21-002069PL Department Of Health, Bureau Of Emergency Medical Services vs. Ryan Robert Centofanti, Emt-P
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, January 31, 2022.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner proved that Respondent committed a violation that was directly related to the practices of an EMT and a paramedic.





27Petitioner ,

28vs. Case No. 21 - 2069PL


44Respondent .



51Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was conducted on November 16, 2021,

63via Zoom, before Garnett W. Chisenhall, a duly designated Administrative

73Law Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings (ÑDOAHÒ).


84For Petitioner: Zach a ry Bell , Esquire

91Department of Health

944052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

102Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

107For Respondent: Ryan R obert Centofanti , pro se

11522 Palmyra Lan e

119Palm Coast, Florida 32164


131The issues are whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in

141the Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.


156The Department of Health (Ñthe DepartmentÒ) issued an Administrative

165Complaint on March 23, 2021, alleging that Respondent (Ñ Mr. CentofantiÒ)

176pled nolo contendere, on approximately August 11, 2020, to violating:

186(a) section 316.193(4), Florida Statutes (2019), by driving a vehicle while

197having a blood - alcohol or breath - alcohol level of 0.15 or higher; and

212(b) section 790.151, Florida Statutes (2019), 1 by using a firearm while under

225the influence of alcohol. With regard to the latter violation, the Department

237alleged that Mr. Centofanti had been observed firing an AR - 15 rifle 2 through

252a window of his vehicle as he was driving through a residential area. Count I

267of the Administrative Complaint alleged that Mr. Centofanti had violated

277section 456.072(1)(c), Florida Statutes, by Ñ[b]eing convicted or found guilty

287of, or entering a plea of guilty o r nolo contendere to, regardless of

301adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction which relates to the practice of, or

314the ability to practice, a licenseeÔs profession.Ò Count II of the Administrative

326Complaint alleged that Mr. Centofanti had violated section 456.072(1)(x), by

336Ñ[f]ailing to report to the board, or the [D]epartment if there is no board, in

351writing within 30 days after the licensee has been convicted or found guilty

364of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime

378in any jurisdiction.Ò

381Mr. Centofanti responded to the Administrative Complaint by submitting

390an Election of Rights form disputing the allegations in Counts I and II.

403The Department referred this matter to DOAH, and the undersigned

413scheduled a formal ad ministrative hearing for August 13, 2021.

423At the DepartmentÔs request, the final hearing was rescheduled for

433November 16, 2021, and was convened as scheduled.

4411 All subsequent statutory references herein shall be to the 2020 version of the Florida


4572 The DepartmentÔs Administrative Co mplaint described an AR - 15 rifle as Ña popular

472lightweight, semi - automatic rifle - style firearm with a high capacity magazine and

486interchangeable components.Ò

488During the final hearing, the Department presented testimony from

497Officer Gaetano Cozzone of the City of Flagler Beach police department.

508PetitionerÔs Exhibits 1 through 9 were accepted into evidence. PetitionerÔs

518Exhibit 7 is a deposition taken in lieu of live testimony of the DepartmentÔs

532expert witness, James M. Tucker, E.M.T. - P.

540Mr. Centofan ti testified on his own behalf. With the undersignedÔs

551permission, Mr. Centofanti submitted several documents on November 23,

5602021, all of which are hereby designed as RespondentÔs Composite Exhibit 1.

572The one - volume final hearing Transcript was filed on January 3, 2022,

585and the Department filed a timely P roposed R ecommended O rder that was

599considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order. Mr. Centofanti did

610not file a post - hearing submittal.


622Based on the oral and documentary evi dence adduced at the final hearing,

635the entire record of this proceeding, and matters subject to official

646recognition, the following Findings of Fact are made:

654The Parties

6561. The Department is the state agency responsible for regulating

666emergency medical services in the State of Florida pursuant to section 20.43,

678Florida Statutes ; chapter 401, Florida Statutes ; and chapter 456.

6872. At the present time , and at all times relevant to the instant case,

701Mr. Centofanti held emergency medical technician (ÑEMTÒ) 3 c ertificate 4

7123 Section 401.23(11) defines an Ñemergency medical technicianÒ as Ña person who is certified

726b y [the Department] to perform basic life support pursuant to this part.Ò

7394 Section 456.001(15), Florida Statutes, defines a ÑlicenseÒ as Ñ any permit, registration,

752certificate, or license, including a provisional license, issued by the Department.Ò

763number EMT 537881 and paramedic 5 certificate number PMD 526190.

773Mr. Centofanti has performed well during his career as an EMT/paramedic.

7843. At the time of the final hearing, Mr. Centofanti was not working in the

799emergency medical services fie ld. Instead, he was working as a

810ÑParamedic IIIÒ in pharmaceutical research for Labcorp . That position assists

821with testing drugs on human subjects in order to ascertain whether those

833drugs can be administered to humans on a wide basis. Mr. CentofantiÔs

845sp ecific duties include screening subjects for health problems and taking

856their vitals. While he is not administering any life - saving treatment during

869his work for Labcorp , he believes he would not be able to retain his position

884with Labcorp without a parame dic certificate.

8914. Mr. Centofanti also earns money by manufacturing and selling

901firearms, including AR - 15 rifles, from his garage.

910Facts Specific to the Instant Case

9165. Officer Gaetano Cozzone is a police officer with the City of Flagler

929Beach, Flori da , and was on patrol in his police vehicle during the early

943morning hours of January 17, 2020. At approximately 2:30 a.m., Officer

954Cozzone received a call over his police radio about a dark - colored sport utility

969vehicle (Ñthe SUVÒ) in the area of Island E states Parkway, four to five miles

984north of his jurisdiction. The call reported that gunshots were coming from

996the vehicle. Officer Cozzone eventually encountered the SUV as it was

1007traveling south at a high rate of speed on North Ocean Shore Boulevard.

1020Off ice r Cozzone was traveling in the opposite direction and had to turn

1034around and exceed the speed limit in order to catch up to the SUV.

10486. Mr. Centofanti was driving the SUV.

10555 Section 401.23(17) defines a ÑparamedicÒ as Ña person who is certified by [the Department]

1070to perform basic and advanced life support pursuant to this part.Ò

10817. While Office r Cozzone was following the SUV, he observed flashes,

1093appearing to be gunshots, coming from the driverÔs side window. 6 As a result,

1107Officer Cozzone called for backup rather than attempting to execut e a traffic

1120stop by himself. When the SUV turned on North 16th S treet and into a

1135residential area, Officer Cozzone determi ned he could not wait for backup due

1148to the danger the SUV posed to bystanders. Accordingly, Officer Cozzone

1159pulled the SUV over, withdrew his sidearm, and ordered Mr. Centofanti to

1171put his hands out the driverÔs side window.

11798. When backup arrived, Office r Cozzone conducted a Ñfelony stopÒ by

1191ordering Mr. Centofanti to exit the vehicle and walk backwards toward him. 7

12049. Mr. Centofanti appeared to be intoxicated as he exited the vehicle. His

1217eyes were glassed over, he moved slowly, his speech was slurred, and he

1230smelled of alcohol.

123310. While inspecting the SUV , Officer Cozzone detected gunpowder or gun

1244smoke emanating from the vehicleÔs interior. He saw an AR - 15 rifle on the

1259back floorboard and several spent shell casings randomly strewn throughout

1269the SU V. Officer Cozzone noted that the AR - 15 was hot to the touch as if it

1288had been recently fired multiple times. 8

129511. Officer Cozzone ultimately turned the traffic stop over to the local

1307sheriffÔs office, and Mr. Centofanti was arrested for driving under the

1318influence (ÑDUIÒ) .

13216 The flashes were gunshots from Mr. CentofantiÔs AR - 15 rifle. Rather than firing toward a

1338resi dential area, he was firing east toward the Atlantic Ocean.

13497 Officer Cozzone had to yell loudly because Mr. Centofanti was having difficulty hearing

1363him. According to Officer Cozzone, oneÔs hearing can be temporarily impaired due to the loud

1378noise that results from discharging a firearm.

13858 Through his questioning of Officer Cozzone, Mr. Centofanti unsuccessfully attempted to

1397discredit Officer CozzoneÔs testimony that he witnessed gunshots coming from the SUV.

1409Given the overwhelming evidence that Mr. C entofanti had been firing an AR - 15 from the

1426SUV, that line of questioning was pointless. While the Department argues in its Proposed

1440Recommended Order that this indicates Mr. Centofanti has not taken responsibility for his

1453actions on January 17, 2020, one could also conclude that this ill - advised line of questioning

1470resulted from the fact that Mr. Centofanti was appearing pro se .

148212. On August 11, 2020, Mr. Centofanti pled nolo contendere to: (a) DUI ,

1495with a blood - alcohol level or breath - alcohol level of 0.15 or higher, in violation

1512of section 316.193(4); and (b) using a firearm while under the influence of

1525al cohol in violation of section 790.151.

153213. On August 13, 2020, the Flagler County Circuit Court adjudicated

1543Mr. Centofanti guilty of the aforementioned violations and sentenced him to

155412 months of probation. Also, the circuit court imposed the following s pecial

1567probationary conditions: (a) a drug and alcohol evaluation and subsequent

1577treatment if deemed necessary; (b) payment for drug testing; (c) abstaining

1588from using alcohol and/or illegal drugs and not associating with anyone using

1600illegal drugs or alco hol; (d) random urinalysis testing; (e) completion of

161250 hours of community service; (f) completion of an alcohol safety education

1624course; (g) impoundment of his vehicle for ten days; (h) completion of a victim

1638awareness program; (i) installation of an ign ition interlock device on his

1650vehicle for six months; and (j) a six - month driverÔs license suspension.

166314. Mr. Centofanti received a letter dated September 7, 2021, from the

1675Department of Corrections indicating that he had successfully completed his

1685probat ion.

1687Expert Testimony

168915. James Tucker is a firefighter - paramedic and an engineer for

1701Fernandina Beach, Florida. He has been a paramedic since 2010 and is a

1714certified paramedic. He is qualified to provide expert testimony on emergency

1725medical technician s and paramedics.

173016. Mr. Tucker explained that good judgment is important for EMTs and

1742paramedics Ñ[b]ecause we are entrusted with the public, where weÔre given

1753charge of their care and treatment when theyÔre vulnerable and when they Ï

1766they are in need.Ò He also testified that a patient can be harmed if a

1781paramedic or EMT fails to exercise good judgment. In sum, good judgment is

1794an essential aspect of being an EMT or paramedic. 9

1804Ultimate Findings

180617. The Department has clearly and convincingly proven that

1815Mr. Centofanti violated section 456.072(1)(c), by Ñ[b]eing convicted or found

1825guilty of, or entering a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of

1839adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction which relates to the practice of, or

1852the ability to pr actice, a licenseeÔs profession.Ò

186018. An EMT or paramedic failing to exercise good judgment constitutes a

1872danger to the public health or welfare. The acts of driving under the influence

1886and discharging a firearm while intoxicated are the antithesis of go od

1898judgment. Thus, the Department has clearly and convincingly demonstrated

19079 When asked why his convictions do not relate to being an EMT or a paramedic,

1923Mr. Centofanti offered the following testimony :

1930I was Ï I feel that I was not working as a paramedic at the

1945time, and my Ï that Ï the worst decision of my life I made was

1960to get behind that wheel that night, and I feel that it does not

1974have any impact on my ability to practice medicine

1983whatsoever. IÔ ve never had a clinical error. IÔve never

1993misdosed somebody. IÔve never not responded to a call for

2003help. IÔve never been disciplined for breaking protocol or

2012anything like that. And that was a decision I made in my

2024personal life that was the wrong decisio n, and I have suffered

2036greatly for that decision, but I do not feel that it has any

2049bearing or any weight on my ability to practice, and I feel IÔve

2062demonstrated Ï this happened almost two years ago, and

2071since then, a company hired me, knowing the facts of that

2082case, running my background check, and they still, you know,

2092granted me under them, you know, to work as a paramedic.

2103And same with Labcorp . When I applied, they knew the facts

2115of the case. Obviously, it came up in my background. And

2126both of those co mpanies did not feel that I was a threat to the

2141public, and if I was, they never would have hired me in the


2155that those offenses directly relate, in a negative manner, to the practice of

2168being an EMT or a paramedic. 10

217519. Mr. Centofanti does not dispute the DepartmentÔs allegation tha t he

2187did not report his nolo contendere plea to the Department in writing within

220030 days of its entry. 11


221120. Pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, DOAH has

2220jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this proceeding.

223021. A proceeding, such as this one, to impose discipline upon a licensee, is

2244penal in nature. State ex rel. Vining v. Fla. Real Estate Comm Ô n. , 281 So. 2d

2261487, 491 (Fla. 1973). Accordingly, the Department must prove the charges

2272against Mr. Centofanti by clear and convincing evidence. Dep Ô t of Banking &

2286Fin., Div. of Sec. & Inv. Prot. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 933 - 34

2305(Fla. 1996)(citing Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 - 95 (Fla. 1987));

2319Nair v. Dep Ô t of Bus. & Pro . Reg ul ., Bd. of Med. , 654 So. 2d 205, 207 (Fla. 1st

2342DCA 1995).

234410 Mr. Centofanti explained that his actions on January 17, 2020, resulted from the trauma

2359he experienced after treating a mother who had committed suicide in front of her young

2374children in March of 2019 . Following that incident, Mr. Centofanti experienced substantial

2387difficulty accessing mental health treatmen t and was unable to do so until he began treating

2403with a psychiatrist in October of 2019.

241011 With regard to not reporting the convictions to the Department , Mr. Centofanti offered the

2425following testimony:

2427So I Ï you know, not reporting it when that happened, I was

2440not in a good place. The last thing I was thinking was, hey, I

2454need to report this to the Department of Health. Should I

2465have done, and is that what is in the policy and procedure?

2477Yeah, I should have reported that, but at that time, it didnÔt

2489even occur to me that thatÔs something I needed to do, you

2501know. We probab ly went over that in 2012 in paramedic

2512school, but it was not something that crossed my mind. So it

2524wasnÔt something that I intentionally decided not to [do]. I

2534just had a lot of other things going on at that time.

254622. Regarding the standard of proof, the court in Slomowitz v. Walker , 429

2559So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983), stated that:

2569[C] lear and convincing evidence requires that the

2577evidence must be found to be credible ; the facts to

2587which the witnesses testify must be distinctly

2594remembered; the testimony must be precise and

2601explicit and the witnesses must be lacking in

2609confusion as to the facts in issue. The evidence

2618must be of such weight that it produces in the mind

2629o f the trier of fact a firm belief or conviction,

2640without hesitancy, as to the truth of the allegations

2649sought to be established.

265323. The Florida Supreme Court later adopted the Slomowitz court's

2663description of clear and convincing evidence. See In re Dave y , 645 So. 2d 398,

2678404 (Fla. 1994). The First District Court of Appeal has also followed the

2691Slomowitz test, adding the interpretive comment that Ñ [a]lthough this

2701standard of proof may be met where the evidence is in conflict, . . . it seems to

2719preclude ev idence that is ambiguous. Ò Westinghouse Elec. Corp. v. Shuler

2731Bros., Inc. , 590 So. 2d 986, 988 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

274224. Penal statutes must be construed in terms of their literal meaning and

2755words used by the Legislature may not be expanded to broaden the

2767application of such statutes. Thus, the provisions of law upon which this

2779disciplinary action has been brought must be strictly construed, with any

2790ambiguity in favor of the one against whom the penalty would be imposed.

2803Elmariah v. Dep Ô t of Pro . Reg ul ., B d. of Med. , 574 So. 2d 164, 165 (Fla. 1st

2825DCA 1990); see also Griffis v. Fish & Wildlife Conser. Comm Ô n , 57 So. 3d 929,

2842931 (Fla. 1st DCA 2011); Beckett v. Dep Ô t of Fin. Servs. , 982 So. 2d 94, 100

2860(Fla. 1st DCA 2008); Whitaker v. Dep Ô t of Ins. & Treas. , 68 0 So. 2d 528, 531

2879(Fla. 1st DCA 1996); Dyer v. DepÔt of Ins. & Treas. , 585 So. 2d 1009, 1013

2895(Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

289925. Count I of the DepartmentÔs Administrative Complaint alleged that

2909Mr. Centofanti violated section 456.072(1)(c) , which subjects licensees to

2918discipline for Ñ[b]eing convicted or found guilty of, or entering a plea of guilty

2932or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction

2944which relates to the practice of, or the ability to practice, a licenseeÔs

2957profession.Ò 12

29592 6. ÑSeveral cases demonstrate that, although the statutory definition of a

2971particular profession does not specifically refer to acts involved in the crime

2983committed, the crime may nevertheless relate to the profession.Ò Doll v. DepÔt

2995of Health , 969 So. 2d 1103, 1106 (Fla. 1st DCA 2007). Moreover, ÑFlorida

3008courts have construed the statutory language Órelating toÔ the practice of a

3020licenseeÔs profession under section 456.072(1)(c), broadly to encompass

3028conduct that constitutes a danger to the public health o r welfare.Ò DepÔt of

3042Health, Bd. of Nursing v. Karim, C.N.A. , Case No. 14 - 1972PL (Fla. DOAH

3056Dec. 5, 2014; Fla. DOH Mar. 17, 2015) ; s ee also DepÔt of Health, Bd. of

3072Dentistry v. Moye, D.D.S. , Case No. 18 - 659PL (Fla. DOAH June 14, 2018; Fla.

3087DOH Sept. 14, 20 18)(concluding that the Department proved that a dentist

3099violated section 456.072(1)(c) Ñas a result if his driving under the influence of


311327. The Department clearly and convincingly proved that Mr. Centofanti

3123violated section 456.072(1)(c).

312628. EMTs and paramedics must exercise good judgment. If they fail to do

3139so, then the public health and welfare are endangered. The acts of driving

3152under the influence and discharging a firearm while intoxicated are the

3163antithesis of good judgment. Thus, the Department has clearly and

3173convincingly demonstrated that those offenses directly relate, in a negative

3183manner, to the practice of being an EMT or a paramedic.

319412 Chapter 401, Part II, Florida Statut es, sets forth provisions that apply specifically to EMT s

3211and paramedics. However, EMTs and paramedics are also subject to c hapter 456.

3224See § 20.43(3)(g), Fla. Stat. (establishing the Division of Medical Quality Assurance (Ñthe

3237DivisionÒ) within the Depart ment and making the Division responsible for EMTs and

3250paramedics); £ 456.001(7), Fla. Stat. (defining ÑprofessionÒ as Ñany activity, profession, or

3262vocation regulated by [the Department] in the [Division].Ò); £ 456.002, Fla. Stat. (providing

3275that c hapter 4 56 Ñapplies only to the regulation by [the Department] of professions.Ò) .

329129. Count 2 of the DepartmentÔs Administrative Complaint alleged that

3301Mr. Centofanti violat ed 456.072(1)(x) , which subjects licensees to discipline

3311for failing to report to the Department Ñin writing within 30 days after the

3325licensee has been convicted or found guilty of, or entered a plea of nolo

3339contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a cri me in any jurisdiction.Ò

335030. Mr. Centofanti does not dispute that he failed to report his plea of nolo

3365contendere and the resulting adjudication of guilt to the Department within

337630 days as required by section 456.072(1)(x).

338331. As for the penalty to be imposed on Mr. Centofanti for the violations

3397discussed above, section 456.072(2) sets forth the penalties that can be

3408imposed by the Department if any person is found guilty of the grounds set

3422forth in section 456.072(1). Given the circumstances of the in stant case, the

3435undersigned recommends that the Department place Mr. Centofanti on

3444probation and restrict his EMT and/or paramedic practice to his present work

3456with Labcorp until he undergoes an evaluation coordinated through the

3466Professionals Resource Net work (ÑPRNÒ) 13 or an evaluation by a PRN -

3479approved evaluator. 14 That restriction should remain in place until it is

3491determined by PRN or a PRN - approved evaluator that Mr. Centofanti is safe

350513 PRN manages the DepartmentÔs impaired practitioner program for EMTs and paramedics.

3517See § 456.076(1)(d), Fla. Stat. (defining Ñimpaired practitioner programÒ as Ña program

3529establi shed by [the Department] by contract with one or more consultants to serve impaired

3544and potentially impaired practitioners for the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of

3558the public.Ò); Fla. Admin. Code R. 64B31 - 10.001(2)(designating PRN as an ÑAp proved

3572Impaired Practitioner ProgramÒ).

357514 Section 456.072(2)(c) provides that the Department can impose a Ñ[r]estriction of practice

3588or license, including, but not limited to, restricting the licensee from practicing in certain

3602settings, restricting t he licensee to work only under designated conditions or in certain

3616settings, restricting the licensee from performing or providing designated clinical and

3627administrative services, restricting the licensee from practicing more than a designated

3638number of ho urs, or any other restriction found to be necessary for the protection of the

3655public health, safety, and welfare.Ò Section 456.072(2) (f) provid es in pertinent part that the

3670Department may place the licensee Ñon probation for a period of time and subject to such

3686conditions as the board, or [the Department] when there is no board, may specify. Those

3701conditions may include, but are not limited to, requiring the licensee to undergo treatment,

3715attend continuing education courses, submit t o be reexamined, work un der the supervision of

3730another licensee, or satisfy the terms which are reasonably tailored to the violations found.Ò

3744to treat patients as an EMT and paramedic. The aforementioned restri ction,

3756rather than a suspension of Mr. CentofantiÔs certificates, is the least

3767restrictive means necessary to ensure the publicÔs protection.

377532. Mr. Centofanti shall provide a copy of the evaluation report to the

3788Department and may then petition the Depa rtment to lift the restriction on

3801his EMT and paramedic certificates.

380633. The Department should also reprimand Mr. CentofantiÔs EMT and

3816paramedic certifications.

381834. In addition, Mr. Centofanti should be required to successfully

3828complete, within six mont hs following issuance of a final order: (a) three

3841hours of continuing education covering the law and rules governing EMTs

3852and paramedics in the State of Florida; and (b) three hours of continuing

3865education in the area of ethics. The aforementioned continui ng education

3876hours are to be in addition to the continuing education hours normally

3888required for renewal of EMT and paramedic certificates.

389635. No additional disciplinary action, such as certificate suspension and/or

3906an administrative fine, are necessary to protect the public. See § 456.072

3918(providing that Ñ[i]n determining what action is appropriate, the board, or

3929[the Department] when there is no board, must first consider what sanctions

3941are necessary to protect the public or to compensate the patient.Ò ). Moreover,

3954because section 456.072(4) mandates that the Department Ñshall assess the

3964costs related to the investigation and prosecution of the case,Ò the imposition

3977of an administrative fine seems unduly punitive.


3986Based on the foregoi ng Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

4000R ECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order: (a) finding

4013that Mr. Centofanti violated sections 456.072(1)(c) and 456.072(1)(x);

4021(b) placing Mr. Centofanti on probation and restricting his EMT and/or

4032paramedic practice to his present work with Labcorp until he undergoes an

4044evaluation coordinated through PRN or an evaluation by a PRN - approved

4056evaluator; (c) maintaining Mr. Centofanti on probation and restricting his

4066EMT and/or paramedic pract ices until it is determined by PRN or a PRN -

4081approved evaluator that Mr. Centofanti is safe to treat patients as an EMT

4094and paramedic; (d) requiring Mr. Centofanti to provide a copy of the

4106evaluation report to the Department and then petition the Department to lift

4118the restriction on his EMT and paramedic certificates; (e) reprimanding

4128Mr. CentofantiÔs EMT and paramedic certifications; (f) requiring

4136Mr. Centofanti to successfully complete, within six months following issuance

4146of a final order , three hours of continuing education covering the law and

4159rules governing EMTs and paramedics in the State of Florida; and

4170(g) requiring Mr. Centofanti to complete three hours of continuing education

4181in the area of ethics.

4186D ONE A ND E NTERED this 31st day of January , 2022 , in Tallahassee, Leon

4201County, Florida.



4208Administrative Law Judge

42111230 Apalachee Parkway

4214Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4219(850) 488 - 9675


4224Filed with the Clerk of the

4230Division of Administrative Hearings

4234this 31st day of January , 2022 .


4246Zachary Bell, Esquire Ryan Robert Centofanti

4252Prosecution Services Unit 22 Palmyra Lane

4258Department of Health Palm Coast, Florida 32164

4265Bin C - 65

42694052 Bald Cypress Way Joseph A. Ladapo, M.D. Ph.D.

4278Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265 St ate Surgeon General

4287Department of Health

4290Wanda Range, Agency Clerk 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A - 00

4302Department of Health Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

43104052 Bald Cypress Way, Bi n A - 02

4319Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1703

4324Louise St. Laurent, General Counsel

4329Department of Health

43324052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

4340Tallahassee, Florida 32399


4354All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

4367the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

4378Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/02/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/02/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/02/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 01/31/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/31/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 01/31/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 16, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/13/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/03/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Final Hearing Transcript.
Date: 01/03/2022
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Confidential Information within Court Filing filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (10 Day immobilization (filed on behalf of Respondent RYAN ROBERT CENTOFANTI, EMT-P))
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/10/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for November 10, 2021; 2:30 p.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 11/09/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 11/09/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Witnesses and Proposed Exhibits to Respondent filed.
Date: 08/16/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition in Lieu of Live Testimony via Zoom Video Teleconference (Tucker) filed.
Date: 08/06/2021
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for November 16, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 08/06/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Petitioner's Unopposed Motion to Withdraw Petitioner's Motion to Deem Petitioner's Requests for Admissions Admitted and Relinquish Jurisdiction, Cancel Motion Hearing, and Continue Final Hearing.
Date: 08/06/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Unopposed Motion to Withdraw Petitioner's Motion to Deem Petitioner's Requests for Admissions Admitted and Relinquish Jurisdiction, Cancel Motion Hearing, and Continue Final Hearing filed.
Date: 08/05/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Motion Hearing (motion hearing set for August 6, 2021; 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 08/04/2021
Proceedings: Petitioners Motion to Maintain Confidentiality of Documents (attachments part 5) filed.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 08/04/2021
Proceedings: Petitioners Motion to Maintain Confidentiality of Documents (attachments part 4) filed.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 08/04/2021
Proceedings: Petitioners Motion to Maintain Confidentiality of Documents (attachments part 3) filed.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 08/04/2021
Proceedings: Petitioners Motion to Maintain Confidentiality of Documents (attachments part 2) filed.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 08/04/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Maintain Confidentiality of Documents filed.
Date: 08/04/2021
Proceedings: Petitioners Motion to Maintain Confidentiality of Documents (attachments part 1) filed.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 08/04/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Deem Petitioner's Requests for Admissions Admitted And Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 07/30/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Testimony via Video Teleconference (Centofanti) filed.
Date: 07/12/2021
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 07/08/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/08/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for August 13, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 07/07/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Request for Admissions, First Set of Interrogatories, and First Request for Production of Documents to Respondent filed.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Palm Coast, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (10):