90-003409DRI Fl-Ga Venture Group vs. City Of Ormond Beach (Hunter`s Ridge)
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, March 21, 1991.

View Dockets  
Summary: Development consistent with rule and statutory standards. Entitled to development order with conditions.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) CASE NO. 90-3409DRI




28Respondent, )


31and )








60Intervenors. )








80Petitioners, )


83vs. ) CASE NO. 90-3410DRI





99Respondents, )


102and )







123Intervenors. )



128Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case in Ormond Beach,

142Florida, before the Division of Administrative Hearings, by its designated

152Hearing Officer, Diane K. Kiesling. On October 22, 1990, the hearing commenced

164and motions were heard. The formal hearing was then continued until October 23,

1771990, at which time it was again continued to allow further settlement

189negotiations. A motion hearing was held on October 23, 1990, at 6:30 o'clock

202p.m. Based on the stipulations and joint request of the parties, a further

215continuance was granted until December 1990. The formal hearing recommenced on

226December 5-7, 1990, and the record was left open until December 14, 1990, for

240filing of various stipulations agreed on by the parties.


250FLORIDA-GEORGIA J. Doyle Tumbleson

254VENTURE GROUP: Attorney at Law

259Box A

261150 South Palmetto Avenue

265Daytona Beach, Florida 32114

269DEPARTMENT OF Julia Johnson, Attorney

274COMMUNITY AFFAIRS: David Russ, Senior Attorney

2802740 Centerview Drive

283Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

286NORTHEAST FLORIDA Linda Loomis Shelley

291REGIONAL PLANNING Attorney at Law

296COUNCIL: 902 North Gadsden Street

301Tallahassee, Florida 32303

304CITY OF ORMOND BEACH: Fred S. Disselkoen, Jr.

312Attorney at Law

315Post Office Box 277

319Ormond Beach, Florida 32175-0277


327COMMISSION: Attorney at Law

331595 West Granada Avenue

335Ormond Beach, Florida 32075

339EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA Gerald S. Livingston

345and NORTHEAST FLORIDA Attorney at Law

351REGIONAL PLANNING Post Office Box 2151

357COUNCILS: Orlando, Florida 32802

361ANNIE JOHNSON AND Jonathan Hewett


372AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Central Florida Legal

377Services, Inc.

379216 South Sixth Street

383Palatka, Florida 32177


391BEACH, INC.: Attorney at Law

396Post Office Box 92

400Interlachen, Florida 32148


407SOCIETY: Senior Vice President

411Florida Audubon Society

4141101 Audubon Way

417Maitland, Florida 32751


423The ultimate issue is whether the Applicant, Florida-Georgia Venture Group,

433is entitled to development orders for its proposed development of regional

444impact, Hunter's Ridge, in Flagler County and the City of Ormond Beach, Florida.


459During the course of the proceedings, various settlements, agreements, and

469stipulation have been entered into by most of the parties, which have resolved

482most, but not all, of the issues originally raised in the petitions. First, the

496Applicant agreed to a significant downsizing and reconfiguration of the project.

507The current scope of the project is more fully described in the Findings of

521Fact. All parties agreed that standing was not an issue and that certain

534conditions must be applied. Those conditions are set forth in Florida-Georgia

545Exhibit 14. The Joint Stipulation of the Florida Audubon Society, Florida-

556Georgia Venture Group, Flagler County, and City of Ormond Beach, Florida-Georgia

567Exhibit 9, reflects all parties', except Citizens for Ormond Beach, settlement

578of all environmental issues. The terms of this settlement are incorporated into

590and made a part of this Recommended Order.

598Additionally, during the course of the hearing, the issues raised by Annie

610Johnson and the Citizens for Affordable Housing were settled based on the

622contents of Florida-Georgia Exhibit 3, which was also agreed to by all other

635parties, except Citizens for Ormond Beach. Further, the Joint Stipulation of

646the Department Of Community Affairs, Florida-Georgia Venture Group, and Flagler

656County, dated January 7, 1991, settles all issues raised by the signatory


669The issues which remain for consideration in this Recommended Order are

680those raised by (1) the City of Ormond Beach regarding the impact on the capital

695facilities of the city and whether the proposed project adequately addresses

706those impacts and (2) the Citizens for Ormond Beach regarding (a) environmental

718impacts, (b) density, (c) impacts on Ormond Beach capital facilities and

729resources, and (d) affordable housing in the Ormond Beach portion of the


742Finally, the Joint Stipulation of Florida-Georgia Venture Group and the

752City of Ormond Beach and the Joint Stipulation of Florida-Georgia Venture Group

764and Flagler County were both filed on December 14, 1990. These two joint

777stipulations contain agreed Decisions and Orders Granting the Application for

787Development Approval for the Hunter's Ridge DRI, if the Recommended Order makes

799a recommendation that the development approval be granted. These two stipulated

810orders contain and are consistent with all of the agreed conditions and other

823stipulations of all parties made throughout the course of these proceedings.

834The City of Ormond Beach is not waiving its objections to the project and is not

850stipulating that it should receive approval or approval without additional


861The Applicant, Florida-Georgia, presented the testimony of John Thomas

870Beck, Gregory F. Golgowski, Michael D. Brown, Gerald E. Upson, and Richard

882Jacobs. Florida-Georgia Exhibits 1-15 were admitted in evidence. Flagler

891County presented the testimony of Kenneth E. Koch and had Flagler Exhibits 1-4

904admitted in evidence. The City of Ormond Beach presented the testimony of

916Michael Longfellow, Michael G. Gluskin, Richard Shearer, Ronald Jacobs, Paul

926Lane, and David Day. Ormond Beach Exhibits 1-8 were admitted in evidence.

938Finally, Citizens for Ormond Beach (Citizens) used the witnesses of the City of

951Ormond Beach as its own and had Citizens Exhibits 2-8 admitted in evidence.

964The transcript of the December 5-7, 1990, hearing was filed on January 11,

9771991. The transcript of the October 22, 1990, portion of the hearing was filed

991on January 22, 1991. No transcript was furnished of the motion hearings on

1004October 23, 1990. Proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law were timely

1017filed by Florida-Georgia, the Department of Community Affairs, the City of

1028Ormond Beach, and Citizens for Ormond Beach. The other parties had settled all

1041issues through stipulations and elected not to file proposed recommended orders.

1052All proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law have been considered. A

1065specific ruling on each proposed finding of fact is made in the Appendix

1078attached hereto and made a part of this Recommended Order.


10911. The Petitioner is Florida-Georgia Venture Group, 402 Clifton Avenue,

1101Holly Hill, Florida 32117, and its authorized agent is Thomas L. Durrance,

1113Managing Partner.

11152. The Hunter's Ridge project lies within the jurisdiction of both the

1127Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council (NEFRPC) and the East Central

1137Florida Regional Planning Council (ECFRPC) and underwent concurrent review.

11463. The Hunter's Ridge project as proposed in this proceeding is a proposed

1159planned unit development located in the unincorporated area of Flagler County

1170and in the City of Ormond Beach on approximately 5,037 acres.

11824. The portion of the Hunter's Ridge project located in the unincorporated

1194area of Flagler County consists of approximately 3,800 acres, of which 1,940

1208acres will be preserved as conservation area. The portion to be developed in

1221the unincorporated area of Flagler County is approximately 1,860 acres,

1232consisting of 1,702 residential units, plus commercial, recreational, and other


12445. The portion of the Hunter's Ridge project located in the City of Ormond

1258Beach consists of approximately 1,237 acres, of which 327 acres will be

1271preserved as conservation area. The portion of the property in Ormond Beach to

1284be developed is approximately 910 acres, consisting of 982 residential units,

1295plus commercial, recreational, and other uses. Of the residential units to be

1307developed in the City of Ormond Beach, 109 residential units were approved by

1320the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) under a preliminary development


13316. The Board of County Commissioners of Flagler County held a public

1343hearing on the DRI/ADA on July 13, 1989, which was continued to October 12,

13571989, to November 2, 1989, to January 11, 1990, and to January 25, 1990. On

1372January 25, 1990, the Board of County Commissioners of Flagler County passed and

1385adopted a Development Order for the Hunter's Ridge DRI, which Development Order

1397was recorded in Official Records Book 0423, Page 0669 through 0728, Public

1409Records of Flagler County, Florida.

14147. The City Commission of the City of Ormond Beach held a public hearing

1428on the DRI/ADA on August 15, 1989, which was continued to September 5, 1989, to

1443September 19, 1989, to October 3, 1989, to October 17, 1989 and to January 30,


14598. At the public hearing on January 30, 1990, the City of Ormond Beach

1473adopted Resolution 90-20 denying the DRI/ADA for the portion of the Hunter's

1485Ridge DRI located in the City of Ormond Beach.

14949. The DCA, pursuant to Section 380.07, Florida Statutes, and Rules 42-

15062.002 through 42-2.011, Florida Administrative Code, timely filed a Notice of

1517Appeal and Petition for Administrative Hearing with the Florida Land and Water

1529Adjudicatory Commission (FLWAC), whereby DCA appealed the Development Order

1538adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Flagler County.

154810. The Applicant, pursuant to Section 380.07, Florida Statutes, and Rules

155942-2.002 through 42-2.011, Florida Administrative Code, timely filed a Notice of

1570Appeal and Petition for Administrative Hearing with FLWAC, whereby the Applicant

1581appealed the denial of approval by Ormond Beach.

158911. This cause came before FLWAC on May 22, 1990, for consideration of the

1603Appeals and the Petitions for Administrative Hearing; FLWAC ordered that this

1614matter be forwarded to Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) for assignment

1625of a hearing officer and further proceedings.

163212. At the Administrative Hearing conducted by DOAH, on December 5-7,

16431990, the Applicant amended its DRI/ADA to reduce the size of the project and to

1658reallocate land uses, densities, and other components of the project. The

1669current scope of the project is reflected in Florida-Georgia Exhibits 1-5, 9,

1681and 14.

168313. As amended by the Applicant, the proposed project now consists of the

1696following uses in Flagler County: 11.61 acres of Village Retail Office; 5.71

1708acres of Village Office; 16.68 acres of Light Industrial; 197.18 acres of

1720Village Services/Recreational; 90.89 acres of Parks and Schools; 64.52 acres of

1731Multi-Family Residential (with Upland Buffer); 259.34 acres of Wetlands; 146.93

1741acres of Roads, Drainage, and Retention; 52.90 acres of Lakes; 130.00 acres of

1754Golf Course; 57.25 acres of Utility Easement; and 130.00 acres of Single Family

1767Residential. The total number of dwelling units permitted in the County is 220

1780townhouses and villas and 145 apartments and condominiums.

178814. As amended by the Applicant, the proposed project now consists of the

1801following uses in the City: 192.00 acres of Village Services/Recreational;

181130.61 acres of Parks and Schools; 14.51 acres of Multi-Family Residential (with

1823Upland Buffer); 174.54 acres of Wetlands; 110.95 acres of Roads, Drainage, and

1835Retention; 28.65 acres of Lakes; 17.32 acres of Utility Easement; and 341.42

1847acres of Single Family Residential (with Upland Buffer). The total number of

1859dwelling units permitted in the City are 932 single family units and 50

1872townhouses and villas.

187515. Generally speaking, the portions of the development within the County

1886which are to be developed are in Township 41 South, Range 31 East, Section 22

1901and the east half of Section 21; Section 15 and the east half of Section 16,

1917with the exception of a golf course in Section 15, constitute an area that, if

1932it is to be developed in the future, will require a substantial deviation

1945approval from all concerned agencies.

195016. Pursuant to stipulation of the Applicant and Flagler County, an area

1962approximating Section 15 and the east half of Section 16 will be redesignated

1975under the Flagler County Comprehensive Plan as Agricultural, with a permitted

1986residential density of not more than one unit per five acres.

199717. Pursuant to stipulation, Sections 17 and 20 and the west halves of

2010Sections 16 and 21, along with most of the portions of Sections 29 and 30 north

2026of State Road 40, will be deeded to a public or public interest agency, with the

2042Applicant retaining the right to conduct silviculture with best management

2052practices except in those wetland areas of the property designated for


206418. The parties, with the exception of Citizens, have stipulated that

2075Florida-Georgia Exhibit 5 constitutes the necessary affordable housing

2083conditions for the project.

208719. The affordable housing provisions of the proposed project are

2097consistent of the requirements of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, Rule 9J-2,

2108Florida Administrative Code, and the State Comprehensive Plan.

211620. The affordable housing conditions adequately address affordable

2124housing needs of the project consistent with all local government, state, and

2136regional requirements and regulations.

214021. The Applicant, the Florida Audubon Society, Flagler County and the

2151City of Ormond Beach, have stipulated that the conditions contained in their

2163Joint Stipulation, filed as Florida-Georgia Exhibit 9 satisfactorily resolve all

2173issues concerning wetlands, wildlife habitat, and endangered species.

218122. The soils on the project will support the proposed development.

219223. During review of the DRI/ADA by the RPCs, Volusia County submitted

2204comments and recommendations to ECFRPC. The comments and recommendations of

2214Volusia County were considered by ECFRPC when it adopted its recommended

2225conditions of approval.

222824. The conservation area proposed by the Applicant represents a

2238significant contribution to conservation and wildlife.

224425. The proposed Development Orders and Conditions of Approval adequately

2254address the regional impacts of the project on the environment and natural


226726. The proposed Development Orders and Conditions of Approval include

2277measures intended to address impacts upon, and to protect, the Little Tomoka


229027. The proposed Development Orders and Conditions of Approval provide for

2301preservation and conservation of wetlands.

230628. The proposed Development Orders and Conditions of Approval provide

2316flexibility for protection of environmentally sensitive areas.

232329. The proposed plan of development reflects a development that provides

2334adequate environmental protection.

233730. The proposed project will have no adverse environmental impacts in the

2349City of Ormond Beach.

235331. The proposed Development Orders and Conditions of Approval provide

2363protection for the Little Tomoka River, preventive measures regarding stormwater

2373discharge and stormwater treatment, and mitigative, water quality treatment

2382methods in the surface drainage system, if any degradation is found at a later


239732. The proposed Conditions of Approval require that all construction

2407within the project be protected against flooding.

241433. The project has sufficient safeguards to prevent construction within

2424flood prone areas.

242734. Minimum floor elevations for flood plain purposes will be controlled

2438by FEMA flood plain designations and by local rules and regulations, and will be

2452established on a case by case basis for the Hunter's Ridge project.

246435. The proposed Conditions of Approval addressing transportation impacts

2473and facilities are consistent with the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida

2484Statutes, with the provisions of Rule 9J-2, Florida Administrative Code, and

2495with the State Comprehensive Plan.

250036. The proposed Conditions of Approval ensure that the Hunter's Ridge

2511project will not have an adverse impact on regionally significant roadways,

2522including State Road 40.

252637. The proposed Conditions of Approval will ensure that the regional

2537highway network will function at the desired level of service during the project


255138. The proposed Conditions of Approval are consistent with the provisions

2562of Section 380.06(12), Florida Statutes, relating to transportation impacts.

257139. The proposed Conditions of Approval adequately address the

2580transportation concerns of Flagler County.

258540. The proposed Conditions of Approval adequately address the

2594transportation impacts on the City of Ormond Beach.

260241. The proposed Conditions of Approval dealing with public facilities are

2613consistent with the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, consistent with

2624the provisions of Rule 9J-2, Florida Administrative Code, and consistent with

2635the State Comprehensive Plan.

263942. If the conditions for providing public facilities are not met by the

2652Applicant, development must cease.

265643. The proposed Conditions of Approval dealing with public facilities are

2667consistent with the concurrency requirements of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes.

267744. The proposed Development Orders and Conditions of Approval adequately

2687address the regional impacts of the project on public services and facilities.

269945. The proposed plan for development of the Flagler County portion of the

2712project provides for all required public facilities and services.

272146. The Applicant will have to subsidize any deficits in providing public


273447. The Applicant has agreed to make contributions intended to assist

2745Flagler County in providing public services to residents of areas outside of the

2758Hunter's Ridge project.

276148. Solid waste is not an issue in Flagler County.

277149. The proposed Conditions of Approval for the Flagler County portion of

2783the project provide three options for wastewater treatment.

279150. The proposed Conditions of Approval for the Flagler County portion of

2803the project require that the project must stand on its own and must provide

2817water supply and wastewater treatment without cost to the rest of the residents

2830of Flagler County.

283351. The Flagler County portion of the project requires 1,200 to 1,500

2847dwelling units to provide a self-contained, self-supporting, self-sufficient

2855development which will not require subsidy by other Flagler County taxpayers.

286652. The good mix of land uses contained in the proposed plan for

2879development will help the tax base of Flagler County and avoid a deficit during

2893the buildout of the project prior to construction of 1,200 to 1,500 dwelling


290953. The tax base, the values, and the assessments for the proposed project

2922will provide sufficient funds to support the development.

293054. The proposed Conditions of Approval for the Flagler County portion of

2942the project provide for voluntary contributions by the Applicant in excess of

2954what is required by local ordinance.

296055. The dedication and donation of the golf course and conservation areas

2972to Flagler County are voluntary contributions by the Applicant.

298156. The Ormond Beach portion of Hunter's Ridge project will not require a

2994separate police patrol zone.

299857. The Ormond Beach Police Department can provide acceptable response

3008times for the portions of the project within the City.

301858. The public safety site to be dedicated by the Applicant will benefit

3031the City and the Police Department and will be helpful in rendering public

3044safety services to the citizens of Ormond Beach.

305259. The Ormond Beach portion of Hunter's Ridge project will provide needed

3064revenue to provide needed Police Department services.

307160. The Ormond Beach Police Department can adequately provide public

3081safety services for the Hunter's Ridge area and respond to public safety needs

3094within a reasonable amount of time.

310061. The City of Ormond Beach is capable of providing potable water service

3113to the project.

311662. Impact fees generated by the project will be sufficient to fund water

3129supply and wastewater capital facilities needed to serve the project.

313963. The City has adopted the West Ormond Plan to provide utilities to the

3153Hunter's Ridge project.

315664. The Applicant has dedicated to the City a westerly wellfield site

3168which will be needed for the entire city in the future, even if the Hunter's

3183Ridge project is not developed.

318865. The City of Ormond Beach does not lose money on water and sewer fees.

320366. If the homes built in the Ormond Beach portion of the Hunter's Ridge

3217project approximate the assessed values of existing homes within the city, there

3229will be no revenue strain on the operating budget of the City of Ormond Beach.

324467. The average sale price for homes in the Hunter's Ridge project will be

3258higher than the current average sale price within the City of Ormond Beach.

327168. The Hunter's Ridge project will not place an economic strain on the

3284City of Ormond Beach.

328869. Future growth in the City of Ormond Beach will pay for itself in terms

3303of capital needs.

330670. The fiscal problems of the City of Ormond Beach are not unique, but

3320are similar to those occurring throughout the state.

332871. Increased property values from the Hunter's Ridge project will help

3339the city's fiscal problems in the long run.

334772. The City of Ormond Beach has a great deal of ad valorem capacity to

3362meet service needs and operating budgets.

336873. The Hunter's Ridge DRI will make significantly more contributions to

3379public services and facilities than traditional subdivisions.

338674. The reduced project as proposed for approval in this proceeding

3397contributes a greater amount of money toward public facilities.

340675. The public safety site to be dedicated in the Ormond Beach portion of

3420the project is adequate to serve the fire fighting needs of the project and the

3435surrounding areas.

343776. The public safety site to be dedicated in the Ormond Beach portion of

3451the project gives the city flexibility in providing fire fighting services if

3463the road network connecting the project with Shadow Crossings and Breakaway

3474Trails is in place and will enable the city to better serve Shadow Crossings and

3489Breakaway Trails.

349177. The roadway network for the Hunter's Ridge project will provide

3502interconnections with Shadow Crossings and Breakaway Trails for the provision of

3513police, fire, and emergency services.

351878. The Hunter's Ridge project will have no impact on solid waste in the

3532City of Ormond Beach.

353679. The Hunter's Ridge project will have no impact on the vehicular needs

3549of the City of Ormond Beach Department of Public Works.

355980. The Hunter's Ridge project will have no adverse impact on road

3571maintenance in the City of Ormond Beach.

357881. The proposed Hunter's Ridge DRI is consistent with the requirements of

3590Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, the requirements of Rule 9J-2, Florida

3600Administrative Code, and the requirements of the State Comprehensive Plan.

361082. The Hunter's Ridge DRI meets all regional requirements.

361983. The Hunter's Ridge DRI does not represent "leap frog development," nor

3631does it constitute "urban sprawl."

363684. The density of 982 dwelling units for the Ormond Beach portion of the

3650Hunter's Ridge project is consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan and the

3662requirements of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes.

366885. Reducing the density proposed for the Ormond Beach portion of the

3680project from 982 residential units to 882 residential dwelling units would not

3692necessarily be considered an improvement to furthering the plan concept.

370286. The Hunter's Ridge DRI is consistent with the plans and policies of

3715the Regional Planning Councils.

371987. As to the portions within Flagler County, the Hunter's Ridge DRI:

3731a) Is consistent with the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes;

3742b) Is beneficial to Flagler County;

3748c) Is consistent with the Flagler County Comprehensive Plan;

3757d) Is consistent with the NEFRPC report and recommendations;

3766e) Is superior to existing zoning;

3772f) Provides better development and more planning opportunities than non-

3782DRI approaches to development; and,

3787g) Provides adequate controls for the development of Hunter's Ridge.

379788. The Ormond Beach portion of the project:

3805a) Is consistent with the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes;

3816b) Is consistent with the Ormond Beach Comprehensive Plan and all City

3828ordinances and regulations;

3831c) Adequately mitigates against adverse impacts through the Conditions of

3841the proposed Development Order.

384589. To the extent that the opinions of some witnesses, primarily Mr. Grace

3858and Mr. Shearer, have not been adopted in these Findings of Fact, they are

3872deemed to be unreliable or lacking in substantial weight or persuasive value.


388790. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction of the

3897parties to and subject matter of these proceedings. Sections 120.57(1) and

3908380.07(3), Florida Statutes.

391191. In DRI proceedings, the developer or applicant has the burden of

3923persuasion and the burden of going forward. Young v. Department of Community

3935Affairs, 567 So.2d 2 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1990).

394392. The development of Hunter's Ridge pursuant to the conditions and

3954stipulations of the parties is consistent with the provisions of Section

3965380.06(14) and (15), Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-2.025, Florida Administrative

3975Code. The development will not interfere with the achievement of the objectives

3987of an adopted state land development plan applicable to the area. The overall

4000development will be rendered consistent with the local comprehensive plans and

4011local land development regulations. Further, the development is consistent with

4021the State Comprehensive Plan.

402593. The development orders, as modified by the stipulations and

4035conditions, adequately describe the development which is being approved,

4044specifying and describing acreage attributable to each use. These development

4054orders, subject to the appropriate conditions, are those contained in the Joint

4066Stipulations between Florida-Georgia and the City of Ormond Beach and Flagler

4077County. Copies are attached to the original of this Recommended Order for ease

4090of reference, but are not attached to the copies since all parties already have

4104copies of same.

410794. The development consistent with the referenced development orders

4116adequately mitigates the adverse impacts of the DRI upon the environmental and

4128natural resources of the region. The project ensures that the development will

4140efficiently use and will not unduly burden water, sewer, solid waste disposal,

4152or other necessary public facilities, including public transportation

4160facilities. The development will adequately mitigate any adverse impacts of the

4171DRI upon the ability of people to find adequate housing reasonably accessible to

4184their places of employment. Further, the Hunter's Ridge development is

4194consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan and with the State Land Development

4206Plan. Finally, the development complies with all criteria established by the

4217Regional Planning Councils having jurisdiction over the project.


4226Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

4239RECOMMENDED that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a

4250Final Order and therein:

42541. Adopt the development order with conditions as set forth in the Joint

4267Stipulation of Florida-Georgia Venture Group and the City of Ormond Beach.

42782. Adopt the development order with conditions as set forth in the Joint

4291Stipulation of Florida-Georgia Venture Group and Flagler County.

4299DONE and ENTERED this 21st day of March, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida.



4315Hearing Officer

4317Division of Administrative Hearings

4321The DeSoto Building

43241230 Apalachee Parkway

4327Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550

4330(904) 488-9675

4332Filed with the Clerk of the Division of

4340Administrative Hearings this 21st

4344day of March, 1991.


4353The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2),

4363Florida Statutes, on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in

4376this case.

4378Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact

4385Submitted by Florida-Georgia Venture Group

43901. Each of the following proposed findings of fact is adopted in substance

4403as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding

4416of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1-5(1-5); 12-14(6-8); 16-

442919(9-12); 20(18); 22-25(19-22); 27-38(23-34); 40-89(35-83); 91(84); 92(85);

443694(86); 97(87(; and 98(88).

44402. Proposed findings of fact 26, 39, 90, 93, 95, and 96 are subordinate to

4455the facts actually found in this Recommended Order.

44633. Proposed findings of fact 6-11 and 21 are unnecessary.

44734. Proposed finding of fact 15 is irrelevant.

4481Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact

4488Submitted by Department of Community Affairs

44941. Each of the following proposed findings of fact is adopted in substance

4507as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding

4520of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 8-12(13-17).

45312. Proposed findings of fact 1, 2, and 13-17 are subordinate to the facts

4545actually found in this Recommended Order.

45513. Proposed findings of fact 3-7 are unnecessary.

4559Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact

4566Submitted by the City of Ormond Beach

45731. Proposed findings of fact 1, 8, 10-17, 21, 33-36, 38-40, 43, 46, and 49

4588are subordinate to the facts actually found in this Recommended Order.

45992. Proposed findings of fact 2-7, 19, 20, 22, 23, 37, 47, 48, and 50 are


46163. Proposed findings of fact 9, 18, 24-32, 41, 42, 44, 45, 51, and 52 are

4632unsupported by the credible, competent and substantial evidence.

4640Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact

4647Submitted by the Citizens for Ormond Beach

46541. Proposed findings of fact 7, 9-11, 13-19, 21-25, 35, 47, and 49-52 are

4668subordinate to the facts actually found in this Recommended Order.

46782. Proposed findings of fact 8, 12, 20, 26-32, 34, 42, and 57 are


46933. Proposed findings of fact 33, 36-39, 43-46, 48, and 53-56 are unsupported

4706by the credible, competent and substantial evidence.

47134. Proposed findings of fact 1-6, 40, and 41 are unnecessary.


4726J. Doyle Tumbleson, Attorney at Law

4732Kinsey Vincent Pyle Professional


4737150 South Palmetto Avenue, Box A

4743Daytona Beach, FL 32114

4747Fred S. Disselkoen, Jr.

4751Attorney at Law

4754City of Ormond Beach

4758Post Office Box 277

4762Ormond Beach, FL 32175-0277

4766Gerald S. Livingston

4769Attorney at Law

4772Post Office Box 2151

4776Orlando, FL 32802

4779Timothy Keyser, Attorney at Law

4784Post Office Box 92

4788Interlachen, FL 32148

4791Jonathan Hewett

4793Attorney at Law

4796Central Florida Legal Services, Inc.

4801216 South Sixth Street

4805Palatka, FL 32177

4808David Russ, Senior Attorney

4812Julia Johnson, Attorney

4815Department of Community Affairs

48192740 Centerview Drive

4822Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100

4825Charles Lee

4827Senior Vice President

4830Florida Audubon Society

48331101 Audubon Way

4836Maitland, FL 32751

4839Linda Loomis Shelley

4842Attorney at Law

4845Dixon, Blanton & Shelley

4849902 North Gadsden Street

4853Tallahassee, FL 32303

4856Noah McKinnon

4858Attorney at Law

4861595 West Granada Avenue

4865Ormond Beach, FL 32075

4869Douglas M. Cook, Director

4873Planning and Budgeting

4876Florida Land and Water

4880Adjudicatory Commission

4882Executive Office of the Governor

4887The Capitol, PL-05

4890Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001


4899All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

4911Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

4925written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

4937written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

4949order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

4962to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order should be

4974filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/28/1991
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/21/1991
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/21/1991
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held , 2013). CASE CLOSED.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Ormond Beach, Florida

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