86-003691 South Florida Water Management District vs. Gables Engineering, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, September 18, 1987.

View Dockets  
Summary: Res. not exempt from permitting. Res. did not demonstrate fully their entit- lement to operate as an ""Agri. closed system."" File initial applic. 30 days.






16Petitioner , )


19vs. ) CASE NO. 86-3691




30Respondent. )



35Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings, by its duly

46designated Hearing Officer, James E. Bradwell, held a public hearing in this

58case on April 8, 1987 in West Palm Beach, Florida. The parties were allowed an

73opportunity to submit memoranda supportive of their respective positions within

83thirty (30) days of receipt of the transcript. The parties submitted proposed

95recommended orders which were considered by me in preparation of this

106Recommended Order. Proposed findings of fact which are not incorporated herein

117are the subject of specific rulings in an Appendix to the Recommended Order.


131For Petitioner : Sarah Nall, Esquire

137South Florida Water Management District

1423301 Gun Club Road

146West Palm Beach, Florida 33402

151For Respondent : Robert W. Stewart, Esquire

158Corrigan , Zelman & Bander , P.A.

163Rivergate Plaza, Suite 200

167444 Brickell Avenue

170Miami, Florida 33131


174The issue presented for decision herein is whether or not Respondent,

185Gables Engineering, is required to obtain a surface water management permit for

197its property known as the G-Bar-E Ranch in Okeechobee County, Florida.


212This action commenced with the filing of an Administrative Complaint and

223Order by the South Florida Water Management District (District) wherein it

234sought to require that Gables Engineering Inc. (Gables or Respondent) obtain a

246surface water management permit for operation and maintenance of a surface water

258management system on a tract of land owned by Gables, the G-Bar-E Ranch.

271At the final hearing, Petitioner called as its witnesses Alvin Castro and

283Fredrick Davis. Petitioner's Exhibits 1-3 were received into evidence.

292Respondent called Donald Dillard as a witness. Respondent's Exhibits 1-4 were

303received into evidence.


309Upon consideration of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying and

320documentary evidence received, the following relevant facts are found:

3291. The South Florida Water Management District (District) is a public

340corporation of the State of Florida existing by virtue of Chapter 25270, Laws of

354Florida, 1949, and operating pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and

365Chapter 40E, Florida Administrative Code as a multipurpose water management

375district with its principal office in West Palm Beach, Florida.

3852. Cables Engineering, Inc., owns property known as the G- Bar-E Ranch

397which is located in Okeechobee County, Florida. The property is located at the

410confluence of Otter Creek and Taylor Creek. Otter Creek flows into Taylor Creek

423which flows offsite into Lake Okeechobee.

4293. On August 28, 1986, the District issued an Administrative Complaint and

441Order which ordered Gables to obtain a surface water management permit pursuant

453to Chapter 373, Part IV, Florida Statutes for the surface water management

465system on the G-Bar-E Ranch. Gables refused and requested an administrative

476hearing on the Complaint and Order.

4824. Don Dillard is a Vice President of Gables and has overall

494responsibility for operating the Ranch. He has been employed by Gables for nine

507years. Gables has in its employ a ranch manager who remains on site. Until

521recently, Gables operated the property as a cattle ranch. A portion of its herd

535was sold to a former ranch manager who also remains on site.

5475. Alvin Castro is a civil engineer employed by the District as an area

561engineer which includes the area of Okeechobee County. Mr. Castro conducted a

573site inspection on the G-Bar-E Ranch on January 6, 1987.

5836. The inspection documented that there are two pond systems on the

595subject property and eleven hydraulic connections from the subject property to

606Otter Creek and Taylor Creek.

6117. One pond system, identified as pond system No. 2, is located in the

625mid-western area of the ranch east of Taylor Creek. It consists of three main

639ponds which are interconnected in a chain with hydraulic control structures and

651outfall ditches. The ponds were at one time natural ponds but have been

664deepened and improved to provide a water source for cattle and to store and

678convey water. A water control structure is located at the western end of each

692of the three ponds. The structures are aligned and installed to convey water

705from the upstream ponds to the downstream ponds. The control structures are

717culvert riser type. A culvert is a man-made conduit that conveys water to a

731point and allows it to flow. A riser is a half-section of a culvert or pipe

747welded perpendicular to the outfall culvert. Its main function is to serve as a

761support structure for weirs or flashboards, which regulate the upstream stages

772in a ditch. It allows water, as its flows over the spillway or weir, to be

788collected and directed to the outfall pipe or culvert. Mr. Castro observed

800water flowing, at the time of inspection, through all three outfall ditches to

813the south and westward from the pond system to a hammock area. The ponds have

828been cleaned of vegetation and the culverts and risers have been maintained by


8428. One culvert riser structure conveys water from Pond 1 to Pond 2 which

856consist of a 96-inch riser and a 60-inch culvert, approximately 50 to 60 feet

870long. At the time of the inspection, water was being discharged through the

883control structure to an outfall ditch that connects Pond 1 to Pond 2. The

897outfall ditch is a man-made ditch.

9039. A second control structure connects Pond 2 to Pond 3 and

915interconnecting ditches consisting of a 96-inch ditch riser with a 60-inch

926culvert in place to hydraulically connect Ponds 2 and 3. The control structure

939allows water to flow underneath a private road to Pond 3. Mr. Castro observed

953water flowing from Pond 2 to Pond 3 at the time of his inspection. In the

969absence of the culvert, the pond system would run together as a large pond. The

984culverts alter the natural water storage capacity and drainage arrangement on

995the G-Bar-E Ranch.

99810. The third controlled structure is located on the southwest end of Pond

10113. It consists of a 96-inch riser on a 60-inch culvert and a sheet pile weir.

1027At the time of his inspection, Castro observed that there was flow of water from

1042the control structure and Pond 3 through the outfall ditch to a hammock wetland

1056area to the southwest. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3, photos 1-6).

106511. The other pond systems, identified as pond system 1, is located in the

1079northern portion of the property near the east bank of Taylor Creek. It

1092consists of three main ponds ranging in size of one to five acres. One pond is

1108connected to an outfall ditch to the southwest through a twenty-four inch

1120culvert which runs underneath an existing grass road. At the time of Mr.

1133Castro's inspection, it was conveying water from the pond westward into a

1145vegetated area. The other two ponds are connected to each other via a 12-inch

1159culvert underneath an existing grass road. The ditch is about three to five

1172feet wide. At the time of Mr. Castro's inspection, there was flow of water

1186between the two ponds. The downstream pond has an open connection (no control

1199structure) to a ditch, which ultimately discharges to Taylor Creek. At the time

1212of the inspection, water flow was observed (by Castro) in the ditch and was

1226being discharged from pond 6 to Taylor Creek. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3, photos

123811-14) The ditches in the pond system are prismatic; fairly uniform in cross

1251section top width, depth and bottom width, with a straight alignment which

1263indicates that they are man-made. The pond system is well-maintained by

1274Respondent and free of vegetation. (TR, 21).

128112. There are four ditch structural connections from the G- Bar-E Ranch to

1294Otter Creek. The easternmost structure consists of a 24-inch riser with a 15-

1307inch culvert. It serves to convey stormwater from an upstream ditch system on

1320the G-Bar-E property to Otter Creek and thereafter, offsite. There was flow to

1333the structure to Otter Creek at the time of Mr. Castro's inspection.

1345(Petitioner's Exhibit 3, photo 7). The second structure is located westward

1356from the first. It consists of a 20-inch riser and a 13-inch culvert.

1369(Petitioner's Exhibit 3, photo 8). The third structure is located westward from

1381the second. It consists of a 32-inch riser and a 16-inch culvert. Discharge of

1395water from the G-Bar-E property to Otter Creek through the third structure was

1408observed by Mr. Castro during his inspection. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3, photo

14199). The fourth structure is located westward from the third, consisting of a

143236-inch riser and a 24-inch culvert. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3, photo 10).

144313. There are several manmade hydraulic connections to Taylor Creek on the

1455G-Bar-E Ranch. On the eastbank of the Creek, the northernmost, identified as

1467Ditch A, is a straight channel. At the time of Mr. Castro's inspection, it was

1482discharging water from the G-Bar-E property to Taylor Creek by means of a 36-

1496inch riser and a 30-inch culvert. The discharge served to drain the G-Bar-E

1509property. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3, photos 15-16). The next ditch south is a

1521prismatic channel with a straight alignment and uniform cross section, connected

1532to Taylor Creek by a 46-inch riser and a 36-inch culvert. At the time of Mr.

1548Castro's inspection, it was discharging water from the G-Bar E property to

1560Taylor Creek. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3, photos 19-22). The headwaters of the

1571ditch is a hammock wetland area at its upstream reach. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3,

1584photos 19-22). The next ditch south is connected to Taylor Creek via a

1597hydraulic control structure consisting of a 42-inch riser and a 30-inch culvert.

1609The structure has at least one flashboard, which is a temporary barrier affixed

1622to the slots on the riser and used to hold and regulate upstream water levels

1637and to increase or decrease the storage capacity. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3,

1648photos 24-25) The ditch drains a hammock area in the interior of the G-Bar-E

1662property which lies to the northeast. It controls water from the upper end of

1676the G-Bar-E property.

167914. On the westbank of Taylor Creek, the northernmost connection is an

1691open connection to Taylor Creek. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2, sheet 1; Petitioner's

1702Exhibit 2, photo 17). South of that connection is another ditch with an open

1716connection to Taylor Creek. To the South is another open channel connection to

1729Taylor Creek which has a non-functional control structure at the downstream end.

1741(Petitioner's Exhibit 3, photo 23).

174615. The existing system of ponds and ditches on the G-Bar-E Ranch will

1759collect, convey and can regulate upstream storage and flow rates to Taylor Creek

1772and Otter Creek.

177516. In 1963 Gables conveyed to Okeechobee County a permanent easement

1786along Taylor Creek. The Taylor Creek easement runs through the G-Bar-E

1797property, roughly from the northeast corner to the southeasternmost corner. The

1808easement to Okeechobee County covers about 150 feet on each side of Taylor Creek

1822through the property. The purpose of the easement, as stated on the face of the

1837document, is for the construction necessary to improve the Taylor Creek channel

1849including widening, deepening, straightening, spoil placement and spoil

1857disposition, installation of drip and pipe drop spillways; for operation and

1868maintenance of the channel; and for the flowage of water through the channel,

1881spillways, and pipe drop spillways. The grantor (Gables) reserved the right to

1893use the easement land at any time, in any manner and for any purpose not

1908inconsistent with the full use and enjoyment thereof by Okeechobee County.

191917. A small portion of the ditches on the G-Bar-E Ranch which connect to

1933Taylor Creek and the control structures in those ditches lie within the area

1946covered by the easement granted to Okeechobee County (approximately 150 feet).

1957However, the major portion of the ditches all lie outside the easement granted

1970to Okeechobee County. (TR 63-64; Respondent's Exhibit 4). The ditches serve to

1982drain the G-Bar-E property into Taylor Creek and benefit the G-Bar-E Ranch

1994property. This use is consistent with and permitted by the county's easement.

2006The ditches and structures serve the purpose of draining the property and

2018facilitating the flow of water to Taylor Creek. Mr. Dillard testified that

2030Gables Engineering has not constructed, repaired or maintained any of the

2041ditches during his nine year tenure with the company. (TR 67). However, no

2054evidence was presented to indicate that the ditches or structures were

2065constructed by Okeechobee County pursuant to the easement or that they benefit

2077Okeechobee County rather than Respondent.

208218. In 1966 and 1967, Respondent granted to Okeechobee County a permanent

2094easement along Otter Creek and Bimeny canal, which run roughly from east to west

2108near the northern boundary of the property. The easement is for construction

2120necessary to improve Otter and Bimeny Creek including widening, deepening,

2130straightening, spoil placement and disposition, installation of drop and pipe

2140drop spillways; for operation and maintenance of the channel and the flow of

2153water to the channel, spillways and pipe drop spillways. Gables Engineering,

2164Inc. reserved the right to install pipe drop inlets, retain, impound and

2176regulate the flow of water into Otter Creek and Bimeny Canal lying within the

2190Grantor's land, provided they are installed in conformance with sound

2200engineering practice. Respondent reserved the right to use the easement

2210property at any time and for any purpose not inconsistent with its use by

2224Okeechobee County. (Respondent's Exhibit 2). Four control structures lie

2233within the easement area along Otter Creek and Bimeny Canal. A small portion of

2247the ditches from the G-Bar-E Ranch property leading to the control structure lie

2260within the easement area. There is no record evidence to establish that the

2273control structure, which facilitates the flow of water to Otter Creek and Bimeny

2286Canal, is maintained by Okeechobee County or in any way serve the purposes of

2300the easement to Okeechobee County. It is unclear who actually constructed the

2312structures. The structures serve to convey water from the G-Bar-E property to

2324Otter Creek. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3, photos 7 and 9). This appears consistent

2336with and expressly permitted by the easement granted to Okeechobee County.

234719. In 1964 Gables Engineering granted Okeechobee County a bridge and

2358access road easement which consists of an existing graded road forty feet in

2371width running from State Road 15 to the west boundary of Taylor Creek. The

2385easement is for purposes in conjunction with the construction, maintenance and

2396operation of an access road and bridge across Taylor Creek. The access road and

2410bridge across Taylor Creek do not presently exist. The road easement crosses

2422over a culvert between two of the ponds in pond system 2. However the pond

2437system itself, including the outfall structure and ditch at the western end of

2450the system, lie outside the easement. The easement also crosses a culvert in

2463pond system 1, but the remainder of the pond system lie outside the easement.

2477(TR 63-64).

247920. The ponds, control structures and ditches on the G-Bar- E Ranch serve

2492to drain the property internally and to Otter Creek and Taylor Creek. One pond

2506system drains water into a hammock area to the southwest. This system consist

2519of three ponds with control structures between each pond and an outfall ditch at

2533the southwestern end of the system. The other pond system drains water to

2546wetland areas and to Taylor Creek. It consists of three ponds, control

2558structures and outfall ditches to a wetland area and to a ditch leading to

2572Taylor Creek. While Respondent maintains that the culverts were installed for

2583the purpose of allowing vehicular access between the southern and northern areas

2595of the Ranch, the credible evidence reveals that the control structures primary

2607purpose is to drain the property and control the flow of water throughout the



262521. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

2635subject matter and the parties to this action. Section 120.57(1), Florida


264722. The parties were duly noticed pursuant to the notice provisions of

2659Chapter 120, Florida Statutes.

266323. The authority of the Petitioner is derived from Chapter 373, Florida

2675Statutes ; Rule Chapter 40E-1, Part VI, Florida Administrative Code and Rule

2686Chapter 40E-4 Florida Administrative Code.

269124. Section 373.416, Florida Statutes, authorizes the district to require

2701permits and impose such reasonable conditions, except for exemptions set forth

2712in Section 373.406, Florida Statutes, as are necessary to assure that the

2724operation or maintenance of a dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work, or

2735works will not be inconsistent with the overall objectives of the District and

2748will not be harmful to the water resources of the district.

275925. Rule 40E-4.041, Florida Administrative Code, provides in pertinent

2768part as follows:

2771(1) Unless expressly exempt by law

2777or District rule a surface water

2783management permit must be obtained

2788from the District prior to the

2794construction, alteration,

2796operation, or abandonment of any

2801dam, impoundment, reservoir,

2804appurtenant work or works.

280826. Section 373.403, Florida Statutes, provide the following pertinent


2818(1) "Dam" means any artificial or

2824natural barrier, with appurtenant

2828works, raised to obstruct or

2833Impound, or which does obstruct or

2839impound, any of the surface waters

2845of the state.

2848(2) "Appurtenant works " means any

2853artificial improvements to a dam

2858which might affect she safety of

2864such dam or, when employed, might

2870affect the holding capacity of such

2876dam or of the reservoir or

2882impoundment created by such dam.

2887(3) "Impoundment" means any lake,

2892reservoir, pond or other

2896containment of surface water

2900occupying a bed or depression in

2906the earth's surface and having a

2912discernible shoreline.

2914(4) "Reservoir" means any

2918artificial or natural holding area

2923which contains or will contain the

2929water impounded by a dam.

2934(5) "Works" means any artificial

2939structures, including, but not

2943limited to, ditches, canals,

2947conduits, channels, culverts,

2950pipes, and other construction that

2955connects to, draws water from,

2960drains water into, or is placed in

2967or across the waters in the state.

2974(6) "Closed System" means any

2979reservoir or works located entirely

2984within agricultural lands owned or

2989controlled by the user and which

2995requires water only for the

3000filling, replenishing, and

3003maintaining the water level


3008(8) "Maintenance" or "repairs"

3012means remedial work of a nature as

3019may affect the safety of any dam,

3026impoundment, reservoir, or

3029appurtenant work or works, but

3034excludes routine custodial


303827. Rule 40E-4.021, Florida Administrative Code, provide the following

3047pertinent definitions:

3049(1) "Surface water management

3053permit" means a letter of

3058conceptual approval, construction

3061permit or operation permit.

3065(4) "Operation permit" means a

3070surface water management permit

3074issued by the District authorizing

3079the operation and maintenance of a

3085surface water management system in

3090accordance with the terms and

3095conditions of the permit.

3099(5) "Surface water management

3103system" means the collection of

3108devices, improvements, or natural

3112systems whereby surface waters are

3117controlled, impounded , or

3120obstructed. The term includes

3124dams, impoundments, reservoirs,

3127appurtenant works and works as

3132defined in subsections 373.403(1)-

3136(5), Florida Statutes.

313928. Competent and substantial evidence was offered herein to establish

3149that G-Bar-E Ranch contains "impoundments" in the form of ponds which contain

3161surface waters and have a discernible shoreline within the purview of Section

3173373.416(3), Florida Statutes. The evidence also reveals that the G-Bar-E Ranch

3184contains "Works" in the form of ditches, conduits, culverts, and pipes that

3196connect to and drain water into the waters in this state within the purview of

3211Sections 373.416(5) and 373.019(8), Florida Statutes. The impoundments, ditches

3220and control structures function as a surface water management system and serve

3232to drain the property internally and to Otter Creek and Taylor Creek. As such,

3246it is concluded that Gables Engineering is required to obtain a permit to

3259operate and maintain the system as required by Section 373.416, Florida Statutes

3271and Rule 40E- 4.041, Florida Administrative Code.

327829. The easements conveyed by Gables Engineering to Okeechobee County

3288neither on their face nor as applied, exempt Gables Engineering from the

3300requirement to obtain a permit from the impoundment and works on the G-Bar-E

3313Ranch. None of the impoundments and only a small segment of the works are

3327actually located within the easements. Additionally, neither Section 373.406,

3336Florida Statutes nor Rule 40E-4.053, Florida Administrative Code exempt the

3346portion of impoundments and works which lie within the drainage easements from

3358the requirement to obtain a permit to operate. The impoundments, ditches, and

3370control structures on the G-Bar-E Ranch control water on the property and drain

3383water from the Ranch property to Taylor Creek, Otter Creek and Bimeny Canal. On

3397their face, the easements permit Gables Engineering to install and operate

3408surface water impoundments and works on the Ranch property. Therefore, Gables

3419Engineering is subject to the permitting requirements of Chapter 373, Part IV,

3431Florida Statutes.

343330. Gables Engineering is not exempt from obtaining a permit to operate as

3446an "agricultural closed system" pursuant to Section 373.406, Florida Statutes.

3456This is so since a "closed system" is defined by Section 373.403(8), Florida

3469Statutes, as any reservoir or works located entirely within agricultural lands

3480owned or controlled by the user and which requires water only for the filling,

3494replenishing, and maintaining the water level thereof."

350131. The courts have construed the closed system exemption narrowly

3511indicating the requirements that such a system must be located entirely within

3523the lands of the user and cannot exist where there is discharge into waters of

3538the state. See, Corporation of the President of the Church of Latter-Day Saints

3551v. St. Johns Water Management District, 489 So.2d 59 (Fla. 5th DCA 1986).

356432. The surface water management system on the G-Bar-E Ranch discharges

3575into Otter Creek and Taylor Creek, both waters of the state as defined by

3589Section 403.031(12), Florida Statutes, and ultimately flow into Lake Okeechobee.

3599In addition, several of the systems' ditches cross easements which belong to

3611Okeechobee County.

361333. The District interprets an agricultural closed system to be those

3624systems which do not discharge offsite. An agency's interpretation of a statute

3636it is charged with administering is entitled to great weight. Department of

3648Environmental Regulation v. Goldring, 477 So.2d 532 at 534 (Fla. 1985).

365934. Finally, the provisions of the Florida Water Resources Act are to be

3672liberally construed to effectuate their purpose. Section 373.616 and 373.6161,

3682Florida Statutes (1985). In so doing, persons claiming exemption under the

3693water resources Act must demonstrate fully, their entitlement thereto. For

3703these reasons, the Respondent, Gables Engineering, Inc., is not exempt from the

3715permitting requirements of Chapter 373, Part IV, Florida Statutes, as a closed

3727agriculture system.


3730Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is


3744That the Petitioner, South Florida Water Management District enter a Final

3755Order requiring Respondent, Gables Engineering, to file an application to obtain

3766a surface water management permit to operate works on the G Bar-E Ranch pursuant

3780to Chapter 373, Part IV, Florida Statutes and that an initial application be

3793submitted to obtain a surface water management permit within 30 days of the

3806entry of the Final Order in this case.

3814RECOMMENDED this 18th day of September, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida.



3828Hearing Officer

3830Division of Administrative Hearings

3834The Oakland Building

38372009 Apalachee Parkway

3840Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

3843(904) 488-9675

3845Filed with the Clerk of the

3851Division of Administrative Hearings

3855this 18th day of September, 1987.


3863Sarah Nall, Esquire

3866South Florida Water Management District

38713301 Gun Club Road

3875West Palm Beach, Florida 33402

3880Robert W. Stewart, Esquire

3884Corrigan , Zelman & Bander , P.A.

3889Rivergate Plaza, Suite 200

3893444 Brickell Avenue

3896Miami, Florida 33131

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/12/1987
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/12/1987
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/18/1987
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held , 2013). CASE CLOSED.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (8):

Related Florida Rule(s) (2):