21-002081 Department Of Children And Families vs. A To Z For Kids, D/B/A A To Z For Kids
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, November 9, 2021.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner proved, by clear and convincing evidence, that Respondent committed three Class II violations within a two-year period. Pursuant to rule, Petitioner should impose a $100 fine.





22Petitioner ,

23Case No. 2 1 - 2081



47Respondent .



54A hearing was con ducted in this case pursuant to sections 120.569 and

67120.57(1), Florida Statutes (202 1 ), before Cathy M. Sellers, an

78Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings

87( " DOAH " ) , on Augus t 23 and 31, 2021, by Zoom conference at sites in Miami

104and Tallahassee, Florida.


109For Petitioner: Aaron Feuer, Esquire

114Department of Children and Families

119Suite N1014

121401 N orthwest Second Avenue

126Miami, F lorida 33128 - 1740

132For Respondent: Beatrice Chaves - Velando

138A to Z for Kids

1436450 Collins Avenu e , # 504

149Miami Beach, F lorida 33141


162The issues in this case are : (1) Whether Respondent committed three

174violations of Standard #17 - 02 of Petitioner's Child Care Facility Handbook

186within a two - year period; and (2) if so, the penalty that should be imposed.


206On June 2, 2021, Petitioner, Department of Children and Families, served

217Respondent, A to Z for K ids, with an Administrative Complaint , alleging that

230Respondent violated standard #17 - 02 of the Child Care Facility Handbook on

243three separate occasions . Petitioner proposed to impose a $100.00 fine,

254p ursuant to section 402.310, Florida Statutes, 1 and Flor ida Administrative

266Code R ules 65C - 20.012 and 65C - 22.010 . On June 9, 2021, Respondent

282timely filed a request for administrative hearing involving disputed issues of

293material fact . On June 24, 2021, Petitioner referred this proceeding to DOAH

306to conduct an administrative hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and


317The final hearing initially was set for August 23, 2021, but due to

330technical difficulties with the Zoom c onference, was continued to August 31,

3422021. The final hearing was held on A ugust 31, 2021. Petitioner presented

355the testimony of Rodresia Smiley and Eddy Vi e l o t , and PetitionerÔs Exhibits

370A through G were admitted into evidence without objection . Beatrice Chavez -

383Velando testified on behalf of Respondent , and RespondentÔs Composit e

393Exhibit A was admitted into evidence without objection .

402A final hearing transcript was not filed at DOAH. The parties were given

415until September 10, 2021 , to file their p roposed r ecommended o rders .

4291 All references to chapter 402 are to the 2020 version, which was in effect at the time of the

449alleged violations.

451On September 3, 2021, Respondent filed a le tter that constitutes her

463p roposed r ecommended o rder. Also o n September 3, 2021, Petitioner filed a

478Motion for Enlargement of Time to Submit Proposed Recommendation ,

487requesting that the deadline for the parties to file their proposed

498recommended orders be extended to September 20, 2021. On September 7,

5092021, the undersigned entered an Order Granting Extension of Time until

520September 20, 2021 , for the parties to fil e their proposed recommended

532orders . Petitioner filed its P roposed R ecommended O rder o n Septem ber 20,

5482021. On September 29, 2021, Respondent filed a reply letter to PetitionerÔs

560P roposed R ecommended O rder . B ecause replies to proposed recommended

573orders are not authorized under Florida Administrative Code R ule

58328 - 106.215 , Respondent's reply letter was not considered in preparing this

595Recommended Order .

598The parties' proposed recommended orders were duly considered in

607preparing this Recommended Order.


616I. The Parties

6191. P etitioner is the state agency responsible for licensing, inspecting, and

631monitoring child care facilities pursuant to chapter 402.

6392. Respondent is a child care facility licensed by Petitioner, operating

650under License No. C11MD0802. RespondentÔs facility is located at

6591343 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Florida 33 139. Beatrice Chaves - Velando is

672the Director.

674I I. Allegations in the Administrative Complaint

6813 . The Administrative Complaint states that t his is an administrative

693action to impose a total penalty of $100.00 for violations of applicable child

706care fa cility standards, pursuant to section 402.310 and r ules 65C - 22.010 and

72165C - 20.012 . 2

7264 . During PetitionerÔs three separate inspection s of RespondentÔs child

737care facility , conducted on January 12, February 17, and March 4, 2021,

749Respondent was cited for violating Standard #17 - 02 , dealing with the

761condition of the outdoo r play area and fencing for the facility.

7735. Under Petitioner's rules, violating Standard #17 - 02 constitutes a

784Class II violation.

7876 . Petitioner proposes to impose a fine in the amount of $50.00 for the

802second violation, identified on February 17, 2021, and another fine of $50.00

814for the third violation, identified on March 4, 2021, for a total fine of $100.00.

829III. Evidence Adduced at the Final Hearing

8367 . Rodresia Smiley , a Family Service s Counselor with Petitioner,

847conducted inspections of RespondentÔs facility child care facility on

856January 1 2, February 17, and March 4, 2021 .

8668 . In the course of each of the se inspection s , Smiley found that

881Respondent committed a violation of Standard #17 - 02 , regarding the

892condition of the outdoor play area and fencing for the facility.

9039. The noncompliance description in the I nspection C hecklist for each of

916the three inspections was the same : " 17 - 02 [t] he facilityÔs outdoor play area

932contained litter, na ils, glass or other hazards that posed a threat to the

946hea l th, safety or well - being of the children. CCF Handbook, Section 3.5 , A. "

962The January 12, 2021, Inspection

96710. On January 12, 2021, Smiley conducted a license renewal inspection of

979RespondentÔs fac ility and completed an inspection report.

9872 Florida Administrative Code C hapter 65C - 20 governs family day care homes and large

1003family child care homes, as those terms are defined in section 402.302(8) and (11). No

1018evidence was presented that Responde nt's facility constituted either of these types of

1031facilities, and Petitioner's P roposed R ecommended O rder does not address alleged violations

1045of chapter 65C - 20. Accordingly, this Recommended Order does not address alleged

1058noncompliance with chapter 65C - 20 .

106511. Smiley testified that in the course of her inspection, she observed a

1078wooden gate , which she described in the inspection report as a " fence , " 3 that

1092was in disrepair. The gate, when closed, block ed a sidewalk a long the side of

1108the building leading to the play area in the back of the building .

112212. Smiley testified , and photographic evidence confirms, that the wooden

1132boards of the gate were being held together by blue tape , and that they would

1147become loose or fal l off the gate if not supported by the tape. Smiley testified ,

1163credibly, that there was a loose nail or screw 4 sticking out , and that the

1178nail/screw fell out of the gate and onto the ground in an area to which the

1194children may have access.

11981 3 . The photogra ph ic evidence show s that the gate is immediately

1213adjacent to the play area, where children could play Ð and, at the time the

1228photog raphs were taken, were playing Ð barefoot, such that they could step

1241on nails or screws that had fallen to the ground due to the gate being in a

1258state of disrepair.

126114. Although Respondent contended that children did not play in the area

1273where the gate is located, the photographic evidence shows that there is no

1286barrier separating the play area from the gate , so that children are a ble to

1301access that area. To th is point, one of the photographs admitted into evidence

1315show s a soccer ball lying on the sidewalk immediately next to the gate.

13291 5 . Smiley cited Respondent for a violation of Standard #17 - 02 , based on

1345her determination that a child could injure himself/herself on the loose

1356board s and/or the nail / screw that had f allen to the ground. S he made the

13743 The inspection reports describe the structure in disrepair as a " fence. " The structure

1388consists of a section of wooden fencing that functions as a gate to block access to a sidewalk

1406along the side of the facility leading from the play area. Whether characterized as a " fence "

1422or " gate, " the structure, which was depicted in photographs presented by Petitioner and

1435Respondent, was accessible to children ; was shown to be in a state of disrepair ; and was h eld

1453together by blue tape .

14584 Similarly, i t is imm aterial whether the object sticking out of the gate was a nail or a screw.

1479The point is, either object , if stepped on, could injure a child.

1491following comment on the January 12, 2021, Inspection Checklist: " Outdoor

1501Play Area/Fencing CCF Handbook, Section 3.5. " :

1508FSC observe d a broken fence on the side of the

1519playground being held together by blue tape. On

1527the bottom of the fence where it was loose, there

1537was a nail hanging out. After pointing it out to the

1548staff member she removed the nail from the wood.

1557Technical assistance was provided that staff

1563members should check the playground daily to

1570ensure that there are no hazardous items present

1578that could cause injuries to the children.

15851 6 . Smiley provided technical assistance, which is Petitioner's standard

1596operating procedure when a violation is identified. Specifically, s he explained ,

1607to Respondent's employee, the nature of the problem and why it constituted a

1620hazard to the children at the facility .

16281 7 . Under Petitioner's progressive enforcement rules , a child care facility

1640i s given the opportunity to correct the violation before disciplinary sanctions

1652are imposed. If the violation is not corrected by the third inspection, an

1665administrative fine is imposed.

16691 8 . Because the January 12, 2021, violation was the first for Responde nt's

1684facility in a two - year period , no fine was imposed for this violation .

16991 9 . Chaves - Velando was provided , and signed, a copy of the January 12,

17152021 , inspection report.

171820 . The stated due date for correcting the violation documented in the

1731inspection report was : " [c]ompleted at time of inspection. "

1740The February 17, 2021, Inspection

17452 1 . Smiley conducted a reinspection of RespondentÔs facility on

1756February 17, 2021 .

17602 2 . At that time, she completed an other inspection report , documenting

1773that the violation of Standard #17 - 02 , which previously was identified on

1786January 12 , 2021, had not been corrected. Specifically, the particular board

1797that previously had been loose apparently had been repaired, but a different

1809board on the gate was broken and had become lo ose , again resulting in a

1824hazard to children due to a nail or screw sticking out of the gate .

18392 3 . On t he i nspection c hecklist completed during her February 17

1854inspection, Smiley noted the facility's continued noncompliance under

1862paragraph 17, " Outdoor Pl ay Area/Fencing CCF Handbook, Section 3.5 . " She

1874commented that : " FSC observed the fence on the side of the playground still

1888broken and loose. A screw is sticking out of the fence and appears to need to

1904be replaced. Technical assistance provided below. "

19102 4 . During the re inspection, Smiley again spoke with an employee at

1924Respondent's facility, who acknowledged that the gate needed to be repaired .

19362 5 . The February 17, 2021 , inspection report established a March 3, 2021 ,

1950due date by which Respondent was to co mplete the repair.

19612 6 . Respondent did not sign the February 17, 2021, inspection report ;

1974however, Smiley credibly testified that she provided a copy of the second

1986inspection report to Respondent on February 22, 2021 , at 1:35 p.m.

1997The March 4, 2021, Inspe ction

20032 7 . Smiley conducted the second reinspection Ð i.e., the third inspection Ð

2017of Respondent's facility on March 4 , 2021 . Once again, she found that

2030Respondent had not repaired the gate .

20372 8 . Smiley completed an other inspection report, again finding

2048noncom pliance under paragraph 17, " Outdoor Play Area/Fencing CCF

2057Handbook, Section 3.5. " Her comments state d : " [a] t the time of inspection,

2071the fence was still observed not to be in good repair. A piece of the wood on

2088the fence was loose with a screw sticking ou t. Technical Assistance provided

2101below. "

21022 9 . On questioning at the final hearing , Smiley clarified that Respondent

2115was cited for the loose board and loose nail or screw that was sticking out of

2131the gate and could fall onto the ground in an area immediatel y adjacent to

2146the area where children play . Smiley did not observe glass or litter in the

2161play area , and her noncompliance determination for Respondent's facility was

2171not based on her having found glass or litter in the play area .

218530 . Smiley provided the M arch 4 , 2021, inspection report to Eddy Vielot,

2199another Family Services Counselor at the Department of Children and

2209Families , who , in turn, provided the inspection report to Chavez - Velando .

22223 1 . Vielot also testified on Petitioner's behalf. He clarified th at it is

2237immaterial whether the identified hazard was a nail or a screw ; the issue is

2251that the presence of a nail or screw sticking out or on the ground in an area

2268accessible to children creates a hazard , because a child could be injured by

2281step ping on the nail or screw .

22893 2 . Following the second reinspection, Vielot received a text message from

2302Chaves - Velando dated March 8, 2021 , explaining that at some point after the

2316first inspection, the gate had been repaired but " the board got loose again. "

2329This text message was sent after the second reinspection on March 4, 2021 ,

2342and confirms that as of t he time of (and after) the date of the second

2358reinspection, the gate remained in a state of disrepair , and, thus, continued

2370to present a hazard to children at the fa cility .

2381Respondent's Defenses

238333 . Chavez - Velando testified on behalf of Respondent and presented

2395photographs of Respondent's facility , which were admitted into evidence .

240534 . Chavez - Velando testified that she did not notice that the gate needed

2420repair , an d that only one screw was loose. She contended that the boards

2434were not loose , and asserted th at the inspection report had said there was a

2449loose screw , rather than a loose board. 5

245735. She also testified that the blue tape on the gate which was present at

2472the time of the first inspection had been p laced there by R espondent's

24865 Item 17 in the inspection report state s , in pertinent part: "FSC observed a broken fence on

2504the side of the play ground being held together by blue tape. On the bottom of the fence where

2523it was broken, there was a nail hanging out." The word "it" in that sentence clearly refers to

2541the gate itself being broken, and this is confirmed by Petitioner's Exhibit A, a photog raph

2557depicting boards on the gate held in place by tape because they were loose.

2571employees to indicate that the gate needed to be repaired . She stated that the

2586employees did not tell her that the gate needed to be repaired, and that she

2601only found out about the cond ition of the gate when she read the first

2616inspection report.

261836. She acknowledged that the gate had been installed seven or eight

2630years ago; was weathere d; and that the nail/screw holes g rew larger over

2644time, causing the screw to fall out. She testified t hat Respondent tried to

2658have the gate repaired after the first inspection, but that she was unable to

2672find a repairman willing to do a " small job. "

268137 . She also contended that PetitionerÔs photos of the gate look ed " very

2695distorted , " and asserted that the photographs of the gate that she presented

2707at the hearing were more accurate depictions of its condition . However, on

2720questioning at the final hearing , she acknowledged that the photographs she

2731presented at the hearing were taken after the gate was repair ed , at some

2745point following the second reinspection . She testified that the gate is now in

2759good condition.

276138 . Chavez - Velando contended that she only received the first inspection

2774report , and did not receive the second or third inspection reports . She

2787te stified that the only reason she signed the first inspection report was

2800because Respondent's license renewal was contingent upon her signing it .

281139 . However, e ven if Respondent did not receive the second and third

2825inspection reports , Respondent clearly was on notice, pursuant to the first

2836inspection report (which she signed) , that the gate was in disrepair and that

2849a nail or screw was sticking out and had fallen out of the gate and onto the

2866ground . Additionally, Chavez - Velando's March 8 , 2021, te x t message to Vielot

2881confirms that she knew that the gate needed to be repaired, and that it still

2896had not been repaired at the time of the second reinspection .

2908IV. Findings of Ultimate Fact

29134 0 . Th e question whether a person or entity engaged in conduct that

2928violate s statutes or rules , as charged in an administrative complaint , is one of

2942ultimate fact to be determined by the trier of fact , in the context of each

2957alleged violation. See McKinney v. Castor , 667 So. 2d 387, 389 (Fla. 1st DCA

29711995); Goin v. CommÔn on Ethi cs , 658 So. 2d 1131, 1138 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995);

2987Langston v. Jamerson , 653 So. 2d 489, 491 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

299941 . Based on the foregoing findings of fact , it is determined that Petitioner

3013has proved, by clear and convincing evidence, that Respondent commit ted the

3025violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint.

303142 . Specifically, Petitioner proved that a gate in a state of disrepair at

3045Respondent's facility was identified as a basis for noncompliance with

3055Standard #17 - 02 on January 12, 2021, and that by t he time of the

3071reinspections on February 17 and March 4, 2021, Respondent still had not

3083repair ed the gate .

308843 . Petitioner also proved , by clear and convincing evidence, that the state

3101of disrepair of the gate at the time of the three inspections resulted i n nails or

3118screws being present in an area immediately adjacent to, and accessible from,

3130the outdoor play area , thereby posing a threat to the health, safety , or well -

3145being of the children at Respondent's facility , in violation of Section 3.5, A. of

3159the Ch ild Care Facility Handbook , as incorporated into Standard #17 - 02.

317244. Accordingly, it is found, as a matter of ultimate fact, that

3184Respondent engaged in conduct that violated the applicable statutory and

3194rule provisions, as charged in the Administrative Complaint.


320745 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to, and subject matter of, this

3221proceeding , pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1).

322846 . This is a disciplinary proceeding against Respondent's child care

3239facility license, pur suant to section 402.310(1). Petitioner bears the burden,

3250by clear and convincing evidence, to establish the grounds for discipline

3261against Respondent's license. DepÔt of Banking & Fin. , Div. of Sec . & Inv .

3276Prot. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla . 1996); Ferris v. Turlington ,

3292510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987); Coke v. DepÔt of Child. & Fam. Servs. , 704 So. 2d

3309726 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998).

331447. In Evans Packing Co. v. Department of Agriculture and Consumer

3325Services , 550 So. 2d 112 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989), the c our t defined the clear and

3342convincing evidence standard as follows :

3348Clear and convincing evidence requires that the

3355evidence must be found to be credible; the facts to

3365which the witnesses testify must be distinctly

3372remembered; the evidence must be precise an d

3380explicit and the witnesses must be lacking in

3388confusion as to the facts in issue. The evidence

3397must be of such weight that it produces in the mind

3408of the trier of fact the firm belief of conviction,

3418without hesitancy, as to the truth of the allegations

3427s ought to be established.

3432Id. at 116 n.5 , citing Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA


344948 . Respondent is a " child care facility " as defined in section 402.302(2) .

3463This statute states in pertinent part:

" 3469Child care facility " include s any child care center

3478or child care arrangement which provides child care

3486for more than five children unrelated to the

3494operator and which receives a payment, fee, or

3502grant for any of the children receiving care,

3510wherever operated, and whether or not oper ated for


352049 . Pursuant to section 402.310(1)(a)1., Petitioner may i mpose an

3531administrative fine not to exceed $100 .00 per violation per day as a

3544disciplinary sanction for violating sections 402.301 through 402.319 and the

3554rules adopted pursuant to these statutory provisions .

356250. Chapter 65C - 22, titled " Child Care Standards, " establishes the

3573licensure and operating standards applicable to child care facilities in


358451. Rule 65C - 22.001(6) states , in pertinent part : " [c] hild care programs

3598mu st follow the standards found in the Child Care Facility Handbook , May

36112019 , incorporated herein by reference . "

361752. Standard 3.5 in the Child Care Facility Handbook states , in pertinent

3629part: " 3.5 Outdoor Play Area A. The outdoor play area must be clean a nd free

3645from litter, nails, glass and other hazards . "

365353. CF - FSP Form 5316, the Child Care Facility S tandards Classification

3666Summary, which is incorporated by reference in rule 65C - 22.010(1)(e) , states,

3678in pertinent part: " 17. Outdoor Play Area/Fencing C CF Handbook, Section

36893.5. " Th is form describe s Standard #17 - 02 as follows: " 17.2 The facilityÔs

3704outdoor play area contained litter, nails, glass or other hazards that posed a

3717threat to the health, safety or well - being of the children. CCF Handbook,

3731Section 3.5, A . "

373554. CF - FSP Form 5316 classifies the violation of Standard #17 - 02 as a

3751Class II violation.

37545 5 . As discussed above, the evidence clear ly and convincing ly establishes

3768that Respondent violated Standard #17 - 02 , and, thus, Child Care Facility

3780Handb ook Standard 3.5, on three separate occasions within a two - year

3793period. In doing so, Respondent committed three Class II violations of

3804Petitioner's rules and incorporated standards.

38095 6. R ule 65C - 22.010 , titled " Enforcement, " esta blishes the grounds under

3823w hich Petitioner may impose administrative fine s for violatin g chapter 402

3836and administrative rules, including the Child Care Facility Handbook

3845standards , applicable to child care facilities.

38515 7. " Standards " are defined as the requirements for the operation of a

3864licensed facility provided in statute or in rule. Fla. Admin. Code R .

387765C - 22.010(1) (c) .

38825 8. A " [v] iolation , " in the context of Class I, II, or III violations, means

3898noncompliance with a licensing standard , as described in an inspection report

3909resu lting from an inspection under section 402.311. Fla. Admin. Code R .

392265C - 22.010(1)(e ) .

39275 9 . A " Class II Violation " is defined as an incident of noncompliance with

3942an individual Class II standard , as described on CF - FSP Form 5316. Class II

3957violations are les s serious in nature than Class I violations. Fla. Admin. Code

3971R . 65C - 22.010(1)(e)2 .

397760 . D isciplinary sanctions for violations of applicable standards are

3988applied progressively , for the violation of each child care facility standard.

3999Fla. Admin. Code R . 65C - 22.010(2)(a).

400761. Rule 65C - 22.010(2)(b) provides a grace period under which the

4019violation of a standard which occurred more than two years before a

4031subsequent violation of the same standard is not counted for purposes of

4043imposing discipline.

404562 . For th e second violation of the same Class II standard within a two -

4062year period , Petitioner impose s an administrative fine of $50.00 for each such

4075violation. Fla. Admin. Code R. 65C - 22.010 (2) (d)2.a.

408563 . Here, the evidence clearly and convincingly establishes tha t

4096Respondent committed three Class II violations within a two - year period .

4109Accordingly, the appropriate penalty, pursuant to rules 65C - 22.010(2)(b) and

412065C - 22.010(2)(d)2.a ., is imposition of a $ 1 00.00 administrative fine against

4134Respondent .


4138Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

4151R ECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Department of Children and Families, enter a

4162final order determining that Respondent, A to Z for Kids, committed three

4174Class II violations within a two - year period, and imposing a $ 1 00.00

4189administrative fine .

4192D ONE A ND E NTERED this 9 th day of November , 2021 , in Tallahassee, Leon

4208County, Florida.



4216Administrative Law Judge

42191230 Apalachee Parkway

4222Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4227(850) 488 - 9 675


4233Filed with the Clerk of the

4239Division of Administrative Hearings

4243this 9th day of November , 2021 .


4255Danielle Thompson , Agency Clerk Beatrice Chaves - Velando

4263Department of Children and Families A to Z for Kids

4273Office of the General Counsel 6450 Collins Avenue , # 504

4283Suite 100 Miami Beach, Florida 33141

42892415 No rth Monroe Street

4294Tallahassee, Florida 32303

4297Javier Enriquez, General Counsel

4301Department of Children and Families

4306Office of the General Counsel

4311Suite 100

43132415 North Monroe Street

4317Tallahassee, Florida 32303

4320Aaron Feuer, Esquire

4323Department of Children an d Families

4329Suite N1014

4331401 Northwest 2nd Avenue

4335Miami, Florida 33128 - 1740


4351All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

4364the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

4375Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/04/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 02/03/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/09/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/09/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 23 and 31, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/09/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/29/2021
Proceedings: Letter from Beatrice Chaves-Velando Regarding Response to Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/20/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/07/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 09/03/2021
Proceedings: Letter from Respondent filed.
Date: 09/03/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Enlargement of Time To Submit Proposed Recommendation filed.
Date: 08/31/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/27/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Exhibit for Hearing on August 31, 2021 filed.
Date: 08/24/2021
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for August 31, 2021; 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 08/23/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 08/23/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to August 31, 2021; 10:00 a.m..
Date: 08/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Conference (status conference set for August 23, 2021; 3:00 p.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 08/18/2021
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Filing Exhibit and Witness List for Hearing on August 23, 2021 filed.
Date: 08/16/2021
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Notice of Filing Exhibit and Witness List for Hearing on August 23, 2021 filed.
Date: 07/27/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/27/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for August 23, 2021; 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 07/27/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/14/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 07/14/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Enlargement of Time filed.
Date: 07/07/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 06/30/2021
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):