21-003573BID Cts Engineering, Inc. vs. Florida Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, February 21, 2022.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to prove that the Department's intended agency action to reject all bids is illegal, arbitrary, dishonest, or fraudulent.




20Petitioner ,

21vs. Case No. 21 - 3573BID



34Respondent .



42This case came before Administrative Law Judge (ÑALJÒ) Darren A.

52Schwartz , of the Division of Administrative Hearings (ÑDOAHÒ) , for final

62hearing on December 22, 2021, by Zoom conference.


72For Petitioner: William G. Salim, Esquir e

79Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim

82& Simowitz, P.A.

85800 Corporate Drive, Suite 500

90Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334

94For Respondent: Douglas Dell Dolan, Esquire

100Department of Transportation

103Haydon Burns Building

106605 Suwa nnee Street, Mail Stop 58

113Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450


125Whether Respondent, Florida Department of TransportationÔs

131(ÑDepartmentÒ) , intended decision to reject all bids submitted in response to

142the DepartmentÔs Request for P roposal, District One Commuter Services

152Program Exhibit , DOT - RFP - 22 - 1121 - BT (Ñthe RFPÒ), is illegal, arbitrary,

168dishonest, or fraudulent.


175On September 7, 2021, the Department issued the RFP, seeking proposals

186from responsive and resp onsible bidders to provide Ñplanning, marketing

196services and technical assistance that supports the management and

205promotion of the DistrictÔs Regional Commuter Assistance Program (CAP),

214named Commute Connector.Ò In response, the Department received propos als

224from three bidders : Petitioner, CTS Engineering, Inc. (ÑCTS Ò ) ; AECOM ; and

237TranSystems Corporation , d/b/a TranSystems Corporation Consultants

243(ÑTranSystemsÒ). On October 12, 2021, the Department posted its Proposal

253Tabulation , indicting its intent to aw ard the subject contract to CTS.

265On October 15, 2021, TranSystems filed its notice of intent to protest the

278award . On October 25, 2021, the Department issued a Proposal Tabulation

290rejecting all bids. On October 28, 2021, CTS timely filed its notice of in tent

305to protest the DepartmentÔs rejection of all bid s. On November 4, 2021,

318CTS timely filed its petition for a formal administrative hearing. On

329November 23, 2021, the Department referred the matter to DOAH to assign

341an ALJ to conduct the final hearing. On December 2, 2021, the undersigned

354entered an Order setting the final hearing for December 22, 2021. On

366December 20, 2021, the parties filed their Joint Pre - h earing Stipulation.

379The final hearing was held on December 22, 2021, with all parties

391present. At the hearing, Joint Exhibits 1 through 15 were received into

403evidence upon stipulation of the parties. CTS presented the testimony of

414Deborah Chesna, Elizabeth Ayers, Michelle Peronto, and Sam Yang. CTSÔs

424Exhibits 19 through 21 were received into eviden ce. The Department

435presented the testimony of Don Naylor. The Department did not offer any

447exhibits into evidence. The one - volume final hearing Transcript was filed at

460DOAH on January 7, 2022. On January 11, 2022 , CTS filed an unopposed

473motion for extensio n of time until January 24, 2022, for the parties to file

488their proposed recommended orders. On January 12, 2022, the undersigned

498entered an Order granting the motion.

504The parties timely filed proposed recommended orders, which were

513considered in the pre paration of this Recommended Order. The stipulated

524facts in the partiesÔ Joint Pre - h earing Stipulation have been incorporated

537herein to the extent relevant. Unless otherwise indicated, references to the

548Florida Statutes are to the 2021 version.


5611. The Department previously issued a contract to TranSystems for the

572services that are the subject of the contract being procured through the RFP.

585After deciding not to renew TranSystemsÔ contract, the Department issued

595the R FP on September 7, 2021 , seeking proposals from responsive and

607responsible bidders to provide Ñplanning, marketing services and technical

616assistance that supports the management and promotion of the DistrictÔs

626Regional Commuter Assistance Program (CAP), named Commute Connector.Ò

634The proposals were due September 29, 2021. In response, the Department

645received timely proposals from three vendors : CTS, AECOM, and

655T ranSystems.

6572 . The RF P contains two separate proposal requirements. First,

668section 22.2 of t he RFP require s the submissio n of a T echnical P roposal ,

685which is to be divided into the following three sections: ProposerÔs

696Management Plan , ProposerÔs Technical Plan , and Work Plan . Sec ond ,

707section 22.3 of the RFP requires the submission of a separate P rice P roposal .

7233 . Each of t he proposals submitted by CTS, AECOM, and TranSystems

736were initially determined to be responsive and referred to the DepartmentÔs

747five - member Technical Review Committee (ÑTRCÒ) for review of the technical

759proposals. The TRC members included Department empl oyees Deborah

768Chesna, Michelle Peronto, Paul Simmons, Wendy Sands, and Doreen Joyner -

779Howard .

7814 . As required by the RFP, t he TRC members independently evaluated

794and scored the biddersÔ technical proposals with no communications between

804the m . Upon completi on of their independent scoring, the TRC members

817returned their scores to the DepartmentÔs procurement office .

8265 . The TRC was provided with technical evaluation sheets, consistent with

838the evaluation criteria set forth in the RFP, upon which the TRC membe rs

852were to record their individual scores.

8586 . The technical component of the proposals was to be evaluated with

87120 points for the ProposerÔs Management Plan , 50 points for the ProposerÔs

883Technical Plan, and 30 points for the Work Plan.

8927 . A technical sco re of 70 points was required to be found responsive to the

909RFP, and thus allow consideration of the Price Proposal.

9188 . CTS, AECOM, and TranSystems each received scores above 70 and

930were found responsive. Their price proposals were then opened, and the tot al

943score s determined .

9479 . The combined score for CTS was 109.80; AECOM was 101.52; and

960TranSystems was 100.63. Thus, CTS was the highest - ranked responsive and

972responsible awardee recommended for the award on October 12, 2021.

982AECOM was the second - ranked ve ndor , and TranSystems was the third -

996ranked vendor.

9981 0 . The Department posted its Proposal Tabulation reflecting the vendorsÔ

1010scores and the proposed award to CTS on October 12, 2021.

10211 1 . TranSystems filed its Notice of Intent to Protest on October 15, 2 021,

1037arguing, among other things, that Ms. Chesna used an incorrect evaluation

1048sheet to evaluate its Technical Proposal.

10541 2 . The Department investigated TranSystemsÔ allegations and found that

1065Ms. Chesna , in fact, employed an incorrect evaluation sheet du ring her

1077evaluation of AECOM Ôs and TranSystemsÔ technical proposals. T he

1087evaluation sheet utilized by Ms. Chesna for TranSystems and AECOM

1097erroneously had 30 points for the ProposerÔs Management Plan and 20 points

1109for the Work Plan.

11131 3 . Ms. Chesna used an incorrect scoring sheet from a prior 2018

1127procurement for the same services. Ms. Chesna used the correct evaluation

1138sheet in scoring the CTS technical proposal. No other TRC member used an

1151incorrect evaluation sheet. Ms. Chesna submitted her evaluation sh eets by

1162email to the DepartmentÔs procurement office on October 8, 2021 .

11731 4 . The DepartmentÔs procurement office incorporated the scores

1183Ms. Chesna had awarded to the proposersÔ technical proposals in the

1194calculations to determine the vendor to whom the c ontract would be awarded.

12071 5 . Not until TranSystems filed its Notice of Intent to Protest on

1221October 15, 2021, was the Department aware of Ms. ChesnaÔs mistake.

12321 6 . TranSystemsÔ deadline to file a formal written protest and pay the

1246required protest bond w as October 25, 2021.

12541 7 . Following the discovery of Ms. ChesnaÔs error , the DepartmentÔs

1266District One leadership and counsel met on October 25, 2021. The purpose of

1279the meeting was to discuss Ms. ChesnaÔs error in scoring and consider options

1292available to the Department.

12961 8 . At the meeting, the Department considered both options of rescoring

1309the technical proposals and rejecting all proposals. The Department rejected

1319the option of re scoring because it considered th e competitive process tainted

1332once the scor es had already been released to the public th r ough the

1347DepartmentÔs vendor bid system , and the TRC members were no longer

1358evaluating technical propos als and prohibited by the RFP from discussing

1369them .

137119 . As the scores were already publi c, the potential e xisted that

1385Ms. Chesna could have seen the other membersÔ scores assigned to other

1397technical proposals, or communicated with others regarding the RFP, which

1407would affect her ability to conduct an independent rescoring. Ultimately, the

1418Department decided th at the best approach to preserve the integrity of the

1431competitive process was to reject all bids .

14392 0 . F ollowing the meeting, the Department posted its Proposal Tabulation

1452to reject all bids at 12:00 p.m. on October 25, 2021 . TranSystems never filed a

1468form al written protest or paid any protest bond .

14782 1 . Petitioner contends that the Department Ôs proposed rejection of all

1491bids is arbitrary because it failed to consider rescoring Ms. ChesnaÔs

1502evaluation sheets by awarding AECOM and TranSystems the maximum

1511ava ilable points for both the Management Plan and Work Plan components of

1524their proposals . According to Petitioner, had the Department ÑsimplyÒ

1534rescored AEC OMÔ s and TranSystemsÔ proposal s using the correct evaluation

1546sheets and maximum points available for bo th the Management Plan and

1558Work Plan , the outcome would not change because CTS would still be the

1571highest ranked bidder .

15752 2 . However, the RFP specifically reserves to the Department the right to

1589reject all bids. The RFP d oes not permit the Department to m ake a n after -

1607the - fact pro rata calculation or recalculation o f a TRC memberÔs scores.

162123. CTS further contends that the DepartmentÔs proposed rejection of all

1632bids is arbitrary because it did not consider that AECOM, the second - ranked

1646proposer, had not fi led any notice of intent to protest . CTS further contends

1661that the Department did not consider whether TranSystems, as the third -

1673ranked propos er , had standing to pursue a protest , and that TranSystems

1685had indicated it had no intent to proceed with a formal protest .

169824. Whether AECOM filed a notice of intent to protest and whether

1710TranSystems had standing or any intention to file a formal written protest is

1723immaterial to the issue of whether the DepartmentÔs proposed rejection of all

1735bids is arbitrary.

173825. At bottom, the Department became aware of a clear error in its

1751evaluation process by one of its TRC members that tainted the procurement

1763process . Upon learning of th is error, the Department considered factors and

1776options to address the error , including res coring . The Department rationally

1788decided that the best way to address the error and maintain the integrity of

1802the competiti ve process is to reject all bids .

18122 6 . U nder the particular facts of this case, the DepartmentÔs decision to

1827reject all bids is rati onal , and Petitioner failed to prove by a preponderance of

1842the evidence that the DepartmentÔs proposed action to reject all bids is illegal,

1855arbitrary, dishonest, or fraudulent. 1


18652 7 . DOAH has personal and subject matter jurisdiction in this proceeding

1878pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(3), Florida Statutes.

18862 8 . CTS has standing to challenge the DepartmentÔs proposed agency

1898action to reject all bids.

19032 9 . Pursuant to section 120.57(3)(f), the burden of proof rests with CTS as

1918the p arty opposing the proposed agency action. State Contracting & EngÔg

19301 At the outset of the hearing, CTSÔs counsel stated that he was proceeding only under the

1947ÑarbitraryÒ component of section 120.57(3) (f), Florida Statutes, not the Ñillegal,Ò Ñdishonest,Ò

1961or ÑfraudulentÒ components. CTSÔs Proposed Recommended Order is consistent with this

1972representation. Nevertheless, because the petition and Joint Pre - h earing Stipulation alleged ,

1985as a disputed issue, that the rejection of all bids also violated section 120.57(3)(f) because it is

2002illegal, dishonest, and fraudulent, the undersigned finds that Petitioner failed to prove by a

2016preponderance of the evidence that the DepartmentÔs proposed action to re ject all bids is

2031illegal, dishonest, or fraudulent.

2035The petition and Joint Pre - h earing Stipulation also alleged , as a disputed issue , whether

2051TranSystems violated the Ñcone - of - silence.Ò This issue is not argued in CTSÔs Proposed

2067Recommended Order . Neverth eless, because the petition and Joint Pre - h earing Stipulation

2082raised it as an issue , the undersigned briefly addresses it here not ing that whether or not

2099TranSystems violated the Ñcone - of - silenceÒ would impact TranSystemsÔ standing and

2112responsiveness , whi ch for the reasons stated above, is irrelevant . AHF MCO of Fla . , Inc. v.

2130Ag. f or Health Care Admin. , 308 So. 3d 1136, 1137 n.1 (Fla. 1st DCA 2020) .

2147Corp. v. DepÔt of Trans p. , 709 So. 2d 607, 609 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998). CTS must

2164sustain its burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence. See DepÔt of

2178Transp. v. J.W.C ., Inc. , 396 So. 2 d 778, 787 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981). The

2194standard of review applicable to the DepartmentÔs proposed agency action of

2205rejecting all bids is Ñwhether the agencyÔs intended action is illegal, arbitrary,

2217dishonest, or fraudulent.Ò £ 1 20.57(3)(f) , Fla. Stat .

222630 . Thi s legal standard imposes a stringent burden. As the court stated in

2241Department of Transportation v. Groves - Watkins Constructors , 530 So. 2d

22529 1 2 , 9 13 (Fla. 1 9 8 8 ), an agencyÔs rejection of all bids must stand, absent a

2273showing that Ñ the purpose or effect of the rejection is to defeat the object and

2289integrity of competitive bidding . Ò

229531 . Where an agency, in deciding to reject all bids, has engaged in an

2310honest, lawful, and rational exercise of its Ñwide discretion in soliciting and

2322accepting bids for public im provements,Ò its decisions will not be overturned,

2335even if it may appear erroneous and even if reasonable persons may disa gree.

2349Id. ( quoting Liberty Cnty. v. BaxterÔs Asphalt & Concrete, Inc. , 421 So. 2d 505,

236450 7 (Fla. 1982) ) .

23703 2 . As detailed above, CTSÔs contention is that the DepartmentÔs decision

2383to reject all bids is arbitrary as defined in section 120.57(3). An action is

2397Ñarbitrary if it is not supported by logic or the necessary facts .Ò Hadi v. Lib.

2413Behav . Health Corp. , 927 So. 2d 34, 38 - 39 (Fla. 1st DCA 2006). If agency

2430action is justifiable under any analysis that a reasonable person would use to

2443reach a decision of similar importance, the decision is not arbitrary. J.D . v.

2457Fla. DepÔt of Child & Fams. , 114 So. 3d 1127, 1130 (Fla. 1 st DCA 2013) .

24743 3 . An agencyÔs discretion to reject all bids is not unbridled , however . In

2490applying the arbitrary standard of review, it must be determined whether the

2502agency: (1) has considered all relevant factors; (2) has given actual, good faith

2515consideration to those fa ctors; and (3) has used reason rather than whim to

2529progress from consideration of each of these factors to its final decision. Adam

2542Smith Enters., Inc. v. DepÔt of Env Ô t Reg ul . , 553 So. 2d 1260, 1273 (Fla. 1st

2561DCA 1989) .

25643 4 . Turning to the instant case, C TS failed to prove by a preponderance of

2581the evidence that the DepartmentÔs proposed agency action to reject all bids

2593is arbitrary. As detailed above, the Department considered both options of

2604rescoring the technical proposals and rejection of all proposal s. The

2615Department rejected the option of rescoring because it considered the process

2626tainted once the scores had already been released to the public through the

2639DepartmentÔs vendor bid system, and the TRC members were no longer

2650evaluating technical proposa ls and prohibited by the RFP from discussing


26623 5 . As the scores were already public, the potential existed that

2675Ms. Chesna could have seen the other membersÔ scores assigned to other

2687technical proposals, or communicated with others regarding the RFP, which

2697would affect her ability to conduct an independent rescoring. Ultimately, the

2708Department decided that the best approach to preserve the integrity of the

2720competitive process was to reject all bids.

27273 6 . The RFP specifically reserves to the Department the right to reject all

2742bids. The RFP does not permit the Department to make an after - the - fact pro

2759rata calculation or recalculation of a TRC memberÔs scores.


2770Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

2783R ECOMMEND ED that Respondent, Florida Department of Transportation,

2792enter a final order finding that the intended decision to reject all bids

2805submitted in response to the DepartmentÔs Request for Proposal, District One

2816Commuter Services Program Exhibit, DOT - RFP - 22 - 1 121 - BT, is not illegal,

2833arbitrary, dishonest, or fraudulent , and dismissing the p etition filed by

2844Petitioner, CTS Engineering, Inc .

2849D ONE A ND E NTERED this 21st day of February , 2022 , in Tallahassee, Leon

2864County, Florida.



2872Administrative Law Judge

28751230 Apalachee Parkway

2878Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2883(850) 488 - 9675


2888Filed with the Clerk of the

2894Division of Administrative Hearings

2898this 21st day of February , 2022 .


2910Douglas Dell Dolan, Esquire Michael W. Moskowitz, Esquire

2918Department of Transportation Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim

2924Haydon Burns Building & Simowitz, P.A.

2930605 Suwannee Street , Mail Stop 58 800 Corporate Drive , Suite 500

2941Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334

2950William G. Salim, Esquire Amber Greene, Clerk of Agency Proceedings

2960Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim Department of Transportation

2966& Simowitz, P.A. Haydon Burns Building

2972800 Corporate Drive , Suite 500 605 Suwannee Street, M ail S top 58

2985Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450

2994Rebeka h Davis, General Counsel Kevin J. Thibault, P.E., Secretary

3004Department of Transportation Department of Transportation

3010Haydon Burns Building Haydon Burns Building

3016605 Suwannee Street, Mail Stop 58 605 Suwannee Street, M ail S top 57

3030Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450


3051All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 1 0 days from

3065the date of this Recomm ended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

3077Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/14/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/14/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 02/21/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/21/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held December 22, 2021). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/21/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 01/24/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/24/2022
Proceedings: Respondent Department of Transportation's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/12/2022
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 01/11/2022
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/07/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 01/07/2022
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/22/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 12/20/2021
Proceedings: Joint Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 12/20/2021
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 12/20/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/14/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner's Responses to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 12/14/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Responses to Respondent's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 12/08/2021
Proceedings: Florida Department of Transportation's First Request for Production to Petitioner filed.
Date: 12/08/2021
Proceedings: Florida Department of Transportation's Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories on Petitioner filed.
Date: 12/08/2021
Proceedings: Florida Department of Transportation's Responses to Petitioner's Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 12/08/2021
Proceedings: Florida Department of Transportation's Notice of Serving Responses to Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 12/02/2021
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 12/02/2021
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 12/02/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for December 22, 2021; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 12/02/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's Request for Production to Respondent filed.
Date: 12/02/2021
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 12/02/2021
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (William Salim) filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Formal Petition Protesting Proposed Rejection of All BIDS filed.
Date: 11/23/2021
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):