83-001652RX Gary M. Piccirillo And Douglas L. Adams vs. Department Of Corrections
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, April 17, 1984.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioners failed to meet their BOP to show the rules challenged where invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority.






18Petitioners, )


21vs. ) CASE NO. 83-1652RX




32Respondent. )



37Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings, by its duly

48designated Hearing Officer, William E. Williams, held a public hearing in this

60cause on August 13, 1983, at Union Correctional Institution, Raiford, Florida.


72For Petitioners: Gary M. Piccirillo and

78Douglas L. Adams, pro se

83Union Correctional Institution

86Post Office Box 221

90Raiford, Florida 32083

93For Respondent: William H. Ravenell, Esquire

99Assistant Attorney General

102Department of Legal Affairs

106The Captiol

108Tallahassee, Florida 32301

111Petitioners, who at the time of formal hearing in this cause were inmates

124incarcerated at Union Correctional Institution, challenged the validity of Rules

13433-11.025, 11.065, 11.075, 11.085, and 11.11, Florida Administrative Code, as

144invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority. In addition, Petitioners

153challenge as an unpromulgated, and therefore invalid, rule Respondent's Policy

163and Procedure Directive 4.07.24.

167Final hearing in this cause was scheduled for August 12, 1983, by Amended

180Notice of Hearing dated July 15, 1983. At the final hearing Petitioners

192testified in their own behalf and called Glen Chambers and Kenneth Snow as their

206witnesses. Petitioners offered Petitioners' Exhibits 1 and 2, which were

216received into evidence. Respondent called Ron Jones as its only witness and

228offered Respondent's Exhibit 1, which was received into evidence.

237In the petition filed herein, Petitioners challenge the validity of

247Respondent's promulgated rules as hereinbefore described on the grounds that

257they restrict and condition the award of gain time as provided in Section

270944.275, Florida Statutes, and further argued that those rules are impermissibly

281vague allegedly due to their ". . . failure to set forth procedures [to insure]

296that inmates who earn additional gain time under statutory provisions actually

307receive [it] . . . . " Petitioners also contend that Policy and Procedure

320Directive 4.07.24 is invalid because it: improperly delegates decision-making

329authority to deny an award of additional gain time to a classification

341specialist who may arbitrarily deny such an award; restricts and conditions the

353provisions of Chapter 33-11, Florida Administrative Code; and because it ". . .

366has a practical and actual effect of a `rule' without being properly adopted . .

381. ."

383Both Petitioners and Respondent have submitted proposed findings of fact

393for consideration by the Hearing Officer. To the extent that those proposed

405findings are not included in this order, they have been specifically rejected as

418being either irrelevant to the issues in this cause or as not having been

432supported by evidence of record.


440At all times material hereto, Petitioners were inmates incarcerated at

450Union Correctional Institution in Raiford, Florida. Respondent has stipulated

459that Petitioners have "standing" to challenge the rules and the policy and

471procedure directives which are the subject matter of this proceeding.

481The Secretary of the Department of Corrections has issued Policy and

492procedure Directive initially dated June 23, 1982, and revised July 12, 1982.

504The purpose of the directive was . . ." [t]o thoroughly explain the gain time

519program and to set forth guidance for uniform implementation department-wide on

530its face, the directive purports to be issued pursuant to the authority

542contained in Sections 944.275, 944.28, 945.21, and 775.087, Florida Statutes,

552and Chapter 33-11, Florida Administrative Code.

558The directive contains ten separate sections. The first two sections,

568entitled Authority and Purpose of Directive merely recite the aforementioned

578statutory and rule basis for issuance of the directive, and indicate that the

591purposes of the directive is to explain and facilitate implementation of the

603gain time program. The third section, entitled Definitions, simply reiterates

613in substantially similar language, the definitions of the different types of

624gain time contained in Section 944.275, Florida Statutes. Section 4 of the

636directive contains special conditions to the award of gain time, including

647disciplinary or court action, unsatisfactory institutional performances,

654corrective consultations, administrative confinement, close management, inmates'

661assignment on Death Row, inmates serving three years' mandatory sentences, and

672the like. Each of the requirements of this section of the directive is either

686identical to or drawn directly from Rule 33-11.11, Florida Administrative Code,

697or Section 944.28(2)(a), Florida Statutes. The remaining six sections of the

708directive deal with eligibility for, methods for crediting and processing

718procedures for the award of basic gain time, additional gain time, work gain

731time, constructive gain time, extra gain time, and special gain time. Again,

743each of these sections reiterate requirements already contained in Rules 33-

75411.045, 33-11.055, 33-11.065, 33-11.075, 33-11.085, and 33-11.09. These

762sections of the directive do not purport to create or otherwise adversely affect

775rights of inmates in any manner which differs from the aforementioned rules.

787Under the policy and procedure directive, classification officers employed

796by the Department of Corrections serve a limited function in the award of gain

810time. With respect to basic gain time, corrections officers merely check to

822make sure that no disciplinary report has been filed against an inmate for the

836period in which gain time is being awarded. They exercise no discretion in the

850award of basic gain time. With respect to extra gain time or constructive gain

864time, the classification officer merely sits as a member of a classification

876team which determines the amount of any such award. Meritorious gain time is

889customarily instituted by the classification team as a whole, with the final

901decision-making authority resting with the agency head of the Department of

912Corrections. In each instance, classification officers have limited

920participation in the award of gain time, and may not act alone to deny inmates

935appropriate gain time awards.


9421. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

952subject matter of, and the parties to this proceeding. Section 120.56, Florida


9652. Section 945.21, Florida Statutes, provides, in pertinent part, as


976(1) The department shall promulgate

981regulations governing the administration

985of the correctional system and the operation

992of the department. In addition to specific

999subjects otherwise provided for herein, the

1005regulations of the department may relate to:

1012(c) Gain-time for good conduct of, release

1019payments to, and release transportation of

1025inmates. . . ."

10293. Section 944.275(7), Florida Statutes, provides that ". . . [t]he

1040department shall promulgate rules to implement the granting, forfeiture, and

1050restoration of gain-time."

10534. Pursuant to the authority contained in the aforementioned sections,

1063Respondent has promulgated Chapter 33-11, Florida Administrative Code. In this

1073proceeding, Petitioners have specifically challenged the validity of Rules 33-

108311.025 relating to limitation on gain time deductions; 33-11.065 relating to the

1095award of work gain time; 33-11.075 relating to the award of constructive gain

1108time; 33-11.085 relating to the award of extra gain time; and, 33-11.11

1120governing with-holding or forfeiture of gain time. Petitioners argue that each

1131of these sections ". . . restricts and conditions the award of gain time as

1146provided in Section 944.275, Florida Statutes . . .", and that each of the

1160challenged rules is ". . . vague by [their] failure to set forth procedures [to

1175insure] that inmates who earn additional gain time under statutory provisions

1186actually receive [it] . . . ." It is specifically concluded, as a matter of law,

1202that each of these contentions is without merit. Where, as here, the

1214legislature has delegated broad discretionary rulemaking authority to an agency,

"1224. . . the validity of regulations promulgated thereunder will be sustained so

1237long as they are reasonably related to the purposes of the enabling legislation

1250and are not arbitrary or capricious. . . . " Florida Beverage Corporation v.

1263Wynne, 306 So.2d 200, 202 (Fla. 1st DCA 1975); General Telephone Company of

1276Florida v. Florida Public Service Commission, 6 FALR 1016, 1019 (Fla. 1984).

1288Further, where an agency has responded to rulemaking incentives and has adopted

1300as rules its policy statements of general applicability,". . . [p]ermissible

1312interpretations of statute must and will be sustained, though other

1322interpretations are possible and may even preferable according to some views . .

1335. ." Here, the legislature has specifically delegated broad rulemaking authority

1346to the Department of Corrections in the award of various categories of gain

1359time. The rules adopted by the department, as challenged herein, are

1370permissible interpretations pursuant to its statutory grant of authority, and it

1381is therefore concluded, as a matter of law, that Petitioners have failed to

1394establish a record basis for invalidating the challenged rule.

14035. Section 120.52(15), Florida Statutes, defines the term "rule" to mean:

1414. . . each agency statement of general

1422applicability that implements, interprets,

1426or prescribes law or policy or describes

1433the organization, procedure, or practice

1438requirements of an agency and includes any

1445form which imposes any requirement or solicits

1452any information not specifically required by

1458statute or by an existing rule . . . .

1468Agency statements which meet the definition of a "rule" within the meaning of

1481Section 120.52(15), Florida Statutes, but have not been adopted according to the

1493rulemaking requirements of Section 120.54, Florida Statutes, are invalid.

1502Department of Administration v. Stevens, 344 So.2d 290 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977)

1514Agency statements which purport in and of themselves to create rights and

1526adversely affect others, and which are applied prospectively with the force and

1538effect of law, allowing little or no discretion in their implementation, are

1550rules and are void unless formally adopted. Florida State University v. Dann,

1562400 So.2d 1304 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981). However, where agency statements that have

1575not been adopted as rules simply track the language of either a statute or a

1590validly adopted rule, it is unnecessary that they be adopted pursuant to the

1603requirements of Section 120.54, Florida Statutes. See, DeDakis v. Florida Real

1614Estate Commission, 388 So.2d 22 (Fla. 1st DCA 1980). In such cases, as with the

1629policy and procedure directive here attacked as an unpromulgated rule, it is not

1642the statement itself, but rather the statute and the validly promulgated rules

1654which create or otherwise affect the rights of persons subject to its

1666application. Here, the policy and procedure directive does no more than

1677reiterate the requirements of existing statutes and validly promulgated rules,

1687and was not required to be formally adopted. Accordingly, Petitioners'

1697contention that Policy and Procedure Directive No. 4.07.24 constitutes an

1707invalid unpromulgated rule is without merit.

1713Accordingly, based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

1724Law, the relief sought by Petitioners should be, and the same is, hereby denied,

1738and the petition dismissed.

1742DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of April, 1984, at Tallahassee, Florida.



1758Hearing Officer

1760Division of Administrative Hearings

1764Oakland Building

17662009 Apalachee Parkway

1769Tallahassee, Florida 32301

1772(904) 488-9675

1774Filed with the Clerk of the

1780Division of Administrative Hearings

1784this 17th day of April, 1984.


1792Gary M. Piccirillo Douglas L. Adams

1798Lake City Community Union Correctional Institution

1804Correctional Institution Post Office Box 221

1810Post Office Box 777 Raiford, Florida 32083

1817Lake City, Florida 32055

1821Carroll Webb, Executive Director

1825William H. Ravenell, Esquire Joint Administrative Procedures

1832Department of Legal Affairs Committee

1837The Capitol, LL04 120 Holland Building

1843Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

1849Liz Cloud, Chief

1852Louis A. Vargas, General Counsel Bureau of Administrative Code

1861Department of Corrections Department of State

18671311 Winewood Boulevard 1802 The Capitol

1873Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

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Date: 04/17/1984
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 04/17/1984
Proceedings: CASE CLOSED. Final Order sent out.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Department of Corrections

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (7):