21-000669PL Office Of Financial Regulation vs. Toshia Parrish, F/K/A Toshia Glover
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, December 3, 2021.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence that there were grounds for revoking and/or annulling Respondent's license.




20Petitioner ,

21vs. Case No. 21 - 0669PL


36Respondent .



43Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was conducted on September 16, 2021,

55via Zoom, before Garnett W. Chisenhall, a duly designated Administrative

65Law Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings (ÑDOAHÒ).


76For Petitioner: Joaquin Alvarez, Esquire

81Office of Financial Regulation

85Fletcher Building

87200 East Gaines Street

91Tallahassee, Florida 32399

94For Respondent: H. Richard Bisbee, Esquire

100H. Richard Bisbee, P.A.

104Suite 206

10618 82 Capital Circle Northeast

111Tallahassee, Florida 32308


122Whether the loan originator license issued to Respondent should be:

132(a) annulled because it was issued by mistake; or (b) revoked because

144Respondent failed to d isclose adverse credit history and a prior name under

157which she had held a mortgage broker license that had been revoked.

169A separate issue concerns whether Respondent should be fined; and if so, how

182much. 1


188The Office of Fi nancial Regulation (ÑOFRÒ) issued an Administrative

198Complaint on January 4, 2021, alleging that Toshia ParrishÔs loan originator

209licensure application failed to disclose that she was previously known as

220Toshia Glover. The Administrative Complaint further a lleged that Toshia

230Glover had previously held a mortgage broker license that had been revoked

242by OFR. Accordingly, OFR stated that it intended to: (a) annul Ms. ParrishÔs

255newly - issued loan originator license because it had been issued by mistake; 2

269or (b) r evoke that license and impose a $3,500 administrative fine because

283her loan originator licensure application had contained a material

292misstatement and/or omission. 3

296Ms. Parrish responded to the Administrative Complaint by requesting a

306formal administ rative hearing and making the following assertions:

315At all times material hereto and for the reasons

324more particularly described hereafter, [Ms. Parrish]

330at the time she applied on September 6, 2020 for

340her Loan OriginatorÔs license was unaware that the

348OF R had previously revoked [her] mortgage broker

356license # MB0822297. The first time [Ms. Parrish]

364became aware of the existence of [that] Final Order

373was after service of the pending complaint.

380[Ms. Parrish] was unaware of the Final Order

3881 Unless stated otherwise, all statutory references shall be to the 2020 version of the Florida

404Statutes. See McClosky v. DepÔt of Fin. Serv. , 115 So. 3d 441 (Fla. 5th DCA 2013)(stating that

421a proc eeding is governed by the law in effect at the time of the commission of the acts alleged

441to constitute a violation of law).

4472 Section 494.00312(5), Florida Statutes, provides that a person who had a loan originator

461license or its equivalent revoked is in eligible to be licensed as a loan originator.

4763 Section 494.0025(5), provides that it is illegal to knowingly and willfully make any false or

492fraudulent statement or representation. S ection 494.00255(1)(u), subjects a loan originator to

504discipline for fa ilure to comply with any provision within c hapter 494.

517because th e OFR failed to perfect proper personal

526or constructive service of the administrative

532complaint upon [her] prior to entering the Final


541OFR did not properly and lawfully revoke

548[Ms. Parrish]Ôs mortgage brokerÔs license

553## MB 0822297, insofar as the OFR failed to

562properly obtain personal jurisdiction by personally

568serving [her] with a complaint prior to the entry of

578a final order. Consequently, any final order the

586OFR issued was and remains fatally defective and

594void ab initio .

598Alternatively, [Ms. Parrish] further asserts that in

605the event OFR intends to rely upon constructive

613service as a condition precedent to service by

621publication of the complaint upon [Ms. Parrish], the

629OFRÔs attempt at constructive service was legally

636def ective because the OFR investigator/agent failed

643to properly conduct a reasonable and thorough

650Ñdiligent search and inquiryÒ; consequently, any

656final order based upon such defective service was

664and remains fatally defective and void ab initio .

673* * *

676[Ms. Parrish]Ôs omission of her former name was

684not intentional but simple human error.

690The omission was not material because [she]

697provided her social security number by which the

705OFR could have easily obtained the inadvertently

712omitted informati on. In addition, the omission was

720not material because the purported Ñfinal orderÒ

727identifying [her] by the name ÑToshia GloverÒ was

735and remains legally defective and void ab initio . . .

746OFR referred this matter to DOAH on February 18, 2021, and the

758und ersigned issued a Notice of Hearing on March 1, 2021, scheduling a final

772hearing for April 27 and 28, 2021.

779In a related matter, OFR issued a Ñ Notice of Intent to Deny Application

793for Mortgage Broker LicenseÒ to Assertive Mortgage LLC , (ÑAssertive

802Mortg ageÒ). In support thereof, OFR alleged that Assertive MortgageÔs

812application for licensure as a mortgage broker listed Ms. Parrish, Assertive

823MortgageÔs sole owner and officer, as the qualified principal loan originator

834and as a control person. However, As sertive MortgageÔs application failed to

846disclose that OFR had revoked Ms. ParrishÔs mortgage broker license when

857she was known as Toshia Glover. After Assertive Mortgage petitioned for a

869formal administrative hearing, OFR referred that matter to DOAH on

879F ebruary 18, 2021, and it was assigned DOAH Case No. 21 - 0 670.

894Ms. Parrish filed a ÑStipulated Motion to Continue Final HearingÒ on

905April 12, 2021, requesting that the final hearing be continued for at least

91860 days. After receiving the partiesÔ mut ual dates of availability, the

930undersigned reschedule d the final hearing for July 29 and 30, 2021.

942On June 25, 2021, OFR filed a Motion in Limine seeking to foreclose

955Ms. Parrish from collaterally attacking an April 22, 2009, Final Order that

967revoke d her mortgage broker license. OFR also filed on June 25, 2021, a

981Motion for Leave to Amend its Administrative Complaint. In support thereof,

992OFR stated that it had Ñdiscovered further material misstatements on the

1003loan originator license application, whic h would constitute a separate

1013violation of law.Ò Specifically, OFR sought to add an allegation that

1024Ms. Parrish had failed to disclose an outstanding income tax lien when she

1037filed her most recent loan originator license application.

1045A tele phonic conference was convened on July 7, 2021, and the

1057undersigned explained that administrative finality 4 barred a collateral attack

10674 The doctrine of administrative finality provides that Ñ[t]here must be a terminal point in

1082every proceeding both administrative and judicial, at which the parties and the public may

1096on the April 22, 2009, Final Order. Nonetheless , the Motion in Limine wa s

1110denied w ithout prejudice.

1114The undersigned i ssued another Order on July 7, 2021, gra n ting OFRÔs

1128Motion for Leave to Amend its Administrative Complaint. As a result, three

1140counts were at issue in DOAH Case No. 21 - 0 669: (1) whether Ms. Parrish

1156failed to disclose on her application that she had previou sly been known as

1170Toshia Glover; (2) whether Ms. Parrish failed to disclose the existence of an

1183unsatisfied tax lien against her; and (3) whether Ms. Parrish was issued a

1196loan originator license despite the fact that she had previously held a

1208mortgage brok er license that had been revoked. Because an additional count

1220was now at issue, t he Order specified that either party could request a

1234continuance of the July 29 and 30, 2021, final hearing.

1244On July 15, 2021, OFR filed a m otion seeking to continue the fi nal

1259hearing, and the undersigned issued an Order rescheduling the final hearing

1270for September 16 and 17, 2021.

1276The final hearing was convened as scheduled and completed on

1286September 16, 2021. At the outset of the final hearing, the undersigned

1298conside red four motions. The first was a ÑRenewed Motion in Limine , Ò filed

1312by OFR on September 14, 2021, seeking to foreclose Ms. Parrish from

1324challenging the validity of the April 22, 2009, Final Order that revoked her

1337mortgage broker license . In the course of g ranting the Renewed Motion in

1351Limine, the undersigned reiterated comments made during the July 7, 2021,

1362tele phone conference that administrative finality barred the undersigned

1371from considering any matters that had been addressed by the April 22, 2009,

1384F i n al Order. However, the undersigned also ruled that Ms. Parrish could

1398rely on a deci sion as being final and dispositive of the rights and issues involved therein.Ñ

1415Austin Tupler Trucking, Inc. v. Hawkins , 377 So. 2d 679, 681 (Fla. 1979).

1428proffer the testimony and/or evidence at issue. The undersigned also

1438considered a ÑSecond Motion in LimineÒ filed by OFR on September 14, 2021,

1451seeking to preclude any testimony from Ms. Parrish that she did not intend

1464to omit or misstate any material information when she completed the

1475application at issue in this proceeding . The undersigned denied the Second

1487Motion in Limine. T he undersigned granted OFRÔs m otion to take official

1500recogniti on of c hapter 494 and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 69B - 40 .

1515Finally, the undersigned denied Ms. ParrishÔs Motion to Stay the final

1526hearing until OFR ruled on a Petition she had filed with OFR requesting that

1540OFR vacate the April 22, 2009 , Final Order .

1549OFR presented testimony from Bill Morin and the following exhibits

1559were accepted into evidence as OFR Exhibits 1 through 5 and 7 through 15 :

1574(1) A Default Final Order rendered by OFR on April 22, 2009, that revoked

1588Toshia GloverÔs mortgage broker license and imposed a $7,000 fine for which

1601Ms. Glover and A Loans were jointly and severally liable; (2) a blank, hard

1615copy of the Nationwide Multi - State Licensing SystemÔs (ÑNMLSÒ) loan

1626originator application designated thereon as ÑNMLS INDIVIDU AL FORM

1635MU4 EFFECTIVE 4/16/2012Ò and adopted by Florida Administrative Code

1644Rule 69V - 40.002; 5 (3) a filing guide produced by NMLS to assist applicants

1659with completing their application for licensure as a loan originator; (4) the

1671loan originator licensure a pplication filed with OFR by Toshia Parrish on

1683September 6, 2020; (5) a document from the State of GeorgiaÔs Department of

1696Revenue indicating that, as of June 7, 2018, there was an outstanding lien of

1710$488,438.77 against Ms. Glover; 6 (7) an amended/updated version of

17215 Ms. Parrish applied to OFR for licensure as a loan originator on September 6, 2020. The

1738v ersion of rule 69V - 40.002 in effect at that time adopted ÑNMLS Individual Form (Form

1755MU4), Version 8.9, dated and effective April 16, 2012.Ò

17646 The document marked for identification by the undersigned as OFR Exhibit 6 was not

1779accepted into evidence duri ng the final hearing due to concerns regarding its authenticity.

1793The undersigned gave OFR two weeks following the conclusion of the final hearing to file a

1809Ms. ParrishÔs loan originator licensure application filed with OFR on

1819April 29, 2021; (8) a document delineating past application filings by

1830Ms. Parrish; (9) an application filed by Mr. Parrish with the Florida

1842Department of Business and Profes sional Regulation for licensure as a real

1854estate broker; (10) a blank, hard copy of the NMLS form used by companies

1868seeking licensure as a mortgage brokerage entitled ÑNMLS COMPANY

1877FO R M MU1, EFFECTIVE 03/31/2014Ò and adopted by Florida

1887Administrative Code Rule 69V - 40.002; 7 (11) a filing guide produced by NMLS

1901to assist applicants with completing their company application for licensure;

1911(12) an application for licensure submitted by Assertive Mortgage on

1921September 19, 2020; (13) an application for licensure submitted by Assertive

1932Mortgage on April 29, 2021; (14) Assertive MortgageÔs organizational chart;

1942and (15) a document delineating past application filings by Assertive

1952Mortgage. 8

1954Ms. Parrish testified on her own behalf and Respondent Ôs

1964E xhibits 1 through 5 and 8 were accepted into evidence. Ms. Parrish

1977was allowed to proffer testimony regarding her assertion that she was

1988unaware of OFRÔs April 22, 2009 , Final Order when she filed the application

2001at issue in this proceeding. Ms. Parrish wa s also allowed to proffer

2014RespondentÔs Exhibits 10 through 14.

2019certified copy. On October 6, 2021, OFR filed a n otice stating that it was withdrawing OFR

2036Exhibit 6 from consideration. As a result, OFR Exhibit 6 was not accepted into evidence, and

2052the undersigned disregarded any testimony based on that document.

20617 Assertive Mortgage applied to OFR for licensure as a mortgage broker on September 19 ,

20762020. The version of rule 69V - 40.002 in effect at that time adopted ÑNMLS Company Form

2093(Form MU1), Version 10.0 dated and effective March 31, 2014 . Ò

21058 Because the cases are closely related, the undersigned heard the instant case and DOAH

2120Case No. 21 - 0 670 simultaneously. I n order to minimize the number of exhibits, the two sets

2139of exhibits that OFR filed for C ase N os. 21 - 0 699 and 21 - 0 670 were consolidated into a single

2163set of exhibits. Ms. Parrish filed one set of exhibits that was used for both cases.

2179The two - volume final hearing Transcript 9 was filed on September 24,

21922021, and both parties filed timely proposed recommended orders that have

2203been considered in the preparation of this Recom mended Order.


2218Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the final hearing,

2230the entire record of this proceeding, and matters subject to official

2241recognition, the following Findings of Fact are made:

22491. OFR is the state agenc y responsible for regulating mortgage brokering,

2261mortgage lending, and loan origination.

22662. Toshia Glover became a Florida - licensed mortgage broker in 1999, and

2279she became licensed in Florida and Georgia as a mortgage loan originator in

22922000. At some point after 2003, she obtained a Florida real estate brokerÔs

2305license. In 2006, Ms. Glover became a Georgia - licensed mortgage broker. 10

23183. Ms. Glover operated a mortgage broker company called A Loans from

23302005 until September of 2008. The economic downturn that occurred in 2008

2342decimated her real estate and loan origination businesses and forced her to

2354discontinue operations.

23564. Ms. Glover moved to Georgia from Florida during the fourth quarter of

23692008, and sustained herself by doing odd jobs. Ms. Glover estim ates that she

2383earned less than $10,000 in 2009.

23909 Pages 9 and 10 of the Transcript erroneously attribute comments by RespondentÔs counsel

2404to counsel for Petitioner.

240810 Prior to 2010, OFR issued mortgage broker licenses to individuals and businesses. Since

24222010, OFR has issued loan originator licenses to individuals an d mortgage broker licenses to

2437businesses. Therefore, the individual mortgage broker license is the historical equivalent of

2449the current loan originator license. Section 494.001(18), defines a Ñloan originatorÒ as Ñ an

2463individual who, directly or indirectly, solicits or offers to solicit a mortgage loan, accepts or

2478offers to accept an application for a mortgage loan, negotiates or offers to negotiate the terms

2494or conditions of a new or existing mortgage loan on behalf of a borrower or lender, or

2511negotiates or offers to negotiate the sale of an existing mortgage loan to a noninstitutional

2526investor for compensation or gain.Ò

25315. In February of 2009, OFR unsuc c es s ful ly attempt ed to personally serve

2548an Administrative Complain t on Toshia Glover alleging that A Loans and

2560Ms. Glover, as the principal broker of A Loans, 11 received impr oper

2573compensation of $1,530 and $600. Those alleg ations amounted to violations of

2586sections 494 . 0038(1)(a) and (1)(b)1 . Florida Statutes (2005 and 2006) , and

2599r ule 69V - 40.008(1) . In March and April of 2009, OFR published notice of the

2616Administrative Complain t in the Sun - Sentinel daily newspaper.

26266. After Ms. Glover and A Loans did not respond to the Administrative

2639Complaint, OFR issued a ÑDefault Final Order and Notice of RightsÒ (Ñthe

2651Default Final OrderÒ) on April 22, 2009, immediately revoking M s. GloverÔs

2663mortgage broker license and imposing a $7,000 administrative fine for which

2675Ms. Glover and A Loans were jointly and severally liable. Ms. Glover and A

2689Loans were also required to refund a total of $2,130 to one or more borrowers.

27057. Ms. Glo ver married her current husband on December 12, 2012, and

2718has not used her maiden name since. She will hereinafter be referred to as

2732Ms. Parrish.

27348. On June 7, 2018, a lien was recorded in the Superior Court for Cobb

2749County, Georgia, indicating that Ms. P arrish o w ed $ 209 , 510 . 00 in delinquent

2766taxes to the Georgia Department of Revenue. After accounting for interest,

2777penalties, and a collection fee, the lien totaled $488,438.77. 12

27889. On September 6, 2020, Ms. Parrish applied to be licensed in Florida

2801as a l oan originator. The version of r ule 69V - 40.002(1)(a)4 . in effect on

2818September 6, 2020, adopted ÑNMLS Individual Form (Form MU4),

282711 Section 494.0035, Florida Statutes (2005 and 2006), required that each mortgage

2839brokerage business have a principal broker with full c ontrol over that business.

285212 The document memorializing the lien was not a certified copy. However, the undersigned

2866determined that it was sufficiently reliable to be accepted into evidence. See § 120.569(2)(g),

2880Fla. Stat. (providing that Ñ[i]rrelevant , immaterial, or unduly repetitious evidence shall be

2892excluded, but all other evidence of a type commonly relied upon by reasonably prudent

2906persons in the conduct of their affairs shall be admissible, whether or not such evidence

2921would be admissible in a t rial in the courts of Florida.Ò). Moreover, the Order of Pre - Hearing

2940Instructions directed the parties to note any objections to exhibits in the Joint Pre - H earing

2957Stipulation, and Ms. Parrish did not raise an authenticity objection to this document.

2970Version 8.9, dated and effective April 16, 2012Ò (Ñthe MU4Ò). The MU4 Ñis the

2984universal form used by individuals required to su bmit biographical and other

2996information to a state agency through NMLS as part of a license application.Ò

3009The MU4 required applicants to disclose identifying information such as their

3020first and last names, social security number, and date of birth. It also had a

3035section entitled ÑOther Names , Ò with the following instruction: ÑOther than

3046your legal name, list all name(s) you are using or have used since the age of

306218. Examples include nicknames, aliases, and names used before or after

3073marriage.Ò 13

307510. The MU 4 also requ ired an applicant to disclose whether Ñyou have any

3090unsatisfied judgments or liens against youÒ and whether any state or federal

3102regulatory agency has Ñentered an order against you in connection with a

3114financial services - related activity.Ò 14

312011. Ms. Parrish did not read the instructions for the MU4 form. 15 As a

3135result, she failed to disclose her maiden name in the ÑOther NamesÒ section

3148of her MU4 form. Nor did she disclose the lien for unpaid taxes or the Default

3164Final Order.

316613 As for why knowledge of an applicantÔs other names is important, Bill Morin, the Chief of

3183OFRÔs Bureau of Registration, testified that Ñ[t]he importance of that is . . . it allows [OFR] to

3201do a complete and comprehensive review of the applicantÔs history. If not all of the names are

3218disclosed, [OFR] may not be able to fully vet the applicant.Ò

322914 An applicantÔs credit history is material information in a loan originator application.

3242Rule 69V - 40.0113 indicates that OFR must evaluate the circumstances pertai ning to any

3257adverse credit history.

326015 Ms. Parrish argues in her Proposed Recommended Order that the online application she

3274filled out lacked any instructions indicating she was required to provide her maiden name.

3288However, her testimony did not indicate that instructions were not available to her. Instead,

3302her testimony indicated that she chose to not read them. When counsel for OFR asked

3317Ms. Parrish if she looked at the instructions when she was filling out her application,

3332Ms. Parrish responded by stati ng the following: ÑThe instruction guide, no. No. I went

3347straight to the application because the Ï when I first signed up for NMLS, when I established

3364an NMLS I.D., the website is user friendly. So, I felt no need to have to go look through an

3384instruction guide to fill out an application because I Ï IÔve done it a million times. I kind of

3403know how to fill out an application.Ò

341012. Ms. ParrishÔs MU4 form had a section entitled ÑAttestation , Ò which

3422stated that:

3424I Toshia Parrish (1844160), (Applicant) on this date

3432Sunday, September 6, 2020 swear (or affirm) that I

3441executed this application on my own behalf, that I

3450am attesting to and submitting thi s application,

3458and that I agree to and represent the following:

3467(1) That the information and statements contained

3474herein, including exhibits attached hereto, and

3480other information filed herewith, all of which are

3488made a part of this application, are curre nt, true,

3498accurate and complete and are made under the

3506penalty of perjury, or un - sworn falsification to

3515authorities, or similar provisions as provided by

3522law . . .

352613. The Attestation section also contained the following statement: ÑIf the

3537Applicant has k nowingly made a false statement of a material fact in this

3551application or in any documentation provided to support the foregoing

3561application, then the foregoing application may be denied.Ò

356914. OFR granted Ms. ParrishÔs application on September 23, 2020.

357915 . Ms. Parrish did not intend to hide the fact that she had been

3594previously licensed in Florida as a loan originator. 16 A t the time she

3608submitted her application to OFR, Ms. Parrish was unaware of the Georgia

3620Department of RevenueÔs lien . However, all of th e aforementioned

3631information was material to OFRÔs consideration of the application at issue.

364216. After Ms. Parrish learned of the lien, she contacted the Georgia

3654Department of Revenue and was told that there had been a mistake.

3666On July 12, 20 21, the lien was released.

367516 Ms. Parrish included a September 6, 2020, credit report with her application to OFR that

3691indicated her name was ÑToshia Reshee G lover.Ò Also, Ms. Parrish communicated via

3704telephone and e - mail with the OFR examiner responsible for evaluating her application, and

3719notified the examiner of her prior licensure in Florida as a loan originator.

373217. In light of the fact that the Default Final Order revoked Ms. Parrish Ôs

3747mortgage broker license, OFR erred when it issued her a new one on

3760September 23, 2020 .


376918. Pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, DOAH has

3778jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this proceeding.

378819. A proceeding, such as this one, to impose discipline upon a license e,

3802is penal in nature. State ex rel. Vining v. Fla. Real Estate Comm'n . ,

3816281 So . 2d 487, 491 (Fla. 1973). Accordingly, OFR must prove the charges

3830against Ms. Parrish by clear and convincing evidence. Dep't of Banking &

3842Fin., Div. of Sec. & Inv. Prot. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932,

3858933 - 34 (Fla. 1996)(citing Ferris v. Turling ton , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 - 95 (Fla.

38751987)); Nair v. Dep't of Bus. & Prof'l Reg., Bd. of Med. , 654 So. 2d 205, 207

3892(Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

389620. Regarding the standard of proof, the court in Slomowitz v. Walker ,

3908429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983), stated t hat:

3920clear and convincing evidence requires that the

3927evidence must be found to be credible; the facts to

3937which the witnesses testify must be distinctly

3944remembered; the testimony must be precise and

3951explicit and the witnesses must be lacking in

3959confusion as to the facts in issue. The evidence

3968must be of such weight that it produces in the mind

3979of the trier of fact a firm belief or conviction,

3989without hesitancy, as to the truth of the allegations

3998sought to be established.


400321. The Florida Supreme Court later adopted the Slomowitz

4012C ourt's description of clear and convincing evidence. See In re Davey ,

4024645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994). The First District Court of Appeal has also

4039followed the Slomowitz test, adding the interpretive comme nt that

"4049[a]lthough this standard of proof may be met where the evidence is in

4062conflict, . . . it seems to preclude evidence that is ambiguous." Westinghouse

4075Elec. Corp. v. Shuler Bros., Inc. , 590 So. 2d 986, 988 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

409022. Penal statutes mus t be construed in terms of their literal meaning and

4104words used by the Legislature may not be expanded to broaden the

4116application of such statutes. Thus, the provisions of law upon which this

4128disciplinary action has been brought must be strictly construed, with any

4139ambiguity in favor of the one against whom the penalty would be imposed.

4152Elmariah v. Dep't of Pro fÔl Reg., Bd . of Med. , 574 So. 2d 164, 165 (Fla. 1st

4170DCA 1990); see also Griffis v. Fish & Wildlife Conserv. Comm'n , 57 So. 3d

4184929, 931 (Fla. 1st DCA 2011); Beckett v. Dep't of Fin. Servs. , 982 So. 2d 94,

4200100 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008); Whitaker v. Dep't of Ins. & Treas. , 680 So. 2d 528,

4216531 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996); Dyer v. DepÔt of Ins. & Treas. , 585 So. 2d 1009,

42321013 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

423723. With regard to the instant case, Count I of OFRÔs Amended

4249Administrative Complaint alleges that Ms. Parrish violated

4256section 494.00255(1)(s), by failing to disclose on her September 2020 loan

4267originator application that she was previously known as ÑTos hia Glover.Ò

4278The 2020 version of section 494.00255(1)(s) provided that loan originators

4288could be discipline d based on Ñ[a] material misstatement or omission of fact

4301on an initial or renewal license application.Ò

430824. OFR established by clear and convinc ing evidence that Ms. Parrish

4320failed to disclose her maiden name on the loan originator application she filed

4333with OFR on September 6, 2020.

433925. Ms. Parrish argues that the aforementioned misstatement or omission

4349should not be considered a violation of sec tion 494.00255(1)(s) because she

4361had no intent to misstate or omit the information at issue. In other words,

4375she was unaware that the loan originator licens ure application required her

4387to disclose her maiden name. In support thereof, she notes that t he

4400att estation section o n the application at issue contained the following

4412statement: ÑIf the Applicant has knowingly made a false statement of a

4424material fact in this application or in any documentation provided to support

4436the foregoing application, then the fo regoing application may be denied.Ò

4447(emphasis added)

444926. Despite the aforementioned statement on the application, there is

4459nothing in chapter 494 or the rules promulgated thereunder that creates a

4471standard of Ñknowing intentÒ for false statements made on applications.

4481Furthermore, Ms. ParrishÔs argument that she had no intent to misstate or

4493omit information ignores her conscious and knowing decision to disregard the

4504very specific instructions regarding disclosure of prior names.

451227. The issue of whethe r a lack of intent can excuse a material

4526misstatement or omission of fact on a licensure application has been

4537addressed in a past case involving OFR. The petitioner in W inton v. Office of

4552Financial Regulation , Case No. 05 - 4070 (Fla. DOAH Mar . 16, 2006; Fla . OFR

4568Apr . 12, 2006) , was alleged to have violated section 494.0041(2)(c), Florida

4580Statutes (2005), which authorized OFR to deny an application for licensure as

4592a mortgage broker based on Ñ[a] material misstatement of fact on an initial of

4606renewal applicat ion.Ò Even though he had pled nolo contendere and was

4618adjudicated guilty of one count of lewd and lascivious conduct on October 21,

46311997, t he Winton petitioner had responded ÑnoÒ to a question on an

4644application for mortgage broker licensure asking if the a pplicant has Ñpleaded

4656nolo contendere, been convicted, or found guilty, regardless of adjudication, of

4667a crime involving fraud, dishonest dealing, or any other act of moral


46802 8 . A dministrative L aw J udge T. Kent Wetherell, II, concluded that it was

4697irrelevant whether the Winton petitioner had intended to respond incorrectly:

470743. Petitioner materially misstated his criminal

4713history on his license application by answering ÑnoÒ

4721to Question No. 5. His intent regarding the

4729misstatement is immateri al for purposes of

4736Section 494.0041(2)(c), Florida Statutes, because,

4741as explained in regard to a similar statute,

4749It is impossible for the Department to

4756know what each applicant knows or

4762believes at the time of application for

4769licensure. The inclusio n of the phrase

"4776material misstatement" allows the

4780Department to avoid having to make

4786impossible determinations of what

4790was and was not known to the

4797applicant. If the applicant misstates

4802his or her criminal background, even

4808unknowingly, he or she is held l iable

4816for that misstatement.

4819Department of Insurance v. Koniz , Case No. 01 -

48284271PL, 2002 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 684, at

4837*8 (DOAH Apr. 23, 2002; DOI May 17, 2002)

4846(construing Section 626.611(2), Florida Statutes,

4851which is similar to Section 494.0041(2) (c), Florida


486044. Thus, even though the evidence establishes that

4868PetitionerÔs failure to affirmatively answer

4873Question No. 5 was based upon his

4880misunderstanding of the scope of the question,

4887rather than an intent to deceive the Office by

4896conce aling his criminal history, PetitionerÔs

4902negative answer to Question No. 5 provides the

4910Office an additional basis to deny his license

4918application. § 494.0041(2)(c), Fla. Stat.

49232 9 . Count II of OFRÔs Amended Administrative Complaint alleges that

4935Ms. Parris h violated section 494.00255(1)(s) by failing to disclose that she

4947had an unsatisfied income tax lien from the Georgia Department of Revenue

4959totaling $488,439.00 in the name of Toshia Glover. OFR proved by clear

4972and convincing evidence that Ms. Parrish neg lected to disclose the

4983aforementioned lien. While the evidence also demonstrated that the lien was

4994erroneously entered and that Ms. Parrish was unaware of the lien when she

5007filed her loan originator application with OFR on September 6, 2021, it

5019nonetheless was in existence and effective on the date that she filed her

5032application. A lack of knowledge and/or intent is not an affirmative defense in

5045this context. See W inton .

505130 . Count III of OFRÔs Amended Administrative Complaint alleges that

5062section s 494.00312 (5) and (6), require that OFR annul the

5073loan originator license issued to Ms. Parrish in 2020 because OFR had

5085revoked her mortgage broker license in 2009.

50923 1 . The 2020 versions of sections 494.00312(5) and (6) provide that:

5105(5) The office may not issue a license to an

5115applicant who has had a loan originator license or

5124its equivalent revoked in any jurisdiction.

5130(6) A loan originator license shall be annulled

5138pursuant to s. 120.60 if it was issued by the office

5149by mistake. A license must be reinstated if the

5158applicant demonstrates that the requirements for

5164obtaining the license under this chapter have been


51733 2 . Ms. Parrish argues that there was no Florida - issued mortgage broker

5188license for the Default Final Order to revoke because she had allowe d all of

5203her mortgage broker licenses to expire by September 1, 2008. However, that

5215argument is a collateral attack on the Default Final Order that is barred by

5229administrative finality . See Austin Tupler Trucking , 377 So. 2d at 681.

5241Accordingly, OFR proved by clear and convincing evidence that it had

5252revoked Ms. ParrishÔs mortgage broker license in 2009 and that OFR made a

5265mistake by issuing a loan originator license to Ms. Parrish on September 23,

52782020 .

52803 3 . With regard to an appropriate penalty, section 4 94.00312(6) requires

5293that OFR annul the loan originator license issued to Ms. Parrish on

5305September 23, 2020 . Therefore, there is no need to assess whether that

5318license should be revoked. Because OFR stated in its Proposed Recommended

5329Order that it is also seeking to impose a $3,500 administrative fine, the

5343undersigned must refer to r ule 69V - 40.111 , OFRÔs disciplinary guidelines


53563 4 . Rule 69V - 40.111(5) provides that $1,000 to $3,500 is the range for an

5375ÑAÒ level fine but does not elaborate further . Sub section (3) states that a

5390penalty can be mitigated by Ñcase - specific circumstances.Ò In the instant case,

5403Ms. Parrish had no specific intent to hid e her prior licensure as a loan

5418originator from OFR. Nor was Ms. Parrish aware of the lien when she filed

5432her application on September 6, 2020. While a lack of specific intent does not

5446excuse the violations at issue in the instant case, it does counsel against

5459imposing any administrative fine.


5465Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclu sions of Law, it is

5479R ECOMMENDED that the Office of Financial Regulation issue a Final Order

5491annulling the loan originator license issued to Toshia Parrish, F/K/A Toshia

5502Glover, on September 23, 2020.

5507D ONE A ND E NTERED this 3rd day o f December , 2021 , in T allahassee, Leon

5524County, Florida.



5531Administrative Law Judge

55341230 Apalachee Parkway

5537Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5542(850) 488 - 9675


5547Filed with the Clerk of the

5553Division of Administrative Hearings

5557t his 3 rd day of De cember, 2021.


5571H. Richard Bisbee, Esquire Joaquin Alvarez, Esquire

5578H. Richard Bisbee, P.A. Office of Financial Regulation

5586Suite 206 Fletcher Building

55901882 Capital Circle Northeast 200 East Gaines Street

5598Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Tallahassee, Florida 32399

5604Russell C. Weigel, Commissioner Anthony Cammarata, General Counsel

5612Office of Financial Regulation Office of Financial Regulation

5620200 East Gaines Street The Fletcher Building, Suite 118

5629Tallahassee, F lorida 32399 - 0350 200 East Ga ines Street

5640Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0370


5656All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

5669the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

5680Order should be filed wit h the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/03/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/03/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 16, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/03/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/02/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/02/2021
Proceedings: Respondent Parrish's Notice of Filing Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/13/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 10/06/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawing OFR Exhibit 6 from Consideration filed.
Date: 09/24/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 09/14/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Renewed Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 09/14/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Second Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 09/14/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Stay Proceeding Pending Ruling by OFR on Respondent's Petition to Set aside (Vacate) Default Final Order; Alternatively, Motion to include Findings in Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/14/2021
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 09/14/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 09/13/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits, Exhibit List and Witness List filed.
Date: 09/13/2021
Proceedings: Stipulated Motion for Brief Extension to Monday. Sept. 13th, to File Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 09/13/2021
Proceedings: Respondent Parrish's Second Amended Exhibit List and Notice of Filing Exhibit List and Service by Mail of Exhibits to ALJ Chisenhall per the Prehearing Instructions filed.
Date: 09/09/2021
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for September 9, 2021; 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 09/08/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for September 9, 2021; 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 09/07/2021
Proceedings: Respondent Parrish's Amended Exhibit List filed.
Date: 09/03/2021
Proceedings: Respondent Parrish's Exhibit List filed.
Date: 09/03/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness List filed.
Date: 08/31/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Responses to Respondent's Fourth Request for Production filed.
Date: 08/17/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Respondents' Motion to Set Aside/Vacate OFR's Default Final Order docketed April 22, 2009 filed.
Date: 08/05/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Response to Respondent's Third Request for Production filed.
Date: 07/29/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Fourth Request for Production filed.
Date: 07/26/2021
Proceedings: Amended (Corrected) Notice of Taking Corporate Deposition filed.
Date: 07/26/2021
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Corporate Deposition filed.
Date: 07/23/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Third Request to Produce filed.
Date: 07/19/2021
Proceedings: Amended Petition for Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 07/16/2021
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for September 16 and 17, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 07/15/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Responses to Respondent's Third Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 07/15/2021
Proceedings: Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
Date: 07/15/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Third Request for Production filed.
Date: 07/09/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying Respondent's "Motion To Deem Third Request For Admissions As Admitted".
Date: 07/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Composite Exhibit 1 To Response to Order to Show Cause filed.
Date: 07/08/2021
Proceedings: (Respondents) Response to Order to Show Cause filed.
Date: 07/07/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitioner's Motion In Limine Without Prejudice.
Date: 07/07/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion For Leave to Amend Administrative Complaint.
Date: 07/07/2021
Proceedings: Notice Pertaining To Petitioner's Motion For Protective Order.
Date: 07/07/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 07/06/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing (motion hearing set for July 7, 2021; 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 07/02/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Response in Opposition to Petitioner's Motion for Leave to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 07/02/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 07/02/2021
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause.
Date: 07/02/2021
Proceedings: Response in Opposition to Respondent's Motion to Deem Matters Admitted and Objection to the 3rd Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 07/01/2021
Proceedings: Order Denying, In Part, Petitiioner's Motion for Protective Order.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 06/28/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Deem Third Request for Admissions as Admitted filed.
Date: 06/25/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Second Request for Admissions (w Redacted Exhibit 1) filed.
Date: 06/25/2021
Proceedings: Motion for Leave to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 06/25/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 06/25/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Corporate Deposition (of OFR) filed.
Date: 06/15/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel (Joaquin Alvarez) filed.
Date: 06/03/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Unavailability filed.
Date: 05/26/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Third Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 05/25/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Withdrawal of Respondent's Motion to Deem Requests for Admission as Admitted filed.
Date: 05/25/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Deem Requests for Admissions as Admitted filed.
Date: 04/19/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for July 29 and 30, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 04/16/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 04/13/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by April 16, 2021).
Date: 04/12/2021
Proceedings: Stipulated Motion to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Date: 04/05/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Second Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 04/05/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Second Request for Production filed.
Date: 03/03/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Exhibits filed.
Date: 03/01/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/01/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for April 27 and 28, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 02/24/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/23/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of First Interrogatories to Petitioner, Florida Office of Financial Regulation filed.
Date: 02/19/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 02/19/2021
Proceedings: Respondent Toshia Parrish's First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 02/18/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/18/2021
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 02/18/2021
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 02/18/2021
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Office of Financial Regulation


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):