22-000118 Onel, Llc, A Florida Limited Liability Company, And Holiday Rv&Apos;S Keys, Llc, A Florida Limited Liability Company vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, May 2, 2022.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent proved that its Notice provided a clear point of entry. Petitioners did not prove that this case presents an appropriate scenario for the application of the doctrine of equitable tolling.






45Petitioners ,

46vs. Case No. 22 - 0118


57Respondent .



69Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held in this case on March 23, 2022, by

84Zoom Conference before Francine M. Ffolkes, an Administrative Law Judge

94with the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


103For Petitioners: Edgar R. Belaval, Esquire

109Belaval Law, PLLC

11255 Almeria Avenue

115Coral Gables, Florida 33134

119For Respondent: Richard E. Shine, Esquire

125Jo hn Ashley Peacock, Esquire

130Department of Transportation

133605 Suwannee Street , Mail Station 58

139Tallahassee, Florida 32399


149Whether the doctrine of equitable tolling applies to excuse the late filing

161of Petitioners, ONEL, LLC, and Holi day RV's Keys, LLC 's (Petitioners),

173petition for administrative hearing with Respondent, Florida Department of

182Transportation ( Respondent ).


190This matter involves a challenge by Petitioners to Respondent's Notice of

201Intended Department Action dated August 25, 2021 (Notice). The Notice

211informed Petitioners of proposed changes to the existing configuration of

221Petitioners' driveway connections to State Road 5/Overseas Highway,

229Northbound from Mile Marker 97.0 to Mile Marker 100.00 in Monro e County.

242Petitioners received the Notice on September 7, 2021. Petitioners requested

252and received three extensions of time to file a petition for administrative

264hearing, through and including November 2, 2021. Respondent received

273Petitioners' initial peti tion (Petition) on November 3, 2021. Thereafter,

283Respondent issued an Order for Dismissal with Leave to Amend (Order of

295Dismissal), to which Petitioners responded with their A mended P etition.

306Respondent referred the challenge to DOAH on January 13, 2022. On

317February 2, 2022, Respondent filed a Motion to Dismiss Petitioners' Petition

328for Administrative Hearing and Request for Mediation as Untimely With

338Incorporated Memorandum of Law. On February 16, 2022, the undersigned

348entered a Recommended Order of Dismi ssal concluding, "[t] he amended

359petition does not allege any facts that rem edy this issue of untimeliness." 1

373On February 28, 2022, Respondent issued an Order on Petitioners' Motion

384for Rehearing and Reconsideration/Exceptions to Recommended Order and

392Orde r of Remand on Limited Issue of Whether Equitable Tolling Applies

404(Limited Remand). 2 The undersigned accepted the Limited Remand and

4141 Petitioner s ' response was due on February 9, 2022. Florida Administrative Code Rule 28 -

431106.204 governs motion practice in this case. Rule 28 - 106.2 04 does not permit the filing of

449amendments to motions by the same party . Accordingly, Petitioner s ' argument that the

464February 16, 2022, Recommended Order of Dismissal was issued prematurely is without


4772 "Because the resolution of Nicks' equitable tolling claim requires credibility and factual

490determinations, we must remand this matter to the Board for an evidentiary hearing." Nicks

504v. Dep't of Bus. a nd Pro . Re gul ., 957 So. 2d 65, 68 (Fla. 5th DCA 2007).

524reopened the file on March 3, 2022. The evidentiary hearing on the issue of

538whether equitable tolling applies was scheduled for March 23, 2022, and the

550parties filed their Joint Prehearing Stipulation on March 21, 2022.

560At the hearing, Respondent presented the testimony of Hector Di Donato,

571project engineer. Respondent's Exhibits 1, 2, 4, and 7 (certification and

582attachments excluding the affidavit) were entered into evidence. Petitioners

591presented the testimony of Damon Mount, general manager. Petitioners'

600Exhibit 1 was entered into evidence.

606The one - volume Transcript of the hearing was filed with DOAH on

619April 6, 202 2, and the parties were given until April 16, 2022, to file their

635post - hearing submittals . On April 8, 2022, the parties requested and were

649granted an extension of time until April 27, 2022, for their post - hearing

663submittals. Respondent timely filed its po st - hearing submittal. Petitioners'

674post - hearing submittal was untimely. The undersigned duly considered the

685post - hearing submittals in preparing this Recommended Order on Limited


697References to the Florida Statutes are to the 2021 version, unless

708o therwise indicated.


716The following Findings of Fact are based on the parties' stipulations and

728evidence adduced at the hearing.

7331. Respondent's Notice informed Petitioners of proposed changes to the

743existing configuration of Petitioners' driveway connections to State Road

7525/Overseas Highway, Northbound from Mile Marker 97.0 to Mile Marker

762100.00 in Monroe County.

7662. Petitioners received the Notice on September 7, 2021. The Notice

777stated, in pertinent part:

781This is to inform you that you h ave the right to

793challenge the action of the Department of

800Transportation ("Department") described in the

807attached notice. If you wish to challenge the

815Department's action, you may request an

821administrative hearing under Sections 120.569 and

827120.57, Florid a Statutes. An administrative

833hearing is similar to a trial and is held before an

844Administrative Law Judge. You must deliver your

851request by 5:00 p.m. no later than 21 days after you

862received the notice and Notice· of Administrative

869Hearing Rights to:

872Cl erk of Agency Proceedings

877Department of Transportation

880Haydon Bums Building

883605 Suwannee Street,

886MS 58 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0458

893Facsimile: (850) 414 - 5264

8983. The language of the Notice is clear and unambiguous. The language of

911the Notice is adequate to inform Petitioners of the right to request an

924administrative hearing under sections 120.569 and 120.57 , Florida Statutes .

934The Notice also stated that " [i]f you timely request a hearing, mediation . . .

949may be available. "

9524. Petitioners requested and re ceived three extensions of time to file a

965petition for administrative hearing, through and including November 2, 2021.

9755. Respondent's facsimile record showed that the four - page Petition was

987received from FaxZero .com at 5:08 p.m. on November 2, 2021, and t he

1001Request for Mediation was received from FaxZero .com at 10:13 a.m. on

1013November 3, 2021. Respondent's call detail phone record showed that a four -

1026page document was received at 5:07 p.m. on November 2, 2021, from

1038Petitioners' fax number , which is 305451303 0 .

10466. The evidence established that Petitioners' counsel uses the service

1056FaxZero .com to send faxes. An email from FaxZero .com to Petitioners'

1068counsel attached to the Amended Petition informed him that a fax to the

"1081State of Florida at 8504145264" was conf irmed as successfully delivered "at

10935:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time on November 2nd, 2021." Another

1103attachment to the Amended Petitio n is a fax status from FaxZero .com

1116informing him that his fax to "State of Florida . . . failed because the

1131receiver's phone was busy 3 times in a row."

11407. Petitioners' general manager testified that in preparation for the

1150hearing, he discovered , in a filing cabinet, a copy of the Petition with a fax

"1165Transmission Verification Report" stapled to the front . The Transmission

1175Verif ication Report is blank where it should identify the name, fax number,

1188and telephone number of the sender. The Transmission Verification Report

1198purports to show that the Petition was sent to " 8504145264 " on " 11/02[2021] "

1210at " 04:20PM. "

12128. The general manage r testified that he did not recall personally sending

1225a fax of the Petition to Respondent on November 2, 2021. Respondent's call

1238detail phone record showed that a four - page document was received at

12515:07 p.m. on November 2, 2021, from Petitioners' fax number, which is

12633054513030. T he preponderance of the evidence could not establish the

1274veracity of the "Transmission Verification Report" to prove that the Petition

1285was received by Respondent before 5:00 p.m. on November 2, 2021.

12969 . As discussed in the Con clusions of Law, the applicable rule required

1310that the Petition must be received before 5 p.m. on the due date of

1324November 2, 2021. Whether from FaxZero.com or Petitioners' fax number of

13353054513030, the evidence established that the Petition was received after

13455:00 p.m. on November 2, 2021 . Therefore , the Petition was not filed until the

1360next business day of November 3, 2021. The separate Request for Mediation

1372was also untimely filed on November 3, 2021 .

138110 . In the Amended Petition, Petitioners asserted t hat equitable tolling

1393should apply to excuse the late - filed Petition. However, a busy fax machine is

1408not an extraordinary circumstance . There is nothing extraordinary about the

1419possibility of a busy fax machine, when one waits until the last minute to

1433meet a filing deadline.

14371 1 . In the Amended Petition, Petitioners also asserted that the Notice did

1451not comply with r ule 28 - 10 4(8) b ecause it did not provide an e - filing option .

1472However, by clearly providing Respondent's mailing address and fax number,

1482the Noti ce complied with the options identified in the r ule.

14941 2 . Petitioners did not present any evidence of an extraordinary

1506circumstance that prevented them from exercising their rights. In addition ,

1516Petitioners did not present any evidence that they were misle d or lulled into

1530inaction by Respondent.

153313 . Respondent's witness testified that it has an interest in timely

1545completing the proposed changes to the existing configuration of Petitioners'

1555driveway connections to State Road 5/Overseas Highway . The project, which

1566he described as the "U.S. 1 safety project , " is necessary for the safety of the




15881 4 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the subject matter of, and parties to, this

1603proceeding, pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1) . Section 120.569(2)(c),

1613which governs petitions for administrative hearing , states, in pertinent part:

"1623[a] petition shall be dismissed if . . . it is untimely filed."

16361 5 . Rule 28 - 106. 104(1) provides that Ñfiling shall mean received by the

1652office of the a gency clerk during normal business hours.Ò In addition, r ule 28 -

1668106.104(3) provides that Ñ[a]ny document received by the office of the agency

1680clerk . . . after 5:00 p.m. shall be filed as of 8:00 a.m. on the next regular

1698business day.Ò

17001 6 . T he preponderan ce of the evidence proved that the Petition was

1715received after 5:00 p.m. on November 2, 2021 . Therefore, the Petition was

1728untimely filed the next business day, i.e., November 3, 2021. The separate

1740Request for Mediation was also untimely.

1746Standard of Proof

17491 7 . Findings of fact shall be based on a preponderance of the evidence and

1765exclusively on the evidence of record. See § 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat. Hearsay

1777evidence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining other

1789evidence, but it shall not be sufficient in itself to support a finding of fact

1804unless it would be admissible over objection in civil actions. See § 120.57(1)(j),

1817Fla. Stat.

18191 8 . In this de novo hearing, it is the undersigned's "function to consider all

1835the evidence presented, resolve conflicts, judge credibility of witnesses, draw

1845permissible inferences from the evidence, and reach ultimate findings of fact

1856based on competent, substantial evidence." He ifetz v. Dep't of Bus. Reg ul . ,

1870475 So. 2d 1277, 1281 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985).

18791 9 . "If, as is often the case, the evidence presented supports two

1893inconsistent findings, it is the [administrative law judge's] role to decide the

1905issue one way or the other." Id.; see Collier Med . Center, Inc. v. State Dep't of

1922Health and Rehab. Servs. , 462 So. 2 d 83, 85 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985) .

1937Burden of Proof

194020 . Rule 28 - 106.111(4) states that "[a] ny person who receives written

1954notice of an agency decision and who fails to file a written request for a

1969hearing within [twenty - one] days waives the right to request a he aring on

1984such matters. " The burden to prove that it provided adequate notice

1995constituting a clear point of entry rests with Respondent.

20042 1 . Due process requires that a person with substantial interests being

2017determined by an agency must be given notice suf ficient to provide a clear

2031point of entry. See Burnett IntÔl Coll . v. State, Bd. Of Nursing , 316 So. 3d 763

2048(Fla. 1 st DCA 2021)(reflecting that the agencyÔs notice of intent provided a

2061clear point entry for an administrative hearing); Capeletti Bros., Inc. v. State,

2073DepÔt of Transp ., 362 So. 2d 346, 348 (Fla. 1st DCA 1978).

20862 2 . The language of the Notice is clear and unambiguous . Respondent

2100proved that the Notice provided a clear point of entry to request an

2113administrative hearing.

21152 3 . Rule 28 - 106.111(4) al so states, " [t] his provision does not eliminate the

2132availability of equitable tolling as a defense. " Thus, Petitioners may invoke

2143the doctrine of equitable tolling to excuse the untimely filed Petition.

2154Equitable Tolling

21562 4 . The doctrine of equitable tolli ng can be applied to toll the time for

2173seeking review of agency action. See Machules v. Dep't of Admin. , 523 So. 2d

21871132, 1134 (Fla. 1988); Garcia v. Dep't of Bus. and Pro . Reg ul . , 988 So. 2d

22051199 (Fla. 3rd DCA 2008).

22102 5 . Equitable tolling is an extraordin ary remedy that should be extended

2224only sparingly. See Just i ce v. United States , 6 F.3d 1474, 1479 - 80 (11th Cir.

22411993). Generally, a party who files late because of his own negligence may

2254not invoke equity to avoid a filing limitations period. See , id .

22662 6 . The doctrine is generally applied only to excuse a late filing where the

2282petitioner has been misled or lulled into inaction by the agency, or has in

2296some extraordinary way been prevented from asserting his rights, or has

2307timely asserted his rights in th e wrong forum. See Jancyn Mfg. Corp. v. Dep't

2322of Health , 742 So. 2d 473, 476 (Fla. 1st DCA 1999); EnvÔt Res. AssÔn of Fl., Inc.

2339v. Dep't of Gen. Serv s . , 624 So. 2d 330, 330 - 31 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993), rev. den.

2359mem ., 634 So. 2d 623 (Fla. 1994). In addition, pr ejudice to respondents must

2374also be considered and found absent before applying the doctrine to excuse a

2387late filing. See Machules , 523 So. 2d at 1134; see also Stewart v. Dep't of

2402Corr. , 56 So. 2d 15, 16 (Fla. 4th DCA 1990)(finding no prejudice).

24142 7 . I n E nvironmental Resource Associates of Florida, Inc. v. Department of

2429General Services , 624 So. 2d 330 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993), the court found that the

2444attendant circumstances did not warrant the application of equitable tolling

2454to excuse the late filing of a pe tition challenging agency action. In that case, a

2470state contractor was informed by an agency that its contract was being

2482terminated. The notice of agency action informed the contractor that it had

249421 days in which to file its petition challenging the agenc y action. Rather

2508than filing the petition, as required under the applicable procedural rules and

2520as apprised in the notice of agency action, the contractor's attorney instead

2532sent the petition by certified mail, resulting in the petition being filed four

2545d ays late. The contractor contended that its late - filed petition should be

2559accepted on equitable principles. Citing Machules , the court declined to apply

2570equitable tolling to excuse the late filing of the petition under the

2582circumstances, which involved att orney mistake rather than conduct on the

2593agency's part which reasonably would have lulled or misled a person to miss

2606the filing deadline.

26092 8 . Likewise, in Aleong v. Department of Business and Professional

2621Regulation , 963 So. 2d 799 (Fla. 4th DCA 2007), the C ourt declined to apply

2636equitable tolling to excuse the late filing of a petition, by an attorney,

2649challenging agency action imposing discipline on a veterinarian for certain

2659statutory and rule violations. In that case, as here, there was no dispute that

2673an attorney's mistake resulted in the late filing of the petition. In holding

2686that equitable tolling did not apply, the court in Aleong noted that three other

2700Florida district courts of appeal also declined to apply equitable tolling when

2712the cause of a la te filing was due to attorney mistake. Id. at 801.

27272 9 . The facts of this case do not present an appropriate scenario for

2742application of the doctrine of equitable tolling. See, e.g., Vantage Healthcare

2753Corp. v. Ag. for Health C are Admin. , 687 So. 2d 306, 30 7 (Fla. 1st DCA

27701997)(equitable tolling did not allow agency to accept letter of intent filed one

2783day late even though fault was that of overnight carrier who failed to timely

2797deliver letter next business day). First, Respondent's Notice did not mislead

2808or lull Petitioners into inaction with regard to exercising their rights to an

2821administrative hearing. In fact, the Notice was explicit on how and when to

2834go about requesting an administrative hearing in compliance with r ule 28 -


284830 . Second, Petition ers did not allege any extraordinary circumstance that

2860prevented them from exercising their rights. There is nothing extraordinary

2870about the possibility of a busy fax machine, when one waits until the last

2884minute to meet a filing deadline. See EnvÔt. Res. AssÔn ., 624 So. 2d at 331

2900( " T here is nothing extraordinary in the failure to timely file in this case." ).

2916Third, Petitioners have not asserted their rights in the wrong legal forum, so

2929there is no question of whether they timely did so.

29393 1 . In addition, t he evidence established that prejudice to Respondent is

2953not absent. Respondent has an interest in timely completing the proposed

2964changes for public safety reasons.


29703 2 . Based on the clear facts above , the Petition filed on November 3, 2021,

2986one day later than the November 2, 2021, deadline, is late. Respondent

2998proved that its Notice provided a clear point of entry. Petitioners did not

3011prove that this case present s an appropriate scenario for the application of

3024the doctrine of equitable tolling.


3031Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is ,

3044R ECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a final order dismissing Petitioners'

3054amended and initial petitions , and request for mediation, with prejudice.

3064D ONE A ND E NTERED this 2nd day of May , 2022 , in Tallahassee, Leon

3079County, Florida.



3087Administrative Law Judge

30901230 Apalachee Parkway

3093Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3098(850) 488 - 9675


3103Filed with the Clerk of the

3109Division of Administrativ e Hearings

3114this 2nd day of May, 2022 .


3126Richard E. Shine, Esquire Edgar R. Belaval, Esquire

3134Department of Transportation Belaval Law, PLLC

3140605 Suwannee Street 55 Almeria Avenue

3146Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Coral Gables, Florida 33134

3153Amber Greene, Clerk of Agency Proceedings John Ashley Peacock, Esquire

3163Department of Transportation Department of Transportation

3169Haydon Burns Building 605 Suwannee Street , M ail S tation 5 8

3181605 Suwannee Street , M ail S tation 5 8 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450

3195Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450

3200Rebekah Davis, General Counsel

3204Kevin J. Thibault, P.E., Secretary Department of Transportation

3212Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building

3218Haydon Burns Building 605 Suwannee Street , M ail S tation 5 8

3230605 Suwannee Street , M ail S tation 5 7 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450

3244Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0450


3260All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15 days from

3273the date of this Recommended Order. Any excepti ons to this Recommended

3285Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/27/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/27/2022
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/02/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/02/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order on Limited Remand (hearing held March 23, 2022). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/02/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/28/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/27/2022
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/08/2022
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 04/08/2022
Proceedings: Joint Request to Extend Due Date of Post-Hearing Submittals filed.
Date: 04/06/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Final Hearing Transcript.
Date: 04/06/2022
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/23/2022
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/21/2022
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Hearing Statement filed.
Date: 03/21/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/21/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/18/2022
Proceedings: Order On Pending Motions.
Date: 03/18/2022
Proceedings: Response to Petitioners' Motion to Strike Affidavit of Amber Greene and Motion to Strike Department's Motion to Dismiss for Fraud upon the Court filed.
Date: 03/17/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (John Peacock) filed.
Date: 03/16/2022
Proceedings: Department of Transportation's Notice of Filing Exhibits for Evidentiary Hearing filed.
Date: 03/16/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/16/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/16/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/16/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/16/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/16/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/16/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/16/2022
Proceedings: Motion to Request Official Recognition of Affidavit or in the Alternative Motion to Admit Affidavit as Business Records Hearsay Exemption filed.
Date: 03/15/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 03/15/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Strike Affidavit of Amber Greene and Motion to Strike Respondent's Motion to Dismiss for Fraud Upon the Court filed.
Date: 03/03/2022
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/03/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for March 23, 2022; 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 03/03/2022
Proceedings: Order Accepting Remand and Reopening File. CASE REOPENED.
Date: 03/02/2022
Proceedings: (Department's) Order on Petitioners' Motion for Rehearing and Reconsideration/Exceptions to Recommended Order and Order of Remand on Limited Issue of Whether Equitable Tolling Applies filed.
Date: 02/25/2022
Proceedings: Order.
Date: 02/24/2022
Proceedings: Motion for Reconsideration and Rehearing/Exceptions filed.
Date: 02/16/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/09/2022
Proceedings: Florida Department of Transportation's Notice of Filing Amended Exhibit 1 to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Petitioner's Petition for Administrative Hearing and Request for Mediation as Untimely with Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 02/02/2022
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Petitioners' Petition for Administrative Hearing and Request for Mediation as Untimely With Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 01/26/2022
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/26/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Zoom Conference (hearing set for March 23, 2022; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 01/25/2022
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/18/2022
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/13/2022
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 01/13/2022
Proceedings: Amended Petition Requesting Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/13/2022
Proceedings: Order of Dismissal with Leave to Amend filed.
Date: 01/13/2022
Proceedings: Request for Mediation filed.
Date: 01/13/2022
Proceedings: Petition Requesting Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/13/2022
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Key Largo, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):