89-005737 South Florida Water Management District, A Public Corporation vs. Samuel Hubschman And Connie Hubschman, As Trustees; Bob Cadenhead; And Cadenhead &Amp; Sons Construction
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, November 9, 1990.

View Dockets  
Summary: The agreement between the parties as to the resolution of permit violations should be placed in writing before they are relied upon by either party.




13DISTRICT, a public corporation, )


19Petitioner, )


22vs. ) CASE NO. 89-5737



33HUBSCHMAN, as Trustees; BOB )




47Respondents. )



52Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings, by its duly

63designated Hearing Officer, Veronica E. Donnelly, held a formal hearing in the

75above-styled case on May 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16, and June 5, 1990, in Fort

92Myers, Florida.


95For Petitioner: John J. Fumero, Esquire

101Office of General Counsel

105South Florida Water Management District

110Post Office Box 24680

114West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680

119For Respondents: Kenneth G. Oertel, Esquire


131Post Office Box 6507

135Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6507

138Russell Schropp, Esquire


1471715 Monroe Street

150Fort Myers, Florida 33902


158Whether Surface Water Management Permit No. 36-00315-S issued to

167Respondents Samuel and Connie Hubschman, Trustee, expired or vested.

176Whether the alleged violations set forth in the Notice of Violation dated

188December 20, 1988, were resolved in a settlement prior to hearing.

199Whether the Respondents have conducted construction activity outside the

208scope of any permit authorization.

213Whether there has been an alteration of a wetland impoundment.

223Whether the Respondents have violated conditions set forth in permits

233issued by Petitioner.


238In an Administrative Complaint and Order dated September 15, 1989, the

249Petitioner, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), charged the

258Respondents, Samuel Hubschman and Connie Hubschman, Trustees (Hubschman), Bob

267Cadenhead (Cadenhead) and Cadenhead & Sons Construction (Construction Co.) with

277a series of violations of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes. Essentially, the

288Respondents are charged with having violated existing permit authorizations and

298conditions, and failing to acquire necessary permits for construction work. The

309construction activity was undertaken on real property in Lee County known as

321Bonita Farms. SFWMD seeks to enforce the issued permits, and to require

333Respondents to obtain additional permits by assessing a civil penalty against

344Respondents. In addition, Respondents are to restore the disturbed wetland

354vegetation, and to pay investigative costs, court costs and attorney's fees.

365The Respondents contest the factual allegations in the complaint and have

376requested a formal administrative hearing to resolve the dispute of material


388During the hearing, SFWMD presented five witnesses and filed twenty-nine

398exhibits. The Respondents called five witnesses and submitted twenty-one

407exhibits. All of the exhibits were admitted into evidence.

416The transcript of the proceeding was filed September 11, 1990. Due to some

429mechanical difficulties with recording equipment at hearing, the partied were

439given an additional ten days to review the transcript and reconcile any

451questions concerning accuracy. The parties waived the thirty-day time

460requirement for the filing of the Recommended Order, and agreed that the

472established due date for the Recommended Order would be extended to accommodated

484the Hearing Officer's schedule. Proposed recommended orders were timely filed

494by the parties. Rulings on the proposed findings of fact are in the Appendix to

509the Recommended Order.


5151. Petitioner SFWMD is a public corporation of Florida. It is charged

527with the responsibility of issuing permits and enforcing orders relating to

538surface water management within its jurisdictional boundaries.

5452. Respondents Hubschman, as trustees, have full rights of ownership in

5561,280 contiguous acres located in Sections 17 and 20, Township 47 South, Range

57026 East, Lee County, Florida. These lands are known as Bonita Farms I and II.

585They are located within the jurisdictional boundaries of SFWMD. In their pre-

597developed state, these lands could generally be categorized as marsh and

608wetlands with cypress forest and some uplands in the northern half of the

621project area.

6233. After deciding to develop the acreage for use as pasture and farmland

636for small vegetable crops, Respondents Hubschman applied for a surface water

647management permit from SFWMD. The purpose of the permit was to allow the

660construction and operation of a water management system that would serve both

672farms. A system was designed to drain water off both parcels through a 62-acre

686retention area into a natural slough system which runs water into Kehl Canal.

699In order to create the system, the Respondents Hubschman had the following

711facilities designed for the site: internal ditches, dikes, pumps, a retention

722area and control structures.

7264. On April 15, 1982, SFWMD issued Surface Water Management Permit No. 36-

73900315-S, and Respondents Hubschman were allowed to proceed with their proposed

750construction plan.

7525. A modification to the permit was issued on April 14, 1983. The

765retention area was enlarged from 62 acres to 88 acres by relocating the

778perimeter dike. The outfall structure was revised in that the two pumps and the

792weir were to be replaced by three 18" CMP culverts that would discharge the

806drained water by gravity flow from the retention area through the slough into

819Kehl Canal.

8216. The duration of the construction phase of its permit was a three-year

834period, unless the construction of the permitted project discharge structure or

845equivalent had been completed prior to that date.

8537. After the close of the three-year period, there was a dispute between

866the Respondents and SFWMD as to whether the permit had expired. The controversy

879was resolved through a compromise agreement. An application for the reissuance

890of Permit No. 36-00315-S was filed on October 13, 1986.

9008. Instead of reissuing Permit No. 36-00315-S, as requested by Respondents

911Hubschman, SFWMD decided to issue a new permit on May 14, 1987. As part of the

927processing procedures, SFWMD again reviewed and approved the entire surface

937water management system designed to serve the 1,280 acres of land proposed by

951Respondents. Because the additional work proposed for Section 17, the northern

962section was limited at this stage of development to the selective clearing of

975additional upland areas to create more improved pasture, the new permit directed

987attention to Section 20, the southern section of the land. The new permit

1000advised the Respondents that if they wanted to propose additional development to

1012Section 17, they were required to seek a modification of this new permit,

1025Surface Water Management Permit No. 36-00764-S, to include those changes.

10359. The Respondents applied for a modification of Permit No. 36-00764-S on

1047July 30, 1987. The proposed modification sought to change the status of the

1060development of Section 17 from improved pasture to small vegetable farmland on

1072639 acres. The surface water management system plan was modified to drain water

1085in Section 17 to the reservoir on Section 20. The water would be directed via a

1101series of lateral ditches and swales. A six foot high dike and one 27,000 GPM

1117pump were also required. Two additional 18" CMP culverts were required at the

1130discharge facilities to accommodate the increased outflow.

113710. The Modification of Permit No. 36-00764-S was approved and issued on

1149June 16, 1988.

115211. The original Permit NO. 36-00764-S and its modification are similar to

1164a contract novation because the new permits substituted new obligations between

1175the parties for the old ones under Permit No. 36-00315-S. Based upon this

1188approach to the situation, SFWMD allowed the construction work completed under

1199Permit No. 36-00315-S prior to the Stop Work Order of August 27, 1986, to vest.

1214The completion of the berm around the reservoir in Section 20, as set forth in

1229the letter from Elizabeth D. Ross, attorney for SFWMD, on September 19, 1986,

1242was also allowed to vest. However, if the vested matters were changed in the

1256subsequent permits, they became revisions. The revisions take precedence over

1266the vested matters. Otherwise, completed construction under Permit No. 36-

127600764-S as modified, and post Stop Work Order construction remains in effect

1288perpetually for the operation portion of the permit.

129612. In order to determine with certainty what was permitted when the

1308Notice of Violation was issued on December 20, 1988, the parties would have to

1322look to the project work actually completed on August 27, 1986, the specific

1335construction approved by SFWMD after that date, the subsequent Surface Water

1346Management Permit No. 36-00764-S issued May 14, 1987, and its Modification

1357issued June 16, 1988. The substantial compliance determination issued by

1367Richard A. Rogers, P.E., Resource Control Department dated September 24, 1987,

1378should also be considered as authorized activity.

138513. The Notice of Violation dated December 20, 1988, was issued to

1397Respondent Samuel Hubschman, Trustee. He was advised that recent routine

1407inspections indicate that current on-site activity was in violation of Special

1418Conditions 2,3,4,7,14, 17 & 23 of Permit No. 36-00764-S (issued 5/14/87) and

1434Special Conditions 5,16 & 22 of 36-00315-S (modified 6/16/88). A meeting to

1447resolve these issued was suggested by SFWMD.

145414. Respondent Hubschman agreed to attend the meeting through his

1464consultants. Both parties elected to attempt resolution of the Notice of

1475Violation controversy through negotiations in a meeting scheduled for January 5,

14861989. To demonstrate their sincerity, the parties agreed not to bring attorneys

1498to the meeting.

150115. During the meeting, the parties resolved the controversy by agreeing

1512to the following:

1515a) SFWMD would no longer consider the project to be in

1526violation of Florida law if the Respondents

1533submitted certain items that would cause SFWMD to

1541issue certain permits and modify others.

1547b) The Respondents would promptly file an application

1555for a dewatering permit so that the governing board

1564could issue the permit at its March 9, 1989


1574c) The Respondent's contractor would make no field

1582changes in the mitigation or excavation areas

1589without first obtaining appropriate permit

1594modification from SFWMD.

1597d) Small jockey pumps were to be installed to pump

1607water from the internal water management system

1614into certain cypress and/or mitigation areas for

1621the sole purpose of establishing wetland vegetation

1628within the areas.

1631e) Respondents were to apply for a modification of

1640Permit No. 36-00764-S, as currently modified, to

1647allow a single phase of mining for the entire

1656affected area.

1658f) The perimeter dike was to be made structurally


1668g) Respondents were to submit an alternative proposal

1676for the disposal of cap rock within ninety days.

1685In the meantime, the contractor could continue to

1693bury the cap rock within the mitigation areas.

170116. Both parties demonstrated their reliance on the settlement reached in

1712the meeting by their subsequent actions towards completing and processing the

1723applications for permit modifications and additional permits. Although the

1732noted violations were not cured by these actions, the parties intended to reach

1745a cure or to mitigate for present permit violations through new permit


175817. The preliminary staff review of the Respondents' application for

1768modification of Permit No. 36-00764-S, as currently modified, was completed by

1779March 31, 1989. The following information was requested by SFWMD staff:

1790a) Revised engineering calculations which reflect that

1797the permitted discharge structure is five 18" CMP


1806b) An explanation as to why the 6.3 acre

1815maidencane/juncus marsh designated as a preserve

1821area and the adjacent western preserve area were

1829excavated and otherwise disturbed by project


1836c) The scrapedown methodology for the replanting of

1844mitigation areas.

1846d) The Respondents' plans for the area delineated on

1855the plans as pine, which is currently permitted as

1864part of a cypress preservation area.

1870e) Dike certification and reservoir certification.

187618. The above-listed information was required to be returned to the SFWMD

1888within ninety days from the date of the written request.

189819. At the close of the ninety days, the information was not received. A

1912second request for a response within thirty days was submitted by SFWMD on

1925August 4, 1989.

192820. In September 1989, the Respondents attempted to comply with SFWMD's

1939second request for information. Communications continued in regard to the filed

1950application for modification of Permit No. 36-00764-S, as currently modified,

1960into December 1989.

196321. After the thirty days expired for the response to the second request

1976for information dated August 4, 1989, SFWMD filed the Administrative Complaint

1987in these proceedings.

199022. After the second request for information, a partial response was

2001received from Respondent Hubschman's consultants. The application continues to

2010go through the review process. It has not yet been deemed complete by SFWMD.

202423. As part of the resolution of the Notice of Violation dated December

203720, 1988, SFWMD issued permit No. 36-01023-W to Respondent Hubschman for

2048construction dewatering, excavation of an irrigation pond, and water storage at

2059the site. The permit was issued on March 9, 1989.

206924. Special condition No. 20 of this permit requires a 200-feet setback

2081from the cypress mitigation area and the irrigation pond being dewatered. The

2093setback is shown on Exhibit 10 of the Bonita Farms Dewatering Application which

2106was made part of the permit. A copy of the permit was attached to the

2121Administrative Complaint.

212325. No evidence was submitted by SFWMD regarding alleged violations of

2134Special condition No. 20 which were allegedly observed and documented after the

2146permit was issued, before the filing of the Administrative Complaint

215626. Respondent Bob Cadenhead is the contractor hired by Respondents

2166Hubschman to construct the surface water management system. There was no

2177evidence presented to show the connection of another party, Respondent,

2187Cadenhead & Sons Construction, to the project.



219827. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over portions

2208of the subject matter and some of the parties, pursuant to Section 120.57(1),

2221Florida Statutes, and Rule 40E-1.612, Florida Administrative Code.

2229Limitations on Jurisdiction

223228. Section 373.119(1), Florida Statutes and Rule 40E-1.612, Florida

2241Administrative Code, allow the Executive Director of SFWMD to take

2251administrative enforcement action against alleged violators of statutes,

2259regulations, permits or orders issued pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes.

2270This particular enforcement procedure is designed to cause the alleged violator

2281to take the necessary corrective action within a reasonable time prescribed in

2293the order filed with the complaint.

229929. In the Administrative Complaint and Order filed in these proceedings,

2310SFWMD combined as enforcement proceedings under Section 373.119(1), Florida

2319Statutes, with a civil action authorized under Section 373.129, Florida

2329Statutes. The Division of Administrative Hearings does not have jurisdiction

2339over SFWMD action to recover civil penalties, investigative costs, court costs,

2350and reasonable attorney's fees because those matters have been delegated by the

2362Legislature to the judicial branch of government. Therefore, only the alleged

2373violations and the proposed corrective action can be addressed in this

2384Recommended Order. Enforcement of the Final Order issued as a result of these

2397proceedings is a civil action. It should take place within the courts of the

2411state. If such a suit is commenced by the governing board, SFWMD would be able

2426to seek civil penalties, investigative costs, court costs and reasonable

2436attorney's fees. Section 373.129 and 373.136(1), Florida Statutes.

2444Reduction of Parties

244730. As there was no evidence presented in hearing to demonstrate that

2459Cadenhead & Sons Construction was involved in the alleged violations, it should

2471be dismissed as a party in the enforcement proceeding.

2480Surface Water Management Permit No. 36-00315-S

2486(as modified)

248831. SFWMD has consistently represented to Respondents Hubschman that

2497Permit No. 36-00315-S (as modified) expired pursuant to Rule 40E-4.321(b), when

2508the placement of the three 18" CMP culverts that would discharge water from the

2522retention area was not completed in three years. At hearing, the Respondents

2534Hubschman presented evidence that a pump equivalent to the discharge structure

2545was in place on the site prior to the expiration of the permit. It was argued

2561that the permit vested because Rule 40E-4.321(1)(b) allows equivalent structures

2571to authorize the construction permit for the duration of the project.

258232. If a formal administrative hearing had taken place regarding the issue

2594of equivalency after the governing board issued new Permit No. 36-00764-S,

2605instead of re-issuing Permit No. 36-00315-S, Respondents' legal argument would

2615have been considered. However, Respondents Hubschman did not pursue the matter

2626during their logical point of entry when the new permit issued. Both parties

2639have relied upon the new permit in their subsequent activities. Respondents

2650have received benefits from this permit in that construction has continued. As

2662a result, the new permit supercedes the prior permit in all matters it

2675specifically addresses. Respondents Hubschman are estopped to deny its validity

2685for the purposes of this proceeding, and their legal argument that the original

2698permit vested is rejected.

2702Notice of Violation

270533. The parties implicitly represented to each other during the meeting of

2717January 5, 1990, that the negotiators present had the authority to make binding

2730agreements. Evidence adduced at hearing showed that the parties reached an

2741agreement relied upon by Respondents, Samuel Hubschman and Cadenhead. Equitable

2751estoppel applies in this instance against SFWMD due to the Respondents'

2762substantial change in position in reliance upon the representation that the

2773Notice of Violation would be settled by the permit changes and the issuance of

2787an additional permit. Reedy Creek Imp. v. State Dept. of Envir., 486 So.2d 642

2801(Fla. 1st DCA 1986).

280534. When SFWMD chose to settle the Notice of Violation, an election of

2818remedies was made. The Doctrine of Election of Remedies prevents SFWMD from

2830inconsistently availing itself of an administrative enforcement proceeding in

2839addition to the settlement. Bliss & Laughlin Industries, Inc. v. Mailey, 364

2851So.2d 65 (Fla. 4th DCA 1978). Accordingly, the parties should proceed under

2863their agreement and all matters originally addressed in the Notice of Violation

2875should be dismissed from this proceeding.

2881Dewatering Permit Violation

288435. The burden of proof was on SFWMD to establish that the Respondents

2897violated Special condition No. 20 of the dewatering permit issued March 9, 1989.

2910No competent evidence was presented at hearing to establish that the alleged

2922violation occurred. Accordingly, paragraph 19 of the Administrative Complaint

2931relating to the alleged violation should be dismissed.

2939The Pending Permit Review

294336. The request for additional information issued by SFWMD in relation to

2955the March 2, 1989 application for modification of Permit No. 36-00764-S (as

2967currently modified) asked Respondents Hubschman to address certain site activity

2977which was not permitted. By handling the unpermitted activity as part of the

2990permit modification, SFWMD elected a remedy inconsistent with this proceeding

3000prior to the filing of the Administrative Complaint and Order. If SFWMD had

3013intended to enforce existing permits when the unpermitted activities were

3023discovered, the Respondents should have been notified, as required by Rule 40E-

30351.609(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code. This was not done. Based upon the

3046foregoing, all information requested by SFWMD as part of the permit modification

3058application is not properly before the Hearing Officer at this time. These

3070allegations should also be dismissed because they are being resolved in the

3082pending application for permit modification.

3087Additional Enforcement Matters

309037. All permit violations or unauthorized construction activity not raised

3100in the pleadings, which were raised for the first time at the administrative

3113hearing, were not dealt with by the Hearing Officer. Hunter v. Department of

3126Professional Regulation, 458 So.2d 842 (Fla. 2d DCA 1984) and The Conklin Center

3139v. Phyllis Williams, 519 So.2d 38 (Fla. 5th DCA 1987).


3150Based upon the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED:

31571. That Surface Water Management Permit No. 36-00315-S be deemed to have

3169vested as to all construction activity completed under the permit which was not

3182addressed in the subsequent permit issued by SFWMD. The completion of the berm,

3195as set forth in Attorney Ross' September 19, 1986 letter, should also be allowed

3209to vest.

32112. That Permit No. 36-00764-S and its later modification be ordered to

3223supercede the prior permit in all matters specifically addressed.

32323. That the parties be held to their prior agreements to resolve pending

3245permit violations through the permit modification process.

32524. That the alleged dewatering violation in paragraph 19 of the

3263Administrative Complaint be dismissed for lack of evidence.

32715. That a specific deadline be set to reasonably complete pending

3282application modifications.

32846. That all future enforcement action specifically comply with Rule 40E-

32951.612, Florida Administrative Code, and remain separate from any permit or

3306permit modification applications.

33097. That the parties create a new, active permit file with current drawings

3322and a specific construction schedule.

33278. That the Administrative Complaint and Order filed in these proceedings

3338be dismissed.

33409. That future agreements be reduced to writing and signed by the proper

3353parties before they are relied upon by either party.

3362DONE and ENTERED this 9th day of November, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon

3374County, Florida.



3380Hearing Officer

3382Division of Administrative Hearings

3386The DeSoto Building

33891230 Apalachee Parkway

3392Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550


3396Filed with the Clerk of the

3402Division of Administrative Hearings

3406this 9th day of November, 1990.


3420Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact are addressed as follows:

34291. Rejected. Irrelevant.

34322. Accepted. See HO number 4.

34383. Accepted. See HO number 3.

34444. Accepted.

34465. Rejected. Improper summary.

34506. Accepted. See HO number 6.

34567. Rejected. Improper opinion testimony.

34618. Rejected. Irrelevant. Argumentative.

34659. Rejected. Legal argument.

346910. Accepted. See HO number 5.

347511. Rejected. Legal argument.

347912. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 15.

348813. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 15. The

3498argument presented in this paragraph is overly

3505punctilious. It ignores the detrimental reliance

3511of opposing parties to the agreement.

351714. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 15 and number 16.

352915. Rejected. Legal argument and improper opinion.

353616. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 15 and number 16.

354817. Rejected. Matters presented were either not ripe

3556for these proceedings or not proved at hearing.

3564See HO number 16-number 20 and HO number 23.

357318. Rejected. Contrary to fact and law.

358019. Rejected. Not set forth in pleadings. Irrelevant.

358820. Rejected. Not set forth in pleadings. Irrelevant.

359621. Rejected. Not set forth in pleadings as separate

3605from the Notice of Violation. Irrelevant.

361122. Accepted as fact, resolved by agreement.

361823. Rejected. Improper opinion testimony.

362324. Rejected. Improper opinion testimony.

362825. Rejected. Irrelevant.

363126. Rejected. Irrelevant. See HO number 15.

363827. Rejected. Irrelevant. See HO number 15.

364528. Rejected. Irrelevant.

364829. Accepted.

365030. Rejected. See HO number 15.

365631. Rejected. Cumulative.

365932. Rejected. See HO number 11-number 12. Contrary to fact.

366933. Accepted. See HO number 9.

367534. Accepted.

367735. Accepted. See HO number 16-number 20.

368436. Rejected. Matter is still pending. See HO number

369316-number 20.

369537. Rejected. Resolved through agreement. See HO number 15.

370438. Rejected. Matter is still pending. See HO number 16-

3714number 20.

371639. Rejected. Legal argument.

372040. Rejected. Not in pleadings. Irrelevant.

372641. Rejected. Irrelevant.

372942. Accepted. See HO number 21.

373543. Accepted.

373744. Accepted.

373945. Rejected. Speculative.

3742Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are addressed as follows:

37511. Accepted. See HO number 13.

37572. Rejected. See HO number 23. Contrary to fact and


37683. Accepted. See HO number 14.

37744. Accepted. See HO number 15.

37805. Accepted. See HO number 15.

37866. Accepted. See HO number 20.

37927. Accepted.

37948. Rejected. Argumentative. See HO number 20.

38019. Accepted. See HO number 4-number 7.

380810. Rejected. Contrary to fact. The permit modifica-

3816tion specifically required replacement of a pump

3823with 3 culverts. See HO number 5.

383011. Accepted. See HO number 5.

383612. Accepted.

383813. Rejected. Irrelevant. See HO number 7.

384514. Rejected. Irrelevant. See HO number 7.

385215. Rejected. Irrelevant.

385516. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 7 and number 11.

386717. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 11.

387618. Accepted.

387819. Accepted.

388020. Rejected. See HO number 15. Additional matters were

3889agreed upon which were not reflected in the letter.

3898This is an incomplete summary.

390321. Rejected. Irrelevant.

390622. Rejected. Irrelevant to these proceedings.

391223. Rejected. Contrary to fact.

391724. Accepted.

391925. Accepted.

392126. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 8 and number 9.

393327. Rejected. See HO number 8 and number 9. Contrary to fact.

394528. Accepted.

394729. Accepted.

394930. Accepted.

395131. Rejected. Contrary to fact.

395632. Accepted. See HO number 23.

396233. Rejected. Contrary to fact.

396734. Accepted.


3971John J. Fumero, Esquire

3975Office of General Counsel

3979South Florida Water Management District

3984Post Office Box 24680

3988West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680

3993Kenneth G. Oertel, Esquire


4000& COLE, P.A.

4003Post Office Box 6507

4007Tallahassee, FL 32314-6507

4010Russell Schropp, Esquire


4016& HOLT, P.A.

40191715 Monroe Street

4022Fort Myers, Florida 33902

4026John R. Wodraska, Executive Director

4031South Florida Water Management District

40363301 Gun Club Road

4040Post Office Box 24680

4044West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680


4055All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

4067Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

4081written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

4093written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

4105order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

4118to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order should be

4130filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/17/1991
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/17/1991
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/09/1990
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held , 2013). CASE CLOSED.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Myers, Florida

Related DOAH Cases(s) (1):

Related Florida Statute(s) (4):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):