91-001396 Department Of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards And Training Commission vs. Samuel O. Best
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, December 31, 1991.

View Dockets  
Summary: Law enforcement officers license-insufficient evidence to establish knowing possession of marijuana or bad character.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) CASE NO. 91-1396




31Respondent. )



36Pursuant to written notice, a formal hearing was held in this case before

49Diane Cleavinger, a duly designated Hearing Officer of the Division of

60Administrative Hearings, on October 15, 1991, at Panama City, Florida.


71For Petitioner: Joseph S. White, Esquire

77Post Office Box 1489

81Tallahassee, Florida 32302

84For Respondent: Rhonda S. Clyatt, Esquire

90Post Office Box 2492

94Panama City, Florida 32402


102The issue in this proceeding is whether Respondent's certification as a law

114enforcement officer should be disciplined.


121On November 7, 1990, the Petitioner, Criminal Justice Standards and

131Training Commission, filed an Administrative Complaint against the Respondent,

140Samuel O. Best, seeking imposition of an appropriate penalty, namely

150decertification, for alleged violations of Chapter 943, Florida Statutes.

159Specifically, the Commission alleged that Respondent, Samuel O. Best, lacked the

170requisite good moral character for a police officer because on or about February

1838, Respondent was in possession of a controlled substance as described in

195Section 893.03, Florida Statutes, to wit: Cannabis and/or did introduce the

206said substance into his body. See Sections 943.1395(5)5, (6) and 943.13(7),

217Florida Statutes, and Rule 11B-27.0011(4)(b) and/or (c) and/or (d), Florida

227Administrative Code.

229At the hearing, Petitioner called four witnesses and introduced two

239exhibits into evidence. Respondent testified in his own behalf, but did not

251offer any exhibits.

254Petitioner and Respondent filed proposed recommended orders on November 18,

2641991 and November 21, 1991, respectively. Petitioner's and Respondent's

273proposed findings of fact have been considered and utilized in the preparation

285of this Recommended Order, except where such proposals were not supported by the

298weight of evidence or were immaterial, cumulative or subordinate. Specific

308rulings on the parties' proposed findings of fact are contained in the Appendix

321to this Recommended Order.


3281. On October 5, 1989, Respondent was certified by the Criminal Justice

340Standards and Training Commission as a law enforcement officer, holding

350certificate #11-89-002-01.

3522. In February 1990, Samuel O. Best was employed as a police officer by

366the City of Port St. Joe Police Department.

3743. During the early part of February, Respondent accompanied a woman to a

387local motel where the two shared a room and engaged in sexual intercourse.

4004. While the two were in the room, the Respondent thought the woman smoked

414two and one-half cigarettes. The items she smoked looked like normal

425cigarettes. However, Respondent was not paying close attention to the woman's

436activities or any odor of the smoke because he had his mind on more prurient


4525. As the two prepared to leave the room, the Respondent, as was his

466habit, straightened the motel room. The woman had dropped one of her cigarettes

479on the floor and Respondent picked up the cigarette and placed it in his pocket.

4946. The Respondent forgot about the cigarette in his pocket and kept it for

508approximately two or three days.

5137. Around February 8, 1990, the afternoon of the second or third day after

527his liaison with the woman in the motel, Respondent went to his father's home

541and sat on the front porch. The Respondent was on duty.

5528. While contemplating the bleakness of his life, in part due to the

565intense personal problems he was having with his wife, Respondent, who was a

578heavy smoker, began looking for a cigarette to smoke. He found the motel

591woman's cigarette in the pocket of a shirt he had worn for three days. He

606pulled it out, looked at it and lit it. During this activity the "insurance

620man" was walking up to the house.

6279. Officer Best thought the substance in the cigarette was tobacco.

638However, it tasted like perfume and he put the cigarette out after one puff. He

653then left the porch to get his father for the insurance man.

66510. There was an absence of any competent and substantial evidence

676reflecting the identifying the substance contained in the cigarette as

686marijuana. Additionally, no changes in Respondent's behavior were noted by

696any of his fellow officers or supervisors at any time surrounding the events on

710February 8, 1990.

71311. On February 22, 1990, Chief Richter of the Port St. Joe Police

726Department received a citizen complaint regarding the Respondent. The insurance

736agent complained that he had observed the Respondent in police uniform on the

749porch of the Respondent's father's home smoking. That same day, Chief Richter

761contacted the Respondent and directed him to come to Chief Richter's office to

774discuss the complaint. Upon his arrival in Chief Richter's office, Chief

785Richter told the Respondent what the citizen had alleged. 1/

79512. Chief Richter asked the Respondent if he would answer questions

806regarding the allegation. The Respondent voluntarily agreed.

81313. The initial discussion between Officer Best and Chief Richter lasted

824approximately 20 to 25 minutes.

82914. Officer Best's interpretation of what Chief Richter told him was that

841the Chief had decided that Officer Best had been smoking marijuana. Officer

853Best thought his Chief would not misinform him, and he did not argue with Chief

868Richter over the issue of whether or not the substance was marijuana. However,

881Officer Best did not know with any certainty what the substance was that he had

896inhaled briefly while sitting on his father's front porch.

90515. After the initial discussion, Chief Richter then placed the Respondent

916under oath and began to question him while tape recording the interrogation.

928From Respondent's point of view, the reference to marijuana during the

939interrogation was merely a convenient label for referring to the cigarette he

951briefly puffed on his father's front porch. Neither the reference or his

963responses to questions using the term marijuana was intended to be an admission

976of knowing drug use. Given the Respondent's demeanor at the hearing, it is

989understandable under the facts of this case, that even with some training in

1002drug identification, Respondent was not able to identify the substance in the

1014cigarette and that he was also very submissive to what he believed to be a

1029superior officer's view of the matter.

103516. As a result of the Respondent's statement, he was discharged from his

1048employment with the Port St. Joe Police Department.

105617. However, even with the dismissal, the overwhelming evidence in this

1067case is that Respondent remains of good moral character and remains capable of

1080performing his duties and working with his fellow officers. Moreover, the

1091evidence fails to demonstrate that Respondent at any time knowingly possessed or

1103ingested marijuana. Given these facts, the Administrative Complaint should be



111718. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

1127parties to, and the subject matter of this proceeding. Section 120.57(1),

1138Florida Statutes (1987).

114119. Chapter 943, Florida Statutes, regulates the certification of law

1151enforcement officers in Florida.

115520. Section 943.13(4), Florida Statutes, establishes the minimum

1163qualifications for law enforcement officers in Florida, including at subsection


1174Have a good moral character as determined by

1182a background investigation under procedures

1187established by the Commission.

119121. Rule 11B-27.0011(4), Florida Administrative Code, defines good moral

1200character. The Rule states in pertinent part:

1207(4) For the purposes of the Commission's

1214implementation of any of the penalties

1220enumerated in Subsection 943.1395(5) or (6),

1226a certified officer's failure to maintain

1232good moral character, as required by

1238Subsection 943.13(7), is defined as:

1243(a) The perpetration by the officer of an

1251act which would constitute any felony offense,

1258whether criminally prosecuted or not, or

1264(b) The perpetration by the officer of an

1272act which would constitute any of the

1279following misdemeanor or criminal offenses,

1284whether criminally prosecuted or not:

1289Sections 117.03, . . . 812.014(1)(d)

1295[read 812.014(2)(d)][.]

1297(c) The perpetration by the officer of an

1305act or conduct which causes substantial

1311doubts concerning the officer's honesty,

1316fairness, or respect for the rights of others

1324or for the laws of the state and nation,

1333irrespective of whether such act or conduct

1340constitutes a crime[.]

1343Section 943.1395 requires:

1346The Commission shall revoke the certification

1352of any officer who is not in compliance with

1361the provisions of Section 943.13(1)-(10) . . .

1369(6) Upon a finding of the commission that

1377a certified officer has not maintained good

1384moral character, the definition of which has

1391been adopted by rule and is established as a

1400statewide standard, as required by s.

1406943.13(7), the commission may enter an

1412order imposing one or more of the following

1420penalties in lieu of revocation of certifica-


1428(a) Suspension of certification for a

1434period not to exceed 2 years.

1440(b) Placement on a probationary status

1446for a period not to exceed 2 years, subject

1455to terms and conditions imposed by the

1462commission. Upon the violation of such

1468terms and conditions, the commission may

1474revoke certification or impose additional

1479penalties as enumerated in this subsection.

1485(c) Successful completion by the officer

1491of any basic recruit, advanced, or career

1498development training or such retraining

1503deemed appropriate by the commission.

1508(d) Issuance of a reprimand.

1513The Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission has also

1522adopted a rule on the subject of discipline for the failure to

1534maintain good moral character. Rule 11B-27.005, Florida

1541Administrative Code, provides:

1544(2) The Commission sets forth below a range

1552of disciplinary guidelines from which disci-

1558plinary penalties will be imposed upon

1564certified officers who have been found by

1571the Commission to have violated Subsection

1577943.13(7), Florida Statutes. The purpose of

1583the disciplinary guidelines is to give notice

1590to certified officers of the range of penalties

1598which will be imposed upon particular violations

1605of Subsection 943.13(7), Florida Statutes,

1610except as provided in Subsections (4), herein.

1617The disciplinary guidelines are based upon a

1624single count violation of each provision

1630listed. Multiple counts of violations of

1636Subsection 943.13(7), Florida Statutes, will

1641be grounds for enhancement of penalties. All

1648penalties at the upper range of the sanctions

1656set forth in the guidelines (i.e., suspension

1663of revocation), include lesser penalties (i.e.,

1669reprimand, remedial training, or probation),

1674which may be included in the final penalty at

1683the Commission's discretion.

1686(3) When the Commission finds that a certified

1694officer has committed an act which violates

1701Subsection 943.13(7), Florida Statutes, it shall

1707issue a final order imposing penalties within

1714the ranges recommended in the following discipli-

1721nary guidelines:

1723(a) For the perpetration by the officer of

1731an act which would constitute any felony

1738offense, as described in Rule 11B-27.0011(4)(a),

1744but where there was not a violation of Sub-

1753section 943.13(4), Florida Statutes, the usual

1759action of the Commission shall be to impose a

1768penalty ranging from suspension to revocation.

1774(b) For the perpetration by the officer of an

1783act which would constitute any of the mis-

1791demeanor offenses as described in Rule 11B-

179827.0011(4)(b), but where there was not a

1805violation of Subsection 943.13(4), Florida

1810Statutes, the action of the Commission shall

1817be to impose a penalty ranging from probation

1825to revocation.

1827(c) For the perpetration by the officer of an

1836act or conduct which causes substantial doubts

1843concerning the officer's honesty, fairness, or

1849respect for the rights of others or for the

1858laws of the state and nation, as described in

1867Rule 11B-27.001(4)(c), if such act or conduct

1874does not constitute a crime, as described in

1882Rule 11B-27.0011(4)(c), if such act or conduct

1889does not constitute a crime, as described in

1897paragraphs (3)(a) and (b) above, the action of

1905the commission shall be to impose a penalty

1913ranging from the issuance of a reprimand to


1922(d) For the unlawful use by the officer of

1931any of the controlled substances enumerated

1937in Rule 11B-27.00225, as described in Rule

194411B-27.0011(4)(d), the action of the commission

1950shall be to impose a penalty ranging from sus-

1959pension to revocation.

1962(4) The Commission shall be entitled to deviate

1970from the above-mentioned guidelines upon a showing

1977of mitigating circumstances by evidence presented

1983to the Commission prior to the imposition of a

1992final penalty. The Commission may base a deviation

2000from the disciplinary guidelines upon a finding of

2008one or more of the following mitigating circumstances:

2016(a) Whether the officer used his or her official

2025authority to facilitate the misconduct;

2030(b) Whether the misconduct was committed while

2037the officer was performing his or her other


2046(c) The officer's employment status at the time

2054of the final hearing before the Commission;

2061(d) The recommendations of character or employ-

2068ment references;

2070(e) The number of violations found by the


2079(f) The number of prior disciplinary actions

2086taken against the officer by the Commission;

2093(g) The severity of the misconduct;

2099(h) The danger to the public;

2105(i) The length of time since the violation;

2113(j) The length of time the officer has been


2123(k) The actual damage, physical or otherwise,

2130caused by the misconduct;

2134(l) The deterrent effect of the penalty imposed;

2142(m) Any effort of rehabilitation by the officer;

2150(n) The effect of the penalty upon the officer's


2160(o) The penalties imposed for other misconduct;

2167(p) The pecuniary benefit or self-gain to the

2175officer realized by the misconduct;

2180(q) The officer's compliance with the terms and

2188conditions of any Commission-ordered probation;

2193(5) The Commission may impose one or more of the

2203following penalties, listed in increasing order of


2211(a) The issuance of a reprimand.

2217(b) Successful completion by the officer of any

2225basic recruit, advanced, or career development

2231training or such retraining deemed appropriate

2237by the Commission.

2240(c) Placement on a probationary status for a

2248period not to exceed 2 years, subject to terms

2257and conditions of probation may include, but

2264are not limited to: periodic reports from the

2272officer, supervisor or counselor; indirect or

2278direct supervision by Division staff or a

2285Commission-approved supervisor; furnishing

2288urine drug tests; personal appearance(s)

2293before the Commission; participation in

2298psychological, occupational or substance

2302abuse counseling; successful completion of

2307training or retraining as specified in

2313Subsection (5)(b) above; maintaining employ-

2318ment; refraining from violations of Subsection

2324943.13(1)-(10); the payment of restitution for

2330damages or loss created by the officer's mis-

2338conduct; or any other terms or conditions as


2347(d) Suspension of certification and the

2353privilege of employment as an officer for a

2361period not to exceed 2 years.

2367(e) Revocation of certification.

237122. Respondent is charged with violating Section 943.13, Florida Statutes,

2381and Rule 11B-27.0011(4)(a), Florida Administrative Code, by virtue of his

2391failure to maintain the qualification of good moral character as required in

2403Section 943.13(7), Florida Statutes and Rule 11B-27.0011(4). The lack of "good

2414moral character" alleged by Petitioner stems from its allegation that Best did:

"2426unlawfully, and knowingly be in actual

2432or constructive possession of a controlled

2438substance named or described in Section

2444893.03, Florida Statutes., to wit: Cannabis,

2450and/or did introduce the said substance into

2457his body."

245923. Petitioner has the burden to prove by clear and convincing evidence

2471that the Respondent violated Chapter 943 and is subject to discipline for that

2484violation. See Ferris v. Turlington, 510 So.2d 292 (Fla. 1987); Walker v.

2496State, 322 So.2d 612 (Fla. 3d DCA !975); Reid v. Florida Real Estate Commission,

2510188 So.2d 846 (Fla. 2d DCA 1966). In this case, Petitioner has not carried its

2525burden of demonstrating that Best failed to maintain a "good moral character" as

2538required by Section 943.13(7), Florida Statutes. See, Bachynsky v. State,

2548Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medical Examiners, 471 So.2d

25581305 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985); McClung v. Criminal Justice Standards and Training

2570Commission, 458 So.2d 887 (Fla. 5th DCA 1984); Florida Board of Bar Examiners

2583re: G.W.L., 364 So.2d 454 (Fla. 1978), Zemour, Inc. v. State of Florida,

2596Division of Beverage, 347 So.2d 1102 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). The evidence did not

2610demonstrate that Respondent committed the acts alleged to demonstrate his lack

2621of character, i.e., knowing use of marijuana. Likewise, the evidence failed to

2633demonstrate that Respondent lacked good moral character. In fact, the evidence

2644affirmatively demonstrated that Respondent continues to be of good moral

2654character. Thus, it must be concluded that no violation of Section 943.13(7),

2666Florida Statutes, has occurred, and the Administrative Complaint should be



2678Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is

2691recommended that the amended Administrative Complaint filed against Samuel O.

2701Best be dismissed.

2704RECOMMENDED this 31st day of December, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida.



2717Hearing Officer

2719Division of Administrative Hearings

2723The Desoto Building

27261230 Apalachee Parkway

2729Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550

2732(904) 488-9675

2734Filed with the Clerk of the

2740Division of Administrative Hearings

2744this 31st day of December, 1991.


27511/ The insurance agent was not present at the hearing and did not offer any

2766evidence at the hearing. Therefore his ability to identify the odor of

2778marijuana is in serious doubt and the hearsay testimony of Chief Richter about

2791the insurance agent's claims regarding such an ability are insufficient to

2802establish that the substance in the cigarette was marijuana.


28181. The facts contained in paragraphs 1,2,3,5,6,7,8 and 9, of Petitioner's

2835Proposed Findings of Fact are adopted in substance, insofar as material.

28462. The facts contained in paragraphs 4,15 and 17 of Petitioner's Proposed

2859Findings of Fact are subordinate.

28643. The facts contained in paragraphs 10,11,12,13 and 14 of Petitioner's

2878Proposed Findings of Fact were not shown by the evidence.

28884. The facts contained in the first sentence of paragraph 16 of Petitioner's

2901Proposed Findings of Fact are subordinate. The remainder of the paragraph was

2913not shown by the evidence.

29185. The facts contained in paragraphs 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10,11 and first paragraph

2936numbered 12, are adopted in substance, insofar as material.

29456. The facts contained in paragraphs 6,7,13 and second paragraph numbered 12 of

2960Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are subordinate.

29677. The facts contained in the second paragraph numbered 13 of Respondent's

2979Proposed Findings of Fact were not shown by the evidence.


2991Joseph S. White, Esquire

2995Post Office Box 1489

2999Tallahassee, FL 32302

3002Rhonda S. Clyatt, Esquire

3006Post Office Box 2492

3010Panama City, FL 32402

3014Jeffrey Long, Director

3017Criminal Justice Standards

3020and Training Commission

3023Post Office Box 1489

3027Tallahassee, FL 32302

3030James T. Moore


3034Department of Law Enforcement

3038Post Office Box 1489

3042Tallahassee, FL 32302


3051All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this Recommended

3063Order. All agencies allow each party at least 10 days in which to submit

3077written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

3089written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

3101order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

3114to this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to this Recommended Order should be

3126filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/02/1993
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 11/02/1992
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/02/1992
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/31/1991
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 10/15/91.
Date: 11/21/1991
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion to Accept; Proposed Recommended Order filed. (From Rhonda S. Clyatt)
Date: 11/18/1991
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law filed.
Date: 11/14/1991
Proceedings: Order sent out. (RE: Respondent`s Motion for Extension of Time, granted; extended until Nov. 18, 1991).
Date: 11/06/1991
Proceedings: Letter to SLS from Rhonda S. Clyatt (re: Continuance) no enclosed continuance) filed.
Date: 11/06/1991
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Extension of Time & cover ltr filed. (From Rhonda S. Clyatt)
Date: 10/18/1991
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 10/05/1991
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/26/1991
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for Oct. 15, 1991; 9:30am; Panama City).
Date: 06/04/1991
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance sent out. (hearing cancelled)
Date: 05/30/1991
Proceedings: (Defendant) Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 05/08/1991
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Answers to Initial Interrogatories filed. (From Rhonda S. Martinec-Clyatt)
Date: 04/09/1991
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 6/7/91; 9:30am (CST); PC)
Date: 03/19/1991
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Service of Discovery Requests filed.
Date: 03/18/1991
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/15/1991
Proceedings: Ltr. to DDC from J. White re: Reply to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/06/1991
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 03/01/1991
Proceedings: Agency referral letter; Administrative Complaint; Election of Rights filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Panama City, Florida

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