88-004100 Murray Kramer Corporation vs. Department Of Revenue
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, June 26, 1989.

View Dockets  
Summary: Convoluted family businesses, trusts, and citrus investments combined with disagreement over account procedures resulted in affirmed assessment.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) CASE NO. 88-4100





32Respondent. )



37Upon due notice, this cause came on for formal hearing on February 13,

501989, in Tallahassee, Florida, before Ella Jane P. Davis, a duly assigned

62Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


71For Petitioner: Milton P. Weiss, C.P.A.

77as Qualified Representative of Petitioner

82686 Hampstead Avenue

85West Hampstead, New York 11552

90For Respondent: Jeffrey M. Dikman, Esquire

96Assistant Attorney General

99Tax Section

101Department of Legal Affairs

105The Capitol

107Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

110Sharon A. Zahner, Esquire

114Assistant General Counsel

117Department of Revenue

120Room 204, Carlton Building

124Post Office Box 6668

128Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668


135Is the Respondent's assessment for corporate income tax and interest for

146the tax years ending 12/31/78, 12/31/79, and 12/31/80 appropriate, and may it be

159properly imposed upon Petitioner?


165At the commencement of formal hearing, Milton P. Weiss, C.P.A., was

176examined and determined on the record to be both authorized and qualified to

189represent Petitioner, pursuant to Rule 22I-6.008, F.A.C. To this end, one

200exhibit was admitted as HO-A.

205Official recognition was taken of certain statutes and rules and a number

217of motions were disposed of upon the record and need not be revisited here.

231Respondent presented the oral testimony of Frank J. Siska and had admitted

243in evidence Exhibits R-1, R-2A, R-2B, R-3, R-4, R-5, and R-7. There was no R-6.

258Petitioner presented the oral testimony of Milton P. Weiss and had admitted

270Exhibits P-1, P-2, P-3, P-9, and P-10. Exhibits P-6, P-7, and P-8 were not

284admitted in evidence.

287A transcript was filed, and all timely-filed proposed findings of fact have

299been ruled upon in the Appendix to this Recommended Order, pursuant to Section

312120.59(2), F.S.


3171. The instant dispute between the parties arose out of how the

329substantial business interests of Petitioner Murray Kramer Corp. are to be

340defined and by what accounting method its corporate income tax assessments are

352to be made. Milton P. Weiss, C.P.A., is Petitioner's accountant and qualified

364representative for purposes of this proceeding. He is neither an internal

375bookkeeper for the corporation nor a corporate officer thereof.

3842. At all times material, Petitioner was conducting business, deriving

394income, or existing within the State of Florida, pursuant to Chapter 220, F.S.

4073. Petitioner invests primarily through partnerships. Among Petitioner's

415holdings and investments is ownership of an orange grove in the State of Florida

429from which it derived income by way of the sales of citrus fruit grown in

444Florida during the taxable years at issue: 1978, 1979, and 1980. The orange

457grove constitutes real and tangible property in Florida for purposes of

468Florida's corporate income tax.

4724. Petitioner has consistently filed Florida corporate income tax returns

482on a "separate accounting" basis since the inception of Florida's Corporate

493Income Tax Law on January 1, 1972. Petitioner used this method for the years at

508issue: 1978, 1979, and 1980. It did so without petitioning the Respondent

520Department of Revenue for permission at or before the filing of the returns to

534use the "separate accounting" method to determine the Florida tax base.

545Accordingly, Petitioner did not receive prior written permission from the

555Department to use the "separate accounting" method for those years, and the

567Department did not require that the Petitioner use the "separate accounting"

578method in those years. Nonetheless, Petitioner asserts that its pattern of

589using the "separate accounting" method for six years put the Department on

601sufficient notice that the corporate taxpayer would continue to use that method

613indefinitely and further asserts that it was therefore entitled to use such a

"626separate accounting" method on the basis of its prior consistent usage.

6375. Petitioner's Florida corporate returns declare investment income from

646dividends, interest, gains from securities, partnership income, and income from

656its orange grove located in Florida. In each of the disputed tax years,

669Petitioner entered its federal taxable income on Line 1 of the Florida

681Corporation Income Tax Return, FORM F-1120. This amount is not at issue and is

695accepted as a "given" by both parties.

7026. However, in each of the disputed tax years, Petitioner did not complete

715the apportionment schedule on Page 3 of the respective returns. Instead of

727using the apportionment method, Petitioner computed what it characterized as

"737Florida Profit" or "Florida Income" on a schedule it attached, based totally on

750the profits it derived from the Florida orange grove and then inserted that

763amount on Line 6, Florida Portion of Adjusted Federal Income, of the

"775Computation of Florida Tax Liability" on the Florida return. This entry did

787not relate computationally to the amount of federal taxable income reported

798federally on Line 1.

8027. All gross receipts from the sale of citrus fruit by Petitioner were

815derived from sales made to Zellwood Fruit Distributors. This dollar amount is

827also undisputed. Petitioner received payment from its Florida orange grove

837operation in the form of checks drawn by Zellwood.

8468. Approximately June 20, 1983, Respondent Department of Revenue made an

857initial audit of Petitioner's books and records for the taxable years in

869question. Respondent's auditor assigned at that time had full and free access

881to Petitioner's books and records. He and his supervisor memorialized their

892view that the "separate accounting" method employed by Petitioner was proper,

903but this judgment call (by the auditor on June 29, 1983 and by his supervisor on

919July 1, 1983) was in the nature of free-form agency action and was neither

933accepted nor formalized by their superiors within the agency who ultimately

944determined that the Petitioner should have employed the "apportionment" method

954and that the burden was upon the Petitioner even under the apportionment method

967to establish that one hundred percent of its income was not derived in Florida.

9819. The Respondent Department therefore determined the tax owed by

991Petitioner upon the basis of 100% of Petitioner's income as opposed to the

1004yearly percentages that Petitioner had unilaterally assigned to its orange

1014grove, and issued its Revised Notice of Intent to Make Corporate Income Tax

1027Audit Changes on November 7, 1983.

103310. Florida's apportionment formula is a three-factor function which takes

1043selected business activities of the taxpayer and computes the portion of that

1055activity attributable to Florida, divided by that activity everywhere. A

1065composite of the subtotal of those three measures (payroll, sales, and property)

1077of business activity are used to compute Florida's share of the "everywhere"

1089base that would be available under the adjusted federal taxable income base.

1101See, Section 214.71(1), F.S.

110511. The Department calculated the tax using the three statutorily

1115recognized apportionment factors of payroll, sales, and property. Concerning

1124the first apportionment factor, payroll, Petitioner had federally reported no

1134amount of payroll, and therefore this factor was determined by the Department to

1147be zero, and pursuant to Section 220.15, F.S., the payroll factor was eliminated

1160and the other two factors were used exclusively. Concerning the sales factor,

1172all gross receipts of the orange grove were considered to be derived within the

1186State of Florida, and all gross income attributable to intangible personal

1197property was excluded from the sales factor, pursuant to Section 220.15(1), F.S.

1209Concerning the property factor, the Department determined that all real and

1220tangible personal property was within the State of Florida. The situs of the

1233intangible property was not established by the taxpayer. Therefore, because

1243Section 214.71, F.S. limits the construction of the property factor to include

1255only "real and tangible personal property," it was thus determined to exclude

1267intangible property.

126912. The Respondent Department of Revenue issued its Notice of Proposed

1280Assessment on November 16, 1983, showing a balance of $10,596.00 ($7308.00 tax,

1293$275.00 penalty, and $3,013.00 interest computed through October 31, 1983, plus

1305notice of daily interest of $2.40 per day from November 1, 1983 until paid.)

131913. Petitioner timely availed itself of informal protest procedures, and

1329the Department issued its Notice of Decision on March 15, 1985. By its June 21,

13441988 Notice of Reconsideration, the Department concluded its informal

1353proceedings and denied Petitioner's assertion of the right to use a "separate

1365accounting" method and further denied Petitioner's challenge to the Department's

1375assessment by the "apportionment" method, which in this instance had not made

1387any apportionment for "outside Florida" activities.

139314. The situs of intangible personal property was not sufficiently

1403demonstrated by the Petitioner at formal hearing. The Petitioner also did not

1415establish that it owns real or tangible personal property outside Florida.

142615. Zellwood Fruit Distributors provided Petitioner Murray Kramer with

1435letters attesting that, based upon information received from Winter Gardens

1445Citrus Products Cooperative, Winter Gardens' sales percentages in the State of

1456Florida were as follows:

14601979 1980

146218.60% 21.07%

1464Zellwood provided no such figures to Petitioner for the year 1978. Petitioner

1476contends, on the basis of the after the fact Zellwood letters, that Zellwood was

1490a member of Winter Gardens, a cooperative, and Murray Kramer was an associate

1503grower of Zellwood. At formal hearing, no one from Zellwood or Winter Gardens

1516testified; no contract between Petitioner Murray Kramer and either Zellwood or

1527Winter Gardens was introduced to prove agency; no bills of lading, sales slips,

1540corporate documents, or other connective link among the three entities was

1551offered in evidence; nor was any primary, direct, non-hearsay evidence of sales

1563amounts or situs of Winter Gardens' sales offered by Petitioner.

157316. Milton Weiss, Petitioner's accountant, asserted that if a straight

"1583apportionment" (not "separate accounting") calculation had been made for the

1594income derived in Florida by Petitioner, percentages would be:

16031978 1979 1980

160624.03% 15.31% 15.01%

1609These percentages rely in part on what are clearly the out-of-court statements

1621of Zellwood's correspondent, relaying further out-of-court statements from

1629Winter Gardens Citrus. (See the immediately preceding Finding of Fact).

1639Neither of these out-of-court hearsay statements is such as may be used to

1652supplement or explain direct evidence, since no direct, primary source evidence

1663of these sales or income has been presented before the undersigned in this de

1677novo proceeding. See, Section 120.58(1), F.S.

168317. Petitioner has not directly paid wages during the tax years at issue.

169618. Petitioner has not produced any federal partnership tax returns nor

1707other persuasive proof to account for the return on its investments through

1719partnership channels.

172119. During the tax years at issue, Petitioner was not a member of a

1735Florida cooperative, as that term, "cooperative," is used in Section

1745214.71(3)(a)2, F.S. (See Finding of Fact 15).

175220. Petitioner was unable, by evidence of a type commonly relied upon by

1765reasonably prudent persons in the conduct of their affairs, to establish that

1777all amounts other than the percentages of gross income Petitioner had assigned

1789by either of the alternative accounting methods was generated outside of the

1801State of Florida. In so finding, the undersigned specifically rejects

1811Petitioner's assertion that the initial audit report of June 1983 could, by

1823itself alone, legally or factually establish that only the orange grove income

1835was Florida income, that Petitioner's Florida income was solely from the orange

1847grove, that the interest, dividends, and gains on securities sales were not

1859derived in Florida, that the Petitioner taxpayer received rent income from

1870partnerships, that the partnership real estate which gave rise to the rent

1882income was 100% outside Florida, or that the Respondent's initial audit

"1893verified" the figures needed to compute the sales factor, the figures for the

1906property factor, and the figures for the payroll factor of the "apportionment"

1918method for the following reasons: In addition to the first auditor's report

1930being free-form agency action which was ultimately rejected by the agency, and

1942in addition to the failure of either the first auditor or his supervisor to

1956testify in the instant Section 120.57(1) de novo proceeding as to the accuracy

1969of the underlying primary documentation which Petitioner Murray Kramer claimed

1979the first auditor had apparently reviewed, Petitioner did not offer in evidence

1991at formal hearing any such direct evidence documentation which it claimed had

2003been reviewed by the auditors. Further, Respondent's successive auditor, Mr.

2013Siska, testified that it is auditor practice to only examine those books and

2026records individual auditors believe to be necessary to complete the audit. This

2038discretionary element eliminates any guarantee of what the initial auditor

2048relied upon.

205021. For the same reasons, Petitioner's assertion that the Internal Revenue

2061Service (IRS) audit of its books and records for the year 1979 "verifies" that

2075the Petitioner's books and records accurately reflect the transactions that took

2086place, is rejected. Petitioner Murray Kramer had admitted a letter (P-10)

2097notifying the corporation that the IRS' "examination of ... tax returns for the

2110above periods shows no change as required in the tax reported. The returns are

2124accepted as filed." The tax period indicated on this exhibit is "7912", which

2137is not helpful, and even if it means, as Mr. Weiss testified, that the 1979

2152federal tax return which is part of the Florida Corporate Tax Return is accurate

2166under federal law, this IRS letter alone does not verify all the underlying

2179documentation for all three years in question.

218622. Also, specifically with regard to investments made through other

2196entities, Mr. Weiss' testimony suggests that the wages paid and partnership

2207returns of these other entities never were in the possession of, nor accessible

2220by, this Petitioner.

222323. Petitioner's reliance on its federal returns is apparently based, in

2234part, at least, upon its assertion that it is a "financial institution" as

2247defined in Sections 214.71(3)(b) and 220.15(2), F.S., but the presentation

2257quality of evidence in this case does not permit of such a finding, either.

227124. Petitioner has paid no portion of the assessed taxes.


228425. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

2294parties and subject matter of this cause. See, Section 120.57(1), F.S.

230526. The initial order of proof approved in this type of assessment

2317proceeding is for the Department of Revenue to establish that the agency was

2330appropriately and procedurally correct in the assessment. At that point, the

2341order and burden of proof shifts to the Petitioner to establish the

2353inaccurateness of the agency's assessment with regard to the liability for, and

2365amount of tax, interest, and penalties claimed. See, Section 214.06, F.S.

237627. The Respondent agency met its initial prima facie burden of proof.

2388Petitioner failed to demonstrate that the assessment was in error.

239828. Petitioner Murray Kramer first contended that the assessment was in

2409error because Petitioner is entitled to use a "separate accounting" procedure

2420pursuant to Section 214.73(1), F.S., which separate accounting method it had

2431employed from 1972 to 1978 (six consecutive years) without requesting prior

2442approval to do so from the Respondent Department of Revenue. Petitioner's

2453argument in support of this proposition is somewhere between asserting that the

2465agency was "on notice" since the agency had accepted this method for six years

2479before denying it in 1978, 1979, and 1980, and "estoppel" for the same reason.

2493The Respondent agency contends that prior written agency approval of the use of

2506such a method must be sought and obtained by the taxpayer, pursuant to Section

2520214.73, F.S. That statute provides, in pertinent part, as follows:

2530If the apportionment methods of ss. 214.71

2537and 214.72 do not fairly represent the extent

2545of a taxpayer's tax base attributable to this

2553state, the taxpayer may petition for, or the

2561department may require, in respect to all or

2569any part of the taxpayer's tax base, if


2578(1) Separate accounting;

2581Petitioner Murray Kramer admittedly did not get such formal approval prior to

2593filing the returns in question, but Respondent has failed to show that the

2606statute clearly mandates Respondent's reading that prior written agency approval

2616is required. On the other hand, the Petitioner has not demonstrated any case

2629law to support its position re: "notice equals estoppel and/or approval."

264029. Assuming, but not ruling, that an estoppel theory of some kind would

2653permit Petitioner to continue to file its returns using the "separate

2664accounting" method, the Respondent Department was nonetheless entitled at any

2674time within the specified statutory period, to return and audit the Petitioner's

2686corporate returns so as to determine their accuracy and appropriateness.

269630. In this instant situation, before the audit was finally approved, the

2708Department of Revenue considered the opinion in Roger Dean Enterprises, Inc. v.

2720Florida Department of Revenue, 387 So.2d 358 (Fla. 1980), which created a very

2733strong presumption in favor of the apportionment method of accounting, and the

2745Department then conducted its assessment on that basis. The pertinent

2755directions in Roger Dean are as follows:

2762There is a very strong presumption in favor

2770of normal 3-factor apportionment and against

2776the applicability of the relief provisions.

2782See Donald M. Drake Co. v. Department of

2790Revenue, 263 Or. 26, 500 P.2d 1041 (1972).

2798The relief provision should be used where the

2806statute reaches arbitrary or unreasonable

2811results so that its application could be

2818attacked successfully on constitutional


2823Section 214.73, Florida Statutes (1973),

2828gives the Department of Revenue discretion to

2835alter the apportionment formula in very rare

2842instances, but does not vest any discretion

2849in the Department to modify federal taxable


285731. Petitioner did not establish any rare circumstances to warrant

2867acceptance of the separate accounting procedure over the regular three-factor

2877apportionment method provided in Section 214.71(1), F.S. See, also, Section

2887220.53, F.S.

288932. Petitioner did not present the necessary underlying documentation to

2899support its "separate accounting" figures.

290433. Petitioner alternatively and ultimately suggested that the three-

2913factor apportionment formula should have different numbers plugged into it than

2924the Department of Revenue had used. The thrust of Petitioner's presentation at

2936formal hearing was in this direction and this alternative position also failed

2948upon a lack of credible supporting evidence. It appears that all of such full

2962documentation was never in the possession of Petitioner, so the agency also is

2975not estopped by its considerable delay (5 years) during the informal resolution


298834. Most commonly, a corporation uses its own property, payroll, and sales

3000to calculate apportionment between in-Florida and out-of-state activities.

3008Murray Kramer argued that certain amounts allegedly paid to employees of certain

3020limited partnerships (by the limited partnerships) should be included in the

3031payroll factor of its apportionment formula. Murray Kramer asserts that it is a

3044limited partner of these limited partnerships and that its distributive share of

3056the partnership's factors should be included in its apportionment. The

3066Department denied this assertion because the federal partnership tax returns

3076were not produced and the requisite federally determined amounts were not

3087presented so as to perfect Murray Kramer's opportunity to obtain factor

3098adjustments based upon its alleged interests in partnerships.

310635. However, 12C-1.022(2), F.A.C. provides:

3111Every Florida partnership having any partner

3117subject to the Florida Corporate Income Tax

3124Code is required to make an information


3132(b) The corporate taxpayer-partner filing

3137Form F-1120, Florida Corporation Income Tax

3143Return, may use FORM 1065 to report its

3151distributive share of partnership income and

3157its share of the apportionment factors of a

3165partnership with joint venture which is not a

3173Florida partnership.

3175Example: Corporation W is subject to the

3182Florida Income Tax Code and is also a partner

3191in partnership UVW, an Ohio partnership, that

3198does no business in Florida and is not

3206required to file a Florida Partnership

3212Information Return. However, W may use FORM

3219F-1065, Florida Partnership Information

3223Return, to report its share of the

3230partnership income adjustments and the

3235partnership apportionment factors for

3239partnership UVW.

324136. At formal hearing, Petitioner did not offer in evidence federal

3252partnership returns from its partners, or even self-serving Florida 1065's based

3263on such federal returns, and has instead relied on figures computed from

3275inadmissible or not credible hearsay sources.

328137. "Financial organizations" may claim the right, pursuant to Section

3291214.71(3)(b)2, F.S., to use the gross profits (interest and dividends) arising

3302from ownership of stocks, bonds, or other securities as part of the sales

3315factor, but herein, there is insufficient credible direct evidence to pronounce

3326Petitioner a "financial organization" or to establish that its stocks, bonds,

3337and securities have a business situs outside of Florida. Although the initial

3349auditors may have, as Petitioner's sole witness asserted, examined books and

3360records including bank statements and broker statements which could have

3370established that the interest, dividends, and gains on securities sales and

3381rental income were from partnerships outside of Florida, these primary sources

3392were not introduced at formal hearing, which is a de novo hearing, and therefore

3406these were not before the undersigned.

341238. Section 220.15(1), F.S. excludes interest and dividends from the sales

3423factor to be used by sellers of tangible personal property, i.e., citrus fruit.

3436Rule 12C-1.015(4)(d)6, F.A.C. excludes income arising from the sales factor

3446unless geographic situs is established. It was not.

345439. Section 214.71(3)(a)2, F.S. permits use of an alternative sales factor

3465only when citrus fruit is delivered by a cooperative for a grower member, by a

3480grower member to a cooperative, or by a grower-participant to a Florida

3492processor. Petitioner sold all its orange grove produce to Zellwood which was

3504not established to be a cooperative, and Petitioner admittedly was not a

3516cooperative itself. Without an agency agreement or something more than the

3527unsupported hearsay statements in Zellwood's letters, Petitioner cannot qualify

3536for this calculation credit/formula. Moreover, Section 214.71(3)(a), F.S.

3544(1980) was not available for Petitioner's 1978 calendar year tax return.


3556Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is

3569RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a Final Order which

3580dismisses the Petition and affirms the assessment.

3587DONE and ORDERED this 26th day of June, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County,




3606Hearing Officer

3608Division of Administrative Hearings

3612The DeSoto Building

36151230 Apalachee Parkway

3618Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

3621(904) 488-9675

3623Filed with the Clerk of the

3629Division of Administrative Hearings

3633this 26th day of June, 1989.


3646The following constitute rulings, pursuant to Section 120.59(2), F.S. upon

3656the parties' respective proposed findings of fact (PFOF).

3664Petitioner's PFOF:

36661, 6. Accepted.

36692, 9, 10, 11, 17, 19. Rejected for the reasons set out in the Recommended


36853, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16. Accepted but not dispositive of any material issue

3700for the reasons set forth in the Recommended Order. With regard to item 8,

3714specifically, this determination is non-binding in the de novo proceeding.

37244. Rejected upon the citation given as not proved or applicable as stated.

373713. Accepted in part and rejected in part as not proved or applicable as

3751stated. See Conclusions of Law 11-12.

375715, 18. Rejected as out of context and misleading upon the record as a

3771whole, and as not dispositive of any material issue, and as subordinate and

3784unnecessary to the facts as found.

3790Respondent's PFOF:

37921, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18. Accepted.

38084, 5. Accepted in part; what is not adopted is subordinate or unnecessary

3821to the facts as found.

382617. Accepted, but by itself is not dispositive of any material issue at

3839bar, for the reasons set out in the Recommended Order.


3851Milton P. Weiss, C.P.A.

3855686 Hampstead Avenue

3858West Hampstead, New York 11552

3863Jeffrey M. Dikman, Esquire

3867Assistant Attorney General

3870Tax Section

3872Department of Legal Affairs

3876The Capitol

3878Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

3881Sharon A. Zahner, Esquire

3885Assistant General Counsel

3888Department of Revenue

3891Room 204, Carlton Building

3895Post Office Box 6668

3899Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668

3902William D. Townsend, Esquire

3906General Counsel

3908203 Carlton Building

3911Tallahassee, Florida 32399

3914Katie D. Tucker, Executive Director

3919Department of Revenue

3922102 Carlton Building

3925Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

3928Milton P. Weiss, C.P.A.

39323091 North Course Drive

3936Pompano Beach, Florida 33069









3956vs. CASE NO. 88-4100






3970Upon due notice, this cause came on for formal hearing on February 13,

39831989, in Tallahassee, Florida, before Ella Jane P. Davis, a duly assigned

3995Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


4004For Petitioner: Milton P. Weiss, C.P.A.

4010as Qualified Representative of


4015686 Hampstead Avenue

4018West Hampstead, New York 11552

4023For Respondent: Jeffrey M. Dikman, Esquire

4029Assistant Attorney General

4032Tax Section

4034Department of Legal Affairs

4038The Capitol

4040Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

4043Sharon A. Zahner, Esquire

4047Assistant General Counsel

4050Department of Revenue

4053Room 204, Carlton Building

4057Post Office Box 6668

4061Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668

4064Hearing Officer Davis subsequently entered a recommended Order on June 26,

40751989. On July 21, 1989, the Attorney General, on behalf of the Department of

4089Revenue, timely filed an exception to one conclusion of law contained within the

4102recommended Order but did not take exception to the findings of fact contained

4115within the Recommended Order. The exception taken by the Department was merely

4127for purposes of clarification, was consistent with the conclusions of law

4138rendered by the Hearing Officer, and is hereby adopted. With this one change

4151the Recommended Order is adopted verbatim.


4161Is the Respondent's assessment for corporate income tax and interest for

4172the tax years ending 12/31/78, 12/31/79, and 12/31/80 appropriate, and may it be

4185properly imposed upon Petitioner?


4191At the commencement of formal hearing, Milton P. Weiss, C.P.A., was

4202examined and determined on the record to be both authorized and qualified to

4215represent Petitioner, pursuant to Rule 22I-6.008, F.A.C. To this end, one

4226exhibit was admitted as HO-A.

4231Official recognition was taken of certain statutes and rules and a number

4243of motions were disposed of upon the record and need not be revisited here.

4257Respondent presented the oral testimony of Frank J. Siska and had admitted

4269in evidence Exhibits R-1, R-2A, R-2B, R-3, R-4, R-5, and R-7. There was no R-6.

4284Petitioner presented the oral testimony of Milton P. Weiss and had admitted

4296Exhibits P-1, P-2, P-3, P-9, and P-10. Exhibits P-6, P-7, and P-8 were not

4310admitted in evidence.

4313A transcript was filed, and all timely-filed proposed findings of fact have

4325been ruled upon in the Appendix to this Respondent's Proposed Substituted Order,

4337pursuant to Section 120.59(2), F.S.


43451. The instant dispute between the parties arose out of how the

4357substantial business interests of Petitioner Murray Kramer Corp. are to be

4368defined and by what accounting method its corporate income tax assessments are

4380to be made. Milton P. Weiss, C.P.A., is Petitioner's accountant and qualified

4392representative for purposes of this proceeding. He is neither an internal

4403bookkeeper for the corporation nor a corporate officer thereof.

44122. At all times material, Petitioner was conducting business, deriving

4422income, or existing within the State of Florida, pursuant to Chapter 220, F.S.

44353. Petitioner invests primarily through partnerships. Among Petitioner's

4443holdings and investments is ownership of an orange grove in the State of Florida

4457from which it derived income by way of the sales of citrus fruit grown in

4472Florida during the taxable years at issue: 1978, 1979, and 1980. The orange

4485grove constitutes real and tangible property in Florida for purposes of

4496Florida's corporate income tax.

45004. Petitioner has consistently filed Florida corporate income tax returns

4510on a "separate accounting" basis since the inception of Florida's Corporate

4521Income Tax Law on January 1, 1972. Petitioner used this method for the years at

4536issue: 1978, 1979, and 1980. It did so without petitioning the Respondent

4548Department of Revenue for permission at or before the filing of the returns to

4562use the "separate accounting" method to determine the Florida tax base.

4573Accordingly, Petitioner did not receive prior written permission from the

4583Department to use the "separate accounting" method for those years, and the

4595Department did not require that the Petitioner use the "separate accounting"

4606method in those years. Nonetheless, Petitioner asserts that its pattern of

4617using the "separate accounting" method for six years put the Department on

4629sufficient notice that the corporate taxpayer would continue to use that method

4641indefinitely and further asserts that it was therefore entitled to use such a

"4654separate accounting" method on the basis of its prior consistent usage.

46655. Petitioner's Florida corporate returns declare investment income from

4674dividends, interest, gains from securities, partnership income, and income from

4684its orange grove located in Florida. In each of the disputed tax years,

4697Petitioner entered its federal taxable income on Line 1 of the Florida

4709Corporation Income Tax Return, FORM F-1120. This amount is not at issue and is

4723accepted as a "given" by both parties.

47306. However, in each of the disputed tax years, Petitioner did not complete

4743the apportionment schedule on Page 3 of the respective returns. Instead of

4755using the apportionment method, Petitioner computed what it characterized as

"4765Florida Profit" or "Florida Income" on a schedule it attached, based totally on

4778the profits it derived from the Florida orange' grove and then inserted that

4791amount on Line 6, Florida Portion of Adjusted Federal Income, of the

"4803Computation of Florida Tax Liability" on the Florida return. This entry did

4815not relate computationally to the amount of federal taxable income reported

4826federally on Line 1.

48307. All gross receipts from the sale of citrus fruit by Petitioner were

4843derived from sales made to Zellwood Fruit Distributors. This dollar amount is

4855also undisputed. Petitioner received payment from its Florida orange grove

4865operation in the form of checks drawn by Zellwood.

48748. Approximately June 20, 1983, Respondent Department of Revenue made an

4885initial audit of Petitioner's books and records for the taxable years in

4897question. Respondent's auditor assigned at that time had full and free access

4909to Petitioner's books and records. He and his supervisor memorialized their

4920view that the "separate accounting" method employed by Petitioner was proper,

4931but his judgment call (by the auditor on June 29, 1983 and by his supervisor on

4947July 1, 1983) was in the nature of free-form agency action and was neither

4961accepted nor formalized by their superiors within the agency who -ultimately

4972determined that the Petitioner should have employed the "apportionment" method

4982and that the burden was upon the Petitioner even under the apportionment method

4995to establish that one hundred percent of its income was not derived in Florida.

50099. The Respondent Department therefore determined the tax owed by

5019Petitioner upon the basis of 100% of Petitioner's income as opposed to the

5032yearly percentages that Petitioner had unilaterally assigned to its orange

5042grove, and issued its Revised Notice of Intent to Make Corporate Income Tax

5055Audit Changes on Novemeber 7, 1983.

506110. Florida's apportionment formula is a three-factor function which takes

5071selected business activities of the taxpayer and computes the portion of that

5083activity attributable to Florida, divided by that activity everywhere. A

5093composite of the subtotal of those three measures (payroll, sales, and property)

5105of business activity are used to compute Florida's share of the "everywhere"

5117base that would be available under the adjusted federal taxable income base.

5129See, Section 214.71(1), F.S.

513311. The Department calculated the tax using the three statutorily

5143recognized apportionment factors of payroll, sales, and property. Concerning

5152the first apportionment factor, payroll, Petitioner had federally reported no

5162amount of payroll, and therefore this factor was determined by the Department to

5175be -zero, and pursuant to Section 220.15, F.S., the payroll factor was

5187eliminated and the other two factors were used exclusively. Concerning the

5198sales factor, all gross receipts of the orange grove were considered to be

5211derived within the State of Florida, and all gross income attributable to

5223intangible personal property was excluded from the sales factor, pursuant to

5234Section 220.15(1), F.S. Concerning the property factor, the Department

5243determined that all real and tangible personal property was within the State of

5256Florida. The situs of the intangible property was not established by the

5268taxpayer. Therefore, because Section 214.71, F.S. limits the construction of

5278the property factor to include only "real and tangible personal property," it

5290was thus determined to exclude intangible property.

529712. The Respondent Department of Revenue issued its Notice of Proposed

5308Assessment on November 16, 1983, showing a balance of $10,596.00 ($7308.00 tax,

5321$275.00 penalty, and $3,013.00 interest computed through October 31, 1983, plus

5333notice of daily interest of $2.40 per day from November 1, 1983 until paid.)

534713. Petitioner timely availed itself of informal protest procedures, and

5357the Department issued its Notice of Decision on March 15, 1985. By its June 21,

53721988 Notice of Reconsideration, the Department concluded its informal

5381proceedings and denied Petitioner's assertion of the right to use a "separate

5393accounting" method and further denied Petitioner's challenge to the Department's

5403assessment by the apportionment" method, which in this instance had not made any

5416apportionment for "outside Florida" activities.

542114. The situs of intangible personal property was not sufficiently

5431demonstrated by the Petitioner at formal hearing. The Petitioner also did not

5443establish that it owns real or tangible personal property outside Florida.

545415. Zellwood Fruit Distributors provided Petitioner Murray Kramer with

5463letters attesting that, based upon information received from Winter Gardens

5473Citrus Products Cooperative, Winter Gardens' sales percentages in the State of

5484Florida were as follows:

54881979 1980

549018.60% 21.07%

5492Zellwood provided no such figures to Petitioner for the year 1978. Petitioner

5504contends, on the basis of the after the fact Zellwood letters, that Zellwood was

5518a member of Winter Gardens, a cooperative, and Murray Kramer was an associate

5531grower of Zellwood. At formal hearing, no one from Zellwood or Winter Gardens

5544testified; no contract between Petitioner Murray Kramer and either Zellwood or

5555Winter Gardens was introduced to prove agency; no bills of lading, sales slips,

5568corporate documents, or other connective link among the three entities was

5579offered in evidence; nor was any primary, direct, non-hearsay evidence of sales

5591amounts or situs of Winter Gardens' sales offered by Petitioner.

560116. Milton Weiss, Petitioner's accountant, asserted that if a straight

"5611apportionment" (not "separate accounting") calculation had been made for the

5622income derived in Florida by Petitioner, percentages would be:

56311978 1979 1980

563424.03% 15.31% 15.01%

5637These percentages rely in part on what are clearly the out-of-court statements

5649of Zellwood's correspondent, relaying further out-of-court statements from

5657Winter Gardens Citrus. (See the immediately preceding Finding of Fact). Neither

5668of these out-of-court hearsay statements is such as may be used to supplement or

5682explain direct evidence, since no direct, primary source evidence of these sales

5694or income has been presented before the undersigned in this de novo proceeding.

5707See, Section 120.58(1), F.S.

571117. Petitioner has not directly paid wages during the tax years at issue.

572418. Petitioner has not produced any federal partnership tax returns nor

5735other persuasive proof to account for the return on its investments through

5747partnership channels.

574919. During the tax years at issue, Petitioner was not a member of a

5763Florida cooperative, as that term, "cooperative," is used in Section

5773214.71(3)(a)2, F.S. (See Finding of Fact 15).

578020. Petitioner was unable, by evidence of a type commonly relied upon by

5793reasonably prudent persons in the conduct of their affairs, to establish that

5805all amounts other than the percentages of gross income Petitioner had assigned

5817by either of the alternative accounting methods was generated outside of the

5829State of Florida. In so finding, the undersigned specifically rejects

5839Petitioner's assertion that the initial audit report of June 1983 could, by

5851itself alone, legally or factually establish that only the orange grove income

5863was Florida income, that Petitioner's Florida income was solely from the orange

5875grove, that the interest, dividends, and gains on securities sales were not

5887derived in Florida, that the Petitioner taxpayer received rent income from

5898partnerships, that the partnership real estate which gave rise to the rent

5910income was 100% outside Florida, or that the Respondent's initial audit

"5921verified" the figures needed to compute the sales factor, the figures for the

5934property factor, and the figures for the payroll factor of the "apportionment"

5946method for the following reasons: In addition to the first auditor's report

5958being free-form agency action which was ultimately rejected by the agency, and

5970in addition to the failure of either the first auditor or his supervisor to

5984testify in the instant Section 120.57(1) de novo proceeding as to the accuracy

5997of the underlying primary documentation which Petitioner Murray Kramer claimed

6007the first auditor had apparently reviewed, Petitioner did not offer in evidence

6019at formal hearing of any such direct evidence documentation which it claimed had

6032been reviewed by the auditors. Further, Respondent's successive auditor, Mr.

6042Siska, testified that it is auditor practice to only examine those books and

6055records individual auditors believe to be necessary to complete the audit. This

6067discretionary element eliminates any guarantee of what the initial auditor

6077relied upon.

607921. For the same reasons, Petitioner's assertion that the Internal Revenue

6090Service (IRS) audit of its books and records for the year 1979 "verifies" that

6104the Petitioner's books and records accurately reflect the transactions that took

6115place, is rejected. Petitioner Murray Kramer had admitted a letter (P-10)

6126notifying the corporation that the IRS' "examination of ... tax returns for the

6139above periods shows no change as required in the tax reported. The returns are

6153accepted as filed." The tax period indicated on this exhibit is "7912", which

6166is not helpful, and even if it means, as Mr. Weiss testified, that the 1979

6181federal tax return which is part of the Florida Corporate Tax Return is accurate

6195under federal law, this IRS letter alone does not verify all the underlying -

6209documentation for all three years in question.

621622. Also, specifically with regard to investments made through other

6226entities, Mr. Weiss' testimony suggests that the wages paid and partnership

6237returns of these other entities never were in the possession of, nor accessible

6250by, this Petitioner.

625323. Petitioner's reliance on its federal returns is apparently based, in

6264part, at least, upon its assertion that it is a "financial institution" as

6277defined in sections 214.71(3)(b) and 220.15(2), F.S., but the presentation

6287quality of evidence in this case does not permit of such a finding, either.

630124. Petitioner has paid no portion of the assessed taxes.


63141. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

6324parties and subject matter of this cause. See, Section 120.57(1), F.S.

63352. The initial order of proof approved in this type of assessment

6347proceeding is for the Department of Revenue to establish that the agency was

6360appropriately and procedurally correct in the assessment. At that point, the

6371order and burden of proof shifts to the Petitioner to establish the

6383inaccurateness of the agency's assessment with regard to the liability for, and

6395amount of tax, interest, and penalties claimed. See, Section 214.06, F.S.

64063. The Respondent agency met its initial prima facie burden of proof.

6418Petitioner failed to demonstrate that the assessment was in error.

64284. Petitioner Murray Kramer first contended that the assessment was in

6439error because Petitioner is entitled to use a "separate accounting" procedure

6450pursuant to Section 214.73(1), F.S., which separate accounting method it had

6461employed from 1972 to 1978 (six consecutive years) without requesting prior

6472approval to do so from the Respondent Department of Revenue. Petitioner's

6483argument in support of this proposition is somewhere between asserting that the

6495agency was "on notice" since the agency had accepted this method for six years

6509before denying it in 1978, 1979, and 1980, and "estoppel" for the same reason.

6523The Respondent agency contends that prior written agency approval of the use of

6536such a method must be sought and obtained by the taxpayer, pursuant to Section

6550214.73, F.S. That statute provides, in pertinent part, as follows:

6560If the apportionment methods of ss. 214.71

6567and 214.72 do not fairly represent the extent

6575of a taxpayer's tax base attributable to this

6583state, the taxpayer may petition for, or the

6591department may require, in respect to all or

6599any part of the taxpayer's tax base, if


6608(1) Separate accounting;

6611Petitioner Murray Kramer admittedly did not get such formal approval prior to

6623filing the returns in question, but Respondent has failed to show that the

6636statute clearly mandates Respondent's reading that prior written agency approval

6646is required. On the other hand, the Petitioner has not demonstrated any case

6659law to support its position re: "notice equals estoppel and/or approval."

66705. Assuming, but not ruling, that an estoppel theory of some kind would

6683permit Petitioner to continue to file its returns using the "separate

6694accounting" method, the Respondent Department was nonetheless entitled at any

6704time within the specified statutory period, to return and audit the Petitioner's

6716corporate returns so as to determine their accuracy and appropriateness.

67266. In this instant situation, before the audit was finally approved, the

6738Department of Revenue considered the opinion in Roger Dean Enterprises, Inc. v.

6750Florida Department of Revenue, 387 So.2d 358 (Fla. 1980), which created a very

6763strong presumption in favor of the apportionment method of accounting, and the

6775Department then concluded its assessment on that basis. The pertinent

6785directions in Roger Dean as are follows:

6792There is a very strong presumption in favor

6800of normal 3-factor apportionment and against

6806the applicability of the relief provisions.

6812See Donald M. Drake Co. v. Department of

6820Revenue, 263 Or. 26, 500 P.2d 1041 (1972).

6828The relief provision should be used where the

6836statute reaches arbitrary or unreasonable

6841results so that its application could be

6848attacked successfully on constitutional


6853Section 214.73, Florida Statutes (1973),

6858gives the Department of Revenue discretion

6864to alter the apportionment formula in very

6871rare instances, but does not vest any

6878discretion in the Department to modify

6884federal taxable income.

68877. Petitioner did not establish any rare circumstances to warrant

6897acceptance of the separate accounting procedure over the regular three-factor

6907apportionment method provided in Section 214.71(1), F.S. See, also, Section

6917220.53, F.S.

69198. Petitioner did not present the necessary underlying documentation to

6929support its "separate accounting" figures.

69349. Petitioner alternatively and ultimately suggested that the three-factor

6943apportionment formula should have different numbers plugged into it than the

6954Department of Revenue had used. The thrust of Petitioner's presentation at

6965formal hearing was in this direction and this alternative position also failed

6977upon a lack of credible supporting evidence. It appears that all of such full

6991documentation was never in the possession of Petitioner, so the agency also is

7004not estopped by its considerable delay (5 years) during the informal resolution


701710. Most commonly, a corporation uses its own property, payroll, and sales

7029to calculate apportionment between in-Florida and out-of-state activities.

7037Murray Kramer argued that certain amounts allegedly paid to employees of certain

7049limited partnerships (by the limited partnerships) should be included in the

7060payroll factor of its apportionment formula. Murray Kramer asserts that it is a

7073limited partner of these limited partnerships and that its distributive share of

7085the partnership's factors should be included in its apportionment. The

7095Department denied this assertion because the federal partnership tax returns

7105were not produced and the requisite federally determined amounts were not

7116presented so as to perfect Murray Kramer's opportunity to obtain factor

7127adjustments based upon its alleged interests in partnerships.

713511. However, 12C-1.022(2), F.A.C. provides:

7140Every Florida partnership having any partner

7146subject to the Florida Corporate Income Tax

7153Code is required to make an information


7161(b) The corporate taxpayer-partner filing

7166Form F-1120, Florida Corporate Income Tax

7172Return, may use FORM 1065 to report its

7180distributive share of partnership income

7185and its share of the apportionment factors of

7193a partnership with joint venture which is not

7201a Florida partnership.

7204Example: Corporation W is subject to the

7211Florida Income Tax Code and is also a partner

7220in partnership UVW, an Ohio partnership, that

7227does no business in Florida and is not required

7236to file a Florida Partnership Information

7242Return. However, W may use FORM F-1065,

7249Florida Partnership Information Return, to

7254report its share of the partnership income

7261adjustments and the partnership apportionment

7266factors for partnership UVW.

727012. At formal hearing, Petitioner did not offer in evidence federal

7281partnership returns from its partners, or even self-serving Florida 1065's based

7292on such federal returns, and has instead relied on figures computed from

7304inadmissible or not credible hearsay sources.

731013. "Financial organizations" may claim the right, pursuant to Section

7320214.71(3)(b)2, F.S., to use the gross profits (interest and dividends) arising

7331from ownership of stocks, bonds, or other securities as part of the sales

7344factor, but herein, there is insufficient credible direct evidence to pronounce

7355Petitioner a "financial organization" or to establish that its stocks, bonds,

7366and securities have a business situs outside of Florida. Although the initial

7378auditors may have, as Petitioner's sole witness asserted, examined books and

7389records including bank statements and broker statements which could have

7399established that the interest, dividends, and gains on securities sales and

7410rental income were from partnerships outside of Florida, these primary sources

7421were not introduced at formal hearing, which is a de novo hearing, and therefore

7435these were not before the undersigned.

744114. Section 220.15(1), F.S. excludes interest and dividends from the sales

7452factor to be used by sellers of tangible personal property, i.e., citrus fruit.

7465Rule 12C-1.015(4)(d)6, F.A.C. excludes income attributable to intangibles from

7474the sales factor unless geographic situs is established. Situs was not


748615. Section 214.71(3)(a)2, F.S. permits use of an alternative sales factor

7497only when citrus fruit is delivered by a cooperative for a grower member, by a

7512grower member to a cooperative, or by a grower-participant to a Florida

7524processor. Petitioner sold all its orange grove produce to Zellwood which was

7536not established to be a cooperative, and Petitioner admittedly was not a

7548cooperative itself. Without an agency agreement or something more than the

7559unsupported hearsay statements in Zellwood's letters, Petitioner cannot qualify

7568for this calculation credit/formula. Moreover, Section 214.71(3)(a), F.S.

7576(1980) was not available for Petitioner's 1978 calendar year tax return.

7587Any Party to this Order has the right to seek judicial review of the Order

7602pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S., by the filing of a Notice of Appeal pursuant

7616to Rule 9.110, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, with the clerk of the

7629Department in the Office of General Counsel, Post Office Box 6668, Tallahassee

7641Florida 32314-6668 and by filing a copy of the Notice of Appeal accompanied by

7655the applicable filing fees with the appropriate District Court of Appeal. The

7667Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date this Order is filed

7683with the clerk of the Department.

7689Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is

7702ORDERED that the assessment be affirmed and that the Petition be dismissed.

7714DONE and ORDERED this 20th day of September 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon

7726County, Florida.



7732Executive Director

7734Department of Revenue

7737Post Office Box 6668

7741Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668


7745Filed with the Clerk of the

7751Department of Revenue this

775520th day of September, 1989.


7766IN CASE NO. 88-4100

7770The following constitute rulings, pursuant to Section 120.59(2), F.S. upon

7780the parties' respective proposed findings of fact (PFOF).

7788Petitioner's PFOF:

77901, 6. Accepted.

77932, 9, 10, 11, 17, 19. Rejected for the reasons set out in the

7807Respondent's Proposed Substituted Order.

78113, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16. Accepted but not dispositive of any material

7825issue for the reasons set forth in the Respondent's Proposed Substituted Order.

7837With regard to item 8, specifically, this determination is non-binding in the de

7850novo proceeding.

78524. Rejected upon the citation given as not proved or applicable as


786513. Accepted in part and rejected in part as not proved or applicable as

7879stated. See Conclusions of Law 11-12.

788515, 18. Rejected as out of context and misleading upon the record as a

7899whole, and as not dispositive of any material issue, and as subordinate and

7912unnecessary to the facts as found.

7918Respondent's PFOF:

79201, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18. Accepted.

79364, 5. Accepted in part; what is not adopted is subordinate or unnecessary

7949to the facts as found.

795417. Accepted, but by itself is not dispositive of any material issue at

7967bar, for the reasons set out in the Respondent's Proposed Substituted Order.


7981Milton P. Weiss, C.P.A.

7985686 Hampstead Avenue

7988West Hampstead, New York 11552

7993Jeffrey M. Dikman, Esquire

7997Assistant Attorney General

8000Tax Section

8002Department of Legal Affairs

8006The Capitol

8008Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

8011Sharyn L. Smith, Director

8015Division of Administrative Hearings

8019The DeSoto Building

80221230 Apalachee Parkway

8025Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

8028Sharon A. Zahner, Esquire

8032Assistant General Counsel

8035Department of Revenue

8038Room 204, Carlton Building

8042Post Office Box 6668

8046Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668

8049William D. Moore, Esquire

8053General Counsel

8055Room 203, Carlton Building

8059Post Office Box 6668

8063Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6668

8066Katie D. Tucker, Executive Director

8071Department of Revenue

8074102 Carlton Building

8077Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

8080Milton P. Weiss, C.P.A.

80843091 North Course Drive

8088Pompano Beach, Florida 33069

8092Ella Jane P. Davis

8096Hearing Officer

8098Division of Administrative Hearings

8102The DeSoto Building

81051230 Apalachee Parkway

8108Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/20/1989
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/20/1989
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/26/1989
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held , 2013). CASE CLOSED.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (3):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):