bus. & Prof Ô l Reg. , 53 So. 3d 1158, 1162

8644(Fla. 1st DCA 2011); Maverick Media Group , Inc. v. DepÔt of Transp. , 791 So .

86592d 491, 492 (Fla. 1st DCA 2001) .

8667Nature of the Proceeding

867181 . This is a de novo proceeding, intended to formulate final agency action

8685and not to review action taken earlier and preliminarily . § 1 20.57(1)(k),

8698Fla. Stat; Young v. DepÔt of Cmty. Aff. , 625 So. 2d 831, 833 (Fla. 1993);

8713Hamilton Cty. Bd. of Cty. Comm Ô rs v. Dep Ô t of Envtl. Reg. , 587 So. 2d 1378,

87321387 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991) ; McDonald v. DepÔt of Banking & Fin. , 346 So. 2d

8747569, 584 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

8753B urden and Standard of Proof

875982 . Section 120.569(2)(p) provides that:

8765For any proceeding arising under chapter 373,

8772chapter 378, or chapter 403, if a nonapplicant

8780petitions as a third party to challenge an agency's

8789issuance of a license, permit, or conceptual approval,

8797the order of presentation in the proceeding is for the

8807p ermit applicant to present a prima facie case

8816demonstrating entitlement to the license, permit, or

8823conceptual approval, followed by the agency. This

8830demonstration may be made by entering into

8837evidence the application and relevant material

8843submitted to the agency in support of the

8851application, and the agency Ô s staff report or notice of

8862intent to approve the permit, license, or conceptual

8870approval. Subsequent to the presentation of the

8877applicant Ô s prima facie case and any direct evidence

8887submitted by the agen cy, the petitioner initiating

8895the action challenging the issuance of the permit,

8903license, or conceptual approval has the burden of

8911ultimate persuasion and has the burden of going

8919forward to prove the case in opposition to the license,

8929permit, or conceptual approval through the

8935presentation of competent and substantial evidence.

894183 . The Permit was issued pursuant to rules promulgated under chapter

8953373 . Therefore, the Permit is subject to the abbreviated presentation and

8965burden - shifting described in section 120.569(2)(p).

897284 . Orange County and the District made the prima facie case of

8985entitlement to the Permit by entering into evidence the application file and

8997supporting doc umentation , and the District Ôs TSR and proposed Permit .

900985 . As to the issue of the hearsay nature of the engineering plans and

9024reports, the nature of evidence that is sufficient to establish prima facie

9036entitlement to an ERP was discussed in Last Stand, Inc. , and George

9048Halloran v. Fury Management, Inc., and Department of Environmental

9057Protection , DOAH Case No. 12 - 2574 (Fla. DOAH Dec. 31, 2012; Fla. DEP

9071Feb. 7, 2013), in which Judge Bram D.E. Canter stated:

908190. When an agency's intent to issue a permit has

9091been challenged, the procedure and burden of proof

9099established in section 120.569(2)(p) provides for a

9106logical and efficient proceeding. The permit

9112application and supporting material that the agency

9119determ ined was satisfactory to demonstrate the

9126applicant's entitlement to the permit retains its

9133status as satisfactory when it is admitted into

9141evidence at the final hearing, and it does not lose

9151that status unless the challenger proves that specific

9159aspects of the application are unsatisfactory.

916591. It follows that the permit application and

9173supporting material submitted to the agency may be

9181received into evidence for the truth of the matters

9190asserted in them, without being subject to hearsay

9198objections. If th ese documents could not be admitted

9207except through witnesses with personal knowledge

9213and requisite expertise as to all statements

9220contained within the documents, one of the primary

9228purposes of the statute would be destroyed.

92358 6 . With Orange County having made its prima facie case for the Permit ,

9250the burden of ultimate persuasion was on Mr. Bowers to prove his case in

9264opposition to the Permit by a preponderance of the competent and substantial

9276evidence, and thereby prove that Orange County failed to provide reasonable

9287assurance that the standards for issuance of the Permit were met.

92988 7 . The standard of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence.

9312§ 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

93168 8 . ÑSurmise, conjecture or speculation have been held not to be

9329substantial evidence . Ò Dep Ô t of High . Saf . & Motor Veh . v. Trimble , 821 So. 2d

93501084, 1087 (Fla. 1st DCA 2002) ( citing Fla. Rate Conf . v. Fla. R.R. & Pub.

9367Utils. Comm Ô n , 108 So. 2d 601, 607 (Fla. 1959)).

9378Reasonable Assurance

93808 9 . Approval of the Permit i s dependent upon there being reasonable

9394assurance that the activities authorized will meet applicable standards.

940390 . Reasonable assurance means Ña substantial likelihood that the project

9414will be successfully implemented.Ò Metro. Dade Cty . v. Coscan Fla., Inc. ,

9426609 So. 2d 644, 648 (Fla. 3d DCA 1992). Reasonable assurance does not

9439require absolute guarantees that the applicable conditions for issuance of a

9450permit have been satisfied. Furthermore, speculation or subjective beliefs are

9460not sufficient to carry the burden of presenting contrary evidence or proving a

9473lack of reasonable assurance necessary to demonstrate that a permit should

9484not be issued. FINR II, Inc. v. CF Indus . , Inc. , Case No. 11 - 6495 ( Fla. DOAH

9503Apr. 30, 2012; Fla. DEP June 8, 2012).

9511Real Property Interest

951491 . A.H. Volume I, s ection 4.2.3(d) provides that:

9524The submitted application must contain one original

9531mailed or an electronic submittal of the materials

9539requested in the applicable sections of the form, and

9548such other information as is n ecessary to provide

9557reasonable assurance that the activities proposed in

9564the application meet the conditions for issuance

9571under Rule 62 - 330.301, F.A.C., the additional

9579conditions for issuance under Rule 62 - 330.302,

9587F.A.C., and the applicable provisions of the

9594ApplicantÔs Handbook. Those materials include:

9599* * *

9602(d) Documentation of the applicantÔs real property

9609interest over the land upon which the activities

9617subject to the application will be conducted.

9624Interests in real property typically are evidenced by:

9632* * *

96352. The applicant being the holder of a recorded

9644easement conveying the right to utilize the property

9652for a purpose consistent with the authorization

9659requested in the permit application.

966492 . Orange County submitted documentation tha t, on its face, and in

9677accordance with section 120.569(2)(p), established its prima facie entitlement

9686to the Permit. The evidence submitted by Petitioner was no t sufficient, even

9699if accepted as true, to demonstrate that Orange County was proposing to

9711const ruct the drainage i m provements on Mr. BowersÔ s property outside of the

9726boundary of the easement.

973093 . The issue for determination in this proceeding is simply whether

9742Orange County provided prima facie evidence to establish a right to use the

9755property on which it intends to construct its drainage outfall . Unlike

9767substantive issues of environmental impacts and public interest over which

9777DOAH has substantive jurisdiction, the issue of property control is simply a

9789matter of whether the applicant p rovided facially sufficient documentation of

9800its real property interest over the land upon which the activities subject to

9813the application will be conducted. Orange County submitted such facially

9823sufficient evidence. 3

982694 . A regulatory agency with jurisdic tion over environmental matters, as

9838is the District , does not have jurisdiction to determine issues :

9849outside an environmental context in light of the

9857jurisdiction to adjudicate all actions involving the

9864title and boundaries of real property conferred upon

9872circuit courts by section 26.012(2), Florida Statutes.

9879And, as noted by appellee, agencies would not, by

9888their nature, ordinarily have jurisdiction to decide

9895issues of law inherent in evaluation of private

9903property impacts.

9905Miller v. Dep't of Envtl. Reg. , 504 So. 2d 1325, 1327 - 28 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987);

9922see also Buckley v . Dep't of HRS , 516 So. 2d 1008, 1009 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987)

9939(An administrative hearing is not the appropriate forum for a property

9950dispute and that a Ñcourt of competent jurisdiction is more a ppropriateÒ) . The

9964permit in this case, if issued, conveys no title, and affects no real property

9978interests. Thus, o nce prima facie evidence of a sufficient real property

9990interest is provided, disputes over the scope, extent, and rights conferred are

100023 Obviously, if the evidence submitted does not, on its face , relate to a proposed project area,

10019e.g., a survey for subdivision Lot A instead of subdivision Lot F, there is nothing to prevent a

10037finding that, on its face, the documentation of an applicantÔs real property interest is

10051insufficient. That is not the cas e here . I t is undisputed that Mr. Bowers owns Lots 1 and 2 of

10073Block 8 in the Tangerine Terrace subdivision, and that Orange County holds an easement

10087over the eastern 20 feet of the property. T he dispute is over subtle differences in the angle of

10106the northe ast corner of the property amounting to less than 1.5 degrees. Accepting

10120PetitionerÔs evidence of the property/easement boundary, the dispute would, on its face,

10132result in a potential difference at the end of the project area of little more than 5 feet in

10151width, with the Project area remaining within the uncontested limits of the easement.

10164(PetitionerÔs Exhibit 38). However, a definitive determination of the line remains within the

10177province of the circuit court.

10182to be left to a court with jurisdiction over any conflicting property claims.

10195£ 26.012(2)(g), Fla. Stat. (ÑCircuit courts shall have exclusive original

10205jurisdiction: (g) In all actions involving the title and boundaries of real

10217property.Ò); Cope v. City of Gulf Breeze and DepÔt. of Envtl. Prot. , Case No.

1023110 - 8893, R.O. para. 50 (Fla. DOAH Apr . 20, 2011; DEP June 6,

102462011) (ÑBecause a dispute over the exact boundary lines of Lot 37 exists, this

10260issue must be resolved in the appropriate circuit court.Ò).

10269Sta ndards

1027195 . Rule 62 - 330.020(2) provides, in pertinent part, that :

10283a permit is required prior to the construction,

10291alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, or

10296abandonment of any project that, by itself or in

10305combination with an activity conducted after

10311October 1, 2013, cumulatively results in any of the

10320following: (a) Any project in, on, or over wetlands or

10330other surface waters; ... or (j) Any modification or

10339alteration of a project previously permitted under

10346part IV of chapter 373, F.S.

103529 6 . Petitioner argues that other ÑthresholdÒ elements of rule 62 - 330.020(2)

10366apply in this case, which would require that the Permit include swales , pipes,

10379and imper v ious and semi - impervious areas installed or constructed in 2010.

10393PetitionerÔs argument requires that conditions existing in 2010 be accepted as

10404constituting ÑexistingÒ or Ñ predevelopment Ò conditions on the March 2020

10415date of the Permit application . They are not.

1042497 . A.H. Volume 1, section 2.0(b) provides, in pertinent part, that

10436Ñ[d] efinitions and terms that are not defined above ... will be defined using

10450published, generally accepted dictionaries .Ò The generally accepted definition

10459of ÑexistingÒ is Ñ in existence or operation at the time under consideration;

10472current. Ò Lexico - Powered by Oxford, available at

10481https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/existing (last visited Jul y 12, 2021) . The

10490existing , or current , predevelopment conditions are those that existed when

10500ERP Application No. 154996 - 2 was submitted in March 2020.

105119 8 . Rule 62 - 330. 301(1) provides , in pertinent part, that:

10524(1) To obtain an individual or conceptual approval

10532permit, an applicant must provide reasonable

10538assurance that the construction, alteration,

10543operation, maintenance, removal, or abandonment

10548of the projects regulated under this chapter:

10555(a) Will not cause adverse water quantity impacts to

10564receiving waters and adjacent lands;

10569(b) Will not cause adverse flooding to on - site or off -

10582site property;

10584(c) Will not cause adverse impacts to existing surface

10593water storage and conveyance capabilit ies;

10599(d) Will not adversely impact the value of functions

10608provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by

10617wetlands and other surface waters;

10622(e) Will not adversely affect the quality of receiving

10631waters such that the state water quality standards

10639set forth in chapters 62 - 4, 62 - 302, 62 - 520, and 62 -

10655550, F.A.C., including the antidegradation

10660provisions of paragraphs 62 - 4.242(1)(a) and (b),

10668F.A.C., subsections 62 - 4.242(2) and (3), F.A.C., and

10677rule 62 - 302.300, F.A.C., and any special standards

10686for Outstand ing Florida Waters and Outstanding

10693National Resource Waters set forth in subsections

1070062 - 4.242(2) and (3), F.A.C., will be violated;

10709(f) Will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the

10718water resources. In addition to the criteria in this

10727subsection and in subsection 62 - 330.301(2), F.A.C.,

10735in accordance with section 373.4132, F.S., an

10742applicant proposing the construction, alteration,

10747operation, maintenance, abandonment, or removal

10752of a dry storage facility for 10 or more vessels that is

10764functionally associat ed with a boat launching area

10772must also provide reasonable assurance that the

10779facility, taking into consideration any secondary

10785impacts, will meet the provisions of paragraph 62 -

10794330.302(1)(a), F.A.C., including the potential

10799adverse impacts to manatees;

10803(g ) Will not adversely impact the maintenance of

10812surface or ground water levels or surface water flows

10821established pursuant to section 373.042, F.S.;

10827(h) Will not cause adverse impacts to a Work of the

10838District established pursuant to section 373.086,


10845(i) Will be capable, based on generally accepted

10853engineering and scientific principles, of performing

10859and functioning as proposed;

10863(j) Will be conducted by a person with the financial,

10873legal and administrative capability of ensuring that

10880the activity wi ll be undertaken in accordance with

10889the terms and conditions of the permit, if issued; and

10899(k) Will comply with any applicable special basin or

10908geographic area criteria

109119 9 . Rule 62 - 330. 302(1) provides , in pertinent part, that:

10924(1) In addition to the con ditions in rule 62 - 330.301,

10936F.A.C., to obtain an individual or conceptual

10943approval permit under this chapter, an applicant

10950must provide reasonable assurance that the

10956construction, alteration, operation, maintenance,

10960repair, removal, and abandonment of a pr oject:

10968(a) Located in, on, or over wetlands or other surface

10978waters will not be contrary to the public interest, or

10988if such activities significantly degrade or are within

10996an Outstanding Florida Water, are clearly in the

11004public interest, as determined by b alancing the

11012following criteria as set forth in sections 10.2.3

11020through of Volume I:

110251. Whether the activities will adversely affect the

11033public health, safety, or welfare or the property

11041of others;

110432. Whether the activities will adversely affect the

11051conservation of fish and wildlife, including

11057endangered or threatened species, or their


110643. Whether the activities will adversely affect

11071navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful

11080erosion or shoaling;

110834. Whether the activities will ad versely affect the

11092fishing or recreational values or marine

11098productivity in the vicinity of the activity;

111055. Whether the activities will be of a temporary

11114or permanent nature;

111176. Whether the activities will adversely affect or

11125will enhance significant historical and

11130archaeological resources under the provisions of

11136section 267.061, F.S.; and

111407. The current condition and relative value of

11148functions being performed by areas affected by

11155the proposed activities.

11158(b) Will not cause unacceptable cumulative i mpacts

11166upon wetlands and other surface waters as set forth

11175in sections 10.2.8 through of Volume I.

11183Entitlement t o t he Permit

11189100 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11200this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11213the Project, as designed, w ill not cause adverse water quantity impacts to

11226receiving waters and adjacent lands . Thus, the Project meets the standards

11238established in r ule 62 - 330.301(1) (a).

1124610 1 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11258this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11271the Project, as designed, w ill not cause adverse flooding to on - site or off - site

11289property . Thus, the Project meets the standards established in

11299r ule 62 - 330.301(1)( b ).

1130610 2 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11318this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11331the Project, as designed, will not cause adverse impacts to existing surface

11343water storage and conveyance ca pabilities. Thus, the Project meets the

11354standards established in r ule 62 - 330.301(1)( c ) .

1136510 3 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11377this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11390the Project, as d esigned, will not adversely impact the value of functions

11403provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface

11416waters. Thus, the Project meets the standards established in

11425r ule 62 - 330.301(1)( d ) and A.H. Vol ume I, section 10.1.1(a) .

1144010 4 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11452this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11465the Project, as designed, w ill not adversely affect the quality of receiving

11478waters such that the state water quality standards will be violated. Thus, the

11491Project meets the standards established in r ule 62 - 330.301(1)( e ) and A.H.

11506Vol ume I, section 10.1.1( c ).

1151310 5 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11525this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11538the Project, as designed, will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the

11550water resources. Thus, the Project meets the standards established in

11560r ule 62 - 330.301(1)( f ) and A.H. Vol ume I, section s 10.1.1( f ) and 10.2.7 .

1158010 6 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11592this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11605the Project, as designed, will be capable, based on generally accepted

11616engineering and scientific principles, of performing and functioning as

11625proposed . Thus, the Project meets the standards established in

11635r ule 62 - 330.301(1)( i ) .

1164310 7 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11655this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11668the Project, as designed, will be conducted by a person with the financial,

11681legal , and administrative capability of ensuring t hat the activity will be

11693undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit, if

11705issued . Thus, the Project meets the standards established in

11715r ule 62 - 330.301(1)( j ) , subject to a determination as to any disputes regarding

11731the boundary to or rights conferred under the easement by a court of

11744competent jurisdiction .

1174710 8 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11759this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11772th e Project, as designed, will comply with applicable special basin or

11784geographic area criteria . Thus, the Project meets the standards established in

11796r ule 62 - 330.30 1 (1)( k ) and A.H. Vol ume I I (SJRWMD) , sections 13.2 and 13.3 .

1181710 9 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11829this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11842the Project, as designed, will not be contrary to the public interest . Thus, the

11857Project meets the standards established in r ule 62 - 330.30 2 (1)( a ) and A.H.

11874Vol ume I, section 10.2.3 .

118801 10 . A preponderance of the competent substantial evidence presented in

11892this proceeding, as set forth in the Findings of Fact herein, establishes that

11905the Project, as designed, will not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts

11915upon wetlands and other surface wat ers. Thus, the Project meets the

11927standards established in r ule 62 - 330.302(1)(b) and A.H. Volume I, sections

1194010.1.1(g) and 10.2.8.

119431 1 1 . As established in the F indings of F act, reasonable assurance was

11959provided that Orange County complied with all applicable standards for the

11970Permit established by rule s 62 - 330. 301 and 62 - 330.302, and the A.H. , and

11987that Orange C ounty is entitled to issuance of the Permit .


12001Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law , it is

12014R ECOMMENDED that the St. Johns River Water Management District enter a

12026final order issuing Environmental Resource Permit No. 154996 - 2 , as

12037proposed, to Respondent, Orange County, Florida , for the construction and

12047operation of an outfall drainage improvement project for a 0.167 - acre project

12060known as Lake Ola Circle Outfall Drainage Improvements, and the related

12071construction of an upgradient rock check dam in a swale along the north side

12085of Lake Ola Drive.

12089D ONE A ND E NTERED this 19th day of July , 20 2 1 , in Tallahassee, Leon

12106County, Florida.


12109E. G ARY E ARLY

12114Administrative Law Judge

121171230 Apalachee Parkway

12120Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

12125(850) 488 - 9675


12130Filed with the Clerk of the

12136Division of Administrative Hearings

12140this 19th day of July , 2021.


12151Erin H. Preston, Esquire Sharon M. Wyskiel, Esquire

12159St. Johns River Water St. Johns River Water

12167Management District Management District

121714049 Reid Street 4049 Reid Street

12177Palatka, Florida 32177 Palatka, Florida 32177

12183Linda S. Brehmer - Lanosa, Esquire Keith L. Williams, Esquire

12193Orange County AttorneyÔs Office Keith L. Williams Law, PLLC

12202201 South Rosalind Avenue, Third Floor 101 Canterbury Drive West

12212Orlando, Florida 32801 West Palm Beach, Florida 33407

12220Steven J. Kahn, Esquire Jessica Pierce Quiggle, Esquire

12228St. Johns River Water St. J ohns River Water

12237Management District Management District

122414049 Reid Street 4049 Reid Street

12247Palatka, Florida 32177 Palatka, Florida 32177

12253Brian W. Bennett, Esquire Ann B. Shortelle, Ph.D., Exec utive Dir ector

12265Bennett Legal Group, P.A. St. Johns River Water

12273214 South Lucerne Circle East, Suite 201 Management District

12282Orlando, Florida 32801 4049 Reid Street (32177)

12289Post Office Box 1429

12293Palatka, Florida 3217 8 - 1429


12311All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

12324the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

12335Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/28/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Michael Kest) filed.
Date: 09/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Response to St. Johns River Water Management District's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Response to Petitioner's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District's Responses to Petitioner's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/07/2021
Proceedings: St. Johns River Water Management Districts's Response to Orange County's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/07/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 09/01/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/19/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/19/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 07/19/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 10 through 13, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/12/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner Ned Bowers' Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/08/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/08/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/08/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 05/14/2021
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Loretta Sloan forwarding records to the agency.
Date: 05/10/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/10/2021
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/10/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/10/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Supplemental Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Motion to Strike Respondent, Orange County's Notice of Improper Purpose under Section 120.569(2)(e), Fla. Stat., and Response to Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude Engineering Plans or Reports filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Strike Petitioner's Late-Disclosed Expert Opinions filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Notice of Filing Joint Exhibits and SJRWMD's Exhibits filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Benjamin Pernezny, P.E.'s Response to Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude Plans or Reports Signed and Sealed by Benjamin Pernezny, P.E., on May 3, 2021 and Notice of Improper Purpose per F.S. 120.569(2)(e) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Brian Bennett) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: (Notice of Filing) Affidavit Expert Opinions of Kimberly Buchheit, PSM Surveyor's Report filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of David Russell (Hard Copy of Deposition Transcript and Exhibits not available at time of filing) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Dan Morris (Hard Copy of Deposition Transcript and Exhibits not available at time of filing) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Kim Buchheit (Hard Copy of Deposition Transcript and Exhibits not available at time of filing) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Ned Bowers (Hard Copy of Deposition Transcript not available at time of filing) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Brian Williams (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Maricela Torres (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Michele Reiber (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Benjamin Pernezny (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Timothy Mosby (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Nicole Martin (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Brian Mack (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Ryan Johnson (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Cameron Dewey (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County's Notice of Improper Purpose under Section 120.569(2)(e), Fla. Stat., and Response to Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude Engineering Plans or Reports filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Julie Bortles (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Deposition of Brendan Brown (Deposition Transcript and Exhibits sent by Fedex) filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's and Joint Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Affidavit of Records Custodian filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Official Recognition.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion in Limine - Engineering Plans or Reports.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Notice of Service of Verification Page to Response to Petitioner, Ned Bowers' First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bowers Trial Exhibit List filed.
Date: 05/06/2021
Proceedings: Orange County's Amended Exhibit List filed.
Date: 05/06/2021
Proceedings: Orange County's Exhibit List filed.
Date: 05/06/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 05/06/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Response to Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude Plans or Reports Signed and Sealed by Benjamin Pernezny, P.E., on May 3, 2021, filed.
Date: 05/05/2021
Proceedings: Motion in Limine to Exclude Engineering Plans or Reports Signed and Sealed by Benjamin Pernezny, P.E. on May 3, 2021 filed.
Date: 05/05/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion in Limine - Expert Testimony.
Date: 05/05/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion in Limine-Real Property.
Date: 05/05/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Abate.
Date: 05/05/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to St. Johns River Water Management District's Motion in Limine to Exclude Irrelevant Real Property Issues filed.
Date: 05/05/2021
Proceedings: (Revised) Petitioner's Motion to Abate DOAH Proceedings until the Conclusion of the Motion to Enforce Amended Final Judgment in the Matter of Bowers v. Orange County, Circuit Case Number 48-2013-CA-004568-O, 9th Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida filed.
Date: 05/05/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Abate DOAH Proceedings until the Conclusion of the Motion to Enforce Amended Final Judgment in the Matter of Bowers v. Orange County, Circuit Case Number 48-2013-CA-004568-O, 9th Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida filed.
Date: 05/03/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Extend Exhibit Deadlines.
Date: 05/03/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion in Limine - 2013 Circuit Court Case.
Date: 05/03/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District's, Notice of Filing Deposition Excerpts of David Russell filed.
Date: 05/03/2021
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Extend Exhibit Deadlines filed.
Date: 05/03/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Amended Notice of Taking Continued Deposition (Ben Pernezny) filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Cross-Notice of Rescheduled Deposition Duces Tecum of Ned C. Bowers filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice of Taking Continued Deposition (Ben Pernezny) filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion in Limine with Conditions.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County's Notice of Rescheduled Deposition Duces Tecum (Petitioner) filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response St. Johns River Water Management District's Motion in Limine to Exclude Expert Evidence filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Response in Opposition to Motion in Limine to Exclude Most of the 2013 Case--Exhibit F filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Response in Opposition to Motion in Limine to Exclude Most of the 2013 Case--Exhibit E filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Response in Opposition to Motion in Limine to Exclude Most of the 2013 Case--Exhibit D filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Response in Opposition to Motion in Limine to Exclude Most of the 2013 Case--Exhibit C filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Response in Opposition to Motion in Limine to Exclude Most of the 2013 Case--Exhibit A filed.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Response to St. Johns River Water Management District's Motion in Limine to Exclude Most of the 2013 Circuit Court Case filed.
Date: 04/29/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District's, Motion in Limine to Limit Petitioner's Experts' Testimony filed.
Date: 04/28/2021
Proceedings: (Re-Notice) Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice of Taking Deposition (Ben Pernezny) filed.
Date: 04/28/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Official Recognition.
Date: 04/28/2021
Proceedings: St. Johns River Water Management District's Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 04/27/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County's Supplemental Response To Petitioner, Ned Bowers' First Request For Production filed.
Date: 04/27/2021
Proceedings: St. Johns River Water Management District's Notice of Service of Verified Answers to Petitioner Ned Bower's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 04/27/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District's Motion in Limine to Exclude Irrelevant Real Property Issues filed.
Date: 04/26/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 04/26/2021
Proceedings: St. Johns River Water Management District's Notice of Service of Unverified Responses to Petitioner Ned Bower's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 04/26/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Response to Petitioner, Ned Bowers' First Request for Production filed.
Date: 04/26/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Notice of Service of Response to Petitioner, Ned Bowers' First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 04/26/2021
Proceedings: Amendment to Notice of Hearing and Pre-Hearing Instructions (hearing set for May 10, 2021; 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 04/26/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Cancellation of Deposition (Hal Collins) filed.
Date: 04/23/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 04/22/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District's, Motion in Limine to Exclude Expert Evidence filed.
Date: 04/22/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District's, Motion in Limine to Exclude Most of the 2013 Circuit Court Case filed.
Date: 04/22/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Cross-Notice of Taking the Continued Deposition Duces Tecum of Daniel Morris, P.E. filed.
Date: 04/22/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Amended Witness Disclosure (narrowed) filed.
Date: 04/21/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County's Notice of Taking the Continued Deposition Duces Tecum of Daniel Morris, P.E. filed.
Date: 04/20/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bowers' Witness Disclosure filed.
Date: 04/19/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Final Witness Disclosure filed.
Date: 04/19/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Witness Disclosure filed.
Date: 04/19/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice of Taking Deposition (Timothy Mosby) filed.
Date: 04/19/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice of Taking Deposition (Brian Williams) filed.
Date: 04/16/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Cross-Notice of Taking Depositions Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 04/16/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice of Taking Deposition (Julie Bortles) filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice Of Taking Deposition--Hal Collins filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice Of Taking Deposition--Nicole Martin filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice Of Taking Deposition--Michelle Reiber filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice Of Taking Deposition--Cammie Dewey filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice Of Taking Deposition--Marciela Torres filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice Of Taking Deposition--Brendan Brown filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice Of Taking Deposition--Ben Pernezny filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice Of Taking Deposition--Ryan Johnson filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bower's Notice Of Taking Deposition--Brian Mack filed.
Date: 04/15/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County's Notice of Taking Depositions Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 04/12/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Amended List of Expert Witnesses filed.
Date: 04/12/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Expert Witness Disclosure filed.
Date: 04/12/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner Ned Bowers' List of Expert Witnesses filed.
Date: 04/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's List of Expert Witnesses filed.
Date: 04/09/2021
Proceedings: Supplemental Response to St. John's River Water Management Districts's 1st Request for Production filed.
Date: 04/07/2021
Proceedings: Supplemental Response to Orange County's 1st Request for Production filed.
Date: 04/06/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Jessica Quiggle) filed.
Date: 04/06/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Steven Kahn) filed.
Date: 03/29/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bowers' Objections and Responses to Respondent Orange County's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 03/29/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bowers' First Request for Production Directed to Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District filed.
Date: 03/29/2021
Proceedings: Petitioners Ned Bowers' First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent Orange County filed.
Date: 03/29/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bowers' First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District filed.
Date: 03/29/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bowers' Objections and Responses to Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 03/29/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner, Ned Bowers' First Request for Production Directed to Respondent, Orange County filed.
Date: 03/29/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner Ned Bowers' Notice of Service of Response to Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 03/29/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner Ned Bowers' Notice of Service of Response to Respondent Orange County's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 03/10/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 03/10/2021
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 03/09/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel (Keith Williams) filed.
Date: 03/03/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Dismiss and Denying Motion to Stay.
Date: 02/24/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Response to Petitioner's Motion to Stay filed.
Date: 02/19/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Response in Opposition to Petitioner's Cross-Motion for Stay filed.
Date: 02/18/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/18/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for May 10 through 14, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 02/18/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Notice of Filing Amended Final Judgment and Related Court Filings filed.
Date: 02/18/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner Ned Bowers' Response to Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Motion to Dismiss, and in the Alternative, Cross-Motion to Stay filed.
Date: 02/17/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 02/17/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for February 17, 2021; 3:30 p.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 02/15/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/10/2021
Proceedings: Addendum to Initial Order.
Date: 02/09/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent, Orange County, Florida's First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent, Orange County, Florida's Request for Production Directed to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner Ned Bowers filed.
Date: 02/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's First Request for Production to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent St. Johns River Water Management District's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/05/2021
Proceedings: St. Johns River Water Management District's Notice of Transcription filed.
Date: 02/05/2021
Proceedings: Letter from Kim Driggers Regarding Requested Information filed.
Date: 02/05/2021
Proceedings: Permit filed.
Date: 02/05/2021
Proceedings: Technical Staff Report filed.
Date: 02/05/2021
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing Involving Disputed Issues of Material Fact filed.
Date: 02/05/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Environmental, Florida


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