21-001546 David L. Maassen vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, September 28, 2021.

View Dockets  
Summary: Department of Transportation established that the existing driveway on Petitioner's property should be closed pursuant to statute and rule.




18Petitioner ,

19vs. Case No. 21 - 1546


30Respondent .



37Pursuant to notice, the final hearing in this cause was conducted before

49Administrative Law Judge Lynne A. Quimby - Pennock, of the Division of

61Administrative Hearings (ÑDOAHÒ), on July 16, 2021, by Zoom conference

71from Tallahassee, Florida.


76For Petitioner: David Lambert Maassen, pro se

83140 South Osceola Avenue

87Arcadia, Florida 34266

90For Respondent: Richard E. Shine, Esquire

96Department of Transportation

99605 Suwannee Street

102Tallahassee, Florida 32399


112Whether the Notice of Intent to Modify Driveway Connection, in which

123Respondent, Florida Department of Transportation (ÑFDOTÒ) seeks to close a

133driveway on PetitionerÔs property to eliminate potential traffic issues and

143reduce the number of acces s points to the roadway, is consistent with sections

157334.044(14), 335.181, and 335.182, Florida Statutes, and Florida

165Administrative Code Rules 14 - 96.011 and 14 - 96.015.


179On March 1, 2021, FDOT sent a Notice of Intent to Modify Drivewa y

193Connection (ÑNoticeÒ) to John and Kathryn Maassen, the listed property

203owners. The Notice announced that the Ñexisting driveway,Ò an

213approximately 100 - foot driveway connection directly on State Road 70

224(ÑSR 70Ò or ÑOak StreetÒ) , would be closed to improv e safety or traffic

238operations. Multiple ÑDriveway drawings [ 1 ] Ò [sic] were allegedly attached to

251the Notice, as was a Notice of Administrative Hearing Rights.

261Petitioner David Maassen (ÑMr. MaassenÒ), timely requested a hearing.

270FDOT referred the matter to DOAH for a Ñformal administrative hearing

281pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.Ò

289The Notice provided:

292Re: (04040000) FDOT Financial Project ID 441562 -

3001 - 52 - 0l

305Property Tax ID 25 - 37 - 24 - 0128 - 00B0 - 0120

319Notice of Intent to Modify Dr iveway Connection

327The Florida Department of Transportation (FD O T)

335is currently designing a roadway improvement

341project reconstruction on SR. 70 in DeSoto County.

349Part of the design effort includes an evaluation of

358existing driveway connections for potentia l

364modifications that will improve safety or traffic

371operations on the state roadway.

376Pursuant to sections 334.044(14) and 335.182

382Florida Statutes, as well as Rule 14 - 96.015 Florida

392Administrative Code and Rule 14 - 96.011(3)(b),

399(5)(b), FDOT is proposing t o alter the exis ting

4091 The Notice included a one - page ÑROADWAY PLAN (2).Ò

420driveway access connection to Property Tax ID: 25 -

42937 - 24 - 0018 - 00D0 - 0000 [ 2 ] and SR 70.

444FDOT is taking this action pursuant to sections

452335.182 and 335.1825 Florida Statues and

458Rules 14 - 96.011 and 14 - 96.15, [ 3 ] Florida

470Administrative Code.

472The existing driveway will be closed, as per the

481attached plans [sic]. This proposed action will

488reduce the number of access points to the roadway

497and eliminate potential traffic issues.

502A copy of a Notice of Administrative Hearing

510Rights is also attached if you should disagree with

519the proposed plan.


523Kara Davis

525Florida Department of Transportation

529District One [ 4 ]

534On May 19, 2021, the Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference was issued,

547scheduling the hearing for July 16, 2021. The hearing was completed as


560On July 9, 2021, Petitioner and Respondent each filed their proposed

571exhibits. Respondent also filed its witness list. On July 14, 2021, FDOT filed

584a ÑNotice of Filing Amended Exhibit for Final Hearing,Ò specifically

595Exhibit 1 1.

5982 The two property tax IDs listed in the ÑRe:Ò section and paragraph two are not the same. No

617objection was raised to the two inconsistent property tax IDs. Throughout the hearing the

631property location was presented as the northeast corner of SR 70 and Baldwin Avenue in

646Arcadia, Florida.

6483 The reference to rule Ñ14 - 96.15 Florida Administrative CodeÒ is incorrect, there is no such

665rule. No objection was raised to the incorrect cit ation, and the parties easily discussed the

681relevant rule, rule 14 - 96.015, which was listed in paragraph two of the Notice.

6964 At no time was District OneÔs territory provided.

705During the hearing, Mr. Maassen testified on his own behalf, and his

717Exhibits A through Q were accepted in evidence. 5 FDOT presented the

729testimony of three witnesses. RespondentÔs Exhibits 1 through 11 were

739accepted in evidence.

742At the end of the hear ing, the parties were advised of the ten - day

758timeframe provided by rule for filing proposed recommended orders (ÑPROsÒ),

768running from the later of the filing of the transcript at DOAH or the close of

784the hearing. At that time, the undersigned was advised t hat a transcript

797would be ordered. Mr. Maassen unilaterally requested an extended deadline

807of 20 days from the filing day of the transcript. RespondentÔs counsel did not

821object, and the request was granted.

827The one - volume Transcript was filed on August 20 , 2021. On August 20,

8412021, FDOT filed a Motion to Extend the Date to Submit Proposed

853Recommended Orders (ÑMotionÒ). The Motion provided that FDOT had

862received the Transcript and requested the court reporter to file it at DOAH.

875Further, the Motion provided the parties had conferred after the conclusion of

887the hearing, and were jointly requesting 21 days to file the PROs. The Motion

901was granted and the parties were notified that their PROs were due on

914Friday, September 10, 2021.

918Both parties timely filed t heir PROs on September 10, 2021. To the extent

932that either PRO contained new facts or information that was not subject to

945cross - examination during the hearing, those matters have been excluded

956from consideration. Otherwise, both PROs have been carefully co nsidered in

967the preparation of this Recommended Order.

9735 Exhibits A through H, and J were admitted over objection.


989The Witnesses

9911. Mr. Maassen testified that John and Kathryn Maassen were his

1002parents and are deceased. 6 Although an argument could be made that

1014Mr. Maassen was not the proper party t o this case, no one raised this as an

1031objection, and both parties actively participated in the hearing.

10402. Nicolas Leon is employed by FDOT as a roadway engineer supervisor

1052III. He holds a bachelorÔs and masterÔs degree in civil engineering, and is a

1066licen sed professional engineer. Mr. LeonÔs duties and responsibilities include

1076being the engineer of record and/or project manager on multiple

1086transportation projects. He oversees a team of roadway and traffic designers ,

1097project managers, and engineers.

11013. Lea nna Schaill is employed by FDOT as a traffic services access

1114management manager for District One. She has a degree in mechanical

1125engineering, and manages a team of four FDOT employees who review all the

1138access management applications for driveway connectio n permits throughout

1147District One.

11494. Joel B. Hobbs is employed by FDOT as an operation program engineer.

1162He works at the FDOT maintenance office which is west of the property at


1177FDOTÔs Process

11795. FDOT conducted an analysis of SR 70 in DeSoto Count y, Florida by

1193evaluating the roadway, side streets, median openings, access connections,

1202intersections, and intersections signalizations. A roadway project was

1210formulated to bring the facility into compliance with state statutes and rules.

12226 Mr. MaassenÔs E xhibit N was a copy of Warranty Deed regarding ÑLots 12, 13, and 14 of

1241Block B, Fountain Park Subdivision, Arcadia Florida,Ò executed between Elon N. and

1254Alesia J. Duncan to John S. and Kathryn Maassen dated April 21, 1961.

12676. FDOT is char ged to use a forward - looking process to bring all state

1283roadways into compliance with FDOTÔs design standards. These design

1292standards, set forth in FDOTÔs statutes and rules , are to protect and ensure

1305the public health, safety, and welfare for all users of the state roadway,

1318including vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles.

13237. FDOT is required to follow the Access Management Act found in

1335chapter 335.18, and 14 - 96 and 14 - 97 to evaluate the roadway.

13498. Property owners who have property directly adjacent to a st ate roadway

1362share a property boundary with the state roadway. Those property owners

1373are entitled to reasonable and adequate access to their property. However,

1384the property owner is not entitled to unregulated access to that property.

1396See § 335.181(2) , Fla. Stat.

14019. FDOT was statutorily directed to adopt rules that provide an

1412administrative procedure for closing unpermitted connections.

1418See § 335.182(2) , Fla. Stat. As found in rules 14 - 96 and 14 - 97, an unregulated

1436access, such as a driveway, is one that has not been permitted by FDOT, and

1451may create safety and operational concerns because it may not be constructed

1463or designed in compliance with FDOTÔs standards.

147010. Driveway connections on state roads must be permitted or

1480grandfathered. See § 335.1825, Fla. S tat.; Fla. Admin. Code R. 14 -

149396.011(3)(a). A driveway is grandfathered if it was in existence prior to

1505July 1, 1988, when access permits were first required. See Fla. Admin. Code

1518R. 14 - 96.011(3)(a). To retain the grandfather status, a driveway must be

1531cons istently used by the owner or business proprietor. If the property use is

1545changed, that property loses the grandfathered status.

155211. When a property use changes, the owner has the ability to apply to

1566FDOT for an access permit for the access connection. FD OT reviews those

1579applications and may grant or deny the application.

158712. Driveway confusion and driver confusion occur when a driver Ñis

1598presented with too many choices to make in a short period of time due to the

1614inefficiency or difficult driveway locatio n.Ò Such driveway confusion could

1624cause a driver to make a wrong choice as to when, where, and how to move

1640their vehicle within a driveway area, attempt to enter a driveway, or exit the

1654driveway into the flow of traffic.

1660FDOTÔs Proposed Project and Propert y

166613. FDOT proposed a Ñroadway improvement project reconstruction on

1675SR 70 in DeSoto County,Ò Florida.

168214. The project is approximately 1.8 miles in length beginning just east of

1695Peace River, and heading east into Arcadia, Florida. The project includes

1706bo th the eastbound and westbound lanes of SR 70, a divided roadway,

1719sometimes called Ñone - way pairs.Ò

172515. FDOT proposed to: reconstruct the pavement through repaving the

1735roadway; install a new closed - drainage system for storm water; install a new

1749sanitary s ewer line; create new signage; improve pavement markings; install

1760signalization; and provide lighting improvements.

176516. Additionally, at the intersection of SR 70 and Baldwin Avenue

1776(ÑBaldwinÒ), FDOT proposed to install a west - bound right turn lane onto

1789N orth Baldwin.

179217. For the majority of the project, FDOT proposed to install eight - foot -

1807wide ADA 7 compliant sidewalks with ramps at the intersections. However, in

1819the area where the 100 - foot driveway would be closed, a six - foot - wide

1836sidewalk with intersect ion ramps would be created along the curve in SR 70,

1850based on the limited right - of - way.

185918. Ms. Schaill testified that using the Ñsame criteria and regulation,

1870statutes, and Administrative Code,Ò her team analyzed 120 driveway access

1881connections along the proposed project corridor. Of those 120 driveway access

1892connections, 14 were identified for modification due to safety and operational


19047 The term ÑADAÒ was understood to refer to the Americans with Disabilit ies Act of 1990, a

1922civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability .

1932Five of the 14 driveway access connections were identified for closure due to

1945safety and operational concerns .

195019. The property containing the approximate 100 - foot driveway with

1961direct access to SR 70 at issue here is a 0.43 - acre parcel located at the

1978northeast corner of Baldwin and SR 70, Arcadia , Florida .

198820. The 100 - foot driveway has been in use since the 19 60s. The property

2004was a gasoline station for many years. However, in the 1990s , the property

2017use changed from a gasoline station to a sign shop, known as De S oto Sign

2033(ÑShopÒ) .

2035PetitionerÔs Objection and Position

203921. Mr. Maassen objected to FDOTÔs proposed closure of the ShopÔs

205010 0 - f oot driveway with direct access to SR 70. The Notice used the term

2067Ñmodification,Ò yet it also contained the sentence: Ñ[T]he existing driveway

2078will be closed, as per the attached plans. Ò 8 Mr. MaassenÔs position was that

2093the ter ms: ÑmodificationÒ and ÑclosureÒ are not the same. The Notice provided

2106that the closure would Ñreduce the number of access points to the roadway

2119and eliminate potential traffic issues.Ò The Notice also provided that the

2130potential modifications would Ñimpro ve safety or traffic operations onÒ SR 70.

214222. Mr. Maassen offered 10 ÑFLORIDA TRAFFIC CRASH REPORT[s]Ò

2151dated May 2016 to December 2020 to support his contention that automobile

2163crashes at or near the Shop were not the issue. He alluded that Exhibit ÑI , Ò a

2180crash report from May 2017, provided the only instance where a bus was

2193parked parallel to SR 70 on the 100 - foot driveway. The report mentioned the

2208parked bus as a contributing factor to a two - car accident. However, it is noted

2224that the crash report is ove r four years old.

22348 As indicated above, only one drawing or plan was attached to the Notice.

224823. Mr. Maassen acknowledged that a long - bed blue tractor - trailer has

2262parked (and still parks) parallel and next to the S hop , along Baldwin . He also

2278acknowledged at times the tractor - trailer traveling westbound on SR 70 may

2291have maneuver ed into that parking location by blocking traffic on SR 70. It is

2306Mr. Maassen Ôs belie f that FDOT is using that tractor - trailer as its basis for

2323the proposed closure of the 100 - foot driveway.

233224. Mr. Maassen testified that the tractor - trailer driver should be

2344educated and/or ticketed by law enforcement to stop the parking maneuver.

2355Mr. Maassen further testified that if the driver could not be educated as to

2369how to drive or park appropriately, his license should be revoked.

238025. Mr. Hobbs, the only witness to actually see the tractor - trailer parking

2394maneuver, conceded that Ñwithin the last year,Ò the tractor - trailer is Ñno

2408longer pulling out directly onto 70 . He is pulling up adjacent to the through

2423lane and starting his maneuvers to back up into the parking position. Ò The

2437tractor - trailer is now traveling south on Baldwin, pulling onto the Shop

2450property via the Baldwin connection, and maneuvering into the parallel

2460parking position next to the Shop.

246626. Mr. Maassen had no idea whether the 100 - foot driveway, w ith the

2481direct access to SR 70, was permitted at the time it was constructed or since

2496that time. He made the point that someone would not Ñgo out and cut a hole

2512in a driveway for a roadway without somebody knowing about it.Ò

252327. Mr. Maassen acknowledged t he speed limit on SR 70 in front of the

2538Shop was 45 miles per hour.

254428. Further, Mr. Maassen pointed to section 335.184(3), and argued that

2555when the roadway was repaved, or work done on the Shop property,

2567Ñ[T]hereÔs been no reason to make a change.Ò Howeve r, he did not provide any

2582testimony as to when any re - pavement or work was done on SR 70 or on the

2600Shop property. His position is the 100 - foot driveway gives the property

2613reasonable access for Shop customers.

261829. Mr. Maassen asserted F D OT 's proposed acti on leaves h im without

"2633reasonable access" to the Shop property. He testified:

2641I cannot take a delivery vehicle off a side street,

2651make a U - turn, turn it around on that driveway

2662and bring it back out on the side street. A vehicle of

2674any size or nature, any of the businesses that the

2684sign shop actually works with that has a vehicle

2693with a trailer will be limited.

2699ThereÔs a canopy in the middle of that driveway

2708which prevents you from making any type of a U -

2719turn out there with any type of a dual vehicle. We

2730need to have a complete access through the

2738property from one side to the other, not just being

2748able to pull onto one side.

2754This is not a retail outlet. This is an operational

2764facility where theyÔre doing work on vehicles out

2772front that must be able to b e brought across the

2783driveway, not just pull on it and back out.

2792His contention is that this action (maneuvering around the Shop property) Ñis

2804reasonable access for customers.Ò However, maneuvering on the Shop

2813property is considered internal circulation, and not what FDOT is charged

2824with regulating.

2826FDOTÔs Position

282830. FDOT is the state agency responsible for regulating access between

2839state roads and private property abutting those roads. See §§ 335.18 through

2851335.188, Fla Stat. SR 70 is a part of the Flo rida state highway system.

286631. The ShopÔs direct connection, meaning the access , or driveway,

2876connecting the parcel onto SR 70, runs parallel to SR 70 and is approximately

2890100 feet long, with a curb somewhere in the middle. The approximate length

2903of the cu rb was not provided, nor was its existence challenged. This direct

2917connection begins approximately 10 feet from the intersection of SR 70 and


293032. The ShopÔs second connection (Ñsecond drivewayÒ) lies on Baldwin and

2941is approximately 75 feet long. This is an indirect connection as it connects the

2955Shop property to Baldwin, the side street which directly connects to SR 70.

2968The second driveway is not subject to any changes in the Notice.

298033. SR 70 is classified as a class 5 road. See Fla. Admin. Code R . 14 -

299897.003(1), Table 2. The class 5 designation is assigned to roadways that Ñare

3011controlled access facilities where adjacent land has been extensively

3020developed and where the probability of major land use change is not high.Ò

3033See Fla. Admin. Code R . 14 - 9 7.003( 2 ) (b)4. The rul e provides that for a

3053driveway connection on a class 5 road, which has a posted speed limit of

306745 miles per hour, there must be at least 245 feet between the access

3081connections on driveways, side streets, or adjacent properties.

308934. M s. Schaill confirmed that at the intersection of SR 70 and Baldwin,

3103the speed limit is 45 miles per hour. Further, she testified that the distance

3117between the ShopÔs 100 - foot driveway abutting SR 70 and the Baldwin

3130intersection is approximately 10 feet. Th us, the ShopÔs 100 - foot driveway is

3144an unregulated access, in that it does not meet the spacing requirement

3156identified in rule 14 - 97.003(2)(b)4. Ms. Schaill testified that this unregulated

3168access is FDOTÔs reason for closing the driveway.

317635. As provided in paragraph 9 above, Ñd riveway connections on state

3188roads must be permitted or grandfathered . Ò See § 335.1825, Fla. Stat.;

3201Fla. Admin. Code R . 14 - 96.011(3)(a). The re is no question that the gasoline

3217stationÔs direct connection was in place prior to 1988 . H owever , the use of the

3233property changed to the Shop in the mid - 1990s without a n access permit

3248application being submitted to or granted by FDOT .

325736. Ms. Schaill testified the Notice was FDOTÔs second letter

3267communicating the intent to modify the ShopÔs pr operty access. Further,

3278FDOT staff met with Mr. Maassen or his brother at the Shop property to

3292discuss the proposed project. N umerous telephone conversations occurred

3301between Mr. Maassen and FDOT staff regarding the proposed project .

331237. Ms. Schaill credib ly testified to the statutes and rules that FDOT must

3326follow when projects are proposed. To paraphrase the language of section

3337335.181(1), she provided that the:

3342Access Management Act is to protect all users of

3351the state highway system, insofar as to ensu re that

3361public health, safety, and welfare of all users,

3369which includes vehicular traffic, pedestrian traffic,

3375and bicycle traffic on a state roadway, while also

3384allowing for the safe and efficient mobility of people

3393on a state roadway.

339738. Further, Ms. S chaill specified section 335.181(2) provided that Ñevery

3408property owner adjacent to the state roadway, shares a property boundary

3419with the state roadway [and] is entitled to reasonable and adequate access to

3432their parcel.Ò However, the property owner is no t Ñentitled to unregulated

3444access to that parcel.Ò

344839. An unregulated access to a property is one that has not been permitted

3462by FDOT. Ms. Schaill testified that such unregulated access to a property

3474Ñmay create safety and operational concerns or is not co nstructed or designed

3487in accordance with the DepartmentÔs standards for driveway connections.Ò

349640. According to Ms. Schaill, a Ñproperty owner is entitled to and has a

3510right to the minimum number of connections required to provide safe and

3522efficient ingres s and egress to their parcel, which can be satisfied by either

3536direct or indirect driveway connections.Ò In this instance, the indirect

3546connection could be made for ingress to the Shop from Baldwin by either

3559turning left or right onto the Shop property, an d for egress by turning left out

3575of the Shop property onto Baldwin, which connects directly to SR 70.

358741. Ms. Schaill confirmed that section 335.181(2)(a) requires FDOT to

3597provide a property owner Ñadjacent to the state roadway reasonable and

3608adequate acce ss to the state roadway either by indirect or direct means. The

3622access is - - - permissible access would have to be regulated by the

3636Department, and we could not approve an unregulated access.Ò

364542 . Ms. Schaill 's testimony was clear, concise, and credible a s to the

3660statutes and rules employed by FDOT in making the determination

3670regarding the closure of the 100 - foot driveway.


368443 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

3698proceeding . See §§ 120.569, 120.57(1), an d 335.182, Fla. Stat.

370944. FDOT, as the party asserting the affirmative of the issue, has the

3722burden to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the driveway may be

3736modified as proposed in the Notice. Young v. DepÔt of Cmty. Aff. , 625 So. 2d

3751831, 833 - 34 (Fla. 1993); DepÔt of Transp. v. J.W.C. Co. , 396 So. 2d 778, 788

3768(Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

377245. FDOT is the state agency responsible for regulating access to the state

3785highway system pursuant to sections 335.18 through 335.188. Specifically,

3794FDOT is the stat e agency with the power Ñ[t]o establish, control, and prohibit

3808points of ingress to, and egress from, the State Highway System È as

3821necessary to ensure the safe, efficient, and effective maintenance and

3831operation of such facilities.Ò £ 334.044(14), Fla. St at.

384046. FDOT initiated this action by issuance of a Notice, with an attached

3853driveway drawing and notice of administrative hearing rights.

386147. Section 335.181 provides in pertinent part:

3868(1) It is the finding of the Legislature that:

3877(a) Regulation of a ccess to the State Highway

3886System is necessary in order to protect the public

3895health, safety, and welfare, to preserve the

3902functional integrity of the State Highway System,

3909and to promote the safe and efficient movement of

3918people and goods within the state .

3925* * *

3928( 2)(a) Every owner of property which abuts a road

3938on the State Highway System has a right to

3947reasonable access to the abutting state highway

3954but does not have the right of unregulated access

3963to such highway. The operational capabilities o f an

3972access connection may be restricted by the

3979department. However, a means of reasonable

3985access to an abutting state highway may not be

3994denied by the department, except on the basis of

4003safety or operational concerns as provided in s.


4012(b) The a ccess rights of an owner of property

4022abutting the State Highway System are subject to

4030reasonable regulation to ensure the publicÔs right

4037and interest in a safe and efficient highway

4045system. This paragraph does not authorize the

4052department to deny a means o f reasonable access

4061to an abutting state highway, except on the basis

4070of safety or operational concerns as provided in s.

4079335.184. Property owners are encouraged to

4085implement the use of joint access where legally


409448. ÑÓReasonable AccessÔ means the minimum number of connections,

4103direct or indirect, necessary to provide safe and efficient ingress and egress to

4116the State Highway System based on Section 335.18, F.S., the Access

4127Management Classification, projected connection and roadway traffic

4134volu mes, and the type and intensity of the land use.Ò See Fla. Admin. Code

4149R. 14 - 96.002(25). ÑÓConnectionÔ means driveways, streets, turnouts, or other

4160means of providing for the right of reasonable access to or from the State

4174Highway System.Ò £ 335.182(3)(a), Fla. Stat.

418049. Driveways on state roads must be permitted or grandfathered, or they

4192are subject to closure. See § 335.1825 , Fla. Stat., and Fla. Admin. Code R. 14 -

420896.011(3). An unpermitted driveway is grandfathered if it was in existence

4219prior to July 1, 1988, and has not been discontinued for a period of one year

4235or more. Id . at 14 - 96.011(3)(a). A change in property use occurs when the

4251business located on the property has been out of service for a period of one

4266year or more. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 14 - 96. 005(2)(c)3.

427850. The ShopÔs 100 - foot driveway directly on SR 70 is currently an

4292unpermitted driveway. W hen the gasoline station started operation in the

43031960s, a permit may not have been required. However, when the gasoline

4315station ceased operation and the Shop engaged in business, the property use

4327changed, and a permit was required.

433351. FDOT , at the direction of the State legislature, has adopted rules

4345governing the modification of unpermitted driveways. Rule 14 - 96.015

4355provides, in relevant part, as follo ws:

4362When existing connections are modified by a

4369Department project, access will be provided to

4376abutting properties, subject to reasonable

4381regulation as referred to in Section 335.181(2)(b),

4388F.S. To the maximum extent feasible, this new

4396access will be consi stent with adopted Department

4404connection standards.

4406(1) Corridors will be examined during the

4413preliminary engineering and design phases to

4419determine if existing connections, median openings,

4425and signals spacing and design standards are in

4433conformance, or can be brought into conformance,

4440with adopted Department standards.

4444(2) When a permitted or grandfathered connection

4451is modified as part of a Department construction

4459project, and not due to a significant change, no

4468additional permit shall be required.

4473(3 ) Where connections are to be modified as part of

4484a Department contruction [sic] project, and the

4491Department is not planning to acquire any portion

4499of the property for the project, the Department will

4508provide notice and opportunity for an

4514administrative pr oceeding pursuant to Rule 14 -

452296.0011, F.A.C., and Chapter 120, F.S. For

4529purposes of paragraph 14 - 96.011(1)(d), F.A.C.,

4536construction plans for a Department project signed,

4543sealed, and dated by a Professional Engineer

4550registered in the State of Florida shall substantiate

4558a connection's non - conformance with Department

4565standards or potential safety or operational

4571problem, and a separate engineering study shall

4578not be required.

458152. Pursuant to rule 14 - 96.011(4)(c), if FDOT acts to modify a driveway, it

4596Ñshall o ffer an opportunity to meet on site with the property owner or

4610designated representative È [and] take into consideration the following:

46191. Documents, reports, or studies obtained by

4626the property owner or lessee and provided to the


46362. Alternati ve solutions proposed by the

4643property owner.

464553. FDOT may modify grandfathered driveways pursuant to the following

4655standards set forth in rule 14 - 96.011(4)(b):

4663The Department will modify a connection if such

4671modification is determined to be necessary beca use

4679the connection would jeopardize the safety of the

4687public or have a negative impact on the operational

4696characteristics of the state highway. The problem

4703may be substantiated by an engineering study

4710signed, sealed, and dated by a professional engineer

4718re gistered in the State of Florida. Such engineering

4727study shall consider the following:

47321. Analysis of accidents or operational analysis

4739directly involving the connection or similar

4745connections, or a traffic conflicts analysis of the


47542. Analysis of the impact modification of the

4762connection will have on maintenance or safety on

4770the public road system.

47743. Analysis of the impact modification of the

4782connection will have on traffic patterns and

4789circulation on the public road system.

47954. The principles of transportation engineering as

4802determined by generally accepted professional


480854. Rule 14 - 96.011(5) provides the following notification process for

4819modifying a grandfathered connection:

4823(a) The Department shall give written notice to the

4832property owner, with a copy to the occupant, for a

4842grandfathered connection if significant changes

4847have occurred or if the connection is found to cause

4857a safety or operational problem (as specified in this

4866rule chapter). The notice will identify the specific

4874inform ation regarding the safety or operational

4881problem and request that the problem be corrected

4889or that a written agreement on a schedule for the

4899correction be approved by the Department within

490630 days of receipt of the notice.

49131. If the reason for the modifi cation is due to

4924significant change the notice will state the basis of

4933the DepartmentÔs determination and require the

4939filing of a permit application by a specified date.

4948Where the DepartmentÔs requirement to file an

4955application has become final and no time ly

4963application has been filed, the Department will

4970take immediate action to modify the connection in

4978accordance with the notice at the ownerÔs expense.

49862. If the reason for the modification is a safety or

4997operational problem, the notice will state the bas is

5006of the DepartmentÔs determination and describe the

5013changes necessary to reduce the hazard or correct

5021the situation.

502355. Here, FDOT seeks to modify PetitionerÔs unpermitted, 100 - foot - wide

5036driveway for safety and operational reasons due to the Project al ong SR 70.

505056. Based on the Findings of Fact, PetitionerÔs driveway was at one point

5063grandfathered. Although there is no dispute that the driveway existed on or

5075befor e July 1, 1988, the weight of the credible evidence confirmed that the

5089use of the property changed in the 1990s from a gas station to a sign shop, a

5106significant change in use. Testimony established that no permit was

5116requested or obtained when this change in use occurred.

512557. Based on the Findings of Fact, FDOT complied with the requirement

5137in rule 14 - 96.011(4)(c) to meet on site with Mr. Maassen or his brother, plus

5153additional telephone conversations between the two parties occurred. Though

5162the efforts to reach an agreed resolution were unsuccessful, FDOT complied

5173with the requirement to meet o n site and consider PetitionerÔs circumstance.

5185Further, FDOT proved by a preponderance of the evidence that the

5196modification of PetitionersÔ driveway will improve safety and the operational

5206characteristics on SR 70, and will provide Petitioner with reasona ble access

5218through the indirect connection on Baldwin.


5226Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

5239R ECOMMENDED that Respondent, Department of Transportation, enter a final

5249order approving the closure of the ShopÔs 100 - foot driveway as part of the

5264State Road 70 project.

5268D ONE A ND E NTERED this 28th day of September , 2021 , in Tallahassee,

5282Leon County, Florida.



5294Administrative Law Judge

52971230 Apalachee Parkway

5300Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5305( 850) 488 - 9675


5311Filed with the Clerk of the

5317Division of Administrative Hearings

5321this 28th day of September , 2021 .


5333Richard E. Shine, Esquire David Lambert Maassen

5340Department of Transportation 140 South Osceola Avenue

5347605 Suwannee Street Arcadia, Florida 34266

5353Tallahassee, Florida 3 2399

5357Kevin J. Thibault, P.E. , Secretary

5362Amber Greene, Clerk of Agency Department of Transportation

5370Proceedings Haydon Burns Building

5374Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street , MS 57

5382Haydon Burns Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450

5390605 Suwannee Street , MS 58

5395Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450

5400Sean Gellis, General Counsel

5404Department of Transportation

5407Haydon Burns Building

5410605 Suwannee Street , MS 5 8

5416Tallahassee, Florida 32 399 - 0450


5433All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

5446the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

5457Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Fin al Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/15/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 10/27/2021
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/28/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/28/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/28/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 16, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/10/2021
Proceedings: Florida Department of Transportation's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/10/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/23/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 08/20/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 08/20/2021
Proceedings: Motion to Extend the Date to Submit Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 07/16/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/14/2021
Proceedings: Department of Transportation's Notice of Filing Amended Exhibit for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 07/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness List for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 07/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 07/09/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 07/09/2021
Proceedings: Department of Transportation's Notice of Filing Exhibits for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 07/08/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Ex Parte Communication.
Date: 07/08/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 05/19/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/19/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for July 16, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 05/17/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/12/2021
Proceedings: Amended Initial Order.
Date: 05/12/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/11/2021
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 05/11/2021
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/11/2021
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Arcadia, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (10):