91-008096DRI Department Of Community Affairs vs. Florida Keys Investment Properties, Inc.; Rudolph Krause And Sons Of Florida; And Monroe County
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, December 17, 1992.

View Dockets  
Summary: Rock pit in operation at time of effective date of Land Development Regulations qualified as non- conforming use that could continue in operation.






15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) CASE NO. 91- 8096DRI







44Respondents. )



49Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was conducted in this case on October

6213, 1992, in Miami, Florida, before Stuart M. Lerner, a duly designated Hearing

75Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


83For Petitioner Department of Community Affairs:

89Sherry A. Spiers, Esquire

93Department of Community Affairs

972740 Centerview Drive

100Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

103For Respondent Florida Keys Investment Properties, Inc., and Respondent

112Rudolph Krause & Sons of Florida:

118Douglas M. Halsey, Esquire

122Southeast Financial Center

125Suite 4980

127200 South Biscayne Boulevard

131Miami, Florida 33131-5309

134For Respondent Monroe County:

138No Appearance


144Whether the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission should permit

154the development authorized by Monroe County Building Permit No. 9110002601 and,

165if so, upon what, if any, conditions and restrictions.


176On August 26, 1991, the Department of Community Affairs (hereinafter

186referred to as the "Department") filed with the Florida Land and Water

199Adjudicatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission") written

209notice of its appeal of Building Permit No. 9110002601 (hereinafter referred to

221as the "Permit") issued by Monroe County (hereinafter referred to as the

"234County") authorizing Respondent Rudolph Krause & Sons of Florida to engage in

247resource extraction activity on land owned by Florida Keys Investment

257Properties, Inc., in the unincorporated part of the County. The Department's

268notice of appeal was accompanied by a petition in which the Department alleged

281that the Permit had been issued contrary to the provisions of the County's land

295development regulations. On December 18, 1991, the matter was referred to the

307Division of Administrative Hearings for the assignment of a Hearing Officer.

318Three witnesses testified at the final hearing held before the assigned

329Hearing Officer. Testifying on behalf of Respondents were Roseann Krause and

340her husband, Rudolph Krause, members of the family that owns and operates both

353Respondent Florida Keys Investment Properties, Inc., and Respondent Rudolph

362Krause & Sons of Florida (hereinafter referred to collectively as the

"373Respondents"). The Department presented the testimony of Kenneth Metcalf, the

384Community Program Administrator for the Department's Florida Keys field office.

394In addition to the testimony of these witnesses, a total of 29 exhibits were

408offered and received into evidence. Among these exhibits was the deposition of

420Lorenzo Aghemo, the County's Planning Director.

426At the close of the evidentiary portion of the hearing on October 6, 1992,

440the Hearing Officer advised the parties on the record that post-hearing

451submittals had to be filed no later than ten days following the Hearing

464Officer's receipt of the hearing transcript. The Hearing Officer received the

475hearing transcript on November 9, 1992.

481On November 18, 1992, the Department filed a motion requesting that the

493deadline for the submission of post-hearing submittals be extended to and

504including November 25, 1992. The motion was opposed by Respondents. On

515November 20, 1992, the Hearing Officer issued an order granting the Department's

527motion for extension of time. Respondents filed a joint proposed recommended

538order and supporting memorandum on November 25, 1992. That same day, the

550Department filed its proposed recommended order. To date, the County has not

562submitted any post-hearing submittal.

566The Department's and Respondents' proposed recommended orders contain, what

575are labelled as, "findings of fact." These proposed "findings of fact" have

587been carefully considered and are specifically addressed in the Appendix to this

599Recommended Order.


604Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the

618following Findings of Fact are made:

6241. The property that is the subject of the development order under review

637in the instant case (hereinafter referred to as the "Property") is an 18.85-acre

651parcel located on No Name Key in unincorporated Monroe County within the Florida

664Keys Area of Critical State Concern.

6702. Since 1985, the Property has been owned by Respondent Florida Keys

682Investment Properties, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as " FKIP").

6913. The Property is the site of a borrow pit that currently occupies 9.65

705acres of the Property's surface area.

7114. Since the early 1970's, Rudolph Krause & Sons of Florida (hereinafter

723referred to as "Krause & Sons") has been operating the borrow pit and excavating

738fill from the Property for sale to the public pursuant to permits issued by the


7545. Both Krause & Sons and FKIP are owned by Rudolph Krause, his wife,

768Roseann Krause, and other members of the Krause family.

7776. Since 1975, Roseann Krause has assumed primary responsibility for

787obtaining from the County the permits necessary to perform the excavation work

799on the Property (hereinafter referred to as the "excavation permits").

8107. Such excavation permits have been issued by the County each year from

8231975 to 1991, with the exception of 1988. 1/

8328. Each of these excavation permits contained language indicating that the

843permit was a renewal of at least one previously issued permit.

8549. No excavation permit other than the 1991 permit, which is the permit

867under review in the instant case, has been appealed by the Department.

87910. Although the excavation work on the Property has been conducted with

891the approval, and to the apparent satisfaction, of the County, in 1985 the

904United States Army Corps of Engineers filed a complaint in federal district

916court against Mr. and Mrs. Krause, FKIP and Krause & Sons alleging that certain

930work had been done in the wetlands portion of the Property without the requisite

944dredge and fill permit and therefore in violation of federal law. Neither the

957County nor the Department were parties to this federal district court

968proceeding, although the County, at least, was aware of the proceeding.

97911. In September of 1985, the federal district court entered a final

991consent judgement, the first eight numbered paragraphs of which provided as


10031. This Court has jurisdiction of the subject

1011matter of this action and of the parties thereto.

10202. The provisions of this Final Judgment shall

1028be binding upon the Defendants; their successors

1035and assigns; and all persons, firms and corpora-

1043tions in active concert or privity with the

1051Defendants who have actual or constructive notice

1058of this Judgment by personal service or otherwise.

10663. All references to geographical locations with

1073respect to this dredge and fill/restoration on No

1081Name Key shall be directed to the attached sketch

1090entitled "Florida Keys Investment Properties, Inc.

1096Restoration Plan." (Exhibit A). Exhibit A is

1103merely an enlarged view of a portion of Exhibit B,

1113which is a jurisdictional determination by Curtis

1120Kruer, dated June 3, 1983.

11254. Within 18 months of entry of this Final

1134(Consent) Judgment, the Defendants shall remove

1140all fill material located in the area indicated

1148on Exhibit A (the south side and southern portion

1157of east side of the existing borrow pit) down to

1167the adjacent wetland elevation. All spoil material

1174so removed will be placed on upland areas on site

1184or at the Defendants' option, may be trucked off

1193site. Spoil material may be stockpiled in areas

1201designated as wetlands immediately adjacent to the

1208areas of the borrow pit to be excavated. Defendants

1217shall notify the Big Pine Key regulatory Field Office

1226of the United States Army Corps of Engineers upon

1235commencement and completion of this phase of the

1243earthmoving work.

12455. Within three years of the entry of this Final

1255(Consent) Judgment, the Defendants shall be allowed

1262to enlarge the existing borrow pit as shown on Exhibit

1272A to a maximum depth of -60 feet MSL.

12816. Within 120 days from completion of the

1289excavation work described in paragraph 5 above or

1297within 40 months after entry of this decree, which-

1306ever date comes first, the Defendants, shall complete

1314the creation of the wetland shelf area on the eastern

1324and western sides of the borrow pit (excluding that

1333portion of the pit to be excavated in the uplands,

1343i.e. Section "C" on Exhibit B) by grading the area down

1354to the adjacent natural wetland elevations as shown on

1363Exhibit A. All spoil material will be placed on an

1373upland site or, at Defendants' option, may be

1381temporarily stored on site, and then trucked off site

1390within the period set forth in the first sentence of

1400this paragraph.

14027. Defendants agree to conduct the above-described

1409restoration measures in an environmentally-sensitive

1414manner and shall use their best efforts to avoid

1423damage to adjacent wetlands or water areas (other

1431than the borrow pit) during this process. In addition,

1440a low fill berm 6-feet wide and 2-feet high shall

1450be constructed and remain around the immediate

1457edge of the pit as shown in Exhibit A at all times

1469during excavation of the pit. This berm shall be

1478extended around the immediate edge of the pit's

1486final configuration. This allows Defendants to

1492continue excavation of the pit in a northerly

1500direction into the existing uplands shown as "C"

1508on Exhibit B.

15118. Defendants are hereby permanently enjoined

1517from conducting any further dredging, filling or

1524construction activities at No Name Key, adjacent

1531to Big Spanish Channel in any wetland or water

1540area, above or below the mean high water line,

1549without the prior issuance of a Department of Army

1558permit. The only exception to this provision is

1566the work described herein. Only that portion of

1574Defendants' property depicted as Section "C" on

1581attached "Sketch of Jurisdictional Determination"

1586(Exhibit "B" hereto) is agreed to be uplands, not

1595subject to Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction.

160212. Mrs. Krause had submitted an application for a renewal excavation

1613permit in February of 1985, prior to the entry of the federal district court's

1627final consent judgment. The application, as originally submitted, did not

1637specify the total amount of fill Krause & Sons expected to excavate during the


165213. In a letter dated March 12, 1985, that she sent to the County's

1666Building Director, Mrs. Krause acknowledged that she did not include this

1677information in the application. The body of the letter read as follows:

1689I applied for renewal of our excavation (borrow

1697pit on No Name) permit in February. I wish to

1707keep current this permit but at the present time

1716I cannot supply you with any additional informa-

1724tion since it is in litigation with the Corps of


1735As soon as this litigation is resolved, I will

1744supply you with the needed information as to

1752width, length and depth to be dug as well as

1762total amount of cubic yards.

1767I do not wish this permit to lapse in any way

1778and therefore request that you issue a renewal

1786based upon this information at this time.

1793If you have any questions regarding this

1800information, please do not hesitate to call me.

1808Thank you for your attention to this matter.

1816I certainly appreciate your understanding.

182114. The following month, Mrs. Krause supplemented the application she had

1832submitted in February by providing the County with two sketches of the Property

1845which were similar, but not identical, to the one appended to the final consent

1859judgment and identified as Exhibit B. On one of these sketches, she had made

1873the following handwritten notations: "proposed 25,000 yds. 25'x750'x35,'" which

1884notation appeared next to the southwestern edge of the borrow pit; and "uplands

1897to be dug," which notation appeared in the same area on the northerly portion of

1912the Property that is depicted in the final consent judgment's Exhibit B as

1925Section "C" (hereinafter referred to as the "Uplands"). It is apparent from a

1939review of the two sketches that the "proposed 25,000 yds" were to come from an

1955area on the western side of the pit and not from the Uplands.

196815. On April 29, 1985, the County issued the excavation permit (Building

1980Permit No. 13289A) for which Mrs. Krause had applied on behalf of Krause & Sons.

1995In issuing this permit, the County used a printed building permit form which

2008contained the following language:






2050Typed in under "WORK DESCRIPTION" on the form was the following: "Renewal

2062of Excavation Permit, Supplement to 11332A, 10203A, 9543A, 7791A, 6498A, 4884A,


207416. Recipients of permits issued on these printed building permit forms

2085are also furnished "permit cards" that they are instructed to post in an

2098appropriate location at the work site. Each "permit card" contains the

2109following advisement:

2111The person accepting this permit shall conform

2118to the terms of the application on file in the

2128office of the Zoning Department of Monroe

2135County and construction shall conform to the

2142requirements of the Monroe County Codes.

214817. In or around early 1986, Krause & Sons hired E.I. DuPont De Nemours

2162(hereinafter referred to as " DuPont") to blast, as a preliminary step in the

2176resource extraction process, portions of the Property that had not yet been

2188excavated (hereinafter referred to as the " Unexcavated Areas"), including the

2199entire uplands area referred to as Section "C" in the federal district court's

2212final consent judgment.

221518. Thereafter, DuPont, on behalf of Krause & Sons, applied to the County

2228for a permit authorizing such blasting.

223419. The requested permit (Building Permit No. 14835A) was issued on

2245February 20, 1986.

224820. In issuing Building Permit No. 14835A, the County used the same

2260printed building permit form that it had used in issuing the 1985 excavation

2273permit referenced in paragraph 15 above. It also provided an appropriate

"2284permit card" for posting.

228821. Typed in under "WORK DESCRIPTION" on Building Permit No. 14835A was

2300simply the following: "Blasters and Users Permit." No further indication was

2311given as to the nature or scope of the work authorized to be performed.

232522. Following the issuance of Building Permit No. 14835A on February 26,

23371986, Dupont began its blasting of the Unexcavated Areas.

234623. The work was completed later that year.

235424. Mr. Krause was on site during the blasting and provided assistance to


236825. Krause & Sons paid Dupont a total of $267,131.58 for the blasting. In

2383addition, it purchased or leased equipment to be used in the excavation of the

2397blasted material. It would not have made these expenditures had it known that

2410it would be prevented from completing the excavation of those areas of the

2423Property that the County had authorized it to blast.

243226. In April of 1986, before the completion of the blasting, Mrs. Krause,

2445on behalf of Krause & Sons, sought to renew Building Permit No. 13289A, the

2459excavation permit she had obtained for the Property the previous year. The

2471application she submitted indicated that Krause & Sons proposed to "[e] xcavate

2483approx. 25,000 cu yds." Along with the application, she submitted a copy of the

2498sketch of the Property containing her handwritten notations that she had sent to

2511the County to supplement the previous year's application.

251927. The requested permit (Building Permit No. 15276A) was issued on April

253130, 1986.

253328. In issuing Building Permit No. 15276A, the County used the same

2545printed building permit form that it had used in issuing the blasting permit and

2559the previous year's excavation permit. In addition, it provided an appropriate

"2570permit card" for posting.

257429. Typed in under "WORK DESCRIPTION" on Building Permit No. 15276A was

2586the following: "Renewal of Excavation Permit- Approximately 25,000 CY FILL

2597Supplement to 13289A, 11332A, 10203A, 9543A, 7791A, 6498A, 4884A, 3492A."

260730. On September 15, 1986, after DuPont had completed its blasting, the

2619County's current land development regulations (hereinafter referred to as the

"2629Regulations") became effective.

263331. Section 9.5-231(a) of the Regulations provides that "[n]o structure or

2644land in Monroe County shall hereafter be developed, used or occupied unless

2656expressly authorized in a land use district in this division."

266632. Under the Regulations, the Property is in a "Native" or "NA" land use

2680district. 2/

268233. Section 9.5-239 of the Regulations lists the uses that are allowed in

"2695NA" land use districts.

269934. "Resource extraction," which is defined in Section 9.5-4 of the

2710Regulations as "the dredging, digging, extraction, mining and quarrying of

2720limerock, sand, gravel or minerals for commercial purposes," is not among the

2732uses listed.

273435. "Resource extraction" is permitted as a major conditional use in

2745Industrial land use districts under Section 9.5-249(c)(2) of the Regulations,


275636. Sections 9.5-431, 9.5-432 and 9.5-433 of the Regulations specifically

2766address the subject of resource extraction. They provide as follows:

2776Section 9.5-431. General.

2779All resource extraction activities in the county

2786shall comply with the provision of this division

2794in order to ensure that such activities do not

2803adversely affect long-term ecological values in

2809the county and that abandoned extraction sites will

2817be restored.

2819Section 9.5-432. Resource extraction standards.

2824All resource extraction activities shall:

2829(a) Be designed so that no area of excavation,

2838storage area for equipment or machinery or other

2846structure or facility is closer than:

2852(1) Two hundred (200) feet to any property line;


2862(2) Five hundred (500) feet to any residential

2870nonresource extraction related commercial use

2875in existence on the date the permit is issued;

2884(b) Be located on a parcel of at least twenty

2894(20) acres;

2896(c) Be fenced or blocked so as to prevent

2905unauthorized entry into the resource extraction

2911operation through access roads;

2915(d) Will not involve excavation below sixty feet;

2923(e) Will not cause the introduction of saline

2931aquifer waters into fresh water aquifers;

2937(f) Will involve restoration of disturbed areas

2944at the completion of the resource extraction

2951operation in accordance with section 9.5-433,

2957and the implementation of the restoration plan

2964is secured by a surety bond or other guarantee

2973of performance approved by the county; and

2980(g) Operate solely between the hours of 8:00 a.m.

2989and 5:00 p.m.

2992Section 9.5-433. Restoration standards.

2996All parcels of land which are used for resource

3005extraction operations shall be restored as follows:

3012(a) Restoration shall be a continuous process,

3019and each portion of the parcel shall be restored

3028within two (2) years after resource extraction

3035is completed for that portion;

3040(b) Topsoil shall be restored in approximately

3047the same quality and quantity as existed at the

3056time the resource extraction operation was initiated;

3063(c) Any body of water created by the resource

3072extraction operation shall have a graded shoreline

3079with a slope not to exceed one (1) foot vertical

3089to five feet horizontal;

3093(d) All equipment, machinery and structures, except

3100for structures that are usable for recreational

3107purposes or any other use authorized in the area,

3116shall be removed within six (6) months after the

3125resource extraction operation is terminated and

3131restoration is completed; and

3135(e) Reclamation shall to the maximum extent

3142practical result in the reestablishment of the

3149vegetation association which existed prior to

3155the extraction activity.

315837. A "nonconforming use," as that term is used in the Regulations, is

3171defined in Section 9.5-4 thereof as "any use lawfully being made of any land,

3185buildings or structure, other than a sign, on the effective date of this chapter

3199or any amendment thereto, rendering such use nonconforming, which does not

3210comply with all of the regulations of this chapter, or any amendment thereto.

322338. Section 9.5-143(a) of the Regulations provides that "[n] onconforming

3233uses of land or structures may continue in accordance with the provisions of

3246this section."

324839. Among "the provisions of this section" are the following found in

3260subsection (c) thereof:

3263Extensions: Nonconforming uses shall not be

3269extended. This prohibition shall be construed

3275so as to prevent:

3279(1) Enlargement of nonconforming uses by

3285additions to the structure in which the

3292nonconforming uses are located; or

3297(2) Occupancy of additional lands.

330240. According to Section 9.5-141 of the Regulations, the purpose of the

3314provisions relating to "nonconforming uses"

3319is to regulate and limit the continued

3326existence of uses and structures established

3332prior to the enactment of this chapter.

3339Many nonconformities may continue, but the

3345provisions of this article are designed to

3352curtail substantial investment in nonconformities

3357and to bring about their eventual elimination

3364in order to preserve the integrity of this chapter.

337341. Section 9.5-115 of the Regulations is entitled "Expiration of building

3384permit." Subsections (a) through (d) of this section provide as follows:

3395(a) A building permit shall automatically

3401expire and become null and void if work

3409authorized by such permit is not commenced

3416within sixty (60) days from the effective date

3424of the permit, or if such work, when commenced,

3433is suspended or abandoned at any time for a period

3443of one hundred twenty (120) consecutive days.

3450The effective date of a building permit

3457authorizing land clearing or which authorizes

3463development as defined in chapter 380, Florida

3470Statutes, shall be as provided in rule 9J-1.03,

3478Florida Administrative Code, as long as the parcel

3486is located within an area of critical state concern.

3495(b) If the work covered by the permit has not

3505commenced or has commenced and been suspended or

3513abandoned, the building official may extend such

3520permit for a single period of sixty (60) days from

3530the date of extension is [sic] made prior to the

3540expiration date of the initial permit.

3546(c) If the work covered by the permit has

3555commenced, is in progress, but has not been

3563completed and in the opinion of the building

3571official and the director of planning, is being

3579carried on progressively in a substantial manner,

3586the permit shall remain in effect until completion

3594of the job.

3597(d) If work has commenced and the permit

3605becomes null and void or expires because of lack

3614of progress or abandonment, a new permit covering

3622the proposed construction shall be obtained before

3629proceeding with the work under regulations in effect

3637at the time the new permit is issued.

364542. Section 9.5-115 of the Regulations makes no reference to "renewal"


365743. The first excavation permit Krause & Sons received after the effective

3669date of the Regulations (Building Permit No. 17487A) was issued on May 1, 1987.

368344. In issuing Building Permit No. 17487A, the County used the same

3695printed building permit form that it had used in issuing the 1986 blasting

3708permit and the 1985 and 1986 excavation permits. In addition, it provided an

3721appropriate "permit card" for posting.

372645. Typed in under "WORK DESCRIPTION" on Building Permit No. 17487A was

3738the following: "Excavation Pit- RENEWAL- Supplement to Permit #13289A,

374711332A, 10203A, 9543A, 7791A, 6498A, 4884A, 3492A."

375446. Typed in under "REMARKS" on Building Permit No. 17487A was the




3779Issued under the condition that restoration

3785required from Army Corps be completed.

3791Biologist recommends approval as per Monroe

3797County Code.

379947. On April 26, 1988, Mrs. Krause, on behalf of Krause & Sons, filed an

3814application to renew Building Permit No. 17487A. Accompanying the application

3824was a sketch of the Property. On the sketch, Mrs. Krause had drawn an arrow

3839pointing to the southern portion of the Uplands. Above the arrow she had

3852written, "proposed to dig approx 19,444 cu yds," and in the area to which the

3868arrow was pointing, she had written, "Approx. 19444 cu yds to be dug."

388148. There was a delay in the issuance of the requested permit. On April

38954, 1989, the permit (Building Permit No. 8910000731) was finally issued.

390649. An application to renew Building Permit No. 8910000731 was filed on

3918April 3, 1990.

392150. The requested permit (Building Permit No. 9010000645) was issued on

3932June 21, 1990. The effective date of the permit was August 28, 1990.

394551. An application to renew Building Permit No. 9010000645 was filed on

3957April 16, 1991.

396052. The requested permit (Building Permit No. 9110002601) was issued on

3971July 11, 1991.

397453. In the "Remarks" section of the permit the following was typed:

3986RENEWAL OF PERMIT 90-10000645, 89-10000731

3991AND 17487A. PLANNING APPROVAL 6-25-91 AG




401654. Neither the application nor the permit specified the amount of fill to

4029be excavated or where on the Property the excavation was to occur. There was

4043only one area of the Property however, where there was further excavation to

4056be done. This area was the Uplands. Respondents had hoped, pursuant to the

4069authorization provided by the permit, to merely remove the already blasted fill

4081material that remained there. 3/ No further blasting was needed.

409155. The Department appealed Building Permit No. 9110002601 to the



410556. Pursuant to Section 380.07(2), Florida Statutes, the Department is

4115authorized to appeal a "development order 4/ in any area of critical state

4128concern," such as Building Permit No. 9110002601, on the ground that it does not

4142comply with the mandate of Section 380.06(13), Florida Statutes, that a "local

4154government shall approve [development in an area or critical state concern] only

4166if it complies with the land development regulations therefor."

417557. In such an appeal proceeding, the burden is upon the recipient of the

4189development order to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the order

4202complies with the local government's land development regulations. See Young v.

4213Department of Community Affairs, 567 So.2d 2 (Fla. 3d DCA 1990); 5/ Harbor

4226Course Club v. Department of Community Affairs, 510 So.2d 915 (Fla. 3d DCA

42391987). The recipient, however, need only address the compliance issues raised

4250by the Department in the petition accompanying the Department's notice of

4261appeal. 6/ See Woodholly Associates v. Department of Natural Resources, 451

4272So.2d 1002 (Fla. 1st DCA 1984).

427858. In the petition accompanying the notice of appeal filed in the instant

4291case, the Department alleges that "Building Permit No. 9110002601 is contrary to

4303the adopted Monroe County land development regulations [found in Chapter 9.5 of

4315the Monroe County Code and previously referred to in this Recommended Order as

4328the 'Regulations'] in that excavation/extraction of resources is not permitted

4338in the NA land use designation." According to the petition, "[t]here are no

4351conditions under which development may be authorized consistent with the Monroe

4362County land development regulations absent amending the land use district maps

4373[to change the Property's land use designation from NA] to Industrial use and

4386proceeding through the conditional use process," during which the applicability

4396of the resource extraction and restoration standards of Sections 9.5-432 and

44079.5-433 of the Regulations would need to be addressed.

441659. Respondents do not dispute that resource extraction, the activity

4426authorized by Building Permit No. 9110002601, is a use that, under the

4438Regulations, is not expressly allowed in the NA land use district in which the

4452Property is located.

445560. It is Respondents' position, however, that the resource extraction

4465activity they seek to undertake pursuant to Building Permit No. 9110002601, to

4477wit: the completion of the excavation of the Uplands, should be permitted as a

"4491nonconforming use" under the provisions of Section 9-5.143 of the Regulations,

4502regardless of whether such activity is allowable under the Regulations' other

4513provisions. The Hearing Officer agrees and finds that Respondents have

4523established by a preponderance of the evidence their entitlement to engage in

4535such activity as a "nonconforming use."

454161. A "nonconforming use" that may continue in accordance with the

4552provisions of Section 9-5.143 is "any use lawfully being made of any land,

4565buildings or structure, other than a sign, on the effective date of [Chapter 9.5

4579of the Monroe County Code], rendering such use nonconforming, which does not

4591comply with all of the regulations of [Chapter 9.5]."

460062. September 15, 1986, was the effective date of the Regulations. By

4612that date, the excavation of the Uplands had already begun. The entire area had

4626been blasted as the first step in the excavation process that Respondents now

4639desire to complete.

464263. The Department acknowledges in its proposed recommended order that

4652such blasting occurred, but contends that it was not authorized by the blasting

4665permit (Building Permit No. 14835A) that had been obtained prior to the

4677blasting. According to the Department, the "blasting permit cannot be construed

4688as authorizing that extent of blasting but is most reasonably viewed as

4700authorizing blasting [only] of the wetlands on the eastern and western sides of

4713the pit."

471564. Having carefully considered the evidence on the matter, including,

4725most significantly, the copy of Building Permit No. 14835A and the accompanying

"4737permit card" which were offered and received into evidence as Respondents'

4748Exhibit 6, as well as the testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Krause, the Hearing Officer

4763has reached a contrary conclusion. The documents that comprise Respondents'

4773Exhibit 6 do not indicate, on their face, that the blasting authorized by the

4787County was to be restricted to any particular area of the Property, much less

"4801the wetlands on the eastern and western sides of the pit;" however, they each

4815contain language suggesting that the extent of the authorization given by the

4827blasting permit may not be determined without reference to the permit

4838application and any plans submitted in connection therewith. No such

4848application materials or copies thereof were in the County's files at the time

4861of hearing, nor were they otherwise readily available to Respondents, who had

4873never been given copies of these application materials to keep for their

4885records. Under such circumstances, it was permissible for Respondents to

4895supplement Respondents' Exhibit 6 with parol evidence to establish the extent of

4907the land area which was subject to the provisions of the blasting permit. See

4921Nahmod v. Nelson, 3 So.2d 162, 164-65 (Fla. 1941)("[u] nquestionably secondary

4933evidence is admissible to prove the contents of a lost writing where proper

4946predicate is laid and where such evidence is otherwise competent and


495965. The parol evidence offered by Respondents was the testimony of Mr. and

4972Mrs. Krause. The Krauses testified that permission was sought and obtained to

4984blast the entire Uplands. Their testimony on this matter was unrebutted. While

4996neither Mr. or Mrs. Krause actually prepared or submitted the application to

5008gain such permission, given their respective positions with the entity for which

5020the blasting work was done, it appears likely, and therefore the Hearing Officer

5033has found in the absence of any persuasive evidence to the contrary, that their

5047testimony was based upon firsthand knowledge and not speculation or what someone

5059else had told them. In view of the foregoing, the Hearing Officer has credited

5073the Krauses' testimony and taken it into consideration in determining that the

5085blasting of the entire Uplands was authorized by Building Permit No. 14835A.

509766. The resource extraction activity that Building Permit No. 9110002601

5107authorizes, therefore, will not involve the use of any land that was not

5120lawfully being used for that purpose at the time of the effective date of the


513667. Such activity thus qualifies as a "nonconforming use," within the

5147meaning of Section 9.5-143 of the Regulations, which the Commission should allow

5159to continue, notwithstanding that the Property is in a land use district in

5172which such activity, but for its qualification as a "nonconforming use," would

5184be prohibited. 7/

518768. In engaging in such continued activity, Respondents must comply with

5198the applicable provisions of Sections 9.5-432 (resource extraction standards)

5207and 9.5-433 (restoration standards) of the Regulations, 8/ but only to the

5219extent that these provisions do not operate to effectively prevent them from

5231excavating any land that, on the effective date of the Regulations, was being

5244lawfully used for resource extraction activity. 9/ In the interest of clarity

5256and to avoid any uncertainty regarding the matter, the final order issued by the

5270Commission should make specific reference to these requirements Respondents must

5280meet, notwithstanding that Respondents would still be required to comply with

5291these requirements even if, like Building Permit No. 9110002601, the order did

5303not contain any such specific reference. See National Container Corporation v.

5314State, 189 So. 4, 17 (Fla. 1939)("[ i]t is immaterial whether the limitations

5328prescribed by statute or the reserved power and authority vested in the City

5341Commission by the statute were written into the permit granted National

5352Container Corporation. Under the law the statutory provisions in that regard .

5364. . become a part of the . . . permit just as effectually as if those provisions

5382had been written into the . . . permit.").


5393Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is


5407RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order (1) granting

5417Respondents permission to engage in the resource extraction activity they seek

5428to undertake pursuant to Building Permit No. 9110002601, to wit: the completion

5440of the excavation of the Uplands, and (2) specifying that Respondents shall

5452comply with the applicable provisions of Sections 9.5-432 (resource extraction

5462standards) and 9.5-433 (restoration standards) of the Regulations to the extent

5473that these provisions do not operate to effectively prevent them from excavating

5485any land that, on the effective date of the Regulations, was being lawfully used

5499for resource extraction activity.

5503DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 17th day of

5515December, 1992.



5521Hearing Officer

5523Division of Administrative Hearings

5527The DeSoto Building

55301230 Apalachee Parkway

5533Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

5536(904) 488-9675

5538Filed with the Clerk of the

5544Division of Administrative Hearings

5548this 17th day of December, 1992.


55551/ A permit was applied for in April of 1988, but the requested permit was not

5571issued until the following April.

55762/ Under the land use regulations that were in effect immediately prior to

5589September 15, 1986, the Property was in a "General Use" or "GU" zoning district,

5603which had no setback requirements. While resource extraction activity was

5613prohibited in "GU" districts, the Property qualified, under a saving or

5624grandfather provision, for an exemption from this prohibition.

56323/ They had already satisfactorily completed the restoration work required by

5643the federal district court's final consent judgment.

56504/ A "development order," as that term is used in Chapter 380, Florida

5663Statutes, is "any order granting, denying, or granting with conditions an

5674application for a development permit." Section 380.031(3), Fla. Stat. Such a

"5685development permit" "includes any building permit, zoning permit, plat

5694approval, or rezoning, certification, variance, or other action having the

5704effect of permitting development as defined in [Chapter 380, Florida Statutes]."

5715Section 380.031(4), Fla. Stat. "Development" is defined in Chapter 380, Florida

5726Statutes, as including, among other things, "excavation on a parcel of land."

5738Section 380.04(2)(d), Fla. Stat.

57425/ The Third District, in Young, certified that it had "passed upon a question

5756of great public importance by holding that, in an appeal by the state land

5770planning agency pursuant to section 380.07, Florida Statutes (1987), the burden

5781of persuasion, and the burden of going forward, rested on the applicant for the

5795permit." The matter is still pending before the Florida Supreme Court.

58066/ Rule 42-2.002(1), Florida Administrative Code, requires that each notice of

5817appeal filed pursuant to Section 380.07(2), Florida Statutes, be accompanied by

5828a petition which contains, among other things, "[a] clear and concise statement

5840of the ultimate facts alleged, the specific relief sought, and the legal basis

5853for such relief."

58567/ Whether, as Respondents argue, the Commission would be required to permit

5868such activity pursuant Section 380.05(18), Florida Statutes, even if such

5878activity was prohibited by the Regulations, is an issue that need not be decided

5892inasmuch as such activity is not barred by the Regulations.

59028/ These provisions were referenced in the Department's appeal petition.

59129/ Respondents therefore need not meet the setback requirements of subsection

5923(a) of Section 9.5-432 or the minimum parcel size requirements of subsection (b)

5936of Section 9.5-432 of the Regulations.


5946The following are the Hearing Officer's specific rulings on, what are

5957labelled as, "findings of facts" in the parties' proposed recommended orders:

5968The Department's Proposed "Findings of Fact"

59741-4. Accepted and incorporated in substance, although not necessarily

5983repeated verbatim, in this Recommended Order.

59895. First sentence: Rejected because it is not supported by persuasive

6000competent substantial evidence; Second sentence: Given the absence of

6009persuasive competent substantial evidence to support a finding that, under the

6020prior regulations, County Commission approval was required to remove more than

60311,000 cubic yard of fill, this additional finding concerning the absence of any

6045record of such approval having been furnished has been rejected because it would

6058add only unnecessary detail to the factual findings made by the Hearing Officer;

6071Third sentence: Rejected because it is more in the nature of commentary

6083regarding the state of the evidentiary record than a finding of fact.

60956. Rejected because it is more in the nature of commentary regarding the

6108significance of certain evidence adduced at hearing than a finding of fact.

61207-9. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

612610. Rejected because it would add only unnecessary detail to the factual

6138findings made by the Hearing Officer.

614411-14. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

615015. First and third sentences: Accepted and incorporated in substance;

6160Second sentence: Rejected because it is a mere recitation of testimony rather

6172than a finding of fact.

617716-22. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

618323. First sentence: Accepted and incorporated in substance; Second and

6193third sentences: Rejected because they would add only unnecessary detail to the

6205factual findings made by the Hearing Officer.

621224. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

621825. First and third sentences: Accepted and incorporated in substance;

6228Second sentence: To the extent that this proposed finding states that the

6240sketch contained the notation, "uplands to be dug," it has been rejected because

6253it is not supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence. Otherwise it

6264has been accepted and incorporated in substance; Fourth sentence: Rejected

6274because it is more in the nature of a summary of testimony than a finding of


629126. Rejected because it is not supported by persuasive competent

6301substantial evidence.

630327. First sentence: Accepted and incorporated in substance; Second

6312sentence: Rejected because it is not supported by persuasive competent

6322substantial evidence.

632428-29. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

633030. First sentence: Rejected as a finding of fact because it is more in

6344the nature of a statement of the parties' respective positions regarding a legal

6357issue; Second sentence: Accepted and incorporated is substance.

636531-33. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

637134. First sentence: To the extent that this proposed finding refers to

6383Respondents' "great reliance" upon the 1986 blasting permit, it has been

6394rejected as a finding of fact because it is more in the nature of a statement of

6411the legal position Respondents have taken in this matter. To the extent that it

6425asserts that the blasting permit's "import is pivotal to a resolution of this

6438appeal," it has been rejected as a finding of fact because it is more in the

6454nature of legal argument; Second, third and fourth sentences: To the extent

6466that these proposed findings suggest that Respondents did not have firsthand

6477knowledge of the contents of the documents that defined the extent of the

6490blasting authorized by the 1986 blasting permit and that Respondents therefore

6501merely assumed, "[b] ecause the federal court judgment appeared to allow

6512excavation of the uplands and because the site plan submitted to the County in

65261985 showed the 'uplands to be dug' which Respondents wished to eventually

6538excavate," that the permit authorized the blasting of the entire Uplands, these

6550proposed findings have been rejected because they are not supported by

6561persuasive competent substantial evidence. To the extent that the third and

6572fourth sentences indicate that Respondents made expenditures based upon their

6582understanding that the 1986 blasting permit authorized the blasting of the

6593entire Uplands, these proposed findings have been accepted and incorporated in

6604substance; Fifth and sixth sentences: Rejected as findings of fact because

6615they are more in the nature of statements of the legal position Respondents have

6629taken in this matter.

663335. First sentence: Rejected because it is a summary of testimony adduced

6645at hearing and because the summarized testimony constitutes a legal opinion

6656inappropriate for inclusion in the Hearing Officer's Findings of Fact; Second

6667sentence: Accepted and incorporated in substance.

667336. First sentence: Rejected because it is a summary of testimony adduced

6685at hearing and because the summarized testimony constitutes a legal opinion

6696inappropriate for inclusion in the Hearing Officer's Findings of Fact; Second

6707sentence: Rejected because it is not supported by persuasive competent

6717substantial evidence.

671937. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

672538. First sentence: To the extent that this proposed finding suggests

6736that an excavation permit was issued in 1988, rather than 1987, which made

6749reference to the need to obtain a separate blasting permit if blasting was

6762required, it has been rejected because it is not supported by persuasive

6774competent substantial evidence. Otherwise, it has been accepted and

6783incorporated in substance; Second sentence: Rejected because it constitutes

6792unpersuasive argument. It appears that by the time the 1987 and 1991 excavation

6805permits issued, the 1986 blasting permit had already expired as a result of the

6819passage of time since the conclusion of the blasting done pursuant to the

6832permit. Therefore, even though the 1986 blasting permit had authorized the

6843blasting of the entire Uplands, if Respondents desired to do any additional

6855blasting in that area (and there is no indication that the County knew, at the

6870time of the issuance of the 1987 and 1991 excavation permits, that Respondents'

6883had no intention of undertaking any further blasting), a new permit would be

6896required, as the County noted in both the 1987 and 1991 excavation permits.

690939. Rejected because it is not supported by persuasive competent

6919substantial evidence.

692140. First sentence: Accepted and incorporated in substance; Second

6930sentence: Rejected because it is more in the nature of a summary of testimony

6944adduced at hearing than a finding of fact; Third sentence: Rejected as a

6957finding of fact because it is more in the nature of commentary regarding the

6971character and quality of testimony adduced at hearing.

697941. Rejected as a finding of fact because it is more in the nature of a

6995summary of testimony adduced at hearing and commentary regarding the weight to

7007be given such testimony.

701142. Rejected because it is not supported by persuasive competent

7021substantial evidence.

702343. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

702944. First sentence: Accepted and incorporated in substance; Second

7038sentence: To the extent that this proposed finding states that the permit under

7051review does not specifically reference "any of the resource extraction

7061performance standards in Section 9.5-432, Monroe County Code," it has been

7072accepted and incorporated in substance, although the Hearing Officer disagrees

7082with the suggestion that the mere absence of such specific reference may be

7095interpreted as an exemption from compliance with these standards.

710445. First sentence: Accepted and incorporated in substance; Second

7113sentence: To the extent that this proposed finding states that the permit under

7126review does not specifically reference "any of the restoration standards in

7137Section 9.5-433, Monroe County Code," it has been accepted and incorporated in

7149substance, although the Hearing Officer disagrees with the suggestion that the

7160mere absence of such specific reference may be interpreted as an exemption from

7173compliance with these standards.

717746. Rejected as a finding of fact because it is more in the nature of

7192argument concerning the ultimate legal issue raised in the instant case.

720347. Rejected because it would add only unnecessary detail to the factual

7215findings made by the Hearing Officer

7221Respondents' Proposed "Findings of Fact"

72261-2. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

72323. First and second sentences: Rejected because they would add only

7243unnecessary detail to the factual findings made by the Hearing Officer; Third

7255sentence: Rejected because it is more in the nature of a summary of evidence

7269adduced at hearing than a finding of fact; Fourth sentence: Accepted and

7281incorporated in substance.

72844. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

72905. First sentence: To the extent that this proposed finding states that

7302the application for the 1986 blasting permit was submitted by Krause & Sons,

7315rather than DuPont acting on behalf of Krause & Sons, it has been rejected

7329because it is not supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence.

7339Otherwise it has been accepted and incorporated in substance; Second

7349sentence: To the extent that this proposed finding suggests that DuPont was

7361hired after the 1986 blasting permit issued, it has been rejected because it is

7375not supported by persuasive competent substantial evidence. Otherwise, it has

7385been accepted and incorporated in substance. Third and fourth sentences:

7395Rejected because they are more in the nature of summaries of testimony adduced

7408at hearing than findings of fact. Remaining sentences: Accepted and

7418incorporated in substance.

74216. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

74277. First sentence: Accepted and incorporated in substance; Second

7436sentence: Rejected as a finding of fact because it is more in the nature of a

7452summary of evidence adduced at hearing; Third sentence: Rejected as a finding

7464of fact because it is more in the nature of commentary regarding the

7477Department's evidentiary presentation.

74808. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

74869. To the extent that this proposed finding states that an excavation

7498permit was issued in 1988, it has been rejected because it is not supported by

7513persuasive competent substantial evidence. Otherwise, it has been accepted and

7523incorporated in substance.

752610. First, second and third sentences: Rejected because the views sought

7537from, and subsequently expressed by, the County's Planning Director, which are

7548summarized in these proposed findings, constitute legal opinions inappropriate

7557for inclusion in the Hearing Officer's Findings of Fact; Fourth sentence:

7568Rejected because it is a summary of testimony adduced at hearing and because the

7582summarized testimony constitutes a legal opinion inappropriate for inclusion in

7592the Hearing Officer's Findings of Fact.

759811. First, second and third sentences: Accepted and incorporated in

7608substance; Fourth sentence: Rejected because it is more in the nature of a

7621summary of testimony than a finding of fact.

762912. Accepted and incorporated in substance.

763513. First sentence: Rejected because it is more in the nature of a

7648summary of testimony adduced at hearing than a finding of fact; Second

7660sentence: Rejected as a finding of fact because it is more in the nature of

7675commentary regarding the consistency of that testimony with other evidence;

7685Third sentence: Rejected because it is more in the nature of a summary of

7699testimony adduced at hearing than a finding of fact; Fourth sentence: Rejected

7711as a finding of fact because it is more in the nature of commentary regarding

7726the state of the evidentiary record; Fifth sentence: Rejected as a finding of

7739fact because it is more in the nature of a statement of the case.

775314. Rejected because it is a summary of testimony adduced at hearing and

7766because the summarized testimony constitutes a legal opinion inappropriate for

7776inclusion in the Hearing Officer's Findings of Fact.


7786Sherry A. Spiers, Esquire

7790Department of Community Affairs

77942740 Centerview Drive

7797Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100

7800Douglas M. Halsey, Esquire

7804Southeast Financial Center

7807Suite 4980

7809200 South Biscayne Boulevard

7813Miami, Florida 33131-5309

7816Randy Ludacer, Esquire

7819Monroe County Attorney

7822310 Fleming Street

7825Key West, Florida 33040

7829James T. Hendrick, Esquire

7833317 Whitehead Street

7836Key West, Florida 33040

7840David Maloney, Esquire

7843Assistant General Counsel

7846Office of the Governor

7850The Capitol, Room 209

7854Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001

7857David Coburn, Secretary

7860Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission

7866Executive Officer of the Governor

7871311 Carlton Building

7874Tallahassee, Florida 32301









Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/17/1992
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/17/1992
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 10/13/92)
Date: 12/14/1992
Proceedings: Notice of Supplemental Authority filed.
Date: 11/25/1992
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Department`s Proposed Recommended Order w/Department of Community Affairs` Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/25/1992
Proceedings: Memorandum in Support of Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommended Order of Florida Keys Investment Properties, Inc. and Rudolph Krause & Sons of Florida w/(unsigned) Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/20/1992
Proceedings: Order sent out. (petitioner's motion for extension of time is granted)
Date: 11/18/1992
Proceedings: Department of Community Affairs` Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order and Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 11/09/1992
Proceedings: Transcript Of Proceedings filed.
Date: 10/13/1992
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/05/1992
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 07/31/1992
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for October 13-16, 1992; 10:30am; Miami)
Date: 07/31/1992
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for October 13-16, 1992; 10:30am; Miami)
Date: 07/09/1992
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion to Set Hearing filed.
Date: 06/17/1992
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Status Report filed.
Date: 05/04/1992
Proceedings: Order sent out. (hearing date to be rescheduled at a later date; parties to file status report by 5-19-92)
Date: 04/22/1992
Proceedings: Stipulation and Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 01/23/1992
Proceedings: Re-Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for May 13-15, 1992; 8:30am; Miami).
Date: 01/15/1992
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for April 29-30 & May 1, 1992; 8:30am; Miami).
Date: 01/13/1992
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response of Department of Community Affairs to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/30/1991
Proceedings: Response of Florida Keys Investment Properties, Inc. and Rudolph Krause & Sons of Florida to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/24/1991
Proceedings: Initial Order issued.
Date: 12/20/1991
Proceedings: Notification card sent out.
Date: 12/18/1991
Proceedings: Agency referral letter; Notice of Appeal of the Department of Community Affairs; Petition of the Department of Community Affairs For Appeal of Permit filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida
Department of Community Affairs

Related Florida Statute(s) (5):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):