21-000436PL Department Of Health, Board Of Massage Therapy vs. Raul Messir Castro, L.M.T.
 Status: Assigned, not set.

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Summary: Petitioner failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent had inappropriate sexual contact with two clients in violation of his duty as a licensed massage therapist.





25Petitioner ,

26Case No. 21 - 0436PL



39Respondent .



46Pursuant to notice, a formal administrative hearing was conducted before

56Administrative Law Judge ( Ñ ALJ Ò ) Robert S. Cohen via Zoom video

70conference on May 4, 2021.


77For Petitioner: Christina Arzillo Shideler , Esqu ire

84Caitlin Rebekah Harden , Esquire

88Office of the General Counsel

93Prosecution Services Unit

96Florida Department of Health

1004052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C65

106Tallahassee, F lorida 32399 - 3265

112For Respondent: Ramon de la Cabad a , Esquire

120Law Office of Ramon de la Cabada, P.A.

1281395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800

133Miami, Florida 33131


143The issue in this case is whether disciplinary action should be taken

155against Respondent Ô s license to practice massage therapy based on

166allegations that Respondent committed sexual misconduct in the practice of

176m assage therapy, therefore violat ing the provisions of section 480.0485,

187Florida Statutes (2014) , and Florida Administrative Code R ule 64B7 -

19826.010(1) and /o r (3), as alleged in the First Amended Administrative

210Complaint ( Ñ Complaint Ò ) in this proceeding .


224On March 11, 2020, Petitioner, Department of Health ( Ñ Department Ò ),

237filed a Complaint seeking discipline against the massage therapist license of

248Respondent, Raul Messir Castro, L.M.T., in DOH Case No. 2016 - 22707. The

261two - count Complaint alleged that Respondent violated section 480.046(1)(p),

271through a violation of section 480.0485 and/or rule 64B7 - 26.010(1) and/or (3),

284by engaging in sex ual misconduct with Patient M.C.R. and Patient E.V.

296Respondent disputed the material facts alleged in the Complaint and

306requested a n administrative hearing involving disputed issues of fact . Th e

319case was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings ( Ñ DOAH Ò ) on

334February 8, 2021, and was assigned DOAH Case No. 21 - 0436PL .

347Prior to the hearing, on April 21, 2021, the parties filed a Joint Pre -

362h earing Stipulation. Where relevant, those facts have been incorporated in

373this Recommended Order. The final hea ring was held on May 4, 2021.

386Petitioner presented the live testimony of Patient M.C.R. Respondent

395testified on his own behalf and presented the live testimony of his expert

408witness, Dr. Jethro Toomer. Petitioner also recalled Patient M.C.R. for

418rebuttal. At the hearing, Petitioner moved to admit the transcript and video

430recording of Patient E.V. Ô s deposition in lieu of live testimony, and the

444deposition transcript of Dr. Wendy Gallego in lieu of live testimony, which

456were admitted as Petitioner Ô s Exhibits 1 and 2. Respondent moved to admit

470the curriculum vitae and case list of Dr. Toomer, which were admitted as

483Respondent Ô s Exhibits 1 and 2 .

491The T ranscript of the proceeding was filed on June 8, 2021. T he parties

506timely filed their proposed recommended order s on June 18, 2021 , which

518have been given due consideration in the preparation of th is Recommended

530Order. References to the Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code

540are to the version s in effect at the time the incidents complained of herein

555were a llegedly committed.


5641. At all times material to the allegations in the Complaint, Respondent

576was licensed as a massage therapist in the state of Florida, having been

589issued license number MA 67269.

5942. Respondent Ô s address of record is 171 7 W est 68th Street, Hialeah,

609Florida 33014.

6113. At all times material to the allegations in the Complaint, Respondent

623was employed as a massage therapist at Shin Wellness ( Ñ Shin Ò ), located at

6394500 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 202, Miami, Florida 33137.

6474. Both E.V. and M.C.R. , Respondent Ô s massage clients, met Respondent

659when they worked at Shin together and received massages from Respondent

670during and/or after their employment at Shin .

6785. Shin was owned by Wendy Gallego , M.D.

686Patient M.C.R.

6886. M.C.R. is well e ducated and has earned her degree in chiropractic

701medicine and a master Ô s degree in clinical nutrition. She is well - versed in the

718mechanics of the human body as a chiropractor and currently teaches biology

730at West Georgia Technical College.

7357. At all times material to the allegations in the Complaint, M.C.R. was a

749chiropractor at Shin .

7538. M.C.R. and Respondent had a collegial relationship with no issues

764while working together at Shin.

7699. M.C.R. sought massage therapy from Respondent for her left - side

781should er area, specifically the trapezius and neck, after sustaining injuries

792from a car accident. Respondent Ô s massages assisted M.C.R. in re gaining full

806range of motion and relieving tension and knots in her muscles .

81810. M.C.R. found Respondent more helpful fo r relieving pain than the

830other male and female massage therapists she had seen.

83911. M.C.R. Ô s massages with Respondent invariably started the same.

850M.C.R. would explain her specific issues to Respondent, which consistently

860included the left - side shoulder a rea, after which Respondent would leave the

874room for M.C.R. to remove all her clothing except her underwear. M.C.R.

886would then lay on the table under a sheet, and Respondent would reenter the


90112. M.C.R. testified that, in addition to massaging her in the various areas

914she specified as needing special attention, Respondent would sometimes

923massage her sternum and surrounding ribcage area by instructing M.C.R. to

934place her hands over her breasts and move them outward so he would not

948inadvertently touch t hem. She said this would allow Respondent to use a flat

962hand under the sheet without making direct contact with her breasts.

97313. M.C.R. testified that she never felt uncomfortable with Respondent

983massaging using this technique.

98714. M.C.R. testified that, o n February 2, 2015, her massage started the

1000same as any other, with M.C.R. undressing to her underwear and lying face

1013up on the massage table, under a sheet.

102115. M.C.R. testified that Respondent massaged her sternum area, without

1031first instructing her to p lace her hands over her breasts. While Respondent Ô s

1046hands were under the sheet , which covered M .C.R. Ô s sternum, he made an

1061outward circular motion with his flat hands several times, grazing over

1072M.C.R. Ô s bare breasts and nipples.

107916. M.C.R. stated she felt uncomfortable , but did not say anything to

1091Respondent at this time because she thought that Respondent might have

1102touched her breasts and nipples by mistake.

110917. Shortly after this, M.C.R. turned onto her stomach. M.C.R. did not

1121place her head in a head r est , but laid her head to one side on the flat table.

114018. While Respondent was massaging M. C.R. Ô s back, she testified she felt

1154something hard brush against her arm. After first assuming it was

1165Respondent Ô s elbow or knee, she opened her eyes and saw Respond ent Ô s erect

1182penis through his scrubs.

118619. M.C.R. testified that she was shocked and froze.

119520. M.C.R. further testified that, o nce the massage ended, Respondent left

1207the room and M.C.R. got dressed. When Respondent returned to the room,

1219M.C.R. said he told her that he had a dream about the two of them and he

1236wanted to make it a reality. Though far from precise or explicit, M.C.R. took

1250this to mean that Respondent was inquiring if she would engage in sex with

1264him .

126621. M.C.R. immediately expressed her disgust with this comment and left

1277the room.

127922. M.C.R. did not receive any future massages from Respondent.

128923. Touching a patient Ô s breast(s) and/or nipple(s), touching a patient Ô s

1303arm with an erect penis , and inquiring Ð even impliedly Ð if a patient would

1318engage in sexual acts , are outside the scope of practice or generally accepted

1331examination or treatment.

133424. M.C.R. testified that she did not immediately report the incident

1345because she was still in shock and needed to process what had happened. She

1359had not prev iously experienced inappropriate sexual behavior from a

1369massage therapist and did not know what to do about it.

138025. Not long after the incident, M.C.R. testified that she first told her co -

1395worker, Julio Dominguez, about what Respondent did to her. Mr. Dom inguez

1407encouraged her to tell Dr. Wendy Gallego, the owner of Shin, about the


142126. M.C.R. next told Dr. Gallego about the incident with Respondent, but

1433Dr. Gallego did not take any action against Respondent at this time.

144527. Dr. Gallego Ô s recollec tion of what M.C.R. told her is different from

1460what M.C.R. testified to at hearing. Dr. Gallego testified that Respondent Ô s

1473asking her out or Ñ a proposition kind of thing Ò was not in the context of a

1491massage. Dr. Gallego tried to rehabilitate her testimony Ô s inconsistencies

1502with what M.C.R. had testified about by repeatedly saying the passage of

1514time had affected her memory of details.

152128. Respondent and M.C.R. continued to work together at Shin after the

1533incident, until M.C.R. left for another job as a pro fessor. However, M.C.R.

1546avoided contact with Respondent during the remainder of her employment.

1556This was possible because her office was on the opposite side of the building

1570from the massage rooms.

157429. M.C.R. decided not to file a complaint with the Depart ment because

1587she thought that Respondent Ô s behavior was directed specifically toward her.

1599At that time, M.C.R. was not aware of any other incidents of inappropriate

1612behavior by Respondent.

161530. M.C.R. became aware of the Department Ô s case against Respondent

1627only after she was contacted by the Department Ô s attorney about testifying in

1641this matter before DOAH .

164631. M.C.R. decided to testify in this matter after she learned that another

1659patient , E.V., had been victimized by Respondent. M.C.R. felt more

1669comfortab le speaking about the incident, knowing that she was not alone.

168132. M.C.R. never filed any criminal or civil complaints against Respondent

1692relating to this incident.

169633. M.C.R. Ô s testimony regarding Respondent Ô s conduct during her

1708massage wa s clear, distin ctly remembered, direct and weighty, and lacking in

1721confusion as to the facts at issue. As will be discussed below, however, there

1735are some serious inconsistencies between her testimony and that offered by

1746Respondent which demand further discussion.

175134. Wh ile some of the specific details described by M.C.R. varied

1763somewhat when cross - examined, the passage of time, four years from the

17762015 date of the alleged incident until she became involved in this case in

17902019, her description of the alleged incident rem ain ed essentially the same.

180335. Prior to the alleged incident at issue, Respondent and M.C.R. had a

1816friendly relationship as coworkers at Shin. No bias or improper motive for

1828M.C.R. Ô s testimony was established by Respondent.

183636. Following what she describe d as an inappropriate massage, believing

1847it to be an isolated incident involving Respondent Ô s desires toward her in

1861particular, M.C.R. merely sought to distance herself from Respondent. M.C.R.

1871did not seek Respondent Ô s termination from Shin , pursue crimina l

1883prosecution , nor did she seek to obtain monetary compensation from

1893Respondent. M.C.R. only came forward to testify against Respondent when

1903she learned that she may not have been Respondent Ô s only victim. M.C.R. left

1918her employment from Shin and retired f rom the practice of chiropractic

1930medicine in 2015.

1933Patient E.V.

193537. E.V. and Respondent first met as coworkers at Shin. Respondent had

1947already been employed at Shin when E.V. began her employment at Shin as a


196238. During her employment at Shi n, E.V. described her relationship with

1974Respondent as collegial and friendly.

197939. At all times material to the allegations in the Complaint, E.V. was no

1993longer employed at Shin, but was receiving services from Shin.

200340. E.V. received multiple massages from Respondent at Shin, and she

2014recalled that Respondent provided her approximately three massages, which

2023she pre - scheduled.

202741. Interestingly, Respondent recalled having given E.V. massages

2035Ñ over 30, over 20 times. Ò Based upon testimony from both E.V. and

2049Dr . Gallego, both by deposition, E.V. recalls only three massages from

2061Respondent, which , Dr. Gallego testified, w ere borne out by Shin records of

2074appointments confirmed by Dr. Gallego. Respondent testified that he was

2084Ñ superconfident Ò that E.V. had been a m assage client of his 20 or 30 times.

2101When confronted with the number being three as reflected in the Shin

2113records, according to Dr. Gallego, he responded that she may have only been

2126counting the times when E.V. was an employee of Shin.

213642. E.V. testified t hat she did not exclusively prefer male or female

2149massage therapists and had received many massages prior to seeing


216043. On May 13, 2015, E.V. presented to Respondent at Shin for a massage ,

2174complaining of lower back and neck pain.

218144. E.V. testi fied that t he massage began normally. E.V. notified

2193Respondent of her issues, Respondent left the room so E.V. could disrobe and

2206lay under the sheets on the massage table, and Respondent reentered the

2218room to begin the massage.

222345. E.V. began the massage f ace down, with her head in the head rest and

2239her arms over her head resting on the head rest. While in this position, about

2254halfway through the massage, E.V. testified that she was in a state of total

2268relaxation. This suggests that E.V. was comfortable and trusting of

2278Respondent, despite being disrobed and alone with Respondent in a

2288vulnerable position.

229046. E.V. testified that i t was at this point in the massage she felt

2305Respondent Ô s erect penis, through his scrubs, rub against her left forearm

2318and then her right forearm.

232347. Upon feeling this, E.V. testified she was Ñ in disbelief Ò and attempted

2337to determine whether the rubbing she felt was something different, like a

2349lotion bottle. However, E.V. knew that Respondent did not wear a lotion

2361bottle around his w aist, and both of Respondent Ô s hands were on her back

2377administering her massage at that point.

238348. E.V. did not actually see Respondent Ô s erect penis, because she was

2397lying down with her face in the headrest, but testified she knew what an

2411erect penis feel s like, based upon, she testified, childhood experiences of

2423abuse, so she assumed that was what she was experiencing during the

2435massage .

243749. Once the massage was complete, E.V. dressed and left the massage

2449room. She did not report the incident to anyone at Shin on the day of this

2465massage. She testified that she did not remember anything else that

2476happened that day because her Ñ memory kin d of shut down or shut it out. Ò

249350. Having previously resigned from Shin after the alleged incident, i n

2505late summer of 201 5, E.V. was rehired by Shin to perform marketing duties.

2519She had not told a single person at Shin about her alleged massage with

2533Respondent from May of that year. She learned that day, after checking the

2546schedule, that Respondent was not scheduled to be in the office. She later

2559learned, from Ñ Karen, Ò a coworker, that Respondent had been Ñ fired for being

2574inappropriate with female patients . Ò

258051. E.V. Ñ learned Ò about M.C.R. Ô s claim of an Ñ inappropriate proposition Ò

2596through the rumor mill at Shin. She never sp oke with Ñ C.R. Ò (M.C.R.) , Ñ a

2613chiropractor that worked at Shin, Ò after learning that she was an other

2626alleged victim of inappropriate behavior by Respondent.

2633Jethro W. Toomer, Ph .D.

263852. D r. Jethro W. Toomer earned his bachelor Ô s, master Ô s, and doctoral

2654degr ees in psychology. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of

2667Professional Psychology and has practiced in the field of psychology since

26781976. He has served as a professor, as a clinical and forensic psychologist,

2691and as a consulting psychologist throughou t his career. He has written,

2703presented , and had his papers published on countless occasions. He is clearly

2715an expert in post - traumatic stress disorder ( Ñ PTSD Ò ), through his work with

2732veterans, professional athletes, and individuals suffering the long - term

2742effects of childhood or other past stress or traumatic events. He has testified

2755in judicial proceedings as an expert in PTSD dozens of times. He is accepted

2769as an expert in PTSD in this case.

277753. Dr. Toomer did not personally evaluate E.V. and , therefore, relied

2788entirely on E.V. Ô s deposition testimony offered in this case, and his

2801interpretation of the therapy notes made by Dr. Sylvia Galvis - Lundstrom ,

2813whom E.V. consulted for mental health therapy. Dr. Galvis - Lundstrom did

2825not testify at hearing.

282954. From Dr. Galvis - Lundstrom Ô s notes, Dr. Toomer learned that E.V. had

2844suffered from two incidents of childhood trauma. The nature of the trauma

2856was that she had been touched inappropriately on two separate occasions by

2868two different neighbors , kn o w n to her, when she was aged six and eleven ,

2884more than 40 years prior to the alleged incident with Respondent . The more

2898specific nature of the childhood abuse was that she had been touched and

2911rubbed on her arms with an erect penis on the two occasions she described to

2926he r therapist.

292955. Dr. Toomer noted that E.V. sought therapy after she lost her parents,

2942another traumatic event, in 2016. She filed her complaint that gave rise to

2955these proceedings on April 6, 2016, after she began therapy with Dr. Galvis -

2969Lundstrom. She te stified she filed the complaint Ñ as part of dealing with my

2984past childhood abuses, and for closure for this incident with [Respondent]. Ò

299656. Dr. Toomer testified that Dr. Galvis - Lundstrom Ô s notes made clear

3010that she and E.V., moving forward, were not goin g to delve back into her

3025early childhood abuses, but were going to focus on personal growth, taking

3037responsibility, self - development , and goal achievement, among other self - help


305057. There is no reference in the therapy notes from Dr. Galvis - Lundst rom

3065that E.V. ever mentioned the alleged incident involving Respondent from the

3076time of the massage on May 13, 2015, until September 3, 2015, after she had

3091returned to work at Shin and learned that Respondent no longer worked


310458. After reviewing E.V . Ô s testimony and the notes from her therapy

3118sessions with Dr. Galvis - Lundstrom, and based upon his education,

3129knowledge, and experience, Dr. Toomer reached an opinion concerning E.V.

3139He opined that, with Ñ reasonable psychological certainty, Ò meaning suffi cient

3151information to form an opinion, Ñ there is sufficient data, sufficient

3162information to suggest that the recall of EV at that time [the May 13, 2015 ,

3177massage] was adversely impacted by longstanding trauma that was

3186unresolved. Ò

318859. Dr. Toomer was unable to provide an opinion as to how E.V. Ô s prior

3204trauma actually affected her recall of the May 13 massage, or to what degree

3218the recollection was impacted.

3222Respondent, Raoul M. Castro, L.M.T.

322760. Respondent testified that he practiced massage therapy in Russ ia and

3239Cuba without ever having disciplinary charges or complaints brought against

3249him. This was neither refuted nor corroborated by competent evidence.

325961. Respondent has had an active license in Florida since 2012 and, other

3272than the 2015 incidents refer red to in the Complaint, has never had

3285disciplinary action taken against his license. There have been no incidents

3296reported since the two complained of here in 2015.

330562. Prior to beginning work at Shin in 2013 or 2014 , Respondent was

3318employed as a massage therapist at Massage Envy for a year , without


333163. Respondent testified that , i n his career as a massage therapist, he has

3345performed hundreds or thousands of massages on hundreds or thousands of

3356clients without incident or complaint, other than th e two incidents from the

3369Complaint giving rise to these proceedings. Over his years as a massage

3381therapist, his ratio of men to women cli e nts was between 50/50 and 60/40.

3396Th ose statement s w ere unrefuted.

340364. Respondent has a partner of 14 years and two chi ldren with her.

341765. Respondent testified that Dr. Gallego fired him at Shin after accusing

3429him of taking cli e nts from Shin for massages he performed outside the office.

3444He denied th e accusation that he ever poached patients from Shin .

345766. Respondent testi fied that Dr. Gallego did not tell him he was fired for

3472two incidents of sexual misconduct.

347767. Respondent employs a specific routine when performing therapeutic

3486massages. Using the same routine allows him to gauge the levels o f muscular

3500tension and pain i n the various areas of the body undergoing massage. With

3514repeat patients, by employing this technique, he learns when to apply less

3526pressure to the same areas as they improve from repeated visits.

353768. Respondent Ô s routine generally begins with the client lying face down

3550on the table with the client Ô s arms at his or her side , under the sheet, which

3568is tucked in. When the client is face up, men generally p lace their hands over

3584their abdomens while women generally p lace their hands over their breasts.

359669. Dur ing the facedown part of the massage, E.V. testified that her arms

3610were straight out over her head like a person would hold her arms if he or she

3627were being robbed. E.V. testified that this was the position her arms were in

3641when she felt his erect pen i s ru bbing against first one, then the other , arm.

365870. Respondent testified that in his 15 years of performing massages, he

3670has never asked a client to place his or her arms straight over his or her head

3687as suggested by E.V. That would be an inappropriate way to massage the

3700neck and back because the muscles would be tensed rather than relaxed.

3712Respondent Ô s testimony on this point is credited.

372171. Respondent testified that he never had an erect penis during any

3733massage at any time, whether in the case of E.V. or M.C.R. or any former or

3749subsequent clients . He never learned about the complaints of E.V. and

3761M.C.R. until he received the Complaint from the Department in 2016.

377272. Respondent testified that he was at a high point in his life personally,

3786with his partner pregnant with their second child and his massage practice

3798going so well, when he received the news of the complaint from E.V. He did

3813not learn about the complaint from M.C.R. until the time of his first

3826deposition in 2019.

382973. Respondent gave at least 30 massages to M.C.R. while the two of them

3843worked together at Shin. She had chronic issues, especially on her left side,

3856and she was quite satisfied with the therapy given to her aches and pains by

3871Respondent. He described their relationship as a Ñ co - worker relationship. Ò In

3885addition to receiving massages from Respondent , M.C.R. advised him on how

3896to go about trying to revalidate his chiropractic license in Florida.

390774. Respondent denied ever starting his massages with M.C.R. with her

3918lying face up, because that was not his practice. Moreover, he never

3930massaged any client Ô s sternum , because he worked only on her upper chest

3944and neck, not below there , on or around the sternum. His practice was not to

3959remove the sheet that covered his female clients Ô breasts. H e testified that

3973the only way he could work on her as she described would have been to reach

3989under the sheets, then reach between her breasts, without observing what he

4001was doing, to rub the area around her sternum. He testified Ñ this would be

4016exposing the breasts and that cannot be done. You can Ô t do that. Ò

403175. Respondent forcefully denied that he ever grazed or rubbed M.C.R. Ô s

4044nipples or rubbed his erect penis against her.

405276. Respondent admitted that he told M.C.R., after a massage when she

4064was fully dre ssed , that he had a dream about her leaving the center (Shin) to

4080establish her own chiropractic practice and thereby rea liz ing her dreams. He

4093told her he also dreamed of getting his own license and of her helping him

4108revalidate his license. He denies ever asking her to have an affair or to fulfill

4123a sex dream of some sort.

412977. Respondent testified that he became a massage therapist because, as

4140an athlete, he had suffered injuries, and wanted to help others who had

4153suffered similar sports - related injuries to recover.

416178. Respondent testified he has suffered emotionally, economically, and in

4171his interaction with his clients from the allegations against him. He has

4183stopped the process of trying to revalidate his chiropractic license because of

4195these proceeding s hanging over him.

420179. Respondent agrees that the massage therapist - client relationship

4211requires trust.

421380. No criminal proceedings were initiated by a law enforcement agency

4224nor were any civil actions brought by M.C.R. or E.V. against Respondent.


42428 1 . DOAH has personal and subject matter jurisdiction in this proceeding

4255pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1) , Florida Statutes .

42648 2 . This is a proceeding whereby the Department seeks to revoke

4277Respondent Ô s license to practice massage th erapy . Petitioner has the burden

4291of proving the allegations in its Complaint by clear and convincing evidence.

4303Reich v. Dep Ô t of Health , 973 So. 2d 1233, 1235 (Fla. 4th DCA 2008) (citing

4320Dep Ô t of Banking & Fin. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 933

4337( Fla. 1996)); and Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987). As stated

4352by the Supreme Court of Florida:

4358[C]lear and convincing evidence requires that the

4365evidence must be found to be credible; the facts to

4375which the witnesses testify must be distinct ly

4383remembered; the testimony must be precise and

4390lacking in confusion as to the facts at issue. The

4400evidence must be of such a weight that it produces

4410in the mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or

4422conviction, without hesitancy, as to the truth of the

4431a llegations sought to be established.

4437In re Henson , 913 So. 2d 579, 590 (Fla. 2005) (quoting Slomowitz v. Walker ,

4451429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)). This burden of proof may be met

4467where the evidence is in conflict; however, Ñ it seems to preclude e vidence that

4482is ambiguous. Ò Westinghouse Elec. Corp. v. Shuler Bros. , 590 So. 2d 986, 988

4496(Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

45008 3 . Because the regulation of health professions and occupations,

4511section 456.072(1)(v), Florida Statutes, authorizes suspension or revocation of

4520a professional license, it is penal in nature and must be strictly construed in

4534favor of the licensed professional . Breesmen v. Dep Ô t of Prof Ô l Reg., Bd. of

4552Med. , 567 So. 2d 469, 471 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990); Munch v. Dep Ô t of Prof Ô l Reg.,

4572Div. of Real Estate , 592 So. 2d 1136, 1143 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992).

45858 4 . A hearing involving disputed issues of material fact under

4597section 120.57(1) is a de novo hearing, and Petitioner Ô s initial action carries

4611no presumption of correctness. § 120.57(1)(k), Fla. Stat.; Moore v. D ep Ô t of

4626HRS , 596 So. 2d 759 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992).

46358 5 . The grounds proving Petitioner Ô s assertion that Respondent Ô s license

4650should be disciplined must be those specifically alleged in the Complaint. See,

4662e.g., Trevisani v. Dep Ô t of Health , 908 So. 2d 1108 (F la. 1st DCA 2005); Kinney

4680v. Dep Ô t of State , 501 So. 2d 129 (Fla. 5th DCA 1987); and Hunter v. Dep Ô t of

4701Prof Ô l Reg. , 458 So. 2d 842 (Fla. 2d DCA 1984).

47138 6 . Due process prohibits the Department from taking disciplinary action

4725against a licensee based on mat ters not specifically alleged in the charging

4738instrument, unless those matters have been tried by consent. See Shore Vill.

4750Prop. Owners Ô Ass Ô n v. Dep Ô t of Envtl. Prot. , 824 So. 2d 208, 210 (Fla. 4th DCA

47712002); and Delk v. Dep Ô t of Prof Ô l Reg. , 595 So. 2d 9 66, 967 (Fla. 5th DCA


47938 7 . Section 480.046(1)(p) provides that a massage therapist is subject to

4806discipline for violatin g any provision of chapter 480 or chapter 456, or the

4820rules adopted pursuant thereto.

48248 8 . Section 480.0485 prohibits sexual miscon duct in the practice of

4837massage therapy and states , in relevant part:

4844The massage therapist - patient relationship is

4851founded on mutual trust. Sexual misconduct in the

4859practice of massage therapy means violation of the

4867massage therapist - patient relationship through

4873which the massage therapist uses that relationship

4880to induce or attempt to induce the patient to

4889engage, or to engage or attempt to engage the

4898patient, in sexual activity outside the scope of

4906practice or the scope of generally accepted

4913examination or treatment of the patient.

49198 9 . Rule 64B7 - 26.010(1) and/or (3) absolutely prohibits sexual activity by

4933any person or persons in a massage establishment and provides that no

4945licensed massage therapist shall Ñ use the therapist - client relationship to

4957engage in sexual activity with any client or to m ake arrangements to engage

4971in sexual activity with any client. Ò

497890 . Rule 64B7 - 26.010(4) defines sexual activity as:

4988[A]ny direct or indirect physical contact by any

4996person or between persons which is intended to

5004e rotically stimulate either person or both or which

5013is likely to cause such stimulation and includes

5021sexual intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus,

5025masturbation, or anal intercourse. For purposes of

5032this subsection, masturbation means the

5037manipulation of any bo dy tissue with the intent to

5047cause sexual arousal. As used herein, sexual

5054activity can involve the use of any device or object

5064and is not dependent on whether penetration,

5071orgasm, or ejaculation has occurred.

50769 1 . There are several discrepancies between th e testimony of E.V. and

5090Respondent. First, E.V. testified, when lying face down on the massage table

5102with her face in the Ñ donut, Ò her hands were up in the air as if she were being

5122robbed at gunpoint. Respondent testified that he never massaged an

5132individu al whose hands were in that position, because their neck and upper

5145back muscles would be tensed which renders massage impossible to perform

5156and makes a therapeutic result difficult. Next, E.V. said she felt Respondent Ô s

5170erect penis rub against first one ar m, then the other, as he moved around the

5186table while she was face down, yet she was unable to observe that what she

5201felt was, indeed , Respondent Ô s penis. She testified that she relied on her

5215memory of childhood abuses at the hands of male neighbors who ru bbed their

5229penises against her arms more than 40 years previously as her recollection of

5242what such rubbing felt like. Respondent strenuously denied having an

5252erection or inappropriately rubbing against E.V. in any manner. Moreover ,

5262E.V. (and her boss at Sh in, Dr. Gallego through records not produced as

5276hearing exhibits) recalled having only two to three massages by Respondent,

5287with the final one being whe n he allegedly improperly rubbed against her.

5300Respondent testified he was Ñ superconfident Ò that he massa ged E.V. 20 to 30

5315times. Finally, and equally inexplicable, was the fact that E.V. went back to

5328work at Shin, the place where she testified she had been sexually abused by

5342Respondent. When she returned to work there, she was not aware that

5354Respondent had b een let go by Dr. Gallego, whether it was for poaching

5368clients or due to M.C.R. Ô s alleged incident. If she was so traumatized by

5383Respondent Ô s actions, why would she want to work where, as far as she knew,

5399he was still on staff as a massage therapist? That question remains

5411unanswered and creates doubt in the undersigned as to the accuracy of E.V. Ô s

5426recollections .

542892. The discrepancies in E.V. Ô s and Respondent Ô s testimony concerning the

5442behavior of each are so great as to render the entire alleged incident a s

5457having occurred in parallel universes. Dr. Toomer Ô s explanation that E.V.

5469never dealt with her childhood abuse by two males as a Ñ triggering event Ò for

5485her PTSD flashback further calls the evidence offered by E.V. against

5496Respondent into question. The re sult in the eyes of the undersigned is that

5510the Department failed to prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that

5521Respondent acted inappropriately when massaging E.V.

552793. M.C.R., on the contrary, was a more compelling witness for the

5539Department Ô s case. Sh e was articulate, confident in her testimony, and,

5552because she was a chiropractor, exhibited an understanding of the body and

5564how it responds to massage at an expert level. However, significant

5575discrepancies also arose between her testimony and that given by


558694. M.C.R. described Respondent as an Ñ excellent Ò massage therapist who

5598was well - educated and understood the human body well enough to give her

5612relief from her chronic issues. She never felt uncomfortable with her

5623massages with Respondent un til the day of the alleged incident, February 2,

56362015. Here is where the discrepancies in the testimony of M.C.R. and

5648Respondent come into play. M.C.R. said that the massage started with her

5660face up. Respondent said he started the massage, as was his pract ice , with

5674her lying face down. M.C.R. said Respondent put his hands under the sheet

5687while she was face down to massage around her sternum and rib cage, while

5701Respondent said he never reached under the sheets to massage an area with

5714her or any other client . M.C.R. said Respondent rubbed his hands across her

5728nipple area, something he had never done before, and he completely denied

5740this ever happened at any time. Then, she testified, he asked her to flip over

5755while he held up the sheets slightly for her privac y. After she had turned over

5771is whe n M.C.R. said Respondent rubbed something hard against her arm

5783while working on her back. She testified that she then looked, thinking it

5796might have been his elbow rubbing against her. This is where she said she

5810saw Respo ndent had an erection , which she could see through his scrubs. She

5824further testified he then rubbed or brushed against her. He then finished the

5837massage, she said, and left the room so she could get dressed. Respondent

5850denied both that he had an erection o r that he ever rubbed against M.C.R. in

5866any inappropriate way.

586995. After she was dressed, Respondent came back into the massage room

5881where she said Ñ he kind of propositioned me for an affair. Ò This quote, in and

5898of itself, creates substantial doubt for the undersigned. She testified that

5909Respondent said he Ñ had a dream about us and I would like to make it a

5926reality. Ò She said she told him they each had spouses and she was not

5941interested. His version of the exchange was that he had a dream about the

5955two of t hem realizing their dreams, hers being opening her own chiropractic

5968office and his being revalidating his chiropractic license. She testified that

5979Respondent acted Ñ very unprofessionally, Ò Ñ but he never blocked the exit. Ò

5993She got around him and just left t he office. She reported this , first, to Julio

6009Dominguez, then to Dr. Gallego, but could not recall how soon after the

6022massage she said anything . The credible evidence is that no action was taken

6036against Respondent by his employer, the Department, or anyone else at that

6048time, as a result of the reported incident by M.C.R. She never heard anything

6062from the Department about an action against Respondent until 2019, after

6073the incident involving E.V. was reported. In her deposition offered in lieu of

6086live testimo ny at hearing, Dr. Gallego Ô s recollection of M.C.R. Ô s incident was

6102that she was told Respondent wanted to meet her outside the office Ñ to go to a

6119hotel or something like this. Ò She could not recall if this happened in the

6134course of a massage or elsewhere i n the office. When asked about the

6148inappropriate touching during massage, she stated that she thought M.C.R.

6158had received massages at Shin, but was not aware of any specifics , and

6171specifically had no recollection of having been advised of any inappropriate

6182touching . She also testified at her deposition in 2019 that she could not recall

6197much in the way of details about the incident involving M.C.R. , or even

6210whether M.C.R. had regularly received massages from Respondent. Her lack

6220of memory in 2019 , along with the fact she was not even called upon to testify

6236at hearing in 2021 , substantially reduce her credibility as a witness in

6248support of M.C.R. Ô s testimony.

625496 . The lack of corroborating evidence from Dr. Gallego , who had

6266supposedly been told of the incident by M.C.R. , due to her memory fails at the

6281time of her deposition, compounded by the discrepancies in how M.C.R.

6292described , versus how Respondent described , his manner of performing

6301massages on her, make the evidence against Respondent les s than clear and

6314c onvincing. Therefore, the Department has failed to meet its burden of

6326proving that Respondent violated his duty as a massage therapist. His telling

6338M.C.R. about his dream of her may have made her feel uncomfortable so

6351closely following a massage , and may h ave been poor judgment on his part by

6366bringing it up at a time and in a place so near to the massage therapist - client

6384relationship of a massage that had just ended . However, his version

6396regarding the two of them following their separate dreams versus her

6407i nterpretation of his dream as seeking a sexual liaison create a degree of

6421doubt that takes any discuss ion of the dream as a request for sex well beyond

6437the clear and convincing standard required to prove any wrongdoing by

6448Respondent . While having a discuss ion with a client about a dream involving

6462the client is inadvisable for a ny professional who engages in as intimate a

6476form of therapy as massage , the Department has failed to meet its burden, by

6490clear and convincing evidence, that a violation of the above - cited statutes and

6504rules has occurred.


6509Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

6522R ECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Health,

6535Board of Medicine, finding that there is no clear and convin cing proof of

6549violations by R espondent and , consequently, that Respondent be allowed to

6560continue as a licensed massage therapist.

6566D ONE A ND E NTERED this 4th day of August , 2021 , in Tallahassee, Leon

6581County, Florida.



6589Administrative Law J udge

65931230 Apalachee Parkway

6596Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6601(850) 488 - 9675


6606Filed with the Clerk of the

6612Division of Administrative Hearings

6616this 4th day of August , 2021 .


6628Christina Arzillo Shideler, Esquire Ramon de la Cabada, Esquire

6637Caitlin Rebekah Harden, Esquire Law Offices of Ramon de la Cabada, P.A.

6649Office of the General Counsel 1395 Brickell Avenue , Suite 800

6659Prosecution Services Unit Miami, Florida 33131

6665Florida Department of Health

66694052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C65 Kama Monroe, J . D . , Exec utive Director

6684Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265 Board of Massage T herapy

6694Florida Department of Health

6698Louise St. Laurent, Gen eral Counsel 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C 06

6711Office of the General Counsel Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3257

6721Florida Departme nt of Health

67264052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C65

6732Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265


6748All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

6761the date of this Recommended Order. Any e xceptions to this Recommended

6773Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/06/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/14/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 12/14/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/14/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/14/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/14/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/14/2021
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/07/2021
Proceedings: Order Reopening File. CASE REOPENED.
Date: 12/07/2021
Proceedings: Order (Granting Motion for Referral to the Division of Administrative Hearings) filed by Petitioner.
Date: 12/03/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Finding of Material Facts in Dispute and Referral to Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 12/03/2021
Proceedings: Order filed.
Date: 08/20/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Motion for Finding of Material Facts in Dispute & Referral to Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 08/04/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/04/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/04/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 4, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/18/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/18/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/08/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 05/04/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/04/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibit "B" filed.
Date: 05/04/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 04/29/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibit "A" filed.
Date: 04/29/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 04/28/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibits to Transcript filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 04/27/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 04/27/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 04/21/2021
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/19/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude Opinions of Dr. Jethro Toomer.
Date: 04/19/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude Opinions of Dr. Jethro Toomer filed.
Date: 04/14/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude Opinions of Dr. Jethro Toomer filed.
Date: 04/08/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude Polygraph Evidence.
Date: 04/08/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude Polygraph Evidence filed.
Date: 04/05/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude Polygraph Evidence filed.
Date: 03/22/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Caitlin Harden) filed.
Date: 03/05/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 03/05/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition via Zoom Video Teleconference (Castro) filed.
Date: 03/05/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition via Zoom Video Teleconference (Toomer) filed.
Date: 03/05/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition via Zoom Video Teleconference (Palmatier) filed.
Date: 02/25/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/25/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for May 4, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 02/19/2021
Proceedings: Unopposed Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/12/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: First Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 02/08/2021
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Hialeah, Florida
Department of Health


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):