21-002236 Amy Baco-Taylor vs. Department Of Management Services, Division Of State Group Insurance
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, February 2, 2022.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to prove intravenous immunoglobulin, an experimental and/or investigational treatment, was medically necessary.




20Petitioner ,

21vs. Case No. 21 - 2236



43Respondent .



50Pursuant to notice, a formal administrative hearing was conducted before

60Administrative Law Judge (ÑALJÒ) Yolonda Y. Green of the Division of

71Administrative Hearings (ÑDOAHÒ) on October 25 and 27 , 202 1 , by Zoom

83C onfer ence w i th the ALJ located in Tallahassee, Florida.


97For Petitioner: Amy Baco - Taylor , pro se

1053137 Lisa Court

108Tallahassee, F lorida 32312

112For Respondent: Erica D. Moore, Esquire

118Department of Management Services

122Division of State Gr oup Insurance

1284050 Esplanade Way , Suite 160

133Tallahassee, Florida 32399


143Whether PetitionerÔs request for coverage of intravenous immunoglobulin

151( Gammagard Liquid ) (Ñ IVIGÒ) is a covered medication pursuant to the State

165EmployeesÔ Plan (ÑPlanÒ), administered by Capital Health Plan (ÑCHPÒ)

174through CVS Caremark (ÑC aremark Ò) .


185Petitioner is a member of the Plan as a n employee of the State of Florida.

201Petitioner was diagnosed with SjogrenÔs syndrome, a nt i - p hospholipid

213syndrome, small fiber neuropathy , and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia

221Syndrome (ÑPOTSÒ) . Her provider submitted a request for IVIG for treatment

233of her condition. On June 3, 2021, Respondent issued a Level II Appeal

246Determination letter, de nying coverage for IVIG because Ñ your medical

257records indicate your condition does not meet the medically necessary

267coverage criteria for IVIG under your plan. Additionally, your provider off -

279label use request is considered experimental/investigational whi ch is a

289specific plan exclusion. Ò On July 1, 2021 , Petitioner appealed and filed a

302petition for administrative hearing.

306On October 25, 2021 , the final hearing was held. Petitioner testified on

318h er own behalf and presented the testimony of Victor McMillan, M.D.,

330PetitionerÔs treating physician for autoimmu n e disorders; Gadi

339Silberman, M.D., PetitionerÔs treating physician for dysautonomia and POTS;

348Christopher Taylor, PetitionerÔs husband ; and E. Brendan Roark , Ph.D.,

357PetitionerÔs colleague. Respondent pres ented the testimony of Edward ÑPaulÒ

367Amundson , M.D., offered as an expert in claims management and family

378medicine; and Dearline Thomas - Brown, MPH, BSN, RN, legal nurse

389coordinator for Respondent. PetitionerÔs Exhibits 1 through 1 7 were admitted

400into evide nce. RespondentÔs Exhibits 1 through 1 4 were admitted into


413RespondentÔs Motion for Confidential Court Filing of Proposed

421Recommended Order , filed post - hearing on December 9, 2021, is granted. As

434a result of the undersignedÔs ruling, b oth Petiti onerÔs and RespondentÔs

446Proposed Recommended Order s ( Ñ PROÒ) shall remain confidential.

456The three - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed with DOAH on

470November 30, 2021. The parties timely filed their PROs and both submittals

482have been considered i n preparation of this Recommended Order.

492All references to the Florida Statutes are to the 20 20 version, unless

505otherwise specified.


5121. Respondent is the state agency charged with administering the state

523employee health insurance progra m pursuant to section 110.123 , Florida


5342. At all times material hereto, Petitioner was a member of the Plan. CHP

548is a third - party administrator for the Plan at issue in this ca se . As the third -

568party administrator, CHP provides claims processing, utilization, and benefit

577management services. The applicable benefit document is the State

586EmployeesÔ HMO Plan, Group Health Insurance Plan Booklet and Benefits

596Document (ÑPlan DocumentÒ), effective January 1, 2019. The P lan Document

607includes a Prescriptio n Drug Plan (ÑPDPÒ) , which states certain medications

618are available only through Caremark. Caremark is the Pharmacy Benefit

628Manager ( Ñ PBM Ò ) for the PDP at issue in this cause.

6423 . As the PBM, CVS provides claims processing, utilization, and benefit

654manageme nt services for prescription drugs. Injectable drugs , such as IVIG,

665are also subject to CVSÔ s Specialty Guideline Management policy, Reference

676# 2041 - A.

6804. Petitioner is a 47 - year - old woman who was diagnosed w ith SjogrenÔs

696syndrome, a nti - p hospholipid syndr ome, small fiber neuropathy , and POTS.

709The Petitioner testified that her medical condition ha s significantly reduce d

721her quality of life, her ability to c omplete activities of daily living, her

735interactions with her children, and the quality of life and he alth of her

749spouse . Petitioner also explained the effects the medical conditions have had

761on her career as an oceanographer. Specifically, s he has been unable to

774participate in field research at sea , to travel, or to stand for reasonable

787periods of time.

7905 . Petitioner, through her treating rheumatolog ist , Dr. McMillan,

800submitted a request for coverage of IVIG to C aremark.

8106 . Authorization for a specialty drug can be obtained based on the

823application of currently acceptable medical guidelines. IVIG is one of the

834specialty drugs for which satisfaction of the medical review criteria is


8467 . Thus, IVIG is only available through Caremark, as a specialty drug,

859subject to review and approval under CaremarkÔs Specialty Guideline

868Management Program.

8708 . On February 9, 2021, CVS denied the pre - service request for coverage

885on the basis that coverage for the drug is not allowed unless the patient had

900one of the listed conditions. Coverage for small fiber neuropathy was not

912listed as a basis for coverage.

9189 . On March 8, 2021, Petitioner submitted a request for a Level I appeal

933to CVS . The appeal was reviewed by Dr. Stephen Selkirk, M.D. , a consultant

947specializing in neu rology , wh o is under contract with CVS for review of

961requests . He filed a report dated March 9, 2021 .

97210 . On March 10, 2021, CVS denied the request for Level I appeal on the

988basis that due to a lack of high - quality clinical trials, the standard of care

1004guidelines do not support the use of IVIG for small fiber neuropathy.

1016T herefore , the appeal was de nied because it was deemed

1027experimental/investigational and , as a result, not medically necessary for the

1037treatment of PetitionerÔs conditions .

104211 . On May 3, 2021 , Petitioner submit ted a request for a Level II appeal

1058to Respondent. The Level II appeal was reviewed by Dearline Thomas - Brown,

1071a registered nurse and Level II appeal coordinator for Respondent.

108112 . On June 3, 2021 , Respondent denied PetitionerÔs Level II appeal on

1094the basis that the t reatment is not medically necessary for treatment of the

1108membe rÔs condition and is experimental/investigational .

111513 . Prior to Petitioner filing the Petition for Formal Hearing, her request

1128was submitted for an external review which was review ed by an I ndependent

1142R eview O fficer (ÑIROÒ) . The review was completed by a b oar d - certified

1159internal medicine doctor with certification in rheumatology, and a r eport was

1171generated on September 8, 2021. The ÑList of Records ReviewedÒ include d

1183PetitionerÔs medical records, including laboratory results and clinical notes,

1192denial lette r, patient appeal letter, and policy criteria guidelines. The IRO

1204upheld the denial and noted that medical necessity has not been established.

1216The IRO state d that Ñ [IVIG] has not been approved by the appropriate

1230medical body or board for the illness of sma ll fiber neuropathy associated

1243with SjogrenÔs syndrome. Therefore , the requested health service is not

1253medically necessary È .Ò

125714. T he Plan Document, Section I , entitled Introduction pertaining to

1268medical claims, provides in relevant part:

1274The Plan is no t intended to and does not cover or

1286provide any Medical Services or benefits that are

1294not Medically Necessary for the diagnosis and

1301treatment of the Health Plan Member. Capital

1308Health Plan determines whether the services are

1315Medically Necessary on the basi s of terms,

1323conditions, and criteria established by the Plan as

1331interpreted by the state, and as set forth in medical


134215. T o be a cover ed drug, the drug must be Ñmedically necessary,Ò not

1358Ñexperimental or investigational,Ò and it must not be specifically excluded by

1370the Plan. The Plan provides that:

1376Pursuant to the Plan , ÑMedically NecessaryÒ is

1383defined as follows:

1386The use of any appropriate medical treatment,

1393service, equipment and/or supply as provided by a

1401Hospital, skilled nursing facili ty, physician or other

1409provider which is necessary for the diagnosis, care

1417and/or treatment of a Health Plan MemberÔs Illness

1425or injury, and which is:

1430¤ Consistent with the symptom, diagnosis and

1437treatment of the Health Plan MemberÔs condition;

1444¤ The m ost appropriate level of supply and/or

1453service for the diagnosis and treatment of the

1461Health Plan MemberÔs condition;

1465¤ In accordance with standards of acceptable

1472medical practice;

1474¤ Not primarily intended for the personal comfort

1482or convenience of the Health Plan Member, the

1490Health Plan MemberÔs family, the physician or

1497other health care providers;

1501¤ Approved by the appropriate medical body or

1509health care specialty involved as effective,

1515appropriate and essential for the care and

1522treatment of the Hea lth Plan MemberÔs condition;


1531¤ Not experimental or investigational.

153616 . The medica l treatment m ust meet all of the appropriate criteria to be

1552considered Ñmedically necessary . Ò Given the above definition, if a service is

1565experimental or investigation al, then it cannot be medically necessary.

157517 . Section VI , Limitations and Exclusions of the Plan Document ,

1586specifically exclude s services that are Ñexperimental/investigational or not

1595medically necessary treatment . Ò

160018 . Pursuant to the Plan ÑExperimental and/or InvestigationalÒ is defined

1611as follows :

1614For the purposes of the Plan a medication,

1622treatment, device, surgery or procedure may

1628i nitially be determined by CHP to be experimental

1637and/or investigational if any of the following


1645¤ The FDA has not granted the approval for

1654general use; or

1657¤ There are insufficient outcomes data available

1664from controlled clinical trials published in peer -

1672reviewed literature to substantiate its effectiveness

1678for the disease or injury involved; or

1685¤ There is no c onsensus among practicing

1693physicians that the medication, treatment, therapy,

1699procedure or device is safe or effective for the

1708treatment in question or such medication,

1714treatment, therapy, procedure or device is not the

1722standard treatment, therapy procedur e or device

1729utilized by practicing physicians in treating other

1736patients with the same or similar condition; or

1744¤ Such medication, treatment procedure, or device

1751is the subject of an ongoing Phase I or Phase II

1762clinical investigation, or Experimental or research

1768arm of a Phase III clinical investigation, or under

1777study to determine: maximum tolerated dosage(s),

1783toxicity, safety, efficacy, or efficacy as comparted

1790with the standard for treatment or diagnosis of the

1799condition in question.

180219 . If any one o r m ore of the criteria set forth in the definition are met,

1821then the treatment is Ñ experimental and/or investigatio nal Ò and is not

1834covered under the Plan.

183820 . To reach their respective determination for denial of PetitionerÔs

1849request for coverage for IVIG , all reviewers for the levels of appeal utilized

1862CVSÔ s guidelines for use of IVIG for treatment. Th ese specialty coverage

1875guidelines provide CHPÔ s Ñexclusion criteriaÒ which indicated IVIG is not

1886covered and is considered experimental and investigational and not medically

1896necessary .

189821 . The specialty coverage guidelines are intended to be used in

1910co njunction with the Plan to determine whether medication is medically

1921necessary and a covered benefit. IVIG may be used to treat collagen vascular

1934disease , wh ich includes Sjogren Ô s syndrome.

194222 . Dr. McMillan wrote a letter on PetitionerÔs behalf requesting use of the

1956medication and appealing denial of the medication. Dr. McMillan also

1966testified at the hearing in support of PetitionerÔs efforts to obtain coverag e

1979through CHP for IVIG.

198323 . Dr. McMillan is board - certified in internal medicine with a

1996subspecialty in rheumatology. He has also written several publications

2005regarding Sjo g ren Ôs syndrome. Dr. McMillanÔs testimony is accepted as

2017PetitionerÔs treating phys ician and expert in the area of internal medicine

2029and rheumatology.

203124 . Dr. McMillan determined IVIG was appropriate for treatment of

2042PetitionerÔs condition and noted that it has been shown to be effective for

2055severe or treatment - refractory in small publ ished reports. He pointed to

2068literature (Farhard) that focused on a small , uncontrolled study which

2078resulted in successful treatment with trial of IVIG in patients with Sjogren Ô s

2092syndrome. Of note, is that the study itself acknowledged that it was a small

2106study , and there were few studies on the use of IVIG for Sjogren Ô s syndrome.

212225 . PetitionerÔs physician , Gadi Silberman, M.D., also sought to treat h er

2135condition with IVIG. Dr. Silberman testified that the treatments that have

2146been tried so far for Petitio ner are not adequate to treat her conditions .

2161Dr. Silberman also testified that a patientÔs quality of life and ability to

2174perform activities of daily living are important considerations in determining

2184whether a medication is Ñmedically necessary . Ò

219226. Dr . Amundson , a board - cert ified physician in Family Medicine with

2206training in internal medicine , testified as RespondentÔs expert. He has no

2217training in neuropsychology or cardiology. In addition, unlike Dr. McMillan,

2227he does not have a specialty in rheumato logy. T he parties stipulated to

2241Dr. A dmundson as an expert. However, h is testimony , when weighed against

2254the testimony of Dr. McMillan , a current practicing specialist in the field of

2267rheumatology , is given less er weight.

227327. As noted herein, the criteria to determine whether a treatment or

2285procedure is Ñmedically necessaryÒ under the Plan includes six criteria.

2295Dr. Amundson testified, in relying upon the report from the I RO , that IVIG

2309does not meet criteria five and six.

231628 . IVIG does not meet the fifth cr iteri on of the definition of Ñmedically

2332necessary,Ò as IVIG has not been approved by the appropriate medical body

2345or healthcare specialty involved as effective, appropriate, and essential for

2355the care and treatment of small fiber neuropathy . IVIG is not es sential for

2370the treatment of PetitionerÔs condition .

237629 . In addition, use of IVIG does not meet the sixth criterion of the

2391definition of Ñmedically necessary,Ò as it meets the definition of Ñexperimental

2403and/or investigational.Ò

240530. If any of the criter ia of the definition of Ñexperimental and/or

2418investigationalÒ are met, then IVIG would be considered Ñexperimental

2427and/or investigational.Ò As set forth in paragraph 18 herein, the re are five

2440criteria for determining whether a treatment or procedure is Ñex perimental

2451and/or investigational.Ò

245331 . Here , criteri on two of the definition of Ñexperimental and/or

2465investigationalÒ is met, which lead s to the ultimate conclusion that IVIG is

2478not medically necessary in this case. S ufficient outcome data are not

2490avail able from controlled clinical trials published in peer - reviewed literature

2502to substantiate IVIG Ôs safety and effectiveness for treat ment of small fiber

2515neuropathy. Current ly randomized trials have be en published in peer -

2527reviewed medical literature. However , there are only small controlled studies

2537pertaining to IVIG medication treatment for small fiber neuropathy.

2546Dr. Amundson testified that there is a lack of peer - reviewed, published,

2559randomized studies regarding IVIG . Thus, the treatment meets criterion tw o.

2571Nurse Thomas - Brown testified that a treatment considered experimental or

2582investigational is, automatically, not medically necessary.

258832 . Both parties relied upon information from medical journals and

2599publications in support of their respective p osition s . In addition, Respondent

2612relied upon the I RO report and its statements. The individual who prepared

2625the report did not testify at the hearing. Thus , the report and any statements

2639therein are considered hearsay. Generally, hearsay statements, without

2647corro boration by a person with knowledge of the area at issue, could not be

2662relied upon to make findings of fact.

266933. Here, Dr. Amundson did not prepare the IRO report . However, he

2682testified about the findings based on his knowledge of the subject matter.

269434. Overall, Petitioner established that use of IVIG was medically

2704necessary from a clinical standpoint. The use of IVIG for small fiber

2716neuropathy associated with SjogrenÔs syndrome is not approved by the

2726Federal Drug Administration (FDA). The use of a drug for a purpose other

2739than the uses approved by the FDA is referred to as an Ñoff - labelÒ use. The

2756off - label use of IVIG for SjogrenÔs syndrome as being effective from a medical

2771standpoint under the Plan has not been demonstrated in this case .

278335. There was conflict in the evidence as to whether use of IVIG for

2797PetitionerÔs condition is medically necessary from a clinical standpoint or

2807medically necessary under the Plan. The undersigned finds as follows

2817regarding that conflict. Based on the applicable criteri a under the Plan, the

2830evidence presented at hearing , including medical records produced by

2839Petitioner and supporting literature, fails to demonstrate that Petitioner had

2849a medical condition that warranted coverage of treatment with IVIG.

285936. Petitioner d id not establish at this time that IVIG is medically

2872necessary , as defined by the Plan , and did not establish that IVIG is not

2886experimental and/or investigational.

288937. There was some testimony offered at the final hearing that use of IVIG

2903may be used for S jogrenÔs as a collagen vascular disease. However, there was

2917no evidence in the record to support collagen vascular disease being the

2929stated diagnosis for treatment with IVIG.


29403 8 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of

2955this proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57, Fla. Stat.

29633 9 . Respondent is the state agency charged by the Legislature with

2976oversight of the administration of the s tate group insurance program.

2987§ 110.123(3)(c), Fla. Stat

299140 . The Plan is a health ins urance benefit enacted by the Florida

3005Legislature and offered by Respondent. § 110.123, Fla. Stat .

301541 . In administrative proceedings, the party asserting the affirmative of

3026an issue is required to prove that he or she is entitled to the relief sought.

3042You ng v. Dep Ô t of Cmty. Aff. , 625 So. 2d 831, 833 - 34 (Fla. 1993); Dep Ô t of

3064Transp. v. J.W.C. Co. , 396 So. 2d 778, 788 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981). The burden of

3080proof that applies is a preponderance of the evidence. § 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

3093In this proceeding, Peti tioner bears the burden of proving by a prepond erance

3107of the evidence that IVIG is a prescription benefit covered under the Plan. If

3121Petitioner meets this requirement, then the burden shifts to Respondent to

3132prove that the claims were not covered due to th e application of a policy

3147exclusion. Herrera v. C.A. Seguros Catatumbo , 844 So. 2d 664 (Fla. 3d DCA

31602003); State Comp . Health Ass Ô n v. Carmichael , 706 So. 2d 319, 320 (Fla. 4th

3177DCA 1997).

317942 . In this case, one criterion in the definition of Ñmedically nece ssaryÒ is

3194that the treatment at issue cannot be Ñexperimental and/or investigational.Ò

3204Therefore, in proving that the treatment was medically necessary, Petitioner

3214also had to prove that the treatment was not Ñexperimental and/or

3225investigational , Ò as defin ed in the Plan . A ny treatment , including medication

3239that is experimental and/or investigational is excluded by the Plan .

32504 3 . Petitioner failed to meet her burden of proving that IVIG was

3264medically necessary. Petitioner failed to present competent substant ial

3273evidence that each of the criteria in the definit ion of Ñmedically necessaryÒ

3286was met. The greater weight of the evidence pr esented was that criteria five

3300and six were not met.

33054 4 . Additionally, a preponderance of the evide nce supports a finding that

3319I VIG for treatment of PetitionerÔs condition is Ñ experimental and/or

3330investi gational Ò as criteri on two of that definition w as met. Petitioner failed

3345to present sufficient evidence to rebut RespondentÔs witness testimony and

3355documentary evidence on this issu e. The IROÔs report , introduced by

3366Respondent as substantiated by Dr. Admundson , also confirms that IVIG for

3377PetitionerÔs condition is considered investigational and not a standard of care

3388treatment option. Since the treatment is excluded as an Ñ experiment al and/or

3401investigational Ò service, it also fails to meet the definition of medically

3413necessary treatment.

34154 5 . T here was a dispute regarding the definition of Ñmedically necessaryÒ

3429in this matter. Although Petitioner points out that use of IVIG for small f iber

3444neuropathy is Ñ medically necessary Ò from a clinical treatment standpoint,

3455again, the issue for determinat ion here is not whether the medication

3467treatment is Ñ medically necessary, Ò from a clinical standpoint, but whether

3479IVIG is Ñ medically necessary Ò t reatment as defined under the Plan. By virtue

3494of the PlanÔs definition of medical necessity, which controls the benefit

3505determination for i ts insureds, IVIG for the treatment of small fiber

3517neuropathy is not a covered benefit at this time.

35264 6 . B ased on the evidence presented at hearing, Petitioner did not

3540establish the criteria for approval of IVIG for PetitionerÔs condition at this

3552time. Because t he treatment is excluded as not Ñ medically necessary Ò and it is

3568currently deemed Ñ experimental and/or investiga tional , Ò Petitioner Ô s coverage

3580must be denied.


3585Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

3598R ECOMMENDED that the Department of Management Services, Division of

3608State Group Insurance, enter a final order denying Peti tioner's request for

3620coverage for intravenous immunoglobulin (Gammagard Liquid).

3626D ONE A ND ENT ERED this 2nd day o f February , 2022 , in Tallahassee, Leon

3642County, Florida.



3650Administrative Law Judge

36531230 Apalachee Parkway

3656Tallahassee, Flo rida 32399 - 3060

3662(850) 488 - 9675


3667Filed with the Clerk of the

3673Division of Administrative Hearings

3677this 2nd day of February , 2022 .


3689Erica D. Moore, Esquire Kristen Larson, Interim General Counsel

3698Department of Management Services Office of the General Counsel

3707Division of State Group Insu rance Department of Management Services

3717Suite 160 4050 Esplanade Way, S uite 16 0

37264050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950

3734Tallahassee, Florida 32399

3737Amy Baco - Taylor

37413137 Lisa Court

3744Tallahassee, Florida 32312


3758All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

3771the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

3782Order should be filed with the age ncy that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/02/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/02/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 25 and 27, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/02/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/10/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 12/09/2021
Proceedings: Motion to Determine Confidentiality of Document filed.
Date: 12/09/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed (not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 11/30/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 11/30/2021
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/28/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/28/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 10/27/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/27/2021
Proceedings: Dr. McMillan CV filed by Petitioner.
Date: 10/26/2021
Proceedings: Motion for Confidential Court Filing of Supplemental Exhibit List filed.
Date: 10/26/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Supplemental Exhibit List filed.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 10/26/2021
Proceedings: Oath of Witness filed.
Date: 10/25/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to October 27, 2021; 9:30 a.m..
Date: 10/25/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Expert Witness Resume filed.
Date: 10/20/2021
Proceedings: Motion to Determine Confidentiality of Document filed.
Date: 10/20/2021
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed (not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 10/18/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 10/18/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List and Petitioner's Exhibit List filed.
Date: 10/15/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 10/14/2021
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness List and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 09/15/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Document Confidentiality.
Date: 09/14/2021
Proceedings: Motion to Determine Confidentiality of Document filed.
Date: 09/14/2021
Proceedings: External Review Organization Report (ERO) filed by Respondent (medical information, not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 07/30/2021
Proceedings: Order Granting Document Confidentiality.
Date: 07/28/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/28/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for October 25, 2021; 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 07/27/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/21/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent's Production of Discovery filed.
Date: 07/20/2021
Proceedings: Cover Letter to Judge Green enclosing "Amended Petition"; Motion to Determine Confidentiality of Document filed.
Date: 07/20/2021
Proceedings: Amended Petition filed by Petitioner (not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 07/20/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 07/16/2021
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 07/16/2021
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 07/16/2021
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Department of Management Services


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):