92-001009RP Florida Manufactured Housing Association, Inc. vs. Department Of Revenue
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, November 30, 1992.

View Dockets  
Summary: Rules that add no requirements to the law implemented are valid in spite of Petitioner claim that both law and rules are unconstitutional.






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) CASE NO. 92-1009RP




30Respondent. )



35Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings, by its duly

46designated Hearing Officer, Mary Clark, held a formal hearing in the above-

58styled case on September 14, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida.


68For Petitioner: Patrick J. Phelan, Jr., Esq.

75Parker, Skelding, Labasky & Corry

80Post Office Box 669

84Tallahassee, FL 32302

87For Respondent: James McAuley, Esquire

92Mark Aliff, Esquire

95Assistant Attorneys General

98Tax Section-Capitol Building

101Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550


108As presented in the petition to determine the invalidity of a proposed rule

121filed on February 14, 1992, and as refined in the parties' joint stipulation

134filed at hearing on September 14, 1992, the issue presented for disposition is

147the validity of proposed amendments to rules 12D-6.001(3) and 12D-6.002(1)(d)1.

157and 2., F.A.C.


162After the filing of the petition the formal hearing was scheduled within

174the deadline prescribed in Section 120.54(4)(c), F.S.

181The hearing was cancelled and the proceeding was placed in abeyance at the

194joint request of the parties. Later, the hearing was rescheduled and was

206continued once for good cause.

211When the case did eventually proceed to formal hearing, the parties

222presented a thorough and concise stipulation of facts. In addition, official

233recognition was taken, without objection, of a series of statutes and existing

245rules, and of Article VII, Section 1(b), Florida Constitution. The proposed

256rules at issue were received as Respondent's Exhibit #1.

265After hearing, the parties submitted proposed final orders by the mutually

276agreed deadline October 20, 1992. In addition, Petitioner filed a supplemental

287motion for official recognition of Rule 12D-6.003, F.A.C. and of staff analyses

299of Senate Bill 1578 and CS/HB 691. After objection by Respondent and oral

312argument by the parties on November 6, 1992, the motion was granted as reflected

326in an order entered that same date. The parties were also given the opportunity

340to file supplemental briefs or memoranda, and such were timely filed by the

353established deadline, November 16, 1992.

358Those and all matters properly of record have been considered in the

370preparation of this order. No appendix is required as all material facts have

383been stipulated.


388The following facts are based in their entirety on the parties' joint

400stipulation presented at hearing on September 14, 1992:

4081. This is a Section 120.54(4), F.S., rule challenge proceeding initiated

419by the Florida Manufactured Housing Association, Inc., Petitioner, to challenge

429the validity of proposed amendments to Rules 12D-6.001(3) and 12D-6.002(1)(d)1.

439and 2., F.A.C., as proposed by the State of Florida Department of Revenue,


4532. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

463parties and subject matter of this action.

4703. The Petitioner is the Florida Manufactured Housing Association, Inc.,

"480FMHA". The FMHA is a not-for-profit corporation organized to do business in

493the State of Florida. The FMHA is located at 115 North Calhoun Street,

506Tallahassee, Florida 32301.

5094. The agency affected by this proceeding is the Respondent, Florida

520Department of Revenue, whose address is Post Office Box 3000, Tallahassee,

531Florida 32315-3000.

5335. The proposed rules at issue in this proceeding are proposed Rule 12D-

5466.001(3) and proposed rule 12D-6.002(1)(d)1. and 2., F.A.C., as published in

557Volume 18, Number 4 of the Florida Administrative Weekly, January 24, 1992. The

570challenged provisions of these rules provide as follows:

57812D-6.001(3) - "Permanently affixed." A

583mobile home shall be considered "permanently

589affixed" if it is tied down and connected to

598the normal and usual utilities, and if the

606owner of the mobile home is also the owner of

616the land to which it is affixed.

62312D-6.002(1) This rule subsection shall apply

629if the owner of the mobile home is also the

639owner of the land on which the mobile home is

649permanently affixed and the mobile home has a

657current sticker affixed, regardless of the


664(d) This rule subsection shall apply to

671mobile home parks operating a sales office in

679which a mobile home is being offered for sale

688where the dealer/developer/owner owns the

693mobile home and the land to which it is

702permanently affixed as follows:

7061. The dealer/developer/owner must pay real

712property taxes even if the mobile home has

720been issued a dealer license plate.

7262. A mobile home discussed in this subsection

734shall not be considered tangible personal

740property or mobile home inventory.

7456. The proposed rules were promulgated by the Department of Revenue to

757give effect to the statutory change to Section 193.075, F.S., as set forth in

771Committee Substitute to Senate Bill 1578 which provides as follows:

781193.075 Mobile Homes --

785(1) A mobile home shall be taxed as real

794property if the owner of the mobile home is

803also the owner of the land on which the mobile

813home is permanently affixed. A mobile home

820shall be considered permanently affixed if it

827is tied down and connected to the normal and

836usual utilities. A mobile home that is taxed

844as real property shall be issued an "RP"

852series sticker as provided in Section


859(2) A mobile home that is not taxed as real

869property shall have a current license plate

876properly affixed as provided in Section

882320.08(11). Any such mobile home without a

889current license plate properly affixed shall

895be presumed to be tangible personal property.

9027. The Florida Manufactured Housing Association, Inc., is a trade

912association representing the interests of approximately 1300 mobile home parks,

922dealerships, manufacturers and related mobile home service firms who conduct

932business in the State of Florida. One of the primary purposes of the FMHA is to

948act on behalf of its members before the various governmental entities of the

961state, including the Respondent, Florida Department of Revenue. The subject

971matter of the proposed rules at issue in this proceeding is within the general

985scope of interest and activity of the FMHA. The relief requested in this action

999is of the type appropriate for FMHA to obtain on behalf of its members.

10138. The proposed rules and economic impact statement were promulgated by

1024the Department of Revenue in accordance with the requirements of Section 120.54,


10379. The FMHA member manufacturers, dealers and park owners who are

1048substantially affected by the proposed rules at issue herein are engaged in the

1061business of selling mobile homes and offer mobile homes for sale to the public.

1075A number of these homes are tied down in accordance with all applicable local,

1089state and federal requirements and connected to the normal and usual utilities

1101so that they can be displayed as fully functioning "model" homes prior to the

1115time they are sold. The FMHA member manufacturers, dealers and park owners who

1128display fully functional mobile homes for sale to the public maintain they have

1141no intention of permanently affixing the homes to their real property. The

1153homes are maintained in this manner for the purposes of safety and display only,

1167with the full intention that they be removed from the realty subsequent to the


118210. A substantial number of the members of the FMHA will be substantially

1195affected by the proposed rules, because their business activities are subject to

1207the rule provisions challenged herein and because it is FMHA's position that the

1220proposed rules will directly impact the continued ability of FMHA member

1231manufacturers, dealers and park owners to display fully functioning model homes

1242held for sale to the public on their real property without being subject to ad

1257valorem tax liability. FMHA members who own and operate mobile home parks,

1269mobile home dealerships and mobile home manufacturing enterprises are subject to

1280the rulemaking authority of the Respondent, Department of Revenue.

128911. A substantial number of FMHA members are engaged in the process of

1302manufacturing mobile homes. Mobile home manufacturers commonly display one or

1312more completed mobile home units which are tied down and connected to the normal

1326and usual utilities at model home centers located on their manufacturing

1337premises. The homes are held for sale to mobile home dealers or to the general

1352public. The homes are tied down and connected to utilities for purposes of

1365safety and display. The attachment of the homes to the property is not intended

1379by the manufacturer to be permanent. When the homes are sold, they are

1392disconnected from the utilities, removed from the tie-downs, and transported off

1403the manufacturer's property. The removal process does not cause damage to the

1415home or the real property.

142012. A substantial number of FMHA members operate retail sales lots, where

1432new and used mobile homes are held for sale and displayed for sale to the

1447public. These homes are owned by the retail dealers. Mobile home dealers

1459typically display one or more mobile homes which are tied down and connected to

1473the normal and usual utilities located on the dealer's sales lots. The homes

1486are held for sale to mobile home park owners or the general public. The homes

1501are tied down and connected to utilities for purposes of safety and display.

1514The attachment of the homes to the property is not intended by the dealer to be

1530permanent. When the homes are sold, they are disconnected from the utilities,

1542removed from the tie-downs, and transported off the dealer's property. The

1553removal process does not cause damage to the home or the real property.

156613. A substantial number of FMHA members own and operate rental mobile

1578home parks. In rental mobile home parks, a tenant places his own mobile home

1592upon land owned by the park owner commonly referred to as a park "developer",

1606and leases the land.

161014. A substantial number of FMHA members who own mobile home parks also

1623hold dealer licenses, and operate a mobile home sales business within the park.

1636Mobile home park owners or developers typically display one or more model homes

1649which are tied down and connected to the normal and usual utilities. The homes

1663are held for sale to the public. When the units are sold to a purchaser, they

1679are disconnected from the utilities, removed from the tie-downs, and transported

1690from the model home area to a designated lot within the mobile home park. This

1705process does not result in damage to the mobile home or the real property.

171915. At the time of sale, the purchaser of the mobile home enters into a

1734land lease with the mobile home park owner. At his option, the purchaser may

1748choose to terminate the lease and remove the mobile home from the mobile home


176316. In some instances, FMHA members, who own mobile home parks and operate

1776a sales business within the park, lease both land and mobile homes to tenants as

1791part of a lease option agreement, where the park owner retains ownership of the

1805home and land until the home purchase option is exercised. If the tenant fails

1819to exercise the option or defaults under the agreement, the park owner may sell

1833the home to another purchaser. That purchaser may either remove the mobile home

1846from the lot, or enter into a new land lease with the park owner.

186017. Under proposed Rules 12D-6.002(1)(d)1. and 2., mobile homes owned by

1871FMHA member manufacturers, dealers and park owners determined to be permanently

1882affixed to real property, as defined by Section 193.075, F.S., and owned by the

1896manufacturers, dealers and park owners will be declared real property, and taxed


190918. Under the proposed rules the assessment date is January 1 of any given

1923year, and a mobile home permanently affixed to real property owned by FMHA

1936member manufacturers, dealers, or mobile home park owners on January 1 will be

1949taxed as real property.

195319. The FMHA member manufacturers, dealers and park owners determined to

1964own mobile homes permanently affixed to their realty will have their real

1976property tax increased by the assessed valuation of the mobile homes, without

1988regard to their intended use or disposition of the homes.


200120. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the

2011parties and subject matter in this proceeding pursuant to Section 120.54, F.S.

2023and 120.57(1), F.S.

202621. Subsection 120.54(4)(a), F.S. provides:

2031Any substantially affected person may seek an

2038administrative determination of the invalidity

2043of any proposed rule on the ground that the

2052proposed rule is an invalid exercise delegated

2059legislative authority.

2061Based on the parties' stipulated facts regarding Petitioner and its members,

2072Petitioner has standing to challenge the proposed rules at issue. Florida Home

2084Builders Association v. Department of Labor and Employment Security, 412 So.2d

2095351 (Fla. 1982).

209822. "Invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority" is defined in

2108Section 120.52(8), F.S. as:

2112. . . action which goes beyond the power,

2121functions, and duties delegated by the

2127Legislature. A proposed or existing rule is

2134an invalid exercise of delegated legislative

2140authority if any one or more of the following


2150(a) The agency has materially failed to

2157follow the applicable rulemaking procedures

2162set forth in Section 120.54;

2167(b) The agency has exceeded its grant of

2175rulemaking authority, citation to which is

2181required by Section 120.54(7).

2185(c) The rule enlarges, modifies, or

2191contravenes the specific provisions of law

2197implemented, citation to which is required by

2204Section 120.54(7);

2206(d) The rule is vague, fails to establish

2214adequate standards for agency decisions, or

2220vests unbridled discretion in the agency; or

2227(e) The rule is arbitrary or capricious.

223423. The parties have stipulated that the proposed rules and economic

2245impact statement were promulgated in accordance with the requirements of Section

2256120.54, F.S. (see paragraph 8 above). This disposes of Petitioner's initial

2267challenge to the economic impact statement.

227324. Petitioner's remaining challenges in this proceeding may be resolved

2283by a simple review of the statute upon which the proposed rules are based.

229725. Chapter 91-241, Laws of Florida, amended Section 193.075, F.S.,

2307effective January 1, 1992. It provides, in its entirety:

2316CHAPTER 91-241

2318Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 1578

2325An act relating to mobile homes; amending

2332s.193.075, F.S.; revising provisions which

2337specify conditions under which mobile homes

2343are to be taxed as real or tangible personal

2352property; providing an effective date.

2357Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State

2366of Florida:

2368Section 1. Section 193.075, Florida Statutes,

2374is amended to read:

2378193.075 Mobile homes. -

2382* <(1) a="" mobile="" home="" shall="" be="" taxed="" as="">

2383property if the owner of the mobile home is

2392also the owner of the land on which the mobile

2402home is permanently affixed. A mobile home

2409shall be considered permanently affixed if it

2416is tied down and connected to the normal and

2425usual utilities. A mobile home that is taxed

2433as real property shall be issued an "RP"

2441series sticker as provided in s. 320.0815.

2448(2) A mobile home that is not taxed as real

2458property shall have a current license plate

2465properly affixed as provided in s. 320.08(11).

2472Any such mobile home without a current license

2480plate properly affixed shall be presumed to be

2488tangible personal property.>> [[Any mobile home

2494without a current license plate properly

2500affixed, as provided in s. 320.08(11) or s.

2508320.0815, shall be presumed to be either real

2516property or tangible personal property. It

2522shall be presumed to be real property only if

2531the owner of the mobile home is also the owner

2541of the land on which it is located and the

2551mobile home is also permanently affixed to the

2559realty. Otherwise it shall be presumed to be

2567tangible personal property.]]

2570* Note: In the above quotation, language added to the statute

2581is within the <>2584>; deleted language is within the [[]].

2591Section 2. This act shall take effect

2598January 1, 1992.

2601Became a law without the Governor's approval

2608May 31, 1991.

2611Filed in Office Secretary of State May 30,


262026. Applying the amended Section 193.075, F.S. as a template for the

2632proposed rules challenged by Petitioner reveals that the rules themselves add

2643nothing whatsoever to the requirements of the law. The challenged rules fit

2655squarely within Section 193.075, F.S. (see language of proposed rules 12D-

26666.001(3) and 12D-6.002(1)(d)1., F.A.C. in paragraph 5, above).

267427. Plainly and simply, both the law and rules provide that a mobile home

2688is taxed as real property if the mobile home owner also owns the land upon which

2704it is tied down and it is connected to the normal and usual utilities. No

2719exception is found in Section 193.075, F.S., and the proposed rule, 12D-

27316.002(1)(d)1., F.A.C. reminds, "yes, this means mobile home parks and dealers as

2743well, who own mobile homes and the land upon which they are tied down and

2758connected to the normal and usual utilities."

276528. Petitioner has presented thorough argument as to the invalidity of the

2777proposed rules and the statute, including a constitutional challenge.

2786Petitioner's real quarrel is with Section 193.075, F.S., which Petitioner claims

2797violates this Article VII, Section 1, Florida Constitution, prohibition:

2806. . .

2809(b) Motor vehicles, boats, airplanes,

2814trailers, trailer coaches and mobile homes, as

2821defined by law, shall be subject to a license

2830tax for their operation in the amounts and for

2839the purposes prescribed by law, but shall not

2847be subject to ad valorem taxes.

2853. . .

2856Petitioner cites Department of Environmental Regulation v. Leon County, 344

2866So.2d 297 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977) for the proposition that "[a]n administrative

2878hearing officer may rule on the constitutionality of a proposed rule or statute

2891[sic], subject to judicial review, if the issue is raised during the

2903proceedings." (Petitioner's Proposed Final Order, p. 8, filed 10/20/92).

2912Later, Petitioner concedes that the authority is limited to proposed rules, as

2924indeed it is. (Petitioner's Supplemental Memorandum of Law, filed 11/6/92.)

293429. The arguments of the parties, for and against the validity of Section

2947193.075, F.S. are preserved for another forum. Whether Section 193.075, F.S.

2958withstands constitutional scrutiny under Department of Revenue v. Florida

2967Boater's Assn, 409 So.2d 17 (Fla. 1981), is immaterial in this proceeding.

297930. In Jax Liquors, Inc. v. State of Florida, Department of Business

2991Regulation, Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, 2 FALR 81-A (DOAH Final

3003Order entered 12/13/79), aff. Jax Liquors v. Division of Alcoholic Beverages and

3015Tobacco, 388 So.2d 1306 (Fla. 1st DCA 1980), the hearing officer declined to

3028invalidate rules that were based on a beverage law with a regulatory scheme

3041similar to another beverage law that had been declared unconstitutional, stating

"3052. . . the executive branch of government, of which the DOAH is an extension, is

3068not empowered to make constitutional determinations on the validity of a statute

3080and the Hearing Officer must proceed as if the subject provision is


309331. The rules in question do not exceed the agency's broad rulemaking

3105authority found in Section 213.06, F.S.:

3111213.06 Rules of department; circumstances

3116requiring emergency rules.-

3119* (1) The Department of Revenue is granted

3127authority to adopt such rules as are necessary

3135to carry out the intent and purposes of this

3144chapter and all other revenue laws

3150administered by the department,

3154amend such rules to conform to legislation>> or

3162department policy changes made in absence of

3169any legislation.

3171. . .

3174(emphasis added)

3176* Note: In the above quotation, language added to the statute

3187is within the <>3190>; deleted language is within the [[]].

3197The proposed rules do not enlarge, modify or contravene the specific provisions

3209of Section 193.075, F.S. nor other provisions of the law cited as implemented in

3223the notice of proposed rules (Respondent's exhibit #1).

323132. The proposed rules are clear, free of ambiguity and remove from the

3244agency rather than vest in it, any discretion, unbridled or otherwise.

325533. If the rules at issue are arbitrary or capricious, so also is the

3269statute upon which they are based. Invalidating these rules would provide no

3281relief to Petitioner from the strictures of which it complains.

329134. Proposed rules 12D-6.001(3) and 12D-6.002(1)(d)1, and 2. F.A.C. are

3301not an "invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority" as defined in

3312Section 120.52(8), F.S., and it is, therefore,


3320The petition by Florida Manufactured Housing Association, Inc., is DENIED.

3330DONE and ORDERED this 30th day of November, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida.



3345Hearing Officer

3347Division of Administrative Hearings

3351The DeSoto Building

33541230 Apalachee Parkway

3357Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

3360(904) 488-9675

3362Filed with the Clerk of the

3368Division of Administrative Hearings

3372this 30th day of November, 1992.


3380Patrick J. Phelan, Jr., Esq.

3385Parker, Skelding, Labasky & Corry

3390Post Office Box 669

3394Tallahassee, FL 32302

3397James McAuley, Esquire

3400Mark Aliff, Esquire

3403Assistant Attorneys General

3406Tax Section-Capitol Building

3409Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550

3412Linda Lettera, General Counsel

3416Department of Revenue

3419204 Carlton Building

3422Tallahssasee, FL 32399-0100

3425Dr. James Zingle, Executive Director

3430Department of Revenue

3433204 Carlton Building

3436Tallahassee, FL 32399-0100

3439Liz Cloud, Chief

3442Bureau of Administrative Code

3446Room 1802, The Capitol

3450Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250

3453Carroll Webb, Executive Director

3457Administrative Procedures Committee

3460Holland Building, Room 120

3464Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300



















3611CASE NO. 92-4390

3614v. DOAH CASE NO. 92-1009RP




3624Opinion filed September 14, 1994.

3629An appeal from an order of the Division of Administrative Hearings.

3640Jack M. Skelding, Jr, Patrick J. Phelan, Jr., and Jennifer Parker Lavia, of

3653Parker, Skelding, Labasky & Corry, Tallahassee, for Appellant.

3661Robert A. Butterworth, Attorney General, and James McAuley, and Mark T. Aliff,

3673Assistant Attorneys General, Tallahassee, for Appellee


3681Florida Manufactured Housing Association, Inc. (FMHA) appeals a final

3690administrative order of the Division of Administrative Hearings which denied the

3701petition of FMHA to declare proposed Florida Administrative Code Rules 12D-6.001

3712and 12D-6.002 /1 to be invalid. FMHA argues that section 193.075, Florida

3724Statutes (1991), violates the prohibition against ad valorem taxation of mobile

3735homes set forth in article VII, section 1(b) of the Florida Constitution. FMHA

3748also argues that the Department of Revenue (DOR) has exceeded its rulemaking

3760authority and that the rules are arbitrary and capricious. We affirm.

3771We reject the argument that section 193.075, Florida Statutes, (1991), is

3782unconstitutional. Article VII, section 1(b) of the Florida Constitution

3791provides that "mobile homes, as defined by law, . . . shall not be subject to ad

3808valorem taxes." (Emphasis added). Section 193.075, as amended in 1991, takes

3819mobile homes which are permanently affixed to land owned by the mobile home

3832owner out of the definition of mobile homes for purposes of article VII, section

38461(b). Cf. Nordbeck v. Wilkinson, 529 So.2d 360 (Fla. 2d DCA 1988)

3858We also reject the argument that the proposed rules constitute an invalid

3870exercise of delegated legislative authority because DOR has exceeded its

3880rulemaking authority and the rules are arbitrary and capricious. As noted in

3892the final order, the challenged rules add nothing whatsoever to the requirements

3904of the law, but instead fit squarely within section 193.075, Florida Statutes





3932BENTON, J., concurring.

3935I write separately to point out that Florida Administrative Code Rule 12D-

39476.002(1)(d)1 and 2 have been amended on account of statutory amendments that

3959took effect after the administrative rule challenge proceedings under review

3969here had come to a close. The challenged provisions originally took effect on

3982February 17, 1993, in the wake of the final order under review. The final order

3997denied a challenge to Florida Administrative Code Rule 12D- 6.002(1)(d)1 and 2,

4009as proposed, a challenge predicated in part on the contention that dealers and

4022manufacturers should be able to treat mobile homes as inventory in certain

4034circumstances, despite their being "permanently affixed" to realty.

4042After Hearing Officer Clark entered her scholarly order denying the

4052petition to invalidate proposed rules, the Legislature enacted an amendment to

4063section 193.075, Florida Statutes (1993), effective April 29, 1993. Ch. 93-132,

40746, at 763-64, Laws of Florida:

4080A mobile home shall be taxed as real property

4089if the owner off the mobile home is also the

4099owner of the land on which the mobile home is

4109permanently affixed. A mobile home shall be

4116considered permanently affixed if it is tied

4123down and connected to the normal and usual

4131utilities. However, a mobile home that is

4138permanently affixed shall not be taxed as

4145real property if it is being held for display

4154by a licensed mobile home dealer or a

4162licensed mobile home manufacturer and is not

4169rented occupied or located on property used

4176for mobile home occupancy. A mobile home

4183that is taxed as real property shall be

4191issued an "RP" series sticker as provided in

4199s. 320.0815.

4201s. 193.075(1), Fla. Stat. (1993)(language added by the amendment underlined).

4211This year saw legislative refinement of the 1993 amendment:

4220However, this provision does not apply to a

4228mobile home that is permanently affixed shall

4235not be taxed as real property if it is being

4245held for display by a licensed mobile home

4253dealer or a licensed mobile home manufacturer

4260and that is not rented or occupied, located on

4269property used for mobile home occupancy.

4275Ch. 94-353, 30, at__ , Laws of Florida, 1994 Fla. Sess. Law Serv. No. 7, p.

42901805. (Additions indicated by underline; deletions by strikeout.) In response

4300to the legislative decision to allow dealers and manufacturers to treat mobile

4312homes as inventory in certain circumstances, despite their being "permanently

4322affixed" to realty, the Department of Revenue amended Florida Administrative

4332Code Rule 12D-6.002(1)(d)1 and 2, on January 11, 1994, to read:

4343(d) This rule subsection shall apply to

4350permanently affixed mobile homes which are

4356held for display by a licensed mobile home

4364dealer or a licensed mobile home

4370manufacturer. The mobile home is considered

4376tangible personal property and inventory not

4382subject to the property tax if the following

4390conditions are met:

43931. It is being held strictly for resale as

4402tangible personal property and is not rented

4409or occupied; and

44122. The mobile home is not used as a sales

4422office by the mobile home dealer or mobile

4430home manufacturer; and

44333. The mobile home is not located on a

4442parcel which is in a mobile home park, mobile

4451home subdivision, or any other residential

4457lot or residential parcel[.]

4461This change moots any question as to the validity of the prior, superseded rule

4475provisions, on or after January 11 1994. The final order was clearly correct

4488when entered on November 30, 1992. It is perhaps worth noting, however, that

4501from April 29, 1993, to January 10, 1994, Florida Administrative Code Rule 12D-

45146.002(1)(d)1 and 2 lacked statutory authorization under amended section

4523193.075(1), Florida Statutes (1993), and would, therefore, have been an

4533inappropriate basis for assessing real property on January 1, 1994.


45441/ Proposed Rule 12D-6.001(3) and proposed Rule 12D- 6.002(1)(d)1. and 2.,

4555Florida Administrative Code, as published in Volume 18, Number 4 of the Florida

4568Administrative Weekly, January 24, 1992.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/15/1994
Proceedings: First DCA Opinion filed.
Date: 09/14/1994
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 04/20/1993
Proceedings: Index, Record, Certificate of Record sent out.
Date: 02/24/1993
Proceedings: Check in the amount of $54.00 from Parker, Skelding, Labasky & Corry filed.
Date: 02/19/1993
Proceedings: Index & Statement of Service sent out.
Date: 01/04/1993
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from DCA filed. DCA Case No. 1-92-04390.
Date: 12/30/1992
Proceedings: Certificate of Notice of Appeal sent out.
Date: 12/30/1992
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed.
Date: 12/30/1992
Proceedings: Notice of Assignment and Order sent out.
Date: 11/30/1992
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 11/30/1992
Proceedings: Final Order. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/16/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Request for Official Recognition; Supplement to Respondent`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 11/16/1992
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Supplemental Memorandum of Law; Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 11/06/1992
Proceedings: Order sent out. (motion for official recognition is granted, and Respondent`s motion to strike is denied)
Date: 11/06/1992
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 11/05/1992
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 11/04/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Telephone Hearing filed.
Date: 10/26/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Response to Motion for Official Recognition; Motion to Strike Part of Petitioner`s Proposed and Corrected Proposed Final Order and Alternate Motion for Leave to File Response; and Request for Oral Argument w/Exhibits A -C filed.
Date: 10/21/1992
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Consented Motion to Submit Corrected Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 10/20/1992
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Supplemental Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 10/20/1992
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 10/20/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Filing w/Respondent`s Proposed Final Order (unsigned) filed.
Date: 10/08/1992
Proceedings: Respondent Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 09/30/1992
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 09/24/1992
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 09/14/1992
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/14/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Request for Judicial Notice; Petitioner`s Motion for Official Recognition; Joint Stipulation of Facts w/Exhibit-1 filed.
Date: 09/10/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Serving Amended Answer to Interrogatories NO.5 filed.
Date: 09/08/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 09/03/1992
Proceedings: Department of Revenue`s Response to Petitioner`s Request for Production filed.
Date: 09/03/1992
Proceedings: (Revenue) Notice of Serving Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/28/1992
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Taking Deposition of Agency Representative filed.
Date: 08/26/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Taking Corporate Deposition filed.
Date: 08/21/1992
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents; Petitioner`s Notice of Service of First Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 08/18/1992
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Response to Request for Production of Documents; Notice of Service of Answer to Interrogatories and Response to Request for Production filed.
Date: 07/07/1992
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance sent out. (hearing rescheduled for 9-14-92; 1:00pm; Tallahassee)
Date: 07/02/1992
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 06/29/1992
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Interrogatories; Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed. (From Mark T. Aliff)
Date: 06/16/1992
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing sent out. (hearing set for 7/27/92; at 9:00am; in Tallahassee.
Date: 05/29/1992
Proceedings: Order sent out. (Petitioner`s Motion to Reopen File-GRANTED)
Date: 05/22/1992
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion to Reopen File(2 copies) filed.
Date: 05/22/1992
Proceedings: filed.
Date: 05/20/1992
Proceedings: Order Closing File sent out. CASE CLOSED, Matter returned to referring Agency.
Date: 03/02/1992
Proceedings: Order of Abeyance sent out. (Parties to file status report within 60 days)
Date: 02/28/1992
Proceedings: Joint Stipulated Motion to Hold Proceedings in Abeyance filed.
Date: 02/20/1992
Proceedings: Prehearing Order; Notice of Hearing sent out. (Hearing set for 3-16-92; 9:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 02/17/1992
Proceedings: Letter to Liz Cloud & Carroll Webb from Marguerite Lockard
Date: 02/17/1992
Proceedings: Order of Assignment sent out.
Date: 02/14/1992
Proceedings: Petition to Determine The Invalidity of a Proposed Rule w/Exhibit-A filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Department of Revenue

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