22-001744SP Manny Diaz, Jr., As Commissioner Of Education vs. East Atlantic Prep (1995)
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, August 19, 2022.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner has demonstrated that Respondent committed fraud in connection with obtaining scholarship funds, and employed someone who was ineligible for employment as a convicted felon. Recommend revocation of scholarship fund eligibility.





27Petitioner ,

28vs. Case No. 22 - 1 744SP

35E AST A TLANTIC P REP (1995) ,

42Respondent .



49On July 7, 2022, Administrative Law Judge Lisa Shearer Nelson of the

61Florida Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) conducted a duly -

71noticed hearing pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, in Titusville,



85For Petitioner: Jason Douglas Borntreger, Esquire

91Paula Harrigan, Esquire

94Department of Education

97325 West Gaines Street , Suite 1544

103Tallahassee, Florida 32310

106For Re spondent: Arthur L . Council, owner/operator

114East Atlantic Prep (1995)

1183815 Curtis Boulevard

121Port St . John, Florida 32927


135The issues to be determined are whether RespondentÔs eligibility to

145participat e in the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program (Florida Tax

156Credit) , the John M. McKay Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

166Scholarship Program (McKay) , the Family Empowerment Scholarship for

174Students with Unique Abilities Scholarship Program (FES - U A) , the Family

186Empowerment Scholarship Program (FES) , and the Hope Scholarship

194Program should be revoked, and whether Respondent should be required to

205return scholarship funds already received.


214On April 1 2 , 2022, Richard Corcoran, as Commissioner of Education 1

226(Petitioner or the Commissioner), issued an Administrative Complaint

234against Respondent, East Atlantic Prep (1995) (East Atlantic Prep or

244Respondent), alleging that Respondent had committed fraud with respect to

254the procurement of scholarship funds related to three different students, and

265that Jennifer Jacobs Council, who served as an owner, operator, or person

277with direct contact with students, had been found guilty of a felony which

290disqualified her from employment. The Adminis trative Complaint notified

299Respondent that its eligibility to participate in several named scholarship

309programs was suspended, and that the Commissioner intended to revoke

319RespondentÔs eligibility to receive scholarship funds . The Administrative

328Complaint further ordered Respondent to return the sum total of scholarship

339funds fraudulently obtained (identified as $660 , 701.25 in McKay, FES,

349Gardiner (previous name of FES) , and FES - UA funds to the Department and

363$1,160,567.13 in Florida Tax Credit Funds to Ste p Up for Students).

377On April 24, 2022, Respondent filed a n Amended Petition for Formal

389Administrative Proceeding through its owner/operator, Arthur Council, and

397on June 15, 2022, the case was forwarded to DOAH for assignment of an

411administrative law judge (ALJ) .

4161 Since that tim e, Commissioner Corcoran resigned his position and was succeeded by

430Commissioner Manny Diaz. The style of this proceeding has been amended accordingly.

442The case was originally assigned to ALJ Robert J. Telfer, III, who

454promptly noticed a telephonic scheduling conference. Section

4611002.421(3)(c)2.c., Florida Statutes, requires DOAH Ôs Director to expedite the

471proceedings and assign an ALJ who shall commence a hearing within 30 days

484after DOAH receives the formal written protest, and enter a recommended

495order within 30 days after the hearing or within 30 days after receipt of the

510hearing transcript, unless these requirements are waived upon stipulatio n by

521all parties.

523During the scheduling conference, Mr. Council was adamant that he did

534not want to waive the 30 - day requirement for hearing, and indicated that he

549wanted a live hearing in his area. 2 Because Judge Telfe r had a scheduling

564conflict at the time both parties were available , the case was transferred to

577Judge Nelson in order to comply with the 30 - day requirement, and the case

592was scheduled for hearing on July 7, 2022.

600On June 23, 2022, Petitioner filed a Request for Judicial Notice with

612respec t to several court records and corporate filings, as well as a marriage

626certificate. The motion indicated that Respondent objected to the motion, but

637Respondent did not file a response as allowed by Florida Administrative Code

649Rule 28 - 106.204. After the ti me prescribed in rule 28 - 106.204 passed with no

666written response, the request for judicial notice was construed as a request

678for official recognition and was granted.

684The Order of Pre - hearing Instructions (OPI) directed the parties to confer

697and exchange witness lists and exhibits, and to prepare a p rehearing

7092 Mr. Council actually wanted the hearing to be at his school in Port St. John the following

727day. To do so was not feasible, so the hearing was scheduled within the 30 - day timeframe at

746the historic courthouse in Titusville.

751s tipulation as detailed in the OPI. On July 5, 2022, Petitioner filed a

765Unilateral Pre - Hearing Stipulation, and represented that counsel had

775contacted RespondentÔs representative to obtain Responden tÔs input, but

784Respondent had not responded. Respondent did not file any witness list or

796provide any exhibits as required by the OPI.

804The hearing commenced as scheduled. However, at the beginning of the

815hearing, Mr. Council advised that he had counsel who had encountered an

827emergency of some sort and had moved for a continuance. No notice of

840appearance or motion for continuance was filed on DOAHÔs case docket.

851Mr. Council did not name the counsel who was filing the motion for

864continuance, and when asked la ter in the hearing if he could advise the ALJ

879of the counselÔs name, he indicated that he could not. At some point,

892Mr. Council volunteered a name for his counsel, but there was no person by

906that name listed as eligible to practice law in Florida. Eventual ly Mr. Council

920provided a name of a licensed attorney, but that attorney has never made an

934appearance in this case .

939When Respondent requested the continuance, the Department objected,

947asserting that they would be prejudiced by a continuance at that point , given

960that counsel and one of their witnesses had traveled from Tallahassee to

972Titusville, and its remaining witnesses were all present and ready to go

984forward . Given that section 1002.421(3)(a) requires that the hearing be held

996within 30 days unless all parties waive the requirement, RespondentÔs

1006request for a continuance was denied, and the hearing was completed.

1017At hearing, Jacqueline Hitchcock, Agent Daniel Genova, Ernette Duhart,

1026Amanda Lapine , and Jeffrey Lapine testified for Petitioner, and Petit ioner's

1037Exhibits 1 through 4 and 6 through 28 were admitted into evidence. Arthur

1050Council testified for East Atlantic Prep but presented no exhibits.

1060The Transcript of the proceedings was filed with DOAH on July 21, 2022,

1073and a Scheduling Order was issued , advising that the partiesÔ proposed

1084recommended orders were due on August 1, 2022. Petitioner timely filed a

1096Proposed Recommended Order. Respondent did not file a proposed

1105recommended order.

1107On August 3, 2022, counsel for Respondent filed a Notice of A ppearance

1120and a Motion to Dismiss Complaint. 3 Rule 28 - 106.204(2) requires that

1133motions to dismiss must be filed no later than 20 days after the assignment of

1148a presiding officer. Judge Telfer was assigned as a presiding officer no later

1161than June 17, 2022, and the case was transferred to the undersigned on June

117520, 2022. The Motion to Dismiss Complaint was filed well past 20 days from

1189assignment of either ALJ, and is denied.

1196All references to Florida Statutes are to the 2021 codification. All

1207emphasis is in the original unless otherwise indicated.


12201. Petitioner is the state official charged with administering and

1230overseeing state scholarship programs prescribed in chapter 1002. These

1239scholarship p rograms include the McKay, codified at sec tion 1002.39 (and

1251repealed, effective July 1, 2022); the FES , codified at section 1002.394;

1262Florida Tax Credit, codified at section 1002.395; and the Hope Scholarship

1273Program, codified at section 1002.40 . For simplicityÔs sake, they are referred

1285to collect ively as Ñscholarships,Ò unless context requires that a specific

1297scholarship be referenced.

13003 The Notice of Appearance was entered by a different attorney from that named during the


13172. The office within the Department of Education (DOE or the

1328Department) responsible for overseeing these scholarships is the Office of

1338Independent Education and Pa rental Choice (IEPC).

13453. The process to become a private school, as opposed to a charter school,

1359is minimal, with very little, if any, oversight. The entity wishing to open the

1373school submits a request for a school code , and once it gets the code, registe rs

1389with the state through the submission of a Private School Annual Survey

1401(annual survey) . Private schools must conduct level II background screenings,

1412fire inspections, and health inspections, but are not required to provide the

1424results of any of th is in formation to the Department . The annual survey is a

1441private schoolÔs only reportable requirement, and contains information such

1450as the number of teachers, students, and school demographics. If a private

1462school fails to submit its annual survey, then it is considered a Ñnon -

1476responder,Ò and the Department no longer acknowledges that it is in


14894. Private schools may apply for eligibility to receive scholarship funds.

1500For private schools that receive scholarship funding, the level of oversight

1511increas es substantiall y, and is described in section 1002.421 . For example,

1524schools receiving scholarship funding must submit background screenings for

1533officers, directors, and other controlling persons; must certify that all staff

1544with direct student contact pas sed a Florida Department of Law Enforcement

1556Level 2 background screening; and must terminate or deny employment to all

1568persons who cannot meet this requirement.

15745. The funds for scholarships are generally disbursed through nonprofit

1584scholarship - funding or ganizations. The responsibilities of the scholarship -

1595funding organizations, the schools, and the parents are outlined in section

16061002.395(6) through (8). As described in the statute , a parent applies for a

1619scholarship through the scholarship - funding organi zation, and chooses the

1630school he or she wants his or her child to attend. Once the child is enrolled in

1647the school, the school notifies the scholarship - funding organization that the

1659child will be attending that school. If the funds are to be disbursed by wire

1674transfer, as the funds were in this case, the parent must approve each

1687quarterly payment before the scholarship funds may be deposited. Section

16971002.395(7)(f) states that Ñ[t]he parent may not designate any entity or

1708individual associat ed with the par ticipating private school as the parentÔs

1720attorney in fact to endorse a scholarship warrant or approve a funds transfer.

1733A participant who fails to comply with this paragraph forfeits the


17456. I n addition to income limitations specified for eli gibility , there are also

1759limits on who can receive scholarships . One such limitation is that

1771scholarships cannot be provided to the child of an owner - operator , which is

1785defined as Ñ[a]n owner, operator, superintendent, or principal of an eligible

1796school or a person with equivalent decisionmaking authority over an eligible

1807private school . Ò See § 1002.395(2)(i)2. and (6)(g), Fla. Stat.

18187. Respondent is a private school participating in state scholarship

1828programs. Respondent operates one campus in Port St. Joh n, Florida, with

1840school code number (1995), operating at 3815 Curtis Boulevard. The name

1851ÑEast Atlantic Prep of Brevard CountyÒ is a fictitious name owned by

1863Lighthouse Christian Academy of Merritt Island, Inc. The name of the school

1875was changed in DOEÔs r ecords to East Atlantic Prep in July 2019.

18888. Arthur Council is the current owner/operator of the school. Before

1899assuming that role in 2019, he was a teacher at East Atlantic Prep .

19139 . On March 7, 2019, Arthur Council submitted amendments to the

1925Articles of Incorporation for the Lighthouse Christian Academy of Merritt

1935Island, Inc., deleting Joyce Willoughby, Amy Bilder, and Marian Fox as

1946officers of the corporation. In their place, he added himself as president,

1958Courtney Clement as treasurer, and Jennifer A. Jacobs as secretary. These

1969changes were listed as effective September 4, 2018.

197710 . The directions on the form provided by the Department of State

1990specifically indicate that a person can hold more than one position, stating,

2002ÑIf an officer/director holds m ore than one title, list the first letter of each

2017office held. President, Treasurer, Director would be PTD.Ò

202511 . The annual reports on file with the Secretary of StateÔs office, filed

2039April 1, 2019 ; June 4, 2020 ; and April 16, 2021, list Arthur Council as

2053president, Liam Jacobs as vice president, Courtney Clement as treasurer,

2063and Jennifer Jacobs as secretary.

206812 . During the 2019 - 2020, 2020 - 2021, and 2021 - 2022 school years, Malilia

2085Fleese was a student at East Atlantic Prep and receiv ed scholarship funds.

2098T he parent portal maintained by Step Up for Students, a scholarship - funding

2112organization, lists Jennifer Jacobs as MaliliaÔs primary parent. The electronic

2122signature page, signed February 7, 2019, lists Jennifer JacobÔs marital status

2133as Ñsingle, I have nev er been married,Ò and contains the statement (which

2147she clicked to certify), ÑI certify that no parent/guardian on this application is

2160an owner, operator, principal or person with equivalent decision - making

2171authority of an eligible private school.Ò

217713 . On the Electronic signature page, the following statement is included:

2189Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the

2197information presented is true and accurate to the

2205best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that

2214providing false representations constit utes an act of

2222fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information

2228may result in the denial of the scholarship

2236application or revocation of a scholarship award.

2243Per Florida Statute SB2126: ÑAn owner or

2250operatorÒ includes: An owner, operator,

2255superintendent , or principal of an eligible private

2262school of a person with equivalent decision making

2270authority over an eligible private school.

2276An eligible non - profit scholarship organization:

2283May not provide scholarships to a child of an owner

2293or operator.

229514 . T he electronic signature page signed January 1, 2020, for the

2308August 2020 through June 2021 school year still stated that Jennifer Jacobs

2320is Ñsingle, I have never been married,Ò and contains the same certification as

2334the previous year. The same can be said for the electronic signature page

2347signed March 9, 2021, for the 2021/2022 school year.

235615 . Notwithstanding the statements made in the parent portal, Jennifer

2367Ashley Jacobs, DOB 12/24/1986, married Arthur Council on October 6, 2019.

2378Some of the records sub mitted in this case list her name as Jennifer Jacobs,

2393and some list it as Jennifer Council. Regardless of the designation, Jennifer

2405Jacobs and Jennifer Council are the same person. For the sake of clarity,

2418unless context demands otherwise, she will be refe rred to in this

2430Recommended Order as Jennifer Jacobs Council or Ms. Council .

244016 . Courtney Clement is Arthur CouncilÔs sister, and as noted above, is

2453listed as the trea surer for Lighthouse Christian Academy of Merritt Island,

2465Inc . , in the records maintaine d by the Department of State, Division of


248017 . David Clement is Courtney ClementÔs son, and is a student at East

2494Atlantic Prep. The parent portal for Step Up for Students lists her name as

2508ÑCourney Clement,Ò but her name is actually Courtney , and emails from

2520Jennifer Jacobs Council confirm that Courtney Clement is David ClementÔs

2530mo ther . Ms. Clement certified through her electronic signature on May 9,

25432019, while she was listed as treasurer for the school, ÑI certify that no

2557parent/guardian of a child on this application is an owne r, operator, principal

2570or person with equivalent decision - making authority of an eligible private


258318 . In February of 2021, IEPC received a complaint from a parent alleging

2597concerns about possible fraud at E ast Atlantic Prep , and the possibility of

2610felons working there. An investigation was initiated, and Jacqueline

2619Hitchcock, the DOE employee responsible for undertaking the investigation

2628with respect to East Atlantic Prep, requested several documents . Those

2639documents include a list of all employees and their position titles; results of

2652current FDLE Level 2 background screening s for employees ; evidence related

2663to experience for each teacher; and results of employment history checks for

2675each of the employeesÔ o r adm inistratorsÔ previous employers. Ms. Hitchcock

2687requested that these records be supplied by March 10, 2021.

269719 . On May 5, 2021, IEPC issued a Notice of Noncompliance regarding the

2711requested records . The Notice identified the multiple extensions the sc hool

2723had received, and advised that response was essential to East Atlantic PrepÔs

2735continued participation in scholarship programs.

274020 . On May 26, 2021, Ms. Hitchcock received an email from Jennifer

2753Jacobs Council. The email stated:

2758Jacqueline, Attached is all documents required, we

2765are sorry it took so long to get to you we had a huge

2779set back that literally took the entire amount of

2788time to get corrected. Nothing will ever take this

2797long to get back to you again.

2804Thanks for your understanding.

2808Jennife r A. Council

2812School Director

2814East Atlantic Prep

2817321 - 294 - 8668

282221 . Among the materials provided with the email is a listing of all the

2837staff members of the school, and the positions they fill. With respect to

2850Jennifer Jacobs Council, the listing states:

2856Je nnifer Jacobs \\ Council Ï Office Administrator Ï

2865Jennifer has been with East Atlantic Prep of

2873Brevard County for the last 4 years, she runs our

2883front office and doing [ sic ] special activities with

2893the students for art. She rotates throughout the

2901weekly sched ule to make sure everyone learns some

2910art. Jennifer also rotates throughout the

2916Middle/High School teaching Health classes.

292122 . Jennifer Jacobs CouncilÔs application for employment at the school

2932was signed August 1, 2016. In that application, she stated that she had never

2946been convicted of a felony. At the time of the application, the name listed on

2961the application was Jennifer Jacobs , and Mr. Council was not the

2972owner/operator of the school .

297723 . The FDLE records check for Jennifer Ashley Jacobs, complet ed

2989M ay 26, 2021, reveal th at on March 13, 2015, Jennifer Ashley Jacobs, D/O/B

300412/24/1986, was charged with fraudulent use of a credit card and criminal use

3017of personal identification information in Case No. 56 - 2015 - CF - 00015 - A , in the

3035Nineteenth Judicial Ci rcuit in and for St. Lucie County . Both are third -

3050degree felonies , in violation of sections 817.61 and 817.568(2)(a), Florida

3060Statutes, respectively. Ms. Jacobs entered a plea of nolo contendere and was

3072adjudicated guilty.

307424 . On March 6, 2015, Jennifer A. Jacobs was charged in the Eighteenth

3088Judicial Circuit in and for Brevard County with two counts of uttering a

3101forged instrument , in violation of section 831.02, Florida Statutes, and one

3112count of grand theft, in violation of section 812.014(2)(c)1., Flori da Statutes.

3124All are third - degree felonies.

313025 . Pursuant to a plea agreement accepted April 21, 2015, adjudication

3142was withheld and Jennifer A. Jacobs was sentenced to 36 months of drug

3155offender probation, concurrent with any active sentence, specifically

3163including the case in St. Lucie County.

317026 . On September 6, 2017, in the St. Lucie County case, Jennifer A.

3184Jacobs entered a plea agreement admitting to a violation of probation. The

3196judgment and sentence entered that day revoked her probation and

3206sente nced her to county jail for 180 days, with credit for time served of

3221174 days.

322327 . The offenses to which Jennifer Jacobs Council pleaded nolo contendere

3235to and/or was adjudicated guilty include a disqualifying offense for

3245employment at a school where she has direct contact with students , and

3257disqualifying offenses for any owner/operator of a private school receiving

3267scholarship funds . They were disqualifying offenses at the time she was hired

3280to work at East Atlantic Prep, and she was not eligible for empl oyment at the

3296school .

329828 . Each year, private schools receiving scholarship funds are required to

3310submit a Scholarship Compliance Form for Private School Participants in

3320State Scholarship Programs (Scholarship Compliance Form). Scholarship

3327Compliance Forms were submitted for East Atlantic Prep, signed and

3337notarized by Arthur Council on July 9, 2021 , and March 1, 2022, respectively.

335029 . The Scholarship Compliance Form contained the following questions:

3360C ) Have all employees or contracted personnel with

3369di rect student contact submitted their fingerprints

3376to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for

3384state and national background screening in

3390accordance with section 1002.421(1)(m), Florida


3396D) In accordance with section 1002.421(1)(m),

3402Florida S tatutes, does the school deny employment

3410to or terminate an employee or contracted

3417personnel with direct student contact if he or she

3426fails to meet the background screening standards

3433under section 435.04, Florida Statutes?

3438E) In accordance with section 10 02.421(1)(m),

3445Florida Statutes, does the school disqualify

3451instructional personnel and school administrators

3456from employment in any position that allows direct

3464contact with students if the personnel or

3471administrators are ineligible under section 435.40,

3477Fl orida Statutes?

348030 . On the forms submitted and notarized July 9, 2021 , and March 1,

34942022, Mr. Council answered each question, Ñyes.Ò At the time that

3505Mr. Council signed each of these forms, East Atlantic Prep had received the

3518criminal records check regar ding his wife, Jennifer Jacobs Council.

352831 . On July 15, 2021, Ms. Hitchcock emailed her findings to Mr. Council.

3542She found that three of RespondentÔs employees did not meet qualifications to

3554teach when hired. Those findings are not relevant to the charges in the

3567Administrative Complaint . Her other findings are as follows:

35764. Jennifer Jacobs Ï Has a felony conviction under

3585chapter 812, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to section

3592435.04(2)(cc), Florida Statutes, Ms. Jacobs is

3598disqualified from employment. I will need a letter

3606signed and notarized indicating that Ms. Jacobs is

3614no longer employed at East Atlantic Prep of

3622Brevard County.

36245. An amendment filed with the Division of

3632Corporations signed by Arthur Council on 3/7/19

3639indicates that Courtney Clements was ad ded as an

3648officer an officer/director effective 9/4/18. Section

36541002.395(6)(g), Florida Statutes, prohibits a private

3660school from accepting Florida Tax Credit funds for

3668any dependents of an owner or operator. Section

36761002.395(2)(i)2., Florida Statutes, def ines an owner

3683or operator as: An owner, operator, superintendent,

3690or principal or an eligible private school or a person

3700with equivalent decision making authority over an

3707eligible school. East Atlantic Prep of Brevard

3714County accepted $12,736 in Florida Tax Credit

3722funds for David Clement, which is a violation of the

3732Florida Tax Credit statute. [ 4 ]

373932 . On that same day, on an email account in Jennifer Jacobs Council Ôs

3754name, Mr. Council responded, saying he had no problem fixing things and

3766working with Ms. Hit chcock, and indicated that he Ñcan have a notarized

3779letter to you by tomorrow regarding Jennifer.Ò

378633 . On July 15, 2021, Mr. Council executed an affidavit that states: ÑThis

3800is notice that Jennifer Jacobs no longer works, volunteer Ô s [ sic ] , or is

3816associate d with any operation of East Atlantic Prep of Brevard County. This

3829is effective immediately. Ò

38334 Ms. Hitchcock did not realize at th is point that Jennifer Jacobs CouncilÔs daughter was also

3850receiving scholarship funds, because her last name is different from her motherÔs. It was first

3865discovered when Ms. Hitchcock received a spread sheet from Step Up for Students regarding

3879payments tha t Jennifer Jacobs Council was the parent of a scholarship student.

389234 . Ms. Hitchcock spoke with Mr. Council by phone and explained that the

3906school was not allowed to receive scholarship funds for the children of

3918owner/operators. She felt that he did not have a clear understanding of what

3931was required by the Division of Corporations; he conveyed to her that he was

3945under the impression that he had to have four people listed, so he listed his

3960wife, his sister, and his two - year - old c hild. She advised him that he would

3978have to take Courtney Clement off as a director, as well as Ms. Council .

399335 . Ms. Hitchcock felt that some of Mr. CouncilÔs actions were not

4006intentional. She felt that East Atlantic Prep could make some changes,

4017remove J ennifer Jacobs Council from the schoolÔs employ, and the school

4029could remain in operation. She wanted to give the school the benefit of the

4043doubt, and closed the investigation.

404836 . It is noted that Mr. Council represented to Ms. Hitchcock and

4061reiterated a t hearing that he thought he had to have four people listed as

4076officers/directors for the annual statement for the Secretary of State records.

4087However, when Mr. Council first amended the records, he named three

4098people, as opposed to four , and he did not re move any of the officers listed

4114with the Division of Corporations in July 2021 .

412337 . After the 2021 investigation against East Atlantic Prep was closed,

4135Ms. Hitchcock received a phone call from a representative of Step Up for

4148Students . Ms. Hitchcock was a dvised that she needed to speak with an

4162inspector from the Brevard County SheriffÔs Office (BCSO) regarding possible

4172fraud with respect to a student named Dustin Lapine who had attended East

4185Atlantic Prep . She received some documents from Step Up for Stude nts,

4198spoke with DustinÔs mother, and spoke with Inspector Daniel Genova from

4209the BCSO. Ms. Hitchcock understood from her conversation with Inspector

4219Genova that Jennifer Jacobs Council was still at East Atlantic Prep, which

4231led her to reopen her investigat ion.

423838 . Amanda and Jeffrey Lapine are married and have one son, Dustin. In

4252the summer of 20 20 , 5 Amanda saw some information regarding East Atlantic

4265Prep an d contacted them to take a tour . After she and her husband toured

4281the school, they decided to enrol l their son for the next school year. During

4296the tour, they were provided a packet of information and paperwork to fill

4309out. According to M r s. Lapine, they knew East Atlantic Prep charged tuition

4323to attend the school, but were told that there were scholars hips available for

4337which they might qualify. The Lapines were told to fill out the information

4350packet and the school would submit it on their behalf.

436039 . M r s. Lapine did not recall if there was any heading that identified

4376Step Up for Students on the top o f the form s she completed . Typically,

4392parents applying for scholarships through Step Up for Students do so online

4404and not through paper forms . She was very sure that she did not submit

4419anything directly to the scholarship funding organization, but submitte d all

4430of the information that she filled out to Jennifer Jacobs Council at East

4443Atlantic Prep. Her testimony is clear and credible, and is accepted.

445440 . M r s. Lapine texted with Jennifer Jacobs Council regarding the

4467scholarship, and eventually learned from her that Dustin was approved for a

4479scholarship of approximately $6,300 a year. Mrs. Lapine was somewhat

4490surprised, because she believed that she and her husband made too much

4502money to qualify for a scholarship. No one from Step Up for Schools or any

4517other scholarship - funding organization ever contacted the Lapines during the

4528application process . Neither she nor her husband Jeffrey ever registered for a

4541portal with Step Up for Student s, and neither of them ever provided their

4555email address es .

45595 Mrs. LapineÔs testimony refers at times to dates related to the 2019/2020 school year, as

4575opposed to the 2020/2021 school year. However, from the documents submitted and the

4588whole of her testimony, it is found that it is more likely than not that she visited the school

4607in July of 2020 and enrolled Dustin that fall.

461641 . Mr. and M rs. La pine did not believe that their son had a positive

4633experience with East Atlantic Prep, and by March of 202 1 , they pulled him

4647out of the school. 6

465242 . After Dustin was no longer at East Atlantic Prep, Ms. Lapine received

4666mail from Step Up for Students , asking that she either approve or deny

4679payment for the last quarter of the school year. Mrs. Lapine thought it odd,

4693because she had never approved payment before. She called Step Up for

4705Students, and the woman with whom she spoke told Mrs. Lapine that in

4718previous quarters, Mrs. Lapine had approved payment on her parent portal.

4729When Mrs. Lapine told Step Up for StudentsÔ representative that she did not

4742know what the woman was talking about, she was placed in contact with

4755someone else to discuss her account . After realizing that her and her

4768husbandÔs signatures had been used fraudulently, she contacted the BCSO to

4779file a fraud complaint.

478343 . Agent Daniel Genova is an investigative agent in the economic crimes

4796unit of the BCSO. He received a complaint from M rs. Lapine that her name

4811and signature were used and documents were created, including an email

4822account, without her permission. As part of Agent GenovaÔs investigation, he

4833met with both Arthur Council and Jennifer Jacobs Council. The first

4844interview took place on May 12, 2022, in Mr. CouncilÔs office at East Atlantic

4858Prep. During the interview, Jennifer Jacobs Council identified herself as

4868Joyce Wilvey, but gave her own birthdate. After the interview, as Agent

4880Genova and his partner were leaving the school , Jennifer Jacobs Council

4891came out to the parking lot, crying, and admitted she gave them a false name

4906because she was not supposed to be at the school.

491644 . Ernette Duhart worked at East Atlantic Prep for approximately four

4928years. She resigned on May 20 , 2022. While she was there, Arthur Council

49416 Mrs. Lapine admitted that she did not go through the formal withdrawal process with East

4957Atlantic Prep, because by that time , Ñemotions were highÒ and she did not want to go to the

4975school. However, it is clear that after spring break in 2021, Dustin was enrolled in public

4991school instead of East Atlantic Prep .

4998was running the school, with Jennifer Jacobs Council helping him.

5008Ms. Council was there, every day, working in the office. Ms. Council was not

5022there the last day Ms. Duhart worked, but was there that week , long a fter

5037Mr. Council signed the affidavit stating she would no longer be at the school .

505245 . Ms. Hitchcock received documents from Step Up for Students

5063regarding Dustin Lapine and his parents. The documents include DustinÔs

5073birth certificate, which clearly id entifies his parents as Amanda and Jeffrey

5085Lapine , and a copy of Jeffrey LapineÔs driver Ôs license. Also included are two

5099handwritten letters. The first one, purportedly signed by Amanda Lapine,


5110To whom it may concern,

5115I Amanda Lapine have been p aying my brother

5124Jeffery LapineÔs Bills for the months of June and

5133July of 2020 totaling around $1, 2 0 0 per month. H e

5146is unable to work and taking complete care of his

5156son Dustin.


5159Amanda Lapine

516146 . The second letter is purportedly from Jef frey Lapine, and states:


5175I Jeffery Lapine do not receive unemployment

5182benefits nor can I apply for such benefits. My sister

5192Amanda has been paying all my bills.

5199Jeffery Lapine

520147 . Neither Jeffrey Lapine nor Amanda Lapine wrote these letters. The

5213handwriting is not theirs, and JeffreyÔs name is misspelled in both. Amanda

5225and Jeffrey Lapine are husband and wife, not brother and sister. Jeffrey

5237Lapine was not unemployed at any point during this timeframe. He changed

5249jobs in Februar y 2021, well after the documents were submitted, and no

5262evidence was submitted to indicate that, even then, there was a break in his


527748 . A parent portal with Step Up for Students was also created in Jeffrey

5292LapineÔs name. The parent portal for the 2020 - 2021 school year lists Jeffrey

5306Lapine as the primary parent, and no secondary parent is identified . It lists

5320his marital status as Ñsingle, I have never been married.Ò The three security

5333questions and answers are listed as : 1) In what city were y ou born? (South

5349Haven); 2) What was the model of your first car? ( G rand A m); and 3) What is

5368your fatherÔs middle name? ( E ugene). The email listed for the account is

5382amandaeap2020@gmail.com , and the electronic signature is purportedly

5389signed by Jeffrey Lapi ne (with first name misspelled as Jeffery) on July 31,


540449 . Mr. Lapine did not set up this parent portal, and did not know one

5420existed. His first car was a blue Chevrolet and his fatherÔs middle name is

5434Paul. He did not recognize the email address am andaeap@gmail.com and did

5446not provide that email to Step Up for Students.

545550 . On December 14, 2021, Amanda Lapine submitted paperwork denying

5466payment for the school year 2020 - 2021, writing on the form, ÑPer

5479conversation with Ms. Joy on 12/14/2021 my emai l is

5489Alapine1121@gmail.com . We never set up a parent portal log in n or had we

5504ever gone online to approve payments in the past.Ò

551351 . The information received regarding the Lapines Ô account caused

5524Ms. Hitchcock to examine other files related to scholarship s awarded to East

5537Atlantic Prep students , which revealed some curiosities.

554452 . The Step Up for Students parent portal for Malilia Fleese lists the

5558same three security questions as th ose for Dustin Lapine. It also lists the

5572model of the first car as a Gran d Am and the fatherÔs middle name as


558953 . Likewise, the parent portal for David Clement lists the same three

5602security questions, and also indicates that the model of the first car was a

5616Grand Am and the fatherÔs middle name was Eugene. The email fo r this

5630account is cclementeap@yahoo.com .

563454 . Ms. Hitchcock asked personnel from Step Up for Students to pick five

5648student files with scholarships to East Academy Prep, and they all had these

5661same security questions . In each case, the first car was listed as a Grand Am

5677and the fatherÔs middle name was listed as Eugene. Similarly, many had

5689email addresses with a personÔs first name, followed by eap@gmail.com .

570055 . There is no direct evidence that Jennifer Jacobs Council created the

5713accounts and parent portal s with Step Up for Students for students receiving

5726scholarship funds at East Atlantic Prep . However, the evidence is clear that,

5739at least with respect to the Lapines, the parents did not open the account.

5753They gave information to Jennifer Jacobs Council an d an account was created

5766in Jeffrey LapineÔs name for Dustin Lapine, and scholarship funds were

5777approved for East Atlantic Prep without their involvement. Jennifer Jacobs

5787Council is also the one who advised them that the scholarship was approved

5800for their son. The compelling and persuasive evidence submitted supports a

5811finding that it is more likely than not Jennifer Jacobs Council, or someone

5824else at East Atlantic Prep, created some of the documents submitted to Step

5837Up for Students and created the parent portal in order to have a vehicle

5851through which payments to East Atlantic Prep could be made.

586156 . It is also found , despite the affidavit submitted to IEPC indicating that

5875Jennifer Jacobs Council was not at the school in any capacity, the greater

5888weight o f the evidence is that she continued to work at the school in a

5904capacity that provided direct contact to students. Even Mr. Council admitted

5915as much, stating,

5918But at the end of the day, itÔs more of if the

5930disqualifying factor is Jennifer Ï and Your Honor , I

5939want to say this, too, is that in doing this type of

5951work, there has been a lot of Ï and IÔm just going to

5964be honest, a lot of single parents, women, there has

5974been a lot of staff, and if Jennifer has ever

5984continued to help me, it was to be a liaison o r a

5997brid ge to this person who I knew Ï I also have

6009another company, and itÔs been going on for a year,

6019and she does that. And so itÔs always been to be,

6030ÑHey, you know, I donÔt want to have a meeting

6040with a parent whoÔs trying to holler at me.Ò You

6050know, e ven staff Ï and IÔm just being honest. È

6061You know, any time I ever had a young girl in our

6073office, I needed someone there. You know, if a

6082teacher couldnÔt be there who I trusted, I needed

6091somebody there.

609357 . The Administrative Complaint in this case was issued April 12, 2022.

6106The Sunbiz records for the Secretary of State, Division of Corporations ,

6117records reflect documentation was filed on April 14, 2022, to remove Jennifer

6129A. Council as an officer for Lighthouse Christian Academy of Merritt Island,

6141Inc. , the owner of the fictitious name East Atlantic Prep of Brevard County.

6154Courtney Clement and Liam Council, Mr. CouncilÔs young son, were still

6165listed as officers.


617358 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of th is

6188proceeding pursuant to sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and 1002.421(3)(d).

619659 . Section 1002.421(3) provides , in pertinent part:


6216O BLIGATIONS . Ï The Commissioner of Education:

6224(a) Shall deny, suspend, or revoke a private schoolÔs

6233participation in a scholarship program if it is

6241determined that the private school has failed to

6249comply with this section or exhibits a previous

6257pattern of failure to comply. È

6263(e) May immediately suspend payment of

6269scholarship funds if it is determined that there is

6278probable cause to believe there is:

62841. An imminent threat to the health, safety, or

6293welfare of the students;

62972. A previous pattern of failure to comply with this

6307section; or

63093. Fraudulent activity on the part on the part o f the

6321private school. È

632460 . In this proceeding, the Commissioner has immediately suspended and

6335seeks to revoke RespondentÔs ability to participate in state scholarship

6345programs. Therefore, the burden of proof rests with the Commissioner to

6356prove the alle gations in the Administrative Complaint by a preponderance of

6368the evidence. Section 120.57(1)(j) provides that findings of fact shall be based

6380on the preponderance of the evidence, except in penal or license disciplinary

6392proceedings, or as otherwise provid ed by statute. Section 1002.421(3) is silent

6404regarding the burden of proof, and as Petitioner correctly asserts, scholarship

6415eligibility is not licensure: regardless of the outcome of this proceeding, the

6427school may continue to operate and students may sti ll receive scholarship

6439funds, as long as they attend a school eligible to receive the funds. Stewart v.

6454Silva of South Fla., Inc., Case No. 17 - 3898SP (Fla. DOAH Dec. 11, 2017;

6469Fla. DOE Mar. 14, 2018).

647461 . The Supreme Court of Florida has stated, Ñ A Ó prepo nderance Ô of

6490the evidence is defined as Ó the greater weight of the evidence, Ô Black's Law

6505Dictionary 1201 (7th ed.1999), or evidence that Ó more likely than not Ô tends

6519to prove a certain proposition. Ò Gross v. Lyons , 763 So. 2d 276, 280 n.1

6534(Fla. 2000) (citi ng American Tobacco Co. v. State, 697 So. 2d 1249, 1254

6548(Fla. 4th DCA 1997) ) . As applied to this case, Petitioner must prove by the

6564greater weight of the evidence , or that it is more likely than not, that

6578Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative


658762 . Count I of the Administrative Complaint states as follows:

6598Fraud: During the 2019 - 2020, 2020 - 2021, and

66082021 - 2022 school years, East Atlantic Prep claimed

6617Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Funds for student

6624Malilia Fleese, the m inor child of Jennifer Jacobs

6633Council, the schoolÔs owner of record with the

6641Florida Department of State, Division of

6647Corporations and the Florida Department of

6653Education. However, in order to claim scholarship

6660eligibility for her children, Ms. Jacobs Coun cil has

6669previously executed affidavits stating that neither

6675a parent nor guardian of the children is an owner

6685or operator of East Atlantic Prep, thereby

6692committing fraud as contemplated in section

66981002.421(3)(e)3., Florida Statutes.

67016 3 . The greater weigh t of the evidence clearly establishes that Jennifer

6715Jacobs Council applied for scholarship funds for her daughter during the time

6727she was listed as an officer for East Atlantic Prep. The evidence also shows

6741that she was working at the school during this pe riod , working in the office

6756a nd assisting Mr. Council . She sent at least one email to the Department

6771identifying herself as ÑSchool Director.Ò She gave the appearance to the

6782public of being able to handle administrative matters for the school, such as

6795enro llment and scholarship applications. Petitioner must also show that

6805Jennifer Jacobs Council served as an owner/operator, and that her actions in

6817signing the affidavit constitute fraud.

68226 4 . As reflected in the Findings of Fact, an owner/operator is defined in

6837section 1002.395(2)(i)2., as Ñ[a]n owner, operator, superintendent, or principal

6846of an eligible school or a person with equivalent decisionmaking authority

6857over an eligible private school. Ò The question then becomes whether, as

6869secretary of the corpora tion, Jennifer Jacobs Council is a person with

6881equivalent decision - making ability over East Atlantic Prep.

68906 5 . Chapter 607, Florida Statutes, provides the framework for

6901corporations naming boards of directors and officers. Section 607.0802 and

6911607.0803 p rovide, respectively, that directors must be natural persons who

6922are 18 years of age or older, and that a board of directors must consist of one

6939or more individuals. Under Florida law, a corporation is managed by its board

6952of directors or by its officers a cting under the direction and control of the

6967board, whether it is a corporation for profit, or not - for - profit. Fla. State

6983Oriental Med. AssÔn v. Slepin , 971 So. 2d 141, 144 (Fla. 1 st DCA 2007);

6998see also Meese v. Warm Mineral Springs, Inc. , 128 So. 2d 174, 179 (Fla. 2d

7013DCA 1961) (ÑThe board of directors of a corporation represents the corporate

7025body, and the directors are entrusted with authority to conduct and manage

7037the corporate affairsÒ).

70406 6 . Based on the weight of the evidence submitted, Jennifer Jacobs

7053Council was a person with equivalent decision - making ability, and thus

7065meets the definition of an owner/operator as defined in section


70766 7 . Finally, Petitioner must show that when Jennifer Jacobs Council

7088signed the application for scholar ship funds, she did so fraudulently. The

7100elements to prove fraud are well settled: there must be 1) a false statement

7114concerning a material fact; 2) made with knowledge that the representation

7125is false and with the intention of inducing anotherÔs reliance on the

7137statement; and 3) consequent injury to the other party action in reliance on

7150the false misrepresentation. Lance v. Wade , 457 So. 2d 1008, 1022

7161(Fla. 1984); Cohen v. Krofit Estate Buyers, Inc. , 843 So. 2d 989, 991 (Fla. 4 th

7177DCA 2003). Fraudulent inte nt is, by necessity, usually proven by

7188circumstantial evidence and those circumstances Ñby their number and joint

7198consideration, [must] be sufficient to constitute proof.Ò Nally v. Olson , 134 So.

72102d 265, 267 (Fla. 2d DCA 1961). A series of acts, taken toge ther, may

7225constitute fraud. DepÔt of Rev. v. Rudd, 545 So. 2d 369, 372 (Fla. 1 st DCA

72411989). Scienter or guilty knowledge as an element of intentional misconduct

7252may be established by showing Ñactual knowledge, or that the defendant was

7264reckless or careless as to the truth of the matter asserted.Ò Ocean Bank of

7278Miami v. INV - UNI Inv. Corp. , 599 So. 2d 694, 696 (Fla. 3d DCA 1992).

72946 8 . With respect to Jennifer Jacobs Council, Petitioner has demonstrated,

7306based on the entirety of the evidence presented, that sh e committed fraud by

7320signing the application for scholarship funds and asserting that no parent of

7332her child was an owner/operator of a private school. Ms. Council worked at

7345the school and was involved in its daily affairs. She made representations to

7358pare nts that implied the authority to act on behalf of the school. She was

7373listed as a corporate officer for the school with the Secretary of State. And

7387with respect to other statements on two of the applications, she made false

7400statements regarding her marita l status . The application was signed with the

7413intent that Step Up for Students would rely on the statements contained in

7426the application to approve scholarship funds for her child, and it did so.

7439Petitioner has proven Count I by a preponderance of the evid ence.

74516 9 . Count 2 alleges the same type of fraud as Count I, except the fraud is

7469alleged in relation to the applications signed for scholarship funds for the

74812019 - 2020 and 2020 - 2021 school years by Courtney Clement.

7493After careful consideration, Petitioner has not proven the violation alleged in

7504Count 2. To be sure, Courtney Clement apparently signed the same

7515statement in order to get scholarship funds for her child, and she is also

7529listed as an officer of Lighthouse Christian Academy of Merritt Island, Inc .,

7542which owns the fictitious name for East Atlantic Prep. However, other than

7554the fact that Ms. Clement is Mr. CouncilÔs sister, and that at one time she

7569worked at East Atlantic Prep in some unknown capacity, the evidence

7580presented does not provide any ins ight into what role she played at the

7594school, and does not give sufficient assurance that when she signed the

7606application for scholarship funds that she could be perceived as someone who,

7618by her actions, could have decision - making authority for the school.

763070 . Count 3 also alleges fraud, this time in connection with the application

7644for scholarship funds for Dustin Lapine. Count 3 states:

7653Fraud: On or about August 19, 2020, East Atlantic

7662Prep submitted an FTC application for one Dustin

7670Lapine, the minor chi ld of Jeffrey and Amanda

7679Lapine, to scholarship funding organization Step

7685Up for Students (SUFS), in order to secure FTC

7694funds to be directed to East Atlantic Prep. East

7703Atlantic Prep included within the application

7709certain documents falsely or improperly purported

7715to be created and/or executed by Jeffrey and

7723Amanda Lapine, thereby committing fraud as

7729contemplated in section 1002.421(3)(e)3., Florida


77357 1 . Petitioner has proven the allegations in the Administrative Complaint

7747with regard to Count 3 . The evidence shows that the Lapines provided

7760information to Jennifer Jacobs Council at her request, and that she informed

7772them that Dustin had been awarded a scholarship. However, the Lapines did

7784not set up a parent portal with Step Up for Students; did not write the letters

7800submitted to Step Up for Students; did not sign the letters or the scholarship

7814application; and did not approve payment for funds to go to East Atlantic

7827Prep. The only plausible conclusion is that Jennifer Jacobs Council or

7838someone el se at East Atlantic Prep with comparable authority and access

7850took the information provided by the Lapines and used it to set up the parent

7865portal and approve funds to go to the school. Section 1002.395 ( 7)(f) explicitly

7879prohibits a school from approving fu nds on behalf of an enrolled child. See

7893also § 1002.421(1)(f)2., Fla. Stat. While there was evidence presented that

7904suggested this was a common practice at East Atlantic Prep, at least some of

7918that evidence was hearsay, and no pattern of practice regarding creation of

7930scholarship accounts and payment endorsement was alleged in the

7939Administrative Complaint. However, with respect to the Lapines, the

7948evidence was clear and persuasive.

79537 2 . Finally, Count 4 alleges the following:

79624. Disqualifying Offense : East Atlantic Prep

7969employs one Jennifer Jacobs Council, who has

7976previously been convicted of felony convictions of

7983section s 817.61, 817.568, 812.014 and 831.02,

7990Florida Statutes, as an owner/operator, or in a

7998position which requires direct contact with

8004student s. Per sections 1002.421(1) and 435.04(2),

8011Florida Statutes, school owners, operators and

8017employees who have been found guilty of a felony

8026violation of sections 817.61, 817.568, 812.014 and

8033831.02, Florida Statutes, do not meet the requisite

8041criteria to pa ss the Level 2 background screening

8050required by sections 1002.421(1)(m) and (p), Florida


80587 3 . Section 1002.421 provides , in pertinent part:

8067(1 ) A private school participating in an educational

8076scholarship program established pursuant to this

8082ch apter È must:

8086* * *

8089(e) Annually complete and submit to the

8096department a notarized scholarship compliance

8101statement certifying that all school employees and

8108contracted personnel with direct student contact

8114have undergone background screening pursuant to

8120s .943.0452 and have met the screening standards

8128as provided in s. 425.04.

8133* * *

8136(m) Require each employee and contracted

8142personnel with direct student contact, upon

8148employment or engagement to provide services, to

8155undergo a state and national background

8161s creening, pursuant to s. 943.0542, by electronically

8169filing with the Department of Law Enforcement a

8177complete set of fingerprints taken by an authorized

8185law enforcement agency or an employee of the

8193private school, a school district, or a private

8201company wh o is trained to take fingerprints and

8210deny employment to or terminate an employee if he

8219or she fails to meet the screening standards under

8228s. 435.04. Results of the screening shall be provided

8237to the participating school for the purposes of this


82471. An Ñemployee or contracted personnel with direct

8255student contactÒ means any employee or contracted

8262personnel who has unsupervised access to a

8269scholarship student for whom the private school is


8278* * *

8281(p) R equire each owner or operator of the private

8291school, prior to employment or engagement to

8298provide services, to undergo level 2 background

8305screening as provided under chapter 435. For

8312purposes of this paragraph, the term Ñowner or

8320operatorÒ means an owner, operator,

8325superintendent, or prin cipal of, or a person with

8334equivalent decisionmaking authority over, a private

8340school participating in a scholarship program

8346established pursuant to this chapter. È

83525. In addition to the offenses listed in s. 435.04, a

8363person required to undergo background screening

8369pursuant to this part or authorizing statutes may

8377not have an arrest warrant awaiting final

8384disposition for, must not have been found guilty of,

8393or entered a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless

8402of adjudication, and must not have been

8409adjudica ted delinquent for, and the record must not

8418have been expunged for, any of the following

8426offenses or any similar offense of another


8434* * *

8437i. Section 817.568, relating to criminal use of

8445personal identification information.

8448* * *

8451k. Sectio n 817.61, relating to fraudulent use of

8460credit cards, if the offense was a felony.

8468* * *

8471m . Section 831.02, relating to uttering forged


84807 4 . Section 435.04(2)(cc) lists felonies related to theft, robbery, and related

8493crimes described in cha pter 812 as disqualifying offenses.

85027 5 . Petitioner has demonstrated that Jennifer Jacobs Council has

8513committed felonies for which she was adjudicated guilty that disqualify her

8524from employment at East Atlantic Prep, much less acting as an

8535owner/operator and being an officer of the corporation. 7 There is no question

8548that she had direct contact with students ; even the records submitted to

8560IEPC state that she worked in the office and taught both art and health.

85747 6 . Jennifer Jacobs Council was hired before M r. Council was the

8588owner/operator of East Atlantic Prep. There was no evidence presented to

8599indicate whether a records check was completed when she was hired.

8610However, in order to truthfully answer the Scholarship Compliance Forms in

8621PetitionerÔs Exhibit 1 1, it would be incumbent upon Mr. Council to make sure

8635that there were records on hand to show that appropriate background

8646screening was performed with respect to all of the schoolÔs employees. Either

8658he did so, and ignored either the records on file or th e need to conduct

8674background screening, or he signed the compliance forms without making

8684any inquiry. Neither alternative is acceptable.

86907 7 . What is more troubling is that once he provided the affidavit to

8705Ms . Hitch c ock indicating that Jennifer Jacobs Cou ncil would no longer be

8720associated with the school, she continued to be on campus on a regular basis.

8734Mr. Council admitted as much. Clearly, Mr. Council , as owner/operator of

8745East Atlantic Prep , not only did not comply with the background screening

8757require ments but knowingly allowed a person he knew was ineligible to work

8770at the school to remain in its employ, despite his affidavit to the contrary.

87847 8 . Throughout the hearing, Mr. Council focused on this one violation,

8797repeatedly stating that everything cou ld be resolved by having Ms. Council

8809no longer be associated with East Atlantic Prep. The problem is he executed a

8823sworn statement to that effect already, and did not abide by that statement.

8836Under these circumstances, the undersigned has no confidence tha t

8846Mr. Council would abide by that restriction going forward.

88557 It does not matter whether her name was Jennifer Jacobs or Jennifer Council at the time of

8873the offenses, or whether her name is officially ÑregisteredÒ anywhere as Jennifer Jacobs

8886Council. It was clearly established at hearing that they are one and the same person, and

8902that person referred to in this Recommended Order as Jennifer Jacobs Council committed

8915the felonies reflected in the arrest records , and that person was working at East Atlantic

8930Prep .

89327 9 . Petitioner has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that

8945Respondent has violated section 1002.421(3)(a) ( failing to comply with

8955provisions of section 1002.421 ) , based on the failu re to comply with

8968background screening requirements and continuing to employ someone who

8977is ineligible to work at a private school as alleged in Count 4 . It is further

8994concluded that Petitioner has demonstrated by a preponderance of the

9004evidence that Respo ndent violated section 1002.421(3)(e), based on

9013fraudulent activity, i.e., by creating fraudulent documents in order to obtain

9024scholarship funding as alleged in Count 2 , and by submitting an application

9036for Malil i a Fleese that included the false statement (among others) that her

9050parent was not an owner/operator of East Atlantic Prep as alleged in Count 1 .

906580 . Petitioner has demonstrated a factual and legal basis for the

9077immediate suspension and revocation of RespondentÔs eligibility to receive

9086scholarship funds.

90888 1 . The Administrative Complaint in this case also directed Respondent to

9101return scholarship funds fraudulently obtained, in the total amount of

9111$1,821,268.38. PetitionerÔs Proposed Recommended Order does not include

9121the return of these funds as a sanction, and with good reason, because section

91351002.421 does not appear to authorize mandating the return of scholarship

9146funds, and Petitioner has not cited to any other statutory authority for this

9159sanction. 8 Even if section 1002.421 authorized the retu rn, the only funds that

9173could be subject to such a requirement are those that Petitioner actually

9185proved were improperly obtained, which in this case would be the scholarship

9197funds for Malilia Fleese and Dustin Lapine. While there was testimony about

9209a pos sible pattern of action by Respondent to apply for funds in a manner not

9225authorized by statute, those incidents were not alleged in the Administrative

92368 Section 1002.421 (3) (d)1. allows the Commissioner to consider whether a private school has

9251reimbursed the Department or scho larship - funding organization for funds improperly

9263received or retained by the school, in those case s where the Commissioner is seeking to

9279permanently deny or revoke a private schoolÔs authority to operate. The Commissioner is not

9293seeking to do that here.

9298Complaint and , thus , cannot be a basis for agency action. Trevisani v. DepÔt of

9312Health , 908 So. 2d 1108, 1109 (Fla. 1 st DCA 2005).


9325Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

9338R ECOMMENDED that the Commissioner enter a Final Order finding that

9349Respondent, East Atlantic Prep, violated section 1002.421(3), upholding the

9358immediate suspension of scholarship funds, and revoking the eligibility to

9368receive scholarship funds going forward.

9373D ONE A ND E NTERED this 19th day of August , 2022 , in Tallahassee, Leon

9388County, Florida.



9398Administrative Law Judge

94011230 Apalachee Parkway

9404Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

9409(850) 488 - 9675


9414Filed with the Clerk of the

9420Division of Administrative Hearings

9424this 19th day of August , 2022 .


9436Jason Douglas Bornt reger, Esquire Paula Harrigan, Esquire

9444(eServed) (eServed)

9446Ovide Val, Esquire Chris Emerson, Agency Clerk

9453(eServed) (eServed)

9455James Richmond, Acting General Counsel Manny Diaz, Jr., Commissioner

9464(eServed) (eServed)


9478All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 1 0 days from

9492the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended

9503Order should be filed with the agency that will issue the Final Order in this


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Date: 09/19/2022
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Appeal of Recommended Order of August 19th , 2022, and the Denial of Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Complaint filed.
Date: 09/15/2022
Proceedings: Order.
Date: 09/08/2022
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by Respondent.  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 09/08/2022
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by Respondent.
Date: 09/08/2022
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Date: 09/08/2022
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Date: 09/08/2022
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Date: 09/08/2022
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Date: 09/08/2022
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by Respondent.
Date: 09/08/2022
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by Respondent (attachment).
Date: 09/08/2022
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed by Respondent.
Date: 08/19/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/19/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 7, 2022). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/19/2022
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/08/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response in Opposition to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 08/03/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Limited Appearance and Designation of Email Address filed.
Date: 08/03/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Ovide Val) filed.
Date: 08/03/2022
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss Complaint and/or Vacate and Set aside Petitioner's Complaint and Decision of April 11th, 2022 Suspending and Revoking Funds to the Respondent Derived through Grants, Scholarships and Other Sources filed.
Date: 08/01/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/21/2022
Proceedings: Scheduling Order.
Date: 07/21/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Final Hearing Transcript.
Date: 07/21/2022
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 07/07/2022
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/05/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Unilateral Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 07/05/2022
Proceedings: Order Granting Petitioner's Request for Judicial Notice.
Date: 07/01/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 06/30/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 06/23/2022
Proceedings: Petitioner's Request for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 06/21/2022
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/21/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 7, 2022; 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time; Titusville).
Date: 06/20/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 06/20/2022
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 06/17/2022
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Scheduling Conference (scheduling conference set for June 20, 2022; 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time).
Date: 06/16/2022
Proceedings: Notice sent out that this case is now before the Division of Administrative Hearings.
Date: 06/15/2022
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Proceeding filed.
Date: 06/15/2022
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 06/15/2022
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Titusville, Florida
Department of Education


Related Florida Statute(s) (15):