92-004966F Flamingo Lake Rv Resort, Inc. vs. Department Of Transportation
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, April 27, 1993.

View Dockets  
Summary: Court mandated fact finding on court awarded attorney's fees. Time and Expenses for application excluded.





18Tallahassee, Florida

20Telephone No. (904) 488-6151

24DATE: April 8, 1992

28CASE NO.: 91-2014

31LT 90-0274



47Appellant/Petitioner Appellee/Respondent


50Having considered appellant's petition for attorney's fees and costs, we

60conclude that the Department of Transportation's denial of appellant's

69application to participate in the logo sign program was a gross abuse of the

83agency's discretion, and grant the petition pursuant to Section

92120.57(1)(b)(10), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1990), and Florida Rule of Appellate

102Procedure 9.400.

104By Order of the Court



114I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above was mailed this

129date to the following:


134Michael W. Fisher John S. Ball

140Thomas F. Capshew Deputy Clerk

145Thorton Williams

147Thomas H. Bateman, III

151Vernon L. Whittier

154Eleanor Turner








178vs. CASE NO. 91-2014

182DOAH CASE NO. 92-4966F




191Opinion filed June 2, 1992.

196An Appeal from an order of the Department of Transportation.

206Michael W. Fisher and John S. Ball of Fisher, Tousey, Leas & Ball, Jacksonville,

220for Appellant.

222Thornton J. Williams, General Counsel, and Thomas F. Capshew, Assistant General

233Counsel, Department of Transportation, for Appellee.


241[Original Opinion at 17 F.L.W. D947]

247ERVIN, J.

249Appellee's motion for rehearing is granted. Our opinion filed April 8,

2601992, is withdrawn, and the following opinion is substituted therefor.

270Appellant, Flamingo Lake RV Resort, Inc. ("Flamingo Lake"), operates a

282camping facility in Duval County at the interchange of I-295 and State Road 115

296(Lem Turner Road). Flamingo Lake applied to the Department of Transportation

307(the department), pursuant to Section 479.26, Florida Statutes (Supp. 1990), and

318Florida Administrative Code Chapter 14-85, to participate in the logo sign

329program at the interchange. The department denied the application. After an

340administrative hearing, the hearing officer recommended denial of the

349application, and the department issued a final order denying the application.

360We reverse and remand.

364The hearing officer concluded that Flamingo Lake qualified for the program

375under former rule 14-85.003(10), but that the rule was amended and replaced by

388rule 14-85.003(15), which eliminated Flamingo Lake's eligibility as a "rural

398interchange" for the logo sign program, on March 20, 1991, the day following the

412hearing at bar. In its final order, the department adopted the hearing

424officer's findings of fact and conclusions of law, but indicated that the

436amended rule did not apply retroactively to Flamingo Lake's application. Sexton

447Cove Estates, Inc. v. Pollution Control Bd., 325 So.2d 468, 470 (Fla. 1st DCA

4611976); Gulf Stream Park Racing Ass'n, Inc. v. Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering,

473Dep't of Business Reg., 407 So.2d 263, 265 (Fla. 3d DCA 1981). Nevertheless,

486the department relied upon an incipient nonrule policy that prohibits logo sign

498panels from being erected at any interchange on I-295.

507Section 479.26(2)(a) authorizes the department to determine "not to permit

517specific information panels in areas where the department deems their placement

528would be contrary to the overall purpose of this chapter as provided for in s.

543479.015." (Emphasis added.) The department presented no evidence that placing

553sign panels at interchanges along I-295 would be contrary to the legislative

565intent contained in Section 479.015, Florida Statutes (1989). Moreover, we know

576of no authority that would legitimize an agency's adoption of a nonrule policy

589which takes away that which a properly promulgated rule explicitly provides.

600Accordingly, we REVERSE the final order and REMAND this case with

611directions to the department to grant Flamingo Lake's application to participate

622in the logo sign program. 1/



6341/ In so holding, we note that Section 479.26(3), Florida Statutes (Supp.

6461990), provides that the department may adopt a procedure permitting a private

658business to "pay the initial cost for the erection of information panels."





684Petitioner, )


687vs. ) CASE NO. 92-4966F




698Respondent. )



703The hearing in the above-styled matter on the issue of attorney's fees and

716costs was heard pursuant to notice by Stephen F. Dean, assigned Hearing Officer

729of the Division of Administrative Hearings, on February 18, 1993, in

740Jacksonville, Florida.


743For Petitioner: John E. Lawlor, III, Esquire

750John S. Ball, Esquire

754Fisher, Tousey, Leas & Ball

7591 Independent Drive, Suite 2600

764Jacksonville, Florida 32202

767For Respondent: Charles G. Gardner, Esquire

773Assistant General Counsel

776Department of Transportation

779605 Suwannee Street

782Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450


789Pursuant to the Order of the District Court of Appeal, First District,

801dated April 8, 1992, finding that the Department of Transportation's

811("Department") denial of Petitioner's ("Flamingo Lake") application to

823participate in the logo sign program was a gross abuse of the agency's

836discretion and awarding attorney's fees pursuant to Section 120.57(1)(b)10,

845Florida Statutes, and Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.400, the sole issue

857in this proceeding is the determination of the amount of reasonable attorney's

869fees and costs to be awarded to Flamingo Lake pursuant to Section

881120.57(1)(b)10, Florida Statutes. Being unsure about the extent of the

891litigation for which attorneys' fees were awarded, evidence was received on the

903fees and costs from initiation to prevent the necessity for further evidentiary



918On or about October 2, 1990, Flamingo Lake filed a logo application with

931the Department to participate in the Department's logo sign program. Flamingo

942Lake sought in its application to have a logo panel placed at the I-295 and Lem

958Turner Road (SR 155) interchange, Jacksonville, Florida. The Department denied

968Flamingo Lake's application by letter dated October 17, 1990 because: 1) the

980interchange on I-295 was "excluded from the program" under an incipient policy

992adopted by the Department; and 2) the interchange did not fit the definition of

"1006rural interchange" in that it was located in an urban area or was bordering the

1021urbanized area of Jacksonville and the number of eligible businesses at the

1033interchange exceeded the logo sign's panel capacity.

1040Flamingo Lake timely filed a petition for administrative hearing. An all

1051day evidentiary hearing under the Administrative Procedures Act was held on

1062March 19, 1991 at Jacksonville, Florida. On the eve of the hearing held on

1076March 19, 1991, the Department interposed a third ground for its denial of

1089Flamingo Lake's application. Specifically, the Department sought to rely upon

1099amendments to Chapter 14-85, the logo program regulations, the effect of which

1111would be to remove the exception for interchanges located within urban or

1123urbanized areas under which Flamingo Lake was seeking entry into the program.

1135Although these amendments would not take effect until March 20, 1991, the

1147Department sought to have the new regulations applied retroactively so as to

1159provide a basis for its original denial of Flamingo Lake's application.

1170After the hearing on March 19, 1991, attorneys for Flamingo Lake filed

1182proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. On April 24, 1991, in his

1196Recommended Order, Hearing Officer Stephen F. Dean opined that the Department's

1207incipient policy under which it had denied Flamingo Lake's application appeared,

1218in the manner of its adoption and in substance, inconsistent with the statutory

1231requirements and contrary to existing rules. However, the Hearing Officer went

1242on to find that the formal amendment of the rule effective March 20, 1991, to

1257eliminate the exemption relied upon by Flamingo Lake, altered the issues which

1269had to be considered and thus did not rule upon the incipient policy. In his

1284Recommended Order, the Hearing Officer found that, as a matter of fact and law,

1298Flamingo Lake qualified to participate in the logo program as the program

1310existed prior to March 20, 1991, but that the formal amendment to the rule

1324effective March 20, 1991, should be applied retroactively with the result that

1336Flamingo Lake's application for participation in the logo program should be

1347denied. After the entry of the Recommended Order, Flamingo Lake's attorneys

1358filed exceptions to the Recommended Order. In the Final Order entered on June

137110, 1991, the Department abandoned its position that the rule amendment

1382effective March 20, 1991, should be applied retroactively and, in this respect,

1394it refused to adopt the recommendation of the Hearing Officer. However, the

1406Department denied Flamingo Lake's application for participation in the logo

1416program based upon its existing incipient policy that no logo panels would be

1429erected on I-295.

1432Flamingo Lake filed its Notice of Appeal of the agency's Final Order.

1444Attorneys for Flamingo Lake filed opening and reply briefs before the District

1456Court of Appeal, First District. Attorneys for Flamingo Lake travelled from

1467Jacksonville, Florida, to Tallahassee, Florida to present oral argument in the

1478case. Attorneys for Flamingo Lake responded to the Department's Motion for

1489Rehearing after the appellate court reversed the agency decision by its opinion

1501filed on April 8, 1992. Flamingo Lake's attorneys also filed a Motion to Award

1515Attorney's Fees against the Department pursuant to Section 120.57(b)(1)10,

1524Florida Statutes, and Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.400.

1533In granting the Motion for Attorney's Fees and Costs, the First District

1545Court of Appeal concluded "that the Department of Transportation's denial of the

1557appellant's application to participate in the logo sign program was a gross

1569abuse of the agency's discretion." Fees and costs were awarded pursuant to

1581Section 120.57(1)(b)10, Florida Statutes, and Florida Rule of Appellate

1590Procedure 9.400.

1592Pursuant to notice of the Hearing Officer, a six hour evidentiary hearing

1604on the issue of costs and reasonable attorney's fees was held at Jacksonville,

1617Florida, on February 18, 1993. Following the hearing, both parties submitted

1628proposed recommended orders which were read and considered. Appendix A to this

1640order states which of the proposed findings were adopted, and which were

1652rejected and why.


16581. The Petitioner, Flamingo Lake, is a corporation operating a

1668recreational vehicle campground and park in Duval County, Florida. Mr. Billy

1679Webb is the President and a Director of Petitioner, and owns a 33 1/3 percent

1694share in Flamingo Lake. Mr. Raymond Lane is a 33 1/3 percent shareholder, and

1708Vice President and Director of Flamingo Lake.

17152. Michael W. Fisher, a senior partner with the law firm of Fisher,

1728Tousey, Leas & Ball (FTLB), is a 33 1/3 percent stockholder in Flamingo Lake.

1742Mr. Fisher is neither an officer nor director of Flamingo Lake.

17533. Mr. Lane, who has been a client of Mr. Fisher and FTLB for over twenty

1769years, has never had a written contract with FTLB for professional services of

1782Mr. Fisher or FTLB. Throughout the years of their professional relationship,

1793the customary course of dealing between Mr. Lane and his various business

1805entities and FTLB has been to pay FTLB at the standard hourly rate billed by the

1821attorney within FTLB providing the services.

18274. Participation in the logo program operated by the Department of

1838Transportation was very important to Flamingo Lake because the logo signs are

1850one of the best ways for a recreational vehicle campground to obtain visitors

1863and customers. FTLB was retained by Flamingo Lake to represent it in pursuing

1876its application for participation in the logo program, in pursuing an

1887administrative appeal of the Department's denial of its application, and in

1898pursuing a judicial appeal of the Department's final order denying its

1909application to the First District Court of Appeal.

19175. Mr. Fisher prepared and filed the logo sign application. When the

1929application was denied, Mr. Fisher was so certain that the Petitioner would

1941prevail, that he offered to charge Petitioner for the firm's services only if

1954the firm was successful in the litigation, and, if it did prevail, the

1967Petitioner could pay the fee in installments equal to what it had been paying

1981for commercial signage. (It had been decided that should a logo sign be erected

1995with Flamingo Lake's logo, that the commercial signage could be abandoned and

2007that the monies that were being paid for the commercial signage would then be

2021paid to the FTLB to satisfy its bill for legal services. At various times

2035during the course of the litigation herein, Flamingo Lake paid between $750 and

2048$1,500 per month for commercial signage.)

20556. The oral offer by Mr. Fisher was accepted by Mr. Lane, and Mr. John S.

2071Ball was employed by Petitioner to prepare and file the administrative appeal of

2084the denial of the logo sign as the lead counsel for Flamingo Lake. Mr. Ball

2099presented Flamingo Lake's case at the administrative hearing and handled the

2110oral argument before the First District Court of Appeal. Mr. Ball performed

2122most of the legal research and brief writing that was required at the various

2136stages of the proceedings herein. Mr. Ball's hourly billing rate for

2147professional services was $145.00 for the year 1990, $150.00 for the year 1991,

2160$155.00 for the year 1992, and it is $165.00 per hour for the current year,


21767. In connection with the preparation of the petition for administrative

2187hearing, legal research, presentation of Flamingo Lake's case at the

2197administrative hearing held in this cause on March 19, 1991, and the preparation

2210of post hearing memoranda of law, Mr. Ball expended and billed 69 hours for

2224legal services to Flamingo Lake in this action through the date of the final

2238order rendered in the administrative case on June 10, 1991 by the Department of


22538. In connection with the appeal of the final order before the First

2266District Court of Appeal, Mr. Ball expended and billed Flamingo Lake for 125.4

2279hours for legal services to include legal research, authoring opening and reply

2291briefs, researching and filing a motion for attorney's fees and costs,

2302presenting oral argument, and responding to the Department's petition for

2312rehearing after the appellate court ruled in favor of Flamingo Lake on April 8,


23279. Upon conclusion of the appeal process in June of 1992, through July 13,

23411992, Mr. Ball expended an additional 5.8 hours of legal services communicating

2353with DOT regarding the attorney's fees issue and implementation of the order of

2366the First District Court of Appeal requiring the Department to erect a logo


238010. From Mr. Ball's first involvement in the case in 1990 through July 13,

23941992, he expended 200.2 hours of legal services to Flamingo Lake.

240511. On July 14, 1992, FTLB presented to the Department a statement for

2418services rendered. This statement was for legal services rendered through July

242913, 1992. It was admitted into evidence at the hearing herein as Petitioner's

2442Exhibit 1. It shows that Mr. Ball has billed and claimed reimbursement for

2455services provided to his client from October 29, 1990, through July 13, 1992,

2468for a total of 200.2 hours, a total dollar amount of $30,232.00.

248112. Subsequent to July 13, 1992, Mr. Ball spent 8.3 hours in an effort to

2496have the Department abide by the order of the First District Court of Appeal.

2510These efforts included telephone calls and correspondence, and concluded when

2520Mr. Ball researched and drafted a motion to enforce mandate. It was the threat

2534of seeking enforcement which caused the Department to erect the logo sign.

254613. Thereafter, Mr. Ball spent an additional 19.1 hours trying to

2557negotiate a settlement of the attorney's fees issue to include correspondence,

2568affidavits, and the motion for attorney's fees which was ultimately filed in

2580this case. Mr. Ball expended time preparing for the attorney's fees hearing on

2593February 18, 1993. The total time spent by Mr. Ball from July 14, 1992, until

2608February 13, 1993, for both attorney's fees and enforcing the court's mandate

2620was 27.4 hours.

262314. In connection with the hearing held in this cause, Mr. Ball testified

2636that he had spent approximately two hours preparing for the hearing on February

264917 and the morning of February 18. At the attorney's fees hearing, Mr. Ball

2663appeared not only as a witness, but briefly as an advocate for purposes of

2677examining his law partner, John E. Lawlor, III, who had to appear as a witness

2692in order to establish the amount and reasonableness of his own fees. The

2705Hearing Officer finds that the added two hours of Mr. Ball's time at the hearing

2720in addition to the 227.6 hours, makes a total of 229.6 hours which Mr. Ball

2735expended in preparation for the case.

274115. Michael W. Fisher is a senior partner with the law firm of Fisher,

2755Tousey, Leas & Ball. He testified that his hourly billing rate throughout the

2768course of the proceedings in this case was $195.00 per hour. Mr. Fisher

2781expended 7 hours filing and preparing the original logo program application.

279216. At the administrative hearing held in this cause on March 19, 1991,

2805Mr. Fisher briefly appeared as rebuttal witness. The testimony of Mr. Fisher

2817and Mr. Ball at the hearing herein on February 18, 1993, established that it was

2832never the intention of Mr. Fisher or Mr. Ball that Mr. Fisher would be called as

2848a witness at the hearing on March 19, 1991. Rather, his attendance at the

2862hearing was solely as a co-counsel. Based upon this testimony, the Hearing

2874Officer finds that the need to call Mr. Fisher, if ever there was a need, could

2890not have been reasonably anticipated. In fact, other witnesses called during

2901the rebuttal case probably covered the facts and the matters about which Mr.

2914Fisher testified. Thus, his testimony was to a large degree, if not absolutely,

2927cumulative to the other witnesses.

293217. Mr. Fisher attended the appellate proceedings but did not participate

2943in the appellate argument. Subsequent to the appellate proceedings, Mr. Fisher

2954expended 7.75 hours in communicating with the Department in an effort to have

2967the Department comply with the mandate issued by the First District Court of

2980Appeal and place the logo sign at the intersection of Lem Turner Road and I-295

2995as required by the court. Finally, Mr. Fisher proved and claims two hours

3008during the summer of 1992 attempting to settle the attorney's fees issue, and an

3022additional four hours in preparing for and attending the hearing on attorney's

3034fees held in this cause on February 18, 1993.

304318. Mr. Fisher testified to additional time for which he seeks

3054compensation and for which he billed his client which he expended in interviews

3067with Mr. Ball which a client might provide, or reviewing Mr. Ball's work. This

3081time expended by Mr. Fisher in this case and claimed by him did not constitute

3096time expended in providing compensable legal services. The time Mr. Fisher was

3108involved in seeking enforcement of the court's mandate, and on reviewing the

3120firm's records for the attorney's fees claim are compensable. In the first

3132instance he was involved as a legal representative, and in the second, as a

3146principal of the law firm. Petitioner's Exhibit 2 was identified as a bill

3159containing all the hours claimed by members of the law firm in this case. The

3174hours claimed and billed in Petitioner's Exhibit 2 are accepted as an accurate

3187statement of the professional services provided for the rates stated.

3197Petitioner's Exhibit 2 is attached to and made a part of this order.

321019. John E. Lawlor, III, is a shareholder in the firm of Fisher, Tousey,

3224Leas & Ball. He first became involved in the case during the summer of 1992 in

3240connection with the attorney's fees issue. The testimony of Mr. Lawlor and

3252Petitioner's Exhibit 1 support the finding that Mr. Lawlor expended 5.5 hours

3264through July 13, 1992, on the attorney's fees issue. From July 14, 1992 through

3278February 13, 1993, he expended an additional 13.9 hours in researching the

3290attorney's fees issue and interviewing witnesses, including Flamingo Lake's

3299expert, John A. DeVault, III. From February 13, 1993, through February 17,

33111993, Mr. Lawlor expended an additional 8.1 hours preparing for the hearing,

3323performing legal research, drafting and filing a legal memorandum in support of

3335the petition for attorney's fees and responding to a memorandum previously filed

3347by the Department. On February 18, 1993, Mr. Lawlor expended seven (7) hours in

3361presenting Flamingo Lake's case before the Hearing Officer. Therefore, through

3371the hearing on February 18, 1993, Mr. Lawlor expended 34.5 hours in preparing

3384and presenting Flamingo Lake's case on the attorney's fees issue. Mr. Lawlor's

3396rates as stated in Petitioner's Exhibit 2 varied from $110 to $160 depended upon

3410the time the service was rendered, and the service which was rendered. In

3423connection with the posthearing briefs and the submission of a proposed

3434recommended order, Mr. Lawlor claims an additional twelve (12) hours of attorney

3446time in reviewing the transcript of the hearing on February 18, 1993, performing

3459legal research into issues posited by the Hearing Officer, and drafting a

3471proposed recommended order for the Hearing Officer. Thus, Mr. Lawlor now seeks

3483reimbursement for a total of 46.5 hours.

349020. Flamingo Lake called as an expert witness John A. DeVault, III. It

3503was Mr. DeVault's opinion that the hourly rates of Messrs. Ball, Fisher and

3516Lawlor were reasonable based upon the prevailing rates of attorneys with similar

3528experience and expertise in the Jacksonville legal community. Mr. DeVault also

3539opined that the costs and expert fees that Flamingo Lake sought were reasonable.

3552For his time, Mr. DeVault testified that he was to be compensated at the hourly

3567rate of $190.00 for total compensation of $1,520.00. Although Mr. DeVault had

3580not reviewed all of the time records of the attorneys for Flamingo Lake

3593subsequent to July 14, 1992, he was advised during the course of his testimony

3607about the amount of time expended by Messrs. Ball, Fisher and Lawlor subsequent

3620to July 13, 1992, through the date of the hearing, given a description of the

3635services provided, and asked to render an opinion as to whether or not such time

3650was reasonable. Mr. DeVault's opinion on this point was, as with the time

3663expended by the attorneys for Flamingo Lake through July 13, 1992, that the time

3677expended up to and including the date of the hearing on February 18, 1993, was

3692reasonable based upon the facts presented.

369821. Mr. DeVault also rendered the opinion that the fact that Mr. Fisher

3711testified at the hearing in this cause on March 19, 1991, should not preclude

3725him from recovering attorney's fees for the services that he provided. Mr.

3737DeVault's opinion was based upon his understanding of the case law as well as

3751the Florida Bar Rules on professional conduct, particularly Rule 4-3.7.

3761However, it was Mr. DeVault's opinion that the time expended by Mr. Fisher in

3775the preparation and filing of the original logo program application was not


378822. Mr. DeVault's opinion that Mr. Fisher's time conferring with Mr. Ball,

3800reviewing Mr. Ball's work, and attending the appellate argument is rejected as

3812contrary to the more credible testimony of the Department's expert, Mr. Bruce A.

3825Minnick. The remainder of Mr. DeVault's testimony was very credible.

383523. The Department called as its expert witness attorney Bruce A. Minnick,

3847who was present throughout the taking of testimony. Mr. Minnick testified that

3859it was his opinion that no fees should be awarded to Mr. Fisher for two reasons.

3875First, he testified that no fees should be awarded if Fisher was a material

3889witness in the case and testified on critical issues when he could have

3902reasonable anticipated his having to testify. Mr. Minnick also opined that, Mr.

3914Fisher's time was cumulative and redundant to that expended by Mr. Ball and

3927should not be compensated. At a rate of $150.00 per hour, a rate found

3941reasonable by Mr. Minnick, this would translate into total attorney's fees in

3953the amount of $20,325.00 for the firm of Fisher, Tousey, Leas & Ball through

3968July 13, 1992.

397124. Mr. Minnick stated that he did not have a problem with the hours

3985expended on the fee case, but he felt Petitioner had started seeking enforcement

3998of the mandate prematurely. Given the delays, the Petitioner's actions are


401025. Mr. Minnick was further of the opinion regarding the number of hours

4023billed by Mr. Ball through July 14, 1992, that the hours billed was excessive.

4037Mr. Minnick opined that Mr. Ball should not have reasonably spent more than

4050135.5 hours on the case. It is noted that the services involved included

4063preparation and presentation of a long and involved administrative hearing,

4073preparation of a post hearing brief, appeal, record on appeal, appellate brief,

4085appellate argument, motions for rehearing and attorneys fees with their related

4096briefs. The time spent does not appear excessive.

410426. Mr. Minnick opined that Mr. Fisher's stock ownership in Flamingo Lake

4116should not disqualify Mr. Fisher from receiving compensation inasmuch as he was

4128only a minority shareholder and was not an officer or director.


414226. The Division has jurisdiction over the parties pursuant to the Court's

4154mandate. The Court's mandate cites Section 120.57(1)(b)10., Florida Statutes,

4163for authority for its motion for attorney's fees and costs. This statute

4175provides in pertinent part as follows:

4181When there is an appeal, the court in its

4190discretion may award reasonable attorney's

4195fees and costs to the prevailing party if

4203the court finds that the appeal was frivolous,

4211meritless, or an abuse of the appellate process

4219or that the agency action which precipitated

4226the appeal was a gross abuse of the agency's


423627. Although the court determined that the agency's action was a gross

4248abuse of discretion, it is unclear whether the abuse of discretion was the

4261initial denial of the application, or the agency's denial after review of the

4274recommended order. In the latter case, attorney's fees and costs could

4285encompass the administrative hearing; while in the former, the award would be

4297limited to the appellate case. Because there is uncertainty as to how the

4310mandate should be construed, the findings include all fees charged by the

4322attorneys from application to the attorney's fees proceedings and enforcement of

4333the court's mandate.

433628. DOT contested all the claimed hours because a written contract did not

4349exists between the Petitioner and the law firm in what appeared to be a case

4364undertaken on a contingency fee basis. However, the law firm had a long history

4378of performing legal services for the Petitioner and principle shareholders in

4389the Petitioner. The law firm regularly billed the Petitioner for its services

4401and received a standard hourly rate for professional services provided. The

4412agreement by the Petitioner to pay the amount it was paying for commercial

4425signage on the attorney fees is not a contingency contract. The DOT's argument

4438is rejected.

444029. The primary issue is the reasonableness of the costs and fees. The

4453fees were the product of the hourly charges and the billing rate for the various

4468attorneys. Mr. Fisher's rate for the services performed was $195 per hour; Mr.

4481Ball's rate was $155 per hour a portion of the services he performed and $165

4496per hour for his latter work; and Mr. Lawlor's rate was at the rate of $160 per

4513hour. The firm billed these rates in its tax and business law practice. These

4527rates did include office overhead for copying and phone calls, and are not

4540excessive given the experience and background of counsel. The hourly rates for

4552the expert witnesses are also reasonable. The hours for which charges for legal

4565services were made to Petitioner are detailed in Petitioner's Exhibit 2.

457630. Petitioner's Exhibit 2 is a detailed statement of all the hours and

4589rates claimed by Petitioner from the application phase through the fees hearing.

4601DOT contests the hours claimed for Mr. Fisher's services because 1) he was a

4615stockholder in the Petitioner, 2) he testified in the administrative hearing,

4626and 3) his time was duplicative of the work done by Mr. Ball. Arguments 1 and

46422, above, are rejected. Mr. Fisher's hours spent in conference and in reviewing

4655the work of Mr. Ball in preparation for the administrative hearing are reduced

4668because they are duplicative of Mr. Ball's work and/or were participation in the

4681case as a client. Some of Mr. Fisher's hours in the appellate phase were

4695rejected for the same reasons; however, those hours which Mr. Fisher spent on

4708the file reviewing the hours charged, seeking agreement on the amount with DOT,

4721and on enforcement were awarded as reasonable because he is the principal

4733partner in the firm.

473731. Petitioner's Exhibit 2 was received into evidence and is accepted as a

4750factual statement of the hours expended, claimed, and billed to the Petitioner.

4762A copy of Petitioner's Exhibit 2 is attached and made a part of this order.

4777The following summarizes those charges in Petitioner's Exhibit 2 which are

4788rejected for the reasons stated above:

4794APPLICATION PHASE: July 1, 1990 to October 17,


4803Excluded completely. These were not activities

4809undertaken by virtue of agency abuse of discretion,

4817and would have had to have been done regardless

4826of the department's decision.


4837June 11, 1991.

4840Excludes TRANNO 149953 on 11-14-90 because there

4847is no showing that it is related to this case.

4857Excludes TRANNO 149960 on 3-12-91, 149961 on

48643-14-91, 149962 on 3-15-91, 149959 on 3-16-91,

4871149963 on 3-18-91, 149965 on 3-19-91, 149964 on

48793-22-91, 150142 on 4-11-91, 149966 on 4-12-91 as

4887activities by Mr. Fisher as a client or in

4896duplication of Mr. Ball's work.

4901Subtotal of allowable charges: $10,499.50.

4907APPELLATE PHASE: June 21-91 to April 10, 92.

4915Excludes TRANNO 149969 on 7-19-91, 149971 on

49228-26-91, 149970 on 8-27-91, 149972 on 10-23-91,

4929149973 on 11-1-91, 149975 on 3-4-92, 149974 on

49373-19-91 as activities by Mr. Fisher as a client

4946or in duplication of Mr. Ball's work.

4953Subtotal of allowable charges: $16,118.50.


4965April 13, 1992 to February 13, 1993.

4972Excludes TRANNO 143754 on 4-29-92, 149979 on 7-7-92,

4980149980 on 7-8-92, 153149 on 8-12-92, 153142 on

49888-13-92 as activities by Mr. Fisher as a client

4997or in duplication of Mr. Ball's work.

5004Subtotal of allowable charges: $12,685.00.

501032. The total value of the hours of attorney's fees allowed is $39,303.

5024The value of the witness fees for Mr. DeVault is $1,520 and for Mr. Dake is

5041$2,100, or a total of $3,620. The filing fee in the appellate court was $250.

5058The travel expenses for Mr. Ball to Tallahassee, FL to argue the appellate case

5072was $195.66. The travel fees for Mr. Fisher were denied as being duplicative

5085and unreasonable. The preparation of the record on appeal was $42. See

5097Petitioner's Exhibit 1. The total attorney's fees and costs is awarded are



5112Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

5125RECOMMENDED that Flamingo Lake's petition for fees and costs be granted and that

5138fees and costs be awarded in the amount of $42,923.

5149DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of April, 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County,




5167Hearing Officer

5169Division of Administrative Hearings

5173The DeSoto Building

51761230 Apalachee Parkway

5179Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

5182(904) 488-9675

5184Filed with the Clerk of the

5190Division of Administrative Hearings

5194this 27th day of April, 1993.


5204CASE NO. 92-4966F

5207Both the parties submitted proposed findings which were read and

5217considered. The following states which of the findings were adopted, and which

5229were rejected and why:

5233Petitioner's Recommended Order:


5237Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2

5241Paragraph 2 Paragraph 5

5245Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3

5249Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5

5253Paragraph 5 Paragraph 4

5257Paragraphs 6-14 Paragraphs 6-14

5261Paragraph 15 Paragraph 15

5265Paragraph 16 Mr. Fisher's billing for his participation in

5274administrative and appellate proceedings is

5279largely rejected his participation if deemed to

5286have been as a client or duplicative of Mr.

5295Ball's work.

5297Paragraph 17 Paragraph 16

5301Paragraphs 18-19 Paragraphs 18-21

5305Paragraphs 20-22 Paragraphs 22-24

5309Respondent's Recommended Order:


5313Paragraph 1 Paragraph 16

5317Paragraph 2 Paragraph 17

5321Excerpts from Petitioner's Ex.2 Recapped in Conclusions of Law


5332John E. Lawlor, III, Esquire

5337Fisher, Tousey, Leas & Ball

53421 Independent Drive, Suite 2600

5347Jacksonville, FL 32202

5350Charles G. Gardner, Esquire

5354Department of Transportation

5357605 Suwannee Street

5360Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450

5363Ben G. Watts, Secretary

5367Department of Transportation


5376Haydon Burns Building

5379605 Suwannee Street

5382Tallahassee, FL 32399-0458

5385Thornton J. Williams, Esquire

5389Department of Transportation

5392562 Haydon Burns Building

5396Tallahassee, FL 32399-0458


5405All parties have the right to submit written exceptions to this recommended

5417order. All agencies allow each party at least ten days in which to submit

5431written exceptions. Some agencies allow a larger period within which to submit

5443written exceptions. You should contact the agency that will issue the final

5455order in this case concerning agency rules on the deadline for filing exceptions

5468to this recommended order. Any exceptions to this recommended order should be

5480filed with the agency that will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 04/27/1993
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 04/27/1993
Proceedings: Recommended Order sent out. CASE CLOSED. Hearing held 2/18/93.
Date: 03/26/1993
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Notice of Filing w/Recommendation Re Attorney`s Fees and Costs; Affidavit of John E. Lawlor, III Re Attorney`s Fees filed.
Date: 03/08/1993
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 02/18/1993
Proceedings: Memorandum in Support of Petition for Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 02/18/1993
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/17/1993
Proceedings: CC Letter to John E. Lawlor, III from Charles G. Gardner (re: agreement to start hearing February 18, 1993) filed.
Date: 11/05/1992
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing and Order sent out. (hearing set for 2-18-93; 9:30am; Jacksonville)
Date: 10/27/1992
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Motion for Continuance and Change of Venue filed.
Date: 10/21/1992
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing and Order sent out. (hearing set for 11-2-92; 10:00am; Tallahassee)
Date: 10/12/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Response in Opposition to Petition for Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 09/22/1992
Proceedings: Order sent out. (motion for extension of time to respond to Petitioner`s petition for attorney`s fees and cost is hereby granted)
Date: 09/18/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Additional Extension of Time to Respond to Petitioner`s Petition for Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 09/03/1992
Proceedings: Order Extending Time to Respond sent out. (parties to respond by 9/21/92)
Date: 09/02/1992
Proceedings: (Respondent) Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Petitioner`s Petition for Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 08/19/1992
Proceedings: Notification card sent out.
Date: 08/17/1992
Proceedings: 1st DCA Order re: Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 08/17/1992
Proceedings: Agency referral letter; Petition for Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 06/02/1992
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 04/08/1992
Proceedings: Remanded from the Agency

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida
Department of Transportation

Related DOAH Cases(s) (2):

Related Florida Statute(s) (2):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):

  • 14-85.003