21-002283 In Re: Petition To Amend The Boundary Of The Tomoka Community Development District vs. *
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, October 27, 2021.

View Dockets  
Summary: The Petition to amend the boundary of the Tomoka CDD satisfies the statutory requirements established in sections 190.005 and 190.046.



13I N R E : P ETITION T O A MEND T HE T OMOKA Case No. 2 1 - 2283


40___________________________ ________ ____/



70On September 13 , 2021, a local public hearing was conducted pursuant to

82sections 190.046(1)(f) and 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes, before E. Gary

91Early, an Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative

101Hearings (DOAH), by Zoo m c onference and at the Hampton Inn & Suites,

115150 Flagler Plaza Drive, Palm Coast, Florida 32137 .


126For Petitioner : Katie S. Buchanan , Esquire

133Hopping, Green and Sams, P.A.

138Suite 300

140119 South Monroe Street

144Tallahassee, Florida 323 01


157The issue s before the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission

168(Commission) in this proceeding are whether to grant the Petition to Amend

180the Tomoka Co mmunity Development District (Petition) to amend the

190boundary of the Tomoka Communi ty Development District (District) by

200adding approximately 80 acres to the land comprising the current area

211encompassed by the District , and to correct a scrivenerÔs error in the legal

224description of a parcel that is intended to remain excluded from the Di strictÔs

238boundaries .

240This report is prepared and submitted to the Commission pursuant to

251s ections 190.046 and 190.005 for consideration in its determination of

262whether to adopt a rule amending the boundary of the District as requested

275by the District .


283On June 23 , 2021 , the District filed the Petition with the Commission. T he

297District previously provided the Petition and its e xhibits, along with the

309requisite filing fee, to Flagler County, Florida .

317The Petition seeks to add two par cels , each containing 40 acres, more or

331less, and totaling 80 acres (the Expansion Parcel s ) , to the 1, 968 acres

346comp r ising the E xisting District, which will result in a District boundary

360encompassing approximately 2,048 acres (the Amended District) . The

370Pe tition further seeks to correct an erroneous legal description for the

382Plantation Bay School Site (School Site), which is currently excluded from the

394DistrictÔs boundaries. The correction of the scrivenerÔs error is intended to

405ensure that the School Site remains excluded from the DistrictÔs boundaries.

416The District is located entirely within Flagler County, Florida . Section

427190.005(1)(c) provides that the jurisdiction containing all or a portion of the

439lands within a proposed amended district has the opti on to hold a public

453hearing. On July 19, 2021, the County advised the Commission of its support

466of the Petition without holding a public hearing.

474On July 22, 2021 , the Commission certified that the Petition contained all

486required elements , and referred th e Petition to DOAH for the purpose of

499conducting the local public hearing required by s ection 190.005(1)(d). On

510August 26, 2021 , a Notice of Receipt of Petition was published in the Florida

524Administrative Register.

526On August 4, 2021 , the Department of Econ omic Opportunity (DEO)

537certified to the Commission that the Petition contained no potential

547inconsistency with chapter 163, Florida Statutes , or the Flagler County

557Comprehensive Plan .

560The District published notice of the local public hearing in accordance

571with section 190.005(1)(d). In accordance with the notice, t he local public

583hearing was held on Monday, September 13, 2021 , at 9 :00 a .m. , at the

598Hampton Inn & Suites, 150 Flagler Plaza Drive, Palm Coast, Florida 32137 ,

610with the Administrative Law Judge an d witnesses appearing by Zoom

621conference . At the local public hearing, the District presented the live and

634written testimony of :

6381. Vivian Carvalho, District Manager, employed by PFM Group

647Consulting, LLC , who was accepted as an expert in special district

658management and financ ial analysis ;

6632. Kelly White , Director of Finance and Chair person of the DistrictÔs

675Board of Supervisors ;

6783 . Jerry K. Finley , P.E., employed by Finley Engineering Solutions,

689Inc. , and District Engineer for the District , who was acce pted as an expert in

704land development and public infrastructure construction ; and

7114. Miguel Collazo, III , an attorney and shareholder at Hopping, Green

722& Sams, P.A., who was accepted as an expert in planning .

734The District offered Composite Exhibit A , c onsisting of the prefiled

745testimony of Ms. Carvalho, and including as attachments thereto Tabs VC - 1

758through VC - 9 ; Exhibit B , consisting of the prefiled testimony of M s. White ;

773Exhibit C, consisting of the prefiled testimony of Mr. Finley ; Composite

784Exhibi t D, consisting of the prefiled testimony of M r. Collazzo , and including

798as attachments thereto Tabs MC - 1 and MC - 2; and Exhibit E, the proof of

815publication for the notice of the public hearing. A ll exhibits were received in

829evidence .

831No members of the pub lic appeared , either by Zoom or at the Palm Coast


847The one - volume T ranscript of the local public hearing was filed with

861DOAH on September 23 , 2021 . The District filed a Proposed Report of

874Findings and Conclusions on October 22 , 2021 , which has b een considered in

887the preparation of this Report.

892References to statutes are to Florida Statutes (20 2 0 ), unless otherwise



908The District is seeking the adoption of an amendment to Florida

919Administrative Code Rule 42 LL - 1.002 to add the appr oximately 80 total acres

934of the Expansion Parcel s as described in the Petition . After the addition , the

949Amended District will contain approximately 2,048 a cres.

958The District further seeks to correct an erroneous legal description for the

970School Site, whi ch is currently excluded from the DistrictÔs boundaries. The

982correction of the scrivenerÔs error , which referenced the legal description of

993the School Site in rule 42LL - 1.002 as being recorded in Plat Book 29 , Page

100949, instead of the correct reference to P lat Book 27 , Page 49. is intended to

1025ensure that the School Site remains excluded from the DistrictÔs boundaries.

1036The Expansion Parcel s are both owned, in their entirety, by WL

1048Residential Land, LLC . WL Residential Land, LLC , provided written consent

1059to t he proposed amendment of the DistrictÔs boundaries. Furthermore, the

1070favorable action of the Board of Supervisors of the District constitutes

1081consent for all of the lands within the District, as is evidenced by District

1095Resolutions 2020 - 06 and 2020 - 11, and by its status as a party to the Petition .

1114The District is presently providing infrastructure improvements to the

1123lands within its boundaries . T he District is not currently providing facilities

1136or services to the Expansion Parcel s , but expects to provide stormwater

1148management and utilities improvements to the Expansion Parcels .

1157The sole purpose of this proceeding was to consider the amendment of the

1170District boundary as proposed. Inasmuch as s ections 190.046 and 190.005

1181provide the statutory criteria to b e considered, this report summarizes the

1193relevant and material evidence relating to each relevant section of the



1212A. Petition Contents and Related Matters

12181 . The Petition was submitted to the Commission on June 23 , 2021 . A

1233c opy of the Petition was sent to Flagler County on June 21, 2021, and the

1249$15,000.00 filing fee was subm itted to Flagler County , in parts , on June 21,

12642021, and July 9, 2021 .

12702 . The Petition incorporated the following Exhibits:

1278a . Petition Exhibit 1 , which is a depiction of the

1289general location of the E xisting District boundary.

1297b . Petition Exhibit 2 , which is the metes and

1307bounds description of the E xisting District

1314boundary as incorporated by reference in Florida

1321Administrative Code Rule 42 LL - 1.002.

1328c . Petition Exhibit 3 , which is the metes and

1338bounds description of the Expansion Parcel s .

1346d . Petition Exhibit 4 , which is a depiction of the

1357general location of the Amended District boundary,

1364and the metes and bounds description of the

1372Amended District after the addition of the

1379Expansion Parcel .

1382e . Petition Exhibit 5 , which is the written Consent

1392of WL Residential Land, LLC, the owner (at the

1401time of the filing of the Petition ) of 100 percent of

1413the lands within the Expansion Parcel s, which

1421expressed its con sent to the amend ment of the

1431boundary of the Dist r ict .

1438f . Petition Exhibit 6 , which consists of Resolution

1447202 1 - 0 5 , by which the DistrictÔs Board of

1458Supervisors has approved and consented to the

1465amendment of the boundary of the District .

1473g . Petition Exh ibit 7 , which is th e General Land

1485Use Map for the District that depicts the general

1494distribution, location, and extent of the existing

1501and proposed residential, commercial, recreational,

1506environmentally sensitive, open space, and other

1512land uses for the Am ended District, in accordance

1521with the future land use plan element of Flagler

1530CountyÔs Future Land Use Plan .

1536h . Petition Exhibit 8 , which is a map of the current

1548major trunk water mains, sewer interceptors , and

1555outfalls within the Existing District and a s

1563proposed for the Expansion Parcels.

1568i . Petition Exhibit 9 , which describes the types of

1578facilities the District expects to finance, fund,

1585construct, acquire, and/or install, and the costs of

1593construction planned for the Expansion Parcels .

1600j . Petition Exhibit 1 0 , which is the Statement of

1611Estimated Regulatory Costs p repared in

1617accordance with the requirements of s ection

1624120.541, Florida Statutes.

1627k . Petition Exhibit 1 1 , which is the DistrictÔs

1637authorization of Katie S. Buchanan of Hopping

1644Green & Sams, P.A. , to act as its a gent relative to

1656the boundary amendment .

16603 . The Petition described the Amended District as being part of a planned

1674community, with improvements estimated to be made, acquired, constructed ,

1683and/or installed from 2022 to 2024 , conditi oned on the effects of future

1696economic and market conditions on costs , including those related to labor,

1707services, materials, and interest rates .

17134 . The Commission certified that the Petition contained the required

1724elements of a petition to amend the Distr ict boundary, though that

1736certification made no representation of the accuracy of the documents.

1746B. Summary of the Local Public Hearing

17535 . Notice of the public hearing was advertised on August 17, 2021 ;

1766August 23 , 2021; August 30 , 2021; and September 5 , 2021, in t he Daytona

1780Beach News Journal , a newspaper of general paid circulation in Flagler

1791County , wh ich newspaper complies with the requirements for publication of

1802legal and official advertisements , pursuant to c hapter 50, Florida Statutes.

1813The published notice gave the time and place for the hearing, a description of

1827the area s to be added to t he District boundary , and other relevant


18426 . The local public hearing on the Petition was held as noticed on Monday,

1857September 13, 2021 , at 9:00 a.m., physically at the Hampton Inn & Suites,

1870150 Flagler Plaza Drive, Palm Coast, Florida 32137 , and virtually by Zoom


18837 . The e xhibits received in evidence at the hearing consisted of: Hearing

1897Exhibit A, consisting of the p re - f iled w ritten t estimon y of Ms. Carvalho ;

1915Hearing Exhibit B, consisting of the prefiled written testimony of Kelly

1926White ; Hearing Exhibit C, consisting of the prefiled written testimony of

1937Jerry K. Finley ; and Hearing Exhibit D, consisting of the prefiled written

1949testimony of Mi guel Collazo, III . The four witness es also offered live

1963testimony in which the y fully adopted their pre - filed written testimony.

19768 . Ms. Carvalho Ôs pre - filed testimony , Hear ing Exhibit A, included the

1991following exhibits, all of which were received into evid ence at the hearing:

2004a . Tab VC - 1 , which is the Petition , with each of the Petition Exhibits

2020listed in paragraph 2 herein;

2025b. Tab VC - 2, the June 23, 2021 , email transmittal of the Petition and

2040exhibits to the Commission ;

2044c. Tab VC - 3, the June 21, 2021 , co ver letter of transmittal of the

2060Petition to Flagler County, with copies of the two checks constituting the

2072$15,000.00 filing fee payable to Flagler County ;

2080d. Tab VC - 4, the July 19, 2021, letter from Flagler County attesting

2094that the Petition meets the Go als, Objectives, and Policies of the Flagler

2107County Comprehensive Plan, and other statutory criteria, and indicating its

2117approval of the boundary amendment without holding a hearing ;

2126e . Tab VC - 5 , the July 22, 2021 , certification from the Commission that

2141th e Petition contained all required elements and referr al of the Petition to

2155DOAH for the purpose of conducting the local public hearing re quired by

2168section 190.005(1)(d);

2170f . Tab VC - 6 , the Notice of Receipt of Petition published in the

2185August 26, 2021 , Flori da Administrative Register, Volume 47, Number 166 ,

2196Page 3948 ;

2198g . Tab VC - 7 , the August 3, 2021 , Notice of Hearing b y Zoom

2214Conference setting September 13, 2021 , as the date for the local public

2226hearing ;

2227h . Tab VC - 8 , the August 4, 2021 , certification from DE O that the

2243Petition contained no potential inconsistency with chapter 163 , or the Flagler

2254County 2035 Comprehensive Plan; and

2259i. Tab VC - 9 , a depiction of the general location of the Existing District

2274boundary, and of the Expansion Parcels.

22809 . Mr. CollazoÔs pre - filed testimony, Hearing Exhibit D, included the

2293following exhibits, both of which were received into evidence at the hearing:

2305a. Tab MC - 1, consisting of the State Comprehensive Plan, chapter 187,

2318Florida Statutes; and

2321b. Tab MC - 2, consisting of the Flagler County 2010 - 2035 Comprehensive

2335Plan, Infrastructure Element.

233810 . At the public hearing, the District introduced Hearing Exhibit E , the

2351proof of publication that the notice of the public hearing was advertised on

2364August 17, 2021; August 23, 2021; Au gust 30, 2021; and September 5, 2021,

2378in the Daytona Beach News Journal, a newspaper of general paid circulation

2390in Flagler County.

239311 . The T ranscript of the local public hearing was filed with DOAH on

2408September 23, 2021 . The District also filed a Proposed Report of Findings and

2422Conclusions on October 22 , 2021 , which has been considered in the

2433preparation of this Report.


2448Contents of the Petition

245212 . Section 190.046(1) provides, in pertinent part, that:

2461(a) The petition shall contain the same information

2469required by s. 190.005(1)(a)1. and 8. In addition, if

2478the petitioner seeks to expand the district, the

2486petition shall describe the proposed timetable for

2493construction of any district services to the area, the

2502estimated c ost of constructing the proposed

2509services, and the designation of the future general

2517distribution, location, and extent of public and

2524private uses of land proposed for the area by the

2534future land use plan element of the adopted local

2543government local compr ehensive plan.

254813 . Furthermore, section 190.046(1)(f) provides, in pertinent part, that

2558ÑPetitions to amend the boundaries of the district that exceed the amount of

2571land [applicable here] ... shall include only the elements set forth in

2583s. 190.005(1)(a)1. and 5. - 8. and the consent required by paragraph (g).Ò

259614 . Section 190.005(1)(a) provides, in pertinent part, that:

2605The petition shall contain:

26091. A metes and bounds description of the external

2618boundaries of the district. ...

2623* * *

26265. A map of the prop osed district showing current

2636major trunk water mains and sewer interceptors

2643and outfalls if in existence.

26486. Based upon available data, the proposed

2655timetable for construction of the district services

2662and the estimated cost of constructing the proposed

2670s ervices. These estimates shall be submitted in

2678good faith but are not binding and may be subject

2688to change.

26907. A designation of the future general

2697distribution, location, and extent of public and

2704private uses of land proposed for the area within

2713the distr ict by the future land use plan element of

2724the effective local government comprehensive plan

2730of which all mandatory elements have been adopted

2738by the applicable general - purpose local government

2746in compliance with the Community Planning Act.

27538. A statement of estimated regulatory costs in

2761accordance with the requirements of s. 120.541.

276815 . Section 190.046(1)(g) provides, in pertinent part, that Ñ[i]n all cases of

2781a petition to amend the boundaries of a district, the filing of the petition by

2796the district b oard of supervisors constitutes consent of the landowners within

2808the district. In all cases, written consent of those landowners whose land is to

2822be added to or deleted from the district ... is required.Ò

2833Section 190.005(1)(a)1.

283516 . The Petition containe d the metes and bounds description of the

2848external boundaries of the D istrict as required by section 190.005(1)(a)1. See

2860Pet . Ex. 1 through 4.

2866Section 190.005(1)(a)5.

286817 . The Petition contained a map of the proposed D istrict showing current

2882major trunk wat er mains and sewer interceptors and outfalls as required by

2895section 190.005(1)(a)5. See Pet . Ex. 8.

2902Section 190.005(1)(a)6.

290418 . The Petition contained the proposed timetable for construction of the

2916D istrict services and the estimated cost of constructing t he proposed services

2929as required by section 190.005(1)(a)6. See Pet . Ex. 9.

2939Section 190.005(1)(a)7.

294119 . The Petition contained a designation of the future general

2952distribution, location, and extent of public and private uses of land proposed

2964for the area w ithin the D istrict as required by section 190.005(1)(a)7. See Pet .

2980Ex. 7.

2982Section 190.005(1)(a)8.

298420 . The Petition contained a statement of estimated regulatory costs

2995(SERC) in accordance with the requirements of s ection 120.541 , Florida

3006Statutes, as requi red by section 190.005(1)(a)8. See Pet . Ex. 10.

301821 . Ms. Carvalho explained the purpose of the SERC, the economic

3030analysis presented therein, and the data and methodology used in preparing

3041the SERC. She also explained that the scope of the SERC addresses on ly the

3056expansion of the District boundary, and not the planning or development of

3068the D istrict itself. Her testimony is accepted.

307622 . The SERC contains the assumptions regarding the development

3086within the Amended District and the infrastructure provided b y the District.

3098The SERC addresses an estimate of the costs and benefits to all persons

3111directly affected by the proposed rule to amend the boundary of the District,

3124including the State of Florida and its citizens, Flagler County and its citizens,

3137and the property owners within the Existing District and the Expansion

3148Parcels. The SERC found no adverse impacts on any potentially affected


316023 . Ms. Carvalho testified that the economic benefits of the proposed

3172expansion will exceed the economic costs t o the District, Flagler County, and

3185to all subsequent purchasers and landowners of the Amended District.

319524 . The state and its citizens will only incur modest costs from amending

3209chapter 42LL - 1 and the DistrictÔs boundary as proposed, including reviewing,

3221processing, and analyzing the Petition, and conducting public hearings.

323025 . Ongoing state costs related to the Amended District are limited to the

3244receipt and processing of reports that are required to be filed with the state

3258and its various entities. Cos ts to the state agencies that will receive and

3272process the Amended DistrictÔs reports are expected to be minimal, if any,

3284especially since those reports are already being submitted on behalf of the

3296Existing District. The District is one of many governmenta l subdivisions

3307required to submit reports to the state. Pursuant to section 189.018, Florida

3319Statutes, the Amended District will pay an annual fee to DEO to offset

3332processing costs.

333426 . It is not anticipated that Flagler County will incur costs in reviewin g

3349the Petition, as the District remitted a $15,000.00 filing fee to Flagler County

3363to offset any such costs. As is the case with the Existing District, annual costs

3378to Flagler County related to the Amended District are expected to be

3390minimal. Since the Ame nded District is an independent unit of local

3402government, the only annual costs incurred by Flagler County will be the

3414minimal costs of receiving and reviewing the various reports that the

3425Amended District will be required to provide to Flagler County . Tho se reports

3439are already provided on behalf of the Existing District . In addition, to the

3453extent the Amended District utilizes the services of the Flagler County

3464Property Appraiser or Tax Collector to collect assessments, the Amended

3474D istrict must pay the co sts associated with those services, which the District

3488currently does each year.

349227 . The District currently levies non - ad valorem special assessments on

3505the lands within its boundaries for the payment of debt service expenses

3517relative to the construction a nd/or acquisition of facilities and services.

3528Landowners within the Expansion Parcels will be required to pay non - ad

3541valorem assessments levied by the District to secure repayment of the

3552DistrictÔs bond debt. In addition, the District may also impose a non - ad

3566valorem assessment to fund the operations and maintenance of the facilities

3577within the Expansion Parcels.

358128 . Finally, pursuant to chapter 190, the debt of the Amended District

3594cannot become the debt of Flagler County or the State of Florida. S ince th e

3610Amended District will be an independent special district government which

3620can, and has, issued its own bonds, the Amended District will have no effect

3634on the bonding capacity of Flagler County o r the State of Florida.

364729 . The evidence in this case establ ishes that the SERC meets all

3661requirements of section 120.541.

3665Section 190.046(1)(g)

366730 . The Petition contained the consent of the landowners within the

3679D istrict as required by section 190.046(1)(g). See Pet . Ex. 5 and 6.

3693ScrivenerÔs Error

369531. Th e Petitio n seeks to correct an erroneous legal description for the

3709School Site . The School Site is currently excluded from the DistrictÔs

3721boundaries , and the correction is intended to ensure that the School Site

3733remains excluded from the DistrictÔs boundaries. The Petition noted that,

3743when the excluded School Site was identified in the description of the

3755DistrictÔs boundaries in rule 42LL - 1.002 , the legal description showed the

3767School Site as being recorded in in Plat Book 29 , Page 49, instead of the

3782correct Plat Bo ok 27 , Page 49 . The correction of the scrivenerÔs error has no

3798effect on the School Site remain ing excluded from the DistrictÔs boundaries.

3810Ms. Carvalho testified as to the accuracy of the information contained in the

3823Petition. Ms. CarvalhoÔs testimony con stitutes competent, substantial

3831evidence of the inadvertent cause, and the lack of substantive effect resulting

3843from the correction of the scrivenerÔs error.

3850Factors for consideration by the Commission

385632 . The standards applicabl e to the CommissionÔs det ermination of

3868whether to grant or deny the Petition are those in section 190.005(1)(e) 1.

3881through 6.

3883Section 190.005(1)(e)1. - Whether all statements contained within the

3892Petition have been found to be true and correct.

390133 . M s. Carvalho testified as to th e accuracy of the information contained

3916in the Petition . She als o prepared, or had others prepare under h er

3931supervision, Petition Exhibit 1 0 , the SERC . M s. Carvalho Ôs testimony

3944constitutes competent, substantial evidence of the accuracy of the statements

3954i n the Petition and the exhibits attached thereto.

396334 . M s. White , as Chairperson of the DistrictÔs Board of Supervisors,

3976testified to h er familiarity with, and the accuracy of the information

3988contained in , the Petition , including the Joint Exhibits. Furthe rmore,

3998Ms. White testified that she reviewed the request of WL Residential Land,

4010LLC, owner of 100 percent of the lands within the Expansion Parcels, to add

4024its property to the District boundary, and was familiar with Resolution 2021 -

403705, by which the Distr ictÔs Board of Supervisors approved and consented to

4050the amendment of the boundary of the District. Ms. WhiteÔs testimony

4061constitutes competent, substantial evidence of the accuracy of the statements

4071in the Petition and the exhibits attached thereto, inclu ding Petition Exhibits

40835 and 6.

408635 . Mr. Finley testified that he prepared, or had others prepare under h is

4101supervision, Petition Exhibits 1 through 4 and 7 through 9 . M r. Finley

4115testified that th o se exhibits accurately depict and describe the boundaries

4127an d legal descriptions of the parcels of property at issue ; Flagler CountyÔs

4140future land uses for the parcels of property at issue ; the location and

4153description of the existing major trunk water mains, and wastewater

4163interceptors and outfalls associated with the Amended District ; and the types

4174of facilities and services anticipated in the Amended District as well as the

4187entities anticipated for future ownership, operation and maintenance, and

4196anticipated construction costs . M r. FinleyÔ s testimony constitutes competent,

4207substantial evidence of the accuracy of Petition Exhibits 1 through 4 and

42197 through 9 .

422336 . Based on the testimony and evidence of record, and in the absence of

4238evidence to the contrary, the statements contained in the Petition and the

4250exhibits t hereto are true and correct.

4257Section 190.005(1)(e) 2 . - Whether the amendment of the District boundary

4269is inconsistent with any applicable element or portion of the State

4280Comprehensive Plan or of the effective local government comprehensive


429037 . Mr. Collazo reviewed the proposed District boundary amendment for

4301consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan .

430838 . The State Comprehensive Plan Ñprovides long - range policy guidance

4320for the orderly social, economic and physical growth of the State . Ò Mr. Col lazo

4336testified that the S tate C omprehensive Plan does not specifically address the

4349issue of expanding districts. Nonetheless, o f the 25 subjects in the State

4362Comprehensive Plan, M r. Collazo identified Subject No. 17 - Public Facilities ;

4374and Subject No. 2 0 - Governmental Efficiency , as relevant to the question of

4388expanding services to the Amended District .

439539 . Subject No. 17 relates to the protection of existing public facilities ;

4408providing financing for new facilities ; allocating the costs of new public

4419fac ilities on the basis of the benefits received by future residents;

4431implementing innovative but fiscally sound techniques for financing public

4440facilities, and identifying and using stable revenue sources for financing

4450public facilities. Mr. Collazo testifie d that the amendment of the District

4462boundary is not inconsistent with State Comprehensive Plan goals and

4472policies in that subject. Mr. Collazo Ô s testimony constitutes competent,

4483substantial evidence that the proposed boundary amendment is not

4492inconsistent with the public facilities goal of the State Comprehensive Plan.

4503There was no evidence to the contrary.

451040 . Subject No. 2 0 recognizes the importance of Florida governments

4522economically and efficiently providing the amount and quality of services

4532required by the public. Policy 2 provides for the creation of independent

4544special taxing districts to avoid overburdening other governmental units and

4554their taxpayers. Mr. Collazo testified that the amendment of the District

4565boundary is not inconsistent with State Comprehensive Plan goals and

4575policies in that subject. Mr. CollazoÔs testimony constitutes competent,

4584substantial evidence that the proposed boundary amendment is not

4593inconsistent with the public facilities goal of the State Comprehensive Plan.

4604There was n o evidence to the contrary.

461241 . Based on the evidence adduced at the hearing, the Amended District

4625will not be inconsistent with any applicable provision of the State

4636Comprehensive Plan.

463842 . Mr. Collazo also reviewed the Amended District for consistency w ith

4651the Flagler County Comprehensive Plan .

465743 . Chapter 190 prohibits a community development district from acting

4668in any manner inconsistent with the local governmentÔs comprehensive plan.

4678There is nothing in the record of this proceeding to suggest that the

4691expansion of the DistrictÔs boundaries will impact the land use or

4702development of the Expans ion Parcels.

470844 . Ms. Carvalho testified that the District expects to provide stormwater

4720management and utilities improvements to the E xpansion Parcels.

4729Mr. Col lazo noted that Goal D.1. of the Flagler County Comprehensive Plan

4742requires planning and coordination between public and private utility

4751providers for the development, operation, and maintenance of cost - effective

4762and efficient potable water and wastewater systems that promote timely,

4772orderly, and efficient land development patterns while protecting public

4781health and the environment; while Goal D.4. requires the development,

4791operation, and maintenance of a cost - effective and efficient surface water

4803managemen t system which, among other things, minimizes flood damage and

4814losses. Mr. Collazo testified that the Amended District will further those

4825goals because it will provide those types of improvements in an efficient and

4838cost - effective manner to the lands withi n the Expansion Parcels.

485045 . M r. Collazo Ôs testimony constitutes competent, substantial evidence

4861that the proposed boundary amendment will not be inconsistent with any

4872applicable element of the Flagler County Comprehensive Plan . There was no

4884evidence to th e contrary.

488946 . Based on the evidence adduced at the hearing, the Amended District

4902will not be inconsistent with any applicable provision of the Flagler County

4914Comprehensive Plan .

4917Section 190.005(1)(e)3. - Whether the area of land within the Amended

4928Dist rict is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently

4940contiguous to be developable as one functional interrelated community.

494947 . The Amended District will include approximately 2,048 acres, located

4961entirely within Flagler County .

496648 . M s . Carvalho testified that the Amended District has sufficient land

4980area, is sufficiently compact and contiguous to be developed, and has , in fact,

4993been developed as one functional, interrelated community . She further

5003testified that the boundary amendment w ill have no impact on that


501649 . M r. Finley testified that there are significant infrastructure needs

5028within the District , including the E xpansion Parcels, that make the Amended

5040D istrict developable as a functionally interrelated community. T he design of

5052the District allows infrastructure to be provided to the Expansion Parcels in a

5065cost - effective manner, and the services and facilities completed or planned by

5078the District will provide a contiguous and homogenous method of providing

5089services t o the Expansion Parcels. Thus, the addition of the Expansion

5101Parcel s will allow facilities to be provided in the Amended District in an

5115efficient, functional, and inte grated manner.

512150 . The testimony of M s. Carvalho and M r. Finley constitute competent,

5135su bstantial evidence that the Amended District will be of sufficient size,

5147sufficiently compact, and sufficiently contiguous to be developed as a single

5158functionally interrelated community. There was no evidence to the contrary.

5168Section 190.005(1)(e)4. - Wh ether the Amended District remains the best

5179alternative available for delivering community development services and

5187facilities to the area that will be served by the Amended District.

519951 . M s. Carvalho testified that , to date, the District has been the

5213mec hanism used to plan, finance, construct, operate , and maintain the public

5225facilities and services within the E xisting District . The District has or will

5239construct or acquire facilities that will be needed for the Amended District.

5251The infrastructure needed for the Expansion Parcels is of the same type that

5264the District has provided in the Existing District. The District can also

5276maintain facilities in the Expansion Parcels incrementally , which means that

5286additional facilities can simply be added to the Dist rictÔs existing

5297maintenance program at an incremental cost. Accordingly, the Amended

5306District is the best alternative to provide such facilities and services to the

5319area to be served.

532352. Th e District structure allows the community development process to

5334meet needs within the Amended District, and restricts costs to those who will

5347benefit from the services. Ms. Carvalho testified convincingly that the use of

5359non - ad valorem or special assessments on the property in the Amended

5372District to repay debt incurre d in providing facilities, and assessments for

5384operation and maintenance, will allocate costs to those receiving the benefit

5395of District services, and is less burdensome than having facilities and services

5407provided by Flagler County, and more efficient tha n through a property

5419ownerÔs association.

542153 . M r. Finley testified that the Amended District will be capable of

5435efficiently financing and overseeing t he construction of necessary capital

5445improvements for development of the Expansion Parcels. In addition, as a

5456unit of special - purpose government, the district is more effective than typical

5469property owner associations in working with local general - purpose

5479governments to ensure that necessary public infrastructure improvements

5487are provided in a timely and effi cient manner. The fact that the D istrict is an

5504existing, functioning entity will benefit the Expansion Parcels.

551254 . The testimony of M s . Carvalho and Mr. Finley constitute competent,

5526substantial evidence that the Amended District remains the best alternat ive

5537available for delivering community development services and facilities to the

5547area that will be served by the Amended District. There was no evidence to

5561the contrary.

5563Section 190.005(1)(e)5. - Whether the community development services

5571and facili ties of the Amended District will be incompatible with the

5583capacity and uses of existing local and regional community development

5593services and facilities.

559655 . M s. Carvalho testified that the services and facilities needed for the

5610Expansion Parcels are the same type of infrastructure provided by the

5621E xisting District and , thus , are not incompatible with the capacity and use of

5635existing local or regional community development services and facilities.

564456 . M r. Finley testified that the services and facilities to be provided by

5659the Amended District are not incompatible and , in fact , remain fully

5670compatible with the capacities and uses of the existing local or regional

5682community development facilities and with those provided by the E xisting


569457 . The tes timony of M s. Carvalho and Mr. Finley constitute competent,

5708substantial evidence that the community development services and facilities

5717of the Amended District will not be incompatible with the capacity and uses

5730of existing local and regional community dev elopment services and facilities.

5741There was no evidence to the contrary.

5748Section 190.005(1)(e)6. - Whether the area that will be served by the

5760Amended District is amenable to separate special - district government.

577058 . M s. Carvalho testified that the addit ion of the Expansion Parcels will

5785not affect the ability of the Amended District to operate as a separate special -

5800district government, and will not change the way the unit of government is

5813operating either now or into the future. The Existing District is a planned

5826community with facilities and services provided, operated, and maintained by

5836the District. The Amended District is an efficient mechanism to serve the

5848Expansion Parcels, and to continue to oversee the operation and maintenance

5859of the facilities pr esently serving residents within its boundary. In addition,

5871the Amended District is of sufficient size, compactness , and contiguity to

5882constitute one functionally interrelated community. Thus, it was

5890Ms. CarvalhoÔs opinion that the Amended District is amen able to separate

5902special - district government.

590659 . Mr. Finley testified that t he area within the Amended District will

5920continue to constitute an efficient mechanism for providing the necessary

5930capital infrastructure improvements for development of the Expa nsion

5939Parcels . It was Mr. FinleyÔs opinion that s pecial - district governance is

5953appropriate for the Amended District because it provides a mechanism

5963whereby long - term maintenance obligations can be satisfied by the persons

5975using the facilities and services.

598060 . The testimony of M s. Carvalho and Mr. Finley constitute competent,

5993substantial evidence that the area that will be served by the Amended

6005District is amenable to separate special - district government. There was no

6017evidence to the contrary.

6021Other Proce dural Elements

602561 . The District has complied with the provisions of s ection

6037190.005(1)(b)1., in that Flagler County was provided a copy of the Petition

6049and was paid the requisite filing fee prior to the District filing the Petition

6063with the Commission.

606662 . Section 190.005(1)(d) require d the District to publish notice of the local

6080public hearing in a newspaper of general paid circulation in Flagler County

6092for four consecutive weeks prior to the hearing. The notice was published in

6105the Daytona Beach News Jour nal on August 17, 2021; August 23, 2021;

6118August 30, 2021; and September 5, 2021.

612563 . The Commission has certified that the Petition meets all of the

6138requirements of s ections 190.046(1)(f) and 190.005(1)(a) .

6146Public Comment

614864 . No m embers of the public at tended the public hearing either at the

6164physical Palm Coast location or via Zoom .


617665 . This proceeding is governed by chapter 120, sections 190.005 and

6188190.046 , and Florida Administrative Code C hapter 42 - 1.

619866 . The District was established by the adoption of chapter 42LL - 1, to

6213include 846 acres. See In re: Petition for Rule Creation - Tomoka Community

6226Development District , DOAH Case No. 03 - 0908 (Fla. DOAH Report , June 18,

62392003; Chapter 42LL - 1, effective Oct. 2, 2003). In 2006, the District u nderwent

6254a boundary amendment adding 1,122 acres to the District, resulting in the

6267current area of 1,968 acres. See In Re: Petition to Amend the Boundaries of

6282the Tomoka Community Development District , DOAH Case No. 05 - 4511

6293(Fla. DOAH Report , May 10, 2006; Chapter 42LL - 1 , amendment effective

6305Dec. 19, 2006).

630867 . The District satisfied the statutory notice requirements by providing

6319Flagler County with a copy of the Petition and paying the required filing fee

6333as required by section 190.005(1)(b). The District also published notice of the

6345local public hearing in a newspaper of general paid circulation and of general

6358interest and readership in Flagler County once each week for the four

6370consecutive weeks immediately prior to the hearing in the manner required

6381by s ection 190.005(1)(d).

638568 . A local public hearing was conducted in accordance with chapter 120,

6398as specified in the published notice.

640469 . Section 190.046(1) provides, in pertinent part, that :

6414(1) A landowner or the board may petition to

6423contract or expand t he boundaries of a community

6432development district in the following manner:

6438* * *

6441(e)1. During the existence of a district initially

6449established by administrative rule, the process to

6456amend the boundaries of the district pursuant to

6464paragraphs (a) - (d) sh all not permit a cumulative

6474net total greater than 50 percent of the land in the

6485initial district, and in no event greater than 1,000

6495acres on a cumulative net basis. ...

6502(f) Petit ions to amend the boundaries of the district

6512that exceed the amount of land specified in

6520paragraph (e) shall be processed in accordance with

6528s. 190.005, and the petition shall include on ly the

6538elements set forth in s. 190.005(1) (a)1 . and 5. - 8.

6550and the consent required by paragraph (g). ...

6558(g) In all cases of a petition to amen d boundaries o f

6571a district, the filing of the petition by the district

6581board of supervisors constitutes consent of the

6588landowne rs within the district. In all cases, written

6597consent of those landowners whose land is to be

6606added to or deleted from the distri ct as provided in

6617s. 190.005(1)(a)2. is required.

662170 . Section 190.005(1) provides, in pertinent part, that:

6630(1) The exclusive and uniform method for the

6638establishment of a community development district

6644with a size of 1,000 acres or more shall be pursuant

6656to a rule, adopted under chapter 120 by the Florida

6666Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission,

6671granting a petition for the establishment of a

6679community development district.

6682(a) A petition for the establishment of a community

6691development district shall be f iled by the petitioner

6700with the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

6707Commission . The petition shall contain:

67131. A metes and bounds description of the external

6722boundaries of the district . Any real property within

6731the external boundaries of the district whic h is to

6741be excluded from the district shall be specifically

6749described, and the last known address of all owners

6758of such real property shall be listed . The petition

6768shall also address the impact of the proposed

6776district on any real property within the exter nal

6785boundaries of the district which is to be excluded

6794from the district.

6797* * *

68005. A map of the proposed district showing current

6809major trunk water mains and sewer interceptors

6816and outfalls if in existence.

68216. Based up on available data, the proposed

6829time table for construction of the district services

6837and the estimated cost of constructing the proposed

6845services . These estimates shall be submitted in

6853good faith but are not binding and may be subject

6863to change.

68657. A designation of the future general distrib ution,

6874location, and extent of public and private uses of

6883land proposed for the area within the district by the

6893future land use plan element of the effective local

6902government comprehensive plan of which all

6908mandatory elements have been adopted by the

6915appli cable general - purpose local government in

6923compliance with the Community Planning Act.

69298. A statemen t of estimated regulatory costs in

6938accorda nce with the requirements of s. 120.541.

694671 . The Petition includes t he elements required by section 190.005(1)(a) 1.

6959and 5. - 8.

696372 . The Consent and Joinder of Landowner introduced as Exhibit A, Tab

6976VC - 1, Petition Exhibit 5, establishes that the District provided the requisite

6989consent of the landowner of the Expansion Parcels, thus meeting the

7000landowner consent require ments of section 190.046(1)(g).

700773 . In addition to the elements set forth in s ection 190.005(1)(a)1. and

70215. - 8. and the consent required by paragraph (g), s ection 190.046(1)(a)

7034provides , in pertinent part, that :

7040... if the petitioner seeks to expand the district, the

7050petition shall describe the proposed timetable for

7057construction of any district services to the area, the

7066estimated cost of constructing the proposed

7072services, and the designation of the future general

7080distribution, location, and extent of pu blic and

7088private uses of land proposed for the area by the

7098future land use plan element of the adopted local

7107government local comprehensive plan.

711174 . As established herein, the District provided the description of services

7123and facilities, a summary of cap ital improvement plan costs, and the

7135designation of future public and private land uses as required.

714575 . Section 190.005 (1) (d) provides, in pertinent part, that:

7156A local publi c hearing on the petition shall be

7166conducted by a hearing officer in conformance with

7174the applicable requirements and procedures of the

7181Administrative Procedure Act . The hearing shall

7188include oral and written comments on the petition

7196pertinent to the factors specified in paragraph

720376 . The local public hearing was con ducted by the undersigned in

7216accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, and included oral and

7226written comments on the P etition as required.

723477 . Section 190.005(1)(e) provides that:

7240The Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

7246Commission shall consider th e entire record of the

7255local hearing, the transcript of the hearing,

7262resolutions adopted by local general - purpose

7269governments as provided in paragraph (c), and the

7277following factors and make a determination to

7284grant or deny a petition for the establishment of a

7294community development district:

72971. Whether all statements contained within the

7304petition have been found to be true and correct.

73132. Whether the establishment of the district is

7321i nconsistent with any applicable element or portion

7329of the state compreh ensive plan or of the effective

7339local government comprehensive plan.

73433. Whether the area of land within the proposed

7352district is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact,

7360and is sufficiently contiguous to be developable as

7368one functional interrelated c ommunity.

73734. Whether the district is the best alternative

7381available for delivering community development

7386services and facilities to the area that will be

7395served by the district.

73995. Whether the community development services

7405and facilities of the district will be incompatible

7413with the capacity and uses of existing local and

7422regional community development services and


74286. Whether the area that will be served by the

7438district is amenable to separate special - district


744778 . E ach of the sta tutory criteria in section 190.005(1)(e) has been

7461satisfied , as established by competent , substantial evidence described herein .

747179 . The evidence in this proceeding established by competent, substantial

7482evidence described herein, that the statements conta ined in the Petition are

7494true and correct. § 190.005(1)(e)1., Fla. Stat.

750180 . The evidence in t his proceeding established by competent, substantial

7513evidence described herein, that the amendment of the District's boundar y

7524will not be inconsistent with eithe r Flagler CountyÔs Comprehensive Plan or

7536the S tate C omprehensive P lan. § 190.005(1)(e)2., Fla. Stat.

754781 . The evidence in this proceeding established by competent, substantial

7558evidence described herein, that, after the addition of the Expansion Parcel s ,

7570th e A mended District will continue to be of sufficient size, sufficiently

7583compact, and sufficiently contiguous to be developable as one functional

7593interrelated community. § 190.005(1)(e)3., Fla. Stat.

759982 . The evidence in this proceeding established by compe tent, substantial

7611evidence described herein, that , after the addition of the Expansion Parcel s ,

7623the Amended District will continue to be the best alternative available for

7635delivering community development services and facilities to the remaining

7644a reas that will be served by the district . § 190.005(1)(e)4., Fla. Stat.

765883 . The evidence in this proceeding established by competent, substantial

7669evidence described herein, that the services and facilities that will be

7680provided in the Amended District are not inco mpatible with the capacity or

7693uses of any local or regional community development services and facilities .

7705§ 190.005(1)(e)5., Fla. Stat.

770984 . The evidence in this proceeding established by competent, substantial

7720evidence described herein, that, after the a ddition of the Expansion Parcel s ,

7733the District is amenable to separate special - district government.

7743§ 190.005(1)(e)6., Fla. Stat.

774785 . The evidence in this proceeding established no reason to deny the

7760request to correct the scrivenerÔs error regarding the l e gal description for the

7774School Site by show ing the School Site as being correctly recorded in Plat

7788Book 27 , Page 49. That correction will clarify the intended exclusion of the

7801School Site from the DistrictÔs boundaries .


7810Based upon the foregoi ng F indings of F act and Applicable L aw, the

7825undersigned concludes that the proposed boundary amendment satisfies the

7834statutory requirements, and that there is no reason not to grant the Dist r ictÔs

7849request to add approximately 80 acres to the 1, 968 acres th at comprise the

7864Existing District, which will result in a District boundary encompassing

7874approximately 2,048 acres ; to correct the scrivenerÔs error regarding the

7885excluded School Site so that the affected clause shall read Ñ Less and Except

7899the Plantation Bay School Site recorded in Plat Book 27 , Page 49 of the

7913Public Records of Flagler County, Florida Ò ; and to amend Florida

7924Administrative Code Chapter 42 LL - 1, consistent therewith .

7934D ONE A ND E NTERED this 27th day of October , 20 21 , in Tallahassee, Leon

7950County, Florida.



7958Administrative Law Judge

79611230 Apalachee Parkway

7964Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

7969(850) 488 - 9675


7974Filed with the Clerk of the

7980Division of Administrative Hearings

7984t his 27th d ay of October , 2021.


7997Joshua Elliott Pratt, Esquire Katie S . Buchanan, Esquire

8006Florida Land and Water Hopping Green & Sams, PA

8015Adjudicatory Commission Suite 300

8019Governor Ôs Legal Office 119 South Monroe Street

8027Room 209, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301

8034Tallahassee, Florida 323 99 - 0001

8040Barbara Leighty, Clerk

8043Chris Spencer, Secretary Transportation and Economic

8049Florida Land and Water Development Policy Unit

8056Adju dicatory Commission Room 1802, The Capitol

8063Room 1802, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

8072Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/27/2021
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/27/2021
Proceedings: Report cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/27/2021
Proceedings: Administrative Law Judge's Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (hearing held , 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/22/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions filed.
Date: 09/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 09/23/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 09/23/2021
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 09/23/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 09/13/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/08/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 09/08/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Supplemental Prefiled Written Testimony filed.
Date: 09/03/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Prefiled Written Testimony filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 09/03/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Prefiled Written Testimony filed.
Date: 08/03/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for September 13, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 08/02/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Response to the Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/30/2021
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/23/2021
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 07/22/2021
Proceedings: Petition to Amend the Boundary of the Tomoka Community Development District filed.
Date: 07/22/2021
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Palm Coast, Florida
Office of the Governor


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):