21-000442MTR Armando R. Payas, As Guardian Ad Litem For E.R., A Minor, Jennett Camacho, Individually And On Behalf Of E.R., A Minor vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioners showed, by clear and convincing evidence, that AHCA's Medicaid lien should be reduced, pursuant to pro rata allocation.







49Petitioners ,

50vs. Case No. 21 - 0442MTR



66Respondent .



73Pursuant to notice, a hearing was conducted by Zoom Conference in this

85case , pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2020), 1 on

97April 13, 2021, before Administra tive Law Judge ("ALJ") Cathy M. Sellers.


113For Petitioner: Carlos R. Diez - Arguilles, Esquire

121Maria D. Tejedor, Esquire

125Diez - Arguilles & Tejedor

130505 North Mills Avenue

134Orlando, Florida 32803

137For Respondent: Alexander R. Boler, Esquire

1432073 Summit Lakes Drive, Suite 300

149Tallahassee, Florida 32317

1521 All references to chapter 120 are to the 2020 codification.


171The issue to be determined is the amount to be paid , pursuant to

184section 409.910(17)(b), Florida Statutes, from the proceeds of a third - party

196settlement, in full satisfaction of the agency's Medicaid lien . 2


211On March 24, 2021, Petitioner Armando Payas, as Guardian Ad Litem for

223E.R., and Petitioner Jenne t t Camacho, indiv idually and on behalf of E.R.,

237filed an Amended P etition for Hearing to Allocate the Settlement Recovery

249and Reduce the Amount of the Lien Asserted by the Agency for Health Care

263Administration (Medicaid), to determine the amount to be paid to

273Respondent, t he Agency for Health Care Administration ("AHCA") , in full

286satisfaction of the Medicaid lien that AHCA has asserted against E.R.Ôs

297confidential settlement in a medical malpractice action .

305A Protective Order was entered on April 13, 2020, keeping confiden tial

317Petitioners ' Exhibit No. 2, as required by the third - party settlement

330agreement ; and Petitioners ' Exhibit Nos. 3, 4 , and 10, and Respondent's

342Exhibit A, which contain personal health information protected from

351disclosure by federal law.

355The final he aring was scheduled for, and held on , April 13, 2020.

368Petitioners presented the testimony of Maria D. Tejedor and Todd E.

379Copeland . Petitioners' Exhibit Nos. 1 and 4 were admitted i nto evidence

3922 All references to chapter 40 9 are to the 2020 version, which was in effect at the time that

412the underlying third - party medical malpractice case settled. AHCA's right to reimbursement

425from third - party benefits vests when the third - party settlement agreement is executed . The

442date on wh ich AHCA's right to reimbursement vests, in turn , determines the version of

457section 409.910 that applies in proceedings to determine the portion of the

469third - party settlement payable to AHCA in satisfaction of its Medicaid lien . See Julio Cesar

486Cabrera v. Ag. for Health Care Admin ., 2021 WL 1152328 , at *2 (Fla. 1st DCA Mar. 26,

5042021); Eady v. State , Ag. for Health Care Admin. , 279 So. 3d 124 9, 1250 n.1 (Fla. 1st DCA

5232019) (citing Suarez v. Port Charlotte HMA, LLC , 171 So. 3d 740 (Fla. 2d DCA 2015)) .

540without objection; Petitioners ' E xhibit Nos. 2, 3, and 10 were admitted into

554evidence over objection ; and official recognition was taken of Petitioners '

565Exhibit Nos. 5 through 9. AHCA did not present witnesses or tender exhibits

578for admission into the record.

583The one - volume Transcript was filed at the Division of Administrative

595Hearings (" DOAH ") on April 30, 2021. T he parties timely fi led their P roposed

612F inal O rders ("PFOs") on May 10, 2021. B oth PFOs have been duly

629considered in preparing this Final Order.


641The Parties

6431. Petitioner Armando R. Pa yas is a court - appointed guardian ad litem for

658E.R., a minor. Petitioner Jennett Camacho is E.R.'s mother .

6682. Respondent, AHCA, is the state agency that administers the Medicaid

679program in Florida. § 409.902, Fla. Sta t .

688Stipulated Facts

6903. In the underly ing medical malpractice action, Petitioners alleg ed that

702the liable third party negligently failed to provide proper prenatal care,

713ide ntify and treat prenatal stress, and timely orde r a Caesarian section

726delivery. Petitioners asserted that this caused E.R . to suffer severe and

738permanent brain damage, which, in turn, resulted in substantial expenses

748being incurred for E.R.'s medical and nursing care.

7564. As stated above, Camacho is E.R.'s mother.

764Facts Based on Evidence Adduced at the Final Hearing

7735. E.R . is a minor child for whom M edica id paid medical expenses for

789treatment of a range of substantial and severe injuries and conditions that

801resulted from inadequate prenatal care , prenatal stress , and birth distress.

8116. E.R. is profoundly and permanently disabled. She has hypoxic brain

822damage; is paralyz ed and wheelchair - bound; has a seizure disorder; is

835visually impaired ; and is hearing impaired. She is unable to verbally

846communicate, and requires gastric tube feeding, diaper changes, and total

856assistanc e with transfers in and out of her wheelchair. She will never be able

871to live independently, and she is , and will be , completely dependent , at all

884times, on the care of others for her survival , currently and for the rest of her

900life .

9027. Medicaid first mad e payments for E.R.'s medical care in 2011, shortly

915after her birth .

9198. Petitioners initiated a medical malpractice action against one or more

930medical providers which ultimately was settled in 2020, for the total amount

942of $4,990,000.00.

9469. $3,326,833. 00 of this settlement was allocated to E.R. , with the

960remainder allocated to Camacho. 3

96510 . AH CA has asserted a Medicaid lien, in the amount of $885,738.23,

980against the portion of the settlement allocated to E.R . 4

99111 . If the formula in section 409.910 (11)(f) is applied to the $3,326,833.00

1007in settlement proceeds allocated to E.R., then the full amount of the

1019$885,738.23 Medicaid lien should be paid to AHCA. 5

10291 2 . Maria Tejedor, the lead attorney representing E.R. in the underlying

1042medical malpractice case, testified regarding the value of E.R.'s medical

1052malpractice claim.

10541 3 . Tejedor is a Florida Bar Board - certified a ttorney in civil trial practice

1071with over 20 years of experience in medical malpractice matters,

10813 This proceeding solely addresses the portion of the settlement allocated to E.R. that should

1096be paid to Medica id in satisfaction of its lien.

11064 AHCA may assert a lien only on past medical expenses. Giraldo v. Ag. for Health Care

1123Admin. , 248 So. 3d 53, 56 (Fla. 2018).

11315 As discussed below, the formula in section 409.910(11)(f) creates a presumptive "default

1144allocation" of the third - party settlement proceeds. This presumptive allocation may be

1157rebutted in an administrative proceeding Ð such as this proceeding Ð bro ught under

1171section 409.910(17)(b) , to contest the amount designated as recovered medical expenses

1182under the formula.

1185focusing primarily on civil actions involving infants and children who have

1196sustained brain damage. She has extensive experience in the valuation of

1207these types of cases.

12111 4 . Based on her experience with similar cases involving children who

1224have sustained brain damage as a result of medical malpractice, Tejedor

1235testified that an estimate of $5,000,000.00 for the value of E.R.'s case is very

1251conservative, and that the full value of E.R.'s case is $24,146,546.57.

12641 5 . Based on E.R.'s medical history and prognosis , and on her ( Tejedor's )

1280exper ience in valuing medical malpractice cases and allocating settlement

1290amounts, Tejedor testified that the full value of the medical malpractice case

1302would properly be allocated as follows: $17,065,739.00 for future medical

1314expenses; $1,128,000.00 for lost e arnings' capacity; $5,000,000.00 for pain

1328and suffering; $885,738.23 for the Medicaid lien; and $67,069.34 for a

1341children's medical services lien.

13451 6 . The underlying medical malpractice case settled for substantially less

1357than its full value due to the r isks and challenges in going to trial Ð

1373specifically, the defenses that some o f E.R.'s injuries may be attributable to

1386her premature birth, and whether the statute of limitations had expired prior

1398to commencement of the medical malpractice action.

14051 7 . The $4,990,000.00 settlement , including the allocation of

1417$3,326,833.00 to E.R., was determined to be fair an d reasonable, and was

1432approved by the court in which the medical malpractice action was brought .

14451 8 . The $ 3,326,833.00 settlement amount recovered by E.R. constituted

145913.7 percent of the full value of $24,146,546.57 for t he case.

14731 9 . Using the pro rata method to allocate the $3,346 , 833.00 settlement to

1489future medical expenses, lost earnings, pain and suffering, the children's

1499medical services lien, a nd the Medicaid lien , 13.7 percent is multiplied by the

1513full value allocated to each of these categories of damages and expenses , as

1526discussed above, to determine the portion of the $3,326,833.00 settlement

1538that is allocated to each of these categories .

154720 . Pertinent to this proceeding, 13.7 percent of the $885,738.23 Medicaid

1560lien yields $121,346 .13. Pursuant to the pro rata allocation method, this is

1574the amount payable to Medicaid in full sati sfaction of its Medicaid lien in this

1589case .

15912 1 . Tejedor tes tified, and the case law bears out, that Florida courts and

1607ALJs consistently have accepted the pr o rata allocation method as a

1619reason able, fair, and accurate method ology , consistent with Arkansas

1629Department of Health and Human Services v. Ahlborn , 547 U.S . 2 68 (2006),

1643for allocating the settlement proceeds when the underlying third - party action

1655is settled for less than the full value of the case.

16662 2 . Todd Copeland testified as an expert in the valuation of damages in

1681medical malpractice actions and resol ution of healthcare liens.

16902 3 . Copeland has practiced law for 29 years, representing injured parties

1703in medical malpractice, personal injury, products liability, negligent security,

1712and premises liability cases. He has testified as an expert between 10 a nd 20

1727times over the past ten years regarding the valuation of damages and liens in

1741medical malpractice cases.

174424. He testified that $24,146 , 546.57 is a conservative estimate of the full

1758value of the underlying medical malpractice case . In formulating hi s expert

1771opinion, C opeland relied on the report of Petitioners' non - testifying expert,

1784Dr. Anthony Rodriquez, M.D.; E.R.'s medical records; his own

1793communications with E.R.'s guardian ad litem; Tejedor's opinion regarding

1802the present value of future medica l expenses, lost earnings, and E.R.'s pain

1815and suffering in this case ; jury verdicts in similar medical malpractice cases;

1827his own professiona l experience regarding the valuation of medical

1837malpractice cases; and the amount of the Medicaid lien.

184625 . Copel and confirm ed that the pro rata method of allocating the

1860settlement proceeds to each specific category of damages and expenses ( i.e.,

1872future medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost earnings' capacity, and the

1883Medicaid and children's medical services lie n s , discussed above ) proportional

1895to the amount allocated to that specific category if the total value of the case

1910had been recovered in the third - party settlement, is a fair and reasonable

1924method for allocating the settlement proceeds. He further confirme d that the

1936pro rata methodology is consistent with that ratified by the U.S. Supreme

1948Court in Ahlborn .

195226 . Copeland opined, based on the application of the pro rata allocation

1965met hod to this case, that AHCA is entitled to payment of 13.7 percent of the

1981$8 85,738.23 , or $121,346.13, in satisfaction of its Medicaid lien.


199927 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to, and subject matter of, this

2013proceeding, pursuant to sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and 409.910(17)(b).

202128 . Petitioner s bear t he burden of proof, by clear and convincing evidence ,

2036to show that the amount payable to AHCA in satisfaction of its Medicaid

2049lien is less than $885,738.23 that would be due if the formula in

2063section 409.910(11)(f) were applied in this proceeding. Gallardo v. Dudek , 963

2074F.3d 1167 , 1182 ( 11th Cir. 2020)(burden of proof is on the party disputing the

2089amount to be paid in satisfaction of a Medicaid lien , by clear and convincing


210429 . Medicaid is a joint federal - state cooperative program that helps

2117part icipating states provide medical services to residents who cannot afford

2128treatment. Ahlborn , 547 U.S. at 275. The federal Medicaid Act ("Act") governs

2142regulation of the Medicaid program, and it mandates that states that

2153participate in the program comply wi th federal Medicaid statutes and

2164regulations. Id. at 275. As a condition for receipt of federal Medicaid funds,

2177states are required to seek reimbursement for medical expenses incurred on

2188behalf of beneficiaries who later recover from a third party. Id. at 276.

220130 . The Act contains a general anti - lien provision that protects Medicaid

2215recipients by prohibiting state Medicaid agencies from imposing liens against

2225a recipient's property. 42 U.S.C. § 1396p(a)(1).

223231 . However, the Act also contains a narrow exce ption to this anti - lien

2248provision which requires states to seek reimbursement for their Medicaid

2258expenditures by pursuing payment from third parties who are legally liable

2269for a Medicaid recipient ' s medical expenses. Ahlborn , 547 U.S. at 284 - 85.

2284States are preempted from taking any portion of a Medicaid beneficiary's

2295third - party tort judgment or settlement not designated for medical care. Id. ;

2308Wos v. E.M.A. , 568 U.S. 627, 630 (2013).

231632 . The Act limits the portion of a recipient's tort recovery on which a

2331s tate can impose a lien to past medical expenses only . Giraldo v. Ag. for

2347Health Care Admin ., 248 So. 3d 53, 56 (Fla. 2018)(" Giraldo II ")(emphasis


236233 . To comply with the Act's requirement that states seek reimbursement

2374for Medicaid expenditures from judgments or settlements paid by third

2384parties to Medicaid recipients, Florida enacted section 409.910, the Medicaid

2394Third - Party Liability Act.

23993 4 . Section 409.910(6)(c) creates an automatic lien, on behalf of AHCA , on

2413a judgment or settlement paid by a third party to a Medicaid recipient for the

2428amount of medical care furnished by Medicaid to the recipient. The lien

2440attaches automatically when a recipient first receives treatment for which

2450AHCA may be obligated to provide medical assistance under the Me dicaid


24633 5 . Section 409.910(11)(f) establishes a formula for determining the

2474amount owed to AHCA in satisfaction of its Medicaid lien. This statute

2486states, in pertinent part:

2490(11) The agency may, as a matter of right, in order

2501to enforce its rig hts under this section, institute,

2510intervene in, or join any legal or administrative

2518proceeding in its own name in one or more of the

2529following capacities: individually, as subrogee of

2535the recipient, as assignee of the recipient, or as

2544lienholder of the co llateral.

2549* * *

2552(f) Notwithstanding any provision in this section to

2560the contrary, in the event of an action in tort

2570against a third party in which the recipient or his

2580or her legal representative is a party which results

2589in a judgment, award, or settlement from a third

2598party, the amount recovered shall be distributed as


26071. After attorneyÔs fees and taxable costs as defined

2616by the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, one - half of

2627the remaining recovery shall be paid to the agency

2636up to the t otal amount of medical assistance

2645provided by Medicaid.

26482. The remaining amount of the recovery shall be

2657paid to the recipient.

26613. For purposes of calculating the agencyÔs recovery

2669of medical assistance benefits paid, the fee for

2677services of an attorney retained by the recipient or

2686his or her legal representative shall be calculated

2694at 25 percent of the judgment, award, or


27034. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to

2711the contrary, the agency shall be entitled to all

2720medical coverage be nefits up to the total amount of

2730medical assistance provided by Medicaid. For

2736purposes of this paragraph, Ñmedical coverageÒ

2742means any benefits under health insurance, a

2749health maintenance organization, a preferred

2754provider arrangement, or a prepaid health clinic,

2761and the portion of benefits designated for medical

2769payments under coverage for workersÔ

2774compensation, personal injury protection, and


27803 6 . This formula creates a presumptive "default allocation" of third party

2793proceeds subject to a Medi caid lien where, as here, AHCA does not

2806participate in the settlement. See Roberts. v. Albertson's Inc. , 119 So. 3d 457,

2819465 - 66 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012); Ag. for Health Care Admin. v. Riley , 119 So. 3d

2836514, 516 (Fla. 2d DCA 2013).

28423 7 . Consistent with the holdin g in Wos that the Act's anti - lien provision

2859preempts state statutes that create a conclusive presumption regarding the

2869amount of medical expenses for which the state is entitled to reimbursement,

2881the Florida Legislature enacted section 409.910(17)(b), whic h creates an

2891administrative process under chapter 120 to contest the amount designated

2901as recovered medical expense damages payable to AHCA pursuant to the

2912formula in section 409.910(11)(f). See Delgado v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. ,

2924237 So. 3d 432, 435 (F la. 1st DCA 2018); Mobley v. Ag. for Health Care

2940Admin. , 181 So. 3d 1233, 1235 (Fla. 2015).

294838 . Section 409.910(17)(b) states:

2953(b) If federal law limits the agency to

2961reimbursement from the recovered medical expense

2967damages, a recipient, or his or her leg al

2976representative, may contest the amount designated

2982as recovered medical expense damages payable to

2989the agency pursuant to the formula specified in

2997paragraph (11)(f) by filing a petition under chapter

3005120 within 21 days after the date of payment of

3015funds to the agency or after the date of placing the

3026full amount of the third - party benefits in the trust

3037account for the benefit of the agency pursuant to

3046paragraph (a). The petition shall be filed with the

3055Division of Administrative Hearings. For purposes

3061of c hapter 120, the payment of funds to the agency

3072or the placement of the full amount of the third -

3083party benefits in the trust account for the benefit of

3093the agency constitutes final agency action and

3100notice thereof. Final order authority for the

3107proceedings specified in this subsection rests with

3114the Division of Administrative Hearings. This

3120procedure is the exclusive method for challenging

3127the amount of third - party benefits payable to the

3137agency. In order to successfully challenge the

3144amount designated as re covered medical expenses,

3151the recipient must prove, by clear and convincing

3159evidence, that the portion of the total recovery

3167which should be allocated as past and future

3175medical expenses is less than the amount

3182calculated by the agency pursuant to the form ula

3191set forth in paragraph (11)(f). Alternatively, the

3198recipient must prove by clear and convincing

3205evidence that Medicaid provided a lesser amount of

3213medical assistance than that asserted by the


32213 9 . Pursuant to section 409.910(17)(b), Medicaid r ecipients who assert

3233that the amount payable to satisfy AHCA's Medicaid lien should be reduced

3245are entitled to present evidence in an administrative forum to show that the

3258lien amount exceeds the amount recovered , in a third party settlement or

3270judgment , f or past medical expenses. When such evidence is introduced, the

3282ALJ must consider it in determining whether the Medicaid lien should be

3294reduced. See Harrell v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. , 143 So. 3d 478, 480 (Fla.

33091st DCA 2014).

331240 . The First District Co urt of Appeal, in Eady v. State, Agency for Health

3328Care Administration , 279 So. 3d 1249 ( Fla. 1st DCA 2019), determined Ð

3341under circumstances comparable to those in this case, where the Medicaid

3352recipient presented expert testimony regarding the appropriate share of

3361settlement funds to be allocated to past medical expenses and the agency did

3374not present evidence to refute the experts' opinions Ð that utilizing the pro

3387rata allocation method for determining the amount of the third - party

3399recovery to be allocated to past medical expenses not only was appropriate,

3411but was required under the circumstances. Id. at 1259. Citing Giraldo II , the

3424court in Eady determined, as a matter of law, that the ALJ was not

3438authorized to reject uncontroverted testimony where there is no reasonable

3448basis in the evidence for doing so. Id .

34574 1 . Since Eady , Florida courts consistently have held that where a

3470Medicaid recipient presents unrebutted competent substantial evidence to

3478show that the pro rata allocation method supports a reducti on of the

3491Medicaid lien as calculated under the formula in section 409.910(11)(f), it is

3503reversible error for an ALJ to reject the use of such methodology in

3516determining the amount of the Medicaid lien pursuant to

3525section 409.910(17)(b), unless there is a reasonable basis in the evidentiary

3536record for doing so. See, e.g., Bryan v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. , 291 So. 3d

35521033, 1036 (Fla. 1st DCA 2020); Mojica v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. , 285

3566So. 3d 393, 398 (Fla. 1st DCA 2019); Larrigui - Negron v. Ag. for He alth Care

3583Admin. , 280 So. 3d 550 (Fla. 1st DCA 2019).

35924 2 . The pro rata allocation method also consistently has been applied in

3606Medicaid third - party reimbursement challenges brought at DOAH under

3616section 409.910(17)(b) , to reduce the amount of AHCA's Medic aid lien . See,

3629e.g. , Shirley McBride, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Robin

3640McBride v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. , Case No. 20 - 5259MTR (Fla. DOAH

3654Mar. 9, 2021); Gregory McE lveen, through the Personal Representative of his

3666Estate, Daniel Hallup v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. , Case No. 2 0 - 4223MTR

3681(Fla. DOAH Feb. 2, 2021); Misty Mobley and Tavarius Sanders, Individually

3692and on Behalf of Tavarion Sanders, a Minor v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. ,

3706Case No. 20 - 4033 MTR (Fla. DOAH Dec. 21, 2020); Mitchell M iller v. Ag. for

3723Health Care Admin. , Case No. 2 0 - 3511MTR (Fla. DOAH O ct. 19, 2020); Mary

3739Bishop, by and through Guardian Nicole Milstead v. Ag. for Health Care

3751Admin. , Case No. 20 - 1526MTR (Fla. DOAH Sept. 23, 2020); Amy Lopez,

3764Individually and as Parent an d Natural Guardian of A.F., a Minor v. Ag. for

3779Health Care Admin. , Ca se No. 20 - 2124MTR (Fla. DOAH Sept. 3, 2020);

3793Valeria Alcala, a Minor, by Yobany E. Rodriguez - Camacho and Manuel E.

3806Alcala, as Natural Guardians and Next Friends v. Ag. for Health Care

3818Adm in. , Case No. 20 - 0605MTR (Fla. DOAH Aug . 18, 2020).

38314 3 . Here, the competent substantial evidence establishes that the pro rata

3844allocation method is a fair and reasonable methodology for allocating

3854Petitioners ' third - party settlement proceeds , including t he amount payable to

3867AHCA in satisfaction of its Medicaid lien . As noted above, AHCA did not

3881present any countervailing evidence at the final hearing. Thus, there is no

3893evidentiary basis in the record for rejecting Petitioners' evidence, which, as

3904found ab ove, credibly and persuasively shows that the pro rata allocation

3916method is a fair and reasonable method for determining Petitioners' past

3927medical damages , for purposes of determining the amount payable to satisfy

3938AHCA's Medicaid lien. Pursuant to Eady and other case law cited above , it

3951would be reversible error for the undersigned to reject application of the pro

3964rata allocation method to Petitioners' third - party settlement recovery in this

3976case , for purposes of the amount of the settlement proceeds payabl e to AHCA

3990in satisfaction of its Medicaid Lien.

39964 4 . Based on the foregoing, it is concluded that AHCA is entitled to a

4012payment of $121,346.13 in satisfaction of its Medicaid lien.

4022O RDER

4024Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it i s

4038O RDERED that the Agency for Health Care Administration is entitled to

4050payment of $121 , 346.13 from Petitioners' third - party settlement proceeds in

4062satisfaction of its Medicaid lien.

4067D ONE A ND O RDERED this 1st day of June , 2021 , in Tallahassee, Leon

4082County , Florida.



4090Administrative Law Judge

40931230 Apalachee Parkway

4096Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4101(850) 488 - 9675


4106Filed with the Clerk of the

4112Division of Administrative Hearings

4116this 1st day of June , 2021 .


4128Maria D. Tejedor, Esquire Alexander R. Boler, Esquire

4136Diez - Arguelles & Tejedor , P.A. 2073 Summit Lake Drive , Suite 300

4148505 North Mills Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32317

4155Orlando, Florida 32803

4158Carlos R. Diez - Arguelles, Esquire

4164Simone Marstiller, Secretary Diez - Arguelles & Tejedor, P.A.

4173Agency for Health Care Administration 505 North Mills Avenue

41822727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 1 Orlando, Florida 32803

4191Tallahassee, Florida 32308

4194Thomas M. Hoeler, Esquire

4198James D. Varnado, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration

4208Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

42192727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308

4228Tallahassee, Florida 32308

4231Shena L. Grantham, Esquire

4235Richard J. Shoop, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration

4245Agency for Health Care Administration Building 3, Room 3407B

42542727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 2727 Mahan Drive ,

4263Tallahasse e, Florida 32308 Tallahassee, Florida 32308


4282A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to judicial

4296review pursuant to section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are

4306governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are

4317commenced by filing the original notice of administrative appeal with the

4328agency clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings within 30 days of

4340rendition of the order to be reviewed, and a copy of the notice, accompanied

4354by any filing fees prescribed by law, with the cler k of the d istrict c ourt of

4372a ppeal in the appellate district where the agency maintains its headquarters

4384or where a party resides or as otherwise provided by law.

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Date: 01/03/2022
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from the Clerk of the Division forwarding the Transcript and Petitioners' exhibits to Petitioner.
Date: 06/01/2021
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 06/01/2021
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held April 13, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/11/2021
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 05/10/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 05/06/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/03/2021
Proceedings: Order Establishing Deadline For Proposed Final Orders.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 04/30/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 04/13/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/13/2021
Proceedings: Protective Order.
Date: 04/12/2021
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 04/09/2021
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation - Hearing April, 2021 at 9:30 AM (via Zoom) filed.
Date: 04/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 04/08/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 04/06/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioners' Witness List and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 04/01/2021
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Appearance (Carlos Diez-Arguelles) filed.
Date: 03/24/2021
Proceedings: Amended Petition for Hearing to Allocate the Settlement Recovery and Reduce the Amount of the Lien Asserted by the Agency for Health Care Administration (Medicaid) filed.
Date: 03/22/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Request To Withdraw As Counsel.
Date: 03/15/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Maria Tejedor) filed.
Date: 03/15/2021
Proceedings: Letter Motion Requesting Leave to Withdraw filed.
Date: 02/19/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for April 13, 2021; 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 02/19/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/16/2021
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/12/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/09/2021
Proceedings: Letter to General Counsel from L. Sloan (forwarding copy of petition).
Date: 02/09/2021
Proceedings: Petition for Hearing to Allocate the Settlement Recovery and Reduce the Amount of the Lien Asserted by the Agency for Health Care Administration (Medicaid) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida
Agency for Health Care Administration


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):